What kind of position is Assistant to the General Director? What are the responsibilities of an Assistant General Manager? Job offers in Ukraine

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For successful employment, it is desirable to have a specialized education, as well as possess necessary qualities and work skills. First of all, you need to carefully study the requirements of employers in your chosen specialty, then start writing a resume.

You should not send your resume to all companies at the same time. Choose suitable vacancies based on your qualifications and work experience. We list the most important skills for employers that you need to successfully work as a deputy. general director By general issues in Moscow:

Top 7 key skills you need to have to get hired

Also quite often in vacancies there are the following requirements: team management, PC user and budgeting.

As you prepare for your interview, use this information as a checklist. This will help you not only please the recruiter, but also get the job you want!

Analysis of vacancies in Moscow

Based on the results of an analysis of vacancies published on our website, the indicated starting salary, on average, is 93,030. The average maximum income level (indicated “salary up to”) is 141,429. It must be borne in mind that the figures given are statistics. The actual salary during employment can vary greatly depending on many factors:
  • Your previous work experience, education
  • Type of employment, work schedule
  • Company size, industry, brand, etc.

Salary level depending on the applicant’s work experience

Job description an assistant manager is created to streamline labor relations. The document indicates functional responsibilities, responsibility, employee rights.

Position "assistant manager" in different organizations may be called differently: personal assistant to the director, assistant manager, secretary.

Sample of a typical job description for an assistant manager

I. General provisions

1. An assistant manager is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the head of the organization.

2. The assistant manager reports directly to the head of the company.

3. During the absence of the assistant manager, his rights and functional responsibilities are transferred to another official, as reported in the order for the organization.

4. A person with a higher education and at least one year of experience in similar work is appointed to the position of assistant manager.

5. The assistant manager is guided in his activities by:

  • legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Internal labor regulations, Charter and others regulations companies;
  • orders and instructions from management;
  • this job description.

6. The assistant manager must know:

  • established procedure for handling documents in the organization;
  • rules business communication and etiquette;
  • procedure for maintaining reporting documentation;
  • rules for using office equipment and communications equipment;
  • basics of working in a text editor, spreadsheets;
  • basics of office work;
  • organizational structure of the company;
  • procedure for concluding and executing contracts.

II. Job responsibilities of an assistant manager

The assistant manager is assigned the following functional responsibilities:

1. Planning the manager’s working day: developing and coordinating a schedule for meetings, visits, calls, receptions and other actions.

2. Personal accompaniment of the manager at meetings, receptions, and trips.

3. Technical support for the manager’s work: ordering tickets, transport; organization of negotiations and meetings.

4. Maintaining minutes and other documents recording the progress and results of meetings, sessions, negotiations.

5. Notification of employees structural divisions organizing instructions, management orders and monitoring their implementation.

6. Collection of information, preparation and provision of analytical, informational, reference and other reports to management.

7. Conducting office work, receiving correspondence sent to the manager.

8. Registering visitors for a personal appointment with the manager, organizing their reception.

9. Reception of documents and applications for signature by the manager, their registration, accounting and transfer to the manager.

10. Drawing up letters, requests, and other documents on behalf of management.

11. Preparation of meetings, meetings, meetings held by the manager. Collection necessary materials, notifying participants about the time, location, and agenda.

12. Execution official assignments leader.

III. Rights

The assistant manager has the right:

1. Receive information to the extent necessary to complete assigned tasks.

2. Send proposals to management to improve their work and rationalize the company’s activities.

3. Send requests to divisions of the organization (on behalf of the manager or on personal initiative) to obtain documents necessary to fulfill it job responsibilities.

4. Demand that the management of the institution create the conditions necessary for the performance of his official duties.

