First meeting after appointment as manager. Welcome Speech: Example and Basic Principles

Historically, when communicating with each other through speech, people gradually created certain linguistic structures and rules. They greatly simplified the communication process and contributed to effective interaction.

But speech is not only the process of speaking itself, but also various speeches on a wide variety of topics in front of certain audiences. On this basis, they distinguish between festive, welcoming, final, business and others. They can be both independent units and elements of one large speech.

The welcoming speech, an example and definition of which will be given in this article, is precisely the subject of our conversation.

The importance of our words

The first impression is very important. It is known that it cannot be produced twice. Therefore, special requirements are placed on the welcoming speech.

Its function is to start any event with dignity, to greet those present, to defuse the situation, and to outline the prospects for further conversation. We are working on the audience.

And it doesn’t matter at all that sometimes the welcoming speech at the opening can consist of only a couple of sentences. The main thing here is not to make a mistake: a too long speech will make listeners bored, and a very short one, on the contrary, will create the impression of a frivolous approach to the event on the part of the organizers.

Welcome Speech: Example and Basic Principles

Here are some tips and techniques for working with your audience. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it will be a welcoming speech at a competition, the opening of an event, before a lecture, or somewhere else.

Showing hospitality

Even if the lecturer is completely unfamiliar with the audience, it is necessary to communicate with it in the tone in which conversations are conducted with old friends. This will immediately put people at ease and create the necessary atmosphere of trust.

Brevity is the soul of wit

A little about this principle has already been said above. introduction You shouldn't stretch it too much. First, a general greeting, a slight highlighting of particularly important guests, then a few touches about the future event (without mentioning details), and that’s it.


Any welcoming speech contains an introduction to the audience (we will look at an example below). Even if people familiar to him are sitting in front of the speaker, he must definitely identify himself, his position or occupation if they are directly related to the event being held.

Ability to convey information correctly

Any performance requires at least a little preparation. The audience or hall must be known and inspected in advance. This is necessary in order to understand whether the one who will speak will be visible and audible from all places.

Maintaining eye contact with the audience throughout the entire time certainly includes a high-quality welcoming speech, an example of which all lecturers should take note of.

Before a performance, you should practice the sound of your voice so that there is no interference later.

Use of humor and jokes

This technique is not suitable for many people. Jokes should be subtle, not angry or vulgar. If you don’t have confidence in yourself as a skilled comedian, it’s better not to use it. A bad joke can nullify the entire previous excellent speech, and the remaining residue from it will no longer be able to change.

Director's welcome speech

Particularly noteworthy are the corporate speeches of the heads of various enterprises and firms in front of their teams. Directors, as a rule, are hired at all kinds of celebrations, summing up the results of the year, honoring veterans, and rewarding leaders.

Here is an example of one of these leader speeches:

“My dear colleagues! I'm glad to see you at the celebration

You are her main wealth and decoration! Dedicated employees, responsible suppliers and reliable partners. You helped the company move forward and stay on course. You were not afraid of the temporary difficulties that we managed to overcome together.

Thanks to all of you, today the company is the undisputed leader in its industry. We have achieved excellent results and are not going to stop there!

We deserve this holiday! I wish you a pleasant evening in good company of friends. I hope you will like the event and give great mood and will leave pleasant memories. And invited artists will help create a festive atmosphere.

Thank you for your attention!"

As can be seen from the text, the same principles apply here as in other speeches. If the manager adheres to them, then this contributes to the work. If the atmosphere in the company is friendly, the directors are valued and respected, this directly affects the results of work, qualitative and quantitative indicators.


A successful welcome speech can demonstrate to all listeners that the speaker has a friendly attitude towards them. Then all subsequent performances, lectures, upcoming holidays or business events will go off with a bang. Therefore, you should not spare time and effort in preparing your welcoming speech. This will definitely pay off later.

So, have you decided to hire a new leader and give him authority over a department, department or company? What should I advise him, what should I help him with, what should I warn him against? After all, leading a new team can be much more difficult than leading your usual one. And at the same time, every leader at some point started with exactly this - he came to a new team.

Where should a manager begin his acquaintance, what can be done and what should not be done?

