Presentation of the Cordillera Mountains. Presentation on the topic: North America. Great Dividing Range

Natural resources and their use. Assessment of PDP for the development of industry and agriculture. McKinley Cordillera Rocky Mountains, Coast Ranges, Cascade Mountains, Sierra Nevada. A huge mountainous country, the Cordillera is located in the western United States. They consist of a number of powerful mountain ranges, between which there is a belt of internal plateaus and plateaus. The highest point is McKinley (6193 m) in Alaska. The Rocky Mountains stretch to the east of the Cordillera, and the Coast Ranges, Cascade Mountains, and Sierra Nevada to the west. Appalachian Mountains, Central and Great Plains. In the east, the mid-altitude Appalachian Mountains stretch along the Atlantic coast, while the vast inland Central and Great Plains lie in the center. Atlantic, Florida, Mexican lowlands. In the southeast and south of the United States there are the Atlantic, Florida, and Mexican lowlands. CONCLUSION

CONCLUSION Plains and lowlands generally have favorable conditions for agriculture. The Cordillera is an important climatic boundary, a watershed between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The meridional nature of the relief affected the climatic and soil and plant conditions and influenced the formation transport network and population settlement. CORDILLERACORDILLERA Lowland? Mountains? Plain? Plain?Plain? Ridge? Ridge? Mountains?Mountains? Mountains?Mountains?

Most of the territory lies in the temperate and subtropical climate zone, the south of Florida is in the tropical climate. Alaska is located in the subarctic and temperate zones, the Hawaiian Islands are in the marine tropical zone. The continental climate increases in the central and western regions of the country. In the east there is high humidity, while the western part of the country is dry. Alaska is dominated by tundra, forest-tundra, and in the south taiga. Soil and plant zones change mainly in the meridional direction. In the northeast of the country and in the Pacific northwest there is an area of ​​mixed coniferous-deciduous forests. To the south is the Appalachian region of broadleaf forests. Tropical forests remain in the southeast of the country and in southern Florida. In the central part there are prairies with fertile chernozem soils. The dry steppes of the Great Plains are used for pasture. Altitudinal zonation is clearly expressed in the Cordillera.

Various water resources are distributed very unevenly throughout the country. On the border with Canada there is the largest lake system in the world - the Great Lakes - Superior, Michigan, Huron, Ontario, Erie, which are of great transport importance. Mississippi Ohio, Tennessee Missouri, Arkansas The main river system is the Mississippi and its tributaries. The left deep tributaries of the Ohio and Tennessee have significant hydropower resources. Right-wing Missouri and Arkansas are used for irrigation. Columbia, Colorado The mountain rivers of the Pacific basin of Columbia, Colorado are used both as a source of irrigation and as sources of hydroelectric power.

US map dynamics The growth of the population of each U.S. state between 1970 and The source for this data is the U.S. Census Bureau. Pink = Population decline Light green = Population growth of % Green = Population growth of % Dark green = Population growth of % Very dark green = Population growth of % or above

The USA is one of the most urbanized countries in the world. The share of city residents is 75%. There are only eight millionaire cities in the USA. Detroit Chicago Philadelphia Houston Dallas San Diego

BOSWASH (from Boston to Washington) CHIPITS or LAKES (from Milwaukee to Pittsburgh) SANSAN or CALIFORNIA (from San Francisco to San Diego) In the economically most developed parts of the United States, vast urbanized areas have developed, formed by the accretion of numerous neighboring agglomerations - “MEGALOPOLISES”

The USA is one of the largest countries in the world, possessing powerful economic, scientific, technical and military potential, which largely determines policy modern world. It is currently the only superpower. The country's current GNP is unparalleled. The USA is the world's largest producer of industrial and agricultural products. The American economy is characterized by a high concentration of production and capital. The largest American corporations are transnational in the nature of their operations. Among the 500 largest TNCs in the world alone, there are over 170 American ones.

In terms of the number of scientific and engineering personnel and R&D expenditures, the United States stands out even among highly developed countries. Under the influence of scientific and technological revolution in the sectoral structure of GNP, the share of material production and the increase in the non-productive sphere. The US's international specialization sectors are the electrical and electronics industry, automobile manufacturing, aerospace, nuclear industry, biotechnology, etc.

