Sample cover letter for payment documents. How to write a cover letter for a resume

Why compose covering letter to the resume and how to do it right? What is its volume and style of presentation, does it give advantages to the applicant for a vacancy in employment?

What is a resume cover letter?

Today, writing a cover letter for a resume is becoming a common practice. In order for you to be singled out in the flow of applicants, you need to somehow attract the attention of a potential employer, otherwise it may simply not reach your even well-written resume.

There are companies in which HR managers do not even open resumes of applicants who have not sent a cover letter.

What it is - this is a small text with an appeal from the applicant to the employer. If you are sending your resume to e-mail attached file, then write a cover letter in the body of your message.

Send by fax - then the letter should be on a separate page, it is sent first, and then the summary. And reputable job portals usually offer special forms or boxes to fill out, where you can write whatever you want about yourself.

Do I need a cover letter for a resume if it is not specified in the job requirements? It is better to write, it will not be superfluous, but it may well interest an HR or employer. The main thing is to make it right.

What to write in a cover letter for a resume?

So, for the purpose - why do we need a cover letter for a resume - we decided. It is important for us to attract attention, interest in our candidacy and get an invitation to an interview.

There is no strict, generally accepted structure for writing a letter, but there are basic rules for writing, and they should be followed.

All cover letter to resume can be divided into three parts: introductory, main and final.

Introductory part

Begin your resume cover letter with a salutation. Most often, vacancies posted on job portals contain information about the contact person who supervises them - an HR manager. It is most appropriate to address him specifically: “Good afternoon, Svetlana!”, “Dear Dmitry Sergeevich!”.

There is no indication of a specific employee - simply write: "Hello, dear gentlemen!".

In the event that you decide to address the cover letter personally to the head of the company or the person heading personnel service, indicate his last name, first name, patronymic, position and company name.

Correctly write the name of the vacancy that interests you.

Be sure to cite the source of information from which you learned about vacant position, - ads in the newspaper, on the site recruitment agency or a job search portal. The vacancy may have been advertised in social network or the information came from a familiar employee of the company.

Main part

Here you must show your interest in a particular position and desire to work in this particular company. And most importantly, briefly but convincingly, in a few sentences, explain why you think that you are suitable for this position, how you can be useful to the company.

Pay Special attention on the key requirements for a job applicant, compare with your experience and achievements, and build on this.

“I was attracted by the prospect of working on serious, large-scale projects if I become a member of your team. I want to be useful to the company by applying my 7-year experience in sales software in the company "***". During this time, I managed to conclude several large contracts with leading corporations for the supply software products and increase the company's sales by 30%.

When describing yourself as a professional in your field, use the following expressions:

  1. I have... years of experience in...
  2. I have experience working with...
  3. I have established connections with...
  4. among my partners...
  5. I have developed a technique (technology) ...
  6. I managed to improve...
  7. thanks to the implementation of my developments ...

Final part

Here you express your interest in a personal meeting, desire and readiness to have an interview so that the HR or direct employer can get to know you and get the maximum information of interest to them.

“I am ready to tell more fully and in detail about my experience and prospects for possible cooperation at a personal meeting.”

“If you are interested in my candidacy, I will gladly accept an offer for an interview.”

“I would like to discuss how my experience can be useful for your company at a personal meeting. I can be contacted by e-mail... and by phone...”

Your resume cover letter must contain contact information in its final part.

And also - gratitude for the attention to your person: “ I sincerely thank you for the time you spent on my candidacy. Sincerely..."

Cover letter - basic requirements

What do you need to consider when you are writing a cover letter for a resume, an example of which we will give in the article below? There are a few important points Things to consider in order to be successful:

  1. be concise - the volume of the cover letter should not exceed half an A4 sheet;
  2. write about specific achievements - titles successful projects, digital indicators of your effectiveness;
  3. do not use clichés - stress-resistant, easily trained, proactive, sociable (almost all candidates write this);
  4. you should not talk about your career ambitions - it's too early, you still need to show yourself as a professional;
  5. use a business writing style, but avoid general phrases, too abstruse expressions and clericalism;
  6. applicants for creative vacancies can be written in an easier, non-standard form;
  7. be sure to check the literacy of the presentation, otherwise errors in the cover letter can spoil the whole impression of you;
  8. tell us about the references that you attach to the resume, usually when applying for a job in a large company, they are required to be provided.

