Rostelecom tariff plan is cheaper wholesale. Tariff terms for interactive television. Television tariffs from Rostelecom

Vice President of PJSC Rostelecom - Director of the Center MRF Alexander Abramkov spoke about the company’s new profitable offers for residents of the Bryansk region.

Wholesale is cheaper

‒ Alexander, what promotions will you please your subscribers with in the near future?

‒ The main gift was the extension of the connection under the “Forever” tariff plan without a validity period. When paying for the service from 300 rubles per month, the client can receive high-speed Internet and Interactive television. The number of people wanting this service is growing. For example, in the Bryansk branch, more than 55% of people connected to the tariff.

There is a promotion " Big Internet" Its essence is that, having connected, the subscriber will always use it, and not just during the promotional period. The promotion includes six tariff plans designed for different audiences, including WorldofTanks fans.

Another special offer- this is a “Premium TV set-top box at half price.” The client can buy it for less than half the price and not only watch high-quality Interactive television, use all services, but also record additional programs on the hard drive, which is already built into the set-top box.

‒ Do you think it is possible to make the Internet more accessible, and what is needed for this?

‒ It’s always cheaper in bulk, which is why Rostelecom offers services not one at a time, but in a package at once. Thus, they are beneficial primarily for subscribers. Another point that makes interactive services more accessible is price fixing. That is, during the promotional period, the client is connected to a package of services, which is then valid forever, not only during the promotional period. And cheaper additional services and options. For example, a very recent offer - four times more channels in HD quality without changing the cost.

- How many subscribers does Rostelecom have in general, and what are the prospects for further development?

As for the client base, our networks cover over 250 thousand households in the Bryansk region, which is about half of their total number in the region. In the regional center alone, the company’s networks cover over 140 thousand houses and apartments. And we do not stop there and strive to ensure that absolutely everyone has the opportunity to use our services.

Everyone can save

‒ And for landline phone users there are some lucrative offers, because mobile phones are gradually being replaced landlines?

‒ There are five tariff plans for Home Phone users. With a subscription payment system, when for a fixed amount per month, the client talks unlimitedly within the region. It is suitable for those who like to chat on the phone. Combined tariff plan costs less and includes a certain number of local telephone calls for a fixed fee. It is beneficial for those who call when they really need it. The “weekend” tariff also has a fixed fee, but you can communicate without restrictions only on weekends.

We also have a “social” tariff. The relatively small subscription fee (220 rubles per month) includes 100 minutes of local telephone calls. If you fit in a month's time - great, no - you'll just have to pay extra.

We also offer clients to pay for telephony several months in advance and receive a discount of up to 20%.

Our subscribers can always contact the company’s service office and choose the optimal tariff plan. And we always strive to do tariff policy for telephony services that are more flexible and focused on customer needs. For example, the “Zero within the network” option appeared for the first time, when conversations between subscribers within the network are free. There is an option “Long conversations”, “Favorite long-distance destination”, “Calls to other countries” - all of them allow you to save on telephone communications.

‒ Your company is gradually switching to electronic receipts, how can you receive them? And can relatives of elderly people receive them by email in order to pay for the elderly?

- Rostelecom is constantly working on customer service. Today we have a very active pace of life and often there is no time to stand in line at a bank terminal, much less at a cash desk. Taking into account the interests of all our subscribers, we have developed the possibility of receiving an invoice for communication services in in electronic format: on email or in your personal account. In the first case, you need to register in the Unified Personal Account on our website Following the system prompts, select the condition: invoice delivery by email, then indicate your email address, and receipts will be sent by email. If the client has chosen to have the invoice delivered to his personal account, then the receipt will be sent to his personal account. You can pay for them anywhere where there is Internet using electronic bank cards, Internet banking. Electronic invoices are convenient because you can receive your parents’ receipts to your email so you can pay them quickly. You can do the same with receipts from elderly relatives. Who will pay for the communication service does not matter to us.

To ensure the effectiveness of their work, each provider always tries to study the wishes of all clients, consider their desires and requirements. This is done precisely so that the operator has an idea for whom he will create all kinds of favorable tariffs, promotions, bonuses and loyalty programs. After all, each of them will be aimed at a separate category of users.

