How to manage a large company. How can founders manage their company from afar? Functions of the management system - enterprise management

Any enterprise that produces products, trades or provides services is a complex system, including: raw materials, materials, fixed assets, labor and financial resources.

These elements of the production system must be used with maximum efficiency. This is provided by the control apparatus. How should an enterprise be managed?

The production cycle involves production resources, divided into function blocks, interacting with each other and performing a common task. A separate structure is needed to coordinate and direct these efforts.

Also, this structure determines the directions in which the enterprise develops, its personnel and marketing policies. These functions are carried out by the management apparatus. In the structure of any enterprise, it is located separately from the production units.

To manage an enterprise, there is a system of managers at various levels. They are appointed to all departments to ensure both horizontal connections at one level and vertical ones from lower-level managers to senior management.

How the enterprise is managed

Junior, lower-level managers have to work directly with performers. Their main tasks are: organization, ensuring control over the implementation production plans and tasks, use of raw materials and operation of equipment.

This part of the management apparatus is the most numerous. Middle managers are the liaison between lower-level managers and senior management.

How to manage an enterprise - the last link is the top management; its responsibilities include making the most important decisions, on which the entire activity of the company or enterprise largely depends.

They bear the highest responsibility for this activity. The decisions that they make are communicated to the immediate executors through lower and middle and lower echelon managers.

These managerial and organizational structures is typical for all enterprises in which there are departments and divisions. They allow you to manage an enterprise through the use of planning, motivation and control by management.

Video: What a manager should do

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Enterprise management is a set of specific actions to organize the work process of a commercial or non-profit company, aimed at maintaining and improving the results achieved by it. Such management affects various areas of the enterprise’s activity, from production to administrative. There are many positions related to business management, including positions in support functions, division management and organizational leadership. Most enterprises have several groups of managers focused on a specific range of tasks.

Management Basics

The main divisions of the enterprise related to its management are logistics, marketing, economic analysis and planning, personnel and management. The head of the enterprise controls the work of these divisions so that they function clearly and correctly, both as individual units and in working together to provide the company with profit. The manager can always propose some measures to improve the work of the department and delegate some tasks to its employees. As a rule, in large companies, at least one manager is appointed in each division.

Management personnel

At each step of their corporate hierarchical ladder, most companies form a certain composition of management personnel. If we talk about the company’s office, then, as a rule, there are employees working there whose responsibilities include developing and maintaining the company’s client base up to date, monitoring the work of other employees on various projects, and assisting department heads with analyzing data on the operation of the enterprise. A level higher, in hierarchical structure There may be positions of managers responsible for the work of the entire office, including budget preparation, analysis of employee performance, development of various methods for calculating economic indicators, appointment of managers for a particular project. If the company is large, then several assistants to the head of the enterprise office can work in it, where each assistant will be responsible for his own direction in the organization’s activities.

A step above office managers are the heads of various services, departments and divisions, whose responsibilities include managing a significant part of the business activity enterprises. Often, such managers specialize in a specific area of ​​enterprise management. For example, a person who specializes in human resources management and is responsible for the work of the relevant department, namely its proper functioning and the achievement of its goals, may be included in the staff of an enterprise. The responsibilities of such official include assessing the performance of HR department employees, hiring new ones and dismissing existing employees who are not coping with their duties, as well as taking all necessary actions to organize a well-functioning process for hiring competent personnel.

The executive in charge of managing the entire enterprise is the highest-ranking manager, and is most often called the president or general director companies. In some organizations, workplace the president is in the same office as the rest of the employees, in others, depending on their size, the president may be in another building, city, and even country, and have several deputies subordinate to him - vice presidents, each of whom will be responsible for the direction assigned to him in the overall activities of the company. For example, in staffing table a company may list a vice president for marketing, research and development, sales, customer service, etc. The work of each vice president is independent from the work of his colleagues.

Working conditions when managing an enterprise

When managing an enterprise, the employee's working conditions depend mainly on the nature of the tasks he performs. Those who work at the lower positions of the hierarchical vertical more often have a fixed work schedule with periodic reports on the work done to their managers. Middle and senior vertical positions have more flexible and unpredictable work schedules. Often, when completing large-scale projects, preparing annual reports and/or presentations, employees at almost all ranks are required to do some work beyond their established working hours.

