How to Start a Glove Dipping Business. Business in the production of gloves: machines and their cost. Specifications you should pay attention to

If you decide to open, you need to select and buy the necessary glove machines correctly. Let us dwell on the choice of equipment for the production of cotton gloves in order to establish fast and high-quality production.

Despite the significant costs of modern automated equipment, it will pay for itself in 2 years. If you choose more available option, its operation will slow down production, and it will take longer to pay off.

Glove making machines

There are plenty of companies that manufacture machines for the production of cotton gloves. Choose quality products, because your business depends on it.

When choosing equipment for the production of gloves, consider the following:

  • low-quality machines are cheap; using them in production, you may encounter a number of problems: slow operation, poor quality of products, constant breakdowns, violation of safety rules;
  • the equipment can be of high quality either with an electronic control unit (this is cheaper) or without it, but in the second case you will need to spend money on setting up the machines and hiring specially trained workers;
  • buy proven equipment that is not afraid of downtime, has warranty and post-warranty service;
  • conduct regular technical inspections machines to avoid serious damage;
  • When purchasing, read the certificates for the equipment, this will protect you from purchasing a counterfeit;
  • from time to time, upgrade the equipment for cotton gloves;
  • pay attention to customer reviews.

Thanks to modern technologies It is possible to produce gloves of different density and rigidity. Take this into account when choosing equipment. Machines can additionally weave threads into the product, and it will:

  • strong enough;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • permeable to air;
  • with low cost.

For a full production cycle, the following machines are sufficient:

  • knitting;
  • overlock;
  • for applying PVC coating;
  • packaging

Knitting machine

The most important equipment for the production of cotton gloves is a knitting machine. The productivity of such machines depends on the number of loops knitted per inch.

For these purposes, you can choose a machine among the most popular models, such as AURORA and JOMDA.

Glove knitting machine AURORA

Main advantages:

  • automated work, computer equipment;
  • working with various raw materials;
  • low cost of spare parts;
  • presence of speed controller.

AURORA models

Parameters / Model10C-12-17C-12-115C-12-1
Productivity, steam/hour10 15 8
Mating class10 7.5 15
Power, V220 220 220
Engine power, W300 300 300
Weight, kg250 250 250
Dimensions, mm1250 x 650 x 17501250 x 650 x 17501256 x 680 x 1700
Cost, rub.194 800 194 800 365 000

The JOMDA brand, depending on the class (7th, 10th, 13th), is capable of producing greatest number products per day - 300, 240, 160 pairs, respectively. The cost of different models is almost the same. All JOMDA machines are equipped with a computer and can use different yarns.

Other brands of knitting machines include Shima Seiki and NewSFG.

Overlock machine

The cuff processing machine greatly increases the value of products in the market. This is due to the fact that the gloves fit better to the hand, and therefore are more comfortable.

You will need an overlocker and additional heat shrink thread, which is sewn under the overlock stitch.

Pay attention to the SALUT-02 machine. Its advantages:

  • high productivity (about 1,500 pairs per working day);
  • compactness (dimensions – 1000x540x1500 mm);
  • low power consumption;
  • service is carried out by one seamstress.

Cost – from 45,000 rubles.

PVC application

Equipment for cotton gloves includes a machine for spot application of a polyvinyl chloride layer. With the right equipment, this is a simple and automated process production. PVC coated gloves are stronger and more durable.

Polyvinyl chloride is applied to the surface in a thin layer in a variety of patterns, up to the application of a logo. Keep in mind that the more complex the pattern, the longer the process of applying it. For high performance, the market is dominated by gloves with the most simple pattern. After applying the pattern, the products are placed in drying chamber with the ability to control temperature.

Popular models include PPM-1-M2 and GD-TD (a more expensive machine).

Parameters / ModelPPM-1-M2GD-TD
Manufacturer countryRussiaChina
Productivity, steam/hour250 1 100
Raw material consumption, g/steam9 8
Power, V220 380
Drying temperature, °C180 180
Operators1 4
Working area, sq.m.4 25
Dimensions, mm1500 x 800 x18004500 x 1800 x1700
Cost, rub.200 000 370 00

Application line PVC coating

Product packaging

This is the final stage of production, to which product labeling is often added. On the market the best way the machine for cotton gloves has proven itself GPM-09, costing from 20,000 rubles.

