Replacing copper wires with fiber optics. MGTS will retain copper communication channels for subscribers

Good day to all!

My story about the GPON box is most likely similar to all the others, but unlike many, it has a happy ending.

How to breed

One fine day, a friend called me, introduced himself as an MGTS employee and, in a tone that did not tolerate objections, explained that now there was a mass transfer of all subscribers to the new improved GPON technology, thanks to which telephone communications will become much better quality, and at the same time the Internet will appear at home and digital television. Moreover, all translation work is absolutely free!!!

Because I didn’t complain about the connection, my Internet and TV have been connected to another provider for a long time, I still tried to refuse. But it was not there. It turns out that after the new year, all phones using the old copper technology will be disconnected, and reconnecting to the new technology will cost money.

I knew for sure that none of the neighbors were going to make any reconnections, moreover, many of them did not call at all with such a proposal. It was strange, there were 2 months left before the new year.

After that, I called MGTS several times and tried to find out what kind of work they would carry out in my apartment. We've just finished major renovation, and new wires and holes in the apartment would be completely inappropriate. Several employees explained the operating principle in a confusing manner new technology. One said that there would be no wires, everything in the apartment would remain as is, all work would only be done on the panel on the floor. Another said that they would hang up their equipment and that’s it, there would be no extra wires. The third said that the equipment will need an outlet, but if there is no free one, then the master will make a new one without any problems.

After much persuasion, I gave in. We don't really need a phone, but let's have it anyway.


A couple of days later two masters came. The craftsmen are not from MGTS itself, but from a contracting organization involved in the installation of boxes. They showed me the equipment - a regular router, and placed it in the place where they decided to hang it. I felt sick, that place didn’t suit me at all. I decided to abandon this idea and said that I had changed my mind and I didn’t need anything. To my surprise, the masters supported my impulse. They told me that it was all complete bullshit and I was great for refusing.

The next day, MGTS ripped off all my and my husband’s phones. They suggested hanging the box in another place. And they reminded me that, otherwise, after the New Year, the phone can be thrown in the trash as unnecessary. I had to agree.

Another master came. I littered the landing, ran a cable into the apartment, made a poor Soviet socket that dangled from the wire, and hung up the router. And at the same time he offered to test the MGTS Internet for only 50 rubles a month.

What did we get

  • damaged repair
  • equipment owned by MGTS, for which we bear full financial liability in case of damage or loss
  • increase in electricity bill, because The router naturally consumes electricity
  • lack of telephone connection if there is no electricity in the apartment
  • phone not working: you call the clinic, but end up in an apartment
  • Slow internet with constant connection dropouts
  • Wi-fi is only in certain parts of the apartment, it doesn’t reach the entire area

Attempts to return everything as it was

When it became clear that we didn’t need this stuff, I called MGTS with a request to pick up the box and turn it on for us regular phone, even if only until the new year. I received a complete refusal to do this, they say, you agreed, you signed the acceptance certificate, that means that’s it, now you can’t refuse.

I had to write an official complaint asking to turn off this nightmare and take back my equipment. Surprisingly, I received a written complaint official letter, in which they told me the same thing as on the phone.

It turns out that you can very easily refuse this box, but MGTS is doing everything possible to prevent you from doing this.

How to refuse

We go to the website of the Federal antimonopoly service and we read there a lot.

I will quote the most important:

If, after transferring the subscriber to the provision of communication services via GPON technology, a subscriber receives a complaint about disagreement with the provision of services using this technology, MGTS OJSC resumes providing services to the subscriber using the old “copper” technology.
Thus, switching subscribers to GPON technology should be carried out only with the consent of the subscriber.
If there is no interest in communication services based on GPON technology and disagrees with the proposed conditions for their provision, the subscriber has the right to refuse their provision while maintaining the opportunity to receive telephone services using the old technology.

My second complaint was not so mild, and it was not a request, but a demand.

Happy ending

Within a few days after receiving the second complaint, MGTS contacted me to agree on a date for the technician to arrive. The master carefully disconnected everything, cut off unnecessary wires, and removed the box. As a keepsake of GPON, I still have 2 nails and a hole. And this is after a fresh renovation!!!

The master was also sincerely surprised that I didn’t look like such a fool, but I succumbed to such a scam. "Deceived, right?" He said that in the last few months all his work has consisted of removing these boxes, and not at all repairing phones.

After all the work, they gave me a signed certificate of delivery of the equipment, and left the instructions for the router as a keepsake.

So, don't be afraid to stand up for your rights. If you were scammed into installing a miracle box, then it’s not too late to return everything back.

