Design of dispatch systems. Dispatching and monitoring system for engineering systems Example of a project for dispatching engineering systems

The creation of dispatch systems is one of the key activities of the NORVIKS-TECHNOLOGY company.

A dispatch system is a set of software and hardware that allows remote control of engineering systems of one or more objects.

An automated dispatch control system (ADCS) is necessary to control engineering equipment distributed geographically and also located in hard-to-reach places. As a rule, dispatching is included in the management system of multifunctional facilities with complex engineering infrastructure, such as office buildings, trade entertainment centers, as well as production complexes and other industrial enterprises.

The following subsystems can be included in the dispatch system:

  • electricity supply, gas supply;
  • heat and water supply, energy accounting;
  • security and fire alarm systems, fire extinguishing and smoke removal systems;
  • Ventilation and air conditioning;
  • video surveillance, control and access management;
  • elevator facilities and others.

The essence of designing dispatch systems is to solve the problem of visualizing information about the functioning of engineering systems and providing the operator with the ability to directly control equipment from the control center. Data on the status of engineering equipment comes from local automation controllers and is transmitted to the server. The processed process data with the necessary analytical information arrives at the dispatch server and is displayed on computer screens at the operators’ workstations in a visual, dynamic graphical form.

Advantages of a monitoring system for engineering systems of structures

Data received and processed by the dispatch system is formed into messages different types, which are archived in long-term storage. Based on this information, available at any time, reports are generated.

The dispatch system gives key benefits when managing an object:

  • constant centralized control of the operation of engineering systems;
  • prompt response in emergency situations;
  • reducing the influence of the human factor;
  • optimization of document flow and reporting systems.

NORVIKS-TECHNOLOGY company implements dispatch projects of varying degrees of complexity.

Along with conventional systems, the company offers dispatch systems with three-dimensional visualization based on the new generation solution GENESIS64. This is a qualitatively new level of dispatch monitoring capabilities, which allows the operator to see a realistic image of the object with all parameters linked to specific nodes. The dispatcher can interactively change the detail of visualized objects, removing elements of buildings and installations and viewing them from the inside. Three-dimensional visualization will allow virtual navigation through the depicted objects, offers animation and dynamics tools volumetric images and other advantages of 3D technologies.

Another source of pride for the company’s employees is the ability to design and implement large-scale, geographically distributed dispatch systems that provide not only data collection from remote objects, but also distributed computing, multi-level archiving and backup.

Does your enterprise need to create a dispatch system? Contact NORVIX-TECHNOLOGY specialists for advice.

Any modern industrial facility, office center, the residential complex is equipped with many autonomously operating engineering systems. Constant diagnostics, service and continuous condition monitoring are often difficult due to their large number and location in hard-to-reach places.

Such problems can be effectively solved by designing dispatch systems with subsequent installation and connection. The creation of such design documentation is the prerogative of a specialized company that has serious developments and experience in this area.

The essence and stages of creating a dispatch systems project

Dispatch systems make it possible to visualize in real time and document information data on the operation of utility networks.

LEDs make it possible for the operator to directly control the hardware from the control panel. The sensors and control chips of the local automation transmit the received information to the server. After processing in the form of analytical reports, the data is displayed visually on the computer displays of operators’ workstations graphically and in dynamics.

Design of dispatch systems (SD) is a two-stage complex effort to develop drawings, diagrams and plans, select technical solutions, carry out calculations, select the most suitable technical means, create specifications for equipment and materials. Typically these include:

  • pre-project study of the nuances of the object (on-site, documentary, instrumental);
  • development of technical specifications (technical specifications) and coordination with the customer;
  • creation of design and working documentation;
  • preparation of operating instructions;
  • designer's supervision (at the client's request) of the implementation of all stages of the project at the site.

As a result of all the activities carried out, a package of documents is drawn up. It may be included in the complete construction documentation as part of it or be an independent project. High-quality research and work on calculations ensure operability, operational efficiency, and the possibility of reorganizing and retrofitting the SD. After complete completion of the project, equipment installation and commissioning operations are carried out.