Let's start with the fact that power must be taken, not transferred. If you decide to transfer power to a manager, then he should know how to take it - have such positive experience or at least undergo minimal instruction in order to learn how to lead a new team.

It's no secret that even successful managers do not always get along in new teams. Why does this happen and what does someone who decides to take power over their subordinates need to know?

How should a leader behave in a new team?

There are 7 rules for taking power. This knowledge will help you not only gain power over your subordinates, but also maintain it for a long time.

First rule.

A team that is new to you will definitely have or have had a leader. He could be strong, weak, destructive, but he was there. Therefore, as a new leader, you need to find out who that leader is, if there is one. Who was this leader if he left or was left. You need to know its pros and cons of influencing the team.

If there is a leader and he is ready to support you, then that’s just great. Enlist his support, but control him - you cannot let his power be greater than yours. To do this, zones of influence should be divided. For example, on your part there may be the introduction of a new motivation system, and on the part of the internal leader - an explanation of the need and positive aspects these changes. Without his support everything will be much more difficult.

What to do if your leader doesn't support you? Then you are dealing with internal sabotage.

It can be open, like “We’ve already survived more than one.” It can be hidden, like “We, of course, will do everything, but we will come up with a lot of reasons why nothing is actually being done.” Main mistake leaders in working with resistance is “feeding the crocodiles.” Why "feeding the crocodiles"? Yes, because no matter how much you feed the crocodile, it will always be hungry. No matter how much you pay attention to those who resist, they will resist, and their resistance will only intensify.

Many managers do this - they begin to pay a lot of attention to resistant employees. They constantly talk to them, exhort them, explain. In general, they waste too much of their time. As a result, those who receive this attention begin to grow stronger.

Among the Chinese stratagems is this: “By attacking our enemy, we strengthen him.” This means that if you pay a lot of attention to resistant employees, neutral employees will begin to join the resistance. And the more a leader “feeds the crocodiles,” the less time and attention goes to those who really support him. Thus, the leader loses power over his subordinates.

Conclusion– attention should be paid to saboteurs, but no more than 20%, the remaining 80% should be given to those employees who support you or are still neutral. They need to be encouraged and highlighted. This way you will create a loyal group. And the more people who accept you, the more isolated the sabotage leader will be. In the end, he will have no choice but to leave the company or join those who support him.

Second rule.

Don't rush to introduce your own rules and traditions. Find out the unspoken traditions of the team you are joining. Select those that match your understanding of employee behavior. And only after that, begin to support in every possible way the traditions and rules you need, and block unnecessary ones.

How it's done? For example, you really like that employees are accustomed to morning planning meetings to which everyone comes. Continue to hold them at the same time and in the same place where they have always been held.

But you don’t like the way these planning meetings are conducted. You sat in on several and simply watched how your deputy conducted them. You saw that time is being spent irrationally; not all employees are ready for reports. Often the information is unstructured and uninformative. Start by introducing mandatory regulations for preparing for the planning meeting. But these should not be just words. Send out the report form to everyone and ask them to report clearly on it at the next planning meeting. Don't make too many changes at once. Do everything gradually and consistently. And, most importantly, encourage and support in every possible way those who implement your innovations “excellently.”

Third rule.

Take control of information flows and key decisions right away, you can’t delay this. This is the same way the Bolsheviks took power - the post office, the train station and the bank. All this should be in your hands and under control.

When new manager in a team he takes power over his subordinates, he must check and take control of information, financial flows and key decisions. There will definitely be so-called “holes” and “double spots” in them. And if you don’t tackle this right away and build it to your liking, everything will grow with monstrous speed. “Holes” will turn into “craters”, and “double spots” into “vortex flows”.

Fourth rule.

When taking power, you cannot immediately transfer it. Many failed ventures stem from misconceptions about team building. For some reason, managers believe that they need to start with democracy and teamwork - then there will be prosperity and universal love for employees. They get exactly the opposite effects - anarchy, uncertainty and, as a result, loss of power.

You need to start with authoritarian power, which everyone criticizes, but which is necessary in the process of a new leader joining the team. Start with clearly defined goals, planning and control of execution. At first, delegate only minor tasks, and be sure to introduce a tradition of mandatory execution. Employees must know what and in what form you require of them, and also understand the boundaries of what is permitted. If there is uncertainty in these moments, then employees will very quickly turn into insecure neurotics, and you into an unlucky and unsuccessful leader.

