The largest housing and communal services management companies. Ratings and awards. Optimal form of government

MOSCOW, April 18, RIA FederalPress. Specialists from the Association of Real Estate Service Companies (AKON) identified the best market players among management companies (MCs) based on the results of 2016. The results of the study, which covered 5 thousand enterprises, were announced today during a press conference at the Interfax news agency, a FederalPress correspondent reports.

According to the head board of trustees ACON Sergei Khrekov, the selection was made according to 4 criteria - the area of ​​houses served, the number of employees, the average area of ​​a house served (portfolio) and financial indicators. For each of the criteria, it was possible to get 250 points, the maximum for the sum of indicators was 1000. At the same time, the rating did not take into account the indicators of homeowners' associations (HOA) and housing construction cooperatives (HBC), since their tasks do not include making a profit from their activities, although, as Khrekov notes, HOAs are more effective than management companies in terms of economic potential. At the same time, he records an increase in the number of refusals from this form of association, since it is difficult and uninteresting.

It must be said that the main rating included 5 thousand companies, but the speaker did not read it out in full, but went exclusively through the leaders, bringing out general indicator. According to the results of the study, the TOP 5 best management companies included the following companies: State Budgetary Institution "Zhilishchnik of the Yasenevo District" (Moscow), LLC "PIK-Comfort" (federal), DS Exploitation (Moscow), State Budgetary Institution EVAZhD (Moscow), LLC "Exploitation GS-Spb" (Saint Petersburg). They are the absolute leaders of the rating.

According to the Portfolio indicator, the leaders in the TOP-5 included three companies from St. Petersburg and two from Moscow - LLC Central RES TSV, LLC Aurora-Vostok, LLC IEK ZhilServis, LLC Management Company "Cozy House" Kolomyazhsky and LLC "TSZh Stolitsa" The average area of ​​a house serviced by these companies varies from 74,971 sq.m. up to 141754 sq.m..

In the list of leaders in terms of total area of ​​serviced houses by region, the situation is more diverse. This rating includes two federal management companies - LLC "GUZhF" and LLC "PIK-Comfort", as well as companies from Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar and Nizhny Novgorod - LLC GUK "ZhilFond", LLC "GUK-Krasnodar" and LLC "Our House" respectively. At the same time, the absolute leader is “GUZhF” - more than 16 million sq. m. meters of serviced housing (539th place in the overall ranking), in second place is the State Institution "ZhilFond" - about 9 million sq. meters of housing (294th place in the overall ranking) and the PIK-Comfort company closes the top three - more than 7.5 million sq. meters of housing (2nd place in the overall ranking). "GUK-Krasnodar" and "ZhilFond" serve about 6.8 million and about 5.5 million square meters. meters of housing respectively.

In terms of the number of employees, the championship belongs to 3 management companies from the Central Federal District, one all-Russian and one company from the Northwestern Federal District. The leaders in the number of employees are OJSC "Zhilishchnik" from Smolensk - 2481 employees, the State Budgetary Institution of the city of Moscow "Zhilishchnik District of Mitino" - 2341 employees, LLC "GUZhF" - 2174 people, State Budgetary Institution EVAZhD from Moscow - 1860 people and LLC "ZhISCHNIK No. 1 of the Nevsky District" » from St. Petersburg - 1694 employees. From general list Only one company made it into this TOP 5.

The leaders in the ranking in terms of revenue are companies with the largest volume of serviced housing stock. The absolute companies in this regard are GUZhF and PIK-Comfort. The revenue volume of the first is more than 3.757 billion rubles, the second - more than 2.433 billion rubles. The Krasnoyarsk ZhilFond has slightly less revenue - more than 2.313 billion rubles, the Nizhny Novgorod company Our House has much less - about 1.776 billion rubles, and GUK-Krasnodar closes the top five with revenue of 1.747 billion rubles.

