Business plan for loan repayment. Bank business plan: opening and development plan with calculations. What happens if you don’t make a credit business plan?

To get a loan to create or develop a business, you need a well-written business plan. It should reflect comprehensive assessment development of activities, analyze the state of the market, consumer requests, level of competition and, as a result, economic efficiency project. The article provides and disassembles a sample.

How to write a business plan to get a bank loan

To get a loan from a bank, a business plan is drawn up so that the bank sees the prospects for the development of the project and, of course, full repayment of the issued loan on time. First of all, the business plan must be correctly drawn up from a financial point of view: the bank is interested in points regarding collateral, guarantors, debt obligations, speed of turnover and profit growth.

Draw up a business plan honestly: you should not specifically indicate inflated income growth for the bank. The main thing is that there is systematic growth.

Composition of a business plan

The business plan should include the following sections:

  • summary (summary). It reflects the merits of the project, its profitability, methods of market penetration or expansion within it (if a bank loan is needed for business development). This section comes first but should be written last to summarize the main points of all previous sections;
  • industry characteristics. The business concept is presented here: information about the company, its products or services (structure, market capacity, growth trends, competition, etc.). Information should be as specific as possible;
  • market research and analysis. It is better to compile this section first, since the development prospects of the company and the incentive to draw up a business plan depend on its indicators. Market analysis includes data about consumers of the company's products or services (both active and potential) and what the “seller” can offer the “buyer”;
  • enterprise economy. Planning a production development strategy is not complete without the economic indicators of the enterprise. The section contains data on estimated gross profit, taxes, types of costs and ways to reduce them;
  • marketing plan. It involves the company's methods to achieve the required level of sales. Try to integrate into the overall market structure distinctive features(or better yet, the advantages) of your product that will allow you to beat your competitors. It is advisable to compare your activities with competitors in order to clearly demonstrate the promotion of your product or services relative to others;
  • technical improvement. The technical development plan for a product shows how, when raising funds, the company will refine the product, improving its effectiveness through quality, design, etc. If you have several products, write down the modification methods for each of them;
  • production plan. The required production capacity, premises, supply and warehousing management. The positive and negative aspects of production depending on the season and peak load are also indicated. This section is compiled in such a way that it is ultimately clear in which direction the company is going to expand;
  • management team. The management structure and the distribution of positions, rights and responsibilities between the main members of the management team are described. It would not be amiss to indicate possible “outside” employees (if they are not on staff): auditors, advertisers, lawyers;
  • start of the enterprise. The start of the company’s work from the preparation of documents to the receipt of the first profit is clearly outlined here;
  • risk assessment. This is one of the key sections that banks consider when considering a business loan decision. You must indicate an assessment of the risk: spending all cash before receiving an order for a product or service, your own price reduction due to the actions of competitors, unforeseen expenses, disruption of work schedules and delivery of goods from suppliers, etc. In general, analyze everything possible risks(even the most insignificant);
  • financial plan. Key points when drawing up a financial plan - cost products sold(as well as its cost), gross profit And net income with losses. If the picture looks promising, taking into account all sorts of risks, the bank will most likely give you a loan to sell or expand your business. Advice: do not inflate the loan amount to compensate for extra expenses, take exactly as much as you need. Reflect the sale of borrowed funds in financially so that the bank can see where its money is going;
  • applications.

If the bank sees good potential in the business plan and the possibility of quickly repaying the loan, it may offer to finalize it. Therefore, draw up a plan with full responsibility, both to the creditor and to yourself.

A business plan is drawn up in detail, but with clear explanations of the business being described. As a result, it should be clear to both you and the bank.

Sample business plan for example

Title page

Business plan

Company ___________________________________
Address ___________________________________
Telex ____________________, fax ______________________, telephone _______________________
Confidentially. Please return if you are not interested in the project.
To whom ___________________________________
Brief name of the project (up to 20-30 characters) ___________________________________
Full name of the project ___________________________________
Head of the enterprise ___________________________________

The project was prepared by ___________________________________
tel. ___________________________________
Project start date “____”____________________ 20___
Project duration ______ years
The period of time from the date on which the source data is current until the start of the project is ______ months.
Date of compilation “____”_____________ 20___



  • name of the enterprise, address, subject of activity;
  • Services;
  • service consumers/buyers;
  • competition;
  • promotion of services/products;
  • investment size;
  • volume of services provided/product sales (revenue from sales);
  • main characteristics of the product;
  • Labour Organization;
  • risks;
  • main indicators of the plan (planning interval and horizon, cash flow at current prices, payback period, risk capital, profitability, etc.).

