Domansky I.V., Isakov V.P. et al. Machines and apparatus for chemical production: Examples and tasks. Machines and apparatus for chemical production Machinery and apparatus for chemical production specialty

WITH specialty of higher educationIstepsAnd

Training a specialist in this specialty involves the formation of certain professional competencies, including knowledge and skills in organizing and managing the entire range of work on maintenance and repair of technological equipment chemical production and construction materials enterprises; development and design regulatory documents on organizing and carrying out repairs and installation of equipment; planning, management and organizational support of activities; training of personnel to work on chemical plants, production of building materials, etc.

Mechanical Engineer».

Objects professional activity specialists are:

Machines, apparatus, technological installations of chemical and pharmaceutical production and construction materials enterprises;

Design, technological and management documentation;

Specialized tools and means of mechanization of repair and installation work;

Special software.

  • Engineer;
  • Research engineer;
  • Control engineer;
  • Mechanical engineer;
  • Implementation Engineer new technology and technology;
  • Equipment installation engineer;
  • Mechanization and Automation Engineer production processes;
  • Commissioning and testing engineer;
  • Tool Engineer;
  • Technical supervision engineer;
  • Design engineer;
  • Constructor.

Specialty of secondary special education

The specialty provides qualifications “ Mechanical technician».

The specialist’s areas of professional activity are:

  • chemical plants;
  • oil refining production;
  • construction materials enterprises;
  • specialized repair and installation organizations.

After completion of training, graduates of the above specialty can occupy the following positions:

  • Technician;
  • Setup and testing technician;
  • Equipment operation and repair technician.

Training is conducted in educational institutions:

  • - - day - >>>
  • EE "Belarusian State Technological University" - Machines and apparatus for chemical production and construction materials enterprises- correspondence - >>>
  • EE "Belarusian State Technological University" - Machines and apparatus for chemical production and construction materials enterprises >>>
  • - Machines and apparatus for chemical production and construction materials enterprises- day - >>>
  • EE "Polotsk" State University" - Machines and apparatus for chemical production and construction materials enterprises- absentee shortened term - >>>
  • Branch of BSTU "Belarusian State College of Construction Materials Industry" - Machines and devices for chemical production and construction materials enterprises. Maintenance and repair of equipment of construction materials and products enterprises- day - >>>
  • - Machines and devices for chemical production and construction materials enterprises ( Maintenance and repair of equipment of chemical and oil refining enterprises)- day - >>>
  • Educational Institution "Novopolotsk State Polytechnic College" - Machines and devices for chemical production and construction materials enterprises (maintenance and repair of equipment for chemical and oil and gas refining enterprises)- correspondence - >>>
  • Technological College of the Educational Institution "Grodno State University named after Y. Kupala" - Machines and apparatus for chemical production and construction materials enterprises- day - >>>
  • Branch of BNTU "Soligorsk State Mining and Chemical College" - Machines and apparatus for chemical production and construction materials enterprises- correspondence - >>>
  • State Educational Institution "Bobruisk State Mechanical and Technological College" - Machines and apparatus for chemical production and construction materials enterprises- day - >>>

Machines and apparatus for chemical production arouse genuine interest from industry workers and ordinary people. Considering that the chemical industry is quite specific, the equipment involved in production is also unique.

Scope of application of chemical production machines and apparatus

Chemical equipment is needed for thermodynamic and hydromechanical processes.

Hydromechanical - the most simple processes in the chemical industry. Devices for them operate on the separation principle: they separate heterogeneous mixtures and liquids and clean them from solid particles. The purpose of this process is to purify gases from contaminants. IN in this case use a sedimentation-filter centrifuge. The machine first filters the liquid or gas, and the filter separates the solid particles. Then precipitation occurs. This process is quite slow because the force of gravity acting on small particles is small.

The stirrer mixes the particles. An installation for preparing emulsions and suspensions is needed to first grind a reagent and then convert it into a mixture with the desired concentration.

The process of moving flows in chemical apparatuses is performed by a chemical pump. It works with aggressive liquids in highly toxic environments. The compressor machine is indispensable in production. It cools and compresses gases.

