Patriarch Kirill letter. An open letter to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill. Your Holiness, all my life I have dealt with pieces of iron, I have ground them together, made their proximity more tolerable, giving a new quality. Of course, people always and at all times require

His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. Your Holiness...

It is in this sycophantic style that you are accustomed to receiving letters from your flock, who call themselves SLAVES of the God of Israel, isn't it, Mr. Gundyaev? Yes, you have hung a lot of titles on yourself, including Most Holy (what is holiness?), and Patriarch (like the chief godman), and even over all of Russia (and what not over the whole world?). You know, I don’t care what those who honor you to kiss your hairy hand call you. Fortunately, I am not one of those people. And therefore I will address you as to an ordinary person. A person for whom I feel nothing but contempt. As, in fact, to your entire religious cult, which, in my deep conviction, is the root cause of all the troubles of the Russian people. But first things first…

You know, Mr. Gundyaev, in Lately, studying the morals and customs of your priestly brethren, I came to the unequivocal conclusion that Among the ministers of the Christian Church, of course, there are decent people, but their number is so insignificant that there is no doubt that their appearance was an accident. And as a matter of course, at the head of such a most miserable organization as the Russian Orthodox Church, there simply must be a person whose vile nature would go beyond all conceivable limits.

Today, churchmen love to lament about how hard life was for you under the communists, how many obstacles the Soviet authority in the matter of bringing the “word of God” to the people. There is no doubt that your life now, unlike any other, is better, more satisfying and more comfortable.

But if you, Mr. Gundyaev, hated the Soviet regime so much that you even refused to join the pioneers, then why did you, like many of your two-faced colleagues in the religious business, being already in the rank of bishop, cooperate with the authorities with such pleasure KGB (party nickname - agent Mikhailov)? Was it not the passion for money and power inherent in all priests that moved (and continues to move) your thoughts?

Yes, the Christian Church in Rus' has always sagged under powerful of the world this in order to snatch his gesheft and preserve the image of the people's protector. And it is clear that many careerists in robes, devoid of honor and conscience, would dream of heading this dependent organization. But desire alone is not enough; for this you need to have special resourcefulness and truly pathological cynicism.

Without such “virtues” it is simply impossible to sing sweet words about raising morale and at the same time engage in smuggling tobacco, alcoholic And jewelry products. Isn't that right, Mr. Patriarch? Now it’s no secret to anyone how your career began successful businessman in the 90s, when, through your jurisdiction charitable foundation"Nika", you have captured a significant part of the import market tobacco and simply overwhelmed all of Rus' with “humanitarian” cigarettes. What kind of ghoul do you have to be to take advantage of significant tax benefits for religious organizations, to sell rubbish that kills hundreds of thousands of people every year in our country? Smoke, smoke, Russian people!

Although, what Russian people am I talking about? Your Jewish religion calls to love only “your neighbor,” i.e. only their own half-blooded, circumcised Yahweh-worshippers. All other peoples of the world are GOI, they have nothing to do with it! For you they are only subhumans, cattle, sacrificial animals for your Jewish god. The murder of a non-Jew, according to your “holy scripture”, is the same godly deed as the construction of temples for pumping out vital energy from the gullible servants of God.

From here it is now clear your contempt for the Slavs, about whom you spoke on September 21, 2010, on the air of a Russian TV channel, - « Who were the Slavs? These are barbarians, people speaking an incomprehensible language, these are second-class people, they are almost animals.” Thank you for such words! The Russian people appreciated your attitude towards them. You couldn’t imagine a more frank exposure of your two-faced nature...

Now listen to me, you Jewish fosterling, Gundyaev! Does your priestly face know who the SLAVS were before the Christian infection invaded the Russian land? My Russian ancestors proudly called themselves Slavs, only because they never, unlike the slaves of your Jewish demon - Jehovah, did NOT worship, did NOT pray and did NOT ask for anything from their Gods and Ancestors. They HONORED and GLORIFIED them! Hence the self-name - Slavs. Slavs do not belong to any ethnic group, they are a way of life and worldview.

“Honesty and camaraderie among them are such that they, completely unaware of theft or deception, do not lock their chests and drawers. They keep their dresses, money and various jewelry in covered vats and barrels, without fear of any deception, because they have not experienced it,” bishop Otto of Bamberg about the Slavs.

But the baptists came. With sweet and deceitful admonitions about absolute power, which “does not come from God,” they turned the heads of individual rulers. And Rus' swayed, the temples were desecrated, the earth burst into flames and Russian blood was shed for the glory of the Jewish God... But the Rus endured, did not betray their Faith, and continued to live according to their conscience, as the Great Ancestors, who were called Gods, bequeathed to them. (By the way, in Christianity itself there is no God - there is “Lord”, short for “mister”, i.e. slave owner. And these are two big differences. The purely Russian word “God” (creator, progenitor), the being described in the Pentateuch of Moses, began to be called only after it was translated into Russian.)

But the cunning and thirst for power of the clergy knows no bounds. Realizing that force cannot make the proud Slavs slaves of Christ, they decide to use cunning - they rename it 1653-56. my "Orthodox" church on "Orthodox" and introduced Vedic Slavic holidays into the Christian calendar. Until this moment, the purely Russian word “Orthodoxy” was NEVER associated with the Abrahamic religious cult. For it was of VEDIC origin and literally meant - glorification of the Rule. And Prav, according to the Slavic tradition, is the world of Gods, Russian Gods, where there is no place for the Jewish Jehovah and Christ.

The consequences of this monstrous substitution are difficult to overestimate; our enemies managed, using the word “Orthodoxy”, which resonates with the genetics of the Rus, to make us think that Christianity can be “Orthodox”, and therefore “Russian”.