The company's specialization is the design and turnkey delivery of LEDs at technological facilities and industrial enterprises, in children's institutions, shopping and entertainment centers, residential buildings, office complexes and objects for other purposes.

Priorities in creating a board of directors

The company is competent and with high quality carries out design work on objects of varying complexity, volume and purpose. On them, SDs are implemented in the form of separate structures or arranged into a single whole, both in the format of the collected and presented data, and in hardware. These can be dispatch networks with direct control or with remote access to control:

  • air conditioning and ventilation of internal spaces;
  • heat supply and heating;
  • security alarm, fire alarm;
  • power supply and lighting (gas and water supply, sewerage);
  • management of video and acoustic surveillance networks;
  • passenger and freight elevators;
  • commercial and industrial refrigeration units;
  • technological structures (boiler houses, heating stations, pumping stations, etc.).

Legislative framework for designing SD

The company operates by developing design and working documentation in accordance with current regulatory requirements. At both stages, documents are created based on:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content”;
  • Town Planning Code;
  • GOST R 1001-2009;
  • GOST R 21.1101-2009, etc.

SD design is carried out in accordance with SNiP, current regulations, technical approvals. The company has all the permits to carry out such work at objects of different categories.

How the price for designing a LED is determined

The cost of design documentation consists of:

  • volume of labor costs,
  • degree of complexity of the object (including the need to install sensors operating on various physical principles),
  • the need to develop special software;
  • the need to combine several separate systems into a single complex.

The final development of the design estimate will be carried out after agreeing on the list and scope of work with the customer.

Advantages of ordering SD design

Equipping a facility with an effective dispatch system is the key to safety and protection of areas important for life support in emergency situations. It will make it possible to accurately identify a link in utility networks or determine the junction of several structures where a failure occurred, then eliminate the problem and reduce damage through automatic response and prompt notification of the dispatch service.

Ordering a CD design from a company guarantees that you will receive a design that is optimally suited to the operating conditions of the facility.

At every facility, be it a production facility, an office center or a large industrial enterprise, there are many engineering systems that exist and operate continuously. These include ventilation systems, water supply, power supply, etc. Many nodes of such communications are located in places that are difficult to access for constant diagnostics; it is difficult for a person to maintain them and constantly monitor their condition. To solve such problems, dispatch control is designed and its subsequent installation is carried out.

Dispatch systems are a set of both hardware and software, with the help of which continuous monitoring of the condition of equipment and subsystems is carried out, as well as centralized management of operations and processes and timely detection of emergency situations.

  • Sensors, measuring instruments, devices for collecting information;
  • Equipment used to transmit data from measuring devices and computer centers;
  • Computing devices, server;
  • Operator workstation, user interface;
  • Software, both general and specialized, databases.

The implementation of dispatch systems is especially effective at large facilities and can significantly reduce the human factor, as well as increase the reliability of engineering communications and prevent emergency situations.

Dispatch systems provide the following capabilities:

  • Notification about the status of subsystems and equipment operation;
  • Notification in case of abnormal and emergency situations;
  • Remote centralized control of operations and processes of subsystems;
  • Monitoring climatic indicators, as well as water supply parameters;
  • Effective fire protection;
  • Providing security, access control, video surveillance;
  • Archiving, storage and processing of data received from all systems.


  • To begin with, a pre-design survey of the object and its features is carried out. This includes the following research methods:
    • Natural;
    • Instrumental;
    • Documentary.
  • Next, technical specifications (technical specifications) are developed and agreed with the customer;
  • After this, design documentation is created;
  • Then, working and operational documentation is written;
  • When the project is completely ready, they move on to installation and commissioning.

If you would like to order the design of engineering dispatch systems, please contact us. The SMIS Expert company employs high-class specialists who will be happy to help you solve the problem of creating and implementing dispatch at a facility. The high qualifications and extensive experience of our employees allow them to always perform their work efficiently, quickly and reliably.

Important: We work only with corporate clients and large orders. We do not carry out minor work and do not provide services for individuals.