How thermodynamic processes take place in the chemical production sector and what devices are used.

Thermal chemical processes leak in packed absorbers. Absorbers can be film, bubbling, packed, or spraying. Absorption is the process of absorption of gas mixtures by liquid absorbents.

Treated osmosis apparatus. This is a membrane separation process, which is based on the penetration of a diffuse substance through the membrane. For machines and apparatus of chemical production refers to a cyclic reflection device. It deals with the separation of liquid substances through distillation.

Extraction installation. Extraction is the extraction of bodies from solutions using an extractant. Dryers remove moisture through diffusion and evaporation.

This is just a small list of devices and machines involved in chemical production. Naturally, production is developing, introducing new technologies for processing substances.

Will take place in the fall international exhibition"Chemistry". The organizer of the exhibition this time was the Expocentre Fairgrounds. A major industry exhibition is celebrating its anniversary. This means that the event will be special. International and domestic delegates and exhibitors will present innovative achievements in chemical production and introduce visitors to the discoveries of the chemical industry. Development prospects, market trends, and the latest achievements of analytical and laboratory equipment capable of ensuring the functioning of any modern laboratory will be presented.

Particular attention will be paid to chemical reagents and raw materials. The testing equipment will be certified. Almost all equipment will be demonstrated.

This event attracts scientists, executive power and ordinary visitors. Exhibition topics:

  • laboratory design;

  • safe production;

  • biotechnology in the medical, textile, food industries;

  • achievements in chemical production.

The project will include an extensive business program. Round table discussions, seminars and conferences - all this will take place at the Chemistry exhibition.

The exhibition will address the following questions:

  • competent management of technical production;

  • design of warehouses and terminals;

  • scientific research and technology.

All this will make it possible to hold an event that will interest not only those involved in the industry or interested in chemical production, but also ordinary residents. The exhibition will allow you to find new partners and strengthen existing ones. business relationship. The advantageous location of the complex plays a major role in this: good road interchange, nearby metro stations, and the presence of a business center nearby.

Read our other articles:

L.: Mechanical Engineering, Lening. dept. , 1982. - 384 p.

In the presented textbook, machines and apparatus for chemical production are considered as objects, examples of technological calculations of which reveal the relationship between the physical and chemical processes occurring in them. Similar issues are discussed in the famous book by K. F. Pavlov, P. G. Romankov and A. A. Noskov “Examples and problems in the course of processes and apparatus of chemical technology.” However, in the modern system of training mechanical engineers for chemical industry course “Processes and devices chemical technology", evolving, is gradually transformed into an engineering and physical discipline, covering specialized sections of fluid mechanics, thermophysics and mass transfer. Now its main task is to familiarize students with the theory of individual transport phenomena (in their engineering application), which, naturally, has relegated the study of chemical equipment itself to the background. Filling this gap was undertaken by the course “Machines and apparatus of chemical production”, which is a special discipline at the final stage of training mechanical engineers. But its main task is to show students, through clear examples, the possibility of using and generalizing all the engineering knowledge that they received during the learning process. This implies the methodological focus of the manual - to instill in students and young specialists the skills of integrated use of the laws of fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer and macrokinetics of chemical transformations in the calculations of chemical equipment.
Much attention is paid in the manual to the design of machines and devices, taking into account the specifics of the ongoing process or method of processing the substance. When choosing objects of study, preference was given to the most common standardized equipment, which an engineer should primarily focus on in his daily practice. The fairly diverse assortment of this equipment and the reference material necessary for its calculations makes it possible to widely use the manual for coursework and diploma design by both future mechanical engineers and chemical technologists.
It will be especially useful for students of evening and distance learning, who, when independently studying machines and devices, better master the methods of their calculation by analyzing the content of specific examples. In a number of examples aimed at selecting equipment that is simple in operating principle, the calculation methodology is simplified, which is often used in preliminary design studies of chemical plants. In classes, these cases should be specifically discussed so that students do not have the illusion of simplicity in the calculations of machines and devices.

