When is the best time to buy things for autumn? Things for a newborn - the most complete list with examples and prices. When is the best time to buy a car according to the lunar calendar?

I will allow myself to take an expert position in this dialogue. I have been working with clients as a personal purchasing assistant in European countries for 7 years (400 hours or 2.5 weeks is only the time I spent in the air during flights). We will talk about seasonal sales, which primarily means discounted sales of clothing and shoes, which are held at the end of any season, both summer and winter. I propose to discuss Russian retail, since during this period it has significant differences from European retail.

Seasonal sales rules

If the real goal of your shopping is to save money, then seasonal discounts are the real source of savings for the patient buyer. A red tag with the word “Discount” works magically, and a product marked “Sale” immediately has an audience ready to purchase it. Everyone wins here: the buyer is satisfied with both the price and the purchase, and the seller is happy that he sold the stale goods and freed up space for a new delivery.

Sales are certainly beneficial to all parties in the process, but, as you understand, there are pitfalls here. Only with a competent approach can you use the process of shopping at sales for your own benefit.

The first problem that you will have to face: most often, the slow-selling sizes XS and XXL or those models that have not aroused interest among buyers remain. And if you see interesting thing, which you really need, then don’t wait for a sale, since most likely it won’t be there by that time. Therefore, my advice to you: have a list of necessary purchases at hand and strictly adhere to it, without deceiving yourself during the shopping process that you “will soon lose weight, and this dress will fit you just right.”

The second important tip: during the discount season, sellers have a so-called “ideal buyer”, who is already warmed up by the very idea of ​​​​taking at least something quickly, before a shopping competitor emerges. The situation itself is impulsive, and the person does not have time to think about such a thing as justification of the price. Take a few minutes to check the reality of the prices listed. To do this, you just need to go to the Yandex.Market application via your phone and clarify starting price. Often, retailers inflate the original price in order to attract customers with a larger price difference that actually does not exist. Even if you were lured by the words “90% discount!”, don’t be so naive: no one will miss out on their benefits.

Another important point that you may encounter during the sales season, especially towards the end, is the quality of the goods. Pay attention to defects in fabric or cut, because even if the price of the product was not accepted even after several weeks, it is possible that the item has significant flaws.

In this regard, let me give some advice from an “experienced” shopaholic:

  1. On the eve of the start date of sales, monitor the places of your planned shopping in order to gain time and, possibly, negotiate with sellers.
  2. Try not to waste time. Be one of the first buyers and choose what you really need, otherwise you will have to buy things that others did not need. Don’t expect maximum discounts: they only reach those products that have not been sold for years.
  3. Do not buy expensive items from sales. Plan your purchase ahead of the season and try to take advantage of, for example, discount card, which also makes it possible to save some money.
  4. Stores do not necessarily get rid of low-quality or bad items at sales. It’s just that their commercial appeal is lower than that of those models that were purchased at full price. They may have a less functional style or a model that is difficult to combine.
  5. Think about it, do you really need a new swimsuit at the end of summer? Or is it better to set aside this amount to buy warm clothes for the next cooler and longer season?
  6. Every item you purchase (not necessarily during sales) should be something you really need. Remember this!

But still, sales and sales sometimes have a hypnotic effect on us, and then we buy things that then lie uselessly in the closet and create the same situation: the closet is full - there is nothing to wear.

  • buy only those things that you really like and need, which means they won’t be lying around in the closet;
  • It’s better to spend money on quality things, then they will last a long time;
  • all personal items should decorate you, emphasize your strengths, and, of course, hide your flaws.

It is better to create a wardrobe in which every item of the costume ensemble is your favorite. Then just this fact will lift your spirits. You will feel natural and comfortable, which others will definitely not be able to help but notice. Good luck with the sales!

Our whole life consists of purchases. Almost every day we spend money buying everything we need. Therefore, we are often visited by thoughts about whether it is possible to spend finances in such a way that, if they do not increase, they are at least protected from failures. One of the most favorite activities for the vast majority of the fair sex is shopping. It allows you to cheer up, gain self-confidence and acquire many new, useful things. This is a very exciting and entertaining process, during which girls get not only the things they like, but also great pleasure.

Smart shopping is a very complex matter, requiring a lot of experience and careful preparation. Everything is important here, from choosing a sales location to determining the optimal day according to the lunar calendar. It has been scientifically proven that lunar phases greatly influence human life and the changes that occur in nature. The Moon also affects us during shopping. In this article we will tell you in detail when you can make purchases according to the 2018 lunar calendar, and when it is better to refrain from them. This article will publish a lunar chart possible purchases for every month so that you can conveniently plan the most important purchases. See the general information on our website.

Lunar shopping calendar 2018 according to zodiac signs

  1. Aries is a calm and balanced sign, but if something bothers you, it is better to postpone the purchase or think about it more carefully.
  2. Taurus - shopping will end successfully.
  3. Gemini is a sign of fortune and contradictions; you can either hit the jackpot or suffer a fatal failure. Be vigilant and extremely careful in your decisions.
  4. Cancer - this sign loves to shop, and even just wandering around the shops will be beneficial, you will get something.
  5. Leo is a favorable sign for shopping.
  6. Virgo - pragmatism and balance will prevail at this time over the decision to make any acquisition.
  7. Scorpio is a contradictory sign. At this time, people are constantly hesitating and torn between several products. You can make a decision, but such a shopping trip will add a lot of stress.
  8. Libra – everything is within the framework of profitable or unprofitable, good or bad, like or dislike. You can make a purchasing decision quickly, since the vectors are set correctly at this time.
  9. Sagittarius is a good and very positive sign, welcoming change and patronizing purchases of any kind.
  10. Capricorn will think for a long time before spending the money he earns, but the ending will be positive for the owner of the purchase.
  11. Aquarius is a great period for shopping.
  12. Pisces - moving with the current up and down, such days will become a tense period for making the right decision on acquisition.

