How much does an electronics engineer earn? - Numbers. Direction “Electronics and nanoelectronics” Field of professional activity

Electronics engineers design, test and supervise the production of electrical equipment such as:

  • electric motors;
  • radar and navigation systems;
  • communication systems;
  • equipment for electricity production.

Income in Russia and other countries

As of 2017, the average salary for an electronics engineer in Russia is 30,000 rubles.

The highest average salary level in Moscow is 50,000-110,000 rubles.

In St. Petersburg, Snezhnogorsk, Novosibirsk, Smolensk, electronics engineers receive a monthly salary of 40,000 rubles.

The lowest income for electronics engineers in Russia is 10-20 thousand rubles.

The profession of electronics and nanoelectronics is in demand in Ukraine.

Average salaries in the country are 7-10 thousand UAH. per month.

The most offers for work as an electronics engineer are in Vinnitsa, Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa, Dnieper, Zaporozhye.

There are vacancies that offer salaries of 18,000 UAH or more.

Specialists with an education in electronics work in different areas.

For the example of radio engineering-electronics in Kazakhstan has a salary from 90 to 300 thousand tenge., and an information technology and telecommunications specialist receives an average salary of 120,000 tenge.

According to data from the job search site Headhunter, the highest salary for this profession in Kazakhstan is 500,000 tenge. per month.

In Belarus, according to information from the belmeta resource, the monthly income figures for electronics engineers are: 300-2500 BYN.

Less rare profession related to electronics - engineer for instrumentation and automation of physical installations.

Such professionals, depending on their category, receive salaries in the range of 300-2000 Belarusian rubles. rub .

Most vacancies are posted in the cities: Minsk, Brest, Gomel, Mogilev

Pay in America and Great Britain

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that as of 2016, United States Electronics engineers received an annual salary of $96,000.

Average hourly wage was $46.28.

In the US, electrical and electronics engineers must have a bachelor's degree.

Employers value practical experience such as internships or participation in engineering programs.

Starting salaries for electronics engineers in Great Britain for 2017 are £21,000 to £25,000.

With experience and working in a management role, you can earn between £28,000 and £40,000.

The senior engineer has a profit between £40,000 and £65,000, with chartered engineers earning at the top of that scale.

The issue of training and salaries for young professionals

Technical training and education can be obtained at universities or colleges.

Many electronics engineers have received secondary specialized education, and this does not prevent them from occupying leadership positions.

After several years of work, wages increase 2-3 times.

A beginning electronics engineer can expect a salary of up to 20,000 rubles.

There are more and more opportunities to work abroad.

Young promising electronics engineers are in demand not only in home country.

Chartered engineers can apply for European Engineer status (EUR ING) to gain professional recognition in other European countries.

Many applicants are attracted by electronics and popular Lately nanoelectronics the possibility of self-realization.

Young people should decide what to work for while still studying.

The size of the salary and the prestige of the workplace will depend on this in the future.

It is better to start internships during your studies.

You can gain experience and establish useful connections and dating for a career.

Career and choosing a well-paid job

Electronics engineer jobs can be found in a variety of fields, as electronics are used in many things, including:

  • medical instruments;
  • Cell phones;
  • nanotechnology;
  • radio and satellite communications;
  • robotics;
  • military electronics;
  • computers;
  • production automated lines;
  • Automotive industry.

Row large companies are regularly recruited and often provide overseas work opportunities.

These include:

  • BAE Systems;
  • Philips;
  • Siemens;
  • Sony;
  • Thales.

Employment can also be found in many enterprises in Russia:

  • NPO Energomash;
  • Energy and Telecommunication Systems;
  • Liotech-Innovations, etc.

— process equipment adjuster;

— adjuster of electronic equipment;

— operator-setter of electrochemical machines with numerical control program controlled;

— electrician for repair and maintenance of electronic medical equipment;

- electrician-circuit designer.

Field of professional activity

- industry;

- service.

Profession classification

Type of profession by subject of work: the subject of labor is a variety of machines and mechanisms, therefore the profession belongs to the “Man - Technology” type.