5. Accept independent decisions within the limits of its competence.

6. Have access to confidential information when a business need arises.

IV. Responsibility

The Assistant Manager is responsible for:

1. Providing employees of the organization with false information.

2. Improper execution of their official duties.

3. Application material damage organization, the state, its counterparties, employees.

4. Violation of deadlines for completing assigned tasks.

5. Violation of provisions guidance documents organizations, decisions, regulations.

6. Disclosure trade secret, personal data, confidential information.

7. Actions beyond the scope of his competence.

8. Violation labor discipline, safety precautions, internal labor regulations, fire protection.

9. Violation of norms business etiquette, rough handling business partners, visitors, employees of the organization.

An assistant to the general manager is the person every manager worth his salt needs. When managing a company, it is important to entrust half of the work to the person who has the proper knowledge, skills, and relevant competence. That is why the first and most significant vector of activity is the job responsibilities of the assistant general director.

Approval of instructions

The basis of any job description is labor legislation Russia, such a position as assistant general director was no exception. The responsibilities assigned to the “right hand” of the manager must be drawn up in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as additional regulations.

The drawn up instructions are approved by the head or head of the organization. His signature signifies the legality of the accepted document, as well as agreement with all its provisions. Moreover, the manager has the right to make changes, add duties, or not sign an autograph at all, issuing a reasoned refusal and pointing out significant shortcomings.

General provisions: what guides the assistant?

It is impossible to overestimate the role played by the assistant to the general director in the company's activities. The job description for this category of persons must necessarily contain general provisions, where the employee will be able to familiarize himself with the regulatory framework governing his activities, as well as with materials that determine the nature of his work.

The assistant to the general director is the technical executor of the instructions and decisions of the organization's manager. Accepted and dismissed from a position by order of the appropriate official. As a rule, the following requirements are imposed on it:

  • higher education;
  • presence or absence of work experience (its duration is determined by the manager);
  • requirements for work experience in the specialty.

If you want to try yourself in this position, then be prepared for the fact that direct and strict subordination to the boss is the main rule of work, which any assistant to the general director adheres to. The job description also talks about cases where an assistant is absent from the workplace. At this time, his duties are performed by the deputy head, who bears full responsibility for their implementation.

Legal regulation

The functions of the assistant general director are based on the following regulations:

  1. Documents that regulate its activities in general or regulate a similar type of activity.
  2. Methodological recommendations and other materials created to streamline a particular area of ​​activity.
  3. Charter of the company/organization/enterprise.
  4. Work schedule.
  5. Orders and instructions issued by the immediate superior of the organization.
  6. Job description determined by the supervisor.

The Assistant to the General Director must quickly, clearly and correctly navigate regulatory framework, which regulates his activities in general, as well as the work of the officials subordinate to the assistant. It is important to note that it is necessary to study not only federal and regional legislation, but also local regulations.

What do you need to know?

The position of the “right hand” of the head of the company requires solid knowledge of the structure and management of the organization, as well as all existing divisions. An important skill in work is the ability to correctly draw up an appropriate document - an order, instruction, resolution, and so on. That is, without the basics of office work, the assistant general director will not be able to fully fulfill his job responsibilities.

Persons applying for the position must have basic ethics, master the rules of business communication, and also know general norms labor code And administrative law. Yes, and you can’t do without skills in working with electronic computers.

Helper functions

The next basic section of the job description is a list of functions that the assistant general director is required to perform for general issues:

  • Correct and clear organization technical support administrative management activities of the head of the company.
  • Maintaining and organizing office work, monitoring the activities of other employees, explaining to employees unclear issues in this area.
  • Development or participation in events aimed at streamlining the company’s document flow.
  • Reception of visitors.

Example job responsibilities

The characteristics of the assistant to the general director consist of both the job responsibilities presented and the level of their performance, and looks like this:

  • Acceptance of correspondence received by the company addressed to the boss, its transmission and use in accordance with by decision leader.
  • Conducting business in accordance with federal laws, as well as effective use computer equipment; application of basic skills in the work of collecting and processing information.
  • Acceptance of documents and applications, sending them for signature to the head of the organization.
  • Preparation of documents for the work of the manager.
  • Organization of telephone conversations. In addition, the person holding this position is obliged to convey the information obtained as a result of negotiations to employees, presenting it in the required form.
  • Drawing up letters, requests, as well as other types of documents, preparing responses to requests on behalf of the manager.
  • Organizing activities for preparing meetings, meetings, keeping minutes and subsequently filing them in the proper form.
  • Monitoring the work of company employees.
  • Organizing the manager’s workplace in accordance with the requirements, providing office supplies, creating conditions for successful and efficient work.
  • Print office and work materials.