According to Sergei Khrekov, this rating was compiled on the basis of open data from Rosstat and information published on the Internet resource “Housing and Communal Services Reform”. The AKON representative notes that the market is currently static in many regions of Russia and the competitive environment in the housing and communal services sector is quite weak and the public figure considers it necessary to develop it. To do this, he believes, it is necessary to introduce a unified federal license for registering management companies so that they can conduct their activities on the territory of other entities.

“If the licensing barrier is removed, it will promote competition. Even if more documents have to be completed for this,” said Sergei Khrekov, expressing hope that at the end of 2017 there will be more companies included in the rating. As reported in the certificate provided by AKON, so far the rating includes companies that account for about 50% of all multi-apartment residential buildings in Russia or 1 billion 154 million square meters. meters of housing, which serve 250 thousand people. The annual revenue of management companies under the item “Maintenance and Operation” is about 300 billion rubles.

Year of foundation: 2005

Headquarters: Moscow

Management: Oksana Kuchura (pictured) and Dmitry Klenov

Offices abroad: Cyprus, Luxembourg

Entry threshold:$10 million

UFG Wealth Management calls itself the first independent family office in Russia. It was created by Oksana Kuchura in 2005 as an independent division for family capital management as part of UFG Asset Management. A year later, partner Dmitry Klenov, responsible for legal practice, joined the company. Currently, she manages and advises the assets of several dozen clients worth $750 million. In 2014, services for the acquisition and management of real estate were separated into a separate area in the form of funds, through which clients invested $250 million in European and Russian real estate. In addition to Kuchura and Klenov The company's co-owner is Florian Fenner. German manager Fenner became a partner of UFG in 2002 at the invitation of the brand’s founders, Charles Ryan and former Finance Minister Boris Fedorov, who died in 2008.

Year of foundation: 1991

Headquarters: Moscow

Management: Andrey Zvezdochkin

Offices abroad: Switzerland, Cyprus, Netherlands

Entry threshold:$0.5 million

"Aton" is one of the oldest Russian investment companies. In 2000, she launched an asset management business, which is now the main activity. In 2006, the founder and owner of the company, Evgeny Yuryev, sold the institutional business Aton to Unicredit Bank for $424 million, and in 2010 he revived the company under the same name. The direction of working with large private capital has existed since 2009. Target clients - owners of assets up to $20 million - can receive advice on organizing funds, international taxation and inheritance issues. By 2015, the size of the group’s client assets exceeded $2 billion.

3. Oracle Capital Group/"Third Rome"

Year of foundation: 2002

Headquarters: Luxembourg

Management: Yuri Gantman

Offices abroad: Switzerland, UK, Cyprus, Bahamas

Entry threshold:$1 million

The multi-family office serves clients from Russia and the CIS countries, including through offices in Moscow and Almaty. The company does not disclose its founders; it has Russian-Kazakh roots and a European board of directors, which includes seven Englishmen. Among them are a former minister in the Tony Blair government, a former head of KPMG for the CIS and former director alternative investments sector of the London Stock Exchange. In 2013, the company entered into a strategic alliance with Russian company"Third Rome", having bought a blocking stake from its founder Andrei Movchan and the Alexander Smuzikov Foundation. Third Rome, created in 2009 by people from Renaissance Investment Management, continues to operate under its own brand.

Year of foundation: 2003

Headquarters: Moscow

Management: Rustam Iseev

Offices abroad: Great Britain

Entry threshold:$1 million

GHP Group has two key partners: co-founder of Fleming Family & Partners Mark Garber and former head of JP Morgan Capital Markets Ian Hannam. They have known each other since the 1990s, when they organized a deal to sell the Russian investment bank UCB, owned by Garber and Hans-Jörg Rudloff, to the Fleming family. In 2012 they bought Russian business FF&P from the Fleming family to jointly engage in private wealth management and private equity investment emerging markets. GHP Group owns about 20% of the shares of the FESCO transport holding, controlled by the Summa group of Ziyaudin Magomedov.

