Life after service: how and where retired military personnel can find work. What assistance does the labor exchange provide for military pensioners? Work for military pensioners men remotely

A retired serviceman needs to know what to become in civilian life and what the labor exchange can offer for military retirees? Sooner or later service in the Armed Forces Russian Federation, internal affairs bodies and other law enforcement agencies of our country is coming to an end. The debt to the Motherland has been repaid. What is she now ready to give in return and is it worth waiting for some sky-high and rosy prospects?

The process of transformation into a civilian is not an easy task. You need to look for a new place of employment, break down unnecessary character traits and your entire lifestyle in general. Our state also helps in this. There are many advantages and concessions for military pensioners when finding employment and their social adaptation. This is also an opportunity to receive additional education

out of competition, as well as proposed vacancies in state and municipal structures. People are also welcomed with open arms at enterprises of the military-industrial complex and in research centers. The experience of a military pensioner will also be useful in teaching practice.

Statistics and legal basis for the employment of military pensioners

As statistics show, it is very problematic for servicemen dismissed from law enforcement agencies to find a job. So, officially only 6% of this category earn 40 thousand rubles. About 8% have an average income of 25 to 45 thousand rubles. Most often, their earnings do not exceed 25 thousand.

It is well known that military personnel, even retired ones, are disciplined employees who can be entrusted with responsible work, but they are not particularly popular in the labor market.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines the conditions according to which every resident of our country must develop freely and live with dignity.

These conditions guarantee social security for military pensioners. This also includes the adaptation of retired military personnel and members of their families.

  • The legal basis for the employment of military pensioners is defined in Federal Law No. 1032-1 and includes:
  • support and assistance in finding employment for military retirees;
  • non-competitive admission to faculties of retraining and advanced training;

For official employment, a military pensioner can go to the labor exchange, the doors are open to regional centers employment, private recruitment offices and other similar institutions.

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What to do on military retirement?

Military personnel often retire earlier than others. But you can’t feed your family on pension alone. Need to look for a job.

You can resort to the help of family and friends in finding employment. Most often military specialists narrow profile(those with philological, financial, psychological, legal education) are in high demand in the labor market. But not all military retirees have this specialty.

If you don’t have such an education, it’s not too late to get it (especially since military personnel have priority rights to enrollment in educational institutions).

In Russia on legislative level provisions are enshrined according to which there are faculties and retraining courses for discharged military personnel - problems with education will not arise, if there is a desire.

You can try yourself as a private entrepreneur. Knowledge, energy, insight and other qualities accumulated during military service help military retirees feel confident in business. The choice is yours.

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Professional retraining for discharged military personnel

You can also receive advanced training or professional training in the system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. You can join groups vocational training to one of the universities of the Ministry of Defense, depending on the desired specialty. Enrollment in such groups is carried out annually.

The following documents are required for admission:

  • list of those wishing to undergo professional training;
  • a copy of the report on the desire to undergo retraining with the signature of the commander (chief);
  • a diploma of existing education.

These documents are sent to military educational institutions from the military unit from which the serviceman is leaving. All these rules are defined in the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 630 dated October 21, 2015.

The choice of civil specialties offered is very wide. The Moscow Combined Arms Academy, the Novosibirsk School, and the Far Eastern School offer to become a personnel management manager.

In addition, in Novosibirsk you can master pedagogy and psychology, and in Blagoveshchensk you can become a car repair specialist. The Zhukovsky Air Force Academy in Voronezh trains specialists in servicing electronic computer technology and energy supply for production.

The Admiral Kuznetsov Naval Academy in St. Petersburg trains specialists in the field nuclear power, management of ship power plants and government officials in the provision of services and production of goods.

The Kaliningrad branch of this academy will allow you to master English language And automated systems management.

The St. Petersburg Naval Polytechnic Institute offers 19 naval specialties based on your level of education and experience. The Pacific Naval School in Vladivostok offers mastery of radio communications, television and technical means.

Geography and specifics of the Russian senior military educational institutions is wide - they all offer worthy and sought-after specialties in the humanities (philology, law) and technical fields.

The specificity of military and law enforcement service is such that many military personnel receive the right to a well-deserved rest long before retirement age. Why not work if a person is in his prime and still full of strength? Moreover, for labor activity In civilian life, retired military personnel are entitled to a second pension.