Cover letter for resume - example

A cover letter for a resume, of which we provide an example, might look something like this:

Hello, dear Elena Viktorovna!

My name is Inna Borisovna Afanasyeva. I was interested in the vacancy of a journalist posted by you on the site... The offer of your company attracts me with the possibility of a fuller disclosure of the creative potential of the authors, work on interesting topics, cooperation with talented people.

I want to contribute to the creation of an original project, I believe that my experience in writing texts - from press releases and essays to author's articles in publications (titles) can be useful and interesting for you.

I have a higher philological education, I took part in literary competitions (specify which ones), my article (title) received the Grand Prix at the Inspiration competition.

Examples of my work are in the portfolio, which I sent along with my resume to your email address.

If you are interested in my proposal for cooperation, I am ready to meet in the near future and discuss the possibilities of joint work.

You can contact me by phone... and email...

Thank you in advance for your attention.

Sincerely, Inna Afanasyeva.

A cover letter for a resume, the sample of which we offer, may be more concise in volume.

Dear Vyacheslav!

Having learned about the vacancy of a sales manager opened in your company (announcement in the information bulletin "Human Resources" dated 10/12/2015), I would like to offer my candidacy for this position.

I believe that my 5 years of experience in sales and excellent references allow me to become a successful member of your team and bring value to the company.

I am sending you my CV, I will gladly accept an invitation for an interview. My phone: …

Thank you in advance for your attention.

Sincerely, Andrey Levchenko.

When sending your resume to a recruiting manager or personally to an employer, be sure to include a cover letter. Increase your chances of being noticed in the flow of applicants, and successful employment for you.

Today, the Internet is the most popular tool for finding a job. The most elementary way is to leave a response to a vacancy on a recruitment site with just one click. But when it comes to emailing resumes, jobseekers often make mistakes. We will tell you how to properly send a resume to an employer so that it does not go unnoticed.

Subject line when submitting resume

Job seekers often neglect the most important rule- correctly format the subject of the letter when sending a resume by e-mail. In no case do not leave this field empty: without a subject, your letter may end up in spam, or the employer simply will not notice it.

The topic should be short, but contain the necessary information. Examples of successful topics: “Response to the vacancy of an assistant designer”, “Resume of the chief accountant”, “Resume of A. N. Ivanova for the position of translator”.

Sometimes the employer asks to indicate something specific in the subject of the letter (for example, the job code). Be sure to pay attention to this so that you are not considered absent-minded.

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What to write to an employer when sending a resume

Do not send an employer a blank letter with an attached resume file. The presence of a cover letter is not only considered a sign good manners, but also shows your sincere interest in the proposed vacancy.

A resume is not always enough to good specialist apply for a job.

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Does writing a letter really help solve the problem of employment faster? What nuances should be taken into account when drawing up a document?

Let's look into these issues in detail.

general information

A letter to an employer about hiring reveals aspects about the applicant that are not reflected in the resume: personal qualities, work experience, professional knowledge etc.

It shows motivation and interest in a particular vacancy. With successful drafting, the chances of getting into an interview increase, because it is much easier for the manager to give a correct assessment of the capabilities of a specialist.

The documents in question are intended to attract the attention of the employer and encourage them to familiarize themselves with.

They fall into several categories:

  • accompanying;
  • independent (letter of request);
  • request letter;
  • application letter;
  • advertisement letters.

IN Labor law there is no information about the illegality of the use of such documents. Their compilation is advisory in nature and is not the responsibility of citizens.

How to write a letter to an employer for a job?

If you want to get a job in a large domestic or foreign company, you need to approach the creation of a letter as responsibly as possible.

It must be impeccable in all respects, because the further fate of you as a candidate for the position depends on it.