Year of foundation: 2008

Headquarters: Moscow

Management: Andrey Gaek

Offices abroad: Cyprus

Entry threshold:$1 million

The group of companies was founded by top managers of the investment division of Nomos Bank together with the ICT group of billionaire Alexander Nesis. Later, his share was bought by Andrey Gaek, who became the controlling shareholder. He calls the group an investment boutique for private and institutional clients. Specializes in brokerage, bond strategies and private equity. It manages $1.2 billion in private client funds. The group’s clients are conservative investors, business owners in Russia and abroad, according to the conclusion of the international rating agency Standard & Poor’s.

Year of foundation: 2009

Headquarters: Moscow

Management: Andrey Nikityuk

Offices abroad: Switzerland, UK, Italy

Entry threshold: not disclosed

The company's founder, Vincenzo Trani, came to Russia in 2001 to develop small business lending at KMB Bank, established at the initiative of the EBRD. He is still involved in supporting small businesses through a small fund, Mikro Capital. However, its main business is General Invest. The company provides wealth management, family office and brokerage services on international platforms. Trani is the honorary consul of the Republic of Belarus in his native Naples. According to Trani, he is well acquainted with Silvio Berlusconi, but the circumstances of his acquaintance are kept secret.

Year of foundation: 2003

Headquarters: Zurich, Switzerland

Management: Sinan Bodmer

Offices abroad: Switzerland, UK, Cyprus, Singapore, New Zealand

Entry threshold: not disclosed

Marcuard Heritage, which manages $3 billion in assets for wealthy clients, has close ties to Russia. Its two founders, Sinan Bodmer and Adrian Guldener, worked with Russian clients at UBS. The third partner, former head of Credit Suisse First Boston Hans-Jörg Rudloff, was a pioneer of investment banking in Russia, where he co-founded UCB Bank in the early 1990s. The Financial Times characterizes him as one of the few Western investment bankers trusted by President Vladimir Putin. As chairman of Barclays Capital, the investment banker served as an independent director of Rosneft from 2006 to 2013. Rudloff is a relative of the Marcuard family, whose ancestor founded the family banking house of the same name in Switzerland back in 1746.

Year of foundation: 2007

Headquarters: Moscow

Management: Alexey Golubovich

Offices abroad: UK, Latvia

Entry threshold: not disclosed

Arbat Capital emerged from the small family office of Alexey Golubovich, former head of the investment department of Menatep Bank and director of strategic planning and corporate finance of Yukos. In 1997-2007, the company was called “Russian Investors” and since then has retained most of its partners and clients. In 2011, the company abandoned its brokerage business and trust asset management. Arbat Capital is currently developing investment strategies for wealthy individuals and hedge funds in the markets of Europe, America and developing countries. Advisory assets exceed $500 million.

Year founded: 1995

Headquarters: Moscow

Management: Dmitry Bugaenko, Alexey Gnedovsky

Offices abroad: Cyprus

Entry threshold:$0.1 million

Veles Capital is one of the oldest investment groups in Russia, controlled by Dmitry Bugaenko and Alexey Gnedovsky. The total volume of assets under management is 21 billion rubles. She specializes in brokerage operations, organization of bill programs and direct investments. The group invested in the industry of Tatarstan and Ukraine, as well as in rental real estate, including shopping mall"Atruim" in Moscow. The company's private wealth management department has existed since 2006. to his key clients with assets from $500,000 to $20 million, the company offers a mix of brokerage services, asset management and additional services from legal and tax advice, as well as trust and fiduciary services.

