Structure of the production preparation service.

Shirts Creating a rational organizational structure

The production preparation system is based on the use of scientific principles of its organization.

One of the main directions of work to form the structure of the production preparation system is to determine the composition of the divisions that should function at the enterprise during the development and mastery of new products.

The structure, being the form of the system, is determined by its content, that is, by the processes occurring in the system. It follows that the development of the structure of production preparation bodies should be based on research into the processes of creation and development of new products. The main classification groups of processes for creating new products must correspond to the structural units in which these processes will be carried out

The organizational structure of the production preparation system is characterized not only by a certain composition of its parts, but also by the characteristics of the connections between them. The principle of a strict sequence of work and straightforwardness presupposes the need to improve the spatial arrangement of structural units of the production preparation system and ensure rational relationships between departments of the enterprise.

When designing the structure of the production preparation system, it is necessary to proceed from the following basic principles: preparation and production units should be located in close proximity to each other, next to the technical and experimental production units. Production units should be located along the sequence of work performed.

Using the principle of proportionality when organizing production preparation requires ensuring equality of production capabilities (throughput, capacity) of all departments involved in the creation of new products. In this case, resources of three types must be taken into account: people (workers, engineers and scientists), fixed assets (area, production and scientific equipment), material resources (materials, special literature, standards, etc.).

A fairly complete picture of the capacity of departments can be obtained by determining their load factors, which are calculated using labor resources, equipment, space.

When designing production structure actual throughput divisions is compared with the planned one and is leveled due to the redistribution of resources and work, increasing the productivity of workers, and increasing the shift of equipment.

The structure of training and production bodies largely depends on the existing training system. At mechanical engineering enterprises there are three types of such systems: centralized, in which all work on design, technological and organizational design is carried out in plant services and other departments;

decentralized, in which the main burden of work on technological and organizational preparation is transferred to the workshop bodies; mixed, when the work on preparing production is distributed between central and workshop bodies.

At mechanical engineering enterprises with mass and large-scale production types, preparation for the production of new products is carried out, as a rule, centrally. In serial production plants, a mixed preparation system predominates, while in single-unit and small-scale enterprises, a decentralized one predominates.


3.1. Essence, content and tasks of production preparation The creation of new types of products is carried out in the process of pre-production, which takes place outside the framework of the production process. The task of production preparation is to provide the necessary conditions for the functioning of production process . But, in contrast to such processes of the preparatory phase as the acquisition of objects of labor, we share work force and other processes that are systematically repeated at each revolution, preparation of production has become a one-time act carried out. when the enterprise transitions to the production of new products.

Production preparation is the process of direct application of labor by a team of workers in order to develop and organize the production of new types of products or modernization of manufactured products. The process of production preparation is a special type of activity that combines the production of scientific and technical information with its transformation into a material object - a new product.

The process of production preparation is heterogeneous in its structure and consists of many processes with different contents. Classify partial pre-production processes

it is possible by the types and nature of work, spatio-temporal and functional characteristics, relation to the control object.

Based on the type and nature of work, production preparation processes are divided into research, design, technological, production and economic. The basis for identifying these processes is the type of work activity.

The processes of scientific research, technical and organizational development and other engineering work are fundamental to the preparatory stage. These include: conducting research, engineering calculations, designing structures, technological processes, forms and methods of organizing production, experimentation, economic calculations and justifications.

The main pre-production processes are the processes of manufacturing and testing prototypes, prototypes and series of cars. These are called experimental production processes.

Based on their location in time and space, production preparation processes are divided into operations, work, stages, and phases.

Operation is the primary link in the process of creating new technology. It is performed at one workplace by one performer and consists of a number of sequential actions. Operations are combined into works.

Work is a set of sequentially performed operations, which is characterized by logical completeness and completeness of actions to complete a certain part of the process.

Stage is a set of a number of works interconnected by the unity of content and methods of implementation, providing a solution to a specific task of production preparation.

Phase - a set of stages and works that characterizes the completed part of the pre-production process; associated with the transition of the object of work to a new qualitative state.

In relation to the control object, the actual processes of production preparation and the processes of managing production preparation are distinguished.

· theoretical research of a fundamental and exploratory nature;

· applied research, during which the knowledge obtained at the first stage finds practical application;

· development work, during which the acquired knowledge and research conclusions are implemented in drawings and samples of new products;

· technological design and design and organizational work, in the process of which technological methods of manufacturing and forms of organizing the production of new products are developed;

· technical equipment of new production, which consists in the acquisition and manufacture of equipment, technological equipment and tools, as well as, if necessary, the reconstruction of enterprises and their divisions;

· mastering the production of new products, when product designs and methods for their manufacture created at previous stages are tested and introduced into production;

· industrial production, ensuring the release of new products in quality and in quantities that satisfy the needs of society;

· use of a newly created product in the field of operation; development and production of new types of products that embody the latest achievements of science and technology, meeting the highest requirements of consumers, competitive in the world market;

· ensuring proper technical and organizational conditions for significant increase labor productivity in the national economy;

· creation of new products that would have a high quality level at minimum costs for its production;

· reducing the duration of design, technological, organizational and other work included in the production preparation complex, and mastering the production of new products in a short time;

· cost savings associated with production preparation and development of new products.

3.2. Basics of organizing production preparation

Contents of activities for organizing production preparation. The main task of production preparation is the creation and organization of the production of new products. To solve it, it is necessary to clearly combine all the diverse processes of production preparation, rationally combine personal and material elements of the creation process new technology, determine the economic relations between participants in the preparation of production. There is a need to organize pre-production processes.

The organization of processes for creating new types of products covers the design, implementation in practice and improvement of the production preparation system. The production preparation system is an objectively existing complex of material objects, groups of people and a set of processes of a scientific, technical, production and economic nature for the development and organization of the production of new or improved products. The organization of production preparation is aimed at the rational combination of all elements of the process of creating and mastering new technology in space and time, establishing necessary connections and coordinating the actions of participants in this process, creating conditions for increasing the interest of scientists, engineers, and manufacturers in the accelerated development and organization of production of new highly efficient equipment.