And the countdown began for the Russian family! So much so that today in large cities of Rus' it is almost impossible to find a round Slavic face. Or foreigners, or creatures of varying degrees of Mediterranean bug-eyedness and other hereditary signs of degeneration of “Russian-speaking and God-chosen origin.” Those Russians who still remain such by blood, for the most part, are mercilessly exploited, become drunkards and die out, having neither the strength to resist, nor hopes of salvation, nor faith in the best, but with the fear of God in their hearts, with the name of Christ on the lips and with a slavish attitude - “everything is God’s will” - in the heads...

And all this thanks to the greatest deception in the history of mankind - Christianity. This regurgitation of Judaism, the flesh-and-blood Jewish religion of death, written by the Jews, about the Jews and for the Jews, but presented to us as “Russian Orthodoxy,” thereby introducing into Russian heads a splitting of consciousness to the stage of schizophrenia, is the main weapon of the genocide of the Rus in Russian same earth.

And you know this very well, Mr. Gundyaev! Who, if not you, knows how many troubles a book alien to them, a faith alien to them, brought to the Russian people. How they were exterminated during forced baptism 9 out of 12 million (!!!) inhabitants and 270 of more than three hundred cities were wiped off the face of the earth Kievan Rus. People were slaughtered and burned in entire villages (!). Like priests who do not want to be baptized infected with smallpox, plague etc., like, according to the “Teachings against the pagans”, the Vedic Magi chopped and sawed in half with saws, hung by the ribs on hooks etc., like, non-believers in the Jewish god, torn apart by horses(although sometimes we came across strong ones, then we had to cut the tendons on our arms and legs), how everything that was bright and dear that people valued, believed in and loved was destroyed, desecrated, spat on and trampled into the dirt...

And wherever this religion of slaves was imposed, the countries plunged into obscurantism and Darkness, the apogee of which was the Inquisition in Catholic countries Western Europe. The prosperity and enlightenment of the so-called “Dark” Ages gave way to the ignorance and squalor of the Middle Ages, when not only ordinary residents of Western Europe, but also its nobility became almost universal ILLITERATE!

Christianity has put a stop-cock on the development of all mankind! Since the emergence of Judeo-Christianity, our entire history and in all countries - this is the story of the conquest of the national spirit - the JEWISH spirit! Half of all wars, great and small, were religious wars, fought simply because of one thing or another. interpretations ancient Jewish teachings.

Not a single religion on the entire globe has shed as much blood as Christianity has done in the name of love for its Jewish god. No one will ever compare in terms of the number of human victims with Judeo-Christianity and its crusades against the “pagans”. The Old Testament of the Bible, this “holy scripture” (!) of Christians, colorfully describes what monstrous genocide, what brutal executions and tortures the ancient Jews subjected the peoples they conquered. Hitler's actions, in comparison, look like childish pranks. Judeo-Christianity is a spiritual disease of humanity, it is a mortal sin that cannot be forgiven neither in this century nor in the future! Jewish Christianity is a religion of hypocrisy and evil, this is the worst thing that Mother Earth has seen in the millions of years of her existence!

But people like you, Gundyaev, continue to rumble about the “salvation” that Christianity supposedly brought us. Can you tell me what it saved me from? If your Jewish religion “saved” a Russian person from something, it was only from the opportunity to be truly Russian and bear Russian names, from the opportunity to openly glorify the Native Gods, to comprehend one’s Spirituality not in Jewish, but in Russian images and concepts. Judeo-Christianity “saved” Rus' from the Truth, replacing it with circumcised Jew, crucified by the Jews, as a result intra-Jewish same showdown.

I don't care whether the biblical Christ had a real prototype who allegedly lived in other time, friend place, had another nationality, wore other name, said other words and did other things. I just see how much EVIL religion brought to all humanity, with this FICTIONAL character, Jewish origin, at the head. And I see - circumcised on the eighth day, of the Jews rabbi Yeshua ha-Meshiyaha(the name of the “savior” in the original), sent by the Jewish god Jehovah only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, the only children of God, for whom all non-Jews are just slave-dogs at the feet of their masters - the true Israelites.

What does the Russian, and all other peoples of the world, except the Jewish, have to do with this? NOTHING! But your Jewish church, having methodically erased and distorted everything truly Russian that was in Rus' before its arrival, in which there is not a drop of “Russianness,” dares to declare itself the bearer of Russian traditions and have the prefix “Russian” in its name, while cynically continuing to impose purely Jewish values ​​on the Russian people.

Haven’t you gone crazy for an hour, Gundyaev and your comrades!? If you really love traditions so much, then call yourself what your Russian-hating sect was called during its peak period - during the Romanov yoke. Namely - Catholic Eastern Greek-Russian Church. It became “Russian” only after Stalin restored it under that name in 1943.

But this is not enough for you. After the crash Soviet Union, sensing the smell of a big deal, you decided to take over all spheres of society, including in schools and in the army, declaring this a fight against immorality and raising spirituality. One project with “temples within walking distance” is worth it!

What kind of “spirituality” do you, spiritual degenerates in black demonic robes, dare to talk to us about!? Are you deliberately confusing your religiosity with spirituality? Abrahamic Jewish religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), the study of which is now being introduced with amazing tenacity by the current Russophobic government in Russian schools, have nothing in common with the spirituality that we usually call VIRTUE. You apparently forgot how such a religious experiment on people ended - in 1917. When people raised on Christian ideology, with the advent of the Bolsheviks and promises of a new life, enthusiastically destroyed churches and monasteries and threw the hated priests from the bell towers.