The influence of the Moon phase on purchases according to the lunar calendar for 2018

  • New moon. The moon is not visible in the sky during this period, but its influence on processes is sharply negative.
  • First phase of the moon. The satellite has the shape of a thin sickle. This period is considered very successful for starting any business, so it’s time to start looking for an acquisition.
  • Second phase. At this time, only half of the planet is visible to us in the sky. This period is not the most favorable for making large purchases.
  • Full moon. The moon is completely visible in this phase. During such periods, the negative influence of the satellite is the strongest, so it is highly recommended not to plan even small acquisitions, so as not to be disappointed.
  • The third phase is a gradual decline in the visibility of the satellite from Earth. This time is still characterized by a large number of failures in all areas of life, so it is recommended to adjust your plans and not make global purchasing decisions unnecessarily.
  • The waning stage of the Moon is not the best period for buying and selling in principle.
    The seventh stage is when the visibility of the satellite is limited in such a way that only part of the reverse side is visible to a person
  • Moon in the form of a sickle. This is a neutral period for shopping and shopping.
  • Old Moon. Control of emotions weakens precisely during this phase of the satellite’s influence, so buying anything global is also not recommended.

Lunar shopping calendar for April 2018

These days you can visit any shopping establishments, but you must approach shopping with great caution. The moon in the second month of spring will be under the zodiac signs that influence our emotional state. Thus, in April, astrologers recommend visiting sales points only on days recommended for shopping.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 27, 28.
  • Not favorable days for shopping – 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 29, 30.
  • Neutral days for shopping are 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 17, 19, 24, 25, 26.

On April 1, do not make purchases of which you are not sure of the quality. Astrologers advise postponing shopping until another favorable day, for example April 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 29.

On April 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 18, 19, 23, 24, 27, completely refrain from going to shopping centers. The moon will be so aggressive that it may affect your mood negatively. And any purchases made in a bad mood will not last you long and will quickly deteriorate.

On April 11, 17, 20, 22, 28, 30, you need to be extremely careful and not fall for the tricks of experienced sellers who will offer you to purchase goods that you did not plan for. On this day, you can only buy what is on your list.

  • Nails
  • Office supplies
  • Animal feed

On April 21, spend money on buying cinema tickets or visiting a museum, exhibition - an event that is dedicated to intellectual development and growth.

On April 25, 2018, you can make an important purchase - a car, a dacha, a house. The main thing is that all family members take part in the purchasing process.

Astrologers conduct a lot of research and therefore they are confident that the Moon is capable of changing the lives of people on Earth. But we can manage this process if we listen to the advice of the lunar table.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for April 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for May 2018

At this time, most astrologers recommend refraining from unnecessary acquisitions and treating your emotional impulses with caution. May 2018 will be the turning point, when the intense energy of the night star is greatly enhanced by the influence of the zodiacal constellations, under the influence of which the Moon will be.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 1, 2, 10, 11, 15, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping – 3, 4, 5, 7, 14, 16, 17, 18, 24, 26, 29.
  • Neutral days for purchases are 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 30.

May will start with the worst day for shopping. By the way, there will be many such days in May 2018 - the 4th, 5th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, 24th and 31st.

On May 2, 7, 8, 14, 29, you can make any purchases, but it is important to be in high spirits, since all purchased items will be charged with our energy and will be beneficial only in this case.

On May 3, visit a stylist, choose a new wardrobe for yourself, but do not buy any clothes or shoes on this day.

May 6th is a great day for concluding a real estate purchase or sale transaction or purchasing expensive equipment:

  • TV
  • refrigerator
  • Washing machine

On May 10, you can safely go to the market or store to purchase everything you planned. It is important on this day not to give in to whims, so as not to waste your entire budget.

May 11, 2018 will be the day when you can go to the store, choose what you like and buy it right away. Such spontaneous purchases should fill you with positive emotions.

On May 13, 17, 18, 21, 23, 26, 27, astrologers allow us to make small purchases, without which we either cannot do without Everyday life, or they help us develop spiritually. And on May 20, 28 and 30 you can purchase something more significant, but provided that you are absolutely sure of the quality of the desired purchase.

Every person dreams of winning the lottery. But astrology experts say that the prize will go to you if you buy lottery ticket on a favorable day according to the Moon. As they say, when all the stars align, you can win.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for May 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for June 2018

This month, everyone can safely go to the store, where a lot of amazing goods and services will be waiting for them. During this period, the Moon will renew its cycle, and its new phases will certainly bring success to everyone who is planning to make significant acquisitions. In June, astrologers recommend confidently buying everything you like, because this month promises to be one of the most successful of the year.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping are 6, 14, 19, 30.
  • Neutral days for shopping are 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 21, 25, 27.

June 1, 2018 - refers to the list of successful days for making purchases in the first summer month. This also includes the following dates: June 5, 6, 7, 13, 26, 27 and 30.

On June 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, 24, 28, it is recommended to approach your shopping carefully - buy only the best and highest quality, otherwise your purchases will bring you only disappointment and no pleasure.

On June 4, 8, 11, 14, 17, 22, 29, astrologers do not even advise buying food. The Moon will be under the influence of wasteful Mercury, which is why we may spend money irrationally.

On June 16, you can purchase food and personal hygiene products. You should not try to conclude important transactions for the purchase of real estate or a car, because they may not take place.