But return to active work and adapt to modern conditions the labor market is not always easy. MG tells what job opportunities exist today and retraining of military pensioners.

Previous experience

The problem of adaptation and employment of retired military personnel has been happening for a long time. In 2011, Vladimir Putin, then prime minister, held a meeting in Kaliningrad with representatives of organizations of war veterans, military service and law enforcement agencies. Among other things, the topic of employment of military pensioners was also touched upon: Vladimir Putin noted then that the state should provide assistance in this matter and spoke about the development of a system of state educational registered certificates that would allow obtaining retraining in any educational institution in the country, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports.

Reserve or retired military personnel can seek assistance in finding employment at social adaptation centers for military personnel.

The experiment on retraining military personnel on the basis of personalized educational certificates took place from 2012 to 2014. In 2013, the list of educational institutions where retraining was carried out was increased to 150 universities. Retired military personnel could choose an educational institution - higher or secondary - and a specialty of interest; the certificate provided payment for training.

For example, in the Eastern Military District, more than 370 officers leaving for civilian life received personalized certificates worth 36.5 million rubles. The specialties offered for retraining were “personnel management”, “life safety”, “design of gas production facilities and gas and oil storage facilities” and others,” the VBO said. Upon completion of training, military personnel received state-issued diplomas.

Social adaptation centers for military personnel

It is often difficult for military retirees to get a job even if they have an education, because the specifics of any job civil service different from the military. And at first, people do not understand where their knowledge and experience can be useful, and perhaps they will not be enough and will need to be mastered new profession or improve your skills. This is why centers for social adaptation of military personnel exist today.
Their tasks include assistance in employment, professional retraining and advanced training, as well as providing legal assistance citizens who have retired from military service or law enforcement agencies, as well as members of their families.

Today, the Regional Office has been operating in Moscow for more than ten years. public organization“Center for Social Adaptation of Military Personnel” (ROO CSAV), better known as the Moscow Center for Social Adaptation of Military Personnel. They have already helped thousands of people find jobs and improve their skills. Chairman of the Board of the ROO CSAV Konstantin Lyakhov told what kind of help military pensioners can count on.

The center participates in job fairs held by the Moscow Employment Service. There, the center’s employees present their services, get acquainted with applicants, and most importantly, with employers, which allows you to have own base current vacancies. Those who contact the center for assistance in finding employment are asked to fill out a detailed questionnaire, which indicates personal data, education, experience in military service, additional knowledge and skills, as well as desired job. If the specialty of a former military man is not in demand or he wants to do something else, then the center offers retraining or advanced training. In the future, the organization plans to hold its own job fairs.

ROO CSAV cooperates with many educational institutions: with the International Business School of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the International Law Institute, with the Moscow Pedagogical state university and many others. Also in the center there are classrooms, including computer classes, where teachers from various educational institutions for conducting classes. Thus, in the spring of 2014, training courses on marketing and sales for a start-up entrepreneur and on managing innovative production were held on the basis of CSAV.

Difficulties in adaptation to the civilian service for military personnel arise due to the different specifics of work activity.

What companies are ready to hire former military personnel? These include organizations of the military-industrial complex, Management Federal service bailiffs in Moscow, State Unitary Enterprise "MOSGAZ", MGUP "Mosvodokanal", State Courier Service of the Russian Federation, OJSC "Oboronenergo", State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro", Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control, the company "Rosgosstrakh" and many others, says Konstantin Lyakhov.

All Employment Assistance Center services are absolutely free for both job seekers and employers. There are similar centers of social adaptation in the Moscow region, in the Tver region and in many other regions of Russia.

Where to look for vacancies

However, you can look for a job on your own. Also attend Job Fairs, information about which is available in local Service employment.
A list of open vacancies for reserve and retired military personnel is also available on the website of the Ministry of Defense. Try using the service " vacancies for seniors» on the website “My Years” - there current offers information about work is organized by region.
To make it easier to find the required vacancies on other sites, you can specify “military retiree” or “reserve officer” in the search bar as.

Who to work with

Some of the most common vacancies for military reserve or retired- this is work in security companies(security guard, security department inspector, head of security service), cash collector, engineer, sales manager, bailiff.
The website tells us that the main types professional activity You can choose your own analogue in civilian life:
Commanders, their deputies and chiefs of staff may apply for various leadership positions;
Deputy commanders for technical matters and technical service specialists can get jobs as engineers, machinists, minders, and drivers;
For computer operators, specialists, managers military equipment, programmer positions are suitable, system administrator, tester;
Officers of quartermaster services can count on the position of supply manager, storekeeper and other positions in administrative and economic departments;
Those who served in extreme situations can be useful as customs officers, guards and security services.

