Check your parcel from Aliexpress using your order number. How to track a parcel from Aliexpress. How to track your order from Aliexpress

More than 80% of all international shipments accounts for Chinese online stores and most of which sellers send c . At the same time, buyers from the CIS are the largest audience of the site.

The most popular products from Aliexpress are electronics and clothing, shoes, household goods, hobbies, repairs, construction and highly specialized goods for professional work, you can buy anything on Aliexpress. Cheap prices and a huge assortment make shopping on Aliexpress profitable and so attractive. In the special section "Last Minutes" on the Aliexpress website, they post daily interesting products with good discounts, the Russian interface of Aliexpress greatly simplifies the shopping process, and brand lovers will not pass by the Tmall section.

Delivery methods from Aliexpress

The key point of shopping on Aliexpress is the delivery of parcels to the buyer. In February 2017, Aliexpress limited free delivery to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus due to increasing cases of non-receipt of shipments and obliged sellers to send goods costing more than $2 with track numbers. Such parcels from Aliexpress can be tracked by number.

However, most of the goods from Aliexpress remained without paid delivery, marked as " free shipping", or rather, the delivery cost is already included in the price of the product.

There are a wide variety of methods for delivering goods from Aliexpress - by state postal services, including EMC door delivery, as well as commercial courier services, ground transport and airmail.

The most commonly used shipping methods are China Air Post, ePaket, China Post Registered Air Mail, China Post Ordinary Small Packet, China Post Air Parcel, Hongkong Post Air Mail, Singapore Post, Swiss Post, Sweden Post, DHL Global mail, 4px, Posti Finland, Posti Finland Economy, Omniva Estonia post, Correos, SPSR. The more expensive ones are EMS, DHL, Fedex, UPS. But even free economy shipping can turn into tracking shipping if the package is consolidated at the Cainiao Consolidation Shipping warehouse.

Usually, Aliexpress sellers offer several options for sending goods and, depending on the chosen carrier, delivery method and its cost, parcels from Aliexpress can be tracked by track number, partially tracked only within the territory of China, or without the possibility of tracking. Products with free shipping usually sent by China Post, and such parcels are tracked until they are delivered to the buyer. Some items prohibited from being sent by China Post (built-in and additional batteries) are sent by Singapore Post, Netherlands Post, Hong Kong Post, Sweden Post, Swiss Post. On the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus, parcels are delivered by Russian Post, Ukrposhta, Kazpost and Belpochta, respectively. Commercial carriers also deliver parcels from Aliexpress. It is not uncommon for 3-4 carriers to be involved in delivering a parcel from China. The most famous Chinese carriers are Yanwen, SF Express, 4 px express; Russian courier services SDEK, DPD, Pony Express, SPSR; Ukrainian Nova Poshta and Mist Express.

Aliexpress Standard Shipping - tracking Aliexpress standard shipping

You can also very often find the delivery method Aliexpress Standard Shipping, when Aliexpress itself organizes the subsequent delivery of items from its logistics center, where placed orders from sellers are received.

Delivery from Ali using this shipping method is provided by postal operators and commercial carriers with whom there are direct contractual obligations. Delivery times to the buyer vary from 15 to 45 days, a more specific delivery period is indicated in the estimated delivery time. As a rule, sellers, along with Aliexpress delivery, offer a choice of sending by several other postal operators.

The main advantage of Aliexpress delivery is that if the goods are not received, the dispute immediately escalates, bypassing “pre-trial disputes” with the seller.

In any case, purchases from Aliexpress are protected by buyer protection, and parcels from Aliexpress are tracked by all postal operators and courier services in one place will allow you to keep your finger on the pulse and, using the “control deadlines” option, open disputes on time.

Status Packed for picking-up - translation and what it means

This status is translated as “Prepared by the seller for shipment,” i.e. it is a mark on the status of the order, ready for delivery. The message is not a postal status, but reflects the status of the order at internal system Aliexpress accounting.

After the store marks the order as shipped and enters the track number into the system, the Packed for picking-up status will appear on the Aliexpress parcel tracking website

On our service website we also show this message so that you can follow the order immediately after payment, before transfer transport company. A few days later, after the item is transferred for delivery, the Packed for picking-up entry will disappear from tracking and the postal service status will appear instead.

