Public Relations (PR) Public Relations (PR). Public relations activities carried out by local governments Public relations activities

"Public Relations" a system of measures aimed at ensuring mutual understanding, mutual goodwill of the bank and the public, which is already being implemented within many credit institutions.

The term "public relations" was proposed at the beginning of the century by the third US President Thomas Jefferson, the creator of the Declaration of Independence. With these words, he characterized people who are competent in managing public opinion. Of historical interest for us is the opinion of one of the founders of "public relations" Ivy Ledbetter Lee. In 1906, he sent out his historic "Declaration of Principles":

“This is not a secret press office. All our work is done in the open. Our goal is to give news. But this is not an advertising agency. If you think that any of our materials would be more suitable for your advertising department, don't use it. Our content is accurate. For any of the issues covered, you can get Additional information, we are happy to help any editor personally verify the accuracy of any of the facts mentioned. At the first request, any editor will be able to obtain comprehensive information about those on whose behalf the article is being distributed. In short, our goal is to be frank and open, on behalf of the business community and public institutions, to provide the press and the US public with timely and accurate information on issues of value and interest to the public. Corporations and public institutions spread a large number of materials in which the element of novelty is lost. But despite this, it is just as important for the public to receive this information as it is for the institutions themselves to disseminate it. I distribute only those materials, the authenticity of which I myself would be happy to help anyone verify.

This announcement marked a revolution in the relationship between business and the public. The dismissive attitude towards the public, which had previously been commonplace, began to be supplanted by the desire to inform the public.

One of the best existing definitions is the Institute of Public Relations (IPR), created in the UK in February 1948, adopted the still valid (albeit with some additions made in November 1987) definition of “public relations”. It reads like this: « Public relations -- it is a planned, ongoing effort to create and maintain goodwill and understanding between an organization and its public.”, where the “community of the organization” refers to employees, partners and consumers (both local and foreign).

Mexican Statement delivered by representatives of more than 30 national and regional public relations associations in Mexico City on August 2, 1978. It says: "Public relations is the art and science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, making recommendations to the management of organizations and implementing programs of action in the interests of both organizations and the public.

Sam Black, in his book on public relations, prefers a short and comprehensive definition: "Public relations is it is the art and science of achieving harmony through mutual understanding based on truth and full awareness.”

Dr. Reke Harlow, San Francisco's oldest public relations specialist, studied 472 different definitions of "public relations" and developed his own: "Public relations -- this is one of the functions of management, contributing to the establishment and maintenance of communication, mutual understanding, location and cooperation between the organization and its public. They include the solution of various problems: provide the management of the organization with information about public opinion and assist it in developing response measures: ensure the activities of management in the public interest; keep it in a state of readiness for various changes by anticipating trends in advance; use research and open communication as the main means of action. Black S. Public Relations - what is it? M., "News" 1990. - With. 17-25.

In fact, "public relations" is one of the elements of the bank's marketing department, aimed at expanding existing and developing new sales markets.

The concept of public relations includes:

Anything that can conceivably improve mutual understanding between banks and those with whom banks come into contact, both internally and externally.

Activities aimed at identifying and eliminating rumors or other sources of misunderstanding.

Activities aimed at expanding the sphere of influence of the bank by means of appropriate propaganda, advertising, exhibitions, video and film screenings.

Any action aimed at improving contacts between people or organizations.

Target"public relations" -- the establishment of two-way communication to identify common ideas or common interests and achieve mutual understanding based on truth, knowledge and full awareness.

The normal activity of a PR consists of four distinct but related parts:

Analysis, research and problem statement.

Development of the program and budget.

Communication and implementation of the program.

Study of the results, their evaluation and refinement.

These parts are also called the RACE system: Aleshina I. “Public relations” for managers and marketers. M., 1997 - With. 179-181.

Research - Research,

Action - Action,

Communication - Communication,

Evaluation - Evaluation.

The implementation of public relations in practice can be divided into three conditional groups: Utkin E.A. Bank marketing: M., 1995. - p.222

Active actions to achieve goodwill. This includes creating and maintaining a good public attitude towards the activities of the organization in order to ensure its normal functioning and expansion of activities.

Reputation Preservation. It is equally important to take a closer look at the internal life of the organization in order to discover and abandon traditions and customs that, while perfectly legitimate, may nevertheless come into conflict with public opinion or damage mutual understanding.

Internal Relations. The use of "public relations" techniques to create a sense of responsibility and interest in the affairs of the administration among the employees of the organization.

In addition, here you can indicate the attraction of skilled workers, reducing staff turnover, charitable activities. Charitable activity implies not so much the gratuitous allocation of funds for good deeds, but the costs of solving specific tasks to increase the authority of the company. Especially important is the correct choice of the object, a qualified forecast of the consequences, including moral ones, the observance of a sense of proportion and tact, and the establishment of control over the use of funds.

Various methods are used to achieve benevolence. The main ones are:

Building relations with the press.

Since a lot depends on the position of the media associated with the bank, every possible assistance should be rendered to the representatives of the press.

Usually, the necessary information materials and responses to requests are prepared for them. The marketing department has to keep track of information about the bank that appears in newspapers, magazines, etc., and take measures to correct errors in publications. Press releases are very effective - brief, rich information about a specific problem. The organization of visits to the bank, its branches by reporters is also effective.

Using the printing features(typography, fonts, paper, etc.). Experience convinces us that when mailing bank prospectuses, each packet should look like it was sent only to this addressee.

Creation of corporate identity.

Taking advantage of photography for illustrations, etc. Special attention here is given to the aesthetics of the photo.

Film and audiovisual media, preparation of films, film clips. Each of them should count on some specific purpose, provided for a specific audience. It is obligatory to assess the possible real effect in comparison with the costs;

oral propaganda- bright, concise, impressive speeches of the bank's leaders at various forums. In addition, it is very important how telephone conversations are conducted on behalf of the bank - the answers must be extremely polite and competent;

Advertising prestige- information to the public about the bank's contribution to improving the economy and improving people's well-being. Everyone should know what benefit it brings to society. Job advertisements, scholarships, competitions, bank-backed awards, and other sponsorship promotions may be used to achieve these goals.

public opinion research, market reactions. The collection, generalization and analysis of relevant facts makes it possible to correctly assess the current situation.

More and more importance advertising in Moldova buys, so it is necessary to stop here.

Advertising - this is a means of information about the bank or the services it provides, commercial propaganda of the consumer properties of the services provided to the clientele and the merits of the bank, preparing the active and potential client to expand business contacts with the bank. W/ Goold, T. Barrel. Banking: Strategic guidance. M., 1998 - p.212.

study of consumers of services to be advertised;

  • 2. study of the characteristics of the market to be mastered;
  • 3. strategic planning in terms of setting goals, defining market boundaries, securing funds and developing creativity and media planning;
  • 4. making tactical decisions on cost estimates when choosing advertising media, developing publication schedules and broadcasting announcements;

In doing so, it should be noted that:

advertising acts as a multifunctional phenomenon. It can stimulate the spending or accumulation of money, goals high or low, paid or free actions on behalf of the most different sources, for any audience and for a variety of reasons;

informing the public about the great contribution that the bank makes to the welfare of the country;

providing information on topics that interest people, while the name of the bank as a sponsor is simply mentioned.