The design of automation and dispatch systems (ASDS) has received independent development as one of the modern areas of engineering. Demand automated control engineering networks is only increasing.

Based on the collected data about the connected equipment, the automation and dispatch system can operate its settings and troubleshoot problems.

Benefits of automation of utility networks and dispatching

The system provides:

  • economical consumption of energy resources through optimal use of utility networks;
  • reduction of building operating costs due to the coordinated operation of all communications;
  • automated data collection that reduces maintenance costs;
  • safety of objects due to constant monitoring of the technical condition of connected systems and prompt intervention to eliminate faults;
  • increasing labor productivity due to comfortable conditions indoors.

Rich experience in developing similar projects, SRO approvals, a team of highly qualified engineers qualification category and programmers are guaranteed to implement automation and dispatch tasks for a complex of any purpose.

Competent design of automation and dispatch systems, entrusted to Acrux-Pro professionals, significantly reduces facility maintenance costs.

At the design stage, the degree of complexity of the automation and dispatch system is determined. Connection possible following functions, which our designers will develop after agreement with the customer:

  • monitoring the status of specialized devices and specialized equipment with displaying indicators on the control room monitor;
  • coordinating the operation of equipment or communication systems using a dispatch console or in an automatically programmed mode, which is set by operation service employees;
  • automation of operational fault tracking, localization of emergency situations using backup connections or switching;
  • emergency and security alarms, automatic recording of signals and notification to dispatchers;
  • video surveillance with automatic recording and archiving;
  • measurement of individual parameters of selected engineering systems to monitor the functionality of equipment and eliminate accidents;
  • control of input/output modules, communication channels and controllers with automatic recording of data and recording them in the provided log.

Design Features

Automation and dispatch systems provide round-the-clock monitoring of the health of communication systems in real time.

Communication systems controlled by the dispatch network:

  • general ventilation and refrigeration;
  • conditioning;
  • heat supply, water supply and heating;
  • drainage sump pumps;
  • sewerage

Automation and dispatch systems provide round-the-clock monitoring of the health of communication systems in real time:

  • air conditioning;
  • heat supply, water supply and heating;
  • drainage pit pumps;
  • sewerage.

A well-thought-out automation network contributes to the smooth functioning of the entire utility network.

Large industrial complexes, administrative buildings, shopping and entertainment centers, and luxury residential buildings are in dire need of creating projects for automation and dispatch systems. Communication networks of such objects are dispersed over a large area and are located in places with difficult access.

ASDU consists of:

  1. Actuators, sensors and connections. They collect data on equipment parameters and carry out monitoring.
  2. Controllers, input/output modules and switching equipment. They control the operation of the devices and provide impact.
  3. Monitoring - computer control through software through servers. It is where the information exchange of individual services included in the unified system, and the object is monitored.

Project composition

When designing you will:

  • examine the object;
  • develop a sketch of the project;
  • agree on the main issues with the customer;
  • receive technical specifications;
  • draw up a technical solution;
  • make installation diagrams;
  • develop automation project sections;
  • develop sections of the project for dispatching;
  • link dispatch design with the design of utility systems;
  • provide diagrams and drawings for the installation of an automatic dispatch and control system for utility networks;
  • develop or supply software and a set of equipment for the server that controls the performance of the system;
  • develop design and estimate documentation.

Our engineers will provide an ASDU project developed in accordance with the requirements of existing standards and regulations. We will design reliable control over the most complex utility networks assembled together.

List of design and estimate documentation

List of design and estimate documentation for ASDU:

  1. Copies of title documents confirming the company’s authority to carry out design and construction activities (licenses, certificates).
  2. Composition of the project.
  3. Technical task applicant for design work.
  4. Text and graphic part.

Section “Automation of technological solutions” (ASDU-ATM)

Explanatory note:

  • Total information;
  • developed solutions;
  • technological part of the project;
  • implemented functions of this type of automation;
  • provided for technical means control;
  • list of signal input/output modules;
  • properties and connection of information and software;
  • features of equipment installation and methods of drawing power lines;
  • environmental protection.