The key to success is the correct design, good literate text, the absence of ambiguous phrases.

The standard rules are:

  • White paper is used good quality, clean and smooth.
  • The width of the left margin is not less than 2 cm. The text is printed on one page with 1-2 intervals. The paragraph starts with a red line. It is advisable not to transfer words.
  • The employer should be addressed by first name and patronymic.
  • No more than five merits of the candidate are indicated.
  • The signature is placed at the end in blue ink (to create a pleasant contrast).


Example of a short cover letter
Another example of a letter to an employer

If you need sample employment letters, download them from our website:

The document is issued:

  • on a separate form if the resume is submitted in printed form;
  • in the main part email if you plan to send it by e-mail.

When compiling a document, it is important to correctly design the "Hat".

In the upper part (in the right corner), the name of the addressee is written, then the name of the organization, below - the date in the format 01.MONTH.2016 or 01.01.2016. Next, the address of the company in which the candidate wants to get a job is indicated.

The document should be short.

In most cases, one page is enough, consisting of 3 parts:

introductory Start your letter with an interesting offer that is sure to grab the attention of the employer. Here should be the purpose and grounds for the appeal (advertisement in the newspaper, recommendation of a company employee, advertising on TV, etc.), what position you are applying for.
Main Contains brief and most valuable information about qualifications, experience. You must be able to convince the recipient that you have all the necessary skills. Write what exactly you can be useful for this organization, offer to familiarize yourself with the resume. An additional plus will be the manifestation of your interest in the company: find out in advance about the field of activity, history. All this will positively affect the final decision.
Final The desire of the candidate to receive an invitation to an interview, the willingness to discuss all the nuances is expressed. It is appropriate to indicate contacts here. You can enhance the personal character of the appeal by attaching your photo.

Throughout the letter, maintain a positive attitude related to the opportunity for the position in question.

Stick to the requirements formal business style communication:

  • accuracy of presentation of information;
  • compliance with grammatical, syntactic and lexical norms when writing;
  • consistency and objectivity of the content;
  • conciseness and a sufficient number of facts.

Basic Mistakes

When writing a document, there are often shortcomings that can negatively affect the first impression.

The most common of these are:

  • Excessive use of the pronoun "I". Remember that you are not writing an autobiography, but business letter. Excessive use of this word interferes with the correct perception of information.
  • Expression of a request to consider a resume or invite for an interview. This approach demonstrates the weakness of the applicant and loses the interest of the reader.
  • There are no specific reasons why you should immediately be invited for an interview. The letter should convincingly highlight achievements and strengths candidate.
  • Duplication of the facts available in the summary. Advantages should be revealed more aphoristically. For example: “Thanks to communication skills and 4 years of public speaking experience, I increased the level of sales by 3 times in 4 months.”
  • Conclusion in a passive tone - please call or write a letter. Instead, write that you will contact the recipient via certain time, or he himself can call back at the specified number.

When compiling your own document, keep in mind other important nuances:

  • You can not make mistakes when writing the name of the addressee. If the name is not exactly known, it is recommended to use common phrases. For example: "Dear Head of Department X".
  • Misprints are not allowed. It is recommended to double-check the document several times. Maybe give it to someone else.
  • IN business correspondence you can not use colloquial and dialect words, interjections.
  • The leader is interested in what you can give to the company, not what you can get. Therefore, do not write about what you want to learn in the proposed position.
  • The employment letter should contain only positive traits candidate. to mention weaknesses not worth it.

Follow all the rules for writing a business letter of employment and do not forget to take into account individual characteristics companies. Check carefully finished document, then the probability of getting into an interview will be much higher.

Tons of literature have been written about the science of employment, very useful. Indeed, in a competitive environment, it is not so easy to convince a potential employer that you are the most worthy to take a vacancy. Not only professionalism and experience are important as arguments. Knowledge plays an important role business etiquette, charm, the ability to communicate and win over the interlocutor. Therefore, when applying for a job, do not neglect the letter that accompanies a traditional resume.