The USA has the most powerful fuel and energy industry. Its basis is a good supply of energy resources - coal, oil, natural gas. In terms of proven oil reserves and production, the United States ranks 2nd in the world after Saudi Arabia. Oil demand is met through domestic production and imports. The largest oil monopolies in the world are Exxon, Texaco, Gulf Oil and others. The need for natural gas is met through domestic production and imports from Canada. The United States is second only to Russia in natural gas production. The coal industry remains one of the most important industries. The US is in the leading group, along with China.

In terms of total power plant capacity and electricity production, the United States ranks 1st in the world. The structure of electricity generation is dominated by its production at thermal power plants (70%) alternative sources energy accounts for about 2% In terms of the number of power units of operating nuclear power plants, the United States ranks 1st in the world. The share of production is about 20% of hydroelectric power plants built on many rivers of the country - Columbia, Tennessee, Colorado.

The United States ranks third in the world in steel production. The smelting of ferrous metals in the country is controlled by several large companies. One of them is the United States Steel Corporation. The USA is a large producer of the main types of non-ferrous metals. The development of the industry is based on a powerful raw material and energy base. Factories are located near raw materials or cheap energy sources, or around large port cities. The aluminum industry (1st place in the world) mainly works on imported raw materials (from Jamaica, Guinea, Guyana, Brazil).

The leading centers of ferrous metallurgy are: Pittsburgh Gary Cleveland Detroit Milwaukee Baltimore Houston Dallas The main areas of non-ferrous metallurgy are: Mountain states Cu Zn Pb Cu Al Washington State Gulf Coast In the valley of the river. Tennessee

There are tens of thousands of enterprises and thousands of firms. The largest monopolies in the automotive industry: General Motors, Ford Motor, Daimler Chrysler, USA controls 2/3 of the world market civil aviation. The largest monopolies are Boeing, United Technologies, McDonell Douglas, and Lockheed. The main region of aircraft manufacturing is the Pacific states. The automobile industry is widespread in 20 US states. However, the main production area remains Lakeside, especially the state of Michigan with the “automotive capital” of Detroit.

The US electrical and electronics industry produces products for both industrial and household use. The global computer market is controlled by American firms led by IBM. The process of cooperation between industry and science is actively underway. Scientific-industrial complexes have emerged in various parts of the United States, such as Silicon Valley in California, which is the world's leading semiconductor manufacturing region. US shipbuilding is far inferior in importance to other branches of mechanical engineering. It cannot compete with other countries in the world. The centers are located on the Atlantic coast and in the Gulf of Mexico. There are shipyards in the Great Lakes region.

In terms of production volume, the United States is one of the world leaders. The dominant companies here are Dupont de Nemours, Dow Chemical, and Monsanto. The main areas are the states of the North, where chemistry is associated with metallurgy, automotive industry, textile industry, agriculture. High concentration chemical enterprises observed on the Gulf Coast in states that are rich in raw materials for this industry: oil, natural gas and sulfur. In the Tennessee River Valley, a complex of energy-intensive chemical production. Developing at a fast pace chemical industry on the Pacific coast.

The basis of the railway system is made up of transcontinental highways running from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast. The remaining highways are laid both in the latitudinal and meridional directions. Rapid development road transport The process of urbanization and the farming type of rural settlement contributed to this, as well as the presence of a large network of good roads throughout the country, an established maintenance system and the active activity of automobile monopolies. Air transport is of great importance in passenger transportation both domestic and international. The civil aviation fleet is the largest in the world.

Socio-economic development of individual areas. Midwest: region of large industry and agriculture Northeast: “workshop of the nation” South: macroregion of great change. The West is the youngest and most dynamic West. An important economic region of the country. The breadbasket of the country. Many faces. The contrast is especially pronounced. The United States is the first trading partner for many countries around the world. In foreign trade coal. Import: food vehicles, mineral raw materials TNCs account for up to 2/3 of US foreign trade turnover A greater role than trade is played by the export of capital

Relief is all the unevenness of the Earth's surface

Basic landforms of the Earth

  • Domestic
  • Fast and slow movements of the earth's crust
  • Volcanism
  • External
  • Weathering forces

What is the difference between a hill and a mountain

MOUNTAINS - vast areas of the earth's surface, elevated above the plains and having large differences in elevation (more than 200 m)