In 2011–2015 MGTS has built a fiber-optic access network in Moscow using GPON technology (gigabit passive optical networks, which involves laying optical cable to the apartment). According to MGTS representatives, the budget for this construction amounted to about 55 billion rubles. By the beginning of 2016, the GPON network covered 3.9 million apartments, they said. According to MGTS, at the end of 2016, about 1.7 million households used its services. More than 62% of subscribers used two or more GPON services (primarily broadband access, broadband access, and pay TV), says Martyanova. However, at the same time, the same number of MGTS subscribers continue to use copper telephone lines, she notes. This is due to the conservatism of the subscribers themselves: some are satisfied with the speed of the Internet and telephone using copper technology, or they do not want to change equipment and switch to digital services over a new network, using only MGTS phone, notes Martyanova. In addition, according to her, MGTS has subscribers who are government agencies (among them are law enforcement agencies), which, according to internal regulations, use copper telephone lines.

Some MGTS broadband access users still use the old technology of Internet access via ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) telephone wires with different data reception and transmission speeds, Dmitry Kulakovsky, director of marketing and business development, previously told Vedomosti. Such users are less than 10% of common base MGTS broadband users, their average monthly payment (ARPU) is 30–40% lower than that of GPON subscribers, he said. But MGTS is interested in both such users and telephony subscribers who bring in a stable income, so it is necessary to support the copper network, Martyanova emphasizes.

Martyanova does not say how much MGTS invests in supporting the GPON network, and how much in the operation of copper. Go to digital technologies made it possible to significantly save on the operation of the infrastructure as a whole, she notes.

The general director of Iskratelecom, Alkhas Mirzabekov, is aware of the reluctance of some subscribers to connect to GPON. For example, after expensive renovations in an apartment, users often have neither the opportunity nor the desire to reinstall cables and install additional GPON equipment, he says. Obviously, the parallel operation of copper and optical networks leads to noticeable additional costs for MGTS, Mirzabekov believes. According to him, servicing one copper subscriber line is at least twice as expensive as optical one. In particular, the operator incurs additional costs associated with power supply to copper equipment, Mirzabekov notes. He explains that GPON is not accepted everywhere by the inertia of users, by the fact that in many buildings it is impossible to change the cable or install a new one due to dilapidation, and also by the fact that in some buildings residents are against the construction of new cable risers.

MGTS has done the most important thing to transfer subscribers to optical access technology - most Moscow apartments are within reach of the GPON network, says TMT Consulting CEO Konstantin Ankilov. Some subscribers have not yet been convinced of the advantages of the new technology, but transition period was inevitable, he says.

Citizens, I work in a call center and we are working on this project, negotiating with people about the arrival of a technician.
I’ll be honest - I’m very ashamed of many masters. While working, I heard a lot of ugly stories about extorting money, smashing walls, etc. But I also know that behind the wall there are dispatch girls working on the same project, but they call MGTS clients after the technician arrives and ask in detail about the results of the work done. Every day, each of us calls more than 100 subscribers and the results of the conversation are always recorded in questionnaires in the database. Defects are eliminated, walls are repaired, and losses are compensated. However, the percentage dissatisfied with work masters - 20-25%, and this figure is constantly falling.
you know, there will always be dissatisfied people. even if we are given a specific street for a week, the following interesting point is observed: at the beginning of the call, we often hear “we don’t want it yet, we’ll connect when everyone is connected.” but at the end of the week all the same clients begin to rebel that no one comes to them, although all their neighbors are connected..
On the other hand, this is why I am writing: funds were allocated from federal budget and everything is really coordinated with the mayors of the cities. This entire program is carried out on the basis of the corresponding regulatory legal act: DECISION of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 3, 2009 N 985 “ON THE FEDERAL TARGET PROGRAM “DEVELOPMENT OF TV AND RADIO BROADCASTING IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FOR 2009 - 2015”. There is not a word specifically about MGTS, but it is clearly stated about the size of the allocated funds and the timing of the program. Above, attentive citizens indicated how much it costs to carry out equipment and purchase an ONT terminal. Now this is done for free. Masters work from 9 to 10, we call people to agree on a time for specialists to come to them - and we always try. negotiate for such a period so that people do not have to take time off from work. If people do not have such an opportunity, okay, we will set a date for calling back and agree on another day..
Digital telephone communication implies not only the preservation of old tariffs for services, but also a lot of useful free features- auto redial, hold on line, voice mail, SMS messages and much more. Of course, only owners of push-button phones will be able to use them, but this does not mean that disk phones will not receive a digital signal.
One more thing: now half of the phones run on copper, half on glass. By using copper, you create interference for those already using fiber optics. But by 2015, all copper will be turned off and the contract with those whose copper has not been replaced will be terminated. Perhaps I’m wrong, but it’s somewhat selfish to waste time, guided simply by the principle (since many subscribers answer the question “why not?” “I don’t want to, that’s all.”
Regarding the alarm system: negotiations are currently underway with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so that soon digital broadcasting will become available to those who have an alarm system installed.
In conclusion, I would like to say that I also use the telephone, television, and the Internet. And I get just as nervous when I can’t get through to dispatchers or when I can’t wait for a clear answer to a question. MGTS offers fairly low tariffs and its services are used by the vast majority of home telephone owners. Our dispatchers are working at full capacity, please do not complicate the work with your rudeness and rudeness.

repost from my FB:
Muscovites, I’m sharing my experience of what to do if MGTS is pestering you: MGTS really wants to make a hole in the wall in my apartment, put its Wi-Fi router and connect it to my power supply. In exchange for this, he will sell me various services via GPON ( optical network data) and will disconnect me from a regular, wired phone (which works even if there is no “light”).