The Rostelecom operator is also constantly trying to attract new customers by creating ever newer and more current tariff plans. Rostelecom promotion “Cheaper by the Wholesale” This is probably one of those promotions when more and more services are provided in the tariff, but you have to pay less and less for it.

It can be connected to users who are already subscribers and those who plan to connect to the services “Home Internet”, “Interactive TV” and “ Home phone" They will be able to pay a subscription fee several months in advance and still receive a discount for the entire period. Accordingly, the longer the period of payment, the greater the discount. If you pay for six months of use, the discount on the promotion will be 10%, and if you pay for a year, then according to the terms of the promotion, the discount will be 15%.

Conditions of the promotion and what packages are included

The essence of the promotion is that if you pay for six months of use, the discount on the promotion will be 10%, and for paying for an annual use - 15%. It is also designed for the subscriber to pay less depending on the number of connected services.

There are three tariffs that can be activated - “Your Starter”, “Your Optimal” and “Your Advanced”. In each of them it is possible to connect one, two, or even three services at once. The most common and standard tariff package has the same common name “Your Starter”.

When connecting it under normal conditions subscription fee will be charged in the amount of RUB 3,264/year. And this is for using only one “Interactive Television” service. When connecting to TV, there is also an additional “Home Internet” or Mobile communications the fee will be 2652 rubles/year. And if you order all three services, you will only need to pay 2,346 rubles per year.

What rates are included?

The next tariff included in this promotion is the “Your Optimal” tariff. Similarly, as in the case of the first tariff package under the terms of regular use of Interactive Television, the annual fee is 4,284 rubles.

When you add one of the other two services, the cost is reduced to RUB 3,672/year. And if three people connect, the cost will be only 3,366 rubles/year. The subscription fee for using the “Your Advanced” package plan will be slightly different from others, since its cost is higher than the previous ones.

To use one service for a year, the subscriber must pay 5,304 rubles. When joining two, the cost will be 4,692 rubles/year. And for using all three services available for the tariff plan, you need to pay 4386 rubles/year.

Connecting to the “Cheaper Wholesale” promotion

If you need to find out about package data tariffication, reconnection, activation of additional services, as well as the use of bonuses and promotions, use a single 800-100-0-800 . You can also find out the address of the nearest Rostelecom branch on the official website.

And visit it at a time convenient for you, having with you an identification document and the amount that is necessary to activate the promotion. You can also connect on the official website by registering in the United Personal account using your personal data. Go into it and go first to the section "Rates", and then "Packages".

Select a promotion "Cheaper in bulk". Accept public offer and confirm the action. You just need to indicate the date of activation of the promotion. This can be either the next day or the first day of the coming month.

Promotion dates

You can subscribe to this promotion from 05/01/2015 to 12/31/2015. 2016. This opportunity is only available individuals who use services such as “Home Internet” or “Interactive Television”.

After connecting, you must make a payment for 6 or 12 months. Do not forget that under the terms of the promotion, the subscription fee also changes depending on the paid period. That is, the more months of use are paid for, the greater the percentage of the discount.

If a user wants to become a Rostelecom subscriber during the promotion, then the period for using the tariff services at promotional prices will be 12 months from the moment the transition or activation of the promotion took place.

I recently learned about another tasty feature from Rostelecom and immediately came to you with the inside information - now the guys are running a unique promotion and for only 499 rubles you can use Home Internet, Interactive TV, and a Home phone to boot. There are also additional bonuses provided.

For example, we want to watch one TV, or we can watch three by activating the “Multiroom” service for FREE and on all three TVs in the house “Interactive TV”. And this is more than 200 channels of digital quality, including more than 20 in HD format. Further more, you can configure (not free of course, but 50 rubles is not a lot), the “Viewing Control” service allows you to start watching from the beginning of the program, pause the broadcast, rewind, watch programs or films and programs from the archive of programs for the last three day. Isn't that great?

Do we want to organize a party with karaoke at home? And there is such a thing, get a gift while the promotion is going on, more than 2,000 thousand great songs for every taste and voice.

