Where to start discussing the organization of a prom at school: preparing for the first parent-teacher meeting. Remember everything: how to organize a graduation at school Kaka can hold a graduation of 11th grade

Prom is an important, large-scale event. Preparatory work will bear fruit if a thorough, organized approach is followed. It is necessary to provide for a lot: renting a limousine, developing a celebration scenario, choosing a company that is ready to take such worries on its shoulders.

Not everyone will be able to choose or develop a scenario according to which they plan to celebrate the graduation party. All proposals are successful and interesting: Romantic, Royal, Star holiday…. We have developed for you a wide selection of programs on prom, and our managers will help you choose best option.
Call us, we have everything prepared!

Call and order your prom 2018 in Moscow. Get a free organization Last call with a wonderful buffet on the boat!

How are our graduations going?

  • Confirmed status. School proms are held in accordance with the standards of the Moscow Department of Education. Verification activities and coordination with the city administration are provided.
  • Documents for school institutions. Official papers are issued indicating our status, the responsibility of the company and the reliability of the premises used.
  • Safety and security. During the entire holiday program Enhanced security measures are observed. It is provided by police forces, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, canine service, and security.
  • Medical assistance. All prom accompanied by a medical team on duty. workers (providing first aid).
  • Excellent food. The list of dishes was developed in accordance with the standards of Rospotrebnadzor of Moscow.
  • Festive banquet. Cooking for the prom is under the careful supervision of the chef. During the entire celebration, the table is served with: appetizers (cold and hot), salads and hot dishes, fruits and dessert.
  • Unlimited drinks. During the celebration, soft drinks are offered without restrictions on volume: water, fruit juices, fruit juice, coffee and tea.
  • Photo and video shooting. All graduates become owners of the results of a photo shoot and a video film about the celebration, filmed by an experienced cameraman.
  • Free entrance. Offered to the class teacher of graduates and the director of the educational institution.

Prom script for 11th grade

Good evening, dear guests of our holiday.

Leading. How many guests are in our hall today?
How many smiles, shining eyes!

Presenter. It seems that the assembly hall has become wider,
Everyone has gathered for the gala ball!

Leading. The music rings, it fills,
Presenter. The prom begins!

Once a first-grader boy,
Coming home from school for the first time,
The parents asked: “How are you doing?
Did you like your first class?”

“I liked it, but these are all details,”
The son sarcastically responded to his parents,
So why didn't you tell me right away?
And why, answer me, have you been hiding all your life,
Why do they go to school for so many years?”

And the years flew by as if in a fairy tale.
The boy didn’t have time to look back -
And there is no longer a teacher’s hint,
And the chalk was erased to the last crumb.

The earth's mountains were handed over to teachers,
The celestial Andromeda nebula,
The spiritual appearance of Uncle Chernomor,
Pants from the Pythagorean theorem,
And Archimedes, who displaced water.

And today in this hall
We have gathered so that without further ado,
Congratulate them for this at the beginning
We invite all graduates.

Attention! The solemn moment is coming!

Any graduate froze behind the stage.

Parents are also worried in the hall,

Everyone's hearts began beating in unison.

The director is worried and the teachers are

Their schoolchildren are now on the threshold.

What doors will open before them?

How lucky they will be on the road.

Let's begin our solemn ritual!

Graduates, we invite you to the hall!

Alumni exit

Good afternoon, good afternoon to all participants of today's holiday. Today in our hall there will be a presentation of a new serial film. After all, if we take our life, a separate fragment of it, let’s say, school, this is a kind of cinema and art, into the creation and implementation of which a lot of effort and patience is invested in order to obtain a worthy result.

And now it is ready, a masterpiece about the school life of graduates, a poem of dedication to everyone who was nearby.

We present to you a new multi-part saga “Geniuses are not born or waiting for a miracle.”

The filming ended successfully and today we will see not only the heroes of our film, but also the people who are always behind the scenes.

If theater begins with a hanger, then film begins with general director films.

Dear graduates, parents, teachers! The director of the school, Olga Ivanovna Borisova, welcomes you.

So much strength, willpower comes from you,

That children are drawn to you, as if to a light.

Because you have chosen this share,

All the scenes of the world applaud you.

There will be a lot in this hall
Bright faces and kind words,
Everyone now wants to congratulate
Dear graduates!