On June 19 and 25, spend money on buying things that will stimulate your creativity or intellectual activity. Buy an encyclopedia or monograph by an outstanding scientist in the field you are passionate about.

Spend June 23rd with your family. Buy your children and loved ones what they have long dreamed of, order a photo session so that you will remember this day for a long time.

It is worth noting that it is not so much the Moon itself that influences, but rather its phases. It is especially undesirable to conduct financial transactions during lunar eclipses. This year there are several of them, and all of them are noted separately. For example, there was a lunar eclipse in January and there will be another one next month.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for June 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for July 2018

Midsummer is always associated with a pleasant holiday, new experiences and exciting walks to places where all kinds of goods are traded. But judging by the lunar calendar, in July 2018 you should be very careful with shopping. All transactions concluded during this period may become burdensome and may not live up to the expectations placed on them.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping – 1, 2, 9, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28.
  • Neutral days for shopping are 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 16, 27.

If you decide to buy something on July 1, 2018, then know that you are allowed to buy only glass household items:

  • Mirrors
  • Dishes
  • The exact same day will happen on July 31st.

It is better not to visit on July 2, 7, 10, 13, 14, 17, 22, 29 outlets and don’t even try to purchase anything through online stores.

July 3rd and 4th is a great day to purchase modern sports equipment or uniforms online. Probability that you will be able to buy good thing at a bargain price, very high.

On July 5, the Moon will be favorable if you decide to purchase new car. The purchase and sale transaction will go through quickly, and the new vehicle will serve you for a long time.

July 6, 12, 26, 27, 30 – the time when you can buy everything that catches your eye in stores. You don’t have to limit yourself to any of your desires and don’t worry about spending money. Purchases made on this day will be very successful, and you will never regret purchasing them.

Shopping may be limited on July 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 28. Make a list of everything you need to buy and strictly follow it without giving in to temptations.

July 23 is the day when you need to completely update your children's wardrobe. If you buy your children, in addition to clothes, some other toys or gadgets, this will improve your relationship.

July 27 - second lunar eclipse. On this day it is better not to plan financial transactions and purchases. Dedicate it to rest and relaxation. Go to the sea or for a walk. You can meet with relatives or friends.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for July 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for August 2018

Ending summer period has always been considered a time of sales. These days, store shelves are overflowing with goods, the discounts of which reach unimaginable sizes. Therefore, in August you can safely go all out in shopping centers, especially since our night star will contribute to this in every possible way.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 22, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping – 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 23, 25.
  • Neutral days for shopping – 4, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 24, 26, 27, 28.

The first day of August 2018 will begin with a ban on any acquisitions. You should not buy anything on August 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20, 27, or 30.

Astrologers allow you to purchase some household items and products in limited quantities on August 2, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 22, 24, 26, 29 and 31.

On August 3, you can safely buy an apartment or house. At the same time, you can pay for this property not only in cash, but also with a credit card.

August 4, 5, 11, 25, 28 are summer days when you can afford to buy absolutely everything and at the same time be sure that your purchases will not ruin you and will bring you a lot of pleasure.

On August 17, visit a paid exhibition or tour of outstanding places in your city or region. Astrologers recommend spending money on buying new books and musical instruments on this day.

On August 21, buy a gift for your loved one. Let this be exactly the thing that he has long dreamed of. And on August 23rd, buy some spiritual item for your home. This could be an altar or a beautiful icon.

Make a plan for your affairs and purchases in advance, taking into account the lunar table. This will help you plan a trip to a notary to formalize a transaction or to a store to make purchases.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for August 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for September 2018

The beginning of autumn for most of our population is always accompanied by both planned and impulse spending. This is the time when classes begin in schools, and working people return to their jobs after long vacations. According to the astrological forecast, September will be a very changeable period for shopping lovers. At the beginning of the month, it is better to refrain from expensive acquisitions, but towards the end of the month you can completely forget about the restrictions.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 5, 7, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping – 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28.
  • Neutral days for shopping are 6, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 26.

September 1, 2, 9, 23, 26, 2018 are a wonderful time according to the lunar calendar, when you can give free rein to your desires and purchase many useful things for yourself and your loved ones. The same cannot be said about September 3, 7, 10, 13, 18, 25, 28, when you should avoid even going to shopping centers.

On September 4, 5, 11, 14, 16, 20, 22, 24, 27, astrologers advise planning purchases, and it is better to avoid everything that is not included in the plans so as not to succumb to temptation.

September 6, 12 and 29 are the time to make such banal purchases as personal hygiene products, perfumes and cosmetics. It is better not to purchase shoes and clothes these days.

  • Detergents
  • Anti-mosquito

And on the 15th and 21st, start updating your office. Buy:

  • Notebooks
  • Notepads
  • Pens with pencils
  • Drawing tools
  • Handicraft decor and so on

On September 17, you can visit an antique store to buy some expensive item for interior decoration. It is also recommended to purchase jewelry on this day.

On September 19, you should buy an expensive item for your parents. Astrologers say that the gift you purchased on this day for your loved ones is the key to your success in the future.

September 30, according to the lunar calendar of 2018, is a good day to buy a car or real estate.

Biorhythms of the Moon exist, and they affect the Earth and people. Therefore, we must listen to them and take into account the advice of astrologers.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for September 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for October 2018

Mid-autumn is the optimal time to completely update your wardrobe. On days like these, you want to go shopping, explore new collections, and, of course, attend attractive sales. Astrologers advise in October to be very careful about the emotional component of purchases, because if you get carried away by great deals, you can spend a lot more financial resources than you can afford.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 22, 23, 25, 27.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping – 1, 3, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 28, 29, 30.
  • Neutral days for shopping are 6, 8, 12, 19, 20, 24, 26.