In addition to direct access to the consumer, there are other ways to build public relations through advertising:

Announcements about scholarships, competitions, awards;

Job postings, etc.

Depending on the nature and characteristics of the advertising material, stages life cycle banking products and tasks that are set for advertising at a particular stage, it can be informative, persuasive and reminiscent. Utkin E.A. Bank marketing. M., 1995 - p.228.

For example, potential clients first, they need to be informed about the benefits that they can gain from the new banking service.

the consumer's beliefs and opinions are associated with the acquisition of consumer experience. Advertising will not gain credibility if it does not respond to previously formed beliefs, interests and assessments;

if it is revealed that this advertisement corresponds to the views of consumers on this product or service, then without its repetition, with positive information from other consumers, it will be ineffective. Therefore, the client must periodically meet again with this advertisement;

One of the main tasks of the public relations department is the choice of the optimal means of distributing its advertising message. The banking market uses and impersonal media advertising, for example:

Each of these tools has its own distinctive features, has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

3.2 Measures to improve the work of the public relations department

As new models of integrated communications programs are developed, it is important that all sub-functions of public relations - public affairs and corporate, financial relations, media and employee relations, as well as PR marketing - are included in these new models of communication planning and organizational structures.

For companies that are in a critical situation, it is very important that the general communication program be integrated. IMC is not an alternative, but a requirement for many communication managers who work in companies where senior management insists on communication coordination. The problem, then, is who will manage such a program, which leads to disputes such as the dispute over imperialism. It is then that turf struggles begin to erode the ideal of integration, a factor that was clearly identified in a study by Tom Duncan and Steve Yvrett in the Colorado faculty and reported in Journal Advertising Research, which found self-love and turf struggles to be the first barriers to integration.

But there is more than this struggle. In media discussions, the old judgment ("I have money left in this budget, so I must spend it or I'll lose it") should be replaced by a cross analysis of goals and objectives and the tasks that can best achieve the goal. Instead of arguing about what should come first: advertising, marketing or public relations, whether public relations should be included in marketing, or whether marketing and advertising professionals understand the full breadth of public relations, it would be more useful to look at management requirements and obstacles.

Interdisciplinary management skills are the biggest obstacle in IMC. It seems obvious that no one can be an expert in the various fields of communication. What is required, however, is an understanding and appreciation of the contribution that each of the areas can make - in other words, a general view is required, as opposed to the career ladder that most people choose when they achieve success by becoming "experts" in some area. Given that many organizations today are policy oriented across borders, effective management also requires understanding and appreciation. marketing strategy. The person in charge does not need to have an MBA, but everyone should have at least some experience in marketing. In managing an integrated communications program, however, leadership is more important than expertise or specialized skills.

The point of the article is that PR in particular is attuned to the focus and goals of the IMC and that they contribute as much as they benefit from the concept of the IMC. Since the IMC is aimed at the overall corporate or brand image, it is important to look to public relations for a broader understanding of how impressions are created. To factors organizational communication such as engagement, motivation and engagement are often addressed in PR programs and PR practitioners may be the people in an organization who are most qualified to work as change agents - decisive task in the creation and management of IMC programs.

In other words, the IMC program in Colorado speaks to the need for a full breadth of public relations for integrated communications programs. Public relations has many opportunities to contribute - much of the IMC is, in fact, based on PR theories and practical PR experience - but much also needs to be learned from the IMC concepts regarding ways to expand its reach and develop more effective strategic planning, as well as better effective implementation of these plans.

Having studied the organization of the work of the Department, the following problems can be identified:

1. The main PR activity is limited to interaction with the media, as well as the release of a news bulletin, as a result of which the department interacts only with some target audiences.

2. When studying the job responsibilities of the employees of the department, the same areas and functions of activity were identified, so it is very difficult to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the public relations department.

To solve these problems, we can offer the following ways to optimize the work of the public relations department:

In order to carry out the activities of the public relations department, it is necessary to improve the regulatory document regulating the activities of the structural unit "Public Relations Department", which can reflect the directions, goals, tasks, functions, rights, responsibilities and fundamentals of the activities of the public relations department.

The Public Relations Department can function in the following areas:

· Form, correct and change public opinion by means of persuasion in order to strengthen the influence of the administration;

· Primarily inform the population about the activities of the administration (goals, objectives, directions, social politics, traditions, cultural characteristics, etc.), as well as maintain friendly relations with him;

To form a sense of belonging among the population to the activities of the administration;

· Form and maintain a positive image in the eyes of the internal and external public.

The position of the public relations department can include the following tasks:

· Constantly form and maintain the image, including the business reputation of the administration through PR-campaigns.

· Prepare and present to the management of the administration information and analytical materials on the state and prospects for the development of the organization's relations with the public.

· Introduce new methods and forms to improve the organization of the work of the public relations department.

Participate within their competence in the preparation and announcement management decisions administration guides.

· Improve the skills of the organization's employees in the field of PR.

Also, the public relations department can perform following features:

· Study. It implies the collection, processing and analysis of economic, public, political and social information, the identification of factors that may affect the activities of the administration and its perception in public opinion; conducting content analysis, as well as exploring the possibility of cooperation with specialized organizations providing services in the field of PR

· Informing. It includes the preparation of information and analytical materials on the activities of the administration in the field of public relations, the distribution of information and advertising materials on the activities of the administration.

· Planning. It includes the development of the concept of foreign and domestic policy of the administration in the field of public relations, the development and implementation of promising and ongoing programs aimed at the effective implementation of public relations of the administration, the development of the official website of the administration and other information materials as well as budgeting.

· Organization and implementation. Provides constant and effective two-way communication between the management of the organization and various groups of the public, the media, legal entities, forms a favorable socio-psychological climate within the organization.

· Expert. Interaction with specialized organizations providing services in the field of Public Relations, coordination and control of their activities in accordance with the terms of the contract.

· Coordinating. It implies coordination of actions of the PR department with other structural divisions. May include: development and planning of the organization's advertising strategy, carrying out individual activities aimed at its implementation; with the marketing department to solve the problems of sales and provide information and advertising support in the development and implementation of the concept of promoting goods and services on the market.

For each employee, it is necessary to develop job descriptions. The instruction should define the general functions of the specialist's activity (which will help ensure the interchangeability of employees), as well as specialized ones, in accordance with the area of ​​the specialist's PR activities.

Job Responsibilities The head of the public relations department can be the following:

Purpose of the work: Development and coordination of a set of measures for the formation and maintenance of public relations, providing the necessary profitability and profitability of the administration, integration of the efforts of all entities interested in achieving the goals, formation and maintenance of a favorable image of the company in the eyes of the public.

Main directions:

1. Development and implementation of strategic and detailed plans in all areas of PR activities within the framework of the tasks set by the management of the administration. Determination of the role of all stakeholders in achieving the set goals, mechanisms for their integration into the overall concept of PR activities.