Project idea:

  • the need for your project and the benefits of its implementation.

Description of the enterprise:

  • brief description of the enterprise;
  • organizational and legal form of activity;
  • main technical and economic indicators;
  • information about real estate, enterprise equipment (room area).

Industry characteristics:

  • information about the company’s work (business structure);
  • product/service information;
  • competitors;
  • sales market capacity;
  • growth trends (the likelihood of new consumers and decreased competition);
  • key factors for the success of the enterprise (uniqueness of the product and methods of its implementation).

Market research and analysis:

  • market characteristics;
  • characteristics of product consumers;
  • strategy for promoting the product to the market and opportunities for its expansion;
  • characteristics of competitors;
  • market forecasting for the coming years.

Enterprise economy:

  • estimated profit and trends in its receipt;
  • taxes;
  • types of costs;
  • ways to reduce costs;
  • ways to preserve finances while increasing production capacity and company growth.

Marketing plan:

  • advantages of the company's product compared to competitors;
  • methods of promoting the product to the masses, presentation to the consumer;
  • ensuring consumer interest in the product, retaining and increasing the number of consumers.

Technical improvement:

  • technical condition of the product and its types;
  • design improvement ( appearance, ease of use);
  • financing for improving the quality of products/services.

Production plan:

  • location of the enterprise;
  • required power for equipment;
  • necessary premises;
  • work force;
  • inventory and supply management;
  • manufactured and purchased components;
  • geographical location of the enterprise, ease of procurement;
  • information about suppliers;
  • quality control systems, reducing defects.

Management team:

  • scheme organizational structure companies listing key positions by name;
  • rights and responsibilities of the company's leading managers (including wages, work experience) or board of directors;
  • combining the functions of permanent and non-permanent personnel;
  • conditions for hiring new employees;
  • information about shareholders.

Beginning of work:

  • Required documents;
  • completion of R&D;
  • prototypes;
  • agreement with sales representatives;
  • trade orders;
  • agreement with wholesalers;
  • ordering materials for the production of the first batches of goods;
  • first orders;
  • delivery of goods to points of sale;
  • first profit;
  • lead times before the start of production.

Risk assessment:

  • risks of lack of financial resources to support production at the initial stage;
  • risks of price reductions due to competitors;
  • the possibility of changes in the industry not in favor of the company’s vector of work;
  • the risk of failure to reach the target sales volume;
  • the risk of taking too long to develop a product;
  • difficulties in the supply of raw materials and components;
  • plans to minimize the main risks.

Financial plan:

  • production costs;
  • cost and value of the final product;
  • gross profit;
  • net income, losses;
  • assessment of the main financial indicators: net income to sales, state of assets and liabilities, profitability.


  • technical characteristics of the product;
  • research results that have a positive impact on the sale of goods/services;
  • rental agreements;
  • conclusions of sanitary and epidemiological supervision, fire supervision, supervision services on environmental and safety issues;
  • quality certification;
  • regulations;
  • other important information.

- Business plan for a bank loan

Business plan for a bank loan

A business plan for a bank aims to demonstrate to the lender the viability and profitability of the project and proves the possibility of generating a financial flow sufficient to keep the company afloat and cover loan obligations. High-quality business plans are an indicator of the competence of the loan applicant - banks evaluate them according to their compliance with financial criteria.

Development of a business plan involves indicating the starting and current costs of the project and a list of actions for its implementation, analyzing the sufficiency of the borrower’s financial flows, calculating the DSCR ratio, describing liquid assets, calculating the size of the total debt load, calculating the turnover period of goods and other parameters. Ready plan demonstrates the entire concept of the future enterprise on paper even before its implementation.

A business plan for a bank loan is a necessary condition; according to it, a credit expert will determine whether your dream of opening your own company will come true. That is why a lot of attention is paid to business plans there.

Order a free consultation

Main criteria for obtaining a loan

The main task of the bank when it evaluates your business plan is to protect itself from non-repayment of funds by the borrower. The position of banks is simple - they want to make maximum money from their creditors and return the bank’s money on time or earlier. The bank is interested in your financial stability and the amount of planned profit - this is what the plan should demonstrate.