Related sections

see also

Barsukov B., Kalekin V. Design and calculation of industry equipment elements

Omsk State Technical University. - Omsk: Omsk State Technical University Publishing House, 2007 - 150 p. Textbook a manual for universities in the specialty "Machines and apparatus of chemical production" The textbook contains the basic principles of designing elements of machines and apparatus of chemical and petrochemical production, thin-walled vessels, high-strength detachable connections, apparatus high pressure, elements of column apparatuses, principles of calculation of rapidly rotating shells and disks, elements, work...

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  • added October 17, 2011

Kozulin N.A., Sokolov V.N., Shapiro A.Ya. Examples and tasks for the course on equipment for chemical industry plants

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  • size 48.41 MB
  • added December 02, 2011

Moscow-Leningrad, Mechanical Engineering, 1966. - 491 p. The textbook examines the main elements of volumetric, thermal and power calculations of machines and apparatus for chemical production; Calculation examples and test problems cover the basic elements of calculations for each type of equipment. Example solutions are preceded in each chapter. summary calculation methods. Tutorial intended for chemical and technological colleges on the course "Machines...

Ponikarov I.I. and others. Calculations of machines and apparatus for chemical production and oil and gas processing

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  • added January 16, 2011

M.: Alfa-M, 2008. - 720 p. The basic relationships for technological and mechanical calculations of basic chemical equipment are outlined (machines for crushing and grinding materials, heat exchange, mass transfer, reaction devices, devices for separating inhomogeneous media, pipelines, installation equipment). Examples of calculations, tasks for independent work, as well as reference data are provided. For students of higher and secondary education...

Ponikarov I.I., Perelygin O.A. etc. Machines and apparatus for chemical production

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  • size 8.1 MB
  • added February 13, 2010

Textbook for universities in the specialty “Machines and apparatus for chemical production and construction materials enterprises” /I. I. Ponikarov, O. A. Perelygin, V. N. Doronin, M. G. Gainullin. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1989. - 368 p.: ill. Admitted State Committee USSR by public education as a textbook for university students studying in the specialty of Machines and apparatus for chemical production and construction materials enterprises. The con...

Semakina O.K. Machines and apparatus for chemical production

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  • added July 25, 2011

Tutorial. - Tomsk, TPU, 2011. - 127 p. The manual describes the main sections included in the program of the discipline “Machines and apparatus for chemical production”: heat exchangers, mass transfer apparatus and apparatus for drying materials. Intended for students studying in specialty 240801 – “Machines and apparatus for chemical production”.

The guidelines were reviewed and approved at a meeting of the subject (cycle) commission of disciplines in the mining cycle and special disciplines in mineral processing

Protocol No. _____ dated “_____” __________________ 20____

Chairman _________________ V. P. Novikova

1 General requirements to complete the graduation project…………………………...
1.1 General rules for the completion of the diploma project…………………...
1.2 Design of the graphic part of the diploma project…………………..
1.3 General requirements for design and construction explanatory note…………………………………………………………...
1.4 Requirements for the design of the list of contents of a text document………………………………………………………………..
1.5 The procedure for compiling a list of used sources……………...
2 Topics of diploma projects………………………………………………………………...
3 Approximate contents of the explanatory note……………………………...
3.1 Reconstruction of existing branches…………………………………….
3.2 Major renovation machine (apparatus)……………………………...
3.3 Mechanization of labor-intensive processes………………………………………………………...
3.4 General guidelines to calculate the economic part of the diploma project……………………………………………………………….
4 Pre-graduate industrial practice………………………………….
5 Defense of the diploma project………………………………………………………
List of sources used……………………………………………………………….
Appendix A Assignment for the graduation project……………………………….


The thesis project is great independent work future mechanical engineer of chemical production, aimed at solving specific problems in the field of improving the operation of process equipment, organizing repair production and improving technical economic indicators work of a site or workshop.