The organization of production preparation is expressed in the following types of activities;

Determining the goal of the organization and its orientation towards achieving this goal;

Establishing a list of all the work that must be performed to achieve the goal of creating specific types new products;

Creation or improvement of the organizational structure of the production preparation system at the enterprise;

Assigning each job to the corresponding subdivision (department, group, workshop, etc.) of the enterprise;

Organization of work to create new types of products over time;

Security rational organization labor of workers and the necessary conditions for the implementation of the entire range of work to prepare production for the release of new products;

Establishment economic relations between participants in the process of creating new equipment, ensuring the interest of scientists, engineers and production workers in the creation and development of technically progressive and economically efficient equipment and the accelerated organization of its industrial production.

Principles of organizing production preparation. The rational organization of the processes for creating new products is based on the general principles of production organization; compliance of the production organization with the goals set for the enterprise; compliance of forms and methods of organizing production with the characteristics of its material and technical base; focus on specific production, technical and economic conditions; mutual correspondence of the characteristics of the organization of production processes and the characteristics of the organization of labor of workers, etc.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the processes of creating new products, it is necessary to be guided by a number of specific principles when building and improving the production preparation system.

The principle of completeness presupposes the need to carry out pre-production work according to a single plan, covering all processes - from scientific research to the development of new technology and taking into account the complex of technical, organizational, economic and other problems that arise.

The principle of specialization requires that each division of the enterprise be assigned such types of activities for the creation and development of new products that correspond to the nature of the specialization of these divisions.

The principle of scientific, technical and production integration is considered as a set of conditions that ensure the achievement of a single and common goal as a result of the activities of a certain number of specialized units and performers.

The principle of completeness of documentation and component parts of products requires the simultaneous implementation of a set of works to

a point in time when their further continuation is possible only if there is a complete set of documentation or component parts of the products.

The principle of continuity of work to create new products requires the elimination of significant time gaps between the phases of the preparation process, and within them - between stages, works, and operations.

The principle of proportionality can be considered as a requirement production capabilities(throughput capacity) of all divisions of the association or enterprise involved in the preparation of production.

The principle of parallelism in the organization of pre-production work is expressed in the combination in time of various phases, stages, and work.

Ensuring a strict sequence of work and straightness. Observing this principle, it is necessary that the development and development of new products be carried out with the sequence of work inherent only to this type. Direct flow is understood as ensuring the shortest route for the movement of technical documentation and the shortest path traversed by a new product at all stages of its development and mastery.

3.3. Organizational structure of the production preparation system

The creation of a rational organizational structure of the production preparation system is based on the use of scientific principles of its organization.

One of the main directions of work on forming the structure of the production preparation system is determining the composition of the divisions that should function at the enterprise during the development and mastery of new products.

The structure, being the form of the system, is determined by its content, i.e. processes occurring in the system. It follows that the development of the structure of production preparation bodies should be based on the study of the processes of creation and deployment of new products. The main classification groups of processes for creating new products must correspond to structural units, in which these processes will take place (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1.

The main groups of pre-production processes and the corresponding structural units of a large enterprise

Pre-production processes

Structural units of half-separation


Department for studying needs, research thematic departments, department (bureau) of technical and economic research, department for implementing the results of design and development work


Design thematic departments, technological service, department of standardization and normalization, normal factory laboratory, department of organization of labor production and management


Model workshops, experimental production, small series workshops, production workshops


Scientific and technical information service, personnel and training department, logistics department, tool department, chief mechanic and power engineer departments, non-standard equipment department and workshop, quality management service


The Bureau technical documentation, warehousing, transport


Computer center, development and production preparation management department, economic planning and production departments, labor department and wages, Bureau for Rationalization and Invention

The organizational structure of the production preparation system is characterized not only by the composition of its parts, but also by the characteristics of the connections between them. The principle of strict sequence of work and straight-forwardness presupposes the need to improve the spatial arrangement of structural units of the production preparation system and ensure rational relationships between divisions of the enterprise.

When designing the structure of the production preparation system, it is necessary to proceed from the following basic provisions: preparation and production units should be located in close proximity to each other, next to the technical and experimental production units. Production units should be located along the sequence of work performed.

No less important and complex is the problem of establishing relationships between departments. The main provisions for rationalizing the system of relationships between departments participating in the pre-production processes are based on the following principles; the document should, if possible, be generated in one department; the number of coordinating and approving authorities should be kept to a minimum; The document's route must exclude returns, loops, and movement in the opposite direction to its route.

Using the principle of proportionality when organizing production preparation requires ensuring equality of production capabilities (throughput, capacity) of all departments involved in the creation of new products. In this case, three types of resources should be taken into account: people (workers, technical and scientific workers), fixed assets (area, production and scientific equipment), material resources (materials, special literature, standards, etc.).

A fairly complete picture of the throughput capacity of departments can be obtained by determining their load factors, which are calculated based on labor resources, equipment, and space.

Labor force utilization factor

Where tpl - planned and actual labor intensity of performing work assigned to the department for a month, quarter, year, standard hour;

TO v.n. - coefficient of fulfillment of labor standards;

R pl R f - planned and actual number of employees in the department, people.

Unit load factor by equipment

Where T about - labor intensity of work performed using of this equipment for a certain period of time, normo-h;

F d - effective fund of equipment operating time for the accepted work shift, h;

TO P - rate of processing of norms .

Department load factor by area

where S pl- required area taking into account the planned amount of equipment and labor resources, m 2 ;

S f - area of ​​scientific, technical and production units m 2 .

When designing a production structure, the actual throughput of departments is compared with the planned one and is equalized by redistributing resources and work, increasing worker productivity, and increasing equipment shifts.

The structure of training and production bodies largely depends on the existing training system. At mechanical engineering enterprises there are three types of such systems:

centralized, in which all work on design, technological and organizational design is carried out in factory services and other departments; decentralized, in which the main burden of work on technological and organizational preparation is transferred to the workshop bodies; mixed, when the work on preparing production is distributed between central and shop authorities.