Thanks to the device, compact packaging occurs while preserving its presentation (the products do not wrinkle and retain their shape). All work is automated, one package contains 12 pairs of gloves.

Buyers are attracted by:

  • ease of maintenance (1 operator is enough);
  • low electricity consumption;
  • high productivity (about 3000 pairs per 8th working day);
  • small dimensions (650 x 340 x 450 mm).

Today, knitted knitted gloves are a very popular product. They are necessary in any type of production, for working in the fields and personal plots. In everyday life, ordinary minor repairs around the house are also not complete without protective cloth gloves.

Cotton gloves are knitted in a special way on special equipment for the production of cotton gloves.

You can choose machines for the production of cotton gloves based on their cost. There are electric and electronic devices, both options have their advantages. There is only one drawback - a significant difference in price. Everything will depend on the amount of initial investment. In the beginning it doesn't make sense to buy very expensive equipment, it is better to improve production as business develops.

Another option for cotton gloves is knitted products with polymer impregnation. Manufacturers of cotton gloves have further strengthened them by covering them with a PVC compound. This coating is used to extend the life of the glove and also reduces friction and stress on the palm. Various additives, special heat-resistant and especially strong threads used in the production of cotton gloves not only extend the service life of the product and protect hands. Changing the knitting composition expands the scope of use of gloves.

It is not necessary to rent production space in a city or urban area. Rural areas may also be suitable. At the initial stage, this will significantly reduce the cost of producing cotton gloves. The production of knitted gloves is a popular business.

Business plan for the production of knitted gloves

Why do you need a business plan? A business plan is a documentary representation of the strategy of a future enterprise for the production of cotton gloves. In short, your cheat sheet to action. It is provided in financial institutions, as one of the documents if you are applying for a loan to start or develop your business.

To develop a business plan for the production of cotton gloves, there are many different methodological manuals, but they are all very specific and understandable only to accountants and economists. Meanwhile, any person who decides to open their own business should be able to independently model a business strategy for the near future. You can use business plans ready-made examples for the production of cotton gloves.

1. Introduction

The production of cotton gloves is considered a promising and profitable business. The market for the products ranges from small shops and market stalls to supermarkets and other large stores. Everyone needs household gloves.

In addition, gloves are products that have short term services, which means there will always be a need for them. Such products are purchased in small quantities, even just for home use. This fact suggests that there will always be a need for gloves.

The material used is cotton or wool - natural, hypoallergenic, easily disposed of or recycled. The equipment (various machines for knitting gloves) is compact, low noise and has high productivity. Products have no shelf life if storage conditions are met.

2. Organization of production of construction gloves

  • production technology:

A. Knitting gloves without finishing the edges of the cuffs

b. Knitting an edge on a serger

V. Special PVC composition on the palm side

Drying and packaging finished products

  • technical equipment of production:

A. Electric machine for knitting gloves Aurora 12 in the amount of 7 pieces. The total cost is 750,000 rubles. Productivity of one machine is 15 pairs per hour

b. The Salyut 2 edge processing device is designed for overcasting the edge of a knitted product. Price per piece is 32,000 rubles. Productivity: 180 pairs of gloves per hour

V. Device for applying PVC coating, PPM - 1, in the amount of 1 piece. Cost 225,000 rubles. Productivity 250 pairs per hour

Drying apparatus. Used to dry fresh PVC coating. Cost 50,000 rubles. Dries up to 100 pairs at once

d. Packaging machine, designed for packaging finished products. The cost is 18,500 rubles. Packs 400 pairs of gloves in one hour

Raw materials for the production of cotton gloves are supplied in thread spools protected with film. Threads can be very different in composition and weight. Usually it is wool or cotton thread, sometimes artificial fibers. For intermediate braiding, latex fiber braided with cotton is used by an automatic machine for overcasting the edge of the product.

It is possible to weave a special, especially strong thread into the glove; this will make it possible to protect the palm from serious cuts and significantly extend the service life of the knitted product. Also, to protect the hand from fire, Teflon thread is used in the production of gloves. Such products will cost much more than the original ones, not 11-12 rubles, but about 28-30 rubles per pair.

Approximate consumption of raw materials:

  • latex thread 240 rub. per reel - 1 gram per pair;
  • thread for overcasting the edge of the product 220 RUR. per reel - 0.3 grams per pair;
  • yarn, thread 100 rubles per unit - 40 grams per pair;
  • thermoplastic polymer PVC - consumption 6 grams.