Watching the film fragment “Sushi Mountains” ...Since ancient times our Russian Parnassus Drawn to unfamiliar countries And most of all, only you, Caucasus, Ringed with a mysterious fog... S. Yesenin

Differences in mountain heights

More than 2000 m

mountain range

Mountain elements

  • Mountains located one after another in row, form mountain range
  • Depressions between adjacent ridges are called mountain valleys
  • The sharp peaks of mountains are called in peaks
  • The depressions between two peaks are called passes.
  • The mountains have cool And gentle slopes, foothills.
  • A vast mountain range consisting of mountain ranges and high plains is called highlands.
  • A large group of mountain ranges, intermontane depressions and highlands form mountain system, or mountainous country.
  • Mountain ranges connect and intersect to form mountain nodes.
  • The long-term accumulation of ice on mountain tops, in depressions on slopes, and in mountain valleys is called glacier.


Steep slope




Gentle slope

mountain valley

How to describe geographical position mountains


Actions corresponding to the points of the plan

1. Name, height

1. Name and show the mountains on the map; determine which mountains they belong to in height.

2. Geographical location:

A) on the mainland;

B) direction and


B) relatively

other objects


A) on what continent and in what part of it are they located?

mountains, between which meridians and parallels;

B) in which direction the mountains stretch and how many kilometers (approximately);

C) how are the mountains located relative to neighboring ones?

plains, seas, rivers, etc.

Sushi mountains

  • The highest mountains on land, the Himalayas, are in Asia. The highest peak is Chomolungma (Everest 8848m)
  • The longest

(long) mountains on Earth -

Andes in South America.

The highest peak is Mount Aconcagua (6959m)

The highest mountains of the North America-Cordillera, highest peak - mountain McKinley (6194m)

The highest mountains in Europe

Alps, highest peak

Mont Blanc mountain (4807m)

The highest peak in Africa is Mount Kilimanjaro (5895 m)

The longest mountains Australia-Big Watershed Ridge. The highest peak is Kosciuszko (2228m).

The highest mountains of Russia-

Caucasus. The highest peak is

Mount Elbrus (5642m)

The longest mountains

Russia - Ural Mountains.

The highest peak is

Narodnaya (1895m)









Assignment: draw mountains on the contour map: Andes, Cordillera, Alps, Caucasus, Tien Shan, Himalayas, Ural Mountains. Determine the location of the highest peaks and label them on the map, fill out the table (the table is done in a workbook)

Mountain names

Vertex names

Geographical coordinates

Mountain names

Vertex names

Geographical coordinates

Slide 2

North America Map

  • Slide 3

    General information

    • North America is located on two lithospheric plates: North American and Caribbean. The larger of these is the North American Plate, which contains almost the entire continent, as well as the islands of the Arctic Ocean, including Greenland.
    • It should be noted that the western boundary of the plate passes through the territory of Eurasia in such a way that the northern tip Far East Russia is geologically also part of North America.
    • The Caribbean plate includes the south of the continent, as well as the islands of the Caribbean Sea. Tectonic activity is most pronounced here, as there is an active collision of the plate with the North and South American plates.
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    North America Map

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    General information

    • North America can be divided into three parts: the western highlands, the ancient platform and the eastern plains.
    • The western one was formed mainly in the Mesozoic and includes the Cordillera; some of its sections continue to form today. The platform includes Greenland, the Canadian Shield, Labrador, and the Center of North America.
    • Ancient folding is represented by the Appalachians, the Atlantic and Mexican lowlands.
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    The structure of the relief of North America

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    Central Plains

    In the center of the continent are the hilly Central Plains with heights from 200 to 500 m, composed of marine and continental sedimentary rocks.

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    The Cordillera stretches along the western coast for 7 thousand km. There are two main branches in the system of ridges: the western – the Cordillera proper – and the eastern – the Rocky Mountains, with a length of 3 thousand km.

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    • oil
    • coal
    • gold
    • uranium ores
  • Slide 12

    Grand Canyon

    The Grand Canyon is one of the deepest canyons in the world. Located on the Colorado Plateau, USA. It was produced by the Colorado River in a layer of limestone, sandstone and shale. Length 446 km. Depth up to 1600 m. Width at the plateau surface level 8 – 25 km, near the bottom less than 1 km (in some areas up to 120 m).