At mechanical engineering enterprises with mass and large-scale production, preparation for the production of new products is carried out, as a rule, centrally. In serial production plants, a mixed preparation system predominates, while in single-unit and small-scale enterprises, a decentralized one predominates.

3.4. Organization of production preparation in time

Pre-production time is the duration of the means of production of developing organizations and enterprises in the preparatory stage of the production process. It consists of the working period and break time.

The working period is the time of creation of new types of products, during which wow the labor process is being carried out sy. During these processes, scientific research, engineering development, and the development of new products in production and operation are carried out.

Break time characterizes the calendar period of time during which a particular object does not experience labor effort. Break time is divided into breaks due to the work schedule of workers; arising between (times, stages, works; caused by the design and technological features of products and shortcomings in the organization and planning of production.

Production preparation time is calculated in calendar days or hours. If the time of preparation and breaks is calculated in calendar time, then the working period is measured by working time, i.e. labor costs. Production preparation time, calculated in units of calendar time, is presented as a production preparation cycle, and in units of working time - as the complexity of the work.

Production preparation cycle. The preparation cycle for the production of a specific product is a calendar period of time during which the entire range of work is carried out to develop and master the production of a new type of product. The preparation cycle for the production of new products includes the duration of all stages of work and the time of breaks between them.

Processes of production preparation over time can be organized by different methods: sequential execution of operations, works and phases without breaks between them; sequential execution and the presence of breaks between operations, work or phases; by organizing parallel-combined execution of operations, work and production preparation phases. Depending on the chosen method of organizing production preparation, its duration will vary. Below are formulas for calculating the duration of production preparation cycles for different organization methods:

duration of the production preparation cycle with sequential organization of work:

cycle duration with sequential work organization with interruptions:

cycle duration with a parallel-sequential method of organizing work:

Where T this i - cycle of the pre-production phase;

TO this - number of phases;

T lane - time of breaks between phases;

Cycle reduction time due to phase alignment.

When calculating the production preparation cycle, it is necessary to divide the phases into stages, stages into work, work into operations, and also establish the duration of individual works and operations, the possibility of their parallel execution.

The duration of the cycle for preparing production and mastering the release of new types of products, despite the trend towards reduction, continues to remain extremely high. On many machine-building enterprises period from the start of development terms of reference before the release of products is on average 3-5 years, which is several times greater than the time spent on preparing production at similar foreign enterprises.

Specific measures to reduce production preparation time provide for a high level of its organization, based on the application of scientific principles.

Reducing production preparation time is the main task organizational activities when creating new types of products. The implementation of this task is intended to ensure the acceleration of scientific and technological progress in all sectors of the national economy.

The main directions of this work can be: reducing the working period by taking measures to reduce labor costs: reducing the time of breaks in the process of preparing production, introducing a parallel-combined method of organizing work.

Economic significance time factor when creating new technology. Lengthening the time frame for preparing production and mastering the release of new types of products negatively affects the pace of scientific and technological progress and production efficiency. Long periods of mastering the production of new efficient machines slow down the supply of equipment to the relevant industries, leading to a decrease in the rate of their technical re-equipment, a deterioration in labor productivity indicators and production profitability. In addition, in practice there are cases when new equipment becomes obsolete even before its production begins.

Significantly deteriorate when the preparation time for technical production is extended. economic indicators work of enterprises mastering new technology. Negative results of long periods of time to create and master new technology are manifested in slower turnover working capital due to an increase in the volume of work in progress and an increase in stocks of special equipment and equipment; in a decrease in the achieved level of labor productivity, which is a consequence of the diversion of labor resources to create new equipment without a corresponding increase in production output; in a partial increase in production costs, which is a consequence of deterioration in the use of equipment and space, increased costs in the field of research and development, an increase in the share of overhead costs, etc.

3.5. A complex approach to organize production preparation

Production preparation is an organizational system that covers all stages of development, mastering production and introduction of new types of products and ensures that all processes of the preparatory stage proceed in mutual connection, conditionality and consistency. Thus, the structured organization of production preparation implements the principle of completeness and is called comprehensive production preparation (Fig. 3.1).

The organization of comprehensive production preparation at enterprises suggests the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring scientific, technical and production integration, the formation of an appropriate organizational structure, and the use of special forms and methods of managing work on the creation of new products.

Mastering the production of new products

Rice. 3.1. Diagram of the composition of complex production preparation

The requirement to ensure scientific, technical and production integration within the enterprise determines the need to carry out work to create new types of products on the basis of unified schedules covering all stages of work, as well as all performers of these works within a given enterprise or association .

The next element of the implementation of comprehensive training is proper organizational support and the creation of an appropriate organizational structure. An integrated approach to organizing production preparation must be implemented by specific services and performers. Hence the need arises to allocate independent production preparation services, divisions and groups within functional services, and to assign individual performers to all production preparation work. Required element The organizational structure of complex production preparation is the presence of a coordination center, the main functions of which would be the organization and management of work on the creation of new equipment.

In conditions of complex production preparation, there is a need to apply the following methods of work planning and management;

· network methods that allow the most complete coverage of the interconnections of the entire complex of work on preparation of production;

· methods of managing the progress of work: assigning deadlines for work performed, planning resources, determining the technical and economic parameters of the equipment being created;

· methods of material and moral incentives for workers involved in the creation of new products, taking into account their contribution to reducing time and costs, achieving high technical and economic parameters of new equipment.

Production preparation is a complex of interrelated activities that ensure the creation of new and improvement of manufactured products, the introduction advanced technology, effective methods organization of labor, production and management.

Pre-production includes the following stages:

· conducting research related to the preparation of new production;

· designing new and improving products;

· technological training production;

· organizational and economic preparation of production. The content and procedure for pre-production work are regulated by state standards:

· Unified system of design documentation (ESKD);

· Unified system of technological documentation (USTD);

· Unified system of technological preparation of production (USTGTP).

The main task of production preparation is the creation and organization of the production of new competitive products.

