Ducks are light brown. Habitat, nutrition and reproduction of red ducks (Ogar), behavior in captivity. Decorative value of the breed

Breeds of domestic ducks, according to the direction of their main productivity, are divided into meat, general use and egg-laying.

Ducks for meat production are characterized by: large size and live weight, capable of short term give large number high quality meat.

Meat breeds of ducks include: Peking, gray Ukrainian, black white-breasted, white Moscow, etc.

Peking ducks.

The name of this breed of ducks is given by the place of selection - the birds were bred by Chinese poultry farmers. They were brought to Europe in the second half of the 19th century.

The description of this duck breed is as follows: the head is large, wide with a convex frontal part; the beak is orange-yellow, the legs are low, thick, reddish-orange in color; the eyes are large and shiny. The neck is thick, of medium length; the plumage is white with a yellowish-cream tint. The wings are strong, fitting quite tightly to the sides. The body is long, raised; The chest is wide and deep.

Pay attention to the photo - Peking ducks have a long, wide back:

Live weight of an adult bird: drake 3.5-4 kg, ducks 3-3.5 kg, average weight of one egg - 85 g, duck slaughter weight 89-90%. Peking ducks lay eggs well for 2-3 years. Egg production in one year is in the range of 80-120 pcs. and higher. They are hardy and can easily endure harsh winters.

They were bred at the Borki experimental farm of the Ukrainian Poultry Research Institute through targeted breeding work with local gray ducks without the participation of other breeds.

Gray Ukrainian ducks, strong and agile, forage well in water bodies, are distinguished by their early maturity, good meat quality, and high egg production.

They have a strong constitution, well-developed muscles, dense, light and abundant plumage. The head is small, slightly elongated, with shiny eyes and a strong beak. Legs are short, strong, widely spaced. The body is wide and deep. Drakes have a dark gray or black head with a shiny greenish tint. The beak is olive, the neck is dark brown with a white collar. Ducks have a dark brown head with two black stripes, and a dark olive beak with a black claw at the end.

These photos show the duck breeds described above:

Ducks of the Ukrainian breed group. The breed group was created by a team of authors under the leadership of M.V. Dakhnovsky using the method of purposeful breeding work with local gray ducks without the use of other breeds.

Key productivity indicators:

  • Egg production per year of laying - 150-180 pcs.;
  • The average weight of one egg is 82-86 g,
  • Live weight at this age: drakes - 3.3-3.7 kg and ducks 3.0-3.2 kg.
  • The color of the eggs is white.

These are one of the best breeds of ducks with record productivity indicators: egg production per laying year - 195 pcs.; weight of one egg - 92 g; live weight at this age: drakes - 3.9 kg, ducks - 3.5 kg.

White, gray and clay ducks of this breed group have a horizontal body, slightly raised in front, long, wide and deep; the head is small, slightly elongated; the neck is relatively thin; legs short, widely spaced.

White ducks have white plumage and beaks, and yellow legs. The head of gray drakes is black with a green tint; beak dark green; back black-brown; chest red-brown. Females have dark gray plumage, like a wild duck.

Clay drakes have chestnut heads with a bronze tint. The beak is green, the body and chest are brown.

Ducks have a chestnut-brown head with black stripes from the beak to the neck. Ducks of this variety are larger than gray ones. Reproductive ability: average egg fertility 90-94%, average hatching of ducklings - 70-73%.

Bred by complex reproductive crossing of local Ukrainian black white-breasted ducks with Peking and Khaki Campbell ducks. They have a slightly raised body with a wide, deep chest.

As can be seen in the photographs, ducks of this breed have a wide, long back with a significant slope from the shoulders to the tail:

The plumage is black, part of the belly and chest is white. Drakes have a blue-violet tint to the upper part of their neck. The legs are low, moderately thick, and black. The beak is slightly concave, of medium length; the eyes are black and shiny. The wings are developed, strong and tight to the sides.

The main characteristics of the productivity of ducks of this breed:

  • Egg production per year of laying - 130-140 pcs.,
  • Egg weight at 52 weeks - 83-88 g,
  • Live weight at this age: drakes - 3.5-4 kg, ducks - 3.0-3.5 kg.
  • The color of the eggs is white.
  • Record productivity indicators: egg production per year of laying - 210 pcs.; the average weight of one egg at 52 weeks is 93 g, live weight at this age of drakes is 4.5 kg, ducks are 3.8 kg.

Look at the photos of domestic ducks of Ukrainian breeds, the descriptions of which you read above:

Indian runners.

The place of origin of this breed is considered to be South Asia. They were brought to Europe in the first half of the 19th century, but became widespread in Europe in the 1920s. XX century.

Runners differ from other breeds of ducks by their penguin-like body posture, high legs, and long thin neck. When moving, runners do not waddle from side to side like other ducks, but run quickly, which is why they got the name runners.