If after 7-10 days, instead of this status, a message about the shipment or acceptance of the shipment by the transport company still does not appear, you need to contact the seller. If the situation does not change, you can open a dispute due to the lack of information on the track number, without waiting for the end of the order protection period.

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Tracking parcels from China to Aliexpress (how to track a parcel from Aliexpress) Nowadays, ordering goods from China, namely from the official Aliexpress website, is becoming increasingly popular. First of all, this is due to the very low prices for goods, including clothing, shoes, all kinds of accessories, small appliances and the like, and a huge plus is free delivery of orders worldwide.
Having chosen the desired product and paid for the purchase on the Aliexpress website in Russian, many buyers are interested in the question of how to track a parcel from China with Aliexpress?

Most buyers do not realize that when buying a product on the above site, you can track the path of the product from the seller in China to your post office to which the product was sent.
This article will talk about how to track a parcel with an order on Aliexpress in Russian.

How to track a parcel from Aliexpress in Russian? The process of tracking parcels with an order from Aliexpress is not complicated and will take a couple of minutes, all you need is to know the tracking number - a special individual barcode of the parcel.
After paying for the order, the seller processes it, packs it and sends it to the address you specified. Having delivered the parcel with the order by mail, the seller informs the buyer of the track code (track number) by which you can track the goods you ordered.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that after paying for the goods on Aliexpress (Aliexpress), the track number (track code) will not appear immediately and this is due to the processing of your order, which usually takes 1-2 days. After payment for the goods has been confirmed, the seller checks its availability in the warehouse; if the goods you ordered are not available, then he orders it from the supplier (this takes approximately 1-2 days).
If the product is available in the store or warehouse, the seller packs it as quickly as possible and sends it to the address you specified.

On average, it takes from 2 to 7 days to process and ship the ordered product, and the tracking number itself (track code) starts working (tracking) 2-3 days after the package is sent to the buyer.

The track number with which you will find out where the package is from China with Aliexpress can be found in the My Orders section, which is located in the drop-down menu next to the product search button on the main page of the site

Select the order whose delivery you would like to track and click on the “Details” button:

Insert the tracking number into the form above (online tracking) and then click the "Track" button.
Online tracking is a universal program that will help you track your order package sent by a variety of postal services.

Using this program, it is possible to track the track codes (numbers) of China's international mail, which sends almost the majority of parcels China Post Air Mail, Hong-Kong Post, Singapore Post, Swiss Post, EMS - this is regular mail, as well as track numbers of courier postal companies DHL, UPS, FedEx, TNT, GLS, Aramex, DPD, E-Shipper, FLYT, HHEXP, SFC, XRU, etc.)

Parcels from Aliexpress can also be tracked using official local postal services.
As a rule, a parcel from China is sent by the China Post (China Post), which can be tracked on the official website of this service

After the parcel has left China, it ceases to be tracked on the China Post website and in the future it can be tracked on the websites of the national postal countries through which the parcel is passing and then at your local post office. The most popular postal services of state postal companies where you can track your parcel when it arrives in your country:

Track your parcel to Ukraine on the Ukrainian Post website (Ukrposhta/Ukrposhta):

Track a parcel in Russia using Russian Post (Russian Federation):

Track a parcel to Kazakhstan using Kazakhstan Post (Kazpost):

Track a parcel to Belarus using Belarus Post (Belposhta):

If the parcel is sent from China by courier service, it can be tracked on the official website of this postal service, for example DHL, EMS, etc.

How and where can I receive a parcel from China with Aliexpress?
If the parcel is delivered to the post office, you will receive a notification about this in your mailbox. The parcel will arrive at the department whose index you filled in on the Aliexpress website in the delivery address (unless, of course, the goods are delivered to you by paid courier delivery directly to your home).

For more detailed information about where the package arrives from Aliexpress and where you can pick it up, read our article.

