What is active sales technique? Active sales - definition and description of the process. Active sales managers

Let's be honest: selling is difficult. Only 3% of people trust salespeople, HubSpot found in a 2016 study. To increase your chances of success, take advantage of experience knowledgeable people- to do this, we studied different methods of working with clients and collected the best tips on sales techniques.

Consultative sales

Suitable for: For “complex” markets, where the choice is not easy for the client.

The essence: You try to identify the buyer’s problems and needs, become his assistant and mentor, and offer him the best solutions.

Example: An insurance agent offers the company to insure employees under VHI. It works like this:

  1. Says hello.
  2. Asks questions: do employees often get sick? Are there any increased risks at work? Does the company have a contract with an insurance company?
  3. Offers insurance and talks about the benefits: income tax will be reduced by the amount of insurance premiums, staff will get sick less often and recover faster, the company will become more attractive to job seekers.
  4. Now that the client understands that the cost of insurance will be covered by the benefits he will receive, the agent quotes the price of the insurance.

SPIN sales

Suitable for: This sales technique works best in the field of expensive goods and services.

Essence: Push the client to the necessary conclusions that will help him make a purchasing decision by asking 4 types of questions:

Example: The company offers office PBXs for large enterprises. The manager asks questions about:

  1. What type of telephony are you currently using? How many calls do you receive daily?
  2. Does it happen that clients cannot reach you because all the lines are busy?
  3. What is your lost revenue for each lost customer?
  4. If you could reduce the number of missed calls to a minimum, would you do it?

Conceptual sales

Suitable for: B2B companies working not on quantity, but on quality.

Essence: The principle of this sales technique or technology is “everyone wins.” We sell not a product, but a concept. Instead of persuasion, analyze the client:

  1. We study the client to understand what concept of the “ideal” product or service is embedded in his mind.
  2. We present the product in the right light.
  3. We identify the client’s interest in the transaction.

If the transaction is not profitable for one of the parties, then the seller must refuse it. If the client is not “yours” - even the most best techniques sales won't help.

Example: The insurance agent found out that the company was experiencing personnel problems and is looking for ways to solve them. He presents VHI insurance as the main element of the social package, mentioning that for 30% of applicants the social package is key point when choosing a job.

SNAP sales, also known as flexible sales

Suitable for: Companies in highly competitive and rapidly changing markets.

Essence: You need to adhere to 4 principles:

Example: Let's say you are selling a system electronic document management law office.

S. First, you tell what it is and how it will help the client: An electronic document management system reduces the time spent working with documents by 10 times, and the cost of paper by 30 times.

N. Show your competitive advantages: You can simply photograph a document, the system itself will recognize it and convert it into digital format; competitors cannot do this.

A. Say that you are “tailored” to the client: There is a special version of the program for law firms.

P. Motivate to complete a transaction as quickly as possible: Only until the end of the month the implementation of the system is free, usually it costs 10,000 rubles.

Challenge sales

Suitable for: any B2B companies.

Customer-oriented sales

Suitable for: Companies in highly competitive markets.

Essence: The client is at the forefront, and everything we do must solve his problems. Top tips according to sales techniques of this kind:

  1. Don’t sell according to a template, proceed from the situation.
  2. Don't just give advice, but listen and be interested.
  3. Interact only with decision makers.
  4. Try to solve the client's problems, and not sell for the sake of sales.
  5. Solve problems, don't build relationships.
  6. Sell ​​quickly and efficiently, get rid of stuck deals.
  7. Adapt to the pace and timing of the buyer, and do not bend your line.
  8. Don't persuade people to buy, but inspire them to buy!

These are the seven main sales techniques that we think are worth paying attention to. Write which technique seems more effective to you, and we will devote a separate text to it. And if you need help in selecting the right equipment for your company, then order an audit from professional business analysts. They will analyze your business based on 50 indicators and tell you what needs to be improved and what is the best way to do it.

Active sales are technically the most difficult and, at the same time, the most efficient look sales They can be used in almost any situation and in any market. There are companies that generally prefer only this method of promotion. But it is important to know the specifics and stages active sales.