Pay attention to the photo - domestic ducks of this breed have a long, narrow, vertical body with an elongated small head and a rounded chest:

The most common color is white.

Ducks produce 180-200 eggs per year, the average weight of one egg is 60-70 g. The live weight of drakes is 1.8-2.0 kg, ducks 1.5-1.8 kg. Runners can be successfully bred on land ranges.

Khaki Campbell.

Ducks of this breed were bred at the end of the last century in England using the method of complex reproductive crossing, in which Indian runners and Rouen ducks were used. Ducks of this breed have high egg production - 150-170 eggs per year. There are cases when individual specimens were distinguished by record numbers - 350 or more eggs. The plumage fits tightly to the body; in ducks it is brown (khaki); on the back and on the wings they have a lighter border.

In drakes, the color of the plumage of the head, neck and chest is brown-bronze; on the rest of the body, the feathers have a brown-sand tint; the body is slightly raised; the chest is wide, rounded; the beak of drakes is dark green, that of ducks is greenish-black; neck of medium length; the tail is short, narrow, the legs are orange.

Look what these ducks look like in the photo:

Egg production 150-200 pcs. per year. The weight of drakes is 2.5-3 kg, ducks - 2-2.5 kg, the weight of 65-day-old young animals is 1.3-1.5 kg; ducks are very active and forage well in water bodies.

Displayed in North America, were brought to the CIS countries in 1960-1970. They are characterized by predominantly black plumage with a green tint. Muscovy ducks are also called turkey ducks because near the base of their beaks they have pinkish-red fleshy appendages (like turkeys) that secrete musky-smelling fat.

The bird flies well, does not quack, but hisses like a swan, and has lean, tender, tasty meat. Weight of ducks is 2.0-2.5 kg, drakes - 3.5-5.0 kg, egg production - 90-100 eggs, duration - 33-35 days. They are bred in private farms.

For the production of duck meat in large specialized duck farms, Peking and Ukrainian ducks are used, as well as created highly productive crosses: Blagovarsky, Medeo-2, Temp.

These photos show the ducks described on this page.

The most common hybrid. Live weight of hybrids at 7 weeks of age: ducks - 3.2 kg, and drakes - 3.4 kg, hatchability of young animals - 78%, safety of ducklings - 98%, feed costs - 2.8 kg per 1 kg of gain, average daily gain - 64-68 g.

It consists of two factory lines: Beijing breed M, - paternal, has a high growth rate, M2 - maternal, has high fertility. The egg production of ducks in 40 weeks is 175 eggs. Paternal ducks at the age of 44 days have a live weight of 3.1 kg with a feed consumption of 3 kg per 1 kg of gain.

Watch a video demonstrating duck breeds and crosses:

What Domestic Ducks Look Like: Bird Exterior

The exterior of a duck is a description of its appearance.

Interior is the features of the internal structure (anatomical and histological) of individual organs and tissues in various types and breeds of farm animals and poultry, which are in mutual connection with the functional activity of the body and determine the direction and manifestation of the animal’s productivity, ensure the body’s response to changes in the external environment.

The main goal of studying the exterior is to determine, by the nature of the bird’s build, its useful economic qualities.

In addition to productive qualities, by the way a duck looks, that is, based on the study of exterior characteristics, you can determine the breed to which the bird belongs, the strength of its physique, which is especially important when selecting birds for the broodstock.

When selecting and forming breeding stock of ducks, the most important have the following articles.

  • Head Ducks vary in shape, but it should be wide, with a regular beak.
  • Neck Different breeds have different lengths. Ducks with short and thick necks have good fattening qualities. With a narrow body, the bird has an elongated and thin neck.
  • Eyes- large, convex, clear and shiny.
  • Breast- deep and convex, well developed.
  • Back- forms the basis of the entire body, and its size indicates good development lungs, heart and reproductive organs. It should be wide enough not only behind the neck, but also at the tail.
  • Torso. When examining the body, pay attention to its width, depth and length. The width of the body is judged by the width of the back, abdomen and chest. A wide and deep body indicates sufficient development of the digestive and reproductive organs. A long and wide chest bone indicates a strong physique, a developed muscle tissue, which covers it. The lower line of the body should be straight; a pendulous rear is common in weak birds.
  • Wings should fit snugly to the sides; ducks with drooping, dry and inverted wings are culled.
  • Stomach- lower body; The chest bone, which serves as the base of the abdomen, is straight and even.
  • Tail- medium length, not compressed from the sides and not drooping. When selecting ducks, it is necessary to take into account that a steeply set tail can be found in birds with a narrow and short back.
  • Legs should be strong, of medium length and thick in the foot, vertically and widely spaced, which is related to the width of the chest and torso, toes without growths, with normal membranes.

When forming a herd, you should pay attention to the color of the metatarsus with toes - signs inherent in a particular breed.

The plumage is well developed, smooth, shiny and close to the body (except for the period before and during molting).