Friends! No cheating today

With the prom guests

Without preamble, right now,

Let me introduce you

Episode 1 “First meeting”.

First day of autumn. First of September.

The still poorly understood secret of the calendar.

If you think carefully - just one of the days.

Like a childhood dream where they learn to fly,

Like the sun through the foliage, like a gentle breath

Like a song without words, sung from sight.

The day was like new house, painted blue,

My head was spinning in anticipation of miracles...

The bell rings again. You're in 1st grade again

And there's a lesson ahead short topic life.

Q: Guys, has 11 years really flown by?

V-tsa: Yesterday I remembered how we came to 1st grade.

V-k: I was very proud.

V-tsa: And I was a little scared.

Q: Do you remember our first camping trip?

V-tsa: Our first teacher only had time to catch us from trees and all sorts of holes.

V-tsa: Everything was new, unfamiliar, but curiosity took over,

And we followed the path of knowledge.

V-k: Our first teacher is the best in the world!

V-tsa: That's for sure. She is still with us today.

The first person our heroes met along the way was their first teacher. They loved her tenderly and resignedly, listening to the magical words that she uttered.

Knowledge entered their heads with these words, although most immediately disappeared. But the tenacity of the first teachers knew no bounds.

You loved us all equally,
Love shared equally by everyone.
Because you molded us into people
Thank you teachers

And there was no one kinder or stricter than you,
When the world was opened to us from scratch.
Because we are a little like you
Thank you teachers

We all worried you a little,
Sometimes angry, sometimes happy.
For taking us on our way
Thank you teachers

For the eternal multiplication table,
Because the Earth was given to us.
Because we are all your continuation -
Thank you, teachers.

Episode 2. “And everything started spinning...”

That's the end of elementary school. It seemed that a greater tragedy for our heroes could not have happened. Every day you go to different classrooms, different teachers whose names are impossible to remember. Horror, panic. What to do?

And then she appears. A class teacher, a kindred spirit in this stream of diversity. You can tell her everything, or almost everything; she can talk to her parents like this... In general, she knows how to talk to her parents.

She knows many secrets about you, sometimes unknown to you. She loves you for who you are, although she tells you that you need to change.

V-k: Do you remember how we finished primary school and plunged into a world where there are many subjects, teachers?

V-k: But then, as always, the class teacher was nearby.

Wow: only she alone could calm, captivate, and help.

V-k: Even the boys forgot about everything with her.

V-tsa: It’s great that she was always there.

V-k: And you walked next to us, taught us, tolerated us.

And we only understood you and, as if we were going home to our own class.

The last class is behind us, lessons are already over,

But it will be very lonely without your words, without your eyes.

We did not have time to realize that those years would not be repeated,

Sometimes we dream about them, but we want to say.

V-tsa: Thank you for your soul, for your work, patience, kindness,

For investing a lot in us, even though it was not easy.

We came to you already big -
Everyone needed their own approach.
Your talent and words are simple
They figured out that difficult move.

It was interesting for us to be with you.
We looked up to you all the time.
Cool mom for grown up kids
Today he will say: It’s time! Good morning!

But as class teachers lived with our graduates, what they want to say to them in response.

We would like to wish our teachers that they always occupy a worthy place in the past of our students, and that their knowledge directly influences their future.

V-k: Each lesson was memorable for us, it was painted with bright colors. We lived like in a movie, we were sad, we laughed, we loved, we worried, in general we felt all the emotions that were possible. We learned a lot and all thanks to the teachers. Thank you.

V-k: Yes, we amazed our teachers with our high intelligence and flight of thoughts.

V-tsa: Only the flight was not at all the same often.

Question2: But our main heights were achieved thanks to our dear teachers.

How can we thank the teachers who taught us?

Don’t fall into banality, don’t lie, in what words can you glorify their feat?

Thank you, teachers, for your good deeds,

May the sun give you smiles and may happiness be in abundance!

Q: Who loved mathematics at school, who doted on the Russian language,

Who put their whole soul into history, and who honored and glorified literature,

Who looked for the answer to everything in chemistry, who was inspiredly in love with physics,

And I was crazy, I’ll tell you a secret, I was in love with a big change.

Q: During recess they don’t call you to the blackboard, they don’t ask you difficult questions,

They do not appeal to your consciousness, they do not expect an answer from you.