2. Development of a PR idea for the administration, reflecting the essence of the tasks, as well as the development original ideas news background of the administration and mass actions.

3. Control over the implementation of action plans by department employees.

4. Observation of the external environment and analysis of public reaction to the activities of the administration in order to develop measures that contribute to the achievement of the main goals of the work.

5. Forecasting socio-political processes in aspects, one way or another related to the activities of the administration.

6. Communication with leaders who create public opinion - politicians, cultural figures, etc.

7. Preparation for coordination with the management of the budgets for the work.

8. Economic distribution and control over the use of financial resources.

9. Approval of the selection of third parties to conduct necessary work.

10. Analysis of the results obtained during the implementation of a set of PR activities and the effectiveness of PR campaigns in general.

11. Development of reporting standards for the PR campaign.

12. Operational control over the daily work of the PR department.

13. Providing assistance and providing consultations at the request of internal structural divisions of the company.

14. Development of the PR section when preparing the company's business plan.

15. Development and maintenance of the image of the head of administration.

General Job Responsibilities of a Public Relations Specialist.

1. Performs work on the implementation of the information policy of the administration as a whole and its individual stages, makes proposals for its adjustment.

2. Participates in the development of specific plans for the implementation of the internal and external information policy of the administration.

3. Provides constant work and maintains contacts with journalists and members of the public, acquaints them with official decisions and orders of the administration / organization, prepares responses to official requests, monitors the timely distribution of information materials.

4. Develops the content and organizes the holding of briefings, press conferences and other events and promotional events held with the participation of journalists and members of the public, provides their comprehensive information and organizational support.

5. Prepares press releases and other information materials for journalists, texts of publications and messages in the media, monitors electronic and print media, participates in the preparation of information and analytical materials for internal use.

6. Participates in the development of the form and content of information and advertising materials, prepares texts for corporate edition.

7. Participates in the preparation of assignments for sociological research, preparation of final reports.

8. Perform work on the collection, storage, use and dissemination of information materials and the compilation of the database of the administration.

9. Contributes to the efficient operation of internal communication channels between administration departments.

10. Submits proposals for mass events, special projects, sponsorship and other public actions that ensure the reputation of the administration.

11. Ensures the implementation of the decisions of the head of the public relations department, informs him in a timely manner about the current progress of work and results.

Government Relations Specialist (GR) job responsibilities may include the following:

Identification and analysis of the needs of the administration in the field of interaction with authorities state power.

· Coordination of building relations between the administration and public authorities.

Job responsibilities of an internal corporate PR specialist may include the following:

· Maintaining the spirit of a single and cohesive team of professionals united by a corporate idea or philosophy;

strengthening personnel, search and identification of talented employees;

Prevention of personnel leakage and neutralization of conflict situations in the team;

Implementation of the "safety valve" function - in the course of informal communication, emerging problems or a crisis are revealed;

participate in the further development of a sense of corporate pride among employees;

· further development of corporate culture;

improvement of quality and quantitative indicators staff performance by creating and using additional (non-material) opportunities to stimulate employees.

Apart from job descriptions The activities of public relations officers may also be regulated by the following normative documents:

press and media law, copyright; orders and orders of the top leadership of the administration within its competence; Regulatory and methodological documents of the administration on the documentation support of management; the composition of information that is an official and commercial secret, the procedure for its use and protection; labor safety instructions; “Internal labor regulations for personnel.

To attract talented and active potential personnel, student competitions among universities, as well as special events within the administration, can be used.

You can resort to the help of a PR agency in the following cases: conducting deeper analytical work, assistance in holding large-scale special events.

Local self-government is a form of exercise by the people of their power, providing an independent and under their own responsibility decision by the population directly and (or) through the authorities local government issues of local importance based on the interests of the population.

Given the social nature of the activities of local governments, public relations are designed to be carried out taking into account social responsibility, which also reveals the moral component of public relations in local governments.

Priority direction in work with the population is an activity aimed at involving this group in the implementation of state and local programs. The population in their actions is guided by personal preferences and circumstances.

Project "Developing rest for our children"

The project "Developing rest for our children" implies the holding of the action "Useful business - good vacation"and the game" Zarnitsa ".

The duration of the project is 5 months.

Start of the project 01.04.2011

End of the project 01.09.2011

First of all, the action "Useful work - good rest" will be held to attract public attention. The essence of this action is that at school children do a socially useful thing (plant a tree, help veterans, etc.), all this is recorded in a special album, which is passed on from school to school.

The game "Zarnitsa" is held monthly, includes several areas: historical, local history, sports, educational. As part of the fundraising campaign, there will be special coverage in the media. Carrying out these events will allow focusing public attention on the problem of organizing children's developmental recreation, and, accordingly, on the activities of the Administration of the Rural Settlement "Bychikha Village". After that, you can start a direct search for funds.

Tasks: to develop a model for attracting resources; raise funds for camps; stimulate the activity of representatives of the population in solving the problems of civic education of children; to raise awareness of the community about the activities of the Administration Rural settlement "Village Bychikha".

Methods: collection of private donations; collection of private donations from employees of commercial companies.

Before starting the actual implementation of the project, it is important to prepare all the necessary information. This is the development and writing of the project, the compilation of a sponsorship package, the preparation of information booklets, forms with details, the preparation of letters for schools, the coordination of promotions, the preparation of a package (album, instructions) for the action "Useful business - good rest", coordination with museums.

On preparatory stage it is necessary to think over and strengthen the existing style, logo, perhaps a motto and draw up a minimal information package. It will include the following components: a press kit, black and white forms, a booklet on the activities of the Administration of the Rural Settlement "Bychikha Village", a multi-color poster, a portable stand for placement at various events, badges, diplomas of competition winners and other printing products.

Implementation of the project "Developing rest for our children"

Holding a press conference "Developing rest for our children". It is planned that they will be attended by the Deputy Minister for Youth Affairs Khabarovsk Territory and other public figures of the City Administration and the Administration of the Rural Settlement "Bychikha Village". Topics for discussion: the problem of camps, the importance of patriotic education, the role of the Administration of the Rural Settlement "Bychikha Village" in organizing children's leisure, the announcement of the launch of the campaign "Useful work - good rest" and the game "Zarnitsa".

Duration - during the entire period of the project. It is necessary to place the made copies of the completed transfer forms Money in all branches of Savings Banks. In order for the method to be effective, it is important to inform the public through the media about the ongoing fundraising campaign, to place posters "Developing holidays for our children" directly in banks.

The probability of receiving charitable (or sponsorship) assistance is higher, the more accurately the sponsored organization determines its place in business environment the company to which she turned for help. Therefore apply for financial assistance better to the organization whose mission is at least indirectly related to solving the problems of children's leisure or patriotism. This facilitates the negotiation process, as both parties are interested in solving these problems.

With this in mind, the main organizations that can be contacted for support were identified.