It is better to select young animals for breeding from those ducklings that were bred in March, April or May. At the same time, during the summer it is necessary to monitor their behavior and development. Those ducklings that were active and eat food with appetite should be left for the winter. The selected ducks should not have any defects in their physique; their weight at 5-6 months of age should be at least 2.5-2.7 kg. Breeding ducklings up to 3.5 months of age are fed in the same way as ducklings intended for fattening. Their diet includes more fresh greens, and whole grains are first given in wet mash, gradually teaching them to eat grain in its pure form.

How long does juvenile and periodic molting last in ducks?

Molting is a change in the feather cover of a bird that occurs at certain times. Adult ducks molt 2 times during the year. The change in feather cover in drakes, which are distinguished by sexual dimorphism in plumage color, is accompanied by a change in feather color (local gray, khaki Campbell, etc.). Depending on the breed, productivity, climate, feeding and housing conditions, the timing of molting in ducks may vary, but, as a rule, the first molting of ducks takes place in the summer, in May - June, and the second in the fall.

During the summer molting, a complete change of plumage occurs; in the fall, the small and medium feathers are renewed. The following processes of plumage change are distinguished: course, intensity, chronology, duration.

Duck feather loss during periodic molting occurs in the following order. Simultaneously with the beginning of the tail feathers falling out, the abdomen, lower part of the neck and chest molt. The loss of feathers from the front of the back begins days later, but the change of plumage proceeds much faster and ends when the duck is half moulted. The thigh feathers fall out later. Wing molting begins with the simultaneous loss of flight feathers of the 1st and 2nd order. The 1st and 2nd order flight feathers and tail feathers have a typical sequential change.

The loss of flight feathers begins from the inner edge of the wing and spreads further from the body.

The order in which duck tail feathers fall out is as follows: if you number them in pairs, starting from the middle of the tail, then the central pair falls out first, then the 3rd; 5th, etc., and 2nd and 4th fall later. The change of tail feathers characterizes the course of molting.

The duration of molting of flight feathers is significantly shorter. How long does it take for ducks to molt? Normally, the flight feathers fall out completely within 10-15 days. The molting of flight feathers begins a month after the start of molting of the tail feathers, i.e., at the time when the small feathers of ducks have moulted by half.

Summer and autumn molting occur with the same intensity: the duration of each molting is 60 days.

The first (juvenile) moult of Peking and local ducks under various conditions of detention, judging by the loss of tail feathers, begins at the age of 71-80 days. At the same age, ducklings raised on limited ranges shed more intensively. The less intense juvenile molting of ducks raised on a pond is mainly explained by feeding and housing conditions that are close to natural. In wild ducks, intensive feather shedding is also not observed in a short period of time.

When raising Peking ducks on a pond during juvenile molting, the maximum shedding of feathers occurs within two decades, from the 91st to the 110th day, molting ends in the period of the 121st to 130th day; when raising Pekin ducklings on limited ranges, the greatest intensity of molting occurs from the 81st to 100th day, shedding of feathers ends on the 111-120th day.

Duck diseases: photos of symptoms, treatment and prevention

Sick ducks can always be identified during feeding. They, as a rule, do not approach the food, but sit away from the herd. The main measure for disease prevention is to promptly isolate sick birds from the flock. If signs of illness appear in your bird, you should contact your veterinarian.

The most common infectious diseases of ducks are paratyphoid fever, pasteurellosis, helminthiases, and hepatitis. Like all other birds, if there is a lack of protein, minerals and vitamins, ducks may experience pecking and feather loss. In addition, a lack of vitamins A, D and group B causes various changes in the body of ducks.

Hepatitis. A disease that affects the liver. Ducklings are especially affected by this disease. The symptom of this disease in ducks is convulsions, followed by death.

To prevent hepatitis, the room where the bird was kept is thoroughly disinfected. It is necessary to combat rodents and insects, which may primarily be carriers of this disease.

If the first signs of the disease appear (if worms are found in the droppings), at home you can feed the ducks onions, garlic, crushed pine needles, and spruce needles for medicinal purposes. To treat this disease, the duck is administered antihelminthic drugs: phenothiazine, piperazine, etc. The droppings are not left in the room: it must be removed as often as possible.

These photos show the symptoms of duck diseases:

In many cultures different nations, including Slavic ones, ogar was considered sacred bird. In Altai, until the Second World War, this bird was not caught. Only the threat of death from starvation forced local residents to hunt this amazingly beautiful bird.


What does it look like Large bird weighing up to 1600 grams, on high legs. In appearance, it more closely resembles a goose, especially in flight. An adult can reach 70 cm in length, with a wingspan of up to 145 cm. Ogars swim, dive, fly and run beautifully.

The scorched duck (its photo is in the text) is distinguished by its beautiful red plumage.

At the beginning of the season, the color is darker, almost chocolate, but over the summer it fades and becomes bright red with a reddish tint. This color of plumage covers almost the entire body of the bird. Only on the head it is lighter. The flight wings, tail and rump are black and black, with a greenish tint.