By submitting this document, you:

  • immediately show yourself as a polite person;
  • demonstrate the ability to competently conduct business;
  • establish the first personal contact with the future boss;
  • you have a chance from the first steps, or rather the first lines, to interest yourself;
  • you get the opportunity to concentrate here the main thing from what is stated in the summary.

Imagine the flow of calls that will fall on the desk of the HR manager. And you really need to achieve preference! Yes, this is a more difficult task than making an impression in a personal conversation. Elegance, a pleasant voice, a sweet smile and beautiful eyes will not become support here. All weapons are convincing, well-stated facts and the right tone. Therefore, it makes sense to think about how to write a cover letter for your resume so that you are chosen.

There are no cover letter templates. There are subtleties

There are no required templates. You will not be bound by immutable protocol requirements. When planning your first contact with the company, try to make it:

  • impeccably literate;
  • polite;
  • short but capacious;
  • businesslike, but warm;
  • carrying maximum useful information;
  • leaving a good impression on you.

If we talk about some generally accepted norms, they concern not so much the content of the letter as the form. Are you going to send it by email? You do not need to send the accompanying paper as an attached file. More correctly - in the body of the email. When using regular mail, courier delivery or intend to personally bring the document to the office, it is advisable to print it on a form where you need to specify your details.

Worth emphasizing:

  • What position are you applying for?
  • willingness to meet the requirements of a reputable company;
  • awareness of the specifics of these requirements;
  • How did you find out about the vacancy?
  • desire to have a personal interview.

All this will convince future employers that they are dealing with a serious applicant.

Choosing the most important thing to present in the letter

Of course, you will be guided by your own considerations: how exactly to “charm” people on whom a favorable outcome depends, what biography facts and labor achievements are worthy of mention in the first place. But in order not to get lost in the intricacies of business etiquette, when preparing a cover letter for a resume, rely on the examples given.

Cover letter for resume: example #1

Good afternoon.

In the Vedomosti newspaper dated May 10, 2017, I read an announcement that pharmacists were required at the Panacea pharmacy. I am interested in this position. Please consider my candidacy.

After graduating from the Lipetsk Pharmaceutical Institute, for ten years I worked in the pharmacy chain "Your Health", in the last year and a half - as the head of one of the branches. I constantly improve my knowledge, over the years I have been trained twice in advanced courses, I have certificates _________________. My successes are marked by diplomas and thank you letters: __________________.

More details about my professional activity you learn from the resume.

Due to family circumstances, I had to change my place of residence and now I am looking for a job. I hope that my experience and knowledge will be useful to your company, the high reputation of which I know. I will be happy to answer all questions during a personal interview. You can contact me by phone _______________.

Thank you for attention.

Sincerely, Marina Romanova.

Cover letter for resume: example #2

Dear Elena Alekseevna!

In the city employment center, I received information that your network of beauty salons "Tonus" needs an administrator, and that I can contact you specifically on the issue of employment.

I hope you are interested in my candidacy. For more than five years I have held a similar position in the network of Persona salons. With pleasure, she fulfilled her duties, which included organizing the process of the salon, communicating with clients, receiving calls, and maintaining documentation. My employers noted my accuracy and responsibility in office work and courtesy towards visitors. During the interview, I will provide references from the previous place of work. I have an average special education(kindergarten teacher), I love working with people. Now I continue my education in absentia, I get a specialty of a psychologist. I am sure that new knowledge will be useful to me in my work. I would be glad to become an employee of your respected company.

My contact numbers are ____________________. The resume is attached.

Respectfully yours, Anna Polyakova.

Cover letter for resume: example #3

Dear Mr. Mikhailov!

I have a higher technical education (civil engineer) and three years of experience in real estate transactions. I would like to note that the construction education turned out to be very useful in real estate activities: it allows me to objectively assess the condition of the property put up for sale, its prospects and quality. I worked for an agency Square meter”, I have positive recommendations from this place of work. I will provide them if necessary. During my work, I gained experience in communicating with clients, I can help them make the right decision when choosing a home.