Table 3.1 Organizations involved in project support

The organization is a potential donor Direction of activity Possible sponsorship option
"Rainbow arc" chain stores, including Child's world» stationery for camps
Printing company "RIF"* Polygraphy production of information booklets
Network of branded stores "Medved" selling travel equipment set of tourist equipment for field camps
Stroymarket "Megastroy" Construction Materials providing paint for painting a motor-sail vessel
Shop "OBI" grow and sell seeds, seedlings provision of seedlings of flowers for landscaping the city during the campaign "Good work - good rest"
Framing workshop "Leonardo" frame production assistance in the design of the exhibition of photographs and drawings
Family Pharmacy LLC Pharmacies provision of first aid kits for field camps
Network of stores "Tkani" fabrics, accessories providing fabric for making glory garland and tailoring ties
Shop "World of Adventures" goods for hunting and fishing provision of new ropes and for competitions in knitting marine knots
Shop "Book World" book store books at a discount for gifts, help in the implementation of a collection of poems

Using the following tool - an article in a newspaper - is effective only in the event of a collision with the most urgent, critical situations, when it is necessary to raise money for the treatment of a child, help veterans and the disabled, support prisoners. Thus, this tool should be used in a slightly modified form. It is important not to publish an article-appeal for help, but to draw public attention through the media to the problem of children's recreation.

Therefore, work with the media should be systematic. First of all, it is necessary to identify information sponsors who will provide large-scale support in the process of implementing the campaign. Regional and local newspapers were involved as information sponsors. This choice is due to the large circulation, high ratings of these newspapers and a large number of publications on a social topic. TV channel "Dal TV" pays great attention to lighting social sphere: Numerous reports about children's camps and rallies, orphanages and boarding schools, about veterans, about search and rescue teams. Radio stations "Europe +", "Our Radio", "Russian Radio" often act as information sponsors. It is also necessary to establish contact with other media so that the coverage of the activities of the Administration of the Rural Settlement "Selo Bychikha" is not one-sided.

Obviously, all used during the campaign will be much more effective if they are actively covered in the media. Therefore, information about the activities of the Administration of the Rural Settlement "Selo Bychikha", about the holding of various events and the problem of organizing children's leisure should be disseminated in various forms. For the radio, these are five-second commercials, announcements, news, and a series of reports. For newspapers and magazines - a reader's column, appeals to readers, articles about the importance of maintaining developmental recreation for children, a page of poems about patriotism, materials about the socially useful deeds of children. For television - a ticker about the upcoming event, social videos, announcements of hosts, programs on a given topic, as well as a series of reports about camps and rallies organized by the Administration of the Rural Settlement "Bychikha Village".

Table 3.2 Campaign budget

Event Necessary materials Responsible Resources
Campaign "Useful business - good rest" Album, Seedlings, inventory Ivanov I.I. 70 thousand rubles budget of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Volga Travel LLC
Conducting the game "Zarnitsa" Stationery, sports equipment, gifts Funded by the Ministry of Education and Youth Affairs
Accompanying every event Printing products - letterheads, booklets, certificates, etc. Krupnova N.V. Attracting sponsors
Holding press conferences Hall rental Smorodova E. P. Arrangement with a news agency
Work with the media Preparation of materials Krupnova N.V., Smorodova K.P., Matseralnik D.A. Accommodation is free, materials are methodologists
70 thousand rubles from the budget of the Administration Rural settlement "Village Bychikha"

It is natural that unforeseen expenses will arise during the implementation of a fundraising campaign, so it is necessary to have reserve money. Since the CCI has its own accounting department, unlike most similar organizations, it will be quite realistic to allocate a certain amount.

The result of the campaign will be evaluated according to the following criteria: whether the planned resources have been received, whether relationships with potential donors have been established, whether sponsors have been involved in the implementation of the camps. The main result, of course, will be the planned camps.

The following recommendations should also be taken into account. The relationship between the state organization and the population can be roughly divided into three categories: routine, positive and external. For each category, it is possible to create a relationship plan or even a strategic action plan.

Routine relationships are the result daily work government agency e.g. dealing with non-payment of bills for public utilities, fines, obtaining licenses, etc.

Positive ones include the functions of the state to educate, encourage and reward various groups of the population. For example, awarding outstanding person in the town.

External relationships arise when people are invited to participate in the work of a government organization or make recommendations.

Another form of meetings with the population are meetings at which a representative of the state structure gets acquainted with public opinion on a specific issue directly in the process of presenting it. The negative aspect of this form of meetings is the inability to follow, for example, the agenda and follow the entire procedure, as an opinion may arise in the process of discussing the problem. Moreover, not everyone will be able to take part in such meetings. existing groups population.

Alternative ways community interactions:


"Welcome" packages offering discounts on city utilities

Annual reports, newsletters, publications

Cable TV or computerized communication

Awards received by citizens and awards from groups of the population received by officials

Links with local associations

Opportunities for citizens to participate in the work of a department or committee

Organized activities in parks and other public places

Cultural events

Voluntarist organizations such as "Friends of the Library"

Links with business associations.

Informal news letters. Weekly unofficial letters will allow the elected person to keep abreast of events and upcoming projects, and prevent conflict situations. Such a letter may consist of both legislative news and interesting facts about the public.

Control of complaints. An elected official receives a huge number of complaints, which are further dealt with by subordinates and informed of the results.

Personal contact. Despite the importance of formal documentation, telephone communication is much more effective. Others prefer to communicate in weekly informal meetings.

financial information. Elected bodies receive from officials financial information and recommendations on actions to be taken in a particular area. Monthly information is provided regarding the expenses and income of the body, financial forecasting. The task of employees to correctly evaluate financial position and propose further prospects for the financial development of the organization. Discussing the organization's budget for elected officials is one of the primary tasks, the appropriate solution of which will allow him to enlist the support of his subordinates until the next election.

Efficient Management personnel will allow the organization to function effectively. In this process, various methods are used, of which the most popular are the following:

One on one. The most fundamental type of communication. It is recommended to use a calendar of meetings with each of the employees, for example, during lunch breaks, during which you can listen to the wishes of the staff.

Group meetings. For group meetings, it is necessary to determine the agenda and purpose of the meeting in advance for staff to prepare comments on the issue. It is recommended to invite employees from different positions in the organization to the meeting.

printed information. Most organizations inform their employees through brochures, letters that come to them along with the salary envelope, but most often such information is ignored. This type of interaction is considered ineffective, therefore, in recent times organizations save their resources and do not inform employees in this way.

Video. Communication through video recordings is becoming the most practiced way. Video cameras record meetings for later playback to a larger audience. The video is used to explain complex situations such as a budget crisis. Some structures use interactive video conferences to train employees, establish a dialogue between managers and subordinates.

Periodical publication of the board of directors. It is planned to distribute periodicals in the information centers of the organization, crowded corridors in order to notify the widest possible audience. If an employee receives a letter of thanks from the public, it is recommended to include it in this publication to improve communication between the board of directors and employees, to inform external environment to which these periodicals are also addressed.

Email. E-mail is a fast and inexpensive way to send messages, reducing the daily workload telephone lines. Efficiency depends on the number of users who have access to the system.

telephone systems. Telephone "hot" lines usually distribute recorded and "live" messages on specialized programs, projects, crisis situations. For example, in one state company 30 employees with access to the phone system received a weekly announcement, then each of them sent their comments to the "main" phone, which were then processed and presented to managers in the form of an analytical note.

