Rating of doctor of business administration dba programs. DBA: Doctor of Business Administration. Some business schools and universities

Sergey Mayorov

The high professionalism of the teachers helped in obtaining special knowledge in modern principles doing business that allows us to bring innovation to the work of our organization. Thanks to the DBA program, I was able to not only systematize and increase my knowledge, increase the scale of my work, but also get acquainted with a huge number of interesting people, make new friends and business partners. The knowledge gained during the training allowed me to look at my work from a different perspective. New knowledge was introduced into the structure of the organization’s work, which made it possible to change not only me as a leader, but the entire organization as a whole. During the training I received necessary knowledge and skills that allowed us to improve the organization's work patterns and develop new ones. RANEPA makes a great impression. In my opinion, this is truly the best academy in Russian Federation, providing education for the sphere of real economics and management. The exclusive business education at the Academy is as close as possible to the modern Western business model, advanced techniques and high standards training. The course program was very worthy and rich, and the teaching was of high quality. This training was the next stage in my educational program, and I'm not going to stop there. The next step is graduate school. I wish HSEK to continue to maintain the achieved high level of teaching, allowing it to successfully compete in the market for providing educational services!

A. Merenkov

Several years have passed since I met you and your VShKU team. It would seem that I already knew a lot, having received additional knowledge at your school for an MBA, but I gladly accepted the invitation to study for a DBA. The concept of “learning” does not really characterize the processes in which I participated. This is a huge exchange of experience and knowledge between students, teachers and coaches. People at the enterprise ask me: “How can you evaluate in money terms the effect for the company by applying the knowledge gained at the Higher School of Computer Science?” Of course, you can calculate everything, but how can you take into account the scale of knowledge that you have not yet fully applied? How to evaluate new acquaintances that have turned into friendships, not everything is measured by money. I am becoming more and more convinced in practice that I widely apply my knowledge of delegation and goal setting, take a balanced approach to assessing business plans and business development strategies, but most importantly, it seems to me, I have become better at understanding people. It's a pleasure to be on your creative team.

Irina Ervald

A lot has changed in my life since I received my Doctor of Business Administration degree. I was so captivated by the program that I wrote my doctorate research work at business school, I didn’t stop there and defended my PhD thesis in economics. After graduating from TWO, I organized my own medical Center which is now successfully operating. Among the most memorable and useful disciplines for me that helped me achieve this goal were the courses taught by academician Aganbegyan A.G., professor S.A. Kalendzhyan, V.V. Kuleshov and Professor A.I. Klebonov. Until now, I actively collaborate with my supervisor S.A. Kalendzhyan and scientific consultant Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.G. Aganbegyan. I am very grateful to them, because they were the ones who helped me choose the topic of my graduation project, which ultimately formed the basis of my first book and doctoral dissertation. Thus, if you, like me once, are concerned about the eternal question of the Russian intelligentsia: “What to do and where to start?”, then I can confidently recommend the VSKU training programs. I can guarantee, given my own experience, that life will become more interesting and varied. Our beloved Alma Mater does not provide us graduates with the opportunity to get bored. She always has interesting surprises for us in the form of innovative seminars, exciting international internships or some other projects. I would like to separately note that an important factor in learning is professional connections with colleagues with whom we studied at HSE, and which I actively use. We meet regularly, help each other in solving important problems, and simply remain great friends. Many thanks to the dean of HSE Professor S.A. Kalendzhyan, director of the TWO program S.V. Korobeynikova, Academician A.G. Aganbegyan and the entire teaching staff. Communication with them is always a holiday. Thank you for being YOU.

Dmitry Volkov

Studying at the Higher School of Economics of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation under the DBA program helped me clearly formulate long-term goals and objectives in business, as well as identify a scientific problem that I have been working on for several years. The result of my work is a doctoral dissertation (currently at the defense stage). In addition, during my studies I acquired a large number of like-minded people who later became true friends. I would especially like to thank the teaching staff of RANEPA. They are not only professionals in their field, but also simply good people, with whom it was always pleasant and comfortable to work. In general, the training was at a decent level, and the acquired knowledge helped me, in our difficult times of crisis, to maintain my team and reach new heights in business.