You announce the introduction of religion in schools and others in public places concern for raising the moral foundations of society. I declare that all this is a blatant lie! Because those ghouls who lead today's Russia need a highly moral society in last resort! But they are interested precisely in the complete and final spiritual impoverishment of the Russian people and the creation, finally, of them - of a caste of SLAVES. After all, it is said in the Gospel: « Blessed are the poor in spirit, for THEIR is the kingdom of heaven» . Matt. (5:3). This is where religion openly leads us - into spiritual degradation! She doesn’t need strong-willed, thinking people; moreover, they are DEADLY dangerous for her.

How tired I am of the efforts of your church, coupled with the current government, literally forcibly, to force the Russian people to believe in a special Jewish god for slaves! You accuse people like me of insulting the religious feelings of believers, but at the same time you don’t care how strong your Jewish religion offends all sane people just by its presence on Russian soil. It offends me that in our supposedly secular state- the birth of Christ is an official holiday, that the genocide of the Russian people, called “the baptism of Rus'”, is included in the list of memorable dates, that the names of two last days weeks have purely religious origins, and we live according to the Christian calendar. I am burdened by the barbaric attitude towards living nature imposed by Christianity, contrary to the Russian spirit, through the annual cutting of “Christmas” trees, breaking willow branches and year-round trade in freshly killed flowers. I am irritated by the obsessive religious symbols that surround me everywhere: from banknotes painted with churches, from priestly donation urns standing everywhere, crosses stuck all over the country and ending with the abundance of churches, church shops and other dens for trading in grace of Jewish origin.

You, together with the current government, imagining yourself to be medieval arbiters of destinies, ban publication of books you don’t like, deciding for us what we can read and what not. You are increasing criminal liability for criticizing the church (I wonder how many years in camps I will face for this letter?). You, feeling your impunity and permissiveness, “sanctify” with censers - casino, strip clubs and others dens of darkness. Being moral monsters and perverts, you multiply in your ranks homosexuals, pedophiles and simply rapists in robes of all stripes, maiming and corrupting our children. It is not for nothing that the nickname “Metropolitan of Sodom and Gomorrah” has long been assigned to you personally, Mr. Gundyaev. Being real traders and criminals, you trade not only yours, tax-free (!), utensils, but also invest money in alcohol and tobacco trade(not to mention dozens of other types profitable business), thereby killing their own parishioners. While the Russian people are dying out, you are fattening, driving super-expensive foreign cars, squeezing land and real estate from people, building palaces for yourself, drowning in luxury, while cynically calling the people to humility and repentance.

Your polished priestly faces on TV screens and on the pages of newspapers are simply dazzling, your Judeo-Christian churches, built on every corner, are simply sickening! Isn’t it Russian money that pays for the construction of countless new temples throughout Rus', at a time when many millions of Russian workers continue to live in poverty, dying out of hopelessness? Who and when asked the opinion of the Russian people themselves about the need to restore religion, which was forcibly introduced finally and everywhere in Rus' only in the 17th century new era, with the coming to power of the Romanovs?

And what right do you have to interfere in the life of society and set people against those who, unlike you, refuse to call themselves a slave of your Jewish god? Even according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, priests must know their place! But you don’t give a damn about her and climb around, soon you’ll crawl into bed with us...

The current government in Rus' and your “pseudo-Orthodox” church are united in their Jewish origin. That is why, as during the Romanov yoke, you repeat the Jewish fiction that all power is from God . And indeed. All power comes from the Jewish god , provided that the power - Jewish . Any Christian church will support such power by any means. And the authorities will show reciprocity and care.

After all, it was you, Mr. Patriarch, who openly called "paganism"- the main threat to the power of your Judeo-Christian church. No doubt Russian Native Faith, living in the hearts of everyone not fooled by church propaganda, Rusich, was, is and will be the ONLY hope of the Russian people for revival. Only it’s not called “paganism.” Your “all-loving” church calls everyone “pagans” or “filthy” Gentiles. This is for you, everything non-Jewish is paganism. My Russian ancestors never called themselves pagans, because they could not be of other faiths in relation to themselves. But their faith was Orthodox , based Ved

- ancient knowledge about the universe that existed long before the appearance of the Jewish “sacred scriptures.” It is you who call your faith “true”, arguing with thousands (!) of other faiths about who has it more “true”. The Slavs have an ORIGINAL faith, which has existed from time immemorial. As they say, feel the difference.

If you can’t feel it, then here are a few comparisons of the postulates of the original faith - Russian, with the “true” faith - Jewish: In true Christianity, the main goal in the life of a believer is saving one's own soul the only way- FAITH in the Christian God. All. If you believe, then you will be saved! At the same time, it is not at all necessary to believe all your life; just before death, it is enough to ask forgiveness for all your sins, believe - and you are saved. Very comfortably. Sinned, repented, believed - clean. Moreover, the idea has been thrown into the Christian consciousness that Christ, by his martyrdom, atoned for ALL the sins of CHRISTIANS, both past and future (!). That is, no matter what you do in this life, being a church member, you have already been forgiven in advance! A phenomenal attractor for the flock. By the way, according to Christianity, life is given to you once, after which your soul is FOREVER preserved either for endless idleness in heaven or for eternal torment in hell. Just like that, simple and tasteful.

In Russian Vedic Orthodoxy, forgiveness is completely absent. Quite the contrary, here the principle of universal spirituality is professed, from which flows the principle of universal responsibility of EVERY manifestation of Nature. For EVERY of our actions and even thoughts leave an indelible imprint on our essence and on the surrounding nature as a whole. The human essence itself has an ENDLESS cycle of development, through constant reincarnation in the physical body.