The purpose of production preparation is to create technical, organizational and economic conditions that fully guarantee the transfer of the production process to a higher technical and socio-economic level based on the achievements of science and technology, the use of various innovations to ensure efficient work enterprises. Let's consider the content of the main stages of production preparation.

Scientific research is the basis for the development of an enterprise, opening up new opportunities and potential sources for a radical transformation of production. Scientific research work (R&D) is intended to determine the most advanced methods for creating new products and technological processes, radically improving existing products, materials and methods of their processing. In the course of research, the state is studied, ways and methods of improving the organization and production management,

During the research stage, the prospects for production development and the effectiveness of using new or improved products and technology are determined. Scientific research is carried out either in special research institutes or in enterprise laboratories. The research stage usually ends with the preparation of technical specifications for product design.

At the design stage, design preparation for production is carried out, during which the nature of the product, its design, physical and chemical properties, appearance, technical, economic and other indicators.

The design of new products is carried out by design, technical and scientific research institutes, as well as design departments and laboratories of enterprises. The goals of design preparation for production are:

· improving the quality and competitiveness of products;

· ensuring high manufacturability of the design based on the unification and standardization of parts and components of the product, which allows reducing labor and material costs for the design and manufacture of the product;

· reducing the cost of new products by improving the design of the product, reducing the consumption of raw materials per unit of production, reducing operating costs associated with the use of products;

· ensuring occupational health and safety, as well as convenience when using and repairing products.

Design preparation for production, as a rule, includes five stages:

· technical specifications (TOR);

· technical design (TP);

· working drawings of prototypes;

· manufacturing, testing and fine-tuning prototypes of new products;

· development of working drawings for mass production. The design of a new product begins with the preparation of technical (design) specifications. It is developed by the customer (enterprise) or on his behalf by a design organization. The technical specifications indicate the name and purpose of the new product, technical and economic indicators during its production and operation. At the level of technical specifications, the fundamental differences between the new product and previously produced ones must be determined, and calculations of the effectiveness of the new product for both the manufacturer and the consumer must be given.

The terms of reference are developed based on the results of completed research and development work (R&D), short-term and long-term forecasting, analysis data of relevant domestic and foreign standards, achievements of science and technology. The technical specifications include predicted indicators of the technical level of products, reflecting the level of standardization and unification. The technical specification contains technical and economic requirements for products that determine their consumer properties and effectiveness of use, a list of documents requiring joint consideration, the procedure for delivery and acceptance of development results. The technical specification may contain requirements for technological preparation of production and examination.

Based on the initial requirements set out in the technical specifications for product design, marketing, application conditions, development trends, the developer carries out the necessary research and development work and experimental technological work, including patent research, functional cost analysis, modeling, artistic design and other advanced methods of creating products . In this case, the developer is guided by regulatory, technical and other documents that establish the values ​​of indicators that determine the technical level of products, requirements for resistance to external influences, interchangeability and compatibility of components and products as a whole, safety, health and environmental protection.

Based on the terms of reference, a technical project is developed, i.e. a set of design documents that must contain technical solutions that give a complete picture of the design of the product, and initial data for the development of working drawings of prototypes.

Technical project allows you to select materials and semi-finished products, determine the basic principles of product manufacturing and carry out economic justification project.

After testing and fine-tuning the prototypes, the necessary clarifications and development of working drawings are made to organize the production of products. - At all stages of design, all technical and economic characteristics new product.

The results of design preparation are documented in the form of technical documentation - drawings, instructions, technical specifications, etc.

Specifications(TS) are an integral part of the set of technical documentation for the product (product, material, substance, etc.) to which they apply. The specifications must contain all the requirements for the product, its manufacture, control, acceptance and delivery, which it is advisable to indicate in the design or other technical documentation.

Design preparation for production is carried out in accordance with the complex state standards, establishing uniform interrelated rules and regulations for its implementation, registration and circulation of design documentation developed and applied by industrial, scientific research, design organizations and enterprises. This set of standards is called Unified system design documentation (ESKD).

The use of ESKD makes it possible to create favorable conditions for ensuring scientific and technical training production at a high level, capable of guaranteeing the competitiveness of manufactured products, reducing design time, and ensuring the necessary uniformity of this process at various enterprises in different sectors of the economy. It should be noted that the ESKD takes into account the rules, regulations, requirements, as well as positive experience in the preparation of graphic documents (sketches, drawings, diagrams) established by the recommendations of ISO - the International Organization for Standardization.

A continuation of the product design work is technological preparation of production (TPP), which is a set of interrelated processes that ensure the technological readiness of the enterprise for production required quality within established deadlines. production volume and costs. The content and volume of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry depend on the type of production, design and purpose of the product. Technological readiness means the availability of a complete set of technological documentation and technological equipment necessary for the production of new products.

The main task of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is to ensure high quality manufacturing of products and create the necessary conditions for increasing labor productivity, improving the use of equipment, reducing the consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel, and energy.

In the process of technological preparation of production, a wide range of issues are resolved. The main ones:

· testing the design of a new product for its manufacturability;

· development of technological processes for product manufacturing;

· design of special equipment and accessories;

· determination of equipment needs and its planning;

· design of interoperational transport and control.

The work is regulated by the standards of the Unified System of Technological Preparation of Production (USTPP). It determines the procedure for organizing and managing the Chamber of Commerce and Industry at all levels: state, industry, and enterprise. The ECTPP is designed to provide a single systems approach to the selection and application of methods and means of technological preparation of production that correspond to the advanced achievements of science, technology and production; high adaptability of production to its continuous improvement, rapid changeover to the production of more advanced products; basis for implementation automated systems Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Process design begins with the development of routing technology, which determines the sequence of basic operations and assigning them in workshops to specific groups of equipment. According to routing technology, the types of products being processed are assigned to each workshop and section, equipment, tools, workers’ specialties, work categories and time standards are indicated.

In individual and small-scale production, as well as in enterprises with relatively simple technology, the development of technological processes is usually limited to route technology. In mass and large-scale production, after route production, a more detailed operational technology is developed, which contains detailed description all technological operations.