State structures can use several methods to assist the media in the process of disseminating information about this structure.

Media representatives should be provided with a calendar of events implemented by the state organization. The calendar is useful because it allows editors and reporters to distribute the work of reporting on a given organization. The calendar is less informative than a news release or announcement of an event, which, when requested by journalists, reveals the essence and problem of each of the events.

The next way is to distribute the program of the meeting or meeting of directors (agenda), to which journalists are invited as passive or active participants. Journalists, analyzing the agenda, decide which meetings or gatherings they will attend and inform the person in charge of the event about this.

A few days before the meeting, materials on the history of the issue are sent, which allows reporters to study the problems of the issue and formulate abstracts that will be announced at the meeting. The public authority should, if possible, disseminate as much information as possible. The result will be that the population receives accurate, complete and comprehensive information about the problem.

PR - managers of the state structure should organize a personal meeting of journalists with elected representatives (deputies) and top-level managers, who can provide an expert assessment of the problem.

After the event, it is necessary to arrange a phone call, during which reporters will comment on the event and its organization, request Additional materials or asked to arrange an interview.

A news release or announcement of an event should be formatted appropriately for the type of media and sent to the person responsible for the newsgroup.

Newspapers. While the style and format of daily and weekly newspapers may be similar, the organization of staff and the way in which the government agency and newspaper staff interact differ. The daily newspaper's staff is larger and specialized, so there are several editors and reporters to contact. The weekly newspaper is aimed at a wide audience, has a greater influence on the opinion of the population, the nature of the articles is more loyal. The organization of contact methods differs depending on the type of newspaper: federal, regional or city. In city or regional newspapers, it is enough to send a message to one editor. In federal newspapers, it is recommended to carry out mailing to various departments.

Radio. Contacts with radio news channels will be more extensive and multifaceted than, for example, with stations broadcasting popular music, which require short and precise reports without expert commentary. There are two types of news releases to send: "big political news" and "break news". Radio reporters use news releases as a background (history) and usually read them, for example, before broadcasting live from a conference. In this regard, the news release should be easy to digest by ear.

The television. The public relations department should be in constant contact with the news editor and reporters covering the news in this sector of public life. Unlike radio and the press, television requires a visual impact to the event. If there is none, the likelihood of broadcasting the event on television is low. For television, the topic of opening a new pavilion at the zoo is more interesting than the reorganization of the municipal bank. Press conferences and other events that take place in the morning are more likely to be covered on television than evening meetings of department heads, as the number of cameramen and cameras decreases in the evening. It is more efficient to invite television to the press center and report the actions taken over a certain period to present information in an information review, where visual support is not required. It is necessary to organize the participation of representatives of the state body in talk shows, in analytical programs.


When writing the presented thesis work, the literature on the functioning of public relations departments of state non-profit organizations was analyzed and structured.

At the beginning of the 20th century the birth of professional PR-specialization. This is due to the strengthening of "big business", whose representatives in the eyes of the general population had a negative reputation as people who were ready for any violation of laws and morality for the sake of profit. The main task of PR was precisely the establishment of friendly relations between the business class and the rest of the population, overcoming misunderstanding between them, distrust and envy.

Political PR began to develop in the era of representative democracy, when it became necessary for political leaders to convince the widest circles of voters to vote for them. Modern political PR is no longer limited to creating a favorable image for individual politicians or political parties. In the era of globalization, international PR is developing, aimed at achieving mutual understanding between citizens different countries despite cultural differences. Its reputation depends on the image of the country, to which foreign investors and public opinion of other countries react. Therefore, the activities of modern diplomats necessarily include the organization of public events that glorify the achievements and culture of their country.

Establishing effective public relations ("public relations" - PR) is an integral part of modern style management in state organizations and local authorities in Western countries. The main task of "public relations" is the formation of public opinion on a wide range of issues related to the activities of the government and local authorities, economic development, changes in interstate relations, as well as conducting relevant research and collecting statistical data. Specialists today have over 500 definitions of the concept of "public relations". According to many experts, the most successful of them is contained in the Mexican statement, which was made by representatives of more than 30 national PR associations in August 1989 in Mexico City: "public relations" is the art and science of analyzing trends in the development of public relations, as well as issuing recommendations to the management of organizations and the implementation of action programs in the interests of both organizations and the public

The development of public relations and the democratization of society and the need to improve the efficiency of public administration led to the development of public relations. Modern development public relations in local governments in Russia due to external and internal factors. External factors can be represented by four groups: the transition period of the Russian political system; rReform of local government in Russian Federation; territorial conditionality of the implementation of local authorities; institutionalization of public relations. In addition to external factors, internal conditions should also be highlighted: the structural design of this type of activity (public relations in local governments is carried out within the framework of information and analytical departments, press services, public relations departments) and the purpose of public relations in the activities of local authorities self-government, which, in our opinion, is the implementation of the intended political discourse, that is, the creation of a kind of specially constructed "picture" that is formed in the public mind regarding the activities of local authorities. For this, a complex of the following means is used: communications with the media; connections with the local population; organization of public receptions; website of the city administration and the head of administration; periodic reports to the voters of the local administration; exhibitions, meetings, conferences, special events ( international festivals, competitions).

State organizations have always had the "advantage" of limited budgetary resources. It was these budgetary constraints that required these organizations to use riskier and more risky public relations. original ways compared to commercial firms. In the early 1990s, Harvard Business Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter advised American businessmen to do more with less.

In essence, the goals of PR in most government organizations are as follows.

Increase the visibility of the organization's mission.

Develop channels of communication with those served by the organization.

Create and maintain favorable climate to attract investment.

Contribute to the creation and preservation of a socio-political climate that is conducive to the implementation of the mission of this organization.

Inform and stimulate key driving forces organization (employees, volunteers and board of trustees) to continuous and productive activities in support of the mission of the organization

Frank Jeffkins offers his model of a PR program, composed of six components: situation assessment, goal setting, audience definition, channel selection mass communication, impact techniques, budget planning, results evaluation

The projects developed by the Administration of the Rural Settlement "Selo Bychikha" are aimed at improving the functioning of the social and economic sphere, that is, their implementation should contribute to improving the life of society as a whole. In this regard, it would be reasonable to inform the general public about the activities of the Administration.

List of sources used

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1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation: [adopted on December 12, 1993]. - M.: Os - 89, 2008. - 48 p.

2. the federal law"About mass media" from 18.07. 1995, No. 108-FZ (current version)

3. Federal Law of December 27, 1991 N 2124-1 "On the Mass Media", Chapter IV. [feder. law: adopted by the State. Duma on December 27, 1991: as of December 25, 2008, as amended. dated February 9, 2009]. – M.: Eksmo, 2009. – 34

4. Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, article 3. [feder. law: adopted by the State. Duma on July 8, 2006]. - M.: Omega - L, 2007. - 19 p.