Now think about the social and moral message of each of the theories. Isn’t it the Christian doctrine, imposed by force, about one single life on Earth, that contributes to its perception according to the principle: “ after us there might be a flood"? Indeed, if the only one A Christian’s concern is the salvation of his own soul and getting it into heaven, then he, by and large, does not care deeply about other people and what will happen on Earth after his death. Isn’t this where we should look for the root cause of all egoism? modern man, thanks to whose insane activities our planet is now on the verge of destruction? After all, if every person understood that this is not his last incarnation on this planet, then he would treat so barbarously environment? Can you imagine what an incentive each of us would have to make this world a better place if we all UNDERSTANDED that we will return here again, and more than once...

Yes, but Christian shepherds (shepherds) need something else. You need SLAVES. This is exactly what Christianity preaches, where every Christian, first of all, Servant of God, and then a person. Christianity initially divides people into “God’s chosen” masters, and slaves, who OBLIGATED to honor their masters and humbly endure their lot as slaves. For there is no power not from God. In Vedic Orthodoxy, slave philosophy is completely absent. Here EVERY person is born free and equally responsible for his actions to other people and to the nature of which he is a part. The Slavic-Aryans were never slaves of their Gods, they were their descendants, for the Slavic Gods are the essence ANCESTORS ours, and we CHILDREN them, flesh of flesh, i.e. embodied, potential Gods on Earth.

The most eloquent difference between all your Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) from Vedic Orthodoxy, which, by the way, is not a religion, is the attitude towards To a woman. The Christian dogma-trap about the ONLY immaculate conception of Jesus Christ automatically turns all human conceptions in the religious consciousness into vicious, sinful, dirty, which causes a false negative in a person feeling of shame for one's family. In parallel with this, criminal, pathologically hypertrophied, murderous for a living person, Christian chastity, celibacy, monasticism are cultivated, precisely in connection with which a woman in Christianity is declared a fiend of hell, the worst of all animals, the most dangerous creature in the world, the enemy of the world. The Christian Church considers a woman to be an unclean, second-class creature who can never become a priest, and who is forbidden to touch church liturgical vessels and enter the altar.

And our Ancestors, who lived according to the laws of the Rule, treated women with respect, and the woman was then, in the full sense of the word, free! The same cannot be said even about the modern civilization of the Earth. A young girl CHOOSE HERSELF HER BOTH (the future father of her children)! It is a girl, not a guy, which speaks of the great respect our ancestors had for women. And only after the imposition of Christianity, a woman was declared a dirty creature! The attitude of the people towards women determines not only the spirituality of the people, but also their future!

There really is a lot of hate in the Abrahamic Jewish religions. Hatred is pathological, bestial, incomprehensible from the point of view of a normal person. All “holy scripture” simply glows with hatred for everything alien - non-Jewish. According to the commandments of the biblical “all-loving” God, every respectable Christian simply obliged to KILL anyone met him on the way Gentile. Here is one of the many teachings of this kind in the Bible:

“If your brother, your mother’s son, or your son, or your daughter, or your wife in your bosom, or your friend, who is like your soul, persuades you secretly, saying: “Let us go and serve other gods, whom you and your fathers did not know,” then do not agree with him and do not listen to him; and let not your eye spare him, do not pity him and do not cover him, but KILL his; your hand must be on him first of all, so that KILL him, and then the hands of all the people"(Deut. 13:6-9).

In Russian Vedic Orthodoxy it is directly stated that a person is free to choose for himself what to believe in, and this choice is his no one has the right to judge.

“Do not force the Holy Faith on people, and remember that the choice of Faith is a personal matter for every free person”

commandment of God Svarog

“Do not offend your neighbors, you live with them in peace and harmony...

Do not humiliate the dignity of other people, and let not your dignity be humiliated...

Don't harm people of other faiths , for God the Creator is One over all Earths...

and over all the Worlds..."

commandments of God Perun

The basic principle of Vedic Orthodoxy, according to which our wise ancestors lived, is as follows:

To sacredly honor your Gods and Ancestors, to live according to Conscience and in harmony with Nature .

Is there a wiser and more capacious saying in the world? And if we followed this rule to this day, would there be so much injustice in the world? Of course, these questions are no longer for you, Mr. Gundyaev. This is just thinking out loud. To you personally, and to your entire Judeo-Christian church, I have only the last word...

And all this thanks to Christianity - the religion of lies, blood and oppression! It was religion that became the real weapon of mass destruction of the Russian people. Because Christianity is the most cunning, most universal, blocking human consciousness, Zionist development, completely disarming and enslaving a person, turning him into a defenseless victim. This is the noose with which the Jews still hold the Rus in a stranglehold, for centuries and to this day allowing the Jews to commit the most sophisticated atrocities against the Russian people with impunity. the main objective Christianity is the end of the Russian Family! Using false information, for the further unhindered physical destruction of people, the erasure of ancestral memory is carried out by introducing into human consciousness a negative attitude towards the memory of ancestors, towards the continuation of one’s own family: “...Who were the Slavs? These are barbarians, people speaking an incomprehensible language, these are second-class people, they are almost beasts ... ". That's right, eh, Gundyaev?

Think of the millions of believers you are called to lead to Christ.

The latest events that have occurred in the Russian Orthodox Church force me, Mr. Patriarch, as an Orthodox Christian, to raise my voice in defense of Orthodoxy. I do not address you using the full patriarchal title, since my Christian conscience does not allow me to do so. The title that your predecessors were proudly and rightfully called, and which you trampled underfoot at a meeting with the heretic and false prophet of the Antichrist, the Pope of Rome. Of course, our bishops should have been the first to denounce these acts, but, unfortunately, they all cowardly hid, pretending that nothing had happened. I'm afraid to assume that they also share your position. Monastics and priests remain silent, with only rare exceptions, but if everyone “falls silent, then the stones will cry out” ( OK. 19.40).

