Rostelecom (digital television) - “Scam! Imposed services! It's profitable with Rostelecom! Find out about new promotions

Investment idea from BCS Express experts. The IFRS report of IDGC of Center and Volga Region confirmed the attractiveness of the company's dividend profile. Over the next two years, shareholders may return up to 26% of current investments through dividend payments.

Purchase of MRSK CPU from the level of 0.2663 rubles. with a target of RUB 0.293. for a period of 5 months. Potential profitability of the transaction = 10%.

Drivers of growth

On March 20, 2019, the company published results for 2018 according to IFRS standards. Despite pressure from rising costs due to a new approach to compensating network losses, net profit showed slight year-on-year growth. Accordingly, the wave of sales that covered stocks at the end of February against the backdrop of the release of RAS data looks unjustified. Reporting on Russian standards was unindicative in terms of cost and net profit, as we expected. It will not have a negative impact on dividends, which are the basis of the investment case of IDGC of CPU.

Despite the increase in expenses for the investment program, the company can pay about 0.035 rubles. per share after adjustments to net profit for the difference in depreciation under IFRS and RAS, and for the amount of net profit allocated to investments. The calculation was made using the formula approved in the company's dividend policy. This provides a 13% yield on current stock quotes - the best result among all IDGCs with an acceptable level of liquidity.

The company received positive FCF at the end of 2018 after interest and dividend payments. At the same time, the debt burden (Net Debt/Ebitda) remains below 1x. Accordingly, deleveraging is not a priority. Thus, we see the possibility of maintaining dividends in 2019 at the level of last year (RUB 0.04 per share) in a positive scenario.

The growth of the investment program in 2019 will be mainly ensured by an increase in VAT refunds and a loan in the amount of RUB 1 billion. The increase in depreciation will be within 0.5 billion rubles, and the increase in profits allocated to investments will be insignificant. Accordingly, we can expect the dividends for 2019 to remain at the level of 0.035 rubles. This will provide a return of up to 26% from investments in the purchase of shares to investors over a 2-year horizon.

The dividend formula is not completely transparent, hidden adjustments are possible that could reduce the dividend base, but we consider this scenario unlikely. And the level is 0.035 rubles. - close to the lower limit for dividends.

A sharp increase in the investment program, which will reduce dividend expectations in future years. But the probability of this in the medium term is small, because latest edition The investment program was approved only 3 months ago.

The collapse of world stock markets, a tough sanctions scenario and other macroeconomic shocks.

Goals and investment horizon

We believe that the shares of MRSK CP have the best growth potential among the subsidiaries of Rosseti. In addition, the company's securities are the most liquid in the IDGC group. The target price of 0.293 is the level at which the shares were trading before the release of the RAS report; we consider further drawdown not justified due to the lack of influence of weak numbers on dividends and the investment case as a whole.

Investment period - 5 months. Historically, the company's dividend cut-off occurs in mid-June. If the goals are not met by this point, we suggest moving through the cutoff in shares, since the gap has the potential to close quickly due to the high expected dividend yield in 2020.

The idea is based on fundamental factors, so a classic stop loss is not assumed. The idea may be closed if one of the risk scenarios described above comes to fruition. This will be reported separately on the BCS Express portal and within the idea itself.

BCS Broker

for 5
months to

0.26630 ₽

0.27490 ₽

0.29300 ₽


Trading plan:

Sale from the level of 97.96 rubles. with a target of 96.0 rub. for a period of 7 days. Potential profit transactions = 4%. The loss limit is set at a price level of 100.5 rubles.

Factors for:

High prices for oil and jet fuel, which causes airline costs to increase significantly;

High competition in the airline industry forces Aeroflot to operate at low profit margins in order to maintain air transportation market share;

The technical picture is the proximity of the psychological mark of 100 rubles, which is unlikely to be broken under current conditions;

Aeroflot is one of the Russian state-owned companies that is most exposed to various types of sanctions risks.

Aeroflot (AFLT), daily chart:


for 7
days until

97.96 RUR

97.60 RUR

96.00 RUR


Trading plan:

Purchase from the level of 232.85 rubles. with a target of 242.2 rubles. for a period of 28 days. Potential profit of the transaction = 4%. The loss limit is set at a price level of RUB 214.25.