What to do if the track number from Aliexpress is not tracked?
There are a couple of things you should know about what to do if the track number is not tracked. As we wrote earlier, on average the seller spends from 2 to 7 days processing and sending a parcel, and the tracking number itself begins to work and usually starts tracking 2-3 days after the parcel is sent.
Sometimes it happens that parcels are delayed or lost in the mail, and sometimes the seller simply forgets to send the goods, in any case, you can always write a message to the seller and find out where your parcel is.
If the parcel is not tracked and the seller does not answer the question or evades answering, then feel free to open a dispute.

What to do if a parcel from China from Aliexpress is sent by Seller’s shipping method?
If in the order description you see that the parcel has been sent

Tracking parcels from Aliexpress naturally worries everyone who has ordered goods on this Chinese site. In this article, we will consider not only the question of how to track a parcel from Aliexpress, but also cover the topic of statuses that are assigned to parcels after payment. Also, at the end of the article I will provide links to proven parcel tracking services. The instructions are intended mainly for beginners and the actions will go in order from the very beginning, so if you do not want to read the entire text in full, I advise you to use the table of contents.

Payment is being verified

And so let's start, you paid for the parcel and in the control panel of the Aliexpress website on the my orders tab you see in front of you

There is nothing to worry about! Your payment is simply verified and will appear within 24 hours new status“Waiting to be sent.” This is simply a kind of protection against fraudsters so that they do not pay with stolen cards or accounts. There's no need to worry, it's just for safety reasons.

After the payment has been verified, the status automatically switches to the pending shipment state. Waiting for dispatch (Shipment)

This status means that the seller has been given time to send your parcel. For example: in the photo, the seller has almost 40 days to send this parcel. This time is set by the seller himself, and it can be absolutely anything, from 2 days to infinity.
After this timer expires, if the seller does not have time to send the parcel, the order will be closed and the money will be returned to the card or wallet from which you paid.
Also, if you are already tired of waiting for this seller, you can cancel the order yourself by clicking on the appropriate button and order the same product from a more efficient seller. Usually the order is sent much earlier than it is written there. If the seller managed to ship your parcel, then the order moves to the next status: awaiting confirmation.

Waiting for confirmation

This means that the seller has sent the parcel and all you can do is wait and monitor the timer. This timer is also set by the seller himself, he undertakes that the parcel will reach you within this time frame.
Most beginners make mistakes at this stage! This status is the most important of all! Under no circumstances click on the confirm receipt button until you see the unpacked parcel in person. And it is extremely important to monitor the timer and not miss the moment when it ends. After the timer expires, the order is closed and the money is transferred to the seller; it is not possible to return the money later.
The timer looks like this

When the timer comes to an end, you need to ask the seller to extend this period by several days (usually 10-15, no more), but if at this time the parcel has not arrived, feel free to open a dispute!
You can read about it here:

  • Opening a dispute
How to track your order

After the seller has sent the order to personal account Aliexpress on this order appears a track code and a system of messages with the seller.

The first way to track mail from aliexpress by order number is the simplest; at the bottom right is a link to this company; in this case, this is the tracking number for the parcel sent to Russia.
All you have to do is follow this link, copy the track and paste it on the site. But in most cases, the link leads to a Chinese site and it’s not so easy to figure it out. It happens that there is simply no link, so when the question arises of how to track a parcel, online services come to the rescue.

Online track code tracking services

Do not forget that the track number is not tracked instantly, but after some time, from 2 to 10 days. So, if in the first days after ordering your parcel from Aliexpress is not tracked, you should not panic.

There are many parcel tracking services specifically for Aliexpress.
Why is this convenient? - in some of them they can send you an e-mail or even an SMS message that the status of the parcel has changed. You will always know where the package is and will not worry. Another undoubted plus is the detailed shipping sheet.
I'll just leave here links to the following services:
You can track it on our website here:
And also on - a very convenient service, a universal tracking service - a simple service for tracking parcels, allows you to add many track codes and updates their statuses automatically. You can also download their program to your computer – and another simple tracking service

If something is unclear, write a comment and we will figure it out together.

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More than 80% of all international shipments come from Chinese online stores and most of them are sent by sellers c. At the same time, buyers from the CIS are the largest audience of the site.