This meeting is not even a slap in the face, not even a spit in the face of every Orthodox person, we would have tolerated it without getting used to it, it is a blow to the very heart, to the soul of every believer in Russia. Just like a thief or murderer, strikes from behind, from the brace. You have lit a fire in the minds and hearts of people and are calmly watching what happens next, whether it will burn out and go out on its own, or will have to be extinguished. And on the ground, unfortunately, the executors create a kind of information vacuum when people look with hope at the shepherds, but they remain silent. But, according to the words of St. Gregory the Theologian: “God is betrayed by silence.” Why, Mr. Patriarch, do you hate your flock so much? Or do you, like the ancient scribes and Pharisees, believe that “... this people is ignorant of the law, cursed are they” ( In. 7.49). Yes, we are sinners, yes we are lazy, yes, we are careless, but we are God’s! And God, unlike you, does not leave his sheep to be torn to pieces by wolves, and not even wolves, but jackals! Although today the condition of our people leaves much to be desired, the majority of them are still reaching out to God, and you are depriving them of their last hope for salvation.

I, like so many, previously justified you, realizing that we are all not without sin, but now, my conscience will not allow me to do this. What should we look for in Latinism, if many of our saints raised their voices against it? Or will you order to forget, to erase from memory and from the Church the names of Patriarch Photius, St. Mark of Ephesus, Gregory Palamas, St. Maximus the Confessor, St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, Righteous John of Kronstadt, St. Seraphim (Sobolev), who is now glorified? Why do we need to rummage through this dung of Catholicism that we haven’t seen there? Our Russian people are not stupid, they judge the situation not by words, but by the fruits of deeds; over the last hundred years they have learned this gospel commandment too well. After all, the Apostle John the Theologian himself warns us to beware of heretics: “Whoever transgresses the teaching of Christ and does not abide in it does not have God; He who abides in the teaching of Christ has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not accept him into your home and do not welcome him. For he who greets him shares in his evil deeds" ( 2Jn. 1:1,9-11).

I think you know these lines as well as I do, because after all, you are not a rural shepherd, but a patriarch. But your kisses with Pope Francis completely contradict the teachings of the apostle of love. This is not the kind of brotherly love that the Apostle John preached; he himself abhorred heretics like the plague. Yes, I somehow lost sight of the fact that we don’t call a heretic a heretic these days, ecumenism is in the air. But show the Orthodox people the fruits of your so-called ecumenical activity, “testimony to the truth.”

Imagine to the people the crowds of Catholics and cardinals who have turned from error; after all, fifty years of this activity is a significant period of time; at least some “fruits” should appear from it. Unfortunately, the “fruit” of this so-called “activity” is only the worm of heresy, which eats away the tree of Orthodoxy, and there it is not far from the worm of Gehenna. Catholics are not our brothers, they never were, and they can become one only through repentance, no matter how colorful yours and the Pope’s may sound.” beautiful words" Moreover, in the will of the founder of Russian monasticism, St. Theodosius of Kiev-Pechersk, we find:

“Do not join the Latin (Catholic) faith, do not adhere to their customs, avoid their communion and avoid all their teaching and abhor their morals.” And then he adds: “Beware, children, of crooked believers and all their conversations, for our land is filled with them...

And those living in a different faith: in the Catholic either Muslim or Armenian - they will not see eternal life. It is also not appropriate, child, to praise someone else’s faith. He who praises another's faith is the same as blaspheming his own. If someone begins to praise both his own and others, then he is a double-believer and close to heresy. You, child, beware of such people, and constantly praise your faith. Don't fraternize with them, but run from them and strive in your faith good deeds" You can give many more quotes, but you know them no worse than me, so why don’t you follow the path of the Holy Fathers of the Church, and at the same time try to push others off the true path? And the Latin dogma about the primacy of the pope alone is enough to understand the depth of the fall of Catholicism. Here are just some excerpts from the decisions of the First Vatican Council of 1870: “The Pope is divine man and human god... The Pope has divine power, and his power is unlimited. The same thing is possible for him on earth as it is in heaven for God. what is done by the Pope is the same as what is done by God... The Pope commands heavenly and earthly things. The Pope is in the world what God is in the world or the soul is in the body. Everything is given to the power and will of the pope, and no one and nothing can resist him.

If the pope dragged millions of people with him to hell, then none of them would have the right to ask him: holy father, why are you doing this? the Pope is infallible, like God, and can do everything that God does.”

What blasphemy and satanic pride these lines are imbued with! Catholics have created an idol that they worship, and we are asked to follow their example, that is, to start moving in the direction of hell, without asking unnecessary questions. Here's another short quote from the same document:

. “Dad can change the nature of things, make something out of nothing. He has the power to create truth out of untruth, he has the power to do whatever he pleases against the truth, without the truth and in spite of the truth. He can object to the apostles and to the commandments handed down by the apostles, he has the power to correct everything that he recognizes as necessary in the New Testament, he can change the very Sacraments established by Jesus Christ.”

When you read these lines, it seems that we're talking about about Satan. Do you, Mr. Patriarch, really propose to consider this man a brother in Christ to all the faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church? By recognizing and equating the Catholic “Church” with the Orthodox Church.

You have committed a step of apostasy, trampling on the Creed, compiled by the Holy Fathers and approved by the Ecumenical Councils. You have given the start to the complete Catholicization of Orthodoxy, which will be further consolidated at the upcoming “holy council”, within the framework of ecumenism. It is not difficult to guess what will follow all this, the secularization of the flock and pastors, as well as sodomy, debauchery and moral degradation. As an Orthodox person, I do not want our churches to be sold for one euro in the future for hotels and discos, bars and skate areas, so that rock concerts can be held in them, as is happening today in Europe.