Factors for:

After rapid growth since the beginning of April, Sberbank shares predictably corrected - from local highs, the shares fell by about 5%. In my opinion, such a correction looks quite sufficient for the price to resume the overall upward trend;

The new bill on US sanctions against Russia has been softened - it is assumed that there will be no ban on transactions with the dollar for the largest state-owned banks. This is the main negative last days for Sberbank, and since this news effectively removes this threat from the agenda, shares may rise in the short term;

Sberbank continues to set records for profit and revenue. In 2018, the bank earned 811 billion rubles. net profit, net interest income grew by 3.3% to 1.25 trillion. rubles, commission income jumped by almost 20% to 429 billion. I also expect a strong report in the 1st quarter;

An increase in business performance indicators is an undoubted positive signal for long-term investors;

Bank shares are the most popular in Russian stock market from institutional and private investors. Recommendations from investment strategists on Sberbank securities are mostly positive, with an average growth potential of 60-70% of current levels over the next 12 months.

The emergence of general corrective sentiments in Russian market shares;

Sanctions and country risks.

Sberbank (SBER), daily chart:

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FB Messenger:


for 28
days until

232.85 RUR

232.60 RUR

242.20 RUR


Trading plan:

Sale from the level of 95.92 rubles. with a target of 94.0 rub. for a period of 7 days. Potential profit of the transaction = 2%. The loss limit is set at the price level of 99.74 rubles.

Factors for:

Alrosa presented an extremely weak financial report for the 1st quarter. The company's revenue collapsed by almost 40% to $1 billion, despite the fact that diamond sales in physical terms increased by 18%;

Net profit fell by almost half - to $250 million;

Such weak reporting is associated with a sharp decline in prices for rough diamonds on the world market - by almost 60% in annual terms;

Demand for diamonds from the jewelry industry remains extremely weak;

Industrial consumption of diamonds also still leaves much to be desired - industry is slowing down in Europe and the USA, and China and other developing countries are not yet able to replace the decline in demand from developed countries.

General growth on the Russian stock market.

Alrosa (ALRS), daily chart:

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FB Messenger:


for 7
days until

95,920 RUR

95,790 RUR

94,000 RUR


Trading plan:

Purchase from level 9,080 rub. with a target of 9,262 rubles. for a period of 7 days. Potential profit of the transaction = 2%. The loss limit is set at a price level of RUB 8,890.

Factors for:

AFK Sistema shares again approached the support level of 9.0 rubles. This mark has been testing from above since the beginning of April, but each time the price bounces up by 2-3%. In my opinion, there are no objective factors for breaking the level and moving downwards now, so this time I also expect the price to rise from support;

News about the preparation for an IPO of two AFK assets (agricultural holding Steppe and wood processing Segezha Group) is positive for shares in the medium term;

Reports about RDIF's participation in IPO transactions for a number of AFK assets are also positive for the company - they may mean state support for business, which almost eliminates possible conflicts with the state and state-owned companies, at least in the short term;

A strong fall in shares creates a situation of oversold securities and increases investment attractiveness in the short term;

Proximity of support RUB 9.0;

Stock growth subsidiaries- MTS and Detsky Mir;

The company's activation in the M&A market and preparation of assets for IPO indicates stabilization of its financial position;

AFK Sistema shares have so far shown almost no reaction to market growth since the beginning of the year. The price of securities fell by almost 12% during this time, while the Moscow Exchange index grew by almost 15%. Investors will not be able to ignore positive signals about the company and overall market growth for long; in the coming days there is a high probability of a bullish trend starting;

The main problems of the System related to the conflict with Rosneft have been completed, and the market has not yet had time to fully recognize this fact;

Fundamentally, the company looks very attractive - net profit and revenue of subsidiaries and affiliates are actively growing, shares key assets in management they are also becoming more expensive;

The main multipliers indicate that it is undervalued by the market by approximately 4-5 times;

AFK Sistema is one of the largest financial and industrial groups in the country;

Good dividend yield and promise to pay dividends despite rising debt burden;

Good results of subsidiaries, especially MTS, can have a significant impact financial support AFK Sistema through dividend payments.