When developing a technological process, an important task is the choice of economic effective ways manufacturing the product. The selected production technology should ensure high quality manufacturing of products, increased productivity and the lowest cost of products compared to other options.

In accelerating the technological preparation of production, an extremely important role belongs to standard technological processes, which are understood as generalized schemes for the manufacture of parts of homogeneous classification groups. The introduction of standard technological processes makes it possible to reduce the volume of technological documentation by 6-10 times, speed up the design of a technological process by 3-4 times, reduce the duration of the production cycle by 2-2.5 times, speed up the technical standardization process by 2.5 times, and increase technical equipment production by 70-90%, reduce the labor intensity of manufacturing products by 30-40% and cost by 20%.

Typification of technological processes creates the necessary prerequisites for the aggregation and standardization of technological equipment, which significantly reduces the complexity of designing and manufacturing equipment, which takes up about 80% of the duration and 90% total costs for technological preparation of production.

The creation of new types of products is carried out in the process of pre-production, which takes place outside the framework of the production process. The task of production preparation is to provide the necessary conditions for the functioning of the production process. But, in contrast to such processes of the preparatory phase as the acquisition of objects of labor, shares of labor and other processes that are systematically repeated with each turnover of production assets, the preparation of production has become a one-time act carried out. when the enterprise transitions to the production of new products.

Production preparation is the process of direct application of labor by a team of workers in order to develop and organize the production of new types of products or modernization of manufactured products. The process of production preparation is a special type of activity that combines the production of scientific and technical information with its transformation into a material object - a new product.

The pre-production process is heterogeneous in its structure and consists of many processes with different contents. Partial processes of production preparation can be classified according to the types and nature of work, spatio-temporal and functional characteristics, and relation to the control object.

Based on the type and nature of work, production preparation processes are divided into research, design, technological, production and economic. The basis for identifying these processes is the type of work activity.

The processes of scientific research, technical and organizational development and other engineering work are fundamental to the preparatory stage. These include: conducting research, engineering calculations, designing structures, technological processes, forms and methods of organizing production, experimentation, economic calculations and justifications.

The main pre-production processes are the processes of manufacturing and testing mock-ups, prototypes and series of machines. These are called experimental manufacturing processes.

Based on their location in time and space, production preparation processes are divided into operations, work, stages, and phases.

Operation is the primary link in the process of creating new technology. It is performed at one workplace by one performer and consists of a number of sequential actions. Operations are combined into jobs.

Work is a set of sequentially performed operations, which is characterized by logical completeness and completeness of actions to complete a certain part of the process.

Stage is a set of a number of works interconnected by the unity of content and methods of implementation, providing a solution to a specific task of production preparation.

Phase - a set of stages and works that characterizes the completed part of the pre-production process; associated with the transition of the object of work to a new qualitative state.

In relation to the control object, the actual processes of production preparation and the processes of management of production preparation are distinguished.

The creation of new products in industries is carried out in a certain sequence of phases of a single process of production preparation:

Theoretical research, having a fundamental and exploratory nature;

Applied research, during which the knowledge obtained at the first stage finds practical application;

Development work, during which the acquired knowledge and research conclusions are implemented in drawings and samples of new products;

Technological design and design and organizational work, during the implementation of which technological manufacturing methods and forms of organizing the production of new products are developed;

Technical equipment new production, consisting in the acquisition and manufacture of equipment, technological equipment and tools, as well as, if necessary, the reconstruction of enterprises and their divisions;

Mastering the production of new products, when product designs and methods for their manufacture created at previous stages are tested and introduced into production;

Industrial production ensuring the release of new products in quality and in quantities that meet the needs of society;

Use of a newly created product in the field of operation; development and production of new types of products that embody the latest achievements of science and technology, meeting the highest requirements of consumers, competitive in the world market;

Providing appropriate technical and organizational conditions for a significant increase in labor productivity in the national economy;

Creation of new products that would have a high quality level with minimal production costs;

Reducing the duration of design, technological, organizational and other work included in the production preparation complex, and mastering the production of new products in a short time;

Saving costs associated with production preparation and development of new products.

The main task of production preparation is the creation and organization of the production of new products. To solve it, it is necessary to clearly combine all the diverse processes of production preparation, rationally combine the personal and material elements of the process of creating new equipment, and determine the economic relations between participants in the preparation of production. There is a need to organize pre-production processes.

The organization of processes for creating new types of products covers the design, implementation in practice and improvement of the production preparation system. The production preparation system is an objectively existing complex of material objects, teams of people and a set of processes of a scientific, technical, production and economic nature for the development and organization of the production of new or improved products. The organization of production preparation is aimed at the rational combination of all elements of the process of creating and mastering new equipment in space and time, establishing the necessary connections and coordinating the actions of participants in this process, creating conditions for increasing the interest of scientists, engineers, and production workers in the accelerated development and organization of production of new highly efficient equipment .

Organization of production preparation is expressed in the following activities:

Determining the purpose of the organization and its orientation towards achieving this goal;

Establishing a list of all the work that must be performed to achieve the goal of creating specific types of new products;

Creation or improvement of the organizational structure of the production preparation system at the enterprise;

Assigning each job to the corresponding unit (department, group, workshop, etc.) of the enterprise;

Organization of work to create new types of products over time;

Ensuring the rational organization of workers’ labor and the necessary conditions for carrying out the entire range of work to prepare production for the release of new products;

Establishing economic relations between participants in the process of creating new equipment, ensuring the interest of scientists, engineers and production workers in the creation and development of technically advanced and cost-effective equipment and the accelerated organization of its industrial production.

Principles of organizing production preparation. The rational organization of the processes for creating new products is based on the general principles of production organization; compliance of the production organization with the goals set for the enterprise; compliance of forms and methods of organizing production with the characteristics of its material and technical base; focus on specific production, technical and economic conditions; mutual correspondence of the characteristics of the organization of production processes and the characteristics of the organization of labor of workers, etc.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the processes of creating new products, it is necessary to be guided by a number of specific principles when building and improving the production preparation system.