The time has come for a big change in our lives!


Episode 3. “The Main People”

In our harsh present, immediately after the director in importance on the set are producers. Each of the actors has their own producer, they have a great influence on the emotionality, brightness, and acting talent of our heroes. We are speaking …

Of course about the parents. Sponsors are not only material, but also spiritual. Our graduates went to them for support, advice, and shared their sorrows and joys with them. What do they mean for our actors?

Today the moment has come for them to come out of the shadows, to show their kind, sweet, affectionate faces and eyes sparkling with happiness. We invite ……..

Thank you for these words.

Graduate . So many feelings today. So many emotions! It seems as if my friends will not be able to withstand the barrage of feelings and emotions and will burst into tears!

Graduate . My friends, don’t, think about your parents! They are also sad that we have already grown up and are starting an independent life.

Graduate . They hope for us so much and believe in our lucky star!

Graduate . Therefore, let's not upset them and say everything that is in our hearts.

Graduate . Has it really been 11 years since the time when we, little ones, with funny pigtails and briefcases half our height, went to school, proudly raising our noses and considering ourselves completely grown-ups?

Graduate . But, despite this, they were afraid of losing their mother in this noisy world called school, and therefore they held her hand tightly.

Graduate . We still consider ourselves adults, but for some reason our hearts ache and our souls feel sad.

Graduate . Our adult lives will develop differently. Our successes and failures will be different. But we are sure of one thing...

Graduate . All our lives a gentle star will shine on us native home. Our parents are always waiting for us here.

Graduate . We owe our lives, our present, our happiness to our parents, loved ones and relatives.

Graduate . Say quietly: ma-ma, pa-pa. You will feel something alive, warm, and affectionate engulfing your chest and your heart beating faster.

Graduate . At such moments one believes in goodness and justice. Because there are great words in the world “mom” and “dad”.

Graduate . Because they are now kind, the best in the world. They gave us this sky, these stars, and this heart that is capable of feeling, rejoicing and loving.

Graduates .
You. Mommy, mommy, we are already adults, look, we have already said goodbye to our braids.

The spring garden is blooming wildly... It was already my 17th birthday.

Mommy, mommy, why are you crying and smiling, why aren’t you hiding your tears?

I’ll rush off from the ball into a bigger life... Mommy, mommy, but I’ll be back!

A huge blue sky awaits us, roads where there is no trace of us yet.

Mommy, mommy, she will be able to understand everything, she will hope, believe and wait!

You-k. Look, I’m a head taller than my father, and he’s a copy, they tell me, from the face...

Forgive me if I am very stubborn, forgive and understand me, mommy, mommy!

Thank you, our dear parents!
Forgive us if you were offended in any way.
For sleepless nights, tears, excitement.
For youthful pride and impatience.
For the gray hair at my father's temples
And for the wrinkles of my own face.
Let us bow to you from the waist down to the ground
Thank you, dear ones, from the bottom of my heart to you all!

Left for us last frame school film,
And today we want to tell everyone,
What are we, yesterday's boys and girls,
Ready to conquer all the peaks in life.

And we think that every step in life,
It will be made with you.
We will forever remain friends
And what you gave will remain with us forever,
We can't do anything without you.

Episode 4. “And here it is, the long-awaited certificate...”

Sound the fanfares, solemnly praising,

The main action awaits in this hall,

Waiting for the award ceremony

The highest award for years of study.

Remember this day!

Remember this hour!

Remember these minutes!

Remember this moment!

To present the certificates, the school director Olga Ivanovna Borisova is invited to the stage.

At least this day will be on film,

Many hearts will write it down.

You have perfect art,

You deserve the laurel crown!

Today is another milestone,

And from there your bright path lies.

You are the embodiment of talent and success,

And all the applause now belongs to you!

Will never be silent in our hearts,
And it sounds and excites everyone again
Ageless school waltz,
Symbol of graduation evening.

But that’s why this moment is interesting,

We talk about this with excitement.

And every episode dances its own dance,

He is unpredictable and unique!

(graduate waltz)

Issue –k.

Goodbye, beloved teachers,

Goodbye, my class, my desk!

The dawn will beckon you like a scarlet ribbon in the sky,

Will call us to the distant tomorrow.

And today they send us their farewell greetings

Nightingales and open spaces.

A happy sunrise awaits us over a quiet river.