It is important to note that the presented list of employee job responsibilities is not exhaustive. The manager, at his own discretion, can change each item if the amendments do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Rights of the assistant general director

IN general view The rights of the assistant general director are presented in the following list:

  • the right to become familiar with the manager’s draft decisions concerning the assistant’s activities;
  • the right to consider proposals made by the manager and related to the performance of the assistant’s official activities;
  • the right to information, the receipt of which is necessary for the purpose of successful implementation labor activity further;
  • the right to demand from management actions that facilitate the execution of job descriptions.

Legal responsibility of the assistant

As a rule, the final paragraph of any job description is provisions on the measures of responsibility imposed on the employee. Thus, responsibility is provided for the following types of actions:

  • Improper performance or refusal to perform official duties.
  • Violations of criminal, administrative, labor, civil legislation.
  • Causing damage to the organization's property.

Legal liability can be imposed on a person either with or without the participation of law enforcement agencies. As a rule, the nature and degree of harm caused plays a significant role in determining the extent of liability. If an employee damages an organization’s property, then the penalty occurs within the framework of disciplinary liability. If the damage is interpersonal in nature, without participation investigative authorities not enough

Approval of instructions

Job Description for Assistant General. The director is approved not only by the signature of the director, but also by the signature of the person who begins to perform his direct duties. This regulatory legal act is local, therefore it applies only to the territory of a certain organization. If the job description contains inconsistencies with federal or regional legislation, the employee has the right to refuse to comply with the illegally approved provision.

The CEO of a company has many responsibilities. As the organization develops, this range of responsibilities expands. There is a lot of “turnover”, on which the manager has to spend time instead of solving problems aimed directly at the development of the company. This reduces the efficiency of the specialist. Some tasks that do not require high qualifications can be delegated to the assistant to the general director.

Position of assistant general director: main characteristics

It is difficult to define the position of assistant general manager. The fact is that the scope of responsibilities of this specialist is determined based on the needs of the general director. An employee's activities can be focused on one aspect. Let's consider the positions in which assistants work in practice:

  • Clerk. This specialist is responsible for working with documentation. His area of ​​responsibility includes calls and various daily tasks.
  • Personal assistant. Specializes in organizing the CEO's working day, business meetings and conferences. The specialist also accompanies the manager on business trips.
  • Deputy General Director. An employee has the right to make decisions on a limited range of issues.

As a rule, in reality, an assistant combines the functions of several specialists. IN large companies the general director may have two assistants. For example, one organizes work time manager, and the other deals with paperwork.

The assistant belongs to the category of managers. He reports directly to the CEO. Requirements that are usually presented to an employee:

  • Higher education in a relevant field (for example, legal).
  • Three years of work experience.

As a rule, other employees report to the assistant general director. He has broad powers: from the right to issue orders to control over the work of various departments.

IMPORTANT! Appointing an assistant is not at all overkill. This measure allows the manager to focus on solving problems that require high professionalism and creativity. “Turnover” is delegated to the assistant. This significantly increases the efficiency of both the CEO and the company itself.

Legal regulation

The activities of the assistant general director are regulated by regulations:

  • Methodological recommendations.
  • Charter.
  • Employment agreement.
  • By orders of the leader.
  • Job description.

What are the responsibilities of an assistant general manager?

The responsibilities of an assistant general manager vary depending on the size of the company. IN small companies employees are involved in monitoring the work of couriers, managers, and the life support of office activities. In large organizations, the CEO usually has two assistants. One personal assistant organizes the manager’s working day, the second takes care of all other matters. The list of specialist responsibilities can vary significantly. In any case, the responsibilities must be specified in the job description. Let's look at a sample list:

  • Organization of negotiations, including by telephone.
  • Reception of correspondence.
  • Organization of meetings and meetings: preparation of related materials, monitoring compliance with regulations, drawing up minutes, shorthand.
  • Control over the execution of instructions from the general director.
  • Submitting papers to the manager for signature.
  • Reception of the general director's visitors.
  • Organizing business trips (for example, booking rooms, ordering tickets).
  • Ensuring the effective work of the general director.
  • Drawing up a working day plan.
  • Information support for the general director.
  • Participation in meetings and business meetings.
  • Organization of business meetings.
  • Organization of presentations.
  • Preparation of expense reports.
  • Execution of personal orders.
  • Creation of databases, virtual presentations using a PC.