The principle of completeness presupposes the need to carry out work on the preparation of production according to a single plan, covering all processes - from scientific research to the development of new technology and taking into account the complex of technical, organizational, economic and other problems that arise.

The principle of specialization requires that each division of the enterprise be assigned such types of activities for the creation and development of new products that correspond to the nature of the specialization of these divisions.

The principle of scientific, technical and production integration is considered as a set of conditions that ensure the achievement of a single and common goal as a result of the activities of a certain number of specialized units and performers.

The principle of completeness of documentation and component parts of products requires the simultaneous implementation of a set of works to

a point in time when their further continuation is possible only if there is a complete set of documentation or components of the products.

The principle of continuity of work to create new products requires the elimination of significant time gaps between the phases of the preparation process, and within them - between stages, works, and operations.

The principle of proportionality can be considered as a requirement for the production capabilities (throughput) of all divisions of an association or enterprise involved in the preparation of production.

The principle of parallelism in the organization of pre-production work is expressed in the combination in time of various phases, stages, and work.

Ensuring a strict sequence of work and straightness. Observing this principle, it is necessary that the development and development of new products be carried out with the sequence of work inherent only to this type. Straightforwardness is understood as ensuring the shortest route for the movement of technical documentation and the shortest path traversed by a new product at all stages of its development and development.

The creation of a rational organizational structure of the production preparation system is based on the use of scientific principles of its organization.

One of the main directions of work to form the structure of the production preparation system is to determine the composition of the divisions that should function at the enterprise during the development and mastery of new products.

The structure, being the form of the system, is determined by its content, i.e. processes occurring in the system.

The organizational structure of the production preparation system is characterized not only by the composition of its parts, but also by the characteristics of the connections between them. The principle of a strict sequence of work and directness presupposes the need to improve the spatial arrangement of structural units of the production preparation system and ensure rational relationships between departments of the enterprise.

When designing the structure of the production preparation system, it is necessary to proceed from the following basic principles: preparation and production units should be located in close proximity to each other, next to the technical and experimental production units. Production units should be located along the sequence of work performed.

No less important and complex is the problem of establishing relationships between departments. The main provisions for rationalizing the system of relationships between departments involved in the pre-production processes are based on the following principles; the document should, if possible, be generated in one department; the number of coordinating and approving authorities should be kept to a minimum; the document's route must exclude returns, loops and movement in the opposite direction to its route.

Using the principle of proportionality when organizing production preparation requires ensuring equality of production capabilities (throughput, capacity) of all departments involved in the creation of new products. In this case, three types of resources should be taken into account: people (workers, technical engineers and scientists), fixed assets (area, production and scientific equipment), material resources (materials, special literature, standards, etc.).

A fairly complete picture of the capacity of departments can be obtained by determining their load factors, which are calculated based on labor resources, equipment, and space.

When designing a production structure, the actual throughput of departments is compared with the planned one and is equalized by redistributing resources and work, increasing worker productivity, and increasing equipment shifts.

The structure of training and production bodies largely depends on the existing training system. At mechanical engineering enterprises there are three types of such systems:

Centralized, in which all work on design, technological and organizational design is carried out in factory services and other departments;

Decentralized, in which the main burden of work on technological and organizational preparation is transferred to the workshop bodies; mixed, when the work on preparing production is distributed between central and workshop bodies.

At mechanical engineering enterprises with mass and large-scale production, preparation for the production of new products is carried out, as a rule, centrally. In serial production plants, a mixed preparation system predominates, while in single-unit and small-scale enterprises, a decentralized one predominates.

Pre-production time is the length of time the means of production of developing organizations and enterprises remain in the preparatory stage of the production process. It consists of the working period and break time.

The working period is the time of creation of new types of products, during which work is carried out. labor processes. During these processes, scientific research, engineering development, and the development of new products in production and operation are carried out.

Break time characterizes the calendar period of time during which a particular object does not experience labor effort. Break time is divided into breaks due to the work schedule of workers; arising between (times, stages, works; due to the design and technological features of products and shortcomings in the organization and planning of production.

Production preparation time is calculated in calendar days or hours. If the time of preparation and breaks is calculated in calendar time, then the working period is measured by working time, i.e. labor costs. Production preparation time, calculated in calendar time units, is presented as a production preparation cycle, and in working time units - as the labor intensity of the work.

The production preparation cycle for a specific product is a calendar period of time during which the entire range of work is carried out to develop and master the production of a new type of product. The preparation cycle for the production of new products includes the duration of all stages of work and the time of breaks between them.

Processes of production preparation over time can be organized by different methods: sequential execution of operations, works and phases without breaks between them; sequential execution and the presence of breaks between operations, work or phases; by organizing parallel-combined execution of operations, work and production preparation phases. Depending on the chosen method of organizing production preparation, its duration will vary. Below are formulas for calculating the duration of production preparation cycles for different organization methods:

When calculating the production preparation cycle, it is necessary to divide the phases into stages, stages into work, work into operations, and also establish the duration of individual works and operations and the possibility of their parallel execution.

The duration of the cycle for preparing production and mastering the release of new types of products, despite the downward trend, continues to remain extremely high. At many machine-building enterprises, the period from the beginning of the development of technical specifications to the release of products is on average 3-5 years, which is several times greater than the time spent on preparing production at similar foreign enterprises.

Specific measures to reduce production preparation time provide for a high level of its organization, based on the application of scientific principles.

Reducing production preparation time is the main task of organizational activity when creating new types of products. The implementation of this task is intended to ensure the acceleration of scientific and technological progress in all sectors of the national economy.

The main directions of this work can be: reducing the working period by taking measures to reduce labor costs: reducing the time of breaks in the process of production preparation, introducing a parallel-combined method of organizing work.

Economic importance of the time factor when creating new technology. Lengthening the time frame for preparing production and mastering the release of new types of products negatively affects the pace of scientific and technological progress and production efficiency. Long periods of mastering the production of new efficient machines slow down the supply of equipment to the relevant industries, leading to a decrease in the rate of their technical re-equipment, a deterioration in labor productivity indicators and production profitability. In addition, in practice there are cases when new equipment becomes obsolete even before its production begins.