Goodbye, beloved school!

Final song of graduates

Life is a theater, the people in it are actors

This is what Shakespeare bequeathed to his descendants.

Try to play the role worthy

In the sea of ​​life, among the waves and rocks.

Today you are a graduate!

A wonderful moment of youth,

The soul is sublime and airy

And you believe in tomorrow innocently.

Now your choice is free

And all wishes are fulfilled.

You don't like peace

And so the soul is still vulnerable!

It's time to say goodbye to school

And different feelings are crowded!

A year and many years will pass,

Fate will put everyone in their place.

Some will probably be praised,

For others, he will put up barriers!

And it's very difficult to give advice,

And sometimes you won’t find the answer.

But you, playing with your fate,

Sometimes I get bumps,

Don't rush to retreat

Only the strong can win!

May your life be full

Surrounded by the warmth of friends

And warmed by personal happiness,

And as unusual as a comet!

The lights go out, the spotlight is directed at the graduate, who has a burning star on her palm, made from firefly fishing sticks.

Vyp-tsa: A star fell on my palm.

I asked: “Where are you from?”

Star: -

Give me a little break

I flew from such a height..., -

It was like a bell rang.


Don't look how small I am

I can do a lot of things.

You just need to remember

What is most important to you in the world?

I can make your wish come true

I do this all the time.

I know what you need

I don't have to remember for a long time.

I wish everyone to be loved,

Don't forget your loved ones on earth.

So that on our woeful planet

Only the stars fell from the sky,

Everyone was trusting, like children,

And they loved rain, flowers and forest.

So that friendship is not a burden,

So that loyalty does not become a burden,

So that old age is not a heavy burden -

Wisdom would lay on the heart.

Remember that difficult tasks

Life will give you more than once.

May joy, happiness and good luck

They will not bypass you!

(Graduates pass the star from hand to hand, the lights turn on).

What is happiness? It's very simple.
This is when people light up the stars.
May your life always be accompanied by
Warming souls, happy fate.

We light up your stars

Let them shine with a golden radiance,

And at this solemn moment,

Make your wish!

Modern eleventh-graders are not content with half measures: they set high goals for themselves, strive to be leaders in everything, and are ready to do anything to make their dreams come true. Needless to say, they want to spend their prom night colorful, bright and unforgettable. That is why the traditional scenario for the 11th grade graduation, with its usual congratulations and typical parting speeches, most often does not suit the next generation. In our article today, we have collected the best, non-trivial and original ideas that will become an excellent basis for a stunning prom in the 11th grade.

Modern ideas for a script for graduation in 11th grade

So, let's start with the options that have already become the most popular scenarios for high school graduations. First of all, we are talking about the so-called cinematic themes. Scripts written similar to plots fall into this category. famous films, as well as those related to the film industry. For example, a great idea for prom is to embody the images of Hollywood celebrities at an awards ceremony.

Graduation 11th grade, script

The enormous popularity of Hollywood-themed proms is quite simple to explain:

  • luxurious images of Hollywood stars are perfect as a dress code for a prom party
  • The award ceremony echoes the awards ceremony for graduates and the presentation of certificates
  • Hollywood ambiance fits into the formal atmosphere of the prom
  • graduates feel like real stars of the evening

Scripts based on acclaimed films are no less relevant. For example, a prom in the style of James Bond turns out to be very cool and at the same time stylish. Such a graduation party must be celebrated in an unusual setting: on board a pleasure boat, in a club stylized as an underground casino, in a large country house with a swimming pool, etc. The dress code of graduates and guests of the evening should also correspond to the spirit of Bond - black suits/tailcoats for guys and luxurious evening dresses for girls.

Graduation script for 11th grade

It is also important to think through thematic details. For example, at a graduation in the style of Agent 007, you can organize a face control, through which guests and graduates will need to present a special card of a member of a secret club. Or if you are having a Hollywood themed prom, then be sure to organize a red carpet and a few paparazzi.

As for the script itself, it is built on the basis of a symbiosis of the chosen topic and school topics. For example, in the version with Hollywood stars, at the beginning of the evening, each graduate can be introduced to the guests by reading out his school “filmography”, naturally comic and cheerful. And a banal photo shoot in the classroom can be replaced by posing next to a special background like advertising banners, as celebrities do.