In addition, there are clearly visible white spots on the coverts on both sides of the wing. On the secondary flight feathers, along the leading edge, a green speck is clearly visible - a “mirror”. The beak and legs are black.

During the mating season, the male has a black edging on the upper part of his neck. After molting, this “collar” disappears. The female has almost white feathers on the sides of her head. The young have duller plumage and look more like female sardine coverts rather than white ones.

Habitat halo

Wild smoldering ducks have a fairly wide habitat: Turkey, northwest Africa, Greece, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Russia, Mongolia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Romania, India, China.

Despite such a wide geography, in some countries, due to economic activity human population of birds is steadily declining. There have been cases when wild fires settled within the city limits.

A striking example is the Moscow population. It is believed that it appeared in 1948 from birds that flew away from the zoo. It was at this time that the birds living in the Moscow Zoo stopped clipping their wings.

The birds have multiplied and live mainly in the territories of the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo estate, Timiryazevsky Park and Kuskovo Forest Park. They do not fly away for the winter, preferring to spend the winter in ice-free reservoirs. They don’t forget about their “small homeland” - the Moscow Zoo, where during the harsh seasons they are always fed by the employees of the institution.


The scorched duck has a number of characteristic features unique to this species of bird:

  • they do not live in flocks, preferring pairs (they gather in flocks only during molting or wintering);
  • although they are classified as waterfowl, they do not need spacious bodies of water for normal living;
  • during the mating season, it is the female who chooses her drake;
  • a selfish bird that does not tolerate rivals on its territory and drives away birds even of its own species from an occupied pond.

The Ogar duck (its photo is truly admirable) has a loud voice, which it uses with pleasure. True, her cry is more like a donkey’s, and in females it is louder and sharper.


The red duck, or red duck, looks for food at dusk or at night. During the day the bird rests. Ogar feeds on both plant and animal foods. Food for birds can include worms, small beetles and other insects. The scorched duck can, on occasion, pick up carrion.

On ponds, birds filter water in search of food. They can eat crustaceans, small fish and frogs. But they still prefer to forage on land. They graze in the meadows, plucking young greenery. In autumn, winter crop seeds are pecked in the fields. The smart bird picks up grain spilled during transportation on the roads.


After returning from wintering in March, when the ice has not yet melted on the reservoirs, the scorches begin to look for a mate. The female takes the initiative. The drake can only stand on one leg or, with his head down and dragging his wings, walk in circles around his future “wife”.

The ruddy duck, or red duck, chooses the burrows of foxes and other burrowing animals for nesting. It can make a nest in a rock crevice or in a hollow tree. Old abandoned buildings and steep slopes on the banks of reservoirs are also suitable. By the way, a pond is not the main thing in choosing a place for a nest. It may be located at a distance of 2-3 km from it.

The birds are monogamous and form pairs for many years. Some even prefer the same nest from year to year. After mating and preparing the nest (it must be lined with a thick layer of white fluff), the female lays one egg every day. Eggs are milky or cream colored, weighing 80 grams. In total there are from 8 to 12 eggs in a clutch, sometimes there are more - up to 18 pieces.

After the duck lays the last egg, it sits on the clutch. During the incubation period, the male is very aggressive and does not allow anyone into his territory. The instinct to protect the nest is so strong that the bird does not always adequately perceive the situation and without hesitation can attack a larger rival.

After 30 days, ducklings appear. Fluffy chicks are pure white, with the exception of the top of the head - it is black and the back is brown. The fire duck immediately takes them to the pond. The kids swim and dive beautifully. Parents, both equally, take care of the chicks for up to two and a half months, until they fly.

Young animals reach sexual maturity by two years. During this period, ducks begin to create pairs.

Breeding in captivity

The Ogar, or red duck (the difference is only in the name), reproduces well in captivity. They quickly get used to the person and the conditions of detention. Aggressive behavior During incubation and desperate protection of their chicks, the owners of the smoldering birds are forced to allocate them a separate fenced area.

Usual conditions of detention, as for others:

  • V summer period a barn with bedding for spending the night, a walk with water (even a bath will do);
  • in winter, a warm room with plenty of bedding and constant access to a drinking bowl with water.

The excellent instinct of incubation and the natural strength of the babies allow 100% preservation of the hatched chicks.

Birds need water, it can be natural or In order to get well-fed ducks weighing 3-4 kg, and drakes - up to 6.5 kg, the bird should be fed generously. Bran, grain, and table scraps are added to the diet. The quality of meat depends on the feeding diet; with proper maintenance, tender, low-fat dietary meat is obtained. In addition to meat, red ducks can produce up to 120 eggs and high-quality down.

The bird is also of interest from the point of view of populating artificial park reservoirs. She quickly finds a nesting place and gets used to the person.


Ochar meat in the fall, when switching to plant foods, is very tasty, without any aftertaste.