The required amount of spare raw materials for the first three months of work totaling 180,000 rubles.

3. Staff

The machine for cotton gloves Aurora 12 automatic is a full cycle equipment. The knitter monitors the timely change of the spool, and also takes out ready-made gloves from special storage units.

To service 7 machines for the production of gloves, you will need 3 people, subject to a shift work schedule.

  • an accountant, he can also be a merchandiser;
  • manager for searching and attracting clients;
  • marketer - may be needed at the initial stage of developing a business project;
  • advertising specialist;
  • one worker monitors the timely replacement of thread on the machine, services 7 machines, maximum amount machines for 1 person - 60 pcs.;
  • one employee operates the machine for overcasting the edge of the product, threads the rubber thread, and controls the process;
  • employee involved in drying gloves;
  • one employee coats gloves with PVC mixture. It can also perform additional function master - machine operator for manufacturing

x gloves.

Accountant, manager, marketer, advertising specialist - these people can be hired for a short period of time through companies that provide special services for regulating business processes.

Production room

For technically comfortable provision of 7 machines for the production of gloves x b, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​50 to 80 square meters. The room may not have any special technological solutions, the main thing is that it is dry, warm in any season and has electrical wiring capable of withstanding the existing load (approximately 380 kW).

Such sites can be found in urban industrial areas. zones, or even closer to the center in old factory areas. The cost of monthly rental of premises will cost 200-400 rubles per square meter.

Production may be located on the outskirts of the city, but if you are a future large manufacturer of cotton gloves and are launching a large project designed for wholesalers, it is better to look for suitable premises closer to the city.

Cost and pricing

With a knitting density of 7.5, which is provided by the original equipment and a weight of 42 grams per pair, the average cost on the market is from 10 to 13 rubles per pair. The cost depends on the number of pairs in the batch. Average retail price ranges from 15 to 17 rubles per pair.

Promotion of goods and organization of sales of cotton gloves with PVC coating

As already noted, knitted cotton gloves reliably and for a long time enjoy great consumer interest. Workers are interested in them construction companies, owners of gardens, vegetable gardens, people employed in the agricultural industry, etc. The sales market for this product has every opportunity to grow due to large-scale construction throughout the country.

Gloves specially reinforced with various fibers will be in demand by port and shipbuilding organizations.

Directions for selling knitted gloves with PVC coating

  • construction markets and supermarkets;
  • auto markets;
  • sawmills;
  • agricultural stores;
  • municipal offices, housing and communal services and others budgetary organizations willingly enter into contracts for the purchase of such gloves.

Calculating the payback period for the production of cotton gloves

Estimated price Supplies(quantity/price/consumption per couple)

  • latex thread, braided - 2.5 kg / 1000 rubles / 1 gram;
  • thread for processing the edge of the cuff - 1.5 kg / 500 rubles / 0.3 grams;
  • yarn and thread mixtures, cotton, wool, artificial - 150 kg / 22,500 rubles / 40 grams.

Cost of material for one pair of gloves (weight in grams/cost/one pair)

  • wool, artificial fiber, cotton yarn, mixture - 40 grams/4.60 rubles;
  • latex fiber - 0.7 grams /0.43 rub.;
  • stitching thread - 0.3 grams / 0.1 rub.;
  • PVC mixture - 6 grams/0.6 rub.;
  • needles as needed.

The total cost of one pair of gloves is 5 rubles 63 kopecks.

Amount of electrical energy consumption to produce one pair of gloves

  • The Aurora 12 glove machine will produce 15 pairs of gloves / hourly service cost will be 0.21 rubles.
  • The Salyut 02 automatic glove edge processing machine produces 187 pairs per hour, the amount of energy consumed is 0.001 kW per pair
  • Machine for applying PVC film, 250 pairs per hour, energy consumption 3 kW
  • Packaging machine, 400 pieces per hour of operation, with a consumption of 0.18 kW.

Total energy costs for the production of one pair of gloves will be 0.21 rubles or 21 kopecks. The total cost of a pair of gloves will be 5.84 kopecks.