The first day of October 2018 will be a good time to indulge in your favorite shopping. You can, without limiting yourself in any way, purchase clothes, shoes, jewelry, electronic gadgets, real estate and other expensive things. The same is allowed to be purchased on October 8, 15, 22, 25, 30.

On October 2, 6, 9, 11, 12, 17, 24, 27, any purchases are prohibited. If you do not want to risk your money, then it is better to listen to the advice of astrologers.

On October 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 28 and 31, you are allowed to make planned purchases that will be useful to you in everyday life. A list of everything you need should be made on paper so that you know exactly what is needed and what is not.

On October 16 and 29, plan to buy a house, cottage or land plot, if you were going to purchase them. Better days in October 2018, you simply cannot find one for these purposes. And on October 18, pay attention to the purchases that your loved ones need. Buy something worthwhile for them and give it as a gift.

The lunar table is an excellent assistant for those people who are confident in the influence of the Moon on human biorhythms. Prepare with its help for upcoming transactions and purchases so that everything goes well.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for October 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for November 2018

The end of autumn always makes us think about the coming winter. The need for a warm hat, mittens, boots and, of course, a fur coat begins to be acutely felt. According to the lunar calendar for 2018, the last month of autumn will be an excellent time for everyone who wants to acquire new things on the eve of the snowy season.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping – 1, 2, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27,30.
  • Neutral days for shopping are 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Start November 2018 with purchases you've been planning for a long time. To do this, you will have 3 days - November 1, 2 and 3. Then the time for this in November should be allocated on the 5th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 22nd, 25th.

On November 4, 7, 8, 11, 16, 23, 26 and 30, astrologers advise us to avoid going to shopping centers and buy some things or food.

The most favorable days for all types of purchases in November 2018 include the 6th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 24th, 29th.

On November 27 and 28, you can conclude an excellent deal for the purchase and sale of property. Even if you make a purchase on credit, you will have a great chance of winning the most favorable conditions for yourself.

All people buy something: some buy real estate, while others update the furniture in their apartment. Often clothes and shoes are purchased. You always want any spending of money to be successful and not wasted: clothes should be a joy to wear, equipment should work well, furniture should last a long time, and it should be a pleasure to live in a new apartment or house. For this to really be true, listen to the advice of the lunar table.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for November 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for December 2018

For many of us, the first month of winter is associated with pleasant pre-holiday chores. Celebrations are approaching, and we are all trying to get gifts for family and friends as early as possible. Astrologers assure that during this period you don’t have to limit yourself to shopping, because in December the stars themselves will help shoppers choose nice gifts at affordable prices.

  • Favorable days for shopping – 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping are 3, 5, 8, 11, 15, 16, 17.
  • Neutral days for shopping are 7, 9, 10, 14, 18, 19, 26.

According to the 2018 lunar calendar, December 1, 4, 7, 8, 11, 16, 23, 26 and 31 are the worst times for any acquisitions. If you do buy something, don’t be surprised if your purchases soon go bad.

On December 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, shopping is allowed, but it is recommended to buy only what you are confident in, or what you have been planning for a long time.

On December 5, 13, 25, you can buy any inexpensive things, some small household items or stationery.

  • Household appliances
  • Automobile
  • Land plot
  • Jewelry
  • There are not many days in December when you can make any purchase without any restrictions. These include December 6, 17, 21, 24, 29, 30.

December is the time for big pre-New Year spending. People want to update their interior or make renovations. Someone buys a new car or apartment. This is all great, but you need to take into account the influence of the phases of the moon on financial transactions. Choose favorable days and may your purchases be successful.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for December 2018 - table:

During a favorable period, the Moon generously distributes its energy to the Earth. Therefore, on such days, transactions are successful and people are in a good mood. Astrologers know all this, and also live according to the lunar calendar. Plan your activities in good days on the Moon.

The birth of a child is a very important event in the life of parents. Most expectant mothers and fathers prepare for the birth of a baby with all responsibility and strive to prepare everything that is necessary for the newborn. However, for those who are expecting a baby for the first time, as the cherished date approaches, more and more questions arise: what are the first necessary things for a newborn to buy? Where to buy all the necessary things for a newborn? In what quantity?

Some future parents are superstitious about this issue and do not buy anything before the birth of the baby. But think for yourself whether after giving birth you will have time to run around the shops and fussily buy everything that comes to hand. Modern young people now do not pay attention to the relics of the past and, saving their time and money, do everything in advance. After all, in the last months of pregnancy you have a lot of free time to carefully sit down and think about what you need to buy for your newborn. And after the birth of the child, you can spend time with him, and not running around the shops, because then you may not have exactly the things you need. Especially if you are expecting your first child, psychologically this prepares you for motherhood.

In order not to buy too much or, on the contrary, not to forget to buy something necessary for the baby, expectant mothers will find it useful to have a list of necessities for a newborn - things that the baby will need from the first days of life. In the above list, we tried to divide all purchases into mandatory and additional ones, with the help of which, if desired and possible, you could simply make caring for your baby easier.