Think about the millions of believers whom you are called to lead to Christ, and not to the Antichrist; to salvation, not to destruction. Just think about your own soul, with which Christ will ask for all this! Are you really not afraid of God's Judgment? By recognizing the papists as “brothers” and not exposing their errors, you are depriving almost a billion people on the planet of the possibility of salvation. Therefore, I urge you to repent before all the Orthodox people for participating in the meeting in Cuba, refuse to participate in the ecumenical movement, change the course of our Church, leave the WCC, refuse to participate in the upcoming “pan-Orthodox council.”

Layman of the Russian Orthodox Church (MP) Sergius Kostevich

"Directed by: Patriarch Kirill and the Holy Synod

Call on Metropolitan Feofan for order and an end to lawlessness in the Kazan diocese!

"Your Holiness!!!

Dear members of the Holy Synod!!!

The lawless rule of Metropolitan Theophan in the Kazan Diocese forced me to turn to you.

During the time that Metropolitan Theophan headed the Kazan Diocese, many unpleasant events happened with his immediate “leadership”. Thus, Metropolitan Theophan indiscriminately, guided only by personal sympathies and antipathies, began to expel employees of churches, monasteries, and farmsteads, regardless of the fact that these people worked for the good of the Church. Many of the employees expelled by Metropolitan Theophan worked in these places for many years, often starting their work for the good of the Church from the very ruins of a particular temple or monastery. And many of them had no other place to go and where to lay their heads.

It is no longer a secret to anyone in our Diocese that the Orthodox Faith and rank have become a kind of “business” for the Metropolitan. Unofficial fees were collected from almost all parishes and monasteries, as they said, for the bishop's house. Now in the village. Petrovsky in Kazan stands a luxurious mansion that in no way fits with the image of the modest archpastor and unmercenary Metropolitan Theophan. This mansion was registered in the name of the wife of the Metropolitan’s secretary, Tatyana Samoilenko. But after the previous letter addressed to you, the above-mentioned mansion was re-registered to the Kazan Diocese. At least the Church benefited from this.

As for the services of Metropolitan Theophan, not one of them has yet passed without shouting, swearing and showdowns on the part of the metropolitan. Swearing and screaming can be heard from him even during the Divine Liturgy. One of the most blatant facts of such behavior by Metropolitan Theophan is the Easter service at the Raifa Mother of God Monastery in 2015. All the parishioners present at that service were extremely surprised and embarrassed by the swearing and abuse that was heard that night from the lips of the Metropolitan (due to the large number of parishioners on Easter, the service is accompanied by sound through microphones and speakers). It is easy to imagine what kind of “Easter mood” the bishop created among the worshipers, when through the singing of the choir, louder than the service itself, the metropolitan’s remarks were not at all Easter.

The Metropolitan’s manner of communication with clergy lower in rank is a raised tone, often turning into shouting and insults. Metropolitan Feofan's management style is constant threats, shouting, insults and blackmail, as well as endless intimidation of the abbots by removal from office. At the same time, he does not look at merit, nor at age, nor at social or financial situation an expelled person who sometimes simply has nowhere to go except the place where he serves. Metropolitan Feofan is guided only by the desire to put his man in the place of the next expelled abbot. Metropolitan Feofan explains neither the reasons nor the reasons for such expulsions.

Metropolitan Feofan actually survived the rector of the Makaryevsky Monastery, Abbot Gleb (Vladimirov), who, unable to withstand the methods of “management” of Metropolitan Feofan, was forced to leave his post and the Diocese. This was hidden by the Metropolitan, since all this happened on the eve of the visit to Kazan of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill.

Metropolitan Feofan tried to remove the rector of the Sedmiozerny Monastery, Archimandrite German (Kuzmin), from his post, until the public stood up for the latter, even planning to hold a picket in support of Archimandrite German. And the matter would probably have come to pickets if the authorities of the republic had not made it clear to Metropolitan Feofan of their negative attitude towards what was happening and the undesirability of such a turn of affairs.

You can also cite the example of Archimandrite Vsevolod (Zakharov), who, being in an endless state of stress from communicating with the Metropolitan, died suddenly at the age of 57 years. I would also like to note the suspicious haste with which Archimandrite Vsevolod was buried, at the direction of the Metropolitan, on the second day after his death. This is precisely what prevented everyone who wanted to come to the funeral from having time to come, and of those who did manage to come, no one was allowed to approach the coffin except government officials. The late Archimandrite Vsevolod, whose bright name Metropolitan Theophan now denigrates in a narrow circle, was a kind man, a worthy abbot of the monastery, and was respected not only by the clergy and parishioners, but also by those in power.

Today it is the turn of the rector of the Sviyazhsk Mother of God - Assumption Monastery, Abbot Silouan. Metropolitan Feofan has already announced his removal from office. And all this while the abbot is undergoing treatment in the hospital. The Metropolitan simply arrived at the Sviyazhsk Monastery, in the absence of the abbot, who was undergoing treatment at that moment, and announced to the brethren that the abbot had been removed from office.

Hegumen Silouan stood at the origins of the revival of the Sviyazhsk monastery, attracted a large number of parishioners, through his efforts many gained faith and found their way to the temple and God. The news of the removal of Abbot Silouan caused a very big resonance in Tatarstan. There was talk of pickets again. Many rectors of churches and monasteries simply do not want to remember Metropolitan Theophan at services as the ruling bishop.

We humbly ask you to consider the above facts and call upon Metropolitan Theophan to behave worthy of his high rank!
This petition will be delivered to:
Patriarch Kirill and the Holy Synod"


This letter was sent by me to the press service of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' [email protected], however, without much hope that it will reach the addressee. Having some experience, for this purpose I publish it in Live Book.

Holy Master, bless!