The grafical part:

  • drawings of floor plans with equipment layout diagrams;
  • automation scheme;
  • symbols.

Section “Automation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems” (ASDU-AOV)

Explanatory note:

  • general data of the designed object and systems;
  • explanations on solving technical problems and applicable equipment;
  • information on power supply and grounding;
  • operational characteristics of equipment and operating modes;
  • output parameters;
  • compliance with environmental protection and safety standards.

The grafical part:

  • drawings of plans with equipment placement diagrams;
  • system operation diagrams;
  • automation schemes;
  • symbols.

Complied standards and norms

SNiPs, GOSTs and others regulations, the requirements of which are observed during design:

  • GOST 21.408-93"SPDS. Rules for the implementation of working documentation for automation of technological processes";
  • SNiP 3.05.07-85"Automation systems";
  • ORMM-3 automated process control system“Industry-wide guidance and methodological materials on the creation and use of automated control systems technological processes in industries."

Consequences of poor design

Designing an automated control system requires a responsible and competent approach. Errors will cause irreparable harm, since communication networks will malfunction and a signal about an emergency situation may arrive late or not arrive at all.

There may be disruptions to failover to backup capacity or backup equipment. Errors in software will lead to the fact that the system independently and spontaneously begins to change the settings of engineering systems, which will cause serious accidents and breakdowns.

Design with Acrux-Pro eliminates such situations, since our employees strictly follow the norms and requirements when working through all the stages reflected in the design documentation.

Safety and trouble-free operation are guaranteed by the experience and professionalism of a staff of highly qualified designers and programmers.

Advantages of designing with Acrux-Pro

  1. At Acrux-Pro, all programmers and engineers participate in specialized exhibitions, conferences and apply the acquired knowledge in using the latest innovative technologies when implementing ASDU projects.
  2. We strictly adhere to deadlines. Projects for automation and dispatch systems are always completed on time.
  3. Our staff consists of a team of professional programmers and designers of the highest qualification category, which allows us to successfully develop projects of any complexity.
  4. Our specialists are always ready to help in preparing technical specifications and approving the project with expert bodies.
  5. The company's employees prepare the entire package of project documentation for sections of the project.
  6. The development of the project is based on a rational approach to the selection of technical solutions in accordance with existing methodological recommendations and standards. We save our customers money.
  7. We design both simple and complex multi-level systems for automated control, management and dispatch of engineering systems of buildings and structures. The professionalism of our designers guarantees trouble-free and reliable ASDU.
  8. Our clients are always informed about the progress of the design. We are constantly in touch and always ready to answer your questions.
  9. Our company’s expert commission conducts an audit of each stage of the project, which eliminates inaccuracies and errors.

Fill the form feedback or contact us by phone. Our staff will advise you and you will receive answers to all your questions. By choosing us, you have chosen a quality project.

The dispatch system allows you to remotely collect and store data about production processes or the operation of technological equipment of buildings, about all ongoing processes and emergency situations, as well as remotely set the operating modes of the equipment.

Dispatch and monitoring system for engineering systems

The dispatch system is a centralized control panel, which displays data on the operation of all engineering systems of the building. With its help, you can also control all technological equipment installed in the building from the control room.

It is possible to display data from the following systems on the dispatcher's console: ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration, heat supply and heating, water supply and sewerage, lighting and power supply, escalators and elevators, security systems, fire alarms and fire automatics, sound control systems, etc.

Dispatch systems can solve a number of different tasks, depending on the operating mode of the building or the conditions of a particular production:

  • collect data on the operation of equipment and visually display all ongoing processes;
  • promptly identify emergency situations and prevent accidents, send alarm messages to responsible persons;
  • remotely control devices, collect and store their readings;
  • maintain a report on energy consumption;
  • if necessary, present the collected data in the form of tables or graphs, transmit them to remote consoles that have a higher priority.

The advantages of using a monitoring system: it allows you to constantly monitor the operation of all engineering systems of the building, quickly respond in case of accidents, reduce the influence of the human factor on the operation of automation, and also optimize document flow and reporting.