The main purpose of the manual is to familiarize students with the topic of diploma design and the nature of the requirements for the diploma project, which will help the student to bring order to the work on the project and will stimulate creativity to develop the theme of the diploma project with the maximum manifestation of initiative within the framework of clearly defined general requirements for the content and volume of all sections of the diploma project, as well as to the design of the explanatory note and graphic part of the project in accordance with ESKD standards.

Work on the project should be based on the specific material of the enterprise where it is carried out undergraduate practice or in which the student works, and the topic of the project itself must be relevant, meet modern requirements of science and technology, and take into account the real challenges of the industry in increasing production efficiency. The graduation project is graduation work student, on the basis of which the State Qualification Commission decides on assigning him the qualification of a mechanical technician.

1 General requirements for the implementation and design of the diploma project

General rules for completing a diploma project

The diploma project consists of two parts: an explanatory note and a graphic part. The main part of the diploma project is the graphic part. The calculation and explanatory note expands and explains the graphic part of the diploma project, so both parts of the diploma project form a single whole.

The graphic part of the diploma project is presented in the form of technological drawings, power supply diagrams of the complex, diagrams, tables of economic indicators, etc.

The required quantity and composition of graphic materials in each specific case are determined by the project leader together with the student. The diploma project must contain at least 4 drawings.

The general requirements for an explanatory note of a diploma project are: clarity and logical sequence of presentation of the material, specificity of calculation results, evidence and conclusions, brevity and clarity of wording, eliminating ambiguity of interpretation.

The calculation and explanatory note of the diploma project must briefly and clearly reveal the creative concept, contain accepted calculation methods, the efficiency of using electrical equipment and the rationality of its use. If necessary, calculations should be accompanied by illustrations: graphs, sketches, diagrams, diagrams, etc. The volume of the explanatory note should be approximately no more than 80 pages.

Design of the graphic part of the diploma project

Any type of design documentation is framed and in accordance with GOST 2.106-96 and the main inscription in accordance with GOST 2.104-2006, located in the lower right corner. On formats A4(294*210) main inscriptions are located only along the short side of the sheet.

Frames and main inscriptions are made with solid main and solid thin lines along GOST 2.303.

The main inscription for the explanatory note is carried out according to GOST 2.104-2006(Form 2) for the title page in accordance with Figure 1, for subsequent pages - (Form 2a) in accordance with Figure 2.

Picture 1

Figure 2

For drawings and diagrams, the main inscription is made according to GOST 2.104-2006 for the first sheet (form 1) in accordance with Figure 3, for subsequent sheets - (form 2a) in accordance with Figure 2.

Figure 3

In the columns of the main inscription (the column numbers on the forms are shown in brackets) indicate:

Box 1- name of products (in the nominative case singular without moving some words to another line). Fill out the column in lowercase letters according to GOST 2.304-81(font number of your choice, depending on the number of words in the name). For example, "Frame". Names consisting of several words must have direct word order, for example "Gear Wheel".

Column 2 - document designation by GOST 2.201-80.

The designation is adopted according to the enterprise standard, i.e. given educational institution.

For specialty 2-36 07 01 “Machines and apparatus for chemical production and construction materials enterprises,” the simplified alphanumeric designation consists of five groups:

1 gr. 2 gr. 3 gr. 4 gr. 5 gr. 6 gr.
00 00 00

First group – individual student code according to the educational journal.

Second group – specialty code (six digits).

Third group – designation of a product (document) unit.

Fourth group – designation of a product subassembly.

Fifth group

Sixth group – document code.

For example:

In the explanatory note:


36 07 01 – MA specialty code;

00. 00. 000 – designation of the node (document);

PZ- explanatory note (document code)

On the graphic part:

- for assembly drawing:

01 – individual student code according to the journal;

36 07 01 – MA specialty code;

00 – designation of the product unit (document);


000 – assembly drawing part number;

SB– prefabricated drawing ;

IN-drawing general view;

According to GOST 21.101-93 SPDS (construction documentation design system).

TX- production technology.

- for drawings of parts of an assembly drawing:

01.36 07 01. 00. 00. 001

01 – individual student code according to the journal;

36 07 01 – MA specialty code;

00 – designation of the product (document) unit;

00 – designation of the product subassembly;

001 – assembly drawing part number.

