High value services. How to start a service business

Business ideas in the service sector

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Service Business Ideas

What are profitable business service ideas? No one can answer the question about the profitability of a particular business idea. You have to try and understand for yourself this business or unprofitable undertaking. What are the benefits of a service business? Firstly, this type of business does not require large financial investments. And this is a significant factor for aspiring entrepreneurs with a limited budget. The second plus is that a person who decides to organize a business in the service sector does not need to spend time on training. Surely each of you already knows something, you just need to competently sell your services to other people for money. Right organized business in the service sector has every chance of becoming successful. Wish you a quick profit!

Question from Mark Dezhurov:

Good day, Nikolay! My name is Mark. I would like to address you and all your readers with a question. I want to start a business in the service sector, but I don’t know what services can be provided to the public or organizations in order to be profitable. Moreover, you can consider services for the city, on the Internet, at home, etc. Thank you!

Hi Mark!

The question is relevant not only for you, because I have been asked it more than once. Below in the answer I will express my personal opinion, and readers will add if they wish.

Important! I will say right away that I consider it right to provide those services that you yourself understand. If you can provide the service yourself, then it is easier for you to organize the business and you can start with a minimum investment without the initial staff. Business on services is not a simple buy and sell, service, professionalism, quality, etc. are important here. Therefore, without interest, without love for business and understanding of the market for services, it is difficult to start making money. I advise you to listen to your heart and come up with an idea yourself, and I will list below what services can be provided in order to try to give you at least some idea.

Services for the population in the city

Let's just think logically and don't reinvent the wheel. We must proceed from what the population needs! You must first find the problem, and only then look for a solution. Assess your city's population, demand, market, and select multiple options.

For example:

  • Hairdressing and beauty services, manicure, body care services, etc.
  • Wellness services: massages, various health procedures.
  • Sports services: GYM's and other sports facilities.
  • Construction and repair work: repair and construction of apartments, houses, baths and other things.
  • Plumbing, locksmith work.
  • Car repair works: car repair, car wash, interior upholstery, replacement of consumables, painting, noise insulation and much more.
  • Atelier, clothing and footwear repair.
  • Children's institutions: kindergartens, training centers, development centers, etc.
  • Medical services.
  • Legal services.
  • Transport services: transfers, taxis, etc.
  • Entertainment/holiday/leisure: attractions, organization of holidays, games (paintball, laser tag, etc.), etc.
  • Repair household appliances and electronics.
  • Services Catering(not necessarily big restaurants, you can get by with eateries, fast food, barbecue, etc.)
  • Educational services (advanced training, additional education, tutoring).
  • Real estate transactions.
  • Photo and video services.
  • And much more!

Services for organizations

In the b2b sphere, there are also many types of services that can be profitable to deal with:

  • Advertising services: advertising design, creative, advertising placement.
  • Security services (PSC).
  • Repair of industrial and office premises.
  • Maintenance of equipment (printers, production equipment etc.).
  • Legal and accounting services.
  • Consulting.
  • Transport services (usually trucks or special equipment).
  • Cleaning service.
  • Handyman services: loaders, handymen, couriers, etc.

Services provided at home

At home, you can also provide many services:

  • Tutoring, babysitting and childcare.
  • Electronics repair.
  • Website development and promotion.
  • Manicure, massage and other care services.
  • Design, art services.
  • Baking to order.

Internet Services

  • Again, the development and promotion of sites.
  • Again, consulting (via Skype).
  • Educational services: tutoring, infobusiness (also via Skype).
  • Accounting and legal services.
  • Internet advertising.
  • Design and art services.
  • Copywriting, writing texts.
  • Handyman services (fulfillment of various small assignments), for example, on Workzille.


As you can see, there are many options and what exactly you do decide for yourself. Above, I wrote that you need to proceed from your knowledge, skills, understandings and considerations in order to organize successful business on services.

The sphere of providing services to the population is an attractive niche for opening own business. The centuries-old practice of entrepreneurship proves that services remain in demand even in the face of an economic downturn during a crisis.