What should already established businessmen and managers do so that they are not “hooked” and outplayed by younger and more successful competitors? Get a second or third higher education and an MBA diploma, or turn your attention to the DBA program, which we will talk about today.

Even if you have reached the highest level in developing your own career, this is not a reason to stop and rest on your laurels. Time does not stand still, and every day young businessmen and managers appear who are literally on your heels and are able to contrast your accumulated experience with their ambitions and knowledge latest technologies and intuitive perception (and therefore instant response) of changes in modern management.

So what should already established businessmen and managers do so that they are not “hooked” and outplayed by younger and more successful competitors? Get a second or third higher education or an MBA? Yes it great option self-development and self-improvement. But only if there are no diplomas hanging on the wall behind your chair. higher education and received an MBA degree. If you have already achieved everything (and even defended your PhD or received a diploma Executive MBA), and don’t want to stand still, then you should turn your attention to the DBA program, which we’ll talk about today.

What is a DBA degree?

DBA - program additional education Doctor of business administration(Doctor of Business Administration), focused on training business owners and top-level management personnel. The main objective of the program: to summarize personal and other people’s experience in business management, learn to look at management activities take a broad view and look beyond the boundaries of the familiar industry.

The emergence of this relatively new program for Russia was a completely expected reaction to the fact that specialists working in this field increasingly have to face problems that sometimes turn them into not so much effective leaders and businessmen, as well as researchers in fundamental areas of science. That is, we can safely say that modern business is becoming more intelligent. This means that there is an urgent need for new knowledge and forms of training based on the exchange of experience in successfully running a business.

This is precisely the form of training offered DBA program, in which leaders of leading companies share their accumulated experience at the level scientific research And practical recommendations with everyone.

It is important to understand that specialists who study exclusively for themselves, and not for their employer, come to study under the DBA program. Thus, the final dissertation of DBA graduates is not just a work of certification or research nature, but a fundamental work in which each letter is supported by generalized knowledge and experience.

Who can get a DBA degree?

Despite the fact that in Russia this management training program appeared quite recently, it has managed to prove itself well both in the USA and in Europe. Therefore, DBA came to our country with already formed rules for the preparation of dissertations and their defense, as well as certain parameters for applicants for the degree of Doctor of Business Administration. Today, only senior managers (with at least ten years of experience) who have;

  • practical knowledge in the field of business management;
  • MBA (or EMBA) diploma;
  • or a PhD degree in management or economics.

With every specialist who wants apply for a DBA, a serious interview is conducted during which business school staff determine whether the applicant has sufficient experience to master this program.

Key Components of the DBA Program

The program is aimed not so much at gaining classical knowledge and studying the latest technologies, but at expanding one’s worldview and achieving success both in a career and in personal life. This is the main difference between obtaining a degree Doctor of Business Administration from generally accepted programs.

Purpose of the program

To give specialists the opportunity to realize their practical potential as a consultant or manager, to take a fresh look at the business as a whole, as well as to analyze, systematize and describe the accumulated experience, extracting new knowledge for themselves and others during this process.

Components of the program

This area of ​​training has three stages, three components of the basis of work:

Theoretical - seminars, lectures, consultations. This part provides for the development key points business and management. Knowledge is combined into modules where real problems are discussed modern business and ways to solve them. Each module (and there are usually eight of them) is devoted to a separate topic: management, finance, strategy, IT, marketing, etc.

Practical - participation in special training sessions to obtain the necessary skills. Classes are conducted by foreign and domestic specialists. The assignment, as a rule, includes the presentation of work on the previous topic of the module with reference and provision of real data from an existing company.

Demo - DBA doctoral dissertation(preparation and defense). The student’s task is to correct errors identified by the supervisor during training.

Additionally, various thematic courses are conducted, such as "Business Environment". Time is also allocated for independent work with various sources.

At the end of all stages, the student of the program receives unique knowledge and a Doctor of Business Administration diploma. The acquired knowledge allows you to reorient the existing baggage of practical skills and open up new ways of starting a business.

We emphasize that receiving DBA degrees(Doctor of Business Administration) is held exclusively at on a paid basis. And this is not a cheap pleasure. For example, at the Higher School of Economics, the cost of training is more than 1.2 million rubles.