Column 3– designation of the material of the part (the column is filled in only on working drawings) font number 5 eg: Steel 45 GOST 1050-88.

Column 4– the letter assigned to this document.

According to the developed STP1-08 document designations are introduced.

UDP– educational diploma project;

UDR – educational graduate work;

UKP – educational course project;

UPR – educational practice report;

UKR – educational course work;

DKR – home test.

Box 5– mass of the product.

Box 6– scale (set in accordance with GOST 2.302-68 And GOST2.109-73 font number 5).

Column 7– serial number of the sheet.

Column 8total sheets of the document (the column is filled out only on the first sheet).

Column 9- distinctive index of the educational institution and group,

Font No. 5

For example: SGGHK MA-1-05

Box 10- the nature of the work performed by the person signing the document. For educational works should be written:

Developed (Developed)

Checked (Checked)

Norm control (N. control)

Box 11- the names of the persons signing the document.

Column 12- signatures of persons whose surnames are indicated in column 11.

Box 13- date of signing the document.

Columns 14-18- do not fill out.

1.3 General requirements for the design and construction of an explanatory note

Text documents are executed on forms established by the relevant standards Unified system design documentation (ESKD) and Systems project documentation for construction (SPDS).

The text is performed in one of the following ways:

· handwritten - in black on one side of the sheet.

· typewritten - in clear black font with a lowercase letter height of at least 2.5 mm, capital letter height – 3.5 mm, according to GOST 2.304-68;

· using printing and graphic computer output devices ( GOST 2.004) - font Times New Roman Cyr black color font 14. Line spacing should be Word 97-03 – exact 18 points, Word 07- 1,15 .

The print font must be straight, light-colored, clear, black, and uniform throughout the entire document.

It is allowed to use computer capabilities to focus on definitions, terms, important features, using different font styles: italic, bold, italic bold, highlighting with frames, space, underlining, and more.

Individual words, formulas, symbols (handwritten) must be entered into typewritten text documents, as well as illustrations should be done in black ink, paste or ink. Each sheet of a text document must have a frame. The frame is made in black using the typographic method or by hand using black paste. The frame is made with a solid main line at a distance 20 mm from the left border of the format, 5 mm from other format boundaries.

The distance from the format frame to the text boundaries at the beginning and end of the lines is not less than 3 mm.

The distance from the top or bottom line of text to the top or bottom frame must be at least 10 mm.

Paragraphs in the text begin with an indent (15-17 mm).

Typos, clerical errors and graphic inaccuracies discovered during the execution of the document may be corrected by erasing or painting over with white paint and applying the corrected text (graphics) in the same place by typewriting or using black ink, paste or ink in handwriting.

Presentation of the text of the document

The text of the document is, if necessary, divided into sections and subsections.

The sheets of the document are numbered, starting with the sheet with the main inscription. GOST 2.104-2006. The numbering of the pages of the document and the annexes included in this document must be continuous.

Sections must have serial numbers throughout the document, indicated Arabic numerals without a period and written with paragraph indentation.

Subsections must be numbered within each section. The subsection number consists of the section and subsection numbers separated by a dot. There are no dots at the end of the subsection number. Sections, like subsections, can consist of one or more paragraphs.

Each paragraph, subparagraph and enumeration is written in a paragraph.

Sections and subsections must have headings. As a rule, paragraphs do not have headings. Headings should be printed in capital letters without a dot at the end, without underlining (for sections, font No. 7 according to GOST 2.304; font 28 according to GOST 2.004, bold), (for subsections, font No. 5 according to GOST 2.304; font 24 according to GOST 2.004, bold) .

The distance between the heading and the text when executing a document in typewritten form should be equal to 3.4 intervals, when executing in handwriting - 15 mm. The distance between section and subsection headings is 2 intervals, when done in handwriting - 8 mm.

Abbreviations of words in the text and inscriptions under illustrations, except for generally accepted abbreviations established by GOST 2.316, are not allowed.