They are hunted like other ducks. Usually from a steal made near a pond. The only thing experienced hunters pay attention to when hunting this bird is: if possible, shoot a couple at once. If one of the scorches dies, the second will circle over the place where its partner died and scream sadly. The sight is unpleasant and heartbreaking. Birds are also caught in molting areas and during the migration period.

The ruddy duck or red duck is an ornamental bird that can often be seen on ponds in parks.

Ogar - waterfowl duck family

In the past, many peoples considered this unusual and very beautiful duck with bright orange plumage to be sacred. Hunting for it was allowed only recently, since today it does not threaten the species with extinction.

When these red ducks, gathered in a flock, fly high above the ground, they can be confused with geese, which they are very similar to.

Origin and distribution

Considered the homeland of birds steppe spaces of Europe and deserts of Africa. Ducks were also found in small numbers in Central Asia. The Asian bird population is in constant migration, reaching China, India and Taiwan.

In Russia today ducks are found everywhere. The bird appeared in Moscow in the 20s of the 20th century, when the first individuals were brought to the zoo. They multiplied quickly and soon occupied the reservoirs of park areas.

Due to their very attractive appearance, birds have become a natural decoration for ponds and lakes.

Not too shy, they have adapted well to city conditions and feel very comfortable.

Appearance and breed standards

Color: light head, orange-brown plumage, white wings with black flight feathers

The main external feature that distinguishes the ogar duck is its intense rufous plumage. It is lighter on the head and neck; sometimes you can even see birds with a white head. The beak and legs, as well as tail feathers, are deep black in color. In some individuals, a green tint is visible on the black feathers.

Red duck drake

The male changes color slightly during the mating season. A thin collar of black feathers appears on his neck, while the red feathers fade somewhat. The female’s plumage does not change during the mating season, and only small white spots appear in the eye area.

Juvenile ducks also have orange feathers, but they are duller than adults.

How older age ducks, the more vibrant and attractive their plumage becomes.

The character of ducks is quarrelsome and hot-tempered. Males defend their territory and do not allow other waterfowl into it. They start serious fights, driving out competitors. Due to intolerance towards competitors Birds do not form the usual numerous flocks, but gather in groups of several pairs.

City ducks do not fly away for the winter

Ducks' adaptability to cold climates is good. They easily spend the winter in parks on reservoirs that do not freeze.

Today, birds are readily kept at home because of their decorative appearance.

The breed standard is:

  • weight - 1–1.6 kg;
  • length - 61–67 cm;
  • wingspan - 121–145 cm.

If a red duck has deviations from the standard, it is not allowed for breeding on farms.

Duck productivity

Ducks gain weight well and quickly, and therefore can be classified as meat. Meat is especially valued in the summer, when free-ranging individuals on plant foods burn off fat as much as possible.

As a laying hen, the fire can be used with great effectiveness. With proper care, the female produces about 120 eggs having high taste qualities. Fertility and hatchability of eggs is very high and in most cases reaches 100%, which makes poultry breeding as cost-effective as possible.

Of interest and feather. The bird's plumage is dense. Like all ducks, the Ogar has light and warm feathers that can be used in the production of blankets and outerwear.


Ogars inhabit a wide variety of inland waters

Today the habitat of birds is quite wide. As ornamental bird In household settings, the ruddy duck or ruddy duck is found throughout the world. In the wild, ducks live in the following areas:

  • Southeast Chinese Provinces;
  • Central Chinese provinces;
  • Mongolia;
  • Central Asia;
  • Tyva;
  • Türkiye;
  • Ukraine - the population is so small that it is listed in the country's Red Book;
  • Iraq;
  • Iran;
  • Afghanistan;
  • Western Black Sea coast (Bulgaria and Romania);
  • Northern coast of the Aegean Sea;
  • Northwest African continent;
  • Ethiopia;
  • Regions of Kazakhstan bordering Russia;
  • Territory of Russia, with the exception of the northern regions.

The duck does not settle in the taiga and sea coasts; it avoids areas with dense vegetation.

In mountainous conditions, the firebug lives.


The bird does not require large areas of water to feed

To food the bird is not whimsical. She gets her food both in water bodies and on land. The diet is based on green food: young shoots, grass, grains and seeds. Also, the cinder does not refuse protein food, which takes up about 20% of the total feed volume. Ducks eat locusts, large grasshoppers, frogs, small fish, crustaceans and mollusks. In the absence of live food, birds thrive on plant nutrition.

At the end of summer they collect seeds of winter crops, as well as grains left over from the harvest. It is also not uncommon for birds to be found on roads along which grain is transported.

They feed mainly in the evening and at dawn. During the daytime, ducks rest on the shore of a pond or on the water. Quite often, birds, while digesting food, sleep on the shore, standing on one leg.

Nesting and breeding of the Ogar

Scorch nest on the shore of a pond

The chicks become independent and lose parental care 2 months after hatching. The bird reaches sexual maturity only in the 2nd year of life, when it begins nesting.