The most popular products from Aliexpress are electronics and clothing, shoes, household goods, hobbies, repairs, construction and highly specialized products for professional work; you can buy anything on Aliexpress. Cheap prices and a huge assortment make shopping on Aliexpress profitable and so attractive. Interesting products with good discounts are posted daily in the special “Burning Items” section on the Aliexpress website, the Russian interface of Aliexpress greatly simplifies the shopping process, and brand lovers will not pass by the Tmall section.

Delivery methods from Aliexpress

The key point of shopping on Aliexpress is the delivery of parcels to the buyer. In February 2017, Aliexpress limited free delivery to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus due to increasing cases of non-receipt of shipments and obliged sellers to send goods costing more than $2 with track numbers. Such parcels from Aliexpress can be tracked by number.

However, most products from Aliexpress remain with free shipping, marked as “free shipping”, or rather, the shipping cost is already included in the price of the product.

There are a wide variety of methods for delivering goods from Aliexpress - by state postal services, including EMC door delivery, as well as commercial courier services, ground transport and airmail.

The most commonly used shipping methods are China Air Post, ePaket, China Post Registered Air Mail, China Post Ordinary Small Packet, China Post Air Parcel, Hongkong Post Air Mail, Singapore Post, Swiss Post, Sweden Post, DHL Global mail, 4px, Posti Finland, Posti Finland Economy, Omniva Estonia post, Correos, SPSR. The more expensive ones are EMS, DHL, Fedex, UPS. But even free economy shipping can turn into tracking shipping if the package is consolidated at the Cainiao Consolidation Shipping warehouse.

Usually, Aliexpress sellers offer several options for sending goods and, depending on the chosen carrier, delivery method and its cost, parcels from Aliexpress can be tracked by track number, partially tracked only within the territory of China, or without the possibility of tracking. Products with free shipping are usually sent by China Post, and such parcels are tracked until they are delivered to the buyer. Some items prohibited from being sent by China Post (built-in and additional batteries) are sent by Singapore Post, Netherlands Post, Hong Kong Post, Sweden Post, Swiss Post. On the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus, parcels are delivered by Russian Post, Ukrposhta, Kazpost and Belpochta, respectively. Commercial carriers also deliver parcels from Aliexpress. It is not uncommon for 3-4 carriers to be involved in delivering a parcel from China. The most famous Chinese carriers are Yanwen, SF Express, 4 px express; Russian courier services SDEK, DPD, Pony Express, SPSR; Ukrainian Nova Poshta and Mist Express.

Aliexpress Standard Shipping - tracking Aliexpress standard shipping

You can also very often find the delivery method Aliexpress Standard Shipping, when Aliexpress itself organizes the subsequent delivery of items from its logistics center, where placed orders from sellers are received.

Delivery from Ali using this shipping method is provided by postal operators and commercial carriers with whom there are direct contractual obligations. Delivery times to the buyer vary from 15 to 45 days, a more specific delivery period is indicated in the estimated delivery time. As a rule, sellers, along with Aliexpress delivery, offer a choice of sending by several other postal operators.

The main advantage of Aliexpress delivery is that if the goods are not received, the dispute immediately escalates, bypassing “pre-trial disputes” with the seller.

In any case, purchases from Aliexpress are protected by buyer protection, and tracking parcels from Aliexpress from all postal operators and courier services in one place will not allow you to keep your finger on the pulse and, using the “control dates” option, open disputes on time.

Status Packed for picking-up - translation and what it means

This status is translated as “Prepared by the seller for shipment,” i.e. it is a mark on the status of the order, ready for delivery. The message is not a postal status, but reflects the status of the order in the internal accounting system of Aliexpress.

After the store marks the order as shipped and enters the track number into the system, the Packed for picking-up status will appear on the Aliexpress parcel tracking website

On our service website we also display this message so that you can monitor the order immediately after payment, before transfer to the transport company. A few days later, after the item is transferred for delivery, the Packed for picking-up entry will disappear from tracking and the postal service status will appear instead.

If after 7-10 days, instead of this status, a message about the shipment or acceptance of the shipment by the transport company still does not appear, you need to contact the seller. If the situation does not change, you can open a dispute due to the lack of information on the track number, without waiting for the end of the order protection period.