Corporate risks (news about new litigation and disagreements with the Government or state-owned companies can push shares down);

Sanctions and country risks;

Locally, the shares look overbought.

AO System (AFKS), daily chart:

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for 7
days until

9,080 RUR

9,089 RUR

9,262 RUR


Trading plan:

Purchase from the level of 3605 rub. with a target of 3680 rubles. for a period of 10 days. Potential profit of the transaction = 2.1%. The loss limit is set at a price level of RUB 3,539.

Factors for:

Prices started from the support level of 3,440 rubles. and will strive for the resistance level of 3,750 rubles;

An “inverted head and shoulders” reversal pattern has been formed on the watch with a target of RUB 3,740;

Reversal candlestick pattern on the daily chart.

The general trend in Magnit shares is still downward.

Magnit (MGNT), daily chart:

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FB Messenger:


for 10
days until

3605.0 RUR

3597.0 RUR

3680.0 ₽

Wynn Resorts

Trading plan:

Buy from the level of $141.83 with a target of $147.2 for a period of 8 days. Potential profitability of the transaction = 3.7%. Stop loss if the price reaches $136.74.

Factors for:

Wynn Resorts increases sales and revenue;

The stock chart showed a V-shaped reversal, strong growth to $200 is possible in the long term;

Revenue for the 4th quarter of 2018 was higher than expected;

The company maintains a strong position in the market.

US Federal Reserve interest rate increase...

Wynn Resorts (WYNN), price chart:

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FB Messenger:


for 10
days until

141,8300 $

142,3000 $

147,2000 $

Western Digital

Trading plan:

Buy from the level of $54.11 with a target of $56.5 for a period of 8 days. Potential profitability of the transaction = 4%. Stop loss if the price reaches $52.33.

Factors for:

Western Digital increases sales and reduces debt burden;

The stock chart was in a growing channel, growth to $60 is possible;

Revenue for the first quarter of 2019 will likely be higher than analysts' expectations;

The company launched a program to repurchase its shares on the market for $100 million.

US Federal Reserve interest rate increase.

Western Digital (WDC), price chart:

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for 8
days until

54,1100 $

55,2800 $

56,5000 $


Trading plan:

Buy from the level of $15.04 with a target of $15.35 for a period of 8 days. Potential profitability of the transaction = 2.1%. Stop loss if the price reaches $14.82.

Factors for:

Silver futures price tests in this moment horizontal mirror support level;

Today the price is showing an upward rebound from the round level of $15, which is a mirror, connecting several highs of 2018 and lows of March and April 2019;

Silver remains a protective asset in an unstable situation on world markets.

The uncertain sideways trend of the asset and its high volatility so far only contribute to speculative transactions.

SV-06.19 (SVM9), price chart:

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FB Messenger:


for 8
days until

15.04 RUR

15.06 RUR

15.35 RUR


Trading plan:

Sale from the level of 14,502 rubles.. with a target of 14,212 rubles. for a period of 8 days. Potential profitability of the transaction = 2%. Stop loss if the price reaches RUB 15,050.

Factors for:

The price of Norilsk Nickel shares again approached the level of its absolute maximums, which are the technical resistance of the chart;

The trading session today is indicative of the beginning of a decline from the global resistance line on the monthly chart;

In the context of declining Russian indices, it is obvious to assume that the price is not ready to go higher this time either.

A globally growing trend.

GMKNorNik (GMKN), price chart:

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FB Messenger:


for 8
days until

14502 ₽

14510 ₽

14212 ₽


Trading plan:

Sale from the level of 162.78 rub. with a target of 159.50 rubles. for a period of 8 days. Potential profitability of the transaction = 4%. Stop loss if the price reaches RUB 167.58.

Factors for:

The price of Gazprom shares at yesterday's trading session attempted to break through the inclined resistance level formed by the highs of November 2018, January and April 2019;

Without breaking through the resistance, the price went below it, I expect a downward movement to about 155 rubles;

Decline in Russian indices.

The unstable situation on the Russian stock market may provoke multidirectional movements and increased volatility of Gazprom shares.

GAZPROM (GAZP), price chart:

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FB Messenger:


for 8
days until

162.78 RUR

162.57 RUR

Autumn is a favorable time to connect to the Internet from Rostelecom. We bring to your attention current promotions for both new subscribers and those who have already assessed the quality of services (for existing subscribers). The list is valid as of September 2014.