An ineradicable pain in my soul forced me to write you this impartial letter... For the hitherto unprecedented general retreat (primarily due to the fault of the hierarchs) from the purity of the Orthodox faith, its reduction to the level of ideology, which creates the appearance of legitimacy for the current usurper regime, and, as a consequence of this , by all our enemies, its humiliation and desecration... For our Motherland, mercilessly robbed by the invaders and already destined for slaughter and division... For our once great Orthodox people, languishing under the Jewish yoke, literally now standing on the verge of disappearing from the face of the earth ...
Lord, help us!!!

I am fully aware that in our pragmatic age, when human relationships have lost all sacredness, and even in church life it is often replaced only by its imitation, this act of mine by many, alas, most likely by you, will be regarded as stupidity, whim, charm , manifestation of excessive pride... and the like. Indeed, recently among the Orthodox there has been a strong opinion that the Lord reveals His Holy will necessarily through some perspicacious elders, for Christ’s sake (which is often not a fact) holy fools and other blessed “kal” And to passers-by." (Thank God, on Athos “insight” is still not held in high esteem.) And this idea is unconditionally accepted by everyone and suits everyone, first of all, ... with the opportunity to interpret the “secret allegory” of the elders and blessed ones, as it is convenient and beneficial for everyone. But, as you know, God is in truth. But the truth is rarely convenient and beneficial for us, in the passions of the children of this evil age. And therefore, often, we are unable to accept the words of truth, and therefore the voice of God through them, and reject them, justifying ourselves by the fact that they came from the lips of someone unworthy and sinful.
I understand, and what temptations will follow this appeal to you. (On the spiritual plane, first of all...) But I must tell you what has accumulated in my heart. Since my conscience does not allow me to remain “prudently” and “humbly” silent, the Russian people have no time left to wait until someone else, more worthy, tells you these words.
Do not take this letter as a denunciation of yet another “zealot beyond reason.” Nowadays everyone and everyone is denouncing you; this will not surprise you and will not move you to anything, and I do not intend to join the ranks of your denouncers. On the contrary, being a great sinner myself, I understand you in many ways, I sympathize with you and wish you to repent (in the Greek meaning - to change) and come to the mind of the Truth. And I am addressing you through an open letter not with the goal of “revealing the nakedness of my father,” but only because I cannot find any other way to convey its contents to you.
As for the fact that, by calling a spade a spade, I can lead the church people into temptation, I will say that the times have already passed when this could confuse someone. IN modern society it is extremely difficult to hide information, it very quickly becomes public property, and the Orthodox are tempted precisely by the fact that numerous recent scandals around the Church are hushed up or clumsily justified, and the most pressing internal church problems are not resolved.
Knowing full well that you - let's be blunt - have long been one of the main conductors of globalist processes in Russia (your participation in the Congress of Leaders of World Religions currently taking place in Astana is eloquent confirmation of this) and according to the intention of the creators existing system Russian authorities are an integral part of it and are built into it to create the illusion of legitimacy, I don’t have any special hopes for the success of my enterprise. However, I am deeply convinced that you, by the grace of your rank, are now the only person in this world , which by one expression of his will can turn the course of History, destroying all the plans of our adversaries, and thereby save Orthodoxy and the Russian people from the fate prepared for them by our enemies. That is why I consider it my duty to convey this conviction to you, no matter how minimal the chances of understanding on your part may be.
And hope for understanding, no matter what, remains. After all, “the royal heart is in the hand of God”... And even more so, the patriarchal heart.
Firstly , in my opinion, you are still a believer. Your past in this context does not bother me at all - Almighty God “turns evil into good.” The providence of God in its greatness and wisdom is indescribable, and if He had not allowed you to be drawn into the Masonic net, you would not have become the Patriarch of All Rus'. (This, as you yourself understand very well, is the reality of today’s reality.) ...And that means they would not have become the person who is now able to change the world. (!)
Secondly , if we are talking about personalities, then Metropolitan Kirill and His Holiness Patriarch of All Rus' Kirill are two hypostases of the same person, but with completely different life motivations, and therefore a different spiritual dispensation. How Patriarch Kirill, in the earthly hierarchy you have reached the very top, therefore all kinds of career aspirations and all the associated everyday concerns that once occupied metropolitan Kirill, you are already deprived. It's time to think about Eternal Life and its mark in Russian History .
And that's why, Thirdly , Your speech at the World Russian People's Council, dedicated to the significance of the feat of the Patriarch-Martyr Hermogenes for our time, gives reason to believe that, thank God, similar thoughts are visiting you.
I'll quote you:
“...In conditions when the government was in turmoil and had lost legitimacy in the eyes of the population, the Orthodox Church became the main integrating factor of Russian society. It was the Church, in the person of its High Hierarchs, that did not recognize the legitimacy of impostors and foreign pretenders to the Russian throne. It was the Church, through the letters of Patriarch Hermogenes, that called the people to the national liberation struggle.”
Surkov's trace is visible in this speech, but for whatever purpose and at whose order this word was spoken, I am sure that you drew analogies with today and in your thoughts experienced yourself in the place of St. Patriarch Hermogenes. And no matter what excuses you find for yourself, force yourself to believe your own words that “the majority of our people consciously, intelligently and freely elected” Putin as President Russian Federation, and that he has the trust of the people, you will never be able to. Your conscience will always convict you.
And this ominous video is a reproach to you and an eternal reminder that you blessed on the Russian throne a terrible tyrant and gravedigger of the Russian people, anathematized by us here on Mount Athos.