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3.9 / 5 (175 votes)

How to find out where your package is online:

Enter the track code, click “track” and find where your package is located.

Before you start tracking your package on , please make sure that your order has been shipped. The goods are dispatched within 3-5 days from the date of payment of the order and are accompanied by a notification to the buyer’s email address. Once you receive an email that your order has shipped, you can log in and view the details of the applicable order. The status will automatically change from “Awaiting Dispatch” to “Item Shipped.”

A prerequisite for sending goods is to provide the buyer with a tracking number.

Where can I find the tracking number?

A track number is a unique postal identifier in an international format that allows users to track postal items online using specialized services. As a rule, the track number consists of 4 capital letters and 9 numbers. The first 2 letters indicate the type postal item, the last two are the sending country.

You can see the track number of your shipment and information about the name of the transport company on the order page in the “Shipment Tracking” section.

The seller can leave any notes in the “Remarks” column. The “Details” column displays information about the location of the parcel. The website states that this information is updated every 5-10 days, but this is far from true. Very often, the tracking number information is displayed late and not entirely correctly. Therefore, it is better to check the status of parcels on the websites of international postal services or specialized services.

How to track a parcel from Aliexpress

Before the shipment leaves the customs of the sender's country, it is better to track it on the website of the national postal service. Most often, sellers on Aliexpress send parcels by post in China, Singapore and Hong Kong. Postal service name information can be found on the order page, but sellers often make mistakes by incorrectly listing the postal service and tracking address. In this case, you can easily find your way by paying attention to the last two letters of the track number (HK - Hong Kong, CN - China Post, SG - Singapore).

In order to track a parcel, you need to visit the official website of the sender’s postal service, enter the track number, verification code and press “Enter”.

If your parcel was sent by China Post, you can track your shipment on the website

The Singapore Postal Service address is

Hong Kong Postal Service – HongKongPost.

As soon as the parcel reaches customs point recipient country, it can be tracked on the website of the national postal service of your country.

How to track a package from Aliexpress sent by Sellers Shipping Method

Having chosen the Sellers Shipping Method, the seller must indicate the name of the transport company, as well as indicate the address of the website where the shipment can be tracked. In this case, the goods are sent not by national postal services, but by some alternative method, at the discretion of the supplier.

In order to find out where you can track such a parcel, you need to go to the order page and follow the link provided by the seller in the “Logistic Information” column.

The process of tracking parcels, regardless of the service, is similar - enter the track number, verification code and click “Ok”.

Please note that the track number of Chinese logistics companies is not international, so you can only track your parcel until it leaves the sending country. There will also be no information on the website of the national postal service of the recipient country. As soon as the package arrives at the post office you specified, you will receive a notification or call you.

Tracking parcels from Aliexpress with paid delivery

The most common services for sending orders with paid delivery to are:

  • FedEx;
  • USPS.

You can track parcels sent by the above courier services on their official websites. Since this is an international express delivery, tracking of shipments for these carriers works globally, regardless of the sending or receiving country.

You can track your EMS parcel both on the Chinese EMS website and on the EMS website of the Russian representative office. You can also check the current location of your parcel by calling toll free number 800-200-50-55 from anywhere in Russia.

You can track your DHL parcel on the website The DHL online tracking system allows you to track the movement of parcels in real time. To do this, you need to select the type of cargo, enter the shipment number and click “Send”.

When you track your FedEx Express shipment, you can not only get information about the location of your item, but also additional information about the stages of transportation and processing of the shipment, namely:

  • Type and dimensions of packaging;
  • Transportation, sorting and delivery time;
  • Receipt details.

The Fedex tracking number consists of 12 digits. As a rule, the first tracking information appears in the system after 20-00 Moscow time.

USPS tracking is available at To obtain information about the current status of the shipment, you just need to enter the number in the appropriate field and confirm the action. The track number assigned to USPS shipments can consist of any combination of letters and numbers (within 35 characters).

The duty-free limit for these courier services is limited to 200 euros. If the limit is exceeded, payment of customs duty will not be enough. In this case, you will have to do the procedure customs clearance goods or resort to the services of customs brokers, which is very expensive.