100 free minutes for calls to long-distance and intra-zonal numbers will certainly not be superfluous. And the sweetest thing for us, Internet lovers, is that you can additionally activate “Turbo acceleration” (increasing data transfer speed for 3, 12 or 24 hours), we want the “Antivirus” or “Child in the House” service (blocking Internet sites that are dangerous for children resources) and this is available for a small surcharge. As they say, every whim...

In general, it's cool when you can get everything in one place! Instead of running around to all operators and constantly monitoring prices.

I have been connected with Rostelecom for a long time, as soon as the mobile phone appeared, I immediately came to it. After all, it is the largest universal telecom operator. I’ll also answer about the Internet, the leader in this area, 10.8 million users already use broadband Internet access services from Rostelecom, and they have the largest broadband network coverage in Russia. Yes, and on TV they are doing OK (7.6 million)!

Well, is there any reason to think about it? Promotion “Set 3 in 1” - only until February 28, 2015 in active search and is looking only for you! How to meet? And here everything is simple: go to the website, leave your desire - an application! So we don’t want it? You can do it the old fashioned way - contact the sales and service centers or call the toll-free number 8-800-100-0-800.


I recently learned about another tasty feature from Rostelecom and immediately came to you with the inside information - now the guys are running a unique promotion and for only 499 rubles you can use Home Internet, Interactive TV, and a Home phone to boot. There are also additional bonuses provided. ...


Many Rostelecom users are interested in information about the “Cheaper Wholesale” tariff, since they are not always able to find it. Today we want to pay attention to this issue.

Let us immediately note that the name itself this proposal“tariff” is fundamentally incorrect, since this is not a package offer, but a promotion from the provider, extending to connecting several services at once at more favorable prices.

What does the “Cheaper Wholesale” promotion apply to?

As a certain constant in the conditions of the “Cheaper by the Wholesale” promotion, the provider has taken the service of connecting a package of TV channels. It's about about the following three tariff plans:
  • “Your Starter.”

  • “Your Optimal.”

  • "Your advanced."
  • In case of connection exclusively tariff packages to gain access to viewing interactive TV channels, prices for packages are 3264, 4284 and 5304 rubles per year of use, respectively. However, if you combine these offers with other services of an all-Russian telecommunications provider, you can save a lot of money. And below we will consider the conditions of promotional offers, and also calculate what savings will be for users in each of the available cases.

    Connecting television together with a telephone or the Internet

    In case you, as a potential Rostelecom subscriber, decide to simultaneously connect a package of TV channels, as well as any of the tariff plans for home Internet or telephony, then you will receive additional discount on the cost of television packages. In such a situation, the cost of interactive TV tariffs will be as follows:

    • “Your Starter” package – 2652 rubles;

    • “Your Optimal” package – RUB 3,672;

    • Package “Your advanced” – 4692 rub.

    All prices are based on service activation for a year. As you can see, a discount of 612 rubles is offered for each of the packages, which, in principle, is not so much, based on the fact that it is only a little over 50 rubles per month, but also quite nice.

    If you want to have access to both high-quality uninterrupted Internet and an extensive package of television channels in high quality, this is an ideal option.

    Connecting a full package of services

    If we are talking about a one-time connection to all available telecommunications services from the Rostelecom provider, the conditions will be even more favorable. We are talking about services that include:

    • Interactive television;

    • Home phone;

    • Access to the Internet.

    With a one-time activation of all services, the cost for activating packages will be 2346, 3366 and 4386 rubles per year, respectively, for the “Starter”, “Optimal” and “Advanced” tariffs. And this is already 918 rubles in savings annually.

    Tariff terms for interactive television

    Having considered the terms of the “Cheaper by the Wholesale” promotion from Rostelecom, let’s pay a little attention to those packages themselves interactive television who are participating in this offer:
  • “Your Starter” is a package that contains the main TV channels, suitable in theme for the whole family. The offer includes 120 TV channels.

  • “Your optimal” is a tariff plan that includes the same channels from the first offer, and in addition – additional offers of content on the following topics: music, children’s, sports. In general, the tariff included 146 available channels.

  • “Your Advanced” is an offer of 177 channels, which includes not only the full “Starter” package, but also additional offers of sports, educational, children’s, music topics, as well as a unique package “Your Cinema” for movie fans.
  • These are all the offers that you can activate at a reasonable price using the “Cheaper by the Wholesale” discount from Rostelecom.