Particular attention should be paid to promotions related to the Interactive TV service, as the most progressively developing one in Rostelecom. It is extremely important that the number of educational channels is constantly growing. During the new school year your offspring can gain a lot of new knowledge. You can find out absolutely everything, right down to the production of garbage bags, and this is a whole industry. Polyethylene for garbage bags comes in different pressures and each production method has its own advantages. High pressure gives them elasticity, and bags made of low-density polyethylene are famous for their durability.

Valid: from 08/18/2014 to 02/28/2015
For whom:
- New subscribers simultaneously connecting to the service package “ Home Internet" and "Interactive TV".
- Existing service subscribers who are additionally connecting to the “Home Internet” or “Interactive TV” service (including when switching from ADSL technologies on PON/FTTx)
- Existing subscribers of the “Home Internet” and “Interactive TV” service package when switching from ADSL technology to PON/FTTx.

For 4 months you will pay only 499 rubles for the “Home Internet + IP-TV” service package, with an Internet speed of 30 megabit/s! More details can be found in sales offices. For new clients, a small bonus - installation will be carried out absolutely free!

2. 3 in 1 kit

Valid: from 08/18/2014 to 02/28/2015
For whom:
- New subscribers connecting three services for the first time or additionally connecting any two services from the Service Package during the Promotion period.
- Existing subscribers - users of 2 of the services of the package, connecting to the third service at Special tariffs.

A special package of “Internet + TV + Telephony (SIP)” services at a price of 799 rubles.

Additional bonuses:

For local subscribers who have subscribed under the terms of the Promotion - monthly 100 intrazone minutes + 100 minutes long distance communication no charge. From the 101st minute - the tariff according to the Price List. 2. For subscribers who have activated the Interactive TV service under the terms of the promotion: - the “Multiroom” service is free (for an indefinite period); - “Karaoke” service is free for 4 months.
- Fee for connecting services “Home Internet”, “ Interactive television» not charged under promotional conditions

3. TV series of the planet

Valid: from 07/01/2014 to 09/30/2014
For whom:
- Phys. persons who have not been subscribers to the Interactive TV service for the last 3 calendar months.

The promotional offer includes:

Providing the Interactive TV service at a promotional rate (1 any basic package = 118 rubles);
Additional package of TV channels " Amedia Premium"(1 rub.);
Subscription to video within Category 48 of the provision of video rental and music rental services (Package of series “Amedia Premium”) (30 rubles).
After the promotional period, the service is charged (starting from the 4th month from the moment of connection) as follows:
Basic tariff plans are charged according to the basic tariffs of the Price List (from 200 rubles);
"Amedia Premium" are charged according to the basic tariffs of the Price List (99 rubles)
The provision of video rental services within Category 48 (Amedia Premium Series Package) is terminated after the promotional period.

There is no separate connection fee.
- The duration of the promotional period is 3 calendar months from the moment of activation, including the month in which the service was activated.
- Total monthly payment for the “Interactive TV” service during the promotional period (when choosing 1 main package) = 149 rubles.

Rostelecom today sells a fairly extensive range of tariff plans, available for use by subscribers in different regions. Of course, the conditions of the packages are different everywhere, in some places their speed or price may vary, and in others the name or even all the conditions of the available packages have been changed. And today we would like to discuss an excellent line of tariffs from the Promo family.

Tariff "Promo 1" from Rostelecom

As we have already said, the Promo line is a whole family tariff proposals from Rostelecom, in which they go in order. We will consider their conditions in the same order.

If we talk about the very first sentence from the family, then its conditions look like this:

  • Absence of any restrictions on the amount of traffic used;
  • Connection cost – 350 rubles per month;
  • Lack of provision of TV channels using IPTV technology;
  • Speed ​​up to 3 megabits per second (both incoming and outgoing connections).

"Promo 2" from Rostelecom

The second version of the package has slightly more serious conditions, which, as always, are discussed in the list below:

  • Monthly subscription fee of 455 rubles;
  • Lack of channels provided using IPTV technology;
  • Upload/receive speed limit to 6 megabits per second;
  • No restrictions on the amount of traffic.