And if you add some special “zest” to your own business that the consumer will like, small business can bring a stable and fairly significant income.

Any private business requires a competent approach and knowledge of all issues of promotion. Often, many novice businessmen neglect to monitor the pros and cons of the business they have started and make mistakes, slowing down the start and development of their own business.

The consumer services sector has a number of indisputable advantages over other market segments. Even during the war, people did not stop sewing clothes, getting their hair cut at the barbershop or taking a bath. Today, this niche provides a more expanded range, which only adds to the attractiveness of this type of business.

So, its advantages:

  • Starting a business is possible with little or no investment.
  • Ease of management compared to trading or manufacturing.
  • Great opportunities for discounts, bonuses, promotions.
  • Services are able to advertise themselves, which allows you to save on media advertising.

The disadvantages of such a business are insignificant and, most likely, may appear due to the personal incompetence of the entrepreneur himself and his inability to compete. But you should not forget about them:

  • The appearance of active competitors nearby can bring all undertakings to naught.
  • If the service is unknown to most consumers, then it will have to be widely advertised, spending a lot of money.
  • Poor service provision can create spontaneous anti-advertising.

However, a talented entrepreneur and a professional in his field can always turn any shortcomings of the business into pluses and make them work "for themselves." But to become such an entrepreneur, you need to really understand the field of activity and target audience The for which the project will be created.

You can learn how to start your own business in this area from the following video:

Options for effective directions

It should be noted that it is possible to open your own service business from scratch without large investments, opening an office and creating a staff.

Most successful entrepreneurs at the start of their business, they themselves become an employee, an accountant, and a director all rolled into one. Such a move allows not only to save on investments, wages and other expenses, but also to "feel" the prospects of a given direction.

Repair and decoration

All people periodically need to repair apartments and houses, electrical wiring, sewerage and water supply networks, as well as household appliances. If you are a professional in this field, why not offer your services.

Everything you need in the first step:

  • Placement of advertisements in newspapers and the Internet.
  • Tool.
  • Phone number for customers to call.

Active advertising in the form of a small module in the newspaper free ads may be needed only at first, and then your customers will be friends and acquaintances of those to whom you have already made a high-quality apartment renovation or replaced the electrical wiring.

Subsequently, you can assemble a team and apply for larger objects.


This service is in great demand in large cities. Anything can be delivered to the client's address:

  • Flowers.
  • Food (pizza, sushi, groceries from the supermarket).
  • Tickets to the theater, circus, museum.
  • Medicines from a pharmacy.
  • Alcohol.

At the initial stage, you can do without investments at all, declaring yourself in leaflets printed on a home printer. Leaflets can be pasted on the entrances of houses so that residents at any time, remembering that it is possible to order delivery, can find your phone number.

For the project need a car. If you have it, that's half the battle. Further, it would be nice to conclude agreements with small cafes, pizzerias, Japanese cuisine studios that cannot afford to deliver food to people on their own.

Nanny or nurse

Today, having a pedagogical or medical education, few people want to go to work in kindergarten or a polyclinic because of the low salary. If you understand this area, then an agency providing such services can become a profitable business.

True, here it will be especially necessary scrupulously approach the selection of personnel, because this is exactly the type of activity when a poorly rendered service will quickly create anti-advertising for your project. Verified employees can be found at the previous place of work by specialty or by recommendations.

Taxi service

Even if your city already has several services, it is yours that, with the right approach, can become the most successful. In this project, everything depends on the cost and quality of the service.

If your taxi arrives very quickly and the cost of the trip is low, customers will prefer to use a new operator, forgetting the one they used before. In addition, services that accrue bonuses to customers for each trip are in great demand.

To organize such a project you will need:

  • Office.
  • Dispatchers.
  • Computers equipped with headphones with a microphone.
  • Software.
  • Car park.