As production preparation time lengthens, the technical and economic performance indicators of enterprises mastering new technology deteriorate significantly. The negative results of long periods of creation and development of new equipment are manifested in a slowdown in the turnover of working capital due to an increase in the volume of work in progress and an increase in stocks of special equipment and equipment; in a decrease in the achieved level of labor productivity, which is a consequence of the diversion of labor resources to create new equipment without a corresponding increase in production output; in a partial increase in production costs, which is a consequence of deterioration in the use of equipment and space, increased costs in the field of research and development, an increase in the share of overhead costs, etc.

Production preparation is an organizational system that covers all stages of development, mastering production and introduction of new types of products and ensures that all processes of the preparatory stage proceed in mutual connection, conditionality and consistency. Thus, the structured organization of production preparation implements the principle of completeness and is called comprehensive production preparation.

The organization of comprehensive production preparation at enterprises suggests the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring scientific, technical and production integration, the formation of an appropriate organizational structure, and the use of special forms and methods of managing work on the creation of new products.

The requirement to ensure scientific, technical and production integration within the enterprise determines the need to carry out work to create new types of products on the basis of unified schedules covering all stages of work, as well as all performers of these works within a given enterprise or association.

The next element of the implementation of comprehensive training is proper organizational support and the creation of an appropriate organizational structure. An integrated approach to organizing production preparation must be implemented by specific services and performers. Hence the need arises to allocate independent production preparation services, divisions and groups within functional services, and to assign individual performers to all work on production preparation. A mandatory element of the organizational structure of complex production preparation is the presence of a coordination center, the main functions of which would be the organization and management of work on the creation of new equipment.

In conditions of complex production preparation, there is a need to apply the following methods of work planning and management:

Network methods that allow you to most fully cover the interrelations of the entire complex of work on pre-production;

Methods for managing the progress of work: assigning deadlines for work performed, planning resources, determining the technical and economic parameters of the equipment being created;

Methods of material and moral incentives for workers involved in the creation of new products, taking into account their contribution to reducing time and costs, achieving high technical and economic parameters of new equipment.

Organizing the production of new products involves restructuring the existing production process and all its constituent elements. The development of new types of products requires not only the development of new technological processes and the use of new technological means, but also changes in forms and methods of organizing production and labor, acquisition of new knowledge and skills staffing team, restructuring of material and technical supplies, etc.

Under these conditions, it is necessary to carry out organizational preparation of production, i.e. implement a number of measures to restructure production processes to produce new products. The complex of works included in the organizational preparation of production is associated with solving problems of an internal and external nature. The level of organization of labor and production, material support for new production, and general technical and economic indicators of the enterprise largely depend on the quality of performance of these works.

Organizational preparation of production is a complex of processes and work aimed at developing and implementing a project for organizing the production process of manufacturing a new product, a system for organizing and remunerating labor, logistics of production, regulatory framework in-plant planning in order to create the necessary conditions for high-performance and accelerated development and release of new products of the required quality.

The creation of a rational organizational structure of the production preparation system is based on the use of scientific principles of its organization.

One of the main directions of work to form the structure of the production preparation system is to determine the composition of the divisions that should function at the enterprise during the development and mastery of new products.

The structure, being the form of the system, is determined by its content, i.e. processes occurring in the system. It follows that the development of the structure of production preparation bodies should be based on research into the processes of creation and development of new products. The main classification groups of processes for creating new products should correspond to the structural units in which these processes will be carried out (Table 4.1).

Table 4.1

Main groups of pre-production processes

and the corresponding structural units of a large enterprise

Pre-production processes

Structural units - divisions


Department for studying needs, research thematic departments, department (bureau) of technical and economic research, department for implementing research results


Design thematic departments, technological service, standardization and normalization department, central factory laboratory, production organization, labor and management department


Model workshops, experimental production, small series workshops, production workshops

End of table. 4.1


Scientific and technical information service, personnel and training department, logistics department, tool department, chief mechanic and power engineer departments, non-standard equipment department and workshop, quality management service


Bureau of technical documentation, warehousing, transport


Computer center, development and production management department, economic planning and production departments, labor and wages department, rationalization and invention bureau

The organizational structure of the production preparation system is characterized not only by the composition of its parts, but also by the characteristics of the connections between them. The principle of a strict sequence of work and directness presupposes the need to improve the spatial arrangement of structural units of the production preparation system and ensure rational relationships between departments of the enterprise.

When designing the structure of the production preparation system, it is necessary to proceed from the following basic principles: preparation and production units should be located in close proximity to each other, next to the technical and experimental production units. Production units should be located along the sequence of work performed.

No less important and complex is the problem of establishing relationships between departments. The main provisions for rationalizing the system of relationships between departments involved in the pre-production processes are based on the following principles: the document should, if possible, be generated in one department; the number of coordinating and approving authorities should be kept to a minimum; the document's route must exclude returns, loops and movement in the opposite direction to its route.

Using the principle of proportionality when organizing production preparation requires ensuring equality of production capabilities (throughput, capacity) of all departments involved in the creation of new products. In this case, resources of three types must be taken into account: people (workers, engineers, technical and scientific workers), fixed assets (area, production and scientific equipment), material resources (materials, special literature, standards, etc.).

A fairly complete picture of the capacity of departments can be obtained by determining their load factors. Which are calculated based on labor resources. Equipment for areas.

Labor force utilization factor

where t pl and t f are the planned and actual labor intensity of performing work assigned to the department for a month, quarter, year, standard hours; To V.N. - coefficient of fulfillment of labor standards; R pl and R f - planned and actual number of employees in the department, people.

Unit load factor by equipment

where T about is the labor intensity of work performed using this equipment over a certain period of time, standard hours; F D is the effective operating time of the equipment for the accepted work shift, h; KP - rate of processing of norms.

Department load factor by area

where Spl is the required area taking into account the planned amount of equipment and labor resources, m 2 ; S Ф is the area of ​​scientific, technical and production departments, m2.