5. Federal Law of July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 FZ "On Education", article 24. [feder. law: adopted by the State. Duma on 07/10/1992: as of 02/13/2009]. – M.: Eksmo, 2009. – 96 p.


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3. Budaeva V.K. Theory and practice of public relations (Imageology): Training program. - Ulan-Ude: ESGTU Publishing House, 2007

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18. Krivonosov A.D. Fundamentals of PR (the science of public relations): a textbook for universities / A.D. Krivonosov, O.G. Filatova, M.A. Shishkin. - St. Petersburg: Rose of the World, 2008. - 410 p.

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They are frequent guests there, they perform in different audiences, including in front of teachers. The latter can judge the level of modern requirements for PR-education by the criteria of the All-Russian student competition in the field of developing public relations "Crystal Orange" and materials published in professional publications. I think all these factors combined will help teachers...

Evaluation of the effectiveness of public relations; providing case study PR applications. The object of the research conducted in this abstract is public relations, and the subject is their essence and conditions of use. With regard to research methods, it is advisable to use qualitative methods in this study. Information will be analyzed...

Not alone in using the new philosophy. Marketing research, direct sales, retail and sales to organizations in various industries increasingly rely on modern Information Technology. Consumers, suppliers, and company personnel benefit from this. 3. Public Relations Public relations, or public relations (PR), is the creation of good ...

The organizational work of PR involves the special holding of individual, sometimes large-scale, events and promotions: holidays, competitions, festivals, awards, the preparation and conduct of which must be carefully planned.

Special events are events held by the company in order to create a positive image of the organization and attract public attention to the company itself, its activities and products.

Modern public relations theory considers special events as an important tool, since, being an effective means of communication with target groups, they provide the attention of a wide audience.

A special event is a carefully planned action that takes place as part of an overall communication program and, as a rule, is one of its “key” stages. It is at this moment of the special event that the maximum filling of the information field around the object is possible.

Companies and people can solve their problems in different ways. One of these ways is through events. By gathering people in one place, the organizers get the opportunity for direct and personal interaction with the target audience.

An event is a type of human activity that involves meeting and interacting different people limited in time and associated with the implementation of certain general goals.

A PR specialist is able to turn a special event into a significant event for the target audience, giving it an emotional coloring. In turn, understanding the importance of the planned event by the public will contribute to the growth of its interest. Thus, the indicated value of the event, disrupting the usual course of life, will bring the necessary popularity, attracting the attention of the media.

Special events are designed to disrupt the routine, habitual course of life in the company itself and the environment, to become an event for various community groups. In order for the event to be successful, more serious preparation is needed than is usually assumed by the audience, participants, and invitees. It is necessary to clearly define the purpose of the event, agree it with all interested parties and bring it to the attention of all participants in the preparation of the event. This will help to avoid divergent actions and achieve fundamental coordination of efforts. The preparation of special events involves determining the circle of participants and their roles, the composition of those invited, the development of a detailed program and a scenario scheduled by the minute. All possible options for deviation from the scenario must be foreseen in advance. Events should not get out of control.

Often a special event is timed to coincide with special corporate dates and events, which makes it possible to double its effectiveness, in addition, there is a wide field for creative activity. For example, when releasing a new product, a company may hold a series of presentations not only for the target audience, but also for suppliers, wholesale buyers, local administrative bodies. The organization of a special event is not only aimed at attracting the attention of the public media. More important goals are:

  • - creation, maintenance and development of a positive image of the company and its product;
  • - interaction with target public groups (including maintenance of internal corporate relations)
  • - receiving feedback, which allows you to analyze the effectiveness of activities and strategies;
  • - demonstration of the level of development of the company, the scale of its activities and strategy;
  • - Creation of an additional source of information about the company.

The objectives of special PR events come down to two important points: ensuring the constant presence of a commercial structure in the information field and additionally attracting the attention of journalists and wide target audiences to the company, its products and services.

Large PR agencies are armed with a whole arsenal of special events, varying depending on the specifics of the target audience or product, the required scale of promotions, the season or the allocated budget. Many of them play a supporting role and are an integral part of another large and large-scale PR campaign that lasts several days or weeks. Brilliant implementation example integrated program PR of this kind on a global scale is a campaign conducted in 1994-1995. by Microsoft in connection with the promotion to the market and in the community of Windows-95. This campaign also affected Russia, including individual actions in St. Petersburg. At the end of August 1995, a bright “Windows-95 Holiday” took place in the St. Petersburg House of Journalists. Seminars and presentations were held in the large and small halls of the mansion on Nevsky Prospekt, in which publishers and journalists of computer publications and the media took part. The film "Microsoft 2005" was shown with comments by the head of the corporation W. Gates. And in September, Microsoft's subsidiaries operating in St. Petersburg held a festival dedicated to the parent company in Repino, a resort suburb of St. Petersburg, at one of the prestigious recreation centers. The festival was attended by representatives of city authorities, leading banks, business press, representatives of other regions. During the festival, sectional conferences were held (“Networks and Technologies”, “E-mail and Automated Group Work”, “Office Applications”, “Programming”, “Databases”, etc.), at which, among other things, the necessary explanations were given on technology solutions and prospects for the work of the company.

In addition, the participants of the festival were able to get answers to their questions from the representatives of the company, to hold negotiations.

Thus, a special event in the field of public relations is a carefully planned and organized action, carried out according to certain parameters using various rituals, which is an effective means of influencing the target audience, and is also carried out in order to attract the attention of the media, customers to the organization. , sponsors.

June 2004

Special PR events are large group PR campaigns, actively used in cases where there are no sufficiently solid news stories that can interest the media and ensure the flow of positive journalistic materials about the commercial structure and its products.

The tasks of special PR campaigns come down to two important points: ensuring the constant presence of a commercial structure in the information field and additionally attracting the attention of journalists and wide target audiences to the company, its products or services.

PR-specialists are guided by a simple truth: "nature does not tolerate emptiness." If a product or service ceases to be in the public eye, its place will immediately be taken by competitors. To prevent this from happening, various creative developments and original technologies developed by agencies or consulting firms are used.

Large PR agencies are armed with a whole arsenal of special events, varying depending on the specifics of the target audience or product, the required scale of promotions, the season or the allocated budget. Many of them play a supporting role and are an integral part of another large and large-scale PR campaign lasting several days or weeks. An example is an exhibition, where, in addition to the main task of demonstrating the latest products, the issues of active interaction with target audiences through contests, quizzes, lotteries or auctions are solved.

For example, auctions with drawings of Formula 1 car racing accessories are very popular on the Internet: helmets, goggles, gloves and other accessories for pilots, individual units of racing cars. Naturally, the media actively support special promotions, covering their main stages and presenting the final winners.

If larger interaction with target audiences is needed, various festivals, competitions, holidays, special days, weeks, months, etc. are organized within the city or region. In Moscow, City Day, Moscow Half Marathon, St. Patrick's Day, Beer Festival, Ice Cream Festival have gained great popularity.

If for a wide audience in order to stimulate interest in special promotions a number of prizes are used (household appliances, tourist trips abroad, corporate souvenirs), then for specialists or experts they select PR promotions that are directly related to their professional activities - scientific forums , congresses, conferences, symposia, seminars on a socially significant topic.