An assistant is the person closest to the CEO. Often his working day is not standardized. An employee solves a wide variety of problems, so he must have the appropriate personal qualities.

Employee rights

The Assistant to the General Director is vested with the following rights:

  • Familiarization with the projects and decisions of the manager regarding the activities of the assistant.
  • The right to receive necessary information.
  • The right to make decisions within the scope of official authority.

The assistant to the general director can be given greater powers. For example, an employee may have the right to sign documents.

Responsibilities assigned to the assistant

The responsibilities assigned to the assistant must be specified in the job description. The employee is responsible in the following cases:

  • Failure to follow job instructions.
  • Actions that violate the laws of the Russian Federation.
  • Causing damage.

If an assistant has committed misconduct, an investigation is conducted before liability is imposed. It is needed to establish the degree of guilt. Key company employees are participating in the investigation. Based on its results, a document is drawn up. Depending on the degree of guilt, a penalty may be imposed on the employee. The assistant may also be fired.

What personal qualities are required from an assistant?

A personal assistant is tasked with a wide range of tasks. Some specialists work in one area, but this does not apply to an assistant. He is required to multitask and be versatile. Let's consider the personal qualities that an assistant general director must have:

  • Proactivity, working ahead.
  • Ability to Foresee further development situations.
  • Preventing complications.
  • Versatility.
  • Adaptation to a rapidly changing environment.
  • Fluency in one or more foreign languages.
  • Ability to work with information flows.
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality.
  • Ability to systematically analyze a situation.
  • The ability to offer several solutions at once.
  • Intermediate to advanced PC skills.
  • Knowledge of the basics of time management.
  • Ability to coordinate the activities of multiple employees.
  • Diplomacy.
  • Communication skills, ability to resolve conflicts.
  • Operational work with large volumes of information.
  • Good memory.
  • Ability to prioritize.

The assistant must be competent and resistant to stress. Knowledge of related specialties (for example, knowledge of the basics of jurisprudence) is desirable.

When does a CEO need a personal assistant?

An assistant is hired if the general director is assigned a large list of responsibilities. Even if the manager copes with the existing tasks, most of“Turnover” can slow down work. It is to handle the day-to-day affairs that an assistant is hired. As a rule, these employees are invited to large companies. CEOs of small organizations can handle all the work on their own.

Every company manager (regardless of its size) must have a good and smart assistant to delegate some of his responsibilities to. Such a specialist must have the proper competence and skills, since he will have to perform a wide list of tasks and tasks. What items does the job description of an assistant general director consist of? Let's take a closer look, since this document will allow you to find a specialist who will ideally perform his duties.

What should an assistant general manager do?

It is impossible to overestimate the role of the CEO in a company, since it important specialist, carrying out the instructions of his immediate superior, his assistant, who has the necessary for building normal operation in company.

The assistant to the general director is the technical executor of the instructions and decisions of his manager. Can be hired or fired only by order of the CEO. Typically, this specialist has the following requirements:

  1. Availability higher education, preferably in the economic or legal fields.
  2. Availability of seniority and work experience in a similar position.

When you decide to become an assistant to the general director, remember that the main thing is to strictly fulfill all the requirements of your immediate superior.

In addition, the position involves performing the duties of a manager in his absence (for example, if the director is on vacation or on a business trip). His assistant has not only the full right to carry them out, but also responsibility for the decisions made.

Legal regulation of the position

The work of the assistant manager is based on the following local and regulatory documentation:

  • Documents regulating its type of activity. For example, these could be methodological organizations or other materials necessary to streamline activities.
  • The charter of the organization, which also prescribes the responsibilities of the management team.
  • Employment contract.
  • Orders issued by the immediate supervisor.