Calculation of profitability, payback

The main investment for the purchase of equipment is 1,140,500 rubles, of which:

  • expenses for equipment will amount to 1,080,500 rubles;
  • a three-month supply of raw materials for the production of 48,000 pairs of cotton gloves for a total amount of 180,000 rubles;
  • production area 50 square meters;
  • rental cost 250 rubles per sq.m., total 12,500 rubles per month;
  • working hours from 8.00 to 17.00, or from 20.00 to 4.00;
  • number of workplaces:

    knitters - 3 people, with a salary of 10,000 rubles per month

    one master-adjuster (part-time) -12,000 rubles per month

    accountant - 1 person 12,000 rubles per month

    marketer (for three months) 10,000 rubles per month

Approximate revenue on seven machines in 21 working days

Production at the final stage will be 15,000-15,500 thousand pairs of gloves. To calculate, let's take the approximate cost of a pair at 12 rubles. We get 15500 x 12 = 186000 rubles.

Based on the above calculations and electricity costs, the price will be 5.84 kopecks.

With the listed costs, the cost of running the enterprise per month will be:

Expenses - 69,500 rubles

  • salary 44,000 rubles;
  • rent 12,500 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills, electricity 8,000 rubles;
  • taxes 12,000 rubles;
  • other expenses 5000 rubles.


Possible profitability of your enterprise:

  • profit - 186,000 rubles;
  • capital investments - 90,520 rubles;
  • monthly expenses - 69,500 rubles;
  • gross profit - 95,480 rubles;
  • net profit amounted to 25,980 rubles.

Approximate calculation of return on fixed capital

Net profit is 25,980 rubles, main investments in the amount of 1,040,500 rubles, we get the figure 40 (months). That is, your enterprise will pay for itself within three years. Let's make small adjustments to the fact that accounting can be done independently and there will also be no need for some specialists, since they have already completed their stage of work.

Stages of business registration

Basic preparations have been completed, machines for the production of gloves have been purchased, and profitable suppliers of raw materials have been found. Personnel selected, carried out personnel work, all permits and approvals have been obtained.

The enterprise must obtain legal registration. This is a mandatory procedure; if a business is not registered, the owner of such an enterprise may incur criminal or administrative liability.

For running such a business, the most acceptable registration form is individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur). The tax return is submitted to the relevant inspectorate in Form 3 of Personal Income Tax. If there is something in the plans most of future manufactured products will be sold through large firms - intermediaries or to large manufacturing enterprises, for simplification accounting work choose a tax system that allows you to work with value added tax.

You can write a business plan yourself, but if you have doubts, you can write a decent and quality business plan with a detailed description of all technological and business processes, you can use the help of a person specializing in such matters.

He will draw up a business plan from scratch or help you correct a project you have already prepared. It will provide detailed information on the amount of production costs, as well as tables with calculations of profits and required raw materials.

This is necessary because a high-quality and accurate business plan is the key to obtaining a loan for business development. All information provided in the business plan is carefully studied and checked by specialists from the bank where you plan to borrow money.

Also be sure to collaborate with advertising specialists. The advertisement is engine of the trade. And so far nothing portends a different development of events. Tell your friends and acquaintances about the new project. Conduct it yourself marketing research and study the sales market. Find future partners, study competitors. Commodity markets for threads for glove production can offer significant discounts to regular partners. Thus, it is possible to reduce the cost of purchasing the necessary raw materials for the production of cotton gloves. Business can be quite an exciting game.

In addition, you become an employer, and thanks to your efforts, new jobs will appear.

There are a lot of mini glove factories now appearing. Time is the main indicator; the faster you can enter the business, the easier and more promising the development.

The production technology of knitted cotton gloves (coated) consists of the following operations:

  • knitting a glove blank without overcasting the edge of the cuff;
  • overcasting the edge of the glove cuff;
  • applying PVC coating to the palm part of the glove;
  • product packaging.

Necessary equipment

Creation of a 2-month supply of raw materials (with a monthly production of 33,0000 products): RUB 375,000.

Please note that the table shows the investment amount for the purchase of 14 knitting machines.


The glove production cycle on AURORA machines is fully automatic, the seamstress changes the yarn and assembles finished goods from storage baskets.

To service a mini production of 17 machines, 3 people are needed:

  • 1 seamstress operates 14 knitting machines. (A seamstress can operate a maximum of 30 machines).
  • 1 seamstress works on an overlocker, sewing a glove cuff
  • 1 operator works on a machine for applying PVC coatings, and he can also perform the functions of a master adjuster.