Designing dispatch systems is a complex and labor-intensive process that requires a competent approach from the performers. A correctly drawn up project affects how well all the engineering components of the building will work, and therefore is the most important condition for building object could be put into operation.


The KSV Project company designs dispatch systems of any complexity in accordance with all requirements for the development of design documentation, as well as the individual wishes of the Customer. Design standard:

  • GOST R 51241-2008"Means and systems for access control and management. Classification. General technical requirements. Test methods".
  • GOST R 51558-2014"Television security equipment and systems. Classification. General technical requirements. Test methods."
  • GOST R 53246-2008 "Information Technology. Structured cable systems. Design of the main components of the system. General requirements".

Feasibility studies

In order for the project to best meet the goals and objectives of the Customer, a number of preparatory work must be completed before starting development. Information that the Customer must provide:

  • Plan or sketch of a microdistrict or industrial facility. It is necessary to indicate which buildings are included in the control center, what is the distance between them, where the control center is located, and whether there are any obstacles to wireless communication (if it is necessary).
  • Detailed description objects indicating the places where they are located heating points, engineering equipment, electrical panels, machine rooms, metering devices and other equipment.
  • Method of laying cables inside and between buildings.
  • Type of channel between the control center and objects.
  • Functionality required from the dispatch system.

At this stage we also expect economic efficiency use of the system.

Project development

Our specialists will complete a complete set of drawings, which will reflect the building automation and control system. The project usually contains the following information: general data, functional dispatch diagrams, structural scheme dispatch systems, schematic electrical diagrams of dispatch panels, controller communication lines, external connection diagrams, specifications of materials, products and equipment, as well as, if necessary, equipment wiring diagrams. The project also includes cable logs, which indicate the location of wiring and equipment.

Development of a project for an automated dispatcher workstation

Depending on how large the system itself is, workplace dispatcher may include the following equipment: a shield with a mnemonic diagram printed on it (in Lately Such systems are used less and less and mainly on manufacturing enterprises); A PC with an installed SCADA program or system that has output to multiple monitors or a monitor wall; A PC with access to the system server controller via a web interface.


Many years of experience of the KSV Project, a staff of highly qualified engineers, cooperation with supervisory authorities allows us to design warehouses for oil, petroleum products and fuels and lubricants with high quality and within the terms stipulated by the contract.

  • 100%

    projects received a positive conclusion from non-departmental examination

  • 120

    completed projects for fuel and lubricants warehouses and oil depots over 20 years of work

  • up to 30%

    reduce energy costs

  • by 30%

    We reduce the costs of maintaining energy networks

  • Individual heating point with a capacity of 1651.46 kW
  • Individual heating point with a capacity of 318 kW
  • Individual heating point with a capacity of 102 kW
  • Individual heating point with a capacity of 1.7 MW
  • Block heating unit with a capacity of 2008.5 kW
  • Block-modular boiler house, capacity 9 MW, fuel – natural gas
  • Block-modular boiler house, capacity 1.4 MW, fuel – diathermic oil
  • Design of a fuel pipeline and modular warehouse diesel fuel for a boiler house 5.7 MW.
  • Development of a SCADA system for a boiler house with a capacity of 126.42 Gcal/hour based on InduSoft Web Studio 8.0
  • Laying an external gas pipeline from the border land plot to a free-standing block-modular hot water boiler house (9.05 MW).
  • Container gas station with tank V=15 m3
  • Condensation heat exchanger for deep recovery of heat from exhaust flue gases of PTVM-120 TPP boilers
  • Thermal oil boiler house with a capacity of 3 MW
  • Block-modular hot water boiler house with an installed heating capacity of 6 MW and utilities.
  • Energy center with installed electrical capacity of 2.0 MW, thermal capacity of 10.65 MW in two stages of construction Losino-Petrovsky
  • Reconstruction project, overhaul existing and construction of new oil depot facilities Pevek
  • Oil depot re-equipment project - installation of four new vertical steel tanks of the RVS-5000 brand. Pevek