Video: List of necessary things for a newborn

Basic purchases

  1. Cot
  2. Stroller
  3. Baby bath
  1. Changing board, table or changing chest
  2. Car seat/car seat
  3. Kangaroo backpack

Bed dress

  1. Mattress for the crib
  2. Oilcloth and mattress cover
  3. Stroller set (mattress and pillow)
  4. Warm padding blanket or cotton blanket
  5. Wool blanket
  6. Flannelette blanket
  7. Cotton blanket
  8. Duvet covers - 2 pcs.
  9. Sheets (size 150x90 cm) - 2 pcs.
  1. Canopy and bumpers for the crib

Care items

  1. First aid kit for newborns
  2. Aspirator
  3. Scissors with rounded edges
  4. Rubber syringe
  5. Water thermometer
  6. Room thermometer
  7. Thermometer for determining body temperature
  8. Brush and comb
  9. Pacifier - 2 pcs.
  10. Disposable diapers
  1. Baby monitor
  2. Musical toy for the crib

For swimming

  1. Baby soap
  2. Foam (gel) for bathing a baby
  3. Sponge (mitten)
  4. Bathroom slide
  5. Baby rinsing bucket
  6. Large terry towel
  1. Swimming circle
  2. Swimming cap


  1. Thin cotton diapers - 5-6 pcs.
  2. Warm flannel diapers - 5-6 pcs.
  3. Thin vests - 4-5 pcs.
  4. Warm vests - 4-5 pcs.
  5. Thin caps - 2 pcs.
  6. Warm caps - 2 pcs.
  7. Gauze diapers (50x50 cm) - 10-15 pcs.
  8. Wool hat
  9. Thin blouses - 2 pcs.
  10. Flannel blouses - 2 pcs.
  11. Sliders - 2-4 pcs
  12. Scratches
  13. Socks
  1. Overalls for the street
  2. Sleeping bag (envelope) in a stroller (sintepon or fur)

For feeding

  1. Bottles with nipples - 3 pcs.
  2. Bottle brush
  3. bib
  1. Bottle sterilizer
  2. Heater baby food
  3. Thermos bag for bottles
  4. Breast pump

Almost all the essentials for a newborn baby can be bought in our store. At the same time, you will also get a good discount. For example, we will take products of the middle price category, and the price will be indicated taking into account the discount that you will receive when purchasing an amount of 12,000 rubles or more. This table is a list of necessary things for a newborn, indicating approximate prices.

Table 1. What is needed for a newborn (examples and prices).

Product Model Main list Extended list
1 PC
3390 3390
1 PC
7790 7790
1 PC
410 410
Changing board or chest of drawers
1 PC
- 3490
Car seat/car seat
1 PC
- 2250
Kangaroo backpack
1 PC
- 890
Mattress for the crib
1 PC
1290 1290
1 PC
149 149
Mattress cover
1 PC
290 290
Set for stroller
1 PC
290 290
The blanket is warm
1 PC
490 490
Wool blanket
1 PC
670 670
Flannelette blanket
1 PC
650 650
1 PC
- 650
1 PC
- 850
Duvet cover
2 pcs
720 720
2 pcs
320 320
First aid kit
1 PC
265 265
1 PC
159 159
1 PC
195 195
1 PC
35 35
Water thermometer
1 PC
125 125
Body thermometer
1 PC
375 375
Room thermometer
1 PC
35 35
Brush and comb
1 PC
180 180
2 pcs
190 190
Disposable diapers
1 PC
1400 1400
Musical toy for the crib
1 PC
- 990
Swimming slide
1 PC
190 190
1 PC
49 49
1 PC
720 720
Swimming circle
1 PC
- 310
Swim vest
1 PC
- 275
Warm diapers
5 pieces
925 925
Thin diapers
5 pieces
345 345
Warm undershirts
4 things
260 260
Thin undershirts
4 things
260 260
Gauze diaper
3 packs
465 465
2 pcs
70 70
1 PC
150 150
Thin blouse
2 pcs
350 350
Warm blouse
2 pcs
420 420
2 pcs
360 360
Walking overalls
1 PC
- 2550
Discharge kit
1 PC
- 2290
2 pcs
100 100
2 pcs
130 130
2 pcs
  • Envelope/overalls with fur
  • Blanket made of padding polyester/wool
  • Flannel diapers
  • Thermal packaging for bottles
  • Stroller coupling
  • Sleigh and stroller
  • List of things for a newborn in autumn - spring:

    • Discharge kit (autumn-spring)
    • Envelope/overalls with padding polyester
    • Warm hat, socks and mittens
    • Knitted/flannel diapers
    • Fleece/velor blanket
    • Crib set with blanket
    • Raincoat
    • mosquito net
    • Stroller
    • Stroller

    What to buy for a newborn baby in the summer:

    • Summer discharge kit
    • Calico/knitted diapers
    • Knitted blanket
    • Raincoat
    • mosquito net
    • Stroller
    • Stroller

    And a few more tips on choosing things necessary for a newborn:

    • A crib with a pendulum will greatly facilitate the process of rocking your baby to sleep, and when the baby grows up, the pendulum can be fixed.
    • When choosing a stroller, focus primarily on convenience, not price. It often turns out that young parents, having initially saved, come back for a new stroller after a while, because a walk with the baby turns into hard labor due to the wrong stroller.
    • A mattress for a newborn should be hard. This contributes to the correct formation of the baby’s posture. Now it is possible to buy mattresses with different side hardnesses that will last you up to 3 years.
    • When purchasing a car seat/car seat, pay attention to the presence of the ECE R44/03 or ECE R44/04 mark, which indicates that the seat has passed all the necessary tests and complies with the European Safety Standard.
    • All baby’s underwear (clothes) must be boiled, washed, and ironed with a hot iron before use. Iron internal seams. Children's underwear should be stored separately from adult underwear.