What criteria are being considered by the bank:

  • stability of the planned cash flow;
  • inclusion in the plan of three scenarios for the company’s development - realistic, optimistic and pessimistic;
  • the presence of a guarantor, cash collateral or part of the funds for the implementation of projects;
  • absence of obligations on other loans from this bank or other credit organizations;
  • the volume of the average monthly turnover of the enterprise - if the project concerns measures for the development of an existing business;
  • profitability;
  • reliability of the data provided.

The bank evaluates the client's solvency using the DSCR coefficient, which shows the ratio of the company's income to the cost of servicing the loan. In other words, the bank evaluates how much the estimated revenues are able to cover loan payments.

Business plans sent to the bank for evaluation must include a forecast based on this indicator in their calculation section. It must be at an acceptable level for both the bank and the lender; a comfortable payment schedule is used to balance it.

Stop factors

When developing a project, the applicant must take into account a number of stop factors that can scare away a potential investor and reduce the chance of his application being accepted, if not completely eliminate it. What points you need to pay attention to in order to avoid being included in the stop list:

  • the realism of the business plan - all data must be truthful, accurate and not far-fetched; the plan’s compliance with the truth will certainly be verified;
  • scenario analysis - a business plan for obtaining a loan must contain calculations for the most unfavorable scenario, this allows the bank to verify the reliability of the applicant and the realisticness of his view of the project;
  • risk analysis – analysis of the maximum number of risks allows the bank to be confident that you have everything under control and you are prepared for all possible failures;
  • structure initial capital- the positions of the business plan should reflect the applicant’s willingness to invest a certain amount of the project budget (about 20%), which ensures its reliability and interest in the result.

Basic mistakes in a business plan

A business plan for a bank must be impeccable. Credit experts go through several business plans a day, so they have extensive experience in evaluation and many examples before their eyes. What mistakes in drawing up a plan should you avoid so that your proposal does not go to the trash:

  • Overly formal approach - the credibility of the business plan is a fundamental criterion, it should look like you were working on a specific unique project, and not on the market as a whole. In development, it is necessary to pay great attention to qualitative, quantitative, and price parameters that are actually intended to be used and that actually work.
  • Low quality financial part – business plans and financial calculations are inextricably linked, and the financial component is very important for the bank as an investor. Statistical data, research results, calculations must be impeccable and convincing.
  • Contradictions between sections - marketing research, financial models, technical plan, sales forecasts for goods and services, taxation should overlap and form a big general idea, and not misinterpret and devalue each other within the same project. This can be avoided by developing a business plan by several specialists in their fields.
  • Unreasonableness of forecasts - the business plan must contain real conclusions, which naturally follow from the described parameters. The only place where a discrepancy can be allowed is in the payback period of the project: no matter how rosy the result may seem in terms of plan, you need to add yourself a little time to overcome the inevitable difficulties in the process of implementing the project.
  • Lack of resources to implement a business plan in a specific region.
  • Incorrect market analysis – dynamics and volume are taken from the air.
  • Opacity of ownership structure.
  • The lack of relevant experience on the part of the management team is reflected in these settings.

Banks seriously evaluate financial calculations, which must contain financial parameters, ratios, profitability and profitability indicators and other complex calculated values. When creating a project for the first time, the applicant makes a lot of mistakes, which inevitably demonstrate his complete incompetence and the impossibility of managing the organization in real life. Ordering a business plan from a professional company allows you to avoid unnecessary worries.

Business plan from AkraftFinance

Preparing projects becomes easier and clearer when you have a personal manager who is completely immersed in your task. AkraftFinance has extensive experience working with different areas and projects, and can help you realize your task. A business plan for a bank is formed according to the specific requirements of the bank/credit organization to which it is planned to send the application, to ensure a 100% result.

The advantage of AkraftFinance is to guarantee the effectiveness of cooperation due to impressive experience in the development and implementation of business projects, knowledge of the characteristics of all credit departments and bank experts in the region, and full competence in drawing up plans for banks.

Business plan is a document in which the company:

  • reflects a comprehensive assessment of the development of its activities or project;
  • analyzes the state of the market, consumer demands, as well as the level of competition;
  • evaluates the economic efficiency of the project.
Drawing up such a document is necessary, first of all, to build a project development strategy and attract additional financial resources.