    How to start a production of cotton gloves with PVC coating

    (According to the technology, 1 master adjuster is able to service up to 60 machines)


To accommodate a machine park of 17 pcs. you need a room of 75-100 sq.m. To organize production, any room is suitable, as long as it has heat and electricity (380 W)

Rent production premises suitable for the above requirements is 200 -300 rubles per month per 1 sq.m.

Product and sales policy of the coated gloves business


Wholesale prices for gloves with a viscosity class of 7.5 and an average density of 42 grams per product range from 10 to 13 rubles per pair. Prices vary depending on the number of pieces in the batch. The retail price for gloves is 15-17 rubles per pair.

Sales markets

The demand for gloves is stable and constant and tends to grow. They are needed as individuals(for gardening work, construction work, others), and enterprises (for equipping workers).

Sales of gloves can be carried out in the following directions:

  • Sales through construction stores/garden stores;
  • Sales through wholesale companies engaged in supplies to enterprises;
  • Sales directly to industrial enterprises;
  • Implementation municipal entity(housing and communal services, public utilities).

Feasibility study

Cost of consumables for making gloves

Cost of material for the manufacture of 1 pair of gloves

Electricity consumption

The total cost of 1 pair of gloves (average density 42 grams) will be 5.84 rubles.

Calculation of profitability, payback

Input data:

  • Capital investments: 2,190,500 rubles, incl.
  • Purchase of equipment - 1,815,500 rubles
  • Creation of inventory - 375,000 rubles
  • Room area: 75 sq.m.
  • Rental cost: 200 rubles per 1 sq.m.
  • Opening hours: from 9.00 to 18.00
  • Number of staff: 3 people
  • 2 seamstresses salary 12,000 rubles per month.
  • 1 operator (with the function of a master adjuster) salary 15,000 rubles per month

With 22 working days in a month and an 8-hour working day, the following quantities can be produced:

  • on 14 machines of the AURORA-7C-12-1 brand - 36,960 pairs;
  • on the 1st overlocker SALUT-02 - 33,000 pairs;
  • on a machine for applying PVC coatings gloves PPM-1-M2 44,000 pairs.

The workshop's maximum output will be 33,000 pairs of gloves per month. To calculate revenue, let’s take the cost of 1 pair of gloves as 11 rubles.

Cost price

The cost of manufacturing 1 pair of gloves (raw materials + electricity) is 5.84 rubles per pair.

Total expenses, per month:

Profitability calculation:

Payback calculation

Registration of activities

The most acceptable form for a small enterprise is 3 personal income tax, form of activity: Individual entrepreneur.

Most of the products are planned to be sold to industrial enterprises; therefore, it is necessary to choose a taxation system that allows you to work with VAT.


If you need a more detailed business plan, you can order its development for your project. Fill out an application to receive detailed information from the partner of the Moneymaker Factory site, the consulting agency "MegaResearch".

Questions and answers on the topic

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How can a store choose an assortment of work gloves?

How can a store choose an assortment of work gloves? Should you have all types available without exception or stick to just a few popular items? The Glove Factory has prepared answers to these and other questions for you.

Three pillars of the assortment: color, size and purpose

What attracts the buyer first? Of course, color! Therefore, it is advisable to create an assortment in such a way that it contains several colors. If we take cotton gloves as an example, the traditional colors - white, gray and black - can be supplemented with other options: orange, red, blue or olive. Olive and orange are the high-quality hits of this season, if we speak in fashion terms. These gloves are made from durable yarn with the addition of high-quality polyester threads, which increases their strength and wear resistance. So such a glove will last quite a long time, it does not stain, and in the version without PVC coating it can be washed and used many times.

In addition, you can choose models with PVC coating in various colors: now in production it is possible to produce work gloves with PVC coating in black, blue and other colors. And various stencils - dot, wave or protector - will help diversify the assortment within one model.

As for size, it is necessary to take into account the fact that heavy manual labor is still the prerogative of more men than women, therefore it is better to offer gloves not only in standard, but also in larger sizes so that they can match the size of a man’s hand. Now “Factory” produces models of standard sizes and products of improved quality with increased sizes. The most popular models: 5-thread size 24 and 5-thread| LUX, as well as 5-thread LUX | Orange 24 size, 5-thread | OLIV LUX 24 rub.

And of course, in order to understand what kind of gloves you need to purchase, you need to answer the question: “Why will customers buy gloves in our store?”