    But we would not recommend you buy the following things for a newborn:

    • Blouses that need to be put on over the head, since the child’s reaction will be definitely negative
    • Lots of clothes of the same size, so you won’t even notice how your baby will outgrow them
    • Clothes bright colors, as it can irritate the baby's eyes. Opt for soft pink, sky blue, pistachio colors, and all shades of beige and light ocher are also suitable
    • You should not buy synthetic items for your child. Give preference to things made from natural materials. They are much nicer to the touch and do not cause allergies.
    • Do not buy clothes for a newborn baby with fasteners at the back, because most your baby will spend time on his back
    • There are a lot of disposable diapers at once, as they simply may not suit your baby
    • Formula milk without pediatrician advice
    • A simple solution to a difficult problem: buying things before the baby is born

      Very soon you will have a new addition to your family, but you don’t know what to buy for your newborn. In this article we will give you the answer to this question. Let's immediately discard all the “dense” stereotypes that buying things for a child in advance is a bad omen. We live in the 21st century, and therefore we will be guided by common sense, and not by some outdated misconceptions. More details

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    When purchasing a used car, it is important to consider a large number of factors: specifications, color of the car, place and time of purchase, as well as weather conditions. Let’s pay attention to the last few factors and figure out what time of year is best to buy a car.

    Time of year and buying a car

    You can buy a used car at any time of the year, but remember that each season has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider which month is better to buy a car.


    The most profitable month to buy a car is December, before the New Year holidays, to be precise. The demand for used cars at this time is low, and, therefore, the cost is reduced in relation to other months. Another factor influencing the price of a used car is the year of manufacture. It is believed that with the advent of the new year, the car automatically becomes a year older, which means the price is lower. In January, after the New Year holidays, there is a period of calm. The seller, noticing a decrease in the number of calls, easily reduces the price to a level that suits you. In addition, in frosty weather, you can check the start of a cold engine. This is another argument in favor of purchasing a car on the eve of the New Year.


    During this period, the so-called “snowdrops” wake up and interest in cars increases. By the end of the season, demand reaches its peak; there is no need to expect a significant drop in car prices. It is better to plan the purchase of a car only if absolutely necessary. In addition, slush makes it difficult to inspect the car well: there is a risk of missing body defects.


    Buying a used car becomes convenient because the inspection can be carried out without haste and in less time. comfortable conditions. In sunny weather, dents and scratches are more visible than ever. Sellers rarely make concessions and do not make discounts, but by August demand decreases slightly, followed by prices.


    In autumn, the demand for cars continues to decline, and this is due to the fact that potential buyers gradually preparing for New Year's holidays, planning your expenses differently. Some go into hibernation. Remember that for all seasons, including autumn, one rule applies - the inspection of the car must be carried out in natural daylight. In addition, the body and parts of the car must be clean and not covered with a layer of dirt. This way you will protect yourself from purchasing a restored and repainted “horse”.

    The comfort of the procedure for buying and selling a used car in the fall largely depends on weather conditions. In rainy or frosty weather, demand is reduced, and therefore the seller, as in winter, has no choice but to reduce the price. This is also a good time to buy a used car.

    When thinking about when is the best time to buy a car, you shouldn’t discount exchange rates. The fact is that sometimes the cost of a car is indicated in dollars, and some sellers do not immediately change the price in accordance with the exchange rate. Therefore, if you catch the right moment, you can save a lot on purchasing a car. This trend applies to both new cars and used cars.

    When is the best time to buy a car according to the lunar calendar?

    It is believed that the lunar calendar can predict the success of a transaction. The waning moon helps reduce the price of the purchased car. There are also several lunar days that are most successful for making a transaction: 7, 10, 11, 17, 21 and 25.

      • The seventh lunar day is suitable for choosing a car that will emphasize the status of its owner.
      • On the tenth and eleventh days, buy a car for family and long trips.
      • On the seventeenth lunar day, you should buy a car that requires investment and repair. The twenty-fifth day has the same character. Buy a car if you plan to resell or restore it.
      • The twenty-first day is ideal for drawing up and signing a purchase and sale agreement.

    When buying a car, pay attention to the position of the moon. The most successful positions for large purchases are the position of the satellite in Taurus and Leo, and for a car, in particular, in Gemini and Capricorn. Items purchased during this period will work for you and fully pay for themselves. To buy a car with further resale, wait until the moon is in Aries or Libra - at this time, transactions will be most successful.

    Days of the week and buying a car

    Let's consider the question of which days are best to buy a car. There is a known pattern between purchasing an item on a certain day of the week and its service life. According to astrology, each day of the week is ruled by a number of planets. Major undertakings, including the purchase of a car, can go differently under the influence of celestial objects.

      • Monday is the day of the moon, which patronizes the family hearth. Make purchases that are related to the home: groceries, household chemicals, and partially interior items. But purchasing a car on this day is highly not recommended.
      • Another meaning is Tuesday, whose patron is Mars. On this day, buy things with masculine energy, including cars.
      • The planet Mercury, which protects the environment, is responsible for the car, as well as for real estate and household appliances. On Wednesday, deals are made successfully, and things last a long time.
      • Thursday is the most favorable day for shopping. On this day it is better to plan large-scale acquisitions - you won’t go wrong.
      • Friday under the auspices of Venus is more suitable for women's shopping. Art objects, clothes, books, cosmetics, but not cars.
      • Saturday's planet - Saturn will help you choose practical things needed in your life. Large transactions will also be successful.
      • Sunday is patronized by the Sun. This day is suitable for purchasing luxury goods. Surely, you will be able to find something unusual, and you will approach the process on this day creatively.

    When choosing a day for an appropriate purchase, including a used car, you can’t go wrong. The item will last a long time and will bring pleasure.

    Such patterns can change annually. When thinking about what time of year it is better to buy a car, while in pursuit of a profitable purchase, a person will wait for the onset of a favorable period, which means that the statistics may change significantly. In any case, you should buy a used car when you are internally ready for it.