Unusual scenario for 11th grade graduation: original ideas

If you are already quite tired of popular options for the graduation of eleventh graders and your class wants to really stand out, then you should think about writing unusual scenario. There may be simply a ton of options here, and their implementation will depend solely on your creativity. Here are a few original ideas that will certainly help you decide on the main idea of ​​the evening.

Admit it, while watching American youth films and TV series, you were probably a little envious of how school graduation abroad goes. Stunning dresses, luxurious limousines, traditional boutonnieres, dancing until you drop and partying until the morning! American graduation bears little resemblance to the traditional farewell party in our schools. In this version, there is practically no ceremonial part with long speeches. The maximum is a small introductory greeting from the graduates by the director and the obligatory selection of the king and queen of the graduation. By the way, in order to conduct the traditional voting for the royal couple of the evening, you need to organize a special box at the entrance and make sure that each guest of the evening can vote once. Required condition for the American prom is a live band performance. Therefore, if your school does not have its own band, conduct a vote among graduates in advance to determine their musical tastes and select suitable performers.

School graduation day

Another one original idea for an unusual scenario for graduation in 11th grade - a masquerade ball. Moreover, it can be either a dance evening, only in carnival masks, or a more non-trivial option in the style of the famous Venetian carnival. The very scenario for the 11th grade graduation is based on maintaining a slight intrigue throughout the evening about which of the guests is the hero of the occasion. For example, during the entertainment part, the presenters voice the most interesting and unusual facts from the life of the class. They should be written like riddles, but with humor. The task of the guests of the evening is to guess the names of the graduates about whom we're talking about. As soon as the name is called correctly, the graduate must go up on stage and take off his mask, in return for which he receives a certificate of completion of the 11th grade.

If your graduating class wants even more unusual option, then you can spend this significant evening in the style of a karaoke party. However, we warn you right away that the main condition for such a graduation to be successful is that the majority of students and guests have good vocal abilities. Otherwise, your party will be a failure and will only make a splash on YouTube. You should definitely hold a prom in the style of a karaoke party in a good karaoke club. The entire script needs to be structured in such a way as to play out memorable moments and facts from the school life of the class in short excerpts from popular songs. Suitable for this purpose as original texts, skillfully selected for each individual occasion, as well as adaptation songs written to famous motives.

Fun and funny ideas for graduation script in 11th grade

A script written with humor will help you spend your 11th grade graduation party in a fun and non-trivial way. Most often, costumes for various occasions are chosen as the main idea for such a holiday. historical eras parties. For example, images of dudes from the 50s and 60s, whose bright rebellious style resonates so much with the independence of modern eleventh-graders, are perfect for graduates. A dude-style prom has a number of other advantages:

  • It’s not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on buying a prom outfit; you can find a suitable “outfit” in your grandmother’s closet or at a flea market
  • unusual images in themselves lift your spirits and are perfect for a fun prom
  • You can hold a graduation in the style of a dude in the most ordinary school canteen, in contrast with which the bright outfits of the students will look even more original

If we talk separately about the dude-style graduation scenario itself, then it must certainly be replete with bright homemade numbers performed by the main heroes of the occasion. These can be funny songs-remakes, fiery dance numbers in the style of rock and roll and, of course, humorous skits.

You can also have a fun graduation using popular comedy programs, for example, Comedy Club or KVN, as a basis for the script. But when using the format of such shows, you need to be extremely careful and tolerant, so as not to inadvertently touch upon topics whose jokes may be unpleasant to the guests of the evening. This primarily applies to any political events and religious issues. But parodies of graduates and teachers should also be kind and harmless. Ideally, for a comedy-themed graduation to be truly successful, it should have very charismatic presenters with an excellent sense of humor and the ability to improvise on stage. Therefore, if you want real fun, then consider inviting a professional animator who will make your holiday unforgettable.

Thematic scenario 11th grade: graduation in the style...

It’s impossible not to mention ideas for thematic scenario graduation. In general, holding an unusual school graduation in a certain style has long been popular. But in conditions of a shortage of props and a limited budget, very often thematic graduation parties were held solely through the efforts of the students and teachers themselves. Such amateur performances without additional surroundings are quite rarely successful. After all, the main condition for graduation in any style is the complete recreation of the appropriate atmosphere, which completely absorbs the participants in the celebration. Modern eleventh-graders have a number of advantages in the form of access to any information on the Internet, the ability to order suitable props on inexpensive sites, and search for musical accompaniment. That is why themed graduations are gaining more and more popularity in schools. And, in the end, a stylized party is always fun, interesting and original!