It is precisely because of the different specifics of work that retired military personnel often have difficulties adapting to a new place of work. Officers who have been working in civilian life for several years say that at first they have to deal with different things, because at first everything seems unusual, especially if a person has spent about 20 years or more in military service. Some are hampered by prejudice in society towards the military and the dishonesty of others, while others are hampered by the one-sidedness of military education, reports

Citizens who have just left military service are advised to first decide what professional sphere closer and more interesting, and at first don’t be afraid of small salaries if this is your first experience in some work. After all, the military is not lacking in discipline and diligence, which means things will go quickly.

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Number of vacancies in Moscow for military pensioners in 2 months

The most popular employers in the region:

Schedule of distribution of vacancies for “military pensioners” by salary
  • "Rosgosstrakh";
  • "commercial organization";
  • "SOLTI LLC";
Median salaries for military pensioners in Moscow for 2 months

The profession of military pensioners is one of the most popular modern specialties. One of the popular vacancies in the Moscow region is for “military pensioners”. This vacancy is most in demand in a region such as Moscow. The median salary for the category is within 65,000 rubles. The page on the website was requested 0 times per month. Maximum level wages for the indicated vacancies for the month was fixed at around 82,000 rubles. The search for vacancies for military pensioners is carried out in the category. The number of vacancies for all parts of the Moscow region region stopped at 0. The region of vacancies in question is Moscow. IN general list the page with the specified vacancy has 0 positions. Other major cities in the region in question:

Median salary for vacancies “military pensioners” in other cities
  • Tishkovo
  • Talitsy
  • Pushkino
  • Sanatorium 28-A
  • Sofrino

The number of vacancies in the Moscow region is 112 positions; many applicants can find a suitable option for themselves. In many companies the salary is 65,000 rubles. Moscow is a completely normal place to earn money, even for military retirees. In our country there are 236 available jobs for military pensioners. The research was carried out in the Moscow region. Another modern name for this specialization is military pensioners. The most popular form of employment is part-time, with 4 vacancies available. The average income level of representatives of the specialty is 65,300. TOP popular forms of employment are “part-time”, “Full-time”, “ full employment" Employers also offer other specializations in this category. These include:. There are currently 229 vacancies in this category posted on job search sites. The minimum wage is 45,000 rubles. Other popular specializations in the Moscow region:

  • "Insurer";
  • "Deputy Head of Department";
  • "Testing engineer for gas turbine aircraft engines."

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Many military personnel, after completing their service, continue to work in civil organizations and thereby form the right to receive an insurance pension through the Pension Fund. It is assigned to this category of citizens subject to generally established requirements, which take into account the length of work (civilian) experience, the number of accumulated pension points and the age of the citizen.

Full, no experience, For pensioners, preference to military pensioners or employees with experience in acceptance at industrial enterprises Full description Military unit 22280, Moscow - 5 hours ago Promoter-poster from 18,000 rubles. up to 47,000 rubles, part-time work, no experience, for pensioners Call us and we will tell you in detail about the job! Responsibilities: Posting advertisements about the company's services on the entrance doors of residential buildings, bulletin boards,... Full description No data, Moscow - 20 hours ago Seller lottery tickets from 15,000 rubles, no experience, For pensioners In connection with the opening of new points, we are inviting sellers of Gosloto lotteries to work. Comfortable conditions work in shopping centers Stable and timely payment... Full description Moscow - 2 hours ago Poster of advertisements from 18,000 rubles.

Work for retired men in Moscow after 60 years

For 62 thousand a month, the company provides its employee with all types of social support, which correspond to both the level and name of the company itself - delivery to the place of work by company transport, medical insurance, vacation pay, even a 90 percent discount on air tickets for the employee and his family members.

Fresh driver vacancies in Moscow for retired men under 65 years of age

The assignment of pensions for military personnel is carried out in a special manner and is regulated by separate regulations. However, military personnel do not always associate themselves with the army or other law enforcement agencies throughout their lives. After retirement, a military pensioner often continues to work in civilian life and, accordingly, is included in the pension insurance system. In this case, he may be entitled to a second pension. Let's consider who, under what conditions, can be assigned a civil pension for military pensioners after 60 years of age.