Training specialists in active sales is difficult, takes a lot of time, and it is far from certain that it will be successful. The fact is that in active sales a lot depends on the charisma and psychological fortitude of the seller. To facilitate the process of training such specialists, the entire sales process is usually divided into main stages. There are six of them. Below we will talk in detail about each of them.

Stage 1. Getting ready to sell

The preparatory stage involves, first of all, the preparation of the seller himself. The transaction must be completed, the contract must be signed, the goods must be shipped or the service provided, and money must be received from the client. In order for everything to work out, you need to exude professionalism, be confident in yourself and that the product offered will really help your client.

In order for everything to work out, you need to exude professionalism, be confident in yourself and that the product offered will really help your client.

It is required to carefully study the goods and services that will be sold through active sales, you must have comprehensive knowledge, be ready to answer any tricky question client and provide reinforced concrete counterarguments. You will need to work with objections, criticism, and dissatisfaction. You may even have to face overt aggression.

In part psychological readiness you must be confident in your knowledge and in the product you offer to clients. Don't forget about the physical component of training as well. You shouldn't look sleepy or groggy. Good spirits, clear eyes, a friendly, inviting smile - this is what a successful seller needs.

Stage 2. First contact with the client

General concepts of politeness and courtesy will help you, together with the right psychological and physical attitude, cope with the first contact with the client and win him over, put him in the right mood.

To do this, you need to implement 3 main actions:

  1. Greetings. Politely and kindly wish you a good day.
  2. Performance. Provide your name and the name of the company you represent.
  3. Acquaintance. Find out from your future client how you can approach them.

If the client meets you halfway and introduces himself, in fact he subconsciously agreed to a detailed presentation of your product, and it is very likely that such contact will result in a deal. You can safely move on.

Stage 3. Identifying needs

It must be said that at this stage you have to not only identify, but also independently formulate the client’s need. After all, he may not even know about the product you offer. To do this, they most often use the awakening of purchasing motives. Absolutely every buyer has such motives. There are five of them in total:

  • Quality.
  • Safety.
  • Convenient to use.
  • Improving your own life.
  • Financial savings.

It is necessary not only to identify, but also to independently formulate the client’s needs.

The need for novelty is also sometimes highlighted. This motive is additional, since it is not present among all purchasing groups (usually among young people). A striking example of the implementation of such a motive are new products in the world of radio electronics. Buyers are literally sweeping the latest models of smartphones off store shelves.

By asking questions in a way that potential client could tell you as much information as possible about himself and his problems, you will be able to form an opinion about what motive would be easiest to awaken in him. Don't forget that there are no wrong answers. If you are not satisfied with the answer to a question, then the question was formulated incorrectly. Listen to the client and you will hear him.

Based on the client's problems and needs, you should proceed with the presentation in such a way as to awaken the maximum possible number of motives. This will allow you to close the deal faster.

Stage 4. Product presentation

This is a relatively simple stage, the essence of which is the correct presentation of information about the product. You must form it on the fly, based on data from the previous stage of the conversation.

The presentation should follow the classic scheme: property - benefit or property - solution to the problem. By telling the client about certain properties of the product, you simultaneously demonstrate how many of his problems will be solved.

Do not forget to focus on quality, ease of use, economic feasibility and the uniqueness of your offer. Once you have given the client detailed information, you will have to move on to the most difficult part of the sale - dealing with objections.

Stage 5. Dealing with objections

An incorrectly chosen word at this stage can jeopardize the entire deal. Be extremely careful. Follow a strategy that includes the following sequential steps:

  1. Active listening. Listen to the client, understand the essence of his objection, use the effect of presence.
  2. Joining. To overcome a client’s negative reaction, you must first agree with him and join his point of view. Immediately after this, without taking a break, continue the conversation with a counterargument. If they tell you there is no interest, say that the offer is unique.
  3. Clarification. Don’t be afraid to ask clarifying questions if the reasons for the client’s objections are not clear to you.
  4. Arguments. Give arguments to dispel the client’s doubts and uncertainty about the properties and quality of the product, as well as the company’s image.

To overcome a client’s negative reaction, you must first agree with him and join his point of view.

Stage 6. Closing for sale

To sell, you need to offer to buy. This is an immutable law of sales, without which there will be no transaction. This also has its own subtleties.