As for ideas, a script for such a graduation can be written using almost any popular theme. For example, an interesting holiday can be arranged in Greek style, where graduates and guests of the evening will be able to feel like gods and goddesses who descended from Olympus. The female half of the holiday will especially like the Greek prom, because dresses and hairstyles in the Greek style almost never go out of fashion. And the very idea of ​​being, albeit briefly, Gods this evening is very flattering to the young graduates.

An original graduation party can be arranged in disco style. Vivid images, fiery dances and retro melodies will be remembered for a long time by all guests of the evening. Especially if the scenario itself for the 11th grade graduation is played out in the appropriate theme in every detail. That's why main advice, which should be followed in order for the thematic graduation to take place at the highest level - this is accurate and A complex approach to his organization.

The day when schoolchildren complete their studies in grades 9 and 11 is distinguished by an unforgettable festive event - Graduation night/ Ball!

We invite you to spend this amazing Graduation evening of 11th grade at the official city venues of Moscow, which meet all the requirements of the Department of Education.
For more than 10 years, McGor has been organizing the best graduation parties in Moscow, which have gained popularity among schoolchildren and parents for their amazing quality, interactive show programs, luxurious restaurant food, high level of safety and caring attitude towards Clients.

Graduation party of 11th grade in the WORLD

The MIR banquet hall is a new ultra-modern luxury venue that opened at the beginning of 2017. This is a unique platform that combines cozy and elegant interiors with the most modern technologies.
Graduation party of 11th grade in the WORLD is an amazing event that combines space technology, amazing futuristic shows, exciting competitions, unforgettable performances by artists and an explosive disco with DJs!

11th grade graduation party at Radisson

Hotel "Radisson Slavyanskaya" is one of the most famous luxury hotels in Moscow.
A favorite place to stay for VIPs from all over the world. Angelina Jolie, Michael Jackson, Sharon Stone, Linda Evangelista, Queen, Scorpions and other stars have repeatedly stayed in her apartment.
Year 11 graduation party at Radisson- this is an incendiary atmosphere of a club evening with a colorful show program, entertaining competitions and artists, excellent food, famous DJs and a disco until the morning!

Under the arches of the legendary Metropol Hotel you will find yourself in an atmosphere of splendor and luxury, intrigue and revelations of the social Balls of the mid-18th century. Empress Catherine the Great will personally arrive at the Ball to congratulate the elegant young ladies and gallant gentlemen and open such gala event!
- this is the magical atmosphere of a fairy tale, masterpieces of world classics, a fantastically beautiful hall, a theatrical performance from artists of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, the most delicious Graduation banquet in Moscow and an extensive entertainment program!

The five-star "President Hotel" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation is a closed residence of the highest class, which traditionally hosts top officials of states, politicians, famous businessmen from all continents and world stars of culture and art.
Graduation Ball of 11th grade at the President Hotel– this is a grandiose Celebration, combining the official atmosphere of the hotel and a casually cheerful mood entertainment program Graduation party with superbly prepared dishes of European and Russian cuisine.

11th grade graduation party at Renaissance Monarch

"Renaissance Monarch" is a five-star luxury hotel belonging to the world famous Renaissance chain. The modern architecture with superb finishes and stunning neon-lit interiors justifies its inclusion among the best luxury hotels in the world.
European Prom– this is an amazing entertainment program taking place in stylish and cozy interiors, excellent European cuisine, performances by artists, competitions and master classes, fiery dances and entertainment until the morning!

11th grade graduation at the Artist Gallery

The banquet complex "Artist's Gallery" is a hall that stuns the imagination with its scope, ambience and amazing beauty, located in the unique architectural ensemble "Dolgorukov House", not far from the Kremlin.
Graduation party for 11th graders at the Artist's Gallery is a mysterious festive atmosphere full of surprises and amazing discoveries. An unforgettable show program, bright performances by artists, a charming presenter awaits you, fun competitions and pleasant surprises!