Ogars are monogamous and mate for many years, but if something happens to the partner, then the bird arranges a new family. Pairs form either during the winter, shortly before migration, or, less commonly, immediately after arriving at the nesting site. The female chooses a partner, attracting his attention with a loud cry and a special dance with an open beak around the male. Before mating, birds always fly in pairs. Ducks return from wintering in March. In city parks, if the pond does not freeze, the fires remain for the winter.

The nest is built one and a half months before the eggs are laid. Its bottom is lined with white down. The female lays 8 to 12 eggs. Clutches of 17 eggs are extremely rare. The duration of incubation, depending on weather conditions, lasts from 27 to 30 days. The male vigilantly guards the nest and attacks anyone who tries to approach. The drake's attacks are very active and powerful, capable of putting to flight even an enemy that is significantly larger than it.

After hatching, the ducklings, as soon as they dry out, leave the nest and, accompanied by their mother, head to the pond. The chicks begin to swim immediately u. They remain on the water throughout the day, returning to the nest only to spend the night. Both parents are equally involved in caring for ducklings.

As soon as the young begin to fly (at about 55 days), they become independent and no longer need care.

Among hobbyists, the duck is most often called decorative and is kept primarily for decoration. Caring for her is not difficult. Birds quickly get used to humans and trust their owner. They will need a separate barn and aviary if there are other birds on the farm, since ducks are aggressive towards them.


Caring for such a pet is no different from caring for any other duck. The bird is unpretentious, and for a comfortable life it requires only a small barn and an aviary.

The floor in the barn needs to be made warm, and for this it needs to be covered with a thick layer of sawdust or straw. Birds require regular free-range walks and bathing.

Feeding at home

Feeding a bird is not difficult. For her all the food will go, which are used for ordinary domestic ducks. In winter, in addition to grain, it is advisable to feed the fire also with boiled vegetables to obtain all the necessary vitamins.


Raising ducks is not difficult. The incubation instinct in females is very well developed, and therefore they can independently breed offspring without human intervention.

At the time of nesting, the bird becomes very aggressive, and therefore no other birds should be present in the pond where it is released for swimming.

The survival rate of young animals is high. The lifespan of the Ogar duck is about 12 years.


You can buy ducks from a number of farms. Their cost is high and can reach up to 10 thousand per adult.

Photo gallery


Ogar is the most beautiful wild duck, which can easily get along next to a person.

Ducks, as the most numerous and popular species of waterfowl, have a wide distribution area. They inhabit almost all continents. They were domesticated about three thousand years ago. Ducks are bred for their meat, eggs and down. Some species have no productive value, but are attractive due to their unique appearance. The Red Ogar duck is also a decorative breed. But the value of the domesticated cinder lies not only in its original coloring.

The ruddy duck, known as the red or orange duck, is a member of the Anatidae family, order Anseriformes, subfamily Tadorninae. The name "Tadorna" comes from Celtic roots and means "pied waterfowl". Ogar was bred into Western Europe for decorative purposes, but he is a rare guest there.

Distinctive characteristics of the cinder

At first glance, the sardine can be confused with a goose, but red ducks have their own distinctive characteristics and behavior:

  • The red duck has a massive body and long neck, and the cry resembles a goose cackling. Her voice is a series of loud, nasal vocal notes. The duck honks both on the ground and in the air, and the sounds vary depending on the circumstances. The male's cry is more rhythmic, the female's is drawn out;
  • the fire is usually found in pairs or groups;
  • a large body of water is not necessary for a bird of this species;
  • The red duck is not only an excellent swimmer and diver, it also runs and flies well;
  • when creating a pair, the male is chosen by the female;
  • During the breeding season, the male is aggressive towards foreign birds and even relatives, protecting the nesting site.

Breed value

Usually, cinders are grown in households as decorative specimens. A bright red duck will always decorate a poultry yard. But the breed is valued not only for its grace and use of the bird as a beautiful element of a private pond. Feathers and fluff of fires are of particular value and are used in various industries industry. Duck down is lightweight and has excellent thermal insulation properties.

A backyard duck differs from its wild relatives in its weight. It can reach 6 kg in males and up to 4 kg in females. Due to their large size and rapid increase in weight, cinders are classified as a meat type of duck. In the summer, when the bird receives a natural, balanced diet, its meat is most tender and juicy. But duck meat is not considered a completely dietary product, as it has a high calorie content.

Duck meat contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, and many amino acids, so it is indicated for anemia and exhaustion.

Red duck in wildlife needs protection. It is listed in the Red Book of some Russian regions. To increase the population of schards in reserves, artificial conditions are created for nesting and successful breeding of birds of this species.