For public comment actual problems, of interest to the general public, various public debates, or talk shows, are organized on radio and television. Talk shows with the participation of not only ordinary citizens, but also authoritative experts, analysts or public opinion leaders have the highest popularity ratings. The effectiveness of such events is especially high if the organizers of the talk show manage to link the discussion to the public significant problem with the introduction to the market of any product or service of a commercial firm capable of solving it.

Presentation events
Presentations have gained great popularity almost from the very beginning of public relations in Russia. Already in the late 80s and early 90s, the first PR people and young PR agencies began to massively make noisy presentations on the market of the first commercial structures of the private sector. Structuring and division of presentations into various types occurred later, as the specialization deepened and the scale of domestic business grew.

From the point of view of the subject that is presented to the target audiences, the following types of presentations are distinguished:

    the most common type is the presentation of a product or service;

    especially often used by commercial structures, due to intense competition, constantly introducing new types of goods or services.

Regular launch of new products on the market with the help of bright and memorable events ensures a good influx of buyers or customers, and thus allows the company's products to stay in the conquered market niche.

The technique of effective presentation of a product or service is usually owned by PR departments and PR agencies that promote mass-market goods intended for sale in millions of copies: food, cosmetics, clothing, household chemicals or household appliances. The rapidly changing fashion and tastes of buyers / consumers are forcing PR specialists to develop and improve more and more sophisticated techniques and technology of this type of presentation: with a change in consumer qualities or product design, the technology for delivering it to target audiences through the media or public events also evolves.

The need for a presentation of a commercial structure is most often associated with three reasons:

    creation of a business structure, as they say, from scratch and the need to be presented to a wide audience for the first time - potential customers, media, investors, suppliers, partners, dealers and distributors;

    the entry of a commercial firm into new markets where it is not known at all and where it does not yet have a stable business reputation;

    renaming or formation of a new commercial organization as a result of the merger of several commercial structures.

The presentation of personnel is still a relatively rare PR action in Russia due to the insufficiently serious attitude of a significant part of Russian business to a well-thought-out personnel policy, explained by an overabundance of labor in some regions. Abroad, in reputable companies, the introduction of a new highly qualified manager with an impressive track record to target audiences (media, authorities, experts, the business community) is always staged with great fanfare: this directly works to create a positive corporate image and increases confidence in the company.

The presentation of the city as a PR campaign has become widespread due to the gradual integration of Russia into the world community and the global market, as well as the inclusion of a number of our cities in the struggle for major economic or image projects that can bring significant economic dividends.

The mayor's office of the capital of Russia in the last two decades has been actively presenting Moscow as a city capable of hosting or hosting prestigious international events. Suffice it to recall Moscow's applications for readiness to host the Olympic Games, the World Youth Games, Formula 1 car races, the Expo-2010 World Exhibition, the European Football Championship, and so on.

The presentation of the region is most often carried out at major exhibitions in order to demonstrate its high economic or cultural potential, investment attractiveness or the establishment of mutually beneficial ties.

The presentation of the whole country is usually organized at large international exhibitions, for example, at world exhibitions of the EXPO category organized by the International Exhibition and Fairs Bureau.

From the point of view of the scale and features of the presented product, presentations are conditionally divided into two large categories: beau-pre and tea-presentations.

Bo-pre presentations (from the French beau monde - high society, they are also called salon presentations), are arranged to promote a piece or unique product / service among selected and limited audiences. Usually they are used to promote particularly complex and expensive goods or services that require a trained audience: exclusive collections of clothes from world-famous fashion designers, exclusive real estate, unique investment projects, etc.

Thea-presentations, or theatrical-spectacular presentations, on the contrary, are widely used among commercial structures that produce mass production and designed for large target audiences. Often, theater presentations are accompanied by entertainment shows, concerts of pop stars, sports competitions designed to attract future buyers or clients as much as possible.

From the point of view of public relations, exhibitions and fairs are complex events that unite entire groups of fairly effective PR campaigns for interacting with target audiences. The exposition work plan includes not only showing the latest product samples and direct work with potential customers, but also a number of related events:

    press conferences or briefings (ideally, it is desirable to "light up" the commercial structure and its products at least twice - at the general press conference of the organizers on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition or summarizing its results and at a separate press conference held by the company independently;

    seminars or workshops for specialists;

    questioning target groups in order to identify opinions or interest in products and the company as a whole;

    exclusive media interviews;

    promotions, samplings, tastings and demonstration tests;

    distribution of corporate souvenirs and promotional products with a brand or company logo (pens, notepads, stationery, plastic bags);

In relation to the venue of the exhibition, they are divided into mobile (mobile) and stationary. Mobile small-format exhibitions usually do not have a permanent location, while stationary ones gravitate towards large exhibition centers (in Moscow, these are mainly the All-Russian Exhibition Center (former VDNH), ZAO Expocentre on Krasnaya Presnya, the Sokolniki cultural and exhibition center, the exhibition center "Gostiny Dvor", the exhibition complex "Rosstroyexpo" and a number of others).

Depending on the subject, exhibitions are divided into thematic (expositions are united by one narrow theme), specialized (representing one industry) and universal (dedicated to various socially significant topics).

Corporate PR events Such events represent a large block of various promotions and intra-corporate events aimed primarily at the internal audience of commercial structures: employees of the company, members of their families, pensioners - former employees companies with a long history. Often, related target groups are also involved in corporate events, on which a successful economic activity, comfortable conditions on the market and the financial well-being of the company: shareholders, investors, suppliers, distributors, authorized dealers, representatives of industry associations and associations. These shares are an important part of the overall corporate policy business structures, so the regularity of their conduct is carefully observed.

In some cases, they are independently carried out by forces corporate department Public Relations and Human Resources (Human Resources). For example, at McDonald's, a whole team, consisting of the HR department, the production department and the PR service, organizes holidays. At the end of each year, in a special brainstorming session, they jointly develop a plan for original events.

In other cases, when the holiday is of a mass or large-scale nature, requiring the coordinated work of many services, the services of an external agency or a specialized firm are used.

Main goals corporate events in the field of public relations:

    creating the spirit of a single and cohesive team of professionals united by a corporate idea or philosophy;

    strengthening the staff, search and identification of talented employees;

    prevention of personnel leakage and neutralization of conflict situations in the team;

    implementation of the "safety valve" function - in the course of informal communication, emerging problems or a crisis are revealed;

    developing a sense of corporate pride in the company among employees;

    further development of corporate culture;

    improving the qualitative and quantitative indicators of personnel performance by creating and using additional (non-material) opportunities to stimulate employees.

Company Day is one of the most popular PR events among the staff of commercial structures. Its formal goal is to solemnly celebrate the anniversary of the establishment of the company, and the informal one is to give the company's employees at all levels the opportunity to get to know each other better and communicate with each other in an informal setting, which is extremely difficult to do in a highly regulated work rhythm.