We take into account seasonality and store specifics

When compiling an assortment of gloves based on their intended purpose, you should consider the time of year when the gloves will be sold, as well as the location and specifics of your store.

Let's start with the specifics and location, because these are the factors that will help you correctly form your assortment.

First of all, the assortment should always include the most popular models. For cotton gloves, for example, these are 5 threads with PVC, thick and medium grade 10 gloves.

If there is, for example, a service station, a bus station or a taxi company near you, you will most likely be in great demand for durable gloves that are resistant to wear and the effects of oily substances.

Thick gloves with PVC or latex coating, oil and petrol resistant gloves, as well as nylon gloves with various types coatings can form the basis of your sales.

If you sell household goods, you may be interested in items such as household rubber gloves, latex or nitrile coated gloves, and standard PVC coated gloves.

In the shop building materials We can offer all types of gloves for construction work: from universal CB with PVC and latex-coated gloves to canvas mittens, glazier gloves, dielectric gloves and welder's gauntlets. Construction and repair are, as a rule, the largest consumer of both equipment and consumables, as well as workwear and personal protective equipment.

Work gloves can be added to the assortment of an auto parts store; nylon gloves with PVC can be popular with buyers in craft supply stores (nylon gloves are very thin and fit the hand well and allow you to perform precision work), and with a floral print and nitrile coating - in craft supply stores. home and garden.

Production of cotton work gloves with PVC coating as a business

Gloves 3 threads with PVC coating - great option for work in hot weather. They are thin, perfectly breathable, absorb moisture and do not hinder movement. 3-thread without PVC is the most budget model, which is also often used as an inner layer for leggings or other special-purpose gloves.

In the autumn-winter period, the range can be expanded with insulated models, such as 5-thread wool blend gloves, insulated leggings and MBS gloves.

Enterprises that knit cotton gloves have very high income levels. Experts say they amount to 20 - 30%. Payback for such enterprises takes about two years. As a result, it is very profitable and interesting business model. Basic labor force The enterprises are machine tools, so the production of gloves does not require a large staff.

What equipment is required to produce cotton gloves?

The raw material is cotton blend yarn, which consists of cotton, viscose, acrylic and wool. The main suppliers are China, India, Pakistan and Türkiye. The quality of the material is determined by the country, for example, raw materials from China are not much inferior to India, all because the indicator of quality is the base - cotton. At the same time, the cost of raw materials is within 90 rubles. per kilogram. The country is indicated in the product certificate, so you can easily determine where the raw materials come from. Since machines or robots will be installed in the room, an electrical network with a voltage of 380 V will be required. Based on income calculations, a production process is required in which at least 10 machines will take part. Which, in turn, requires a large area. The cost of renting the premises will cost around 30,000 rubles.

  1. A machine for knitting gloves, the cost of the unit is around $4000.
  2. Overlock, based on the throughput capacity of 200 pairs of gloves per hour – $2000.
  3. PVC coating machine, the most cost part, the cost of such a machine will cost about $20,000.
  4. Packaging machine costing $800.

How much money is needed to produce cotton gloves?

So, equipment for the production of cotton gloves, producing up to a thousand pairs per day, will cost an individual entrepreneur $26,800. The supply of raw materials needed for production for two months will result in the amount of $7,000. In general, the estimate including all production units will cost around $35,000. The numbers are, of course, approximate and the calculation is not exact due to market dynamics, but you can rely on the approximate cost.

Business for the production of cotton gloves

Recruitment and staff

In order for the enterprise to operate and the production of cotton gloves to occur continuously, a small staff of workers is needed. For the production itself:

  1. The operator, his main task will be to set the program for mating and monitor the process. The yarn may break and the machine stops working; this is a feature of the yarn and is not related to its quality. Therefore, the operator monitors the process. Then the glove blanks are collected in special bags, which are handed over to the seamstress.
  2. A seamstress is processing a cuff using an overlocker.
  3. Another operator will be involved in applying PVC coating.
  4. The packer puts the finished goods into packaging containers.
  5. As for the extras. staff, then you will need a driver, an accountant and a customer service manager.

How much can you earn from the production of cotton gloves?

The general situation on the market is that demand is growing steadily. Permanent construction sites, enterprises and factories are the main consumers of such products. Ordinary buyers are also interesting. These are summer residents, people who do country work.