Civil pension for military pensioners: who is entitled to it

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Law office

Not everyone can obtain financial support in the form of a second pension. For its appointment, certain conditions will need to be met, the main one of which is the availability of a military pension. That is, in the future, only those military personnel who receive a pension from law enforcement agencies can receive it: from the Ministry of Defense, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Additional pension for military pensioners after 60

  • pensioners by age: no more than 14 days per year;
  • disabled people, including combat and war: no more than 60 days per year;
  • combat veterans: up to 35 days per year;
  • residents besieged Leningrad: up to 35 days per year;
  • Heroes of the USSR, Heroes of Russia, Heroes of Socialist Labor, full holders of the Order of Glory: no more than 3 weeks per year;
  • Volunteer firefighters: no more than 10 days per year.

Second (civilian) pension for working military pensioners after 55 years and 60 years

  • reach retirement age – 60 years for men and 55 years for women;
  • have the minimum length of service to qualify for a civil pension. This length of service should not have been taken into account when assigning the same person his military pension. In 2020, the minimum insurance period for granting a pension is 7 years. In subsequent years, until 2025, it will increase by 1 year, and will amount to 15 years, respectively;
  • have a minimum number of pension points. Their amount depends on the insurance premiums paid by the employer for the employee. In 2020, the minimum number of points for a pension in the Russian Federation is 9. Until 2025, they will constantly increase.

Pension for military pensioners upon reaching 60 years of age

A serviceman can become a military invalid not only as a result of being wounded or concussed, but also due to the development of diseases that developed in connection with professional activities or, again, as a consequence of a previously received injury. The procedure for obtaining disability, as a rule, is not much different from the same procedure established for disabled people in general, but unlike them, it is a military employee who, based on the disability group received, can receive the honorary title of Veteran of Military Service with the right to use a certain list of benefits.

What benefits are available to military pensioners?

Moscow - hh: 7 hours ago Project Manager Cloud (B2B) Full-time, no experience, Commercial, For pensioners MTS company is a market leader mobile communications Russia, the country's largest operator in terms of revenue and number of subscribers. The MTS brand is included in the TOP-500 of the most expensive brands in the world by... Full description, Moscow, Yuzhnaya - hh: 7 hours ago Personnel attraction specialist Project, no experience, Commercial, For pensioners Vacancy open in Retail Network MTS Responsibilities: Travels to cities with low sufficiency in order to attract candidates (hunting), placing advertisements,... Full description, Moscow - hh: 7 hours ago Administrator-developer (MY MTS project) Full-time, no experience, Commercial, For pensioners Company MTS is the leading telecommunications operator in Russia and the CIS countries. We have more than 100 million subscribers and more than 7 million broadband and pay TV subscribers.

Work for military pensioners men in Moscow after 60 years

Direct Employer. The design is official. Free accommodation in a comfortable hostel nearby. There are no deductions. Women of the Russian Federation, Belarus. Kyrgyzstan until. 45 shifts. Work does not require physical effort. Work while sitting. Advances every week. We pay wages for shifts, without delays! We pay the cost of arrival! Welcome to work with us.

Jobs: Moscow after 60 years: 260 vacancies

Military personnel are a special category of civil servants and persons called up for urgent fulfillment of civic duty with special rights and benefits. The definition of the status of a military personnel can be found in Federal Law No. 76. The special position of the military is guaranteed in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and a number of laws.

Second pension for military personnel at age 60 from 2020

First required condition– a person must work in law enforcement agencies. These are pensioners of the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service of Russia, Armed Forces, penitentiary services, bailiffs - all those who had shoulder straps with military rank.

Pension provision for military pensioners after 60 years of age

Categories of citizens who fall under the military pension program and may qualify for benefits are determined by Art. 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1 “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, State fire service, traffic control authorities narcotic drugs And psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops national guard Russian Federation and their families":

What benefits are provided for military pensioners?

To get to your destination using the voucher provided does not matter - according to railway, by plane or by water transport, - a military pensioner will not spend a penny on round-trip tickets. You will not have to pay for travel when, after dismissal, you need to get to your place of permanent residence.

What benefits does the state provide to military pensioners?

31 Aug 2018 687