Profession class: performing (algorithmic); By the nature of the work, the profession involves the implementation of the same type of procedures, the performance of standard tasks according to the model, with strict adherence to the rules, regulations, and instructions.

Additional profession type: the profession is associated with working with sign information: numbers, formulas and tables, drawings, diagrams, etc. - can be classified as the “Man – Sign System” type.

Description of the profession

The assembler of electronic systems assembles piezoresistors and products based on piezoelectric elements using semi-automatic devices, devices and manually, ensuring installation strength and contact reliability. Assembles components of semiconductor devices using rolling, pressing and welding. Installs leads into the holes of bushings and boards, installs microcircuit substrates into the device and applies epoxy glue dots to the gluing points. Prepares parts for work: checks for compliance with the accompanying sheet, degreases, draws and solders leads. Applies contacts to the piezoresonator plate using the burning method, and produces a paste for burning contacts. Marks piezoquartz plates and resonators. Bonds bimorph piezoelements with parallel and series connection of plates. Orients the plates according to the location of the etching line with testing on special equipment. Dries semiconductor devices and microcircuits in thermostats and conveyor ovens. Determines the quality of parts and assemblies received for assembly. Checks the quality of assembly using measuring instruments. Sets up equipment and instruments used during assembly. Assembles microcircuit components and quantum generators various types, assembly of experimental microcircuits. Assembles indicators of complex design using optical devices, assembles analog multifaceted complex-figure indicators and experimental indicators, assembles and installs piezoquartz sensors and their components. Carries out the assembly and installation of microminiature, precision and frameless piezoresonators of complex types, assembling miniature filter and generator resonators with increased requirements for mechanical stress. Determines the gap in the indicator and the thickness of film coatings. Selects optimal processing modes, subsetting processing mode parameters on the equipment being serviced.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

To professionally important qualities relate:

- high hand-eye coordination;

- spatial imagination;

- RAM;

— accuracy;

- muscle-joint sensitivity;

- resistance to monotony.

TO personal qualities relate :

— accuracy;

- attentiveness;

- determination;

— ability to make decisions independently;

— responsibility, patience, perseverance;

- a penchant for intellectual activities.

Medical contraindications

Training requirements

An assembler of electronic systems (a specialist in electronic instruments and devices) must know:

— basic information about the design of the equipment being serviced;

— purpose and conditions of use of devices, assembly and measuring tools;

— types and purposes of quartz holders, piezoresonators and other electronic products.

An electronic systems assembler (a specialist in electronic instruments and devices) must be able to:

- perform assembly, installation and dismantling electronic devices and devices;

— perform configuration, adjustment and testing of electronic instruments and devices;

— analyze electrical circuits of electronic devices and devices;

— select measuring instruments and equipment for testing electronic devices and devices;

— configure and regulate electronic devices and devices;

— carry out tests of electronic devices and devices;

- conduct Maintenance and repair of electronic devices and devices;

— operate electronic devices and equipment;

— create algorithms for diagnosing electronic devices and devices;

— repair electronic devices and equipment;

— participate in the development of electronic instruments and devices;

— participate in the development of design and technological documentation of electronic instruments and devices;

— draw up electrical circuits and calculate the parameters of electronic devices and devices;

- use specialized software by doing terms of reference;

- search and analyze the causes of marriage and take measures to eliminate them.

Manufacturing of electronic devices

Kind of activity

Create, create something new, design

Analyze and organize text information, do calculations

Monitor, check, evaluate

Work according to technology, in accordance with the requirements and rules

Short description

Computer, mobile phone, Appliances and other electronic devices - all these things make our lives more comfortable. They allow you to spend less time on routine tasks, such as washing dishes or cooking, work faster and more efficiently with large amounts of information, communicate and even travel the world without leaving home. Engaged in the development and operation of electronic devices electronics engineer .

Electronics engineer Pdesigns electronic circuits, assembles and tests electronic components responsible for the operation of electronic instruments and devices. An electronics engineer is employed in a variety of areas of electronics manufacturing. For example, a specialist may design electronic circuits for areas such as telecommunications(for example components mobile phones), aerospace navigation(for example, control systems artificial satellites, aircraft navigation systems), ship control systems(for example, radars) and so on.