I have heard a lot about your company and I assure you that I am ready to meet your high requirements, as well as deepen my knowledge and expand my skills. Detailed information is in the resume. I will gladly answer any additional questions during the interview. Phones for communication ___________________.

Thank you for your attention.

Sincerely, Valery Tkachenko.

Cover letter for resume: example #4

Dear Vadim Vladimirovich!

In the department of the Ministry of Information, where I applied for advice on employment, I was informed that there is a vacancy for a news reporter in the TV company you head. In this regard, I propose to consider my candidacy.

I, Igor Novitsky, graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Rostov state university. During his studies, he became a freelance correspondent for the regional youth newspaper, was awarded the prize as the best young journalist of the year. I have been working in my field for over ten years. All places of work and positions held are indicated in the resume. He improved his qualifications at the Air Force reporter courses. Participated in the following competitions for journalists of regional television and radio companies: _________________________. I have laureates.

I am very impressed with the style of work of your TV company, I highly appreciate the level of programs prepared by your employees. I hope that I can be useful by joining a team of professionals. I am enclosing examples of newspaper articles and videos prepared by me. I am happy to answer questions during the interview.

You can contact me by phone ____________________.

Thank you for giving me attention.

Sincerely, Igor Novitsky.

Cover letter for resume: example number 5

I do not have much work experience, since I graduated from the Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University just last year. But even during her studies, she worked as a simultaneous interpreter at the Empire Hotel and for two years led the French for Kids group in kindergarten. Recommendations from these places of work are attached.

Yes, experience is not my advantage. But I can offer good knowledge (I have an honors degree), the ability to work in a team and a great desire to become a true professional. I speak French and Italian, I study Spanish. I also consider it important to note that I studied in a literary studio for several years.

As a young specialist, I strive to develop, improve the acquired knowledge and acquire new ones. I am interested in psychology as it is important for a successful translator. I am sure that my knowledge, energy and desire to actively acquire practice will be useful to your agency.

My contact numbers are __________________.

Thank you for your attention. Hope for cooperation.

Sincerely, Victoria Sklyarova.

It happens that in some companies a cover letter is considered an empty formality, recruiters are only interested in the specifics of the resume. And first of all experience. At the same time, there are many (and there are more and more) enterprises and organizations where employers pay special attention to these semi-official appeals, trying to assess the human qualities of applicants, their speech, culture - after all, even from such a letter, certain conclusions can be drawn about its author. Therefore, do not miss your chance, work hard on the letter. It is possible that it will open doors for you.

A few important "don'ts" when looking for a job

You can talk a lot about how to write a cover letter for a resume so that it is convincing. But you also need to know what should not be written in such a document. After all, it happens that trying to make the maximum impression, we go to extremes. So:

  1. You can’t be frivolous, stray into everyday speech, try to be witty. You will be considered not lively and charming, but simply a poorly educated person. The tone of the letter should be fairly formal.
  2. Emphasizing your advantages, do not do it in the form of a comparison with other applicants. Avoid saying "I can handle this better than anyone." Boasting will not add points.
  3. Don't get into a detailed biography. Choose only those data that can convince the employer of your usefulness.
  4. But don’t get off with general words like “I meet your requirements, please consider the candidacy, details in the resume.” A cover letter is not a formal resume attachment.
  5. Do not compose a letter from template phrases. Support each position with examples.
  6. You should not go into personal details, talking about your hobbies and how you spend your free time. This is a business letter, where every phrase should work for a result.
  7. No need to mention experience that is not related to the job you are applying for. Needless to say, when you were a student, you worked as a waiter if you wanted to get a job in the healthcare industry. This is useless information.
  8. Do not try to pity a potential employer by talking about your financial difficulties. You don't expect to get a job out of mercy, do you?

Your task is to create an image of an independent, energetic, self-confident person. An experienced professional who never ceases to improve, or a young enthusiast who is ready to learn and learn and knows how to do it perfectly. Convince the future boss that he will not lose by hiring you.

If this succeeds, the next stage of employment will be an interview. A meeting where the way you look, how you carry yourself, talk, look how charming you are will be of great importance ... But this should be discussed in more detail separately.