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Vacations are the most desired period of school life, and most students begin to look forward to it from the first days of school. In the 2016-2017 academic year, as in the previous one, the holiday period is chosen by the educational institution, guided by the recommendations of the Ministry of Education.

As practice has shown, many educational institutions adhere to these recommendations, since if school holiday periods coincide, it becomes possible to spend a lot of city entertainment events for children and teenagers: theatrical performances, themed parties and competitions.

Why do holiday periods vary from school to school?

The school holiday period in the 2016-2017 academic year is affected by the choice of teaching method in a particular educational institution:

  1. By quarters.
  2. By trimester.

If the school conducts training in quarters, then vacations are established for students:

  • 9 days in autumn: last week of October and first of November;
  • two weeks for New Year: last days December and 10 days in January;
  • 7 days in spring: end of March;
  • additional holidays for first-graders and students in special classes: 7 days in winter;
  • three summer months.

If the school chooses a trimester schedule, then children will study for 5 weeks and rest for 1 week.

The exception is the winter holidays, which last 2 weeks for all schoolchildren in the 2016-2017 school year.

The sky was already breathing in autumn...

Golden autumn is a charm to the eyes; it gives children the first vacation of the 2016-2017 school year - autumn. Since this period covers a holiday - November 4, the first day of rest is set on October 31, the last - on November 6. Children will go to school on November 7.

When studying by trimester, children will be given 2 weeks of rest in the fall:

  • first week from 6 to 12 October 2016;
  • second week from November 17 to 24, 2016.

The most festive

Middle school year- it's time to take a big break! Winter holidays are the best time for a family vacation, because most parents also relax during these days. The most magical holidays fall on these holidays - New Year and Christmas! Well, how can you not make plans! It is customary in all schools, regardless of the teaching schedule, to rest for two weeks in the winter.

In the 2016-2017 school year, school holidays will begin on the last Monday of December - the 26th - and last until January 9. Schoolchildren will return to classes on January 10.

After the end of the New Year holidays, the children, rested and happy, will begin the assault on knowledge with renewed vigor.

In winter, first-graders will have additional leave: Second winter holiday, which begins on February 21 and ends on February 28.

Spring is a time to relax

In the spring, it is especially difficult to concentrate on classes, so children are given the opportunity to relax before a busy period - the end of the school year, when they face many tests, exams and various competitive programs.

Spring holidays will begin on March 27 and will last until April 3. It's time to gain strength before the final stage of the school year.

Holidays for the period 2016-2017 in schools in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia can take place in different time, it depends on the choice of the school administration.

The long-awaited summer

With the onset of the first sunny days, studying is already difficult, and in the summer, in general, children need a long vacation. Summer holidays begin and the school year ends. This is the most favorite period in the life of all schoolchildren and students. It lasts from two months.

And finally, all students should be reminded that the holidays are a good thing, but do not forget that during this period you can replenish your knowledge of those sciences that are difficult to learn.

Full physical and mental development of children involves alternating periods of hard work and rest. The first is embodied in the form of an intense educational process, and the second is in the holidays, which all schoolchildren, regardless of class and age, look forward to with great impatience! After all, it’s so nice to forget about the “granite of science” for at least a week and indulge in happy idleness, walking with friends and relaxing with your parents.

Information about what days holidays are planned in Russian schools is of interest not only to students, but also to their mothers and fathers, because this is the only way to monitor the process of correcting low grades, plan periods of family vacation, trips to visit grandmothers, and participation in competitions.

Vacations help schoolchildren take a break from the difficult educational process!

In addition, during the holidays, students in grades 9 and 11 can schedule more visits to tutors in order to intensify the process of preparing for the national exam. Let's find out what news schoolchildren and their parents can expect from the 2018 school calendar, and also try to find out when the holidays will take place.

Innovations in the 2017-2018 academic year

Today, there is an established scheme in Russia, according to which the Ministry of Education issues a document with recommendations regarding the duration of working hours and rest periods. The main requirement of the Ministry for the management of public school institutions is that the holidays begin on the first day of the week, i.e. Monday. Otherwise, the department’s recommendations can rather be classified as a guide to action rather than an order, since the final decision is made by the pedagogical council.