Due to the fact that people involved in the management of an enterprise have to communicate a lot with other people, prepare a lot of memorandums and write various kinds of reports, they simply need to have excellent communication skills. These professionals should have no difficulty giving presentations and organizing other people's work. Another important quality is the ability to understand all the intricacies of the work and relationships between departments of the enterprise, competently organize their work, and in case of their inoperability, quickly determine the reasons and eliminate them. Because Many of the management positions are related to budget formation and analysis of the results of the department, department or company as a whole, and the people occupying them must have good knowledge of economics, accounting, finance and mathematics.

Relevant education for business management

Many universities offer both full-time and remote forms of study in the “Enterprise Management” program. Standard training program touches upon such key aspects of enterprise management as: customer service, enterprise finance, marketing and human resources department. Purposeful and ambitious managers associated with engineering or design can increase their competitiveness by receiving additional education in applied sciences, and for those who work in the field of marketing and sales, it would be a good idea to get an education in the field of psychology.

Most large companies expect their candidates to have at least a master's degree in a related business field. Also, work experience is often required that gives the candidate an understanding of how all the key participants work together in running a business. Depending on the selected professional field, the candidate may be required to develop and clearly communicate a business plan that demonstrates his or her competence, e.g. marketing activities and sales for some hypothetically existing product.

The art of management or how to organize competent management of a company?

Efficiency modern enterprise directly depends on the correct organization in it management activities. Every business started must have clearly defined tasks, the fulfillment of which must be strived for in order to obtain a positive result. Let's imagine for a moment flying an airplane. What will happen if the crew does not work harmoniously, and the goals of each team member differ from each other. Undoubtedly, aircraft will simply fail. Just as the crew of an airliner has a single goal - to transport passengers safe and sound, so an enterprise should have a single goal - business success for the benefit of all participants in the process.

No wonder experienced owners and managers large enterprises They call the personnel management system the art of management. Well-organized work and a clear distribution of responsibilities ultimately brings positive results.

Where does competent company management begin?

Competent management in modern business involves strict adherence to assigned tasks in order to make a profit. This is very important to understand. Profit is the “cornerstone” that is either the basis for financial success or the destruction of a company. Of course, the production production tasks- not an end in itself. The main thing is that all actions performed locally are aimed at the general well-being and prestige of the company.

So, without registering an LLC or individual entrepreneur, it is impossible to open own business. This required condition the existence of a pharmacy, car service, fashion salon and other enterprises. The future business owner confidently moves towards his goal, visiting all government licensing authorities and services. If for some reason the entrepreneur does not have time to do this personally, he can turn to specialists legal support By delegating his goal to another person, the owner, however, ultimately has a positive outcome - the enterprise begins to function. This is how the goals are absolutely combined different people and enterprises.

One, two... thousand

If a company consists of two or more people, then its success is professional field will depend on how these people communicate with each other, how harmonious and useful their corporate relationships will be. There are companies with hundreds, thousands of employees. It is in such corporations that there is a communication problem and a business management problem.

In addition to following goals and completing tasks, each participant in the process must be personally interested in the prosperity of the company. In management lexicon this is called “personal motivation.” World-famous corporations, whose products are sold in huge quantities, have a clear system of motivation for specialists at various levels. Whatever one may say, the “carrot and stick method” is still used today. Competent management has an almost perfect system of penalties and rewards, which works as regularly as a clock. It is enough to eliminate this system, and the work of the enterprise will turn into chaos.

Of course, there are quite a few subtleties of enterprise management, the main ones of which are mentioned above. The main thing to remember is that the success of the company depends on the unity of purpose of all participants in the process, constant and constant control and a well-functioning system of social communications.

Reading time 9 minutes

Given the democratization of society, an understanding of the value of each individual, new methods, principles and styles of team management were needed. A new type of leader must not only be a good organizer, analyst and psychologist, but also have such personal qualities to earn authority from subordinates.

Boss and subordinates, how to manage a team and what qualities a leader should have, you will learn in this article. A modern leader must have a high moral culture in order to earn the recognition and respect of colleagues. Such qualities as honesty, fairness, decency, ability to understand and listen are required. Equally important for a manager is knowledge of etiquette and rules of conduct.

Communication between a manager and subordinates should take place business style, but at the same time it is necessary to observe mutual politeness, attentiveness and goodwill. This is the key to a healthy atmosphere in the team and a willingness to cooperate. Managing a team requires that the manager needs to give orders, make requests, conduct interviews, fire, motivate and punish. How to do this correctly?