The electronics engineer also provides uninterrupted high-performance work electronic equipment, its correct technical operation, is engaged in repairs. A specialist prepares devices for operation and monitors reliability electronic components technicians, conducts tests to promptly detect faults and eliminate them. Additionally, an electronics engineer plans and designs modifications to electronic devices to improve their functionality.

Where to study

Areas of study:

    • Computer Science and Computer Engineering (09.00.00)
    • Information security (10.00.00)
    • Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems (11.00.00)
    • Photonics, instrumentation, optical and biotechnical systems and technologies (12.00.00)

05/09/01 – Application and operation automated systems
special purpose

    • All-Russian Academy of Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great (VARVSN)
    • National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI) Faculty of Cybernetics and Information Security

05/10/07 – Countering technical intelligence
    • Academy of the FSB of Russia (AFSB) Faculty of Operations and Technology

11.03.01 – Radio engineering
    • Faculty of Microdevices and Technical Cybernetics
    • Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI) Faculty of Radio and Television
    • Faculty of Radio Engineering
11.03.03 – Design and technology of electronic means
    • Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) (MAI) Russian State Technological University named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky (MATI) Institute of Aerospace Designs, Technologies and Control Systems
    • Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman (MSTU) Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems
    • Moscow State University information technologies, radio engineering and electronics (MIREA) Institute of Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems
    • National Research University MIET (MIET) Faculty of Intelligent Technical Systems
11.03.04 – Electronics and nanoelectronics
    • Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after. Sergo Ordzhonikidze (MGRI RGGRU) Faculty of Geophysics
    • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technologies
    • Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics (MIREA) Institute of Electronics
    • National Research Technological University "MISiS" (MISiS) Institute of New Materials and Nanotechnologies
    • National Research University MIET (MIET) Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies
    • Moscow Energy Institute (Technical University) (MPEI) Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics
11.05.01 – Radio-electronic systems and complexes
    • Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics (MIREA) Institute of Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems
    • Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) (MAI) Faculty of Radioelectronics aircraft", "Radiovtuz MAI"
    • Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman (MSTU)
    • Moscow Energy Institute (Technical University) (MPEI) Faculty of Radio Engineering
05.12.01 – Electronic and optical-electronic devices and systems
special purpose
    • Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman (MSTU) Faculty of Radioelectronics and Laser Technology
    • Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics (MIREA) Institute of Electronics
    • Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) Faculty of Optical Information Systems and Technologies

Where to work

    • Enterprises engaged in the production of electronic equipment and technology
    • Service centers
    • Electronic equipment repair workshops
Dream companies:*
    • Explay
    • Gresso
    • Angstrem Group
      *Information is based on ratings of job search sites

Direction "Electronics and nanoelectronics"

Nanotechnology is a rapidly developing interdisciplinary scientific and technical direction based on the advanced achievements of physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, microelectronics.

Nanotechnology is understood as a set of techniques and methods that provide the ability to create and modify objects in which at least one of the dimensions lies in the region of 1-100 nanometers (nm) (1 nm is one billionth of a meter). At the same time, the scope of application of nanostructures, nanomaterials, devices and devices based on them is unusually wide - from ultra-strong fabrics and coatings to electronic storage devices of ultra-large (terabit) capacity and basic elements quantum computers, from highly efficient catalysts and filters to means of local diagnosis of various diseases and targeted delivery of drugs at the cellular level.

The main feature of training students in the “Nanotechnology in Electronics” profile at MIET is the combination of fundamental natural science and modern engineering training. Compared to graduates of classical universities, graduates of this profile are more suited to solving specific practical problems. Compared with technical universities More time is devoted to studying fundamental disciplines. Special profile disciplines include:

  • Probe microscopy methods;
  • Physical chemistry of nanostructured materials;
  • Nanoelectronics;
  • Computer modeling of semiconductor nanostructures;
  • Experimental research methods;
  • Functional micro- and nanoelectronics;
  • Elements and devices of nanoelectronics.