You can move to democracy and build a team only when you have established operational processes and you are an unshakable authority for employees.

Fifth rule.

Knowledge of the potential and risks of the new team. Check what each employee does. To what extent are the prescribed functionalities, business processes and regulations implemented? Compare what is written with what actually happens. As a rule, discrepancies exist. And the greater the discrepancies, the more difficult it is to lead a new team.

If there is nothing written, then we need to start introducing at least some standards. In this case, it is worth defining and clearly structuring the functionality of employees. Align your vision of functionality with their understanding. Insist on your vision of the functionality and gradually get rid of those who are underperforming or simply cannot work. But do it not immediately, but gradually. Let employees know that new system those who are accustomed to working not at full capacity or “as God bestows on them” will not fit in.

Sixth rule.

The tradition of regular meetings to collect, summarize information and report on the work done. Meetings must be held at the same time (unless, of course, urgent or force majeure) and be clearly limited in time. By accurately tracking meeting schedules, you will begin to teach your employees to value and structure their own time.

In meetings, speak last, listen to employees' suggestions first. Collect information. This rule was invented many centuries ago by great commanders - they first listened to those of lower rank, and in the end, having collected all the information, they drew their conclusions. Such regulations will give you the opportunity to find out the opinions of experienced professionals who do not really like to speak and often try to remain silent. And you will also begin to encourage employee initiative and their responsibility for results.

Seventh rule.

Don't talk about a person in his absence. If you want internal communications in your team to be conflict-free, then do not allow the transfer of personal information in the absence of the person being talked about. This way you will stop gossip and misrepresentation. And you will be considered a fair and smart leader. After all, the most important thing for leading a new team is to be successful in the eyes of your subordinates. Then all changes and initiatives will lead to brilliant achievements.


Prepare in advance with your new team. On the eve of your first working day, set aside 1-2 hours of free time for this. Ask your family and friends. Think about your look: what clothes you will wear, what accessories will go with it, what you need to take with you (fountain pen, Notebook, folder, etc.). All things should be modest, harmonious with each other and meet corporate requirements.

Compose short story about yourself: age, marital status, where you studied, previous place work, hobbies, positive and negative qualities, etc. Most likely, most You won’t voice your autobiography. But having a prepared text, you will not be confused when you hear an offer to tell about yourself. Practice your speech in front of a mirror.

Leave the house early in the morning. Being late on the first working day is unacceptable. Walk some of the way. An energetic walk in the fresh air will help you calm down, collect your thoughts and have a positive outlook.

Before starting work, please visit the HR department. In small organizations, it is customary for a new employee to visit the director directly. These people will choose the way they represent you. to the team.

Getting to know the entire team at the same time This is done when a new manager is installed, or in very small companies where interaction between employees is very close. In this case, the specialist personnel service or the head of the organization will state your last name, first name and patronymic, position, outline your responsibilities and area of ​​responsibility.

IN large companies All present members of the work collective will not be introduced to you by name, because it will take a lot of time. In the process of work, you will independently learn the names and patronymics of your colleagues. In teams of no more than 20 people, you will most likely be introduced to each employee personally. Try to remember the names and main responsibilities of your colleagues. Later you will learn more about them, but now it is important to understand what questions will bind you.

Meeting the department employees and taking a tour of the organizationPerhaps this is the most common way of introducing a newcomer. Your immediate supervisor will first tell you to the team about you, then lists by name all department employees and their job responsibilities, will show you workplace, will explain the priority tasks. A little later, for example, after lunch, you and your boss will visit neighboring departments. There the manager will call you and explain what questions to contact this structural subdivision companies.

After the formal introduction, you may be asked to tell us a little about yourself and be asked additional questions. Now the speech you rehearsed the day before will be very useful to you.

Speak clearly and distinctly, do not use slang or parochial expressions. Answer all questions correctly, without hints or ambiguity. Say that you have a certain life and professional experience. Sincerely assure new colleagues of your loyalty and desire to work for the benefit of the company.