Now there is talk about reviving the norms that took place during the Soviet era - some officials believe that the holidays should be held centrally, and not in a way that is convenient for the management of schools in various regions. This practice will help simplify the holding of all kinds of Olympiads, creative competitions and competitions, because all students taking part in such events will be free at the same time.

Many believe that holidays in the country should be centralized

A survey was recently conducted in Moscow asking parents, students and teaching staff of metropolitan schools to choose one option for spending the holidays that is acceptable to them:

  1. Continue the practice of the classic process of organizing vacation time, which consists of dividing the school year into four quarters with short autumn, winter and spring holidays and a long rest in the summer.
  2. Divide school time into three terms and make the holidays longer.
  3. Divide the year even more fractionally - into five parts, between which there will be four vacation periods of 6-7 days each.

The structure of the academic year in terms of alternating workload and rest will not change - all the proportions recommended by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health will be observed: schoolchildren will rest for 34-35 days (excluding summer), and work the rest of the time. However, none of the proposed options managed to get a majority of votes, so the issue of organizing vacations for the 2017-2018 academic year remains open, and each school can choose vacations by trimester, module or quarter.

Without taking into account summer, schoolchildren will have 34-35 days off per academic year.

Holidays when working on quarters

The exact dates of the holidays have not yet been determined, however, from the practice of past years, the following forecast can be made:

  • autumn holidays will take place from October 28, 2017 to November 6, 2017;
  • the fun days of the winter holidays will cover the dates from 12/25/2017 to 01/9/2018;
  • spring break will take place from March 24, 2018 to April 2, 2018;
  • summer holidays will begin on May 25 or June 1, 2018.

In addition, first-graders and children studying in special education classes usually receive an additional week of rest during the February frosts. It can be predicted that in the new academic year it will be February 17-26.

Holidays with a modular system

For schoolchildren who study according to a modular system, that is, 5-6 weeks that end with a seven-day vacation, the forecast for the distribution of vacation time can be presented as follows:

  • autumn holidays will most likely take a week from 10/7/2017 to 10/15/2017, and then another week from 11/18/2017 to 11/26/2017;
  • winter holidays will fall from December 30, 2017 to January 9, 2018, the second winter holidays will take place from February 17, 2018 to February 25, 2018;
  • holidays spent in spring time, will continue from 04/07/2018 to 04/15/2018;
  • Summer holidays will take place as usual.

The issue of providing additional mini-vacations for first-graders remains within the competence of directors and teaching staff.

School management may give first-graders a mini-vacation

It is also worth saying that today schools in the Russian Federation can independently decide how many days in a week will be allocated for the educational process, that is, determine a five-day or six-day regime. IN Lately, while no nationwide directives have yet been issued that must be compulsorily observed, most schools have decided that it is better to work according to the traditional system of 5 days every 2 days so that students do not get so tired.

Vacations are a long-awaited vacation for every student. During this period, you can not only relax, but also plan time for educational and entertainment activities. During the holidays, it is easy for students to attend concerts, museums, exhibitions, engage in tourism or travel to other cities.

The vacation schedule for 2017-2018 is of interest to students, parents, and teachers themselves. A school holiday calendar is needed to plan vacations and important matters. After all, many of them prefer to travel and relax with their children during their vacation. In addition, parents need to think about where to place their first-grader during the holidays.

The 2017/2018 school holiday calendar is formed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Educational institutions (schools, colleges and universities) independently choose and include in their plan the vacation period for the 2017-2018 academic year.

When forming this calendar, managers educational institutions has the right to deviate from the dates established by the Ministry for no more than 2 weeks in one direction or another. But most MBOUs try to comply with the approved schedule.

Holiday calendar 2017 - 2018

The vacation schedule for 2017/2018 for those schools where students study in quarters will be as follows:

  • Autumn vacation will begin on October 30 (Monday) and will last until November 7 (Tuesday). One day will be added to the holiday week on November 4th. On this day off, the country celebrates National Unity Day.
  • The winter vacation will last from December 25 (Monday) to January 9 (Tuesday).
  • Spring break are planned to be held from March 26 to April 2.