Some are happy, some don’t care, but I don’t like this replacement at all for various reasons. I refused both “switching to fast Internet” (at least three calls with an offer) and “planned equipment replacement” (two calls already). My wife, when they call, offers to talk to me. Five minutes ago, on the occasion of Saturday, there was a wonderful third conversation:

(Young man, MGTS operator) I would like to warn you that in order to control the quality of service, our conversation may be recorded. Were you warned about the planned replacement of equipment?
(I) MGTS can change equipment at its nodes whenever it wants. There is no MGTS equipment in my apartment, and I do not plan to install it.
(Operator) Do you know about the resolution of the Moscow government on improving the quality of the telephone network?
(Me) And this resolution is about MGTS, not about me. There's nothing about me there. .
(Operator) So, are you giving up telephone service?
(Me) Listen, I have an agreement with MGTS, which clearly states the rights and obligations of the parties. If MGTS wants to change something in the contract, let him send proposals, and preferably not by phone, but in writing...
(Operator, sluggishly) Fuck you!.. (hangs up)

Last time the girl promised me that she did not guarantee normal operation of the phone. She also had to explain about the contract. ;)

(I’ll clarify: MGTS subcontractors call and install the equipment. They are paid for each connection. The resolution of the Moscow government gives MGTS access to install equipment in city communications and public premises managed by municipalities, and nothing more).
Another way of making an excuse is to say that you have an alarm system (or are planning to install it). GPON does not work with it.
But you can just send them to the garden.

UPDATE, September 2016: After the next call, I asked the operator to enter in the field of my database: “The subscriber categorically refuses installation. If the call continues, he promises to involve the FAS, the Prosecutor’s Office and Gossvyaznadzor.” The calls stopped. And in the summer, in the bills from MGTS, the line was changed to “Individual switching scheme using ATS PON”. This means that for those who remain on a copper wire, an active telecommunications cabinet (ATC) is installed in the house, which distributes a signal from optics to “copper” subscribers. On the price of the service" subscriber line"It didn't affect.

About GPON technology

GPON is a broadband multi-service access network where Internet, telephony and television services are provided over a single cable with guaranteed quality of service.
GPON This is your personal fiber optic channel with a capacity of up to 1 Gb/sec.

GPON is a real revolution in telecommunications!

The technology is actively developing all over the world, and the number of subscribers, including in Russia, is growing at a rapid pace.
A fiber optic cable is laid into the apartment, which guarantees highest quality services and stability of speeds.

MTS company merged with MGTS company,

so that Moscow residents can appreciate the most Hi-tech in the field of communications.
MTS is the only telecommunications company that offers its subscribers services home Internet and Digital TV with connection to GPON networks from MGTS.


The ONT modem required for connection is installed in the user’s apartment, which allows you to connect additional services remotely.
The modem already has built-in Wi-Fi.
ONT connection and the equipment itself are completely free for users.

How does GPON work?

Providing Internet access using GPON technology involves replacing outdated copper cables with more advanced fiber optic cables, which have significantly higher throughput. The signal travels through such a cable through a light rather than an electrical impulse. The light pulse travels along the glass fiber, providing a more reliable signal and high speed at low energy costs.

GPON technology involves laying a fiber-optic cable directly to the subscriber’s apartment, and not to the entire building, which guarantees constant Internet access speed and eliminates operational failures due to network overload. To connect to technology GPON to subscriber free modem installation - ONT ( Optical Network Terminal), thanks to which the connection of all services in the future occurs remotely and in one device. The modem has built-in Wi-Fi, which allows you to work wirelessly from any device.

Development prospects

Today we can confidently say that GPON technology not only keeps up with the times, but is also in many ways ahead of it, expanding the boundaries of what is possible. The new speed standard will allow us to constantly expand the package of services provided. Video surveillance, telemetry, security alarms and other services using GPON technology become available to subscribers. Technology resources allow us to talk about the prospects for the development and implementation of many other services for best quality life.

GPON in Russia and in the world

GPON is rapidly developing in the USA, Japan, Korea, UAE and a number of European countries as the most promising access technology.

Russia still lags behind in terms of percentage coverage, but the dynamics of development correspond to global trends. In large Russian cities, such as Chelyabinsk, Miass and others, the number of subscribers amounts to tens of thousands, and in St. Petersburg - hundreds of thousands of people.

To plug