Don't overload your speech with too personal details. For example, when talking about your family, you should not list the names and ages of all relatives. Just say that you are married and have two sons. Don't bore your listeners with a list of your awards and achievements. During your work professional quality colleagues will appreciate it. It is absolutely forbidden to criticize a previous place of work. When asked about the reasons for leaving, give a neutral answer: “I think that in your company I will be able to realize my full potential.”

Be calm, confident and friendly. Try to overcome the emotions that overwhelm you. The speech should not contain apologetic or, conversely, overly self-confident intonations. Speak evenly, not too quickly and not too quietly. Don't pause for long periods of time so that you don't feel like you can't find the right words. Smile and joke in moderation so that your story is not perceived as something frivolous, unimportant and insignificant.

Getting to know the team on your own This option is undesirable, but possible. If for some reason you were not introduced to the organization’s employees on the first or second day, go get acquainted yourself. Start with the manager's secretary and workers from neighboring departments. State your name and position, say that you would be happy to learn a little about this department. Good reason To get acquainted, there will also be a small professional question, for help in solving which you can turn to your colleagues.


  • how to introduce yourself at work

An employee newly appointed to a new position has the right to some introduction to the process. He can count on the help of management and the HR department for this. But you also need to know some of the rules for joining a new duty station so that you can quickly adapt to the new environment and start working effectively.


Do not copy the demeanor and way of working of your predecessor. Take as a basis what you liked about his activities that helped the company achieve success. But think carefully about your management style and leadership methods. new position.

As usually happens when a new person takes office, they will be expected to take active action quickly and achieve quick results. But don’t rush to “take the bull by the horns.” First, plan your future actions step by step, distributed over a quarter or six months of effective work.

You should not establish your own rules in the team from the very first week of taking office. To begin with, communicate with him, with each employee separately, with everyone together, collect information. You must install

Hello colleagues! I was reviewing client requests from the past quarter and found that the topic was raised more often than usual how to introduce yourself to a manager in a new team. I have a suspicion that such statistics are not accidental - crisis processes in the economy are always associated with personnel migration. It is especially popular to hire young managers without experience. Namely, they are faced with the described task.

In this article we will figure out how to properly get to know a team, so that initially, how to behave when meeting, what you can and cannot do.

I will try to present the topic as essentially as possible - and you will immediately be able to adopt some techniques.

In the new team

The human psyche is designed in such a way that you always strive for a state of balance. Biologists call it homeostasis. This is expressed in everything:

  • for example, when you already, if you don’t use it, quickly slip back to the previous level
  • when you don't drive a car for a long time, the acquired skill disappears
  • By making 60 outgoing cold calls, you didn’t experience any inconvenience before, but after half a year without making calls you already feel like you have to force yourself

It's the same with public speaking. Experienced negotiators and business coaches feel like fish in water in public. Those who do not perform often begin to worry, sweat, speak too quickly or confuse their words. And if this is, for example, the first speech of a manager in a new team, you should take it even more seriously. Our task is to understand 2 algorithms - how to calm the physiology, and how to behave from the point of view business etiquette.

How to introduce yourself to the team? Psychophysiology

If you intend to spend the first day with new subordinates without embarrassment, it is enough to understand the standard principles of preparing for speaking in public:

  1. Personal rituals . Many people have them - dress in a lucky suit, put on the most expensive watch or shoes, take a wad of money with you (yes, I remembered this from practice). The main thing is to increase self-confidence at a pattern level.
  2. Conductor . It will be easier if an assistant is assigned to you on the first day, who will tell and show you, take you to the right places and fill the void when you don’t know what to say. From experience I can say that it is better to abandon the conductor-boss in favor of a secretary or office manager.
  3. Breathe correctly . To prevent your heart from jumping out of your chest and your palms from sweating, try breathing according to the “4/7/8” pattern or the Buteyko method. Here is the Wikipedia link >>> It works.

The second important area is understanding business etiquette. You have to establish yourself correctly on day one. I will give you the most important, but often forgotten, rules when it comes to introducing yourself to a team:

  • No familiarity or such buzzwords . You are a leader and you need to behave accordingly.
  • Talk less . There is no need to be a parrot; even a minor joke on the first day may be misunderstood by subordinates. It’s better to completely forget details about your family, past employer, etc. at first.
  • Ask questions . If the team is up to 20 people, call subordinates into the office/meeting room and talk about business. It’s important not to get into “what would you change” topics.
  • First 100 days rule . During this period, you should refrain from making changes. At least, do not declare to employees that “we will change this and that and save the world.” You will scare and embitter.