After all, you won’t be satisfied with a negative answer? To get an affirmative, ask the question in such a way that it can only be answered “yes” or “no.” This will dramatically increase the chances that the conversation will close on a deal. Applying the rules of three “yes” also often works. You must ask 3 questions sequentially, so that the client definitely answers yes to the first two. The third question is to ask if he is ready to make a purchase right now. You can also use additional incentives in the form of information about limited supply.

And finally

We tried to give you an idea of ​​the main stages of active sales. As can be seen from all that has been said, this process requires high speed thinking and prompt response to changing situations in a conversation. Your manager must be 200% ready.

In active sales, you need to measure every step. The client's mood may change, this also needs to be taken into account. Be sure to conduct training. Practice everything in game situations typical situations that your managers may encounter.

Long preparation and hard work will bring you high levels of sales and good income, but be prepared for the fact that this path is not easy. The stages of active sales in trade are a necessary basis of knowledge that every sales manager must learn.

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  • The success of any business depends on the ability to communicate with customers and potential buyers. There is a tool for this - active sales. What is this - a set of techniques or a systemic mechanism? How to master the art of active sales and what determines the success of mastering their techniques?

    The essence of active sales

    Active sales is most often referred to as a complex process associated with the market sale of a product or service: searching for a client, determining his needs, creating an attractive offer, negotiating, making a deal and subsequent communication with the client. Their main difference from passive sales is that the latter do not imply reaching the buyer - he comes himself.

    It is important that the company employee involved in the above-described cycle of interaction with the client understands the specifics of his position, knows what active sales is, that this is not just cash and settlement work, but a sequence of deliberate actions aimed at business growth. The ability to not impose, but to sell goods and services is important - the buyer should feel like a partner, first of all. Here the manager will need a whole set of personal qualities - the ability to negotiate, find compromises, find common interests with the client and maintain a friendly mode of communication.

    The subtle art of active sales

    Experts believe that the most important qualities of a manager involved in the sale of goods and services are the mastery of working methods, the willingness to identify which active sales techniques are most effective, and also to build a systematic model for their use. So, for example, having successfully used a technique that allowed you to start a telephone conversation with a client (in which the interlocutor agrees to spend a few minutes to communicate with the manager), you need to be able to interest the buyer, turn him from a potential into a real one.

    In this case, as experts note, it is very important to avoid one cunning trick of the interlocutor. Sometimes the client pretends that communication with the manager is very interesting to him - this mainly happens when such behavior is prescribed by the corporate “code” of the employing company, which implies the priority of politeness. The ability to identify such a buyer is an entire art, and one might say - a separate technique of active sales, a separate type of professional manager’s toolkit.

    How to sell a service?

    A business supplies either goods or services to the market. The specifics of interacting with clients and potential buyers are different when dealing with both sales items. Many experts believe that selling a service is much more difficult, since it is usually impossible to touch, taste, test and simply admire it as a product. Active sales of services is a type of activity that requires specific vocational training. The manager, firstly, must have a real understanding of the capabilities of his employer and not promise the client what the business cannot provide. Secondly, when selling a service, a specialist must take care of the subsequent mechanism of “word of mouth” - that is, achieve not a one-time result of work, but feel future prospects increasing demand. Thirdly, the manager must be able to somehow compensate for the noted shortcomings when handling services (the fact that they cannot be “touched”).

    The best alternative is persuasion, competent and skillful. Another component of success is the ability to tell the truth, the willingness to disclose details about the product or service being sold by a specialist conducting active sales. What kind of brand is this, who produces it, why such a price - the buyer should know about all this.

    Frames sell everything

    As a business grows, there comes a time when a new division is needed in its structure - an active sales department. It is important for management to choose the right path to forming this part of the company and, most importantly, staffing it with qualified personnel. Much depends on the current tasks assigned to the business and the conditions for solving them.

    For example, during the analysis of the situation, management decided that it was necessary to actively attract new clients. Accordingly, it is necessary to select people who have extensive experience in working with cold calls. Another option is that there is a very low level of brand perception on the market. Hence the task is to focus on repeat sales so that each client has a permanent association with the company’s goods and services. the main problem in the formation of a staff of sales department managers - determining the number of specialists, the scope of functions and the level of responsibility. Experts recommend that businessmen, on the one hand, start with small amounts of work with little effort, and on the other, keep a stack of resumes ready so that, if sales go well, they can call on new people.