Year of foundation: 2009

Headquarters: Zurich, Switzerland

Management: Joseph Meyer

Offices abroad: Switzerland

Entry threshold: not disclosed

In the Swiss Axioma Wealth Management, only the founder Josef Meyer, whose activities are mainly related to Russia, is Swiss. In the mid-1990s, his company began advising regional businesses on export finance, and at the same time private clients began trusting him with asset management. In 2008, he began working in the Swiss subsidiary of the management company Alliance Continental of Elena Baturina. Later he bought this company together with his partner Igor Vasiliev from Alfa Bank, who headed the direction of operations in the money markets there. From its foundation, Axioma grew, which manages private wealth totaling up to $500 million and provides family office services to clients.

The services of professional management companies are becoming increasingly in demand among owners of commercial real estate in our country. This is evidenced by statistics: in Moscow and St. Petersburg, since the beginning of 2011, the capacity of the management market has increased by more than 15%, and the demand for management services is gradually growing in the regions.

It is also a very common practice for developers to create internal

Management services are becoming increasingly in demand

management companies that intensify competition in the market. Mainly, such companies are created for the purpose of managing financial assets, since most owners in Russia are not yet ready to trust their capital to a third-party management company. In addition, it is assumed that independent management of the facility will allow the owner companies to save a lot of money on management services. However, in practice, according to experts, it often turns out that owners do not understand the full scale of work performed by the management company. This leads to numerous errors and financial losses. Therefore, in the end, many property owners still turn to professional management companies for help.

Leading management companies manage objects of all segments of commercial real estate

Russian representative offices of leading foreign companies are considered recognized leaders in the field of commercial real estate management. Their reputation, authority, experience in managing a large number of objects and the professionalism of their employees inspire the greatest confidence among owners. In addition, an attractive factor for clients of such companies is their use of advanced Western management technologies in their work, which ensure ease of control and transparent reporting for owners. Another important plus is that in most cases, these companies provide not only management services, but also consulting and agency assistance.

C.B.RichardEllis (CBRE- a company that many call the world leader in the field of commercial real estate, is represented on Russian market since 1994. Over the years, the volume of areas managed by the company has exceeded 800,000 sq.m., and the value of assets managed by CBRE has reached $2.9 billion. CB Richard Ellis, in addition to all types of management (Asset management, Facility management, Propetry management and Building management), provides a whole range of services in the field of commercial real estate: consulting, agency, appraisal, research and investment. CBRE's clients include: large companies, like Aeroflot, YUKOS, Sberbank, Rosneft, General Motors and many others.

A dynamically developing company operates in the St. Petersburg market in alliance with CBRE MarisProperties (Maris| CBRE) , which also provides a full range of services for working with commercial real estate, including technical, operational, legal and financial management.

Company NAIBecar– Russian division of one of the generally recognized world leaders – NAIGlobal. NAI Becar operates in all segments of commercial real estate, including this moment The company manages more than 1.1 million sq.m. areas in 20 cities of Russia. In addition to consulting and investment services, as well as real estate valuation, NAI Becar's main focus is property and asset management. Moreover, the company provides a full range of management services - Property management (rental management), Facility management (facility operation), comprehensive property management (PM and FM together), Asset management (trust management of financial assets).

In addition to a range of consulting and brokerage services in the field of commercial real estate, the Russian division of the global company Cushman & Wakefield engaged in asset management (Asset management) and construction management (Building management) at any stage life cycle objects. One of the leaders of Building management in Russia is also a group of companies GVA Sawyer, operating in our market since 1993.

One of the world's leading consulting companies Colliers International has a subsidiary structure in its division - Colliers International FM, specializing in the management and maintenance of office, retail and warehouse real estate. The abbreviation “FM” means that the company is engaged in Facility management, i.e. provides a full range of facility maintenance and operation services.

Management Company "Fragra" provides Facility and Propetry management services, i.e. Its scope of activity includes not only the engineering and technical operation of the facility, but also administrative and legal management, in particular, financial and legal document flow, optimization of the commercial efficiency of the facility. Fragra has been known on the Russian market since 1994, during which time more than 500 large companies have become its clients.