Remember that any universal solution is not a panacea! My article is based on the experience of various managers who also had the task of introducing themselves to a new team in different areas of business. You need to draw conclusions and develop your vision.

All your future work will depend on how you join the team. That's why psychologists advise treating your first day of work with special attention.

You can only make a first impression once, right? According to a study conducted by the recruiting agency Penny Lane Personnel, acquaintance with colleagues plays a vital role in the adaptation of a newcomer - this is the opinion of 18% of respondents.

There was such a case in the life of journalist Irina:

I was looking for a job. I had two interviews scheduled on the same day. When hiring journalists, it is customary not only to talk about the applicant’s experience, but also to give him test tasks– these are the ones that are most often carried out in the general edition. In general, during the day I was introduced to two teams at once. At the first place I was greeted very friendly, offered coffee and told to contact me if I had any questions. The second edition consisted of three girls who did not react to my appearance and continued to discuss the details of each other’s personal lives in obscene terms. I must say that both times I put on my usual smile and tried to please them using exactly the same methods: I smiled cheerfully, introduced myself loudly, praised the office and the publication itself - all this, within reason, of course. They took me to the first, “friendly” place. What conclusion did I draw from this: you can’t please everyone. If my manners came in handy in the first edition, then in the second edition a different style of communication was apparently adopted - so there I was, as they say, “out of place.”

In fact, if you want to immediately guess how to attract your colleagues, you can ask a recruiter about this, with whom you will in any case have a preliminary conversation. Ask what kind of relationships are accepted in the team, what the age of the employees is, whether there is a dress code - all this will help you initially tune in to the right wave.

However, even if the recruiter said that everyone in the company addresses each other on a first-name basis, you shouldn’t immediately “poke” everyone. Are you familiar with basic rules of politeness? Address yourself as “you” even to those who are younger than you both in position and in age - until the relationship improves to such an extent that you can calmly cross this border. Or until the person himself asks to become simpler. Just don’t overdo it in your politeness, otherwise you might be branded a prude.

Set your priorities

But you still need to start getting to know the team in advance. In Irina’s case, it wouldn’t hurt to get acquainted with the work of the publication at the stage of preparing for the interview.

Decide what is more important to you – the work itself or the relationship with the new team? The answer may not be as obvious as it seems at first glance, says business psychology coach Margarita Velikanova. – It’s still not possible to sit on two chairs at once, to please both your bosses and your colleagues, and at the same time not to forget to do your work is a utopian task. So think through your strategy in advance.

You shouldn’t immediately take part in office gossip (where would we be without it!), and don’t discuss some colleagues with others. Even my opinion on work-related issues should be reserved for now:

Just say that you are still delving into the essence of the issue, so you don’t want to rush to conclusions, advises Margarita. – In general, maintain neutrality by all means. Even in cases where it is obvious to you whose side is right, still do not give in and stand by your “I will speak out later.” This is explained simply: you do not yet know what position the colleagues involved in the disputes occupy, what the balance of power is in the office and what the background of the issue is. So take your time.


At first, you have to understand what value system is adopted in the new team. This is another reason not to rush into statements and conclusions.

You should not praise your boss - you risk earning a reputation as a sycophant.

Don’t get involved in the general conversation with your stories - it may turn out that the employees have a different sense of humor, and you will again be misunderstood.

Take a wait-and-see attitude. You'll make up for it later. In the meantime, just take a closer look,” Margarita summarizes.

But you shouldn’t go completely to extremes either. Otherwise it will turn out like in the story told by Alexander.

One day she came to us new accountant. She quickly greeted everyone and turned her attention to the computer. Actually, we have a very relaxed atmosphere - we can read jokes out loud, turn on the radio, and have a tea party together. But this young lady built such a wall, created such an unapproachable atmosphere that we even felt embarrassed for ourselves - for several days we were embarrassed by her, we didn’t read jokes, we didn’t turn on the radio. Of course, since then we have already entered the previous mode of work, but that girl never worked with us, although, judging by her profile in one of social networks, she loves to have fun.