    And don't forget to check the car's history before purchasing. This can be done using the Autocode online service using the VIN or license plate number. The system checks the car against more than 15 official databases: traffic police, EAISTO, RSA, taxi and bank registers, Federal Tax Service, Federal Customs Service and others. From the report you will find out the actual mileage of the car, whether there are traffic police restrictions, compulsory motor insurance data, customs history, fine history, participation in road accidents and much other important information.

    If you are not confident in your experience for inspecting a car or are simply in another city, order an on-site inspection Autocode. The specialist will draw up a detailed report with all the technical nuances.

    Hello, friends! Every time on the eve of winter, we all unanimously remember that we need warm outerwear, warm boots, boots and other accessories, which are simply impossible to do without in the winter cold.

    Whether we like it or not, a lot of money from the family budget is spent on warm clothes. Some have more, others have less, because winter clothes not only keep us warm, but also play a certain role in creating an image.

    We are not able to completely eliminate the cost of purchasing winter clothing from the family budget, although it is quite possible to reduce them to one degree or another. How to do this?

    Probably the easiest way that immediately comes to mind is to buy winter clothes out of season, at spring sales. The demand for these items is already low, and stores are trying to clear shelves for new spring collections. And, accordingly, prices will not be the same as at the beginning of the season.

    This is especially noticeable when buying expensive winter clothes, such as sheepskin coats, fur coats and leather clothing. It is quite possible to purchase a mink coat at this time one and a half times cheaper than at the beginning of the season.

    The likelihood that fashion will change dramatically is low. But by next winter you will be fully prepared, and for less money. Getting into the habit of shopping well in advance of the season can save you a lot of money.

    However, spring-summer shopping also has its downsides. The choice of clothing is not as large as at the beginning of the season. And if you’re not lucky enough to find what you want, you’ll have to make a choice depending on your priorities: dress original or save money.

    How to save on buying clothes during the season?

    The second way to save on buying winter clothes is to go in search of warm clothes as early as possible, immediately with the start of the new winter season, without waiting for severe frosts and snow. It is unlikely that you will be able to save a lot - during the season it is very difficult to buy a sheepskin coat, coat, fur coat or down jacket at a discount, because these things are in demand more than ever. But at the beginning of winter a good choice. And this will allow you to find from what is, best models at the best price.

    From those presented in stores outerwear The most popular jackets are made from down and padding polyester. They cost differently, and it depends on the newness of the collection, material, brand, and country of origin. But, on average, padding polyester jackets are cheaper than down jackets, and sometimes this difference is almost 50%. As for winter shoes, discounts on the second pair, which are sometimes available in some stores, can help you save money.

    When buying winter clothes, especially jackets, coats, sheepskin coats, and warm boots, in pursuit of savings, do not forget about quality. As a rule, we wear these things for more than one season. Therefore, it is better to splurge and buy something that will last several winters. Otherwise, buying a new coat or boots every season, we risk spending even more, and all our savings will turn into even greater expenses.

    Another way to update your wardrobe has now become simply inaccessible for many. And with this, for obvious reasons, we will definitely have to wait for now.

    Natural or artificial?

    But what should those who do not want to replace expensive sheepskin coats and fur coats do? natural fur for cheaper alternatives?

    Of course, a fur coat made of natural fur is luxurious, beautiful and a necessary thing in every woman’s wardrobe. In a graceful and elegant fur coat, we are all queens. But at the same time, these are big expenses. And, before you decide to purchase such an expensive thing, you should think: is it really necessary? Especially if you have to spend all your money to buy it or, worse, take out a loan.

    But if you still decide to please yourself and buy a natural fur coat, try to adhere to some rules. We women choose with our eyes and often buy based on our emotions. Having seen something we like, we change our plans on the fly and spend a completely different amount of money than we originally set aside for the purchase.

    First we need to decide why we need this expensive thing, how and where we are going to wear it. After all, an expensive thing requires an equally expensive status environment. Probably, a woman in a luxurious mink coat on a minibus or on a crowded bus will look somewhat ridiculous. But it’s hardly worth buying an expensive fur coat just to hang in the closet or to show off once a year in front of your friends and co-workers.

    If you want to be fashionable and elegant, then a colored fur coat with an unusual design and cut is perfect for this occasion. And if you want to invest in a durable item, you can, for example, buy a traditional fur coat.

    In the first case, you can choose a fashionable fur coat made from rabbit, fox, chinchilla, sable or mink fur. If you plan to actively wear the item in cold weather– it is better to use wolf or lynx fur.

    The length of a fur coat is also determined by what it is intended for. If you want to emphasize your status and attend any official events, a long fur coat is best. Fashionable ¾ length fur coats are ideal for everyday wear. Short fur coats are good for outdoor activities.

    It is clear that a mink coat, the fur of which is considered to be of the highest quality, will cost more. But for this amount you can choose a coat from another, no less high-quality, but cheaper fur, for example, from sheared beaver.

    Before making your final decision, visit at least several stores with similar products, compare prices and estimate what you can buy in each of them for the amount you have.

    And if any defects are found during the purchase: small tears, pieces of skin without fur, which are basically invisible, you can safely ask for a discount on the coat.

    And, of course, in order not to waste your money at all and get the maximum quality for your money, be careful when purchasing. And make sure that they don’t sell you something made of faux fur under the guise of a natural fur coat. Try to buy only from reputable manufacturers.

    An alternative to an expensive fur coat is faux fur coats (which are sometimes simply impossible to distinguish from real ones), modern light and beautiful coats and jackets, and “down jackets.” You can always find a thing that completely (or almost completely) suits our taste and ideas about fashion. In addition, in winter such clothes are as warm as wearing a natural fur coat, and most importantly, they are comfortable everywhere - on the street, in transport, on vacation.