That is why it is so important that the assistant manager is oriented in the regulatory framework of the company, knows the laws, complies with them when working, does not violate them, and understands the full extent of his responsibility for making decisions that run counter to the decisions of management.

Job Description for Assistant General Director

Let's take a closer look at what should directly be in the assistant's DI, which will allow you to draw up the document as clearly as possible.

What does a specialist need to know?

This position requires good knowledge of the company structure, management team, and all departments of the organization. A good skill is the ability to correctly draw up all documents, especially orders and various resolutions. Thus, one of the main skills is knowledge of office work, since without this a specialist will not be able to fully fulfill his duties.

In addition, the “right hand” of a specialist must have business communication skills, know the rules of etiquette, and comply with the norms of the Labor Code and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Naturally, you need to be able to use a computer - know all office programs, be able to quickly find information on the Internet, etc.

What functions does it perform?

Let's take a closer look at what functions this specialist should perform in order to write them down in the job description:

  • Organizing the normal activities of its management.
  • Managing personnel issues.
  • Monitoring the work of other employees, explaining various issues to them.
  • Development of measures aimed at optimizing document flow in the company.
  • Reception of visitors.

In addition, the Assistant General Manager must perform the following duties:

  1. Accepting correspondence that is addressed to his supervisor.
  2. Conducting office work in accordance with the Federal Law and the Labor Code.
  3. Collection and processing of information, its analysis.
  4. Acceptance of documents, checking them before sending to the manager.
  5. Organizing and conducting telephone conversations.

Also, the person who holds this position is obliged to communicate to the company employees the goals and objectives adopted at meetings, and to check their work. Also, the responsibilities of the assistant general director include drafting letters, requests, and various documents. In addition, you need to help your immediate supervisor organize the workplace, ensure the availability of all office supplies, etc.

It is worth remembering that the list of responsibilities we have compiled is not complete, that is, as necessary, it can be expanded and other responsibilities can be added. The main thing is that the adjustments made do not contradict Russian legislation.

Rights of the “right hand”

The Assistant General Director has not only responsibilities, but also rights, which must also be written down in the DI:

  • Opportunity to get acquainted with projects and decisions of management that relate to its activities.
  • The right to receive information necessary to perform one's duties.
  • The right to receive data and actions from management within the framework of the assistant’s job description.

Thus, the “right hand” of the manager has the right to receive any information that directly relates to his work.

What responsibility does the specialist have?

The last section of any job description is the responsibility of the specialist, which lies with the employee. Thus, the employee is responsible for:

  1. Refusal to fulfill obligations assigned to him.
  2. For actions that violate administrative, civil or criminal law.
  3. For causing damage to the company, etc.

At the same time, I can impose legal liability on a specialist both with the involvement of representatives of law enforcement agencies, and without them - within the organization.

When determining the degree of guilt, they usually rely on information about the harm caused. For example, if an employee damages property belonging to the company, then he is usually subject to disciplinary action.

Correct formatting of job descriptions

But in addition to the above, it is also important to correctly draw up the document itself. Let's look at how to do this correctly so that you don't have problems in the future.

A standard DI template looks like this:

  1. The name of the company where the employee will work.
  2. Full name of the official who has the right to approve the execution of job descriptions at the enterprise, his signature.
  3. A link to the document (for example, an order or regulation) in accordance with which the DI was drawn up.
  4. Signature of the employee who developed the instructions. Most often, such work is carried out by specialists from the HR department, but everything depends on the specifics of the work prescribed in local regulations.
  5. Approval stamp with HR or legal department. In this case, the signature of the official must be present.

After the job description and its “composition” are approved, each sheet is numbered, laced, and the document itself is certified with the company’s seal. A company employee must be introduced to the DI, and then the document is given for storage to the organization’s archives.


An assistant to the general director is capable of performing various functions and responsibilities at the enterprise, therefore he must have good experience, broad skills in many areas, including employee management, office management skills, knowledge of the laws of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, etc. Drawing up a job description will outline the basic scope of the duties and responsibilities of this performer.

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