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    Geological section of the Colorado Canyon

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    Colorado Canyon

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    Appalachian Mountains

    The low Appalachian mountains are heavily eroded and intersected by valleys. The slopes of the mountains are gentle, the peaks are rounded, the height is slightly more than 2 thousand m. The highest point is Mount Mitchell 2037 m. Iron ore and coal occur in the Appalachians and in their foothills.

    1 out of 10

    Presentation on the topic: North America

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    GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION North America is a continent in the Western Hemisphere. In the south it connects with South America. North America includes Central America and the West Indies. 20.36 million km2 (together with the islands 24.25 million km2). From the west, the continent is washed by the Pacific Ocean with the Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska and California, from the east by the Atlantic Ocean with the seas of Labrador, Caribbean, Gulf of St. Lawrence and Mexico, from the north by the Arctic Ocean with the seas of Beaufort, Baffin, Greenland and Hudson Bays. Large islands: Greenland, Aleutian, Alexander Archipelago.

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    NORTH AMERICA STATES USA, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Dominica, Barbados, Bahamas, Grenada, Saint Lucia , Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda; Denmark's possession is Greenland, as well as a number of possessions of Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, and the USA.

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    RELIEF AND MINERAL RESOURCES The western part of the continent is occupied by the Cordillera mountain system (McKinley, 6193 m), the eastern part is occupied by vast plains, plateaus, and mid-altitude mountains. In the northeast of North America is the Laurentian Rise. The interior regions are the (high) Great Plains and (low) Central Plains. The central, large part of North America is occupied by the Precambrian North American (Canadian) platform. The eastern edge of the continent is bordered by the mountain peaks of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Labrador, and the Appalachians. Along the southeastern coast there are coastal lowlands - the Atlantic and Mexican. Mineral deposits of global importance: iron ore, nickel, cobalt, gold, uranium (Laurentine Upland), coal, oil, flammable gases, and potassium salts (in Canada). The richest oil and gas deposits (the Mexican lowland, the northern part of the Canadian Arctic archipelago), asbestos deposits in the Northern Appalachians. The Cordillera has numerous deposits of non-ferrous and rare metals.

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    CLIMATE The climate ranges from arctic in the far north to tropical in the center. America and the West Indies, oceanic in coastal areas, continental in inland areas. Average temperatures in January increase from -36 °C (in the north of the Canadian Arctic Arch.) to 20 °C (in the south of Florida and the Mexican Highlands), in July - from 4 °C in the north of the Canadian Arctic Arch. up to 32 °C in the southwestern United States. Largest quantity precipitation falls on the Pacific coast of Alaska and Canada and in the northwestern United States (2000-3000 mm per year); the southeastern regions of the mainland receive 1000-1500 mm, the Central Plains - 400-1200 mm, the intermountain valleys of the subtropical and tropical regions of the Cordillera - 100-200 mm. North of 40-44° N. w. In winter, a stable snow cover forms.

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    INTERNAL WATER The largest river system of the Mississippi is the Missouri (length 6420 km); other significant rivers: St. Lawrence, Mackenzie, Yukon, Columbia, Colorado. The northern part of the continent, which was subject to glaciation, is rich in lakes (Great Lakes, Winnipeg, Great Slave, Great Bear, etc.). The total area of ​​modern glaciation in St. 2 million km2.

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    SOIL AND VEGETATION Soil and vegetation cover in the east of the continent is represented by a series latitudinal zones from arctic deserts in the north to tropical evergreen forests in the south (in the Cordillera - with a variety of altitude zones), south of 47° N. w. the zones are elongated predominantly in the meridional direction. Forests occupy about 1/3 of the territory; they are represented by typical taiga in the central regions of Canada, tall coniferous forests on the Pacific coast of Alaska, Canada and the USA, mixed and broad-leaved forests in the Great Lakes basin, evergreen coniferous and mixed forests in the southeast of the continent and in the southern part of the Cordillera. In the interior of the continent, steppe and semi-desert vegetation predominates. In the inner belt of the Cordillera, deserts are developed in some places. The soil and vegetation cover of North America has been greatly modified by humans (especially in the United States).

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