In summer, schoolchildren can go on vacation from June 1 for three months until August 31 inclusive.

Holidays for first graders

In addition to the main holidays listed above, first-graders will have additional days off. In 2017/2018, first-graders will have a rest from February 19 (Monday) to February 25 (Sunday). On the 26th the kids will return to school.

It is worth mentioning once again that the management of each school has the right to shift the vacation time by 1-2 weeks. Therefore, the given data are only indicative dates.

Holidays 2017/2018 for students by trimester

Holiday schedule in schools where educational process runs in trimesters, different from regular schools, where they study in quarters. However, winter holidays in them in 2017-2018 will coincide with winter holidays in traditional schools. This is convenient for all schoolchildren and their parents.

So, the vacation schedule in “trimester” schools is divided by season, and each season is divided into two parts:

  • Autumn vacation: October 2 - 8 and November 17 - 23.
  • The winter vacation: as in other schools - December 27 - January 8.
  • Spring break: February 21 - 27, and the second part from April 10 to 16.
  • Summer holidays: traditionally May 31 - September 1.

If students and their parents know the vacation schedule in advance, it will be easier for them to plan their vacation and leisure time, which is very convenient, especially if long-distance travel and significant events are planned.

School holidays are a time of long-awaited rest for any student. Both first-graders and future graduates count the days until the start of the holidays literally from the first days of the school year.

After all, the 2017-2018 holidays are not just days free from school, but also a time filled with games, communication with peers, and vacation trips with family.

The exact dates of the holidays are also important for parents, because many of them try to keep their children as busy as possible during this time, send them on an interesting trip, or take time off from work.

In institutes, universities and other higher educational institutions There will be fewer vacations during the 2017-2018 academic year, since students rest only in winter and summer. Each university sets the exact vacation schedule for students depending on the session dates.

Winter holidays for students begin at the end of January and end in mid-February. IN summer period Also, the dates of student holidays depend on the session and practice, which is often scheduled for June, which means you can go on vacation only in July.

Also, the practice may be postponed to August, and the holidays will begin in mid-June. Everything depends on the specific university, therefore, in order to carefully plan your vacation, you need to check the data with the university administration. The only thing that can be said for sure is that the holidays should not be less than 6 weeks.

Traditionally, both for schoolchildren and for employees of educational institutions, winter holidays start on December 24. There may also be an additional holiday for first grade students, which begins on February 18th.

It is worth noting that during the holidays, teachers must be present at work for a certain number of hours, while the holiday schedule itself is quite flexible. The fact is that the Ministry of Education only issues recommendations regarding the dates of the beginning and end of school holidays, while the final word remains with pedagogical council schools.

The most deprived are teachers, since for them the winter holidays in Ukraine 2018 will last only a week, while for schoolchildren it will last as long as 16 days (from December 24 to January 8). As for university students and teachers, everything is purely individual: in some institutions the holidays are no different from school ones, but at the same time there are universities in which the duration of the winter holidays is almost two months.

Management is taking this step in order to save money during the heating season. Students tend to practice in advance on Saturdays during the school term so that they can then spend two whole months at home.

By the way, the idea has been raised more than once about introducing such a practice at school when the 2017-2018 winter holidays begin for schoolchildren in Ukraine, which would help significantly save on heating costs. Opponents of this initiative believe that schoolchildren will be too overtired, and, for example, no one will want to walk in the summer because of the abnormal heat.

There are quite a few reasons why winter holidays in schools may be extended:

Too much low temperature(if the thermometer shows below 25 degrees below zero, then you don’t have to go to school);
Cold classrooms due to poor heating. Quite often there are situations when school administration violates sanitary standards and forces teachers to work at temperatures below 18 degrees, but this is strictly prohibited;

​In a situation where more than a quarter of schoolchildren do not attend school due to a viral disease (ARVI). In this case, a quarantine is announced and the school is closed indefinitely to prevent further spread of the disease.

In most cases, one week of quarantine will be enough, but, for example, during the swine flu epidemic in 2009, the quarantine lasted several months.