Sources of financing for a business plan, for example, commercial banks, venture funds, individuals, so-called business angels, grants in the event of social significance etc.

To get a loan from the bank for a new created business or for the implementation of a new investment project, a company or entrepreneur, in addition to other documents required to obtain a loan, must submit a business plan to the financial institution.

Business plan for obtaining a loan in the bank should be drawn up so that the credit institution sees the development prospects and payback period of the project, as well as how the company guarantees return borrowed money. It reflects all the original and current expenses project, activities that the organization plans to implement to achieve its goal.

It is worth noting that the bank is primarily interested in details regarding financial activities enterprise, namely the presence of liquid collateral or guarantors, whether the organization has a debt load, the speed of turnover of goods, the planned profit after the implementation of the project, etc. All this should be reflected in the business plan for obtaining a loan.

A business plan may include the following sections:

  • General information about the company. It describes when and where the company was formed, its composition of owners and management, number of employees, etc.
  • Current financial condition companies. An assessment is given to the main financial ratios liquidity, solvency, efficiency, profitability, etc.
  • Description of the project. Here you need to reflect how general information about the essence of the project, and bring it (for example, if we're talking about on the release of new products to the market) a specific production and sales plan, including the time frame required for this. Include marketing market research (level of competition, analysis target audience consumers) and project risk analysis.
  • Financial plan of the project. This section reflects all income and expenses of the future project. The required volumes of investment in the project are calculated, which consist of the company’s own funds and borrowed funds attracted from the bank. More often financial institutions agree to become a source of financing for the business plan if their share in the cost of the project does not exceed 50% of total costs. Important have payback periods.

It is worth noting that many banks set their own requirements for drawing up a business plan, and this must be taken into account when developing it.

If a company does not have experience in drawing up a business plan for obtaining a loan, it can contact a specialized company involved in the preparation of such documents.

Preliminary analysis and the need to draw up a plan are often underestimated by entrepreneurs. But it is a business plan for a bank to apply for a loan that allows you to understand the possibilities and feasibility of creating a new business or developing an existing one. Planning allows you to understand (both the company’s owners and creditors) the essence of the project, but most importantly, the expected benefits.

Why and who needs a business plan for a loan application?

Credit resources are the most common tool that allows you to create and develop your business, increase working capital and production volumes. But to get them to create or develop a business, you need a well-written business plan. It is necessary both for a loan for a business from scratch and for a long-running enterprise. This is due to the fact that this makes it more convenient for the bank to assess its risks and the applicant’s solvency. In most cases, a positive decision on a loan application depends on a correctly drawn up business plan for a bank loan.

There are many nuances. The main thing is that it is necessary, on the one hand, to simply and clearly convey to the lender the basic information on the project, on the other hand, the document must contain sufficient information on the payback period and the solvency of the applicant.

What happens if you don’t make a business credit plan?

If to obtain a consumer loan the main document is simply a certificate of your income, then to receive money to create or develop a business it is necessary to provide a business plan. Without this document, most likely, you will be denied a business loan, since it will be difficult for the bank to assess your solvency and all the risks associated with your project.

You can start drawing up a business plan for a loan either independently, based on available examples, or by contacting professionals in this field.

How to write a business plan for a bank loan

The first thing to do is to create a clear structure that would allow you to quickly understand the essence of the project. A sample business plan for obtaining a loan and the sections it should contain can be found on the websites of specialized organizations directly involved in this activity. If you are new to this matter, but do not want to use the services of professionals, then at least you should contact such an organization for advice on certain sections.

Example of business plan structure

General information:

  • Purpose of the enterprise
  • Description of the main idea/activity
  • Required investment volumes
  • Share of required borrowed resources
  • Description of competitive advantages
  • Calculation of payback periods and procedure for repayment of credit resources
  • Brief overview of financial and performance indicators
  • Legal details, license numbers and other guarantees confirming the stability of the borrower

Description of the enterprise's activities:

  • Kind of activity
  • Stage of enterprise development (development from scratch or existing enterprises)
  • Organizational and legal form of the enterprise
  • Financial and other indicators of the enterprise’s activity over the past 3-5 years
  • Competitiveness
  • Positioning

Market (industry) analysis:

  • Description of the main products and their competitive advantages
  • Description of the target audience
  • Description of competitors
  • Market size (industry)
  • Enterprise strategy
  • Marketing strategy