Region professional activity bachelors in the field of preparation "Electronics and nanoelectronics" - theoretical and experimental research, mathematical and computer modelling, design, construction, production technology, use and operation of materials, components, electronic instruments, devices, installations of vacuum, plasma, solid-state, microwave, optical, micro- and nanoelectronics for various functional purposes.

Objects of professional activity Bachelor's degrees are: materials, components, electronic devices, devices, installations, methods of their research, design and construction, production processes, diagnostic and technological equipment, mathematical models, algorithms for solving standard problems, modern software and information support for modeling and product design processes electronics and nanoelectronics.

Training and production practice and implementation of bachelor's final qualifying works take place at the following enterprises: OJSC Angstrem, OJSC NIIME and Mikron, NPO Orion, CJSC Nanotechnology - MDT; in research centers: Department solid Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Physico-technological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NIIFP im. F.V. Lukin”, REC FIAN and MIET “Quantum devices and nanotechnologies”, REC MIET “Probe microscopy and nanotechnology”, REC MIET “Nanotechnologies in electronics”; V research MIET laboratories: Research Laboratory of Superconducting Electronics, Research Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, Research Laboratory of Radiation Methods, Technologies and Analysis.

The bachelor's degree is considered as preparatory stage for admission to the master's program. At the same time, bachelor's degree graduation work is a detailed overview of a scientific problem, the development of which is expected in the master's degree with elements of independent research. The vast majority of students continue their education in master's programs, and many continue in graduate school.

Graduates of the department work in leading Russian and global high-tech companies, innovative enterprises, continue their scientific career at universities, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and create their own small knowledge-intensive companies.

During training in the bachelor's profile "Nanotechnology in Electronics", students develop the following special competencies:

  • in the field of experimental methods of research and diagnostics of nanomaterials and nanostructures: knowledge of modern experimental methods of analysis of physical and chemical properties nanostructures and nanomaterials, skills in studying the parameters and characteristics of devices and electronic devices, and skills in planning and conducting experimental research in order to modernize or create new devices, materials, components, processes and methods based on nanotechnology;
  • in the field of micro- and nanoelectronics: knowledge of modern technological processes and routes for creating instruments and electronic devices and mastery of basic modern methods and technologies for creating nanostructures and nanomaterials for electronics;
  • in the field of development and design of nanoelectronic components and devices: skills in design, calculation and construction of instruments and devices of electronic equipment at the circuit and element level using systems computer-aided design and computer facilities;
  • in area physical and mathematical modeling of nanomaterials, nanostructures and nanoelectronics elements: skills in developing physical and mathematical models of nanostructures, nanomaterials and devices based on them and carrying out modeling in order to improve their parameters and characteristics, the use of commercial ones and the development of new ones software products oriented towards solving scientific, design and technological problems in the field of nanotechnology and its applications in electronics;
  • universal competencies of an engineer and researcher: broad erudition in the field of modern achievements in nanotechnology, skills in performing bibliographic searches using modern information technologies, systematization and generalization scientific and technical information on the topic of research, analysis of the state scientific and technical problems, formulating technical specifications, setting goals and objectives of research based on the selection and study of literary and patent sources, the ability to prepare research results for publication in the scientific press, as well as the ability to write a review, abstract, report and report.

The bachelor's training profile “Nanotechnology in Electronics” is for those who love to learn, dream of having their say in science and believe that the key to success lies in work and talent.


Syllabus future specialists in electronic instruments and devices combines fundamental technical and technological training with applied mastery of the capabilities of modern electronic instruments and devices. Basic engineering training includes the study of engineering graphics, electrical engineering, materials science, and electrical and radio measurements. The main applied specificity of the specialty is the study of the technology of assembly and configuration of electronic instruments and devices. Methods of quality assessment and quality management, as well as standard and certification testing methods are also studied.

Who to work with

Wide profile The education received in the specialty facilitates the adaptation of technicians to the needs of the modern labor market, and also provides the opportunity to solve technological, design, and research problems, as well as successfully operate in the field of small and medium-sized businesses. As the shortage of specialists with a basic engineering education who have applied knowledge and are ready for practical work in the field of operating electronic instruments and devices grows, the specialty is quickly becoming one of the most popular among applicants and employers.