In fact, everything is much simpler than it might seem. Renting an office can be inexpensive, because you will only need a small office on the outskirts of the city, and not in a large business center. Dispatchers can be hired under an agreement with the employment center and get a good percentage for their employment.

Software can be purchased over the Internet, as a rule, sellers also deal with its remote installation.

To open a taxi service at all no need to buy a whole fleet of cars. In any city there are always a lot of drivers in private cars who are ready to earn extra money in a taxi. Offer them profitable terms and install your software to their smartphone.

Cell phone repair

Most of us no longer imagine how a couple of decades ago it was possible to exist without a mobile phone. Therefore, problems with the phone can be very frustrating and disrupt the usual way of life. Of course, there are cellular models in stores for any choice. But is there always money to buy a new device?

Phone repair - profitable view business. Often in shopping malls you can watch how people approach the rack installed in the aisle and receive a repaired mobile or hand over a broken one for repair. All you might need:

  • Pick-up point.
  • Accessories.
  • Advertising on social media and local newspapers.

By the way, it is not necessary to buy immediately a large number of spare parts. If the fixed repair period is 3-4 days, then you can purchase the necessary spare part after finding out the cause of the problem.

Photo printing

Cameras and cameras in mobile phone almost all people have, and most of them love to take pictures. But not everyone has the opportunity to capture a significant moment in life or just a good picture on paper. Small points with instant photo printing, located in different parts of the city in shopping centers, take up little space, but bring good income their owners.

All that is needed at the initial stage is space rental, printer, computer and photo paper. Additional profit for the service can be brought by the sale of related products - photo frames, albums, souvenirs, as well as printing on dishes, T-shirts and artistic photo printing.

Marriage Agency

Many people cannot find their soul mate on their own, and you can help them with this. Good marriage agencies are always in demand and bring a good profit with little investment.

To open such a business, you need a well-decorated room, coming into which a person would feel comfortable. Active work in social networks will help to collect a detailed database of brides and grooms. And all that is required of you is to receive applications, process them and offer customers suitable options. And each newly created couple in love is your profit and salary.

How to choose the right option?

The choice of an idea for starting a business depends on many factors that can make the business started successful and highly profitable.

  • First, evaluate the level of your competence in the chosen direction. If you are not well versed in it, consider whether it is worth opening such a project.
  • Secondly, try to calculate how popular the service you offer can become. If there are already several similar organizations in the area where you are going to open your own business, you may not be able to “outrun” existing competitors.
  • Third, evaluate the risks. You must determine exactly why customers will go to you and not to a competitor, what you can offer them, and how your service will be better.

If only positive answers appear to all questions, feel free to start your own business. And remember that only the quality of their provision will help to achieve success in the service sector.

Advice: at the first stage of work, you can do without renting and buying premises, limiting yourself to making clothes and accessories at home. It is better not to purchase fabrics in advance, but to choose after receiving the order.

Rental Services

Rental services should not lose popularity in Russia in the near future, because even with the possibility of purchasing a special car, bicycle and other things that can be rented, people do not always have a need for them. You can also rent costumes and much more. Such a business can be combined with other related ones that imply active income.

Courier service

Advantage in opening courier service for the population of Russia are primarily minimum investment and no need for any special education. Meanwhile, delivery will always be popular and necessary for those who value personal time. Before you can open such a service, you must register as individual entrepreneur and register with the tax office. Can be rented office space, but at first it is possible to do without it. The main thing is to organize good advertising and develop a client base.


One of the most important and relevant activities today is consulting. Lawyer consulting involve assistance in almost all legal areas (up to the provision), which is why they are so in demand. Can provide information Services economist, marketer, psychologist and representatives of other professions. You can also provide tutoring services in a particular area. The profit of an independent consultant directly depends on the topic of consulting, the amount of knowledge and the right advertising. The activity does not need special equipment and sometimes even the renting of premises.

Tourist agency

The crisis forces people to limit their spending on recreation and entertainment, but it is unlikely that anyone will deprive themselves of recreation altogether. On the other hand, the new travel agency can also benefit from this by organizing special budget trips. Be that as it may, many people do not like to choose their own future vacation spots, hotels and recreation programs, so in most cases they turn to specialists.