Boss and subordinates: Business communication of the manager

  1. When giving orders, the leader must rely on his own authority. An order can be given in a commanding tone only in emergency situations, when it is necessary to solve the problem immediately. In this case, the initiative of the performer is suppressed and he, in fact, is released from responsibility. He's just following orders.
    Labor efficiency decreases if an order is given with the threat of punishment.
    Effective method The employee's management is an order in the form of a request. Then the employee feels that they trust him, want to cooperate with him and believe in his abilities. Especially if the assignment concerns something that is not part of his duties. Effective management comes down to the fact that employees need to be stimulated, develop their activity and be given the opportunity to take initiative. Only in this case will labor efficiency be the highest.
  2. The manager's responsibilities include both punishment and encouragement, and motivation of employees.
    The legislation defines possible sanctions against employees, but the manager himself should not forget about etiquette. Even when punishing, you need to try to maintain normal relationships in the team.

How to punish correctly?

  • Under no circumstances should you punish or criticize a person without confirmed evidence of a violation;
  • If the work was performed poorly, you need to find out who assigned it to the employee, how control was carried out and determine the degree of responsibility of the employee for poor quality work. After all, there are often situations when a person simply did not have necessary materials, knowledge or support to perform the work;
  • A leader must be able to admit his mistakes;
  • It is necessary to talk with the employee and find out his motivation and reasons for the violation;
  • Never criticize an employee publicly;
  • The punishment should depend on the severity of the offense. Moreover, the requirements for all team members must be the same.

3.Psychological team management implies the manager’s ability to properly conduct a conversation with subordinates. Before you start talking about misconduct, you need to calm down and start the conversation with the employee’s achievements and successes. The conversation should be conducted in a private setting so as not to create intragroup conflict in the team. It is advisable that the manager explain to the subordinate what he is dissatisfied with, cite the facts of the violation and listen carefully to the subordinate’s explanations. The conversation needs to end with the fact that the manager must emphasize the employee’s strengths and instill in him the belief that he will succeed in everything in the future.

4. The system of employee motivation in the matter of how to manage a team is of great importance. But even you need to be able to encourage employees correctly. Material motivation personnel should be expressed in rewards for successfully completed work immediately after its completion. The effectiveness of a specific immediate incentive is much higher than waiting for a bonus at the end of the month. Non-material motivation employees may have more value than material. For example, if a manager publicly praises an employee in the presence of colleagues whose respect is important to him. Recognizing the success of a subordinate on time with the right words is an excellent motivation. Previously, organizations often practiced presenting certificates and honor boards. Now in some government organizations Such methods of team management remain, but the new generation no longer takes them seriously.

5. The manager’s responsibilities include dismissing employees. This is a rather painful procedure. The manager should not apologize so as not to give unnecessary hope to the subordinate. You should not fire before weekends or holidays. The conversation should take no more than 20 minutes, since the employee, being under stress, simply will not be able to hear detailed explanations and reasons for his dismissal.

The manager's attitude towards his subordinates must be respectful in any situation. It is best to address employees as “you”. When talking with a subordinate, the manager should listen more than talk. Ask questions about what the employee thinks about the quality of his work, what he would improve, what he considers his strengths. In the process of dialogue with subordinates, a leader who knows how to listen can gain a lot useful information. In particular, how to improve the management of the organization's personnel.

Until recently, the functions of HR managers were performed by line managers. It was enough to simply issue orders for dismissal, hiring and promotion. Now this is not enough. HR managers must be involved in recruiting, developing employees, motivating and stimulating work.

Personnel management helps to use all the potential capabilities of employees to achieve the goals of the organization. But at the same time, ensure a normal psychologically healthy atmosphere in the team, monitor working conditions.

The main tasks of the organization’s personnel management:

  1. Determine employee needs;
  2. Help you adapt to a new team;
  3. Select personnel;
  4. Stimulate interest in career growth;
  5. Develop the right motivation system;
  6. Promote development, both personal and professional;
  7. Resolve conflicts.

Principles of good management

The manager must analyze the situation, predict the strategy and manage its implementation. The subordinate must implement the manager's decision. Therefore, the basic principles effective management are certain qualities of a leader - professionalism, organization and decency. Since he has to solve problems from any area of ​​the organization.

The subordinate, in turn, must be efficient, proactive, honest, decent and striving for promotion.

Team management styles: personnel management, which management style is better?