As you can see from the table above, the production of gloves costs about 20 cents per pair, taking into account all production costs, the wholesale purchase price is 30-50 cents. The retail price will be from 60 to 80 cents. Therefore, the benefit is quite obvious.

Key clients may be: supermarkets, retail outlets, equipment contractors for large construction and industrial enterprises, housing and communal services. If you do not plan to work with large organizations, then the form of the enterprise can be individual entrepreneur. When working with large companies worth switching to common system payment of taxes, as well as VAT registration.

We proposed our own idea for a business, which has not lost its relevance for a long time. The costs at the first stage are large, but this is a one-time investment, which, after the payback period, will continue to generate income. It is important to find ways to sell products as soon as possible. As a rule, in the future it will be possible to expand the sales network and increase the production turnover of cotton work gloves.

To develop a glove production business, a minimum technical equipment. It is worth preparing the premises, purchasing raw materials and equipment, attracting workers, and training them, if necessary, in production craft. Special attention should be paid to the purchase of machines for the purpose of opening own business, rapid establishment of production and delivery of products to the stream.

Main types of equipment

Today Russian manufacturers offer equipment and auxiliary tools for the production of gloves in a wide range and at attractive prices. But before purchasing machines, it is important to pay attention to such parameters as:

  • operating conditions;
  • specifications;
  • rating of manufacturers;
  • price.

To set up the production of gloves, you will definitely have to purchase the following main types of technological equipment:

  • knitting machine;
  • overlock;
  • machine for applying a layer of PVC on inner side gloves;
  • packaging machine;
  • storage basket for dumping semi-finished products.

Knitting machine

The knitting unit is the most important one in the production of work gloves. Models vary by class: 5,7,8, 10, 13, 15 depending on the number of loops per inch. The higher the class, the finer the knitting for the production of cotton gloves. For the production of blanks, the machines are equipped with bobbins. The models are fully automated and work on approximately the same principle. The main task is to set the required number of rows and loops, then display the indicators on a digital monitor.

Purpose of overlock

Overlock as a machine for the final stage of production of work gloves. The glove overlocker is equipped with a cuff overlocking function, i.e. it helps improve the properties of protective products for gloves.

Glue application installation

Machine for applying a PVC layer to the inside of gloves. Thanks to this unit, it is possible to apply screen printing using a standard matrix.

After applying the PVC layer, the gloves must be dried in a drying chamber. The machines are fully automated. Polyvinyl chloride is supplied from containers, and the composition is applied in a thin layer. Thanks to the device, it is possible to apply any design and logo. The accuracy of the sketch is ensured by the built-in sensor and the matrices included with the device for drawing the drawing. Productivity can reach up to 1300 pairs per hour.

Packing machine

Packaging machine for packing gloves with a capacity of up to 200 pairs per hour. But the products are already packed into boxes, bags or sacks by hand. When purchasing a GD-T brand packaging machine, it is possible to apply bank gum.

The machines are supplied with matrices and sensors that are responsible for the accuracy of drawing the pattern in certain places.

Chinese manufacturers offer equipment with the ability to apply PVC layers of different thicknesses and patterns to gloves on the palm side. Typically applied screen printing standard matrix, then the products are sent to the drying chamber.

Popular models, rating

Russian manufacturers of equipment for the production of cotton gloves are considered the best, but models from Europe and China are presented on the market.


AURORA specializes in the production of knitting machines models - 10C-12-1, 7C-12-1, 15C-12-1 with a productivity of up to 15 pairs per hour. They are fully automated, equipped with a computer and a speed controller with the possibility of working with different raw materials. The cost is low - 190–365 thousand. R.


JOMDA classes – 7, 10, 13 with a capacity of up to 163 pairs per hour. The models are equipped with a computer with the ability to use different yarns.

SALUT-02 is an energy-intensive overlocking machine with a productivity of 1500 pairs per day and the presence of a function for processing cuffs to increase the value of products on the market. Price 40–45 thousand rubles.


PPM-1-M2 as an inexpensive model with raw material consumption of up to 9 g per 1 pair for applying PVC, thereby giving the gloves greater strength and durability. Cost – 180–200 thousand rubles.


GD-DA knitting glove machine with knitting classes 10, 13, 150G and a capacity of up to 330 pairs per day. Power – 250 kW, weight – 250 kg, dimensions – 1250x650x1750 mm.


BX203 is a knitting unit with knitting classes 7.10G, productivity - 360 pairs per day, power - 250 kW and production of glove sizes - S, M, L, 2L.