When designing a production structure, the actual throughput of departments is compared with the planned one and is equalized by redistributing resources and work, increasing worker productivity, and increasing equipment shifts.

The structure of training and production bodies largely depends on the existing training system. At mechanical engineering enterprises there are three types of such systems: centralized, in which all work on design, technological and organizational design is carried out in plant services and other departments; decentralized, in which the main burden of work on technological and organizational preparation is transferred to the workshop bodies; mixed, when the work on preparing production is distributed between central and workshop bodies.

At mechanical engineering enterprises with mass and large-scale production, preparation for the production of new products is usually carried out centrally. In serial production plants, a mixed preparation system predominates, while in single-unit and small-scale enterprises, a decentralized one predominates.

The rational organization of processes for creating new products is based on general patterns of production organization". compliance of the production organization with the goals set for the enterprise; compliance of forms and methods of organizing production with the characteristics of its material and technical base; focus on specific production, technical and economic conditions; mutual correspondence of the characteristics of the organization of production processes and the characteristics of the organization of labor of workers, etc.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the processes of creating new products, it is necessary to be guided by a number of specific principles when building and improving the production preparation system.

The principle of comprehensiveness involves carrying out work on the preparation of production according to a single plan, covering all processes - from scientific research to the development of new technology and taking into account the complex of technical, organizational, economic and other problems that arise in this case.

The principle of specialization requires that each division of the enterprise be assigned such types of activities for the creation and development of new products that correspond to the nature of the specialization of these divisions.

The principle of scientific, technical and production integration is considered as a set of conditions that ensure the achievement of individual and general goals as a result of the activities of a certain number of specialized units and performers.

The principle of completeness of documentation and component parts of products requires the simultaneous completion of a set of works to the point where further continuation is possible only if a complete set of documentation or component parts of products is available.

The principle of continuity of work to create new products requires the elimination of significant time gaps between the phases of the preparation process, and within them - between stages, works, and operations.

The principle of proportionality can be considered as a requirement for the production capabilities (throughput) of all divisions of an association or enterprise involved in the preparation of production.

The principle of parallelism in the organization of pre-production work is expressed in the combination in time of various phases, stages, and work.

The next principle is to ensure a strict sequence of work and straightness. Observing this principle, it is necessary that the development and development of new products be carried out with the sequence of work inherent only to this type. Direct flow is taken as ensuring the shortest route for the movement of technical documentation and the shortest path traversed by a new product at all stages of its development and mastery.

The creation of a rational organizational structure of the production preparation system is based on the use of scientific principles of its organization.

One of the main areas of work to form the structure of the production preparation system is to determine the composition of the divisions that should function at the enterprise during the development and mastery of new products.

The structure, being the form of the system, is determined by its content, i.e. processes occurring in the system. It follows that the development of the structure of production preparation bodies should be based on research into the processes of creation and development of new products. The main classification groups of processes for creating new products must correspond to the structural units in which these processes will be carried out.

The organizational structure of a production preparation system is characterized not only by a certain composition of its parts, but also by the characteristics of the connections between them. The principle of a strict sequence of work and straightforwardness presupposes the need to improve the spatial arrangement of structural units of the production preparation system and ensure rational relationships between departments of the enterprise.

When designing the system structure Production preparation must be based on the following basic provisions: production preparation units should be located in close proximity to each other, next to the technical and experimental production units. Production units should be located along the sequence of work performed.

No less important and complex is the problem of establishing relationships between departments. The main provisions for rationalizing the relationships between departments involved in the pre-production processes are based on the following principles: the document should, if possible, be generated in one department; the number of coordinating and approving authorities should be kept to a minimum; the route of movement must exclude returns, loops and movements in the opposite direction to the course of its route.

Using the principle of proportionality when organizing production preparation requires ensuring equality of production capabilities (throughput, capacity) of all departments involved in the creation of new products. In this case, three types of resources should be taken into account: people (workers, technical engineers and scientists), fixed assets (area, production and scientific equipment), material resources (materials, special literature, standards, etc.).

A fairly complete picture of the capacity of departments can be obtained by determining their load factors, which are calculated by labor resources, equipment, and space.

When designing a production structure, the actual throughput of departments is compared with the planned one and is equalized by redistributing resources and work, increasing worker productivity, and increasing equipment shifts.

Pre-production time is the length of time the means of production of developing organizations and enterprises remain in the preparatory stage of the production process. It consists of the working period and break time.

Working period called the time of creation of new types of products, during which labor processes are carried out. During these processes, Scientific research, engineering development, development of new products in production and operation.

Break times characterizes the calendar period of time during which a particular object does not experience labor effort. Break time is divided into breaks caused by the design and technological features of products and shortcomings in the organization and planning of production.

Production preparation time is calculated in calendar days or hours, during which the entire range of work to develop and master the production of a new type of product is carried out. The preparation cycle for the production of new products includes the duration of all stages of work and the time of breaks between them.

Production preparation processes over time can be organized by different methods: sequential execution of operations, works and phases without a break between them; sequential execution and the presence of breaks between operations, work or phases; by organizing parallel-combined execution of operations, work and production preparation phases. Depending on the chosen method of organizing production preparation, its duration will vary.

Specific measures to reduce production preparation time provide for a high level of organization and are based on the application of scientific principles.

Reducing production preparation time is main task organizational activities when creating new types of products. The implementation of this task is intended to ensure the acceleration of scientific and technological progress in all sectors of the national economy.

The main directions of this work may be: reducing the working period by taking measures to reduce labor costs; reduction of interruption time in the pre-production process; introduction of a parallel-combined method of organizing work.

An approximate structure of the service for preparing the production of new products is shown in Fig. 7.1.

Control questions

  • 1. What are the tasks of production preparation?
  • 2. What are the types of work in pre-production processes?

Rice. 7.1.


  • 3. How are production preparation processes formed in time and space?
  • 4. What is the sequence of phases of the unified pre-production process?
  • 5. Describe the principles of production preparation.
  • 6. How is the structure of the production preparation system designed?