Production plan:

  • Organization of main production
  • Project roadmap
  • Product implementation plan
  • Production process development plan
  • Hardware Upgrade Plan
  • Calculation of expenses by cost items

Financial indicators:

  • Financial stability indicators
  • Liquidity indicators
  • Financial plan
  • Documentation accounting (mandatory requirement banks)
  • Calculation of expected cash flows
  • Internal rate of return
  • Payback period of investment
  • Loan repayment plan

Risk analysis:

  • Production risks
  • Industry risks
  • Financial risks
  • Currency risks
  • Ways to minimize risks

Application(additional information which may include) :

  • Biographical information of founders and management personnel
  • Research and development results
  • Examples of product samples
  • Industry development forecasts
  • Audit reports

A business plan for a bank when receiving a loan must convince the lender of the payback and prospects of the project. The most important part will be the financial part, which must indicate all costs and income (especially if the business is being created from scratch), and this document must also contain information about guarantors, the amount of collateral, the presence or absence of debt obligations.

Differences between credit plans and other business plans

  • Shows the company's need for financial resources in a certain period of time and in certain amounts
  • It is necessary to convince the lender that the use of credit resources is more profitable for the enterprise than the use of equity capital
  • It is necessary to prove the solvency of the enterprise and the payback of the project

Basic mistakes when drafting a document

  • Overestimation of expected benefits from the project. This is due to excessive confidence in own project and analysis based on your preferences, as well as with technical errors in market analysis. A critical analysis of the employee making a decision on your application (underwriter) will easily reveal such an exaggeration in the amounts of expected receipts.
  • Lower costs. Entrepreneurs often overlook some of the expenses they spend cash, which seems insignificant since it is not related to the main production. It is important to take into account the many overhead costs additional work, their dynamics depending on production volumes. Otherwise, the calculations will be unrealistic and will later raise questions from the bank.
  • Lack of risks. This point requires an in-depth analysis of the market and taking into account many indirect factors. Although risks exist in any entrepreneurial activity, but their importance increases even more when receiving a loan. Therefore, risk analysis and, most importantly, the search for measures to minimize them are important both for obtaining a loan and for the entrepreneur himself. It is the risks that are given Special attention when considering your loan application.
  • Unrealistic payback periods. This is the part where most errors occur. It is important not only to provide adequate payback periods for investments, but also to carefully calculate all financial flows and consider alternative development strategies.
  • Lack of description of competitive advantages. The result of the decision on a loan application for the development of your business largely depends on this point. It is important to correctly convey everything to the lender strengths project, to convince of your idea.

Thus, a credit business plan is the most important part in creating and developing a business. If it is compiled correctly, it allows:

  • Receive a positive decision on your loan application
  • Get a realistic assessment of business viability

You can start drawing up a plan yourself using a sample on the Internet, but if you are really interested in developing your business, it is better to contact specialists for a number of reasons:

  1. A specialist will do this faster (especially if you are actively involved in production and material support, but have zero knowledge in interacting with banks);
  2. A specialist has a better understanding of what a business plan to obtain a loan should contain and how to apply for it;
  3. A well-drafted production plan will not only allow you to get a positive decision on your loan application, but also take out a loan on more favorable terms. If the lender is convinced of the risk-free and solvency of the enterprise, then he will be interested in cooperating with you, and therefore - we get more profitable terms lending than in another bank;
  4. It is worth contacting a specialist because it is a critical view from the outside. It is sometimes easier for an outsider to objectively assess all the strengths and weaknesses of a project. After all, it is important not only to prove the competitiveness of the business, but also to objectively evaluate all aspects of the matter and the validity of the loan;
  5. A correctly drawn up document will allow you to avoid multiple visits to the bank and time spent waiting in line.

What to do if you decide to get a loan according to a business plan?

To begin with, you can try to independently analyze all aspects of the planned business, understand its feasibility based on samples and advice presented in the public domain on the Internet. But, when you are planning long-term development and decide to take out a loan against a business plan to finance your business, it is better to contact a specialized organization for advice or services for drawing up a business plan.

When, If you decide to take out a loan to develop a business in Moscow, then, due to high competition in this region, it is better to apply for a business plan for a loan from a specialized organization. So, you can ask for a free consultationcontact us by phone listed in the Contacts section on our website.