There are 6 main styles of personnel management, each of which has its own pros and cons:

  1. Command style - immediate subordination of employees, mainly in an orderly tone. This style helps keep employees under control, motivate them with discipline and sanctions. It is advisable in critical situations when the risks are very high with the slightest mistake. But at the same time, employees do not develop, do not learn anything, and there is discontent in the team, which will lead to frustration.
  2. The authoritarian style involves building a development strategy and creating prospects for subordinates. The manager behaves strictly, but fairly and clearly directs employees in which direction to develop, showing by example what can be achieved. The disadvantage of this style is that if employees do not trust the leader, they simply will not follow him. In addition, subordinates work only according to step by step instructions, therefore they have low qualifications.
  3. A partnership style of managing employee work involves creating harmonious relationships, absence of conflicts and motivation Have a good mood. This style works great when combined with other styles. Since partnership does not increase productivity. This style is only good in cases where you need help or advice when resolving conflicts.
  4. The democratic style is designed to involve employees in the work process and maintain mutual understanding in the team. This style is effective when employees work as a team, strive together for the same goal, and have enough experience that everyone can be trusted with a specific task. The only disadvantage of such an organization of personnel management is that subordinates constantly need to be organized, directed, supervised and hold meetings quite often.
  5. The leadership style called “pace-setting” is doing the job as well as the leader himself does it. This style implies self-organization of employees and the desire to perform work at the highest level, following the example of the manager. Ineffective when third party assistance or additional training and coordination is needed.
  6. Coaching style - constant Professional Development employees, inspiration, search and development strengths. This motivates employees, but at the same time, this style of management will be useless if subordinates are lazy. Not everyone has the desire and strength to work on themselves every day.

How to manage a team and what style to choose? Most likely, the effectiveness of personnel management depends not only on the style and methods of management, but also on the personal qualities of subordinates. Therefore, depending on different situations, you need to combine different management styles.
The employee management system includes not only styles, but also management methods.

Team management methods

Personnel management methods - ways to influence the team. They are administrative, economic and socio-psychological.

  • Administrative methods influence the awareness of the team, the understanding that it is necessary to maintain discipline, have a sense of duty, strive to work in this organization, and comply with the rules and regulations established in the organization.
  • Economic methods - material incentives for employees. Social and psychological – taking into account the social needs of employees, maintaining a healthy atmosphere in the team.

All methods are interconnected and their implementation in team management is clear. But there is also innovative methods personnel management. For example, setting goals for an employee and a manager for the next six months or a year. An employee sets a specific goal for the benefit of the organization. If it is achieved, the manager, for example, promotes him in position or increases his salary.

  • The quarterly reporting method works effectively. This way, the employee sets his own goals and learns how to manage time correctly. As a result, he works more fruitfully and shows initiative. In addition, the need to report to your boss every quarter motivates you to show your best side. No employee goes unnoticed. Everyone receives a reward for their efforts.
  • A wonderful method of personnel management is structured planning. Each department sets itself a specific goal, which complements the goals of other departments for the benefit of the development of the organization. To organize work in departments, “team management” is used. Groups bring together those employees who have a similar view of achieving the organization's goals.
  • The situational management method is applied only as problems arise. Functional management– Each head of his department is responsible for certain functions.
  • The comparison method works well when the management system of a given organization is compared with a more advanced organization and the management system is recreated based on its example.
  • The expert-analytical method involves the involvement of personnel management specialists. The expert studies the problems of the organization and gives an opinion on what methods are best to manage in this organization.
  • In practice, the method of functional-cost analysis is often used. When experts determine which functions are not performed and why, unnecessary management functions and the degree of centralization of personnel management are removed.
  • The method of creative meetings gives excellent results. Experts and managers express their suggestions on how to improve the personnel management system, which gives rise to many creative ideas.

Every manager wonders how to effectively manage staff? To do this, it is necessary to apply all management methods and styles comprehensively. In addition, do not forget that you need to strictly follow the rules of ethics when communicating with employees. The right system of management, motivation, punishment and reward will help create a prosperous company. The manager himself will not be able to achieve anything if his employees do not approach their work creatively and with initiative. The main thing for a manager is to be able to interest, motivate and support employees.