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Video - Red Duck (Ogar)

Nesting and breeding

Ogar is strong and successful looking ducks, adapts well to any conditions. In captivity, the red duck quickly adapts to its new environment. Young animals get used to humans especially quickly. A duck and a drake form a strong pair for several years. The cinder is ready to breed at the age of two. The mating season runs from mid-March to early May. Before mating, a mandatory ritual takes place. At this time, the male dances, alternately retracting and extending his neck. Then the female joins the dance. She walks around the drake in a circle, making loud noises and spreading her wings. At this time, the male stands waiting on one leg, bowing his head. After the ritual, mating occurs. Red ducks are monogamous. A pair formed once exists for more than one year.

The nest is lined with down and a small amount of grass. A clutch of 7-12 eggs is incubated by the female alone for four weeks. The eggs have a matte cream color and an average size of 68 by 47 millimeters. The chicks are cared for by both parents until eight weeks after hatching. They are born sighted, with down instead of feathers and can feed without the help of their parents. The chicks happily follow their mother for a walk, where they learn to swim and dive.

When breeding, one should take into account the aggressive and antisocial behavior of ducks during the nesting period. They are best kept in pairs, separately from other individuals. Outside the nesting period, ducks get along without problems in the company of other birds, but while they are hatching eggs and caring for their offspring, the fire can harm other inhabitants of the poultry yard. The female, noticing the intruder, cranes her neck, lowers her head and screams angrily. If the intruder is on the ground, the female runs towards the drake and incites it to attack. A separate aviary for a married couple of red ducks is best way protect yourself and other animals from red aggressors defending their habitat. Being hostile, the red duck can still take protection over chicks that are left without parents.

After breeding, adult birds begin a period of molting. The update process is ongoing intensively. All plumage changes. The tail feathers are the first to be lost. When the appearance of fresh plumage is indicated on the body, the flight feathers fall out.

Breeding and maintenance

The most necessary condition for a comfortable stay and regular reproduction in captivity is the presence of a pond in the yard and a clearing with short grass for walking. In a vegetated lawn, the gorse likes to feast on seeds and insects. A duck couple will feel comfortable and produce offspring in an enclosure measuring one and a half square meters.

During the period of active sexual readiness, the ogar is kept separately from other ducks in order to avoid mutation and loss of the species. When severe cold occurs, the ducks are transferred to a separate insulated room, where the floor is covered with straw. In winter, the temperature in the poultry house is maintained at least +6 degrees, always with good ventilation. The correct distribution of the light system plays a big role in breeding cinders. Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is actively produced and hemoglobin increases, which increases the productivity of ducks. In winter, daylight hours are increased by artificial lighting, adding light in the morning and evening hours. Here, in warmth and comfort, the duck family will successfully survive the winter frosts.

Red ducks adapt well in captivity and are in no hurry to leave the farmstead, where there is always food. Wings are clipped only for the first two generations produced in captivity. As in nature, so in captivity, both the drake and the female are involved in raising the chicks. To hatch small scorches, a more humid atmosphere is created in the nest. To do this, water is sprayed onto the burlap bedding, and only then shavings or straw are laid down. A week before hatching, the eggs are moistened with warm water. This procedure will help the chick hatch.

To set up a nest for red ducks, a small house on the ground, installed in a special enclosure, is well suited. A box with a loophole and a small threshold is constructed from plywood. The bottom of the nest is lined with straw or sawdust. It would be good if the side wall of the pen was covered with plywood to reduce the risk of making the bird nervous.

Ogar is distinguished by good egg production in household conditions. Red ducks begin laying eggs at the age of six months. Over the course of a year, the bird can lay up to 125 eggs and successfully hatch them. The female red duck has an excellent natural instinct for incubating eggs. If the breeder is interested in replenishing the population of the breed, then almost all the eggs brought by the ogre will eventually turn into healthy offspring. The egg-laying period usually begins in early March. Whether this time is closer or further depends on the length of daylight and the temperature in the poultry house. Ogars are very kind to their babies and carefully protect them.

Diet of red ducks

In captivity, it is important for ducks to have access to a lawn. Feeding is carried out at least twice a day, preferably in certain time. As a supplement to plant feed, a special compound feed is given that replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals. During the cold season, grain crops are included in the diet: oats, wheat, bran, beans and corn. Vegetable cuts from potatoes, carrots, beets and cabbage are added to the diet. Ducklings that have just been born are given starter feed.

For active growth, babies require chopped vegetation (duckweed, spinach, lettuce, nettle), as well as small insects and earthworms. For efficient growth, ducklings are provided with unhindered movement to the grassy lawn. A shallow drinking bowl should be available at all times, and the water in which is renewed once or twice a day.

When raising cubs, the main rule is: the sooner you provide them with food, the more active the duckling will grow. As soon as the chicks have hatched and dried out, they should be fed. If the duckling refuses to feed, its attention is attracted by knocking on the feeder. In the wild, babies do not pay attention to frozen objects and only take for food what moves and moves. In case of complete refusal of food within a few hours after hatching, the ducklings are forcibly fed. For babies, a special milk-yolk mixture is prepared, which is introduced into the beak using a pipette. Usually, one feeding is enough. Then the ducklings happily consume the food themselves. Down babies have a smaller esophagus and a higher metabolic rate than older ducklings, so they should be fed more often.