11th grade graduation at Azimut Olympic

Hotel "Azimut Olympic Moscow" is a modern business class hotel. In 2009, the designers of the Marriott chain carried out a large-scale reconstruction of the hotel, completely changing its appearance, which combined the Great Russian Traditions and the trends of modern European style.
11th grade graduation party at Azimut Olympic– this is an unusually bright event, with an exciting “club” show program, excellent food, fun competitions, entertainment and fiery dancing!

The Barvikha Luxury Village concert hall is one of the most modern transformable halls in the world! Unique infrastructure of Barvikha, stylish designer interiors, modern technical equipment and an impeccable reputation make this place ideal for holding the 11th grade school graduation.
is a dynamic show program with amazing performances by artists, competitions and master classes, a magnificent banquet and fiery dancing!

11th grade graduation party in Volynskoye Park

"Congress Park Volynskoe" is the former dacha of Stalin, now the residence of the President of the Russian Federation. An absolutely closed area for most Russian citizens. But not for you! This is where a stunning holiday will take place with an unforgettable bright atmosphere of “Hi Tech and Luxury” of the modern world!
Graduation evening of 11th grade in Volynskoe is an exclusive platform with a unique show program, as well as an amazing opportunity to learn how to dance stylishly from real masters of the dance world!

If you are looking for where to spend the 11th grade Graduation Party in Moscow, with us you will find a suitable celebration place for you, and we will do everything possible to ensure that this Graduation Ball becomes for your children the most striking and unforgettable Event in their lives.

Graduation competitions 11th grade

Most high school students look forward to their 11th grade graduation with great anticipation. And this is understandable, because graduation party is a symbolic beginning of a new independent life. In addition, by the time of graduation, high school students have already experienced a lot of stress associated with passing exams, so they need carefree relaxation and fun like air. And to make the holiday truly original and fun, we suggest you have a themed prom party rather than an ordinary one. For example, in the style of a Hollywood party of the 20s.

Graduation 11th grade: ideas for a themed party

To organize a prom in the style of a Hollywood party of the 20s and 30s you will not need as much effort as it might seem at first glance. First, you need to notify guests and teachers that there will be a dress code at the prom. To do this, you need to prepare special invitations, in which you should indicate your wishes regarding appearance and outfit. It can be noted that it is not at all necessary to buy a new outfit that fully corresponds to the fashion of that era. It is enough to do the hair and makeup of those years, complementing the image with accessories: a headband with feathers, lace gloves, a bow tie.

Games for 11th grade graduates

Venue for holding festive evening You will need to decorate with balloons, golden serpentine, a red carpet, and flowers. As a musical accompaniment, you need to choose cheerful jazz melodies. Well, in order to fully comply with the theme of the evening, instead of a classic waltz, graduates can choreograph cheerful dances to the fast music of those years.

Hollywood Prom 2015: rough script, poems and video

It is best to start the prom with the introduction of the students who will come out in pairs. Let them, like real stars, walk along the red carpet under the flashes of cameras and take their places in the hall.

Graduation games in 11th grade

To make the evening fun, organize competitions with small memorable gifts. Try to competitive program was quite simple, but interesting. There is no need to arrange intellectual quizzes, let there be active, slightly childish fun instead. For example, who will burst a balloon faster or find a neighbor at a desk with eyes closed. You can also pair funny scenes with the participation of children and adults.

After the competitions, you can move on to a more serious part, where graduates will be able to say words of gratitude to teachers and parents. A waltz of graduates with parents or teachers would also be appropriate. This dance looks very touching.

For example, parents and teachers can be thanked with the following congratulation poems:

Couples are spinning

Farewell waltzes,

Sad tears

Ball gown...

We, parents, thank you,

We would like to congratulate the graduates!

Thank you for raising me,

A multifaceted world has been opened before us!

Be stylish, dear mothers,

Be strong, dear dads,

Respect from us, thank you very much,

And our love is a sacred feeling!

Now it's time to say goodbye,

The bell rings...

We will say: “School, goodbye,”

Everything has its hour, everything has its time.”

We are in no hurry to say goodbye

And a hundred times nicer now

We will have images and faces

Relatives of your teachers.

But the hour has come, we know it,

And at this special hour

We gratefully invite you

To the school ball, to the school waltz!

You can end the ceremonial part of the evening by launching lantern balloons with wishes, symbolizing farewell to the school. Well, after this sad note, cheerful dancing will again help to lift your spirits.