Tariff plan "Promo 3" from Rostelecom

The last sentence in the family has the following conditions:

  • Internet speed up to 20 megabits per second for reception and upload;
  • Similar lack of TV channels;
  • Connection via Ethernet;
  • Subscription fee in the amount of 555 rubles.

Please note that the mentioned tariff plans may no longer be active in some regions Russian Federation. Therefore, before connecting them, it is necessary to consult with the company’s specialists.

Checking current tariff plans by region

If the Rostelecom “Promo 1” tariff or its successors do not suit you, or maybe are no longer provided in your region, you have two ways to determine the available tariff plans:

  1. Study information on our website.
  2. View available offers directly on the official Rostelecom portal.

Obtaining information through the official website of the provider is carried out as follows:

  1. Follow the link ru to the official portal of the all-Russian telecommunications provider.
  2. At the top of the site, on the left side, find the block responsible for selecting the region.
  3. Click on the white triangle to expand the menu with a list of regions.
  4. Choose the right one locality in the alphabetical list, or use the search. This line is also implemented there.
  5. Pay attention to the main navigation menu. Find the “Internet” item there and click on it.
  6. Make sure that you are automatically redirected directly to the directory with the current tariff plans available for connection.
  7. Check out offers for customers connected via fiber or landline.

How to activate the Promo series tariff on Rostelecom

If you are interested in any of the tariff plans sold by Rostelecom in a particular region, you can connect them directly through the website.

To do this, under the block responsible for the corresponding package, you need to click on the “Connect” button. After this, the system will automatically ask you whether you need additional services to connect. After passing this stage, all you have to do is place an order, indicating your personal and contact information.

If there is something that is not completely clear to you, detailed instructions We discussed connecting tariffs through the site in our other thematic articles on the site.

Regarding the imposed services: according to the already terminated l/s No. 641200066109, from September 29, 2015 I had a 2in1 package = Interactive TV + Internet, the TV tariff was Starter, i.e. minimal, and I did NOT need anything other than that at all. However, soon after connecting, a representative of Rostelecom called me from a Moscow number and began to very actively offer to connect me to additional options and additional channels in the demo version for free, and if I want, I can renew them for a fee. Of course, I flatly refused, but she extremely intrusively and very indignantly blurted out - “why are you refusing???” and I also blurted out to her - “yes, because I don’t need it, I’m not going to pay for it and run after you later to turn off your paid additional channels!!! And now, 2 months later, purely by chance, personal account I click the “charge history” option and see the Optimal tariff (more expensive!) and the connected paid additional service View Control!!! I DIDN’T CONNECT THIS MYSELF AND I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO DO IT ON THE CONSOLE. I called technical support, left a complaint, they switched me to different departments, they gave the control center how to disable all this on the set-top box. BUT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO THIS AT HOME, the set-top box gives an error and cannot be turned off!! And if you suddenly accidentally turned on something yourself, you are obliged to use and pay for additional services for a month, because according to the tricky Agreement you can turn off additional services no earlier than after 20 days! I called technical support again, left a complaint, and after 3 days these options were disabled. Regarding the Viewing Management account, I found out that it was connected on November 20, and it was on this day that the specialist I called from Rostelecom came to fix the frozen channels!! Therefore, the miracle master connected me paid service, otherwise the Subscriber pays too little on his tariff! And the response to the complaint was that you activated these services yourself and recalculation is not possible. From that moment on, I firmly decided to terminate the contract.

AND I WARN EVERYONE: active windows with subscription offers constantly pop up on the screen, which constantly need to be rejected, closed, “not agreed”, and with such a mockingly insensitive remote control, pressing something wrong is easy - and you are the unfortunate owner of a bunch of subscriptions and additional paid services, and your account increases 10 times (proven by reviews of other people). And also, without the Subscriber’s permission, all sorts of Karaoke, etc. are connected for free for the period of the promotion, and you CANNOT DISCONNECT it. And after the promotion expires, this service will become an expensive paid service, and you either have to watch every day for the end of the promo and quickly turn off all this unnecessary stuff, or you will fall into this trap and find out about it only from the surprisingly huge bill that will come to you a month later after the prepaid month!!!