In formulas, the designations established by the relevant standards should be used as symbols.

If there is more than one formula in a document, then they are numbered in Arabic numerals within sections or continuous numbering; the number is placed on the right side of the sheet at the formula level in parentheses.

The meaning of the symbols and numerical coefficients included in the formula must be given directly below the formula. The meaning of each character on a new line is given in the order in which they are given in the formula.

The first line of the transcript should begin with the words “where”, without a colon after it, for example:


Where Q E– operational productivity, t/h;

Q T– technical productivity, t/h;

k AND– machine utilization rate over time;

t SM– shift duration, hours.

The distance between the text and the formula should be equal to 2 intervals, when done in handwriting - 10 mm.

Design of illustrations and applications

The number of illustrations should be sufficient to explain the text presented. Illustrations can be located either throughout the text of the document or at the end of it. Illustrations must be made in accordance with the requirements of ESKD and SPDS standards. Illustrations, with the exception of illustrations of applications, should be numbered consecutively.

Illustrations of each application are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the application designation before the number. For example – Figure A.3.

It is allowed to number illustrations within a section. In this case, the illustration number consists of the section number and the serial number of the illustration, separated by a dot. For example – Figure 1.1.

Illustrations, if necessary, may have a name and explanatory data (text below the figure).

Material supplementing the text of the document may be placed in appendices.

Applications may be mandatory or informational.

All applications must be referenced in the text of the document. Applications are arranged in the order of references to them in the text of the document.

Each application should begin on a new page with the words at the top center of the page “APPENDIX” (font No. 7 according to GOST 2.304 and font 28 according to GOST 2.004, bold) and its designation, and under it in parentheses for a mandatory application write the word “ mandatory", and for informational - " recommended" or " reference».( font No. 3.5 according to GOST 2.304; font 16 according to GOST 2.004, regular).

The application must have title, which is written symmetrically relative to the text with a capital letter on a separate line. ( font No. 5 according to GOST 2.304; font 18 according to GOST 2.004, regular)

Applications are designated in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A, with the exception of the letters E, Z, Y, O, CH, b, Y Ъ. The word “APPLICATION” is followed by a letter indicating its sequence.

All attachments must be listed in the contents of the document, indicating their numbers and headings.

Building tables

Tables are used for better clarity and ease of comparison of indicators. The title of the table should be precise, concise, and placed above the table.

When transferring a table to the same or other pages, the title is placed only above the first part of the table.

Digital material is usually presented in the form of tables in accordance with Figure 6.

Tables, with the exception of appendix tables, should be numbered with continuous numbering in Arabic numerals.

The tables of each application are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the application designation before the number. For example, Table A.1.

It is allowed to number tables within a section.

Sidebar Graphs (columns)

Figure 4

All tables in the document must be referenced in the text of the document; when linking, the word “table” should be written indicating its number.

Column and line headings should be written with a capital letter, and column subheadings with a lowercase letter if they form one sentence with the heading, or with a capital letter if they have an independent meaning. There are no periods at the end of headings and subheadings of tables.

Dividing the headings and subheadings of the sidebar and column with diagonal lines is not allowed.

The height of the table rows must be at least 8 mm.

It is allowed to place the table along the long side of the document sheet.

If the rows or columns of the table go beyond the page format, it is divided into parts, placing one part under the other or next to it, and in each part of the table its head and side are repeated. When dividing a table into parts, it is allowed to replace its head or side with the number of columns and rows, respectively. In this case, the columns and (or) rows of the first part of the table are numbered with Arabic numerals.

The word “Table” is indicated once on the left above the first part of the table, above the other parts the words “Continuation of the table” are written, indicating the number (designation) of the table in accordance with Figure 7.

If the table is interrupted at the end of the page and its continuation will be on the next page, in the first part of the table the lower horizontal line limiting the table is not drawn.

The column “Sequence number” is not allowed to be included in the table.

1.4 Requirements for the design of the list of contents of a text document

In a large document (more than 10 sheets), contents are placed, including the numbers and names of sections and subsections indicating the sheet numbers.