New perspectives

Economic situation modern society largely depends on the degree of business development in each individual country and in the world as a whole. Therefore, it is very important to provide management personnel with the opportunity to receive high-quality and highly qualified training, thanks to which they will be able to perform their work as efficiently as possible.

In this regard, programs aimed at learning practical skills and effective methods and business technologies, including in the field of forecasting the economic market, the behavior of clients and business employees. This is the knowledge that a DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) program can provide.

In conclusion, it can be stated that education under the Doctor of Business Administration program is an ideal option for solving a whole range of problems faced by modern management. And all because DBA program training allows you to get practical knowledge business, study current management models and concepts, master transformation technology for the purpose of leadership.

2 years. In Moscow, face-to-face sessions are held monthly for 3–4 days each. Summer, autumn and winter holidays.

Full-time training is the most prestigious training format.

In addition to knowledge and competencies, you will receive business connections with program participants from Moscow, other regions of Russia and the CIS countries, as well as participants of individual EMAS, who will temporarily join and study with you. Thereby the total number of new face-to-face business contacts by the end of the training will be more than 200.

Full-time students have unlimited free access to the online version of the program, which allows you to review completed modules at any time (online versions are identical to face-to-face ones) and deepen the knowledge gained

Full-time and remote

2 years. 3 face-to-face tutor consulting sessions in Moscow + Online training at a time convenient for you anywhere in the world.

DBA program format that provides the ideal combination of price and face-to-face presence. Despite low price EMAS guarantees high quality education, complete knowledge and extensive business connections.

Full-time-distance DBA graduates at EMAS receive diplomas identical to those of full-time DBA graduates.

Students in the full-time-distance format, in addition to their own full-time sessions, have

Remote (Online)

2 years. Online training at a time convenient for you anywhere in the world.

The most accessible format DBA programs. Despite the low price, EMAS guarantees high quality education, comprehensive knowledge and extensive business connections.

Distance DBA graduates at EMAS receive diplomas identical to those of full-time DBA graduates.

Online modules are online videos of real face-to-face classroom lessons edited - not just lectures by teachers, but also questions, answers, and debriefs. real examples participants. This is the most advanced type of online learning, within which it is provided the effect of presence in a face-to-face audience. It is head and shoulders above the so-called “talking head” format, when instead of recording a face-to-face lesson, the listener watches an abstract monologue of the lecturer - without students, real questions and answers to them.

EMAS regularly updates (re-records) video lessons - on average every 1.5 - 2 years. In this way, we ensure that the materials are fully up-to-date and identity of the full-time version of the program.

In addition to video lessons, live thematic webinars are held.

Online students have the right to attend any full-time module in Moscow of your choice*. This is a great and very popular way to make personal connections with fellow full-time students.

* Once a year. In addition to modules on strategic management

Program Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), is intended for business professionals with extensive practical management experience (business owners and top managers).

During the training, participants in Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programs must demonstrate the ability to identify, analyze and solve emerging business problems, generalize and systematize their own experience.

Much of the DBA program focuses on applied research in business and management. The dissertation is a consideration of problems of general or functional management, based on the use modern models and management concepts in Russia.

The average duration of the program is 3 years (in the West - 3-4 years). Doctor of Business Administration degree conditionally corresponds Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees.

Implementing DBA programs is difficult and requires business schools to have highly qualified faculty and expert resources. Therefore, the number of business schools that actually recruit a group and conduct training in the DBA program is less than those who officially announced it.

Key competencies of DBA graduates (AMBA data)

  • The ability to conduct large-scale, comprehensive research and, on this basis, draw strategic conclusions and prove their significance
  • The ability, based on serious analytical research, to contribute significant contribution in the development of economics, business and management at the interdisciplinary level
  • The highest level of "emotional intelligence", cross-cultural awareness, the ability to build strategic alliances across countries, cross-sectors and regional levels management
  • Possess outstanding leadership skills, the ability to create an effective management team of senior managers, achieve mutual understanding and social partnership at all levels of management, etc. Developed sense social responsibility for the consequences of economic, political and social decisions made
  • The ability to find unique solutions to non-standard economic problems in various sectors of the economy, in conditions of various forms of ownership and management, the state of resource supply and the external environment
  • Ability to successfully manage and anticipate innovation and change under conditions of risk and uncertainty socio-economic consequences.

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