In case of travel agency not necessary great work on the organization of recreation, the establishment of appropriate relationships. Investments will be required to rent or purchase an office and its equipment. It may be necessary to hire workers, as well as good publicity in the form of its own website, ads in newspapers, the Internet, on radio and television.

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1.7 billion people on Earth work in the service sector

Irina Milovanova

Canine Center "Elite"

Despite all the pluses, business in the service sector is far from the easiest.

Of course, working in services is somewhat easier than in the same production: no technological requirements, a minimum of approvals from regulatory authorities. But if you thought that the entrance to the service sector is available to everyone, we have to disappoint you: this is far from the case. In order to provide a quality service, you need to make no less effort than in any other area.

The main difficulty in this matter lies in the fact that in the service sector the influence of the human factor is very strong. Let's face it: if you are a mediocre specialist, or do not know how to politely communicate with clients, while providing services on your own, your business will not last long. It will be no less difficult if you hire third-party specialists. It is often difficult to select them, and it is not easy to monitor how they perform their duties.

Another disadvantage of working in services is a lot of competition. Where there is good demand and it is relatively easy to start a business, you run the risk of running into a lot of equally resourceful start-up entrepreneurs. Therefore, in services, as nowhere else, it is important to find your niche and create a unique selling proposition. Don't be afraid to experiment and do things that no one else is doing yet. But do not forget about the sense of proportion: services must remain in demand, and not scare away consumers with their insanity.

And of course, due to the great competition in the service sector, it can be quite difficult to "unwind". This means that it can take many years to earn a name for yourself and charge above the market average. But you have to start small: in the most competitive service industries, newcomers are often forced to work for little pay, hoping for good recommendations and word of mouth work.

Services in Russia: what can the market expect?

But still, not in all types of services, entrepreneurs are faced with a decrease in demand. For example, pawnshops and microloans only benefited from the crisis.

Things have improved for most services that ultimately help save money. For example, companies operating in the personnel outsourcing market feel great: it is cheaper for a business to hire an outside person to perform irregular work, rather than keep someone on the staff, constantly paying him a salary.

Real growth is also experienced by the business of helping credit debtors.

All these changes are somehow connected with the worsening economic situation. At the same time, the inhabitants of Russia do not expect that the economic situation will change soon, and are set to save money. According to the Romir research holding, 11% of Russians intend to save on various expensive services, including those related to treatment or education.

Although the participants in the education market themselves do not notice a significant decline in demand. For example, a network of schools foreign language London Express noted that the number of students studying has decreased only slightly, and in the future demand will not sag much: there are more those who intend to get a job abroad or improve their skills in order to look better in the labor market.

And here is the data provided by the National Agency financial research, testify: 48% of Russians save on holidays and vacations, 18% - on transport.

From these figures, we can conclude that in the near future the demand for services in the field of tourism, car maintenance, as well as for expensive and not necessary services will not grow. Therefore, it is necessary to open a business, one way or another connected with these types of activities, after weighing all possible risks. Or perhaps you should completely abandon this idea and look around in search of new, more sought-after areas in the service sector.

Dmitry Zasukhin

Laboratory legal marketing

For all its peculiarities, the service business is now very popular. By opening it, we begin to actively earn on our professional knowledge and skills. All this brings, in addition to income, the true joy of work.

In my opinion, in the near future they will be in demand narrow specializations. For example, lawyers who protect the rights of fathers, or food photographers. The narrower the specialization becomes, the easier it is for you to attract customers and find your niche.

Irina Milovanova

Canine Center "Elite"

I believe that small businesses need to work in at least three areas close to each other. Then market monitoring will allow developing what is in demand in this moment and maintain a stable income.

It is also worth turning your attention to the services of everyday demand, which either did not suffer much from the crisis, or, on the contrary, experienced an increase. At the same time, it is best to work in the economy segment.