    Profession - manager

    Actually, the main thing actor in communication with the buyer, this is the manager. Experts identify several human qualities necessary to qualify for this position. Firstly, a manager must have motivation, which depends on his attitude to work, temperament, and the ability to set himself up positively. Secondly, this is a wide range of personal qualities - maturity, self-confidence, emotional stability, flexibility, the ability to find compromises and solutions in non-standard cases, the ability to negotiate. Thirdly, the manager must have the ability to interest the client commercial offer, possess techniques for bypassing the client’s attempts to avoid dialogue. Countering objections is the most important in this vein. professional quality, since most clients are initially not inclined to start communicating with a stranger. A manager must be able to negotiate the most important thing - the price of the product or service being sold.

    When saying “no” is part of the job

    A manager engaged in active sales is a person who, perhaps more often than people in most other professions, hears objections, denials, and other attempts by his interlocutor to avoid constructive dialogue. The ability to adequately perceive the word “no” is the most important quality of a sales specialist. Experts recommend that novice managers, firstly, treat denials as part of the job, as the norm, and secondly, learn to take such phenomena not too literally. The client often says “no” not because he has unequivocal objections to the purchase of goods and services; sometimes this is a psychological phenomenon that reflects specific human emotions. There are common cases when a person who has refused a manager one or more times subsequently becomes regular customer companies. It is important, experts say, to avoid an automatic attitude towards a positive answer - this will help the sales specialist avoid psychological discomfort in cases where the client says “no”.

    The best manager is a quiet “scout”

    An extremely important quality of an active sales manager is the ability to ask questions to the client, “reconnoiter” the profile of his needs, and identify psychological and personal characteristics. Experts note that a limited percentage of specialists have this ability, and therefore this skill can become good competitive advantage for the novice salesperson. The art of asking the right questions closely intersects with the ability to avoid voicing unnecessary phrases.

    Therefore, if a manager is naturally talkative, this will certainly help him in his ability to become a “scout”, but it may hinder him in building a meaningful, constructive dialogue with the buyer. When communicating with a client, a sales specialist should speak only to the point, identifying what the interlocutor really needs, and, what is important, be able to listen to the client. It is important to make it clear to the buyer that time-consuming questions are asked for a reason. The buyer should not feel constrained, but on the contrary, should see the benefits inherent in such a phenomenon as active sales. That this is not just an attempt to sell something, but a method of building mutually beneficial relationships.

    Learning is light

    Mastering the basics of active sales is not only practice, but also theory, diligent study of various proprietary techniques and materials. Among the sources popular among Russian managers are books (including in audio format), the author of which is Nikolai Rysev.

    “Active sales” is the name of his works. They have been published in several editions and are written in a very simple and understandable style. They contain an in-depth analysis of several dozen strategies successful sales, there are illustrative examples from practice. This book is a real find for trade specialists of various specializations. Sellers, commercial representatives, managers, executives, and even directors of various departments can read it and learn a lot of useful information.

    Self-development is the key to success

    The manager who managed to implement systems approach to his profession, gains access not just to a set of disparate techniques - he has in his hands an entire technology of active sales, which can be scaled into many areas. Achieving such status implies, first of all, self-development. It lies in the ability and, most importantly, the desire to learn and master something new in sales.

    If an active sales manager knows how to prioritize these phenomena, this will allow him not only to improve himself, but also to correctly assess changes in the environment and work with new external factors(for example, if specific type demand for a product or service has fallen or the target group of clients for some reason has lost their solvency). Another important property of a “sales person” is to know your product, its objective strengths and weak sides. The client must receive reliable information about the products or services purchased - this is an important condition for a long-term relationship between him and the business.

    Hello, friends! Overly active trading, in fact, is a significant problem for many traders, especially for those who trade on low time intervals. I note that this moment appears if your trading is aimless, in other words, it is not clear how you trade, what instruments you trade, what do you use a trading system and, in general, what is the motivation for trading. Today we will try to understand this issue in detail and consider solutions, since any active trading must also be measured. A significant aspect in this matter is the fact that you must clearly understand when your trading crosses the boundaries and becomes excessive.