HSG Zander It is also one of the few companies on the Russian market that deals only with comprehensive management of commercial real estate. In Russia - since 1997, during which time the company has managed more than 2.5 million sq.m. commercial areas. In particular, HSG Zander, which provides Facility and Propetry management services, manages such large facilities as Mercury City Tower"in Moscow City and the premium business center White Square in the capital.

09.21.2017 at 21:53 · Pavlofox · 620

Rating of management companies in the Moscow region for 2019

The rating of management companies 2019 (Moscow region) includes management companies that received the title of the best according to the head of the State Housing Inspectorate Vadim Sokov. The organizations presented below showed the best results in their field of activity for the current year. Also in the first half of the year, a list of the worst housing management companies was compiled, which still have time to change their status.


LLC (Korolev) opens a rating of the best management companies in the Moscow region for 2019. The organization is engaged in servicing buildings with a total area of ​​over two million square meters. The housing maintenance company provides a huge range of services, including management of the housing stock, acceptance of buildings for operation, landscaping of areas adjacent to residential buildings and their landscaping, construction of small architectural structures with further maintenance, maintenance of intercoms and much more. In solving all the described issues, Tekhkomservice - Korolev has proven itself only with the best side.


MUP (Serpukhov) is a unitary municipal enterprises, which entered the top ten in the Moscow region. The management company is engaged in household maintenance, current and major repairs of serviced houses. The management company’s competence also includes landscaping the area around residential premises. “Zhilishchnik” also provides additional paid services. but the main activity of this organization is still aimed at managing the operation of the housing stock. “Zhilischnik” has modern equipment and highly qualified specialists, thanks to which the work carried out by the company is carried out on time and with high quality.


LLC (Balashikha) is ranked eighth in the ranking of the best management companies in the Moscow region for 2019. The management company was founded in 2006, and over more than a ten-year period of operation it has managed to prove itself only from the best side. "Arch-Stroy Soyuz" primarily cares about creating comfortable conditions for residence of residents of the city of Balashikha. She is engaged in the operation and repair of residential premises, which are included in the list of services served by this management company. The competence of the enterprise includes setting up engineering equipment for residential premises, preparing them for seasonal operation, as well as carrying out work on the sanitary maintenance of local areas and much more. The management organization approaches its work with full responsibility.


MUP (Lytkarino) - the largest Management Company in the city of the Moscow region Lytkarino. The main activities of the organization are maintenance of residential assets, as well as their repair and operation. "DEZ-Lytkarino" is engaged in servicing more than two hundred residential high-rise buildings with a total area of ​​more than half a million square meters. The company has all the resources needed to provide quality service to residential premises. The housing management company employs exclusively professionals in their field, which allows them to solve problems that arise efficiently and quickly.


LLC (Istra) is included in the rating of the best management organizations in the Moscow region for the current year. The company provides services apartment buildings and their repair. The manager of the enterprise is available modern technology, with the help of which all work is carried out for the improvement of residents in the houses that Obushkovskoe REP Housing and Communal Services serves. The competence of this organization also includes preparing residential buildings for seasonal use.


LLC (Zhukovsky) is one of the best management companies located in the Moscow region. The company was founded in 1991. Over the many years of operation, Eureka has managed to earn good reputation. The organization is engaged in the construction of multi-storey residential complexes and putting them into operation. The competence of the management company includes servicing the constructed housing stock, their preparation for seasonal operation, current and major renovation. “Eureka” has modern, innovative equipment and employs highly qualified specialists, thanks to which all work is performed with high quality and on time.


LLC (Egoryevsk) rightfully entered the top ten best management organizations in the Moscow region. The organization offers a variety of services, including operation and repair of serviced residential buildings. The company specializes in housing and communal services. It deals with heat, water and energy supply of residential premises. The company’s competence also includes examination of the condition of building elements with the issuance of a technical report and much more.