    By the way, dear fur hat can be replaced with knitted one. This season, knitted hats are a fashion trend. Different in shape, they are suitable for women of any age, not just youth and teenagers.

    DIY clothes

    With a little creativity and some basic sewing skills, you can make a new fashionable coat from an old one by altering it slightly. For example, a boring long coat can be turned into a short one. You can turn an old fur coat or sheepskin coat into a fashionable vest or sew a new coat to your liking.

    With this option, you can choose fabric, lining, accessories that suit your texture and price. And if you sew yourself, the costs will be limited only to the purchase of material.

    Warm scarves, gloves, mittens, hats, warm sweaters - all this has to be updated quite often. Besides, we wear scarves not only to keep us warm, but also to look good. Therefore, as they say, there can never be too many scarves. At the same time, this does not mean that you need to spend a lot on them. These cute accessories, like everything else, can be knitted and sewn with your own hands, using everything you have at home.

    For example, a beautiful scarf can be made from an old dress or skirt, from a couple of T-shirts, or from a sweater that no one has worn for a long time. By showing a little ingenuity and applying creative skills in practice, you can save a lot of money in the family budget.

    Conducting a wardrobe audit

    We like to go shopping, we like to have a lot of clothes. But it’s still better not to go shopping without first checking your wardrobe.

    Over the summer, we forget a little about the warm clothes we wore last winter. Therefore, first of all, we take out all our old things from the shelves of closets, from bags and suitcases and carry out an inventory of them. As a result, it may turn out that you have everything and you won’t have to spend money on new warm clothes this season.

    By the way, you can sell your old fur coat and use that money to buy new winter clothes. This is quite possible, because coats made from high-quality fur are proper care can last up to 20 years or more. And if it is also a classic option, the chances of selling such an item increase significantly.

    Wear summer clothes in winter

    You can use some summer clothes and accessories in winter. At first glance, this seems absurd, and logically it is much easier to turn a winter item into a summer one by cutting off the sleeves, for example. However, it is possible, especially if you don't have enough money to update your winter wardrobe.

    Therefore, with the onset of cold weather, you should not rush to put away the clothes that you wore during the warm season. These can be loose-fitting long-sleeve shirts made of natural fabrics, under which you can freely wear something else in winter. Or vests, which in the summer were an independent accessory, and in the winter they can be used to create layers in clothes, worn on top, for example, over the same long-sleeve shirt.

    Also useful are summer T-shirts (which can be worn under a warm sweater), all kinds of leggings (if you have them in large quantities, you can create various ensembles with long sweaters, shirts, mini-dresses), tights, cardigans, turtlenecks.

    Thin jumpers with an open neck area can be worn with a warm scarf or scarf in winter. Summer mini-dresses go well with shirts, turtlenecks in combination with warm tights, sweaters, scarves, and high boots.

    If you carefully check your wardrobe for compatibility with other things and accessories, you can get a lot of options. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

    We buy according to the list

    Set a firm budget for winter clothing purchases. You should know that you can only spend this amount. Better yet, make a shopping list that you always carry with you.

    Oddly enough, such planning, as a rule, works and does not allow you to buy something else just because you really liked it. The joy from such an ill-conceived and, sometimes, not very necessary purchase will be short-lived, but regret over wasted money will poison the mood for more than one day.

    And if you absolutely cannot control yourself and lose your head at the sight of the first thing you like, go to the store without credit cards. With a limited amount of cash, you are unlikely to be able to spend more than planned.

    We buy in online stores

    Shopping in online stores is often cheaper. When ordering several items, a discount is often provided and free shipping. This is also a unique way to avoid buying too much if it’s hard for you to resist buying new products in a regular store.

    Sometimes, in online stores you can find winter outerwear cheaper than in shopping centers. And when joint purchases You can inexpensively buy something that doesn’t require trying on, for example, a year’s supply of warm tights for the winter.

    We combine and create clothing ensembles

    The basic rule of saving on clothes is the interchangeability of things. In addition, buying things that go well with two or three other items from your wardrobe is a way to always look good and easily change your look.

    Don’t forget that any item (even bought at a sale or second-hand store) will look more expensive if you follow some simple rules:

    • To look your best, things must be tailored to your figure and fit perfectly.
    • You need to wear only those things that look impeccable: without protruding threads, loose seams, torn buttons and without stains
    • You should not wash your clothes too often (it is better to dry clean expensive items). Frequent washing makes things look old and cheap. To freshen clothes between washes, you can steam them using a steamer and leave them overnight in a room with an open window. Clothes will look fresh and all unpleasant odors will disappear. A steamer will also help keep clothes that you don't want or can't iron in good condition.

    Financial planning

    When it comes to fashion, we almost always spend more on things than we need. And, sometimes, even much more than we can afford. The idea that the money saved will be used to achieve some other, more important goals and objectives will help you avoid spending too much on winter clothes.

    Someone is saving for a vacation, someone is planning to buy a new apartment or car, and someone may be thinking that by refusing to buy something they don’t really need today, they will be able to invest the planned monthly amount in investments. This is very motivating, and if you constantly remind yourself of this, over time such training will develop into self-control.

    The main trend of the current winter season is coziness, comfort, natural fabrics. And fashion experts advise us to pay attention Special attention for knitted clothing: long and short dresses, both tight-fitting and loose-fitting, skirts, sweaters, sweaters, cardigans, vests. This season, one of the main things in the winter wardrobe is a practical, comfortable and warm sweater dress.

    The same trend of the season is knitted hats and berets. Many celebrities have made a knitted hat this season mandatory element your wardrobe.