Overlock from Russian manufacturers with a working shaft rotation speed of up to 4000 stitches per minute, weight of 45 kg, engine power of 0.2 kW, productivity of up to 1500 pairs in 8 hours.


PPM-1-M2 is a unit for applying spot PVC coatings with a productivity of up to 250 pairs per hour, plastisol consumption - up to 9 g per 1 pair, weight - up to 160 kg. The average cost is 80 pairs per day.


GPM-09 is an easy-to-maintain and energy-intensive packaging machine, thanks to which gloves acquire a marketable appearance and retain their shape. The production process is fully automated. The package contains 12 pairs of gloves. Productivity – 3000 pairs in 78 working days. Cost – 5000 rub.


Glove machine from Korean manufacturers. All production cycles are included in the work. The unit has convenient navigation for the tasks of the desired knitting mode, automatic processing of edge loops and trimming material at your fingertips. Productivity – up to 360 pairs per hour. Cost 200,000 rub.

JACK BX203-10G

This is an inexpensive analogue from Chinese manufacturers. Fully automated, it works on the principle of one-piece knitting with the ability to use any threads for knitting (mittens, mittens, gloves). The unit is equipped with a high level of self-control, a smooth transition to manufactured products and a built-in device for deposition of waste parts. Price 200–210 thousand rubles.

Product selection

Business and the quality of products in the future will depend on the purchase of the right high-tech equipment. When choosing machines, you need to pay attention to:

  • quality, since cheap analogues will lead to poor quality, frequent breakdowns and a slowdown in the production process;
  • availability of certificates to avoid buying counterfeits;
  • the power of the equipment and customer reviews can be read on the Internet;
  • technical equipment, because when producing gloves, it is necessary to take into account the technology of glove production.

Many modern models– multifunctional, equipped with an electronic control unit for quickly setting up production and producing high-quality products. Taking into account the ratings of manufacturers, it is better to buy from reputable companies offering warranty and post-warranty service.

It is possible to purchase additional machines to give the gloves more advantages:

  • strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • air leakage;
  • low cost.

If you have a limited budget, you can start by purchasing Chinese equipment with fairly good performance and automatic computerized control.

According to experts, to thoroughly start a business for the production of work gloves, it is enough to purchase 5 machines. But the profitability of production will be influenced by many other factors:

  • performance;
  • power;
  • speed degree.

If desired, today it is possible to lease equipment, but it will be more expensive than buying used equipment. But you can count on receiving high-quality equipment.

Cost of equipment

For those new to the business, it is recommended that they first purchase used equipment for the production of gloves, since knitting machines for applying PVC are expensive. In order to save money, you can purchase equipment for only 65–70 thousand rubles. The cost of fully computerized machines is 250–300 thousand rubles.

Computer-controlled machines cost from 300,000 rubles. When choosing, it is important to take into account the technical and operational characteristics of the units, since you can incur large losses in the event of equipment malfunctions and breakdowns.

Approximate prices:

  • knitting machine with a productivity of 16 pairs per hour – 250–270 thousand rubles;
  • glove overlocker with a productivity of 190 kg per hour – 110–11 thousand rubles;
  • knitting machine with an electronic control unit - up to 400,000 rubles;
  • device for applying PVC with a productivity of 800 kg/hour on average - 930,000 rubles;
  • packaging machine with a productivity of 430 kg/hour – 45,000 rub.

The cost is directly affected by productivity and the country of manufacture. In terms of price and quality, units from Japanese manufacturers are leading today. Price – 200,000 rubles.

The advantages remain with computerized units with a high level of self-control and a smooth transition to the production of other products. The cost of such units is over 200 thousand rubles. Although needle breaks or thread breaks may occur.

If your budget is too limited, you can buy Chinese analogues with good performance, automatic adjustment and combined control. Prices for used equipment are much lower.

Features of production equipment

Any equipment used in the production of gloves requires regular maintenance to maintain the quality and competitiveness of the product. It is important to timely modernize existing equipment in order to regulate your business and ultimately make a good profit.

Payback up to 1.5 years when purchasing complete equipment - up to 300,000 rubles. Selling cotton gloves - quite durable and stable business. But when opening your own workshop, it is important to competently approach drawing up a business plan, studying public demand and supply, calculating preliminary costs and drawing up a detailed diagram.