    I more than doubt that you have a constant dependence on trading, therefore, it would be useful to clearly determine what time is most suitable for you and at what moments you are capable of losing control of yourself.

    It is by identifying those moments when your actions in the market are most rational that you will be able to fully cope with the factors when your active trading goes beyond any boundaries.

    In order to fully determine when it is necessary to stop, it is advisable to select for yourself a certain criterion when it is better to stop trading, for example, this role can be played by the number of transactions or trading volume.

    That is, you have determined that it would be optimal to make 10 trades a day; accordingly, the 11th trade cannot be opened, since it will be overly active trading. Now let's take a closer look at why traders can be extremely active in the market.

    Excessive interest and emotions

    This moment is noteworthy because the trader, while trading on the market, is filled with various emotions, he is fascinated by the process itself, and he no longer trades for profit. Exactly the same point is typical for playing in a casino.

    Roughly speaking, you must clearly understand that if trading is of purely emotional interest, then in the future you may develop some kind of addiction that will resemble a game.

    If you want to make money in the market, then this approach needs to be changed, your actions must be verified, and in this case There should be no room for unnecessary emotions.

    Of course, no one forbids you to play for the sake of playing, but you need to clearly understand that in the long run such an approach will not give success.

    Lack of a trading system

    If a trader does not have a clear system, then, accordingly, he does not have a plan when it is necessary to trade. In this case, every directional movement in the market causes him an irresistible desire to open a deal.

    At this moment, traders are overly carried away by the pursuit of transactions, and thereby open contradictory positions, that is, when a downward trend has begun, the trader will open a purchase. At such a moment, an obsessive thought may form, as if someone is watching the person’s actions.

    There is only one way out of this - creating your own trading system, because unsystematic active trading is a direct result of losing your deposit.

    Are you bored

    The market is a dynamic environment; there are moments of active movements, but there are also times when the market can mark time.

    During this period, a trader may have been sitting at the monitor for a long time; of course, during this period he may simply become bored. This moment can be especially stressful for novice traders, or those who are more chasing emotions than profit.

    Again, you need to clearly answer yourself why you came to the market - for emotions or money?

    Urgent need for money

    In my opinion, this is the most terrible situation within the market. When you constantly need money, this is, of course, a very strong emotional state, although it is negative.

    This is due to the fact that any of your actions will be determined solely by the thirst for money, and not by compliance with your own system. The relationship between your own financial needs and the efficiency of the system is a priority issue; there is no need to chase profit just to buy some trinket.

    If you manage to take actions that regulate your desire for money, then you are clearly progressing.

    Fierce Enthusiasm

    If you talk to any newbie, you will be surprised how motivated and enthusiastic they are. You may be surprised that enthusiasm is largely positive quality, yes, of course, but every coin has two sides.

    The bottom line is that excessive enthusiasm and motivation prevents you from soberly assessing the situation, and within the market this is extremely important. Of course, maintain your motivation, but direct it into something creative, look for something new, develop.

    Lack of patience

    Traders with a lack of patience will always overtrade! This is because they will seek to take advantage of market entry opportunities that conflict with their trading system, or are not part of it.

    Again, this is unsystematic trading, which will lead exclusively to losses. It must be understood that developing patience is an extremely difficult task that will likely cause a large number of difficulties, but this path must be overcome, otherwise there is no need to expect positive results.

    The desire to get even

    I think you have often encountered a situation where a trader, after receiving a loss, wants to immediately earn his money at any cost. Of course, the idea of ​​working off your losses is correct, but the subsequent actions of traders in this aspect are irrational.

    Roughly speaking, the desire to win back will overshadow common sense; it is logical to assume that the trader will open transactions that are not within the scope of his system.

    In this case, you need to act differently, if during active trading actions you lost a lot of money, then in this case you need to take a certain break from the market. This break will allow you to cool down and, after a while, re-approach trading with a cool head.

    Extreme fatigue

    If you are very tired, then you simply won’t have the energy to make decisions wisely, and there will be a lack of self-control in your actions.

    Again, the way out of this situation is very simple, take a short break, get enough sleep, pay attention to your diet, and when you feel a surge of strength, return to trading again.