", LLC (Dubna) opens the top three management organizations in the Moscow region. The company is working on maintenance residential premises, and also conducts engineering diagnostics of structures and drainage routes. The company also carries out diagnostics in other areas - roofs, traction substations, automated control systems, sludge pipelines. Also within the competence of “UKS” is the improvement of local areas.


LLC (Dzerzhinsky) is ranked second among the best management companies in the Moscow region. The company is engaged in servicing residential high-rise buildings and offers a wide range of services. The competence of the company includes the repair of houses and improvement of local areas, as well as transport services. In addition, the management company carries out removal of household and bulky waste. own transport. Also, “HSTF FOBOS” carries out the conclusion of contracts for heat, water and energy supply and much more.


LLC (Bronnitsy) is ranked first in the ranking of the best management companies in the Moscow region for this year. The organization provides services in many areas, the main ones being the construction of residential and administrative buildings, sanitary work in areas adjacent to residential buildings, finishing and renovation work, carrying out electrical installation work, collecting and treating wastewater, preparing residential premises for seasonal use, as well as waterproofing work. For 2017, the management company showed best performance among other similar organizations in the region.

What else to see:

Where heating, gas, water, light are provided, of course, they are very comfortable compared to your own home, where you have to think about everything. But at the same time, in order for the pleasure to be complete, the services provided need to be monitored and managed competently. For this purpose, apartment owners have the right to choose the most convenient form of government for them. In our article today we will try to find out: HOA or management company - which is better.

Management Company

This organization is legal entity or individual entrepreneur, carrying out MKD management. This business organization, which means its goal is to make a profit.

The main document according to which activities are carried out is the management agreement concluded with more than 50% of the owners of the house. The percentage is determined by calculating the area, not the number of owners.

The functions of the management company are to ensure the repair and maintenance of houses in accordance with the requirements technical regulations. In this case, owners have the right:

  • to receive the information they are interested in within five working days after applying;
  • information on the volume, list and quality of services provided;
  • check the progress of work;
  • demand elimination of defects and monitor the completeness of the service provided;
  • from the first quarter receive from management organization report on the work performed.

On the other hand, the management company does not intend to reduce the cost of maintaining the house. In addition, its financial activities are not always transparent to residents, although the latter are rarely interested in this. Moreover, this company employs many more employees than the HOA. Accordingly, on wages They will have more expenses. Therefore, residents have a legitimate question about what is more profitable - the HOA or the management company.


There can only be one HOA per building. But one HOA can unite several houses. So, let’s figure it out, HOA or management company: what’s the difference?

Let's start with the fact that an HOA is not commercial organization, created in accordance with the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. At the meeting, the governing bodies are approved - these are members of the board (who are elected for a term of no more than two years) and the general meeting. Financial plan for a year can only be approved for general meeting. A report on its implementation is provided audit commission. And the management of the HOA reports at the general meeting.

If costs are distributed correctly, funds will be collected when needed. Financial activities The HOA is more transparent. After all, every resident can influence decisions on improvement. Without intermediaries between residents and the contractor, deficiencies will be eliminated at a lower cost. On the other hand, some one-time jobs may cost more. Therefore, apartment owners will benefit only if the management of the HOA consists of truly competent and caring people.

Management company or HOA: pros and cons

Supporters of management companies believe that the main advantage of their work is that they take into account the opinion of all owners living in the house. That’s what the management companies themselves say, at least, although it’s hard to believe. At the same time, experts clearly speak in favor of management companies in the sense that their services can be refused at any time if there are complaints about poor quality service. But it will take more time.

On the other hand, it can be problematic for residents to obtain specific information about the organizations themselves, although the law prescribes such an obligation for the latter. Taking into account the fact that the management company is a commercial organization, that is, one whose main goal is to make a profit, it can be unprofitable to give them full control.

So what to choose - an HOA or a management company?