The purpose of preparing a business plan for a bank is to enable the lender to ensure that the idea is viable, profitable, and the project will be able to generate cash flow to cover loan obligations. Employees of credit departments always carefully evaluate the quality of the submitted business plan for compliance with the financial criteria of the bank, since an unsuccessfully prepared document is evidence of the insufficient competence of loan applicants.

  • Key requirements for business plans prepared for banks?

This document must be submitted to credit institutions to confirm the effectiveness of the idea contained in it. NOST Group offers development quality business plans for banks.

A well-designed project, describing all stages of organizing a new business or developing an existing one, gives a clear idea of ​​how profitable the enterprise can become and how long it will take to generate a flow of funds sufficient to cover loan obligations. Employees financial organizations carefully evaluate and determine how well they meet the bank's criteria.

At the same time, clients should understand that even a seemingly ideal project may not pass the assessment and not receive the go-ahead for a loan. The fact is that each bank has its own requirements for the content of business plans. Therefore, already at the stage of project preparation, it is necessary to understand for what purpose it is being created and where it will be presented.

Key requirements for business plans prepared for banks

In most cases, the framework established for reviewing loan applications for new projects is intended to protect financial institutions from the risk of borrower default. That is why a client applying for cooperation is required to confirm financial stability, as well as the amount of planned profit.

When evaluating business plans for bank employees, the following criteria are of paramount importance:

  1. Availability of realistic financial model.
  2. Stability of planned cash flow in the future.
  3. Scenario analysis of business development (optimistic, realistic, pessimistic).
  4. Availability of collateral or surety.
  5. The borrower has no obligations on other loans (if any, their volume).
  6. For existing enterprise– volume of average monthly turnover.
  7. Project profitability.
  8. Absolute authenticity.


Consideration of a business plan for a bank: list of stop factors

When considering loan applications, specialists from the relevant departments use a number of project assessment parameters. Non-compliance with one or more of them is a serious stopping factor that reduces the likelihood of approval of the application or practically reduces it to zero.

Among the main criteria:

  1. Realism of the business plan for the bank. All calculations attached to the project will be thoroughly checked and detailed analysis. It is important that they are as truthful and accurate as possible.
  2. Scenario analysis. Even if the author of a business plan for a bank is completely confident in the success of his idea, it is necessary to perform calculations based on the most unfavorable scenario for the development of the situation. The negative factors that the project initiator recognizes and takes into account make it more reliable and justified.
  3. Careful consideration of risks. In a business plan for a bank, it is necessary to analyze maximum amount risks. The more of them mentioned in the project, the greater the likelihood of receiving funding.
  4. Starting capital structure. For many credit institutions, it is important that the project initiator is ready to invest in its implementation and own funds(from 20%). In addition, having a reliable collateral base is a big plus.

Mistakes when preparing a business plan for a bank

  1. Overly formal approach. A business plan for a bank is not just one of the documents required for lending. This is the main, most important part of the potential borrower’s application, which must be reliable and reasonable. Approval of the application is possible only subject to 100% compliance with the requirements of the credit institution, as well as absolute reliability.
  2. Low quality financial settlements. This part of a business plan for a bank is one of the most important. The commercial justification must be supported by statistical data, research results, and calculations.
  3. Discrepancies and contradictions between sections. Such problems often arise when not a close-knit group, but one or two specialists are working on a project. An imbalance of partitions must not be allowed! It is important to ensure complete consistency across all chapters: marketing research, technical plan, financial model, taxation, market analysis, sales and profit forecasts.
  4. Unfounded forecasts. Representatives of credit institutions know how to evaluate the submitted documents and will definitely detect a discrepancy between the existing rosy conclusions and the real state of affairs. When describing a project's chances of success, you need to be as truthful as possible. The only point in a business plan for a bank that may contain an error is the payback period of the project. Some experts even advise deliberately raising it a little to get Extra time to overcome inevitable difficulties during project implementation.

Business plan for a bank from NOST Group: advantages

The company's specialists work on projects strictly within the requirements of the credit institution that the client plans to contact. We have extensive experience in creating business plans for customers in accordance with the standards of the largest banks: Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB, Vnesheconombank, etc.

Thanks to our experience of successful work in various sectors of the economy, as well as a large number of business ideas already implemented according to our plans, we are able to guarantee the effectiveness of cooperation. By taking advantage of our offer, you are likely to receive credit funds.