Therefore, His Holiness, we pray that the Lord will grant you the spiritual strength to disassociate yourself from the Pretender, follow the example of the Holy Martyr Hermogenes and gather together the Russian people to overcome the Troubles. After all, you yourself write that the soul that gives life to the Russian people’s body is our Orthodox Church. That is why the Russian people are now in an extremely oppressed, already dying state, because the strength of their soul - the Russian Orthodox Church - has dried up as a result of the general and widespread deviation from the canons, oblivion of traditions and groveling before the powerful of this world.
Can we restore the strength of our Church? first of all and only one is yours, Most Holy Master, volitional impulse. Point to the enemy who is entrenched in the Kremlin, and the entire Russian people and all Orthodox Christians will rise up behind you to save Russia from usurpers and uninvited guests.
And if you can find the strength in yourself to accomplish this feat, a Victory Crown in Heaven and a grateful people’s memory in Russian History await you. Amen!
And let the regrettable death of your predecessor, who in 1993 could have become the new Hermogenes, be a warning to you, Most Holy Master, and a bitter example. But the scouting attitudes he received from his time in the RSHD fettered his will. He could not overcome his fear of the one-fingered demon, and therefore he lost his Heavenly rewards and ended his earthly journey ingloriously.
May his fate not befall you, Most Holy Master!

Monk Afanasy,
Heron of the hesychastirion of St. Sava of Serbia on Karulia.
Holy Mount Athos, May 31, 2012.

P.S. (10.06.2012.) On your Facebook page, His Holiness, the letter hung for some time. I would like to believe that it was deleted by vile moderators who did not notify you about it. Let's wait and pray that you become aware of this letter.


His Holiness, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill

Your Holiness!

We, Orthodox Christians in Russia and abroad, ask you to pay attention to the campaign to deliberately denigrate the reputation of the famous preacher Archpriest Vladimir Golovin, as well as tens of thousands of Christians who listen to his sermons and pray by agreement with Orthodox akathists. At the XXVI International Christmas Readings, the clergyman of the Novosibirsk diocese, Archpriest Alexander Novopashin, delivered a report unannounced on the official agenda on the topic “The commercial-religious project of priest Vladimir Golovin,” which almost entirely consisted of rumors contrary to the truth, borrowed from the schismatic website ( ). A few days after his speech, a full-fledged persecution of Archpriest Vladimir Golovin was organized on the Internet. That every accusation in the report, from the commercial motives of prayer by agreement and its non-canonical nature to the desire of Fr. Vladimir’s attitude towards guruism and false eldership is not true, both ministers of the Russian Orthodox Church and tens of thousands of Orthodox Christians throughout Russia and beyond have already spoken out. Having ignored the 9th commandment and the gospel covenant, “if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone; If he listens to you, then you have gained your brother; But if he does not listen, take with you one or two more, so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established; if he does not listen to them, tell the church; and if he does not listen to the church, then let him be to you as a pagan and a publican” (Matthew 18:15-17), Fr. Alexander cast a shadow on the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church, the image of the Orthodox priest and the reputation of tens of thousands of Orthodox Christians who, in addition to the liturgy, morning and evening rules, decided to carry out prayer work in the form of cell prayer by agreement with an akathist to the Lord God, the Mother of God or Orthodox saints. We live in different cities and countries, go to Orthodox churches in different dioceses, are ministered to by different confessors, teach in Sunday schools, sing in the choir, join parish meetings, lead audit commissions churches and do not see our life outside the Russian Orthodox Church, but Fr. Alexander and his supporters call us sectarians. We approach the same Chalice, participate together in church sacraments, pray for the hierarchy and the Russian Orthodox Church, but we are called schismatics. We stand up for worldwide prayer for Russia on the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and we are told that our understanding of prayer is utilitarian and does not correspond to the centuries-old experience of Orthodoxy. WE ARE ORTHODOX BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST, and they are trying to separate us from the general mass of Orthodox Christians because we decide to pray a little more, to stand up for prayer no matter what with tens and hundreds of thousands of other Orthodox Christians in certain time weekly, regardless of desire, well-being and life circumstances. Many of us came to the churches of our dioceses and became church members after the sermons of Fr. Vladimir Golovin, but can you really call him a Golovin for this? Is this what Christ teaches in the parable of the Prodigal Son? Archpriest Vladimir Golovin led many people to liturgical life with his words. Thousands of Orthodox Christians after the sermons of Fr. Vladimir reconsidered their views regarding chastity, civil marriage, abortion, and as a result of conciliar prayer they created families in the Lord. For their prayerful work, many have received from God the gift of parenthood and, importantly, from birth they raise their children in the spirit of Orthodoxy, giving them communion and teaching them to live with Christ. Sermons by Fr. Vladimir, already churchgoers, heartily experiencing the unbelief of their loved ones, were able to light the flame of faith in their hearts, lead them to the threshold of the temple, to the first confession, to Communion, and some even accepted the Orthodox faith. You once said: “People don’t come with buckets to a well where there is no water. No one would turn to Heaven if Heaven did not answer.” This is true! If the Lord had not blessed prayer by agreement, then what is described above would not have happened. Orthodox churches would not be filled with people who have experienced how close the Lord is and how much he loves us sinners. After all, this is precisely what Fr. calls for. Vladimir. And how many people did he return to the fold of the Russian Orthodox Church from schismatic communities! Can't count. In the words of Fr. Alexandra Novopashin, completely different things are happening now: believers leave prayer, become disillusioned with priests who condemn their brothers in an inappropriate rhetorical manner, people change their attitude towards fasting, seeing how the Novosibirsk cleric and his supporters write obscene texts during the first week of Lent and Good Friday to his brother in Christ. Truly, “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit... Therefore by their fruits you will know them” (Matthew 7:18, 20). It is said: “Blessed are those who thirst and hunger for righteousness, for they will be satisfied” (Matthew 5:6), so we ask for your fatherly protection and intercession! We cordially ask you to familiarize yourself with the attached materials and understand what is happening with your characteristic concern for your flock. We completely trust you and rely on your objective opinion.