Optimal form of government

Most experts agree that the best form of government today is a mixed form of government. That is, this is not a HOA or a management company, but a HOA and a management company. enters into a service agreement with the management company. Then all residents will know where the funds are going. Moreover, each of them has the right to ask the chairman for a report, and the latter must report. The HOA can also dispose of building property at its own discretion, as well as place advertising billboards on the facades of the building.

We create a homeowners association

So, if you were faced with a choice: an HOA or a management company, and you decided to create an HOA, to organize it you need to take a number of the following steps.

An initiative group is being created from among the owners of residential premises in an apartment building. Any resident can become an initiator. But in order for information, organizational and propaganda activities to be successful, you need to recruit a number of people that will carry out all the work.

Informing people about the essence of HOAs

Next comes the legal and information education of people by the initiative group. At this stage, you need to be able to clearly answer the question of whether an HOA or a management company is better. And also convince everyone of the benefits of the first option.

The answer here is already contained in the organizational and legal form of the company: if the management company is a commercial organization, then the HOA is a non-profit. It turns out that the goals of the first are, first of all, to make a profit, and the other is to solve social, legal, managerial and similar problems.

In addition, the management company distributes incoming funds according to the established procedure. But in the HOA - by decision of the meeting of its members.

An HOA can also engage in entrepreneurial activity, but in a management company it is the main type.

The profit received is distributed among the founders in the management company, and in the HOA it is used to implement the statutory goals.

Working with people and recruiting

The next stage consists of preparatory work to create an organization. For this:

  • a register of owners is compiled;
  • the HOA address is determined;
  • The Charter is being prepared;
  • looking for candidates for the chairman, members of the board, audit and counting commissions, chairman and secretary of the meeting;
  • prepare ballots;
  • notify of the meeting at least 10 days in advance;
  • within the same period, this notification is sent to the compulsory medical insurance.

Meeting on the creation of an HOA

  • selection of the chairman and secretary of the meeting;
  • counting commission;
  • about the method of management;
  • the Charter is approved;
  • select the chairman and other persons;
  • a representative of the owners is appointed for registration of the HOA;
  • choose the place where the information will be placed;
  • choose a storage location for documents.

Other issues can also be addressed, depending on the needs of the home. However, if it was not possible to gather the residents of the house at the general meeting, then absentee voting is announced. For this purpose, ballots are prepared, and each of the owners votes.

Final organizational work

  • list of owners;
  • protocol of the counting commission;
  • minutes of the general meeting.

The HOA is registered. To do this, an application is submitted to the tax office with attachments of the charter, information about voters, a receipt with paid state duty).

You must register with the statistical authorities, the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, the Medical Fund and have a stamp made.

After this, you can begin work by notifying interested parties about its beginning. To organize you need:

  • obtain technical documentation;
  • draw up a register of property, examine it and draw up a corresponding act;
  • study the rules for providing for the population;
  • study the rules for the provision of housing services;
  • with direct HOA management it is necessary to conclude agreements with resource supply organizations, and also decide on the organization with which the receipt of funds will be recorded;
  • and if management is carried out through the management company, then the HOA enters into an agreement with them.

And yet: HOA or management company - which is better?

It is up to the residents to decide which form of management to choose. But in Lately They are increasingly leaning towards a joint form of government. On the one hand, there are often cases when in a directly managed HOA the opinion of the residents is replaced by the opinion of one chairman.

On the other hand, it is not always the case that a person competent in technical matters is elected as chairman. But management companies employ specialists who often know better what is needed for a home at one time or another.


Having considered the question (HOA or management company - which is better?) and having made a decision in favor of one option or another, residents must understand that neither form of organization can be truly effective if the residents themselves do not take part in the management process. When they remain indifferent, do not attend meetings and are not interested in current issues, the HOA organization often falls into disrepair, and the management company sometimes inflates the cost of its services.

Therefore, for the better functioning of the house, caring owners are primarily important, who must understand that management comes from them, regardless of the chosen form, be it an HOA or a management company. It is then that business in the house will flourish, and the residents will be satisfied and happy to live in it.