A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general. All your adult life you have strived for this, you have strived to manage. First, a small department, then a division, and now you are appointed to the most responsible post - the head of the company! Or another option. You have your own small business which grows and develops, you are initially the head of the company.
It’s just that the theater begins with a hanger, but the company begins... No, not with the office reception, but with the boss.
Every enterprise needs competent management, which should be aimed at the effective production of the goods or services produced. The goal here is not only the financial return from the company, but also qualitative current goals, even if they do not lead to profit.
According to the ideas of the ancients, the earth rests on three whales or elephants. But you and I have known since childhood that the Earth is a ball, or almost a ball, that revolves around the Sun and the management of the company rests on a much larger number of these animals.
Every company is a system. The system is not simple, but manageable. Team of specialists for efficient work needs management and without a leader and organizer they simply cannot work. In order for the name of your company not to be synonymous with the expression “Wasted work,” you need to work every day and every minute of working time to increase labor efficiency and financial returns.
No enterprise can manage itself; it is managed by a system of management personnel - company managers.
What difficulties may be encountered on the path of management?
Firstly, in any company, even the simplest one, there are employees who are sometimes difficult to manage;
Secondly, the impact of external environment the enterprise, although minimal, is also poorly manageable;
Thirdly, as the scale of the organization grows, it becomes less and less manageable and itself begins to direct the goals of the boss, trying to divert him from completing the assigned tasks.
Managing a company, first of all, means such an impact that would contribute to the achievement of business goals in a changing environment and without significant losses. Most often, the goals set by the company's management are to conquer a certain segment of the market for goods or services or to obtain the necessary financial profit. At its core, leadership is about maintaining the stability of some indicators while increasing others.

Functions of the management system - enterprise management

The first and most important thing is decision making. This is precisely the prerogative of the boss and this is where management begins. The most difficult part of this is personnel management. After all, a person is not a machine and software you can't put it in it.
The second function is the organization of work. After the manager has made a decision, the correct distribution of powers between his subordinates, whether deputies or heads of departments, comes to leading positions.
But, unfortunately, subordinates do not always accurately and quickly fulfill their assigned duties. And here the third function of management appears - regulating work and monitoring its implementation. The need for this is sometimes determined by the contradiction between various instructions, various external influences and malfunctions due to reasons beyond the control of the performers. Organization feedback– from subordinates to the manager at the next stage of work becomes one of the main links in the chain of competent management. It provides accounting ongoing work and allows the boss to always keep his finger on the pulse of the company’s activities.
Let's sum up the intermediate results. The conclusion from all of the above suggests itself as follows: the company will develop successfully with well-set goals, on time decisions made, proper organization work, monitoring the current execution of assigned tasks.
The next question that automatically arises for the future or current head of the company is what should he be like? What management methods and styles can and should be used to effectively manage a company? What demands does life make on a manager every day?

1. The leader must be a psychologist. Creating a favorable environment in the workplace for each specialist, ensuring a healthy climate in the team, establishing strong contacts between employees of the enterprise - all this contributes to the growth of productivity and quality of work, contributes to the formation of creative initiative, and gives not less, but even more production effect than implementation latest technologies for mechanization and automation of labor.

2. The main human qualities of a leader are restraint, politeness, tact, self-criticism, self-discipline, exactingness, sensitivity - this list can be continued endlessly. The ability to restrain the manifestations of one’s mood, not to allow rudeness in communicating with subordinates, the ability to objectively evaluate one’s activities and the activities of one’s employees, critically evaluate one’s shortcomings - all this and much more contributes to the development of the correct style of managing a company.

3. Professional qualifications. Thorough knowledge in various areas of the company’s activities, economic, managerial, technical, political knowledge and skills distinctive features boss, good boss. Dynamic adaptation to rapidly changing business conditions, increasing the level of skills, knowledge and abilities contributes to the successful work of the entire team.

4. The ability to create a cohesive team around yourself - competent selection of personnel for the promotion and successful operation of the company. From this follows the competent organization of labor of workers at all levels, their motivation for effective work in their workplace and the entire company as a whole.

5. The boss’s motto should be “in any case, there is an opportunity to do better than before,” or “there is no limit to perfection.”

6. Value your time and the time of your subordinates. A clear statement of goals and objectives, the main idea that you want to convey to your employees, will help you with this. Here you will also need the ability to listen and not interrupt, organize your working time and follow the plan without significant deviations.

Every leader knows that bosses are not born, they are made. Thanks, for example, to a passionate desire to become a boss, but most likely thanks to the leadership qualities inherent in childhood, multiplied by education, worldly wisdom and acquired experience.