Vitamin and mineral supplements play an important role in the duck diet. They are added to the main mash mixture. Crushed shell and chalk are served in separate feeders.

During the nesting period, the diet of red ducks has some peculiarities. At this time, the females’ energy potential increases significantly and the need for additional vitamins increases. The adult red duck differs from other waterfowl in the shorter amount of time it spends feeding. This occurs due to the specific distribution of energy expenditure in birds of this breed.

A couple of weeks before laying eggs, the ducks’ diet is loaded with nutritious food. During the period of active productivity, the drake also needs increased feeding. It is important to monitor the balance of the necessary mineral supplements to the diet of sturgeons. A deficiency of a particular mineral component can reduce the effectiveness of the overall ration and negatively impact duck performance.

Today, among the variety of birds, even in Moscow parks, you can see the red waterfowl. Although the color of its feathers is not scarlet, they are more likely red, but it is customary to call it red. The second name for red duck is ogar.

The general characteristics of these birds are as follows:

  • order of Anseriformes;
  • duck family;
  • comes from shelduck.

There are also behavioral characteristics of these birds, for example:

  1. They do not form large flocks. Maximum quantity birds in a flock can reach up to 8 individuals.
  2. For a comfortable location and housing, a small body of water is enough for them.
  3. A pair is created on the initiative of the female. It is she who chooses the drake with whom she wants to create a duck family.
  4. Females of the ogari species are also reputed to have a rather quarrelsome character. Not only can they afford to “quarrel” with drakes of their own kind, but they also do not tolerate ducks of other species in the occupied reservoir.
  5. Ogar not only swims well, but also runs fast and flies beautifully.
  6. Their voice is loud, it can even be confused with the neighing of a donkey. As a rule, the female always screams louder and her voice will be sharper than that of the male. During the flight, all birds scream in a deep voice, which over time, mixing, turns into a trill, only slightly muffled.


Initially, red birds lived in the territories of African deserts and European steppes. A small number of cinders could be found in Central and Central Asia. However, in these territories, pizzas are constantly migrating, reaching India, China and Taiwan.

On the territory Russian Federation red feathered beauties can be found in all regions, starting from the Krasnodar region and ending with the Amur region and the northern borders of Kazakhstan. They appeared in Moscow no earlier than the end of the 20th century, when they were first brought to the zoo. Then the population of these birds spread to the park area, occupying local water bodies.

Appearance and breed standards

The brightest characteristic feature Smoldering ducks are bright color their plumage. The main color is brown, closer to orange. But the neck and head are always lighter than the body. And the color of the feathers on the head is more like ocher. There are individuals with a completely white head. The iris, beak, legs, tail, rump and flight feathers on white wings are black. True, in some birds you can see a greenish tint in the tail area. The lower part of the wings is almost white, this is clearly visible when the bird is flying.

During the mating season, the male ogari changes his “outfit”. He “puts” a thin black “collar” on the upper part of his neck. And the bright feathers on the rest of the body become duller. During the period of choosing a partner, the female is practically no different from herself, but in a different period of life. The only sign of her mating season is the brighter white spots on her head.

Watch the video, which will show you photos of red ducks against the background of bird calls.

Young pigeon ducks differ from adults only in their duller plumage. With age, the color of the feathers becomes more expressive and brighter.

Standard features are:

  • weight: from 1 to 1.6 kg;
  • body length: 61-67 cm;
  • wingspan length: from 121 to 145 cm.

Productive Features

Basically, breeding red ducks is more of a purely decorative nature. However, the fluff and feathers of these beauties can also be used in production purposes. They, like the feathers of all ducks, are light and warm.

Due to the fact that this type of bird is large and they quickly gain weight, they can also be classified as meat breeds. And although it seems quite fatty, its meat is lean and tender, especially in the summer, when the bird receives natural and healthy food.

As for the egg production of this species of birds at home, here they have a leading position among their relatives. They begin to lay eggs at the age of 6 months, and one female can lay and hatch up to 120 eggs per year. Moreover, if your goal is breeding, then most likely all 120 eggs will give you strong and healthy ducklings.


In the wild, redfins feed mainly on plant matter. They also eat small aquatic mollusks, fish, frogs and crustaceans. They do not disdain insect larvae, as well as the insects themselves.

When kept at home, they must be fed at least twice a day. To help them gain weight well, feed them bran and grain. They can get the rest from pasture plant food while walking.

Breeding and maintenance

The yellow-fin duck does not require any care that would distinguish it from other species of domesticated ducks. To maintain it you will need a pen with a small shed. It is necessary to provide a warm floor in the barn, for example, by laying warm bedding. There the red bird will be able to lay eggs and bask in the cold of the night. Also, ogary ducks need to roam freely and take water treatments.