One of the popular slogans of the festival is “We are all a single family, united by a single goal and a single corporate culture.” Large companies country houses holidays, boarding houses, river cruises, etc. Some companies have even picked up “branded” places in Russia for themselves - Kuskovo (Procter & Gamble - Russia), Pirogovo on the Klyazma reservoir (Unilever), Vinogradovo (Liggett-Dukat).

The program of "family" corporate holidays is usually unpretentious: various competitions, sports competitions, honoring the best workers, lotteries, presenting gifts, a concert of pop stars, and, of course, a festive banquet. If the date is an anniversary, then the scenario is given a more thoughtful look: the main events should be united by any one idea, designed to emphasize the peculiarity of the past period in the history of the company.

Informal communication of the company's employees in an environment free from business rhythm and fuss actually helps employees of corporate PR departments to get to know the staff, their problems, interests and wishes to create a more favorable working climate in the company.

This is especially true for commercial structures that have a wide network of divisions in various parts of the city or even the whole region: it is on corporate party you can communicate with employees of the company, standing at different levels of the corporate ladder.

The “hot line” for personnel is created by the “Employee relations” sector of the corporate public relations department in order to timely identify and resolve problems or issues that arise within the team of the business structure. The line can be operated via the telephone network, via an internal corporate electronic network (Intranet) or an external electronic mail network (Extranet).

This form of intra-corporate communication is most effective in large teams where it is difficult to keep track of changing public opinion, especially if the company has an extensive branch network in different regions or even continents. It is often referred to as a "safety valve" that helps to establish a constructive dialogue and exchange of opinions within the company and avoid crises in personnel matters due to constant feedback.

The celebration of anniversaries, anniversaries and anniversaries is traditionally dual in nature, as it is often organized for two different target audiences. Vntrikorporativnoe celebration is often closed and held mainly for staff and closest friends of the company. Journalists, representatives of local authorities, local business elite, public opinion leaders, experts are invited to celebratory events for external audiences, as they are often used to create an additional information occasion (in this case they can be classified as special PR events) and receive additional features"positively highlight" the activities and achievements of the company in the market.

The annual meeting of shareholders is one of the most time-consuming PR-events for interaction with a special target audience - the shareholders of a commercial structure. The specificity and complexity of developing, organizing and holding such an event is largely related to the following key factors:

    Within its framework, several independent diverse actions are carried out at once: individual work with journalists-shareholders who came directly to the meeting annual meeting shareholders, a press conference following the meeting, exclusive interviews of the new Chairman of the Board of the company with the most significant media, presentation of the new management of the company to the main target audiences, etc.

    Where the business structure is open joint stock company, it is not always possible to accurately calculate the behavior and voting decisions of shareholders who come from all over the country and are not always well informed about the situation in the company.

    A large series of large and particularly significant PR documents is being prepared for the annual meeting of shareholders: the annual report, the informational “Shareholder Folder”, the report of the chairman of the board, the address of the chairman of the board to shareholders, the final press release or statement for the press, the script for the annual meeting of shareholders and the subsequent press conferences, photography script, etc.

    And, finally, the general political significance of this event: the new strategic course of the new management, the new personnel policy, are having a decisive impact on the work of the corporate public relations department. It is not uncommon for new management to appoint a new head of their PR department, who is supposed to be the calling card, voice, eyes and ears of the business, at least until the next annual re-election meeting.

Public relations activities carried out by any PR departments are one of the main components of the foundations of their effective functioning. Each organization, one way or another, resorts to holding such events and institutions. municipal authorities authorities are no exception.

PR-events appear long before the very concept and definition was formulated, because exhibitions, festivals and balls, provided to increase prestige and improve the image, have existed for centuries. PR events can be defined as socially significant, targeted, planned promotions conducted by the advertiser or on his order in order to achieve a PR result.

At present, the issues of increasing competitiveness have become relevant for the territory. At the same time, intangible factors, primarily image and reputation, are beginning to play an increasingly important role in providing advantages, which today are becoming real and extremely important resources of the economy. This is due to the growing importance of information to ensure competitive advantage economic and political entities, and these same benefits can be achieved through PR activities.

As already noted, the organizational work of PR involves the special holding of individual, sometimes large-scale, events and actions: holidays, competitions, festivals, awards, etc. Their preparation and conduct must be carefully planned, because all this is a kind of exit into a society where one cannot "lose one's face."

Special events are events held by the company in order to create a positive image of the organization and attract public attention to the company itself, its activities and products. Special events are designed to disrupt the routine, habitual course of life in the company itself and its environment, to become an event for various social groups. For an event to be successful, more serious preparation is needed than is usually assumed by spectators, participants and invitees. It is necessary to clearly define the purpose of the event, agree it with all interested parties and bring it to the attention of all participants in the preparation of the event. This will help to avoid divergent actions and achieve fundamental coordination of efforts. The preparation of special events involves determining the circle of participants and their roles, the composition of those invited, the development of a detailed program and a scenario scheduled by the minute. All possible options for deviation from the scenario must be foreseen in advance. Events should not get out of control. Impromptu and surprises for the organizers of the event should not arise, they should be left only for the public.

Modern public relations activities held in local governments should have their own developed technologies for communication with the local public. To date, there are a number of such technologies:

direct contacts of heads and employees of local self-government bodies with the population: organization of reception of citizens on personal matters by the first heads of local administration and heads of local divisions, visits to supervised enterprises and institutions, formal and informal meetings with their employees, holding various kinds of extended meetings involving those or other groups of the public, holding public hearings, organizing presentations of various projects carried out by the administration, participating in public debates on social problems and etc.;

organization of constant interaction of heads and employees of the local administration with the media: preparation and holding of press conferences, briefings, press tours for journalists, preparation of press releases, collection of materials from public speeches of officials of various ranks, preparation of various materials for the media, photographic materials, preparation of a newsletter local authorities and so on;

public relations municipality; the work of public councils under the head of the municipality, interaction with non-profit organizations, with representatives of various interest groups;

preparation and implementation of special PR campaigns that form a favorable image of the local administration and its first leaders;

preparation of electronic sites.

So, the basis of the work of PR services of local authorities is interaction with the public, in connection with this, local governments are legally recommended to inform citizens about their activities, the practice of concluding annual agreements, which determine the procedure for covering the activities of local governments, is becoming more common. provision of space in print media and time on radio and television for the publication of clearly defined materials.

Types of PR events:

1) Media events

In addition to the mandatory current and regular work with the media through the distribution of press releases, responses to inquiries, personal contacts and telephone contacts, these include: press conferences, briefings, meetings with the media, business lunches, business dinners, presentations for the media , media meetings with company executives, interviews, tours of the organization, special events for the media (field visits), etc.

2) Presentation of products or services

3) Opening (presentation) of the place of sale of goods or services

This event is carried out in the case of the completion of a new construction of a building or the reconstruction of an existing one, which entailed a change in style, architecture or (technological) approach to working with a client.

4) Official receptions

These are events with a strict list of invited persons (or representatives of organizations).

5) Exhibitions, expositions

The task of the company's participation in the exhibition is to develop and consolidate the image of the organization, its products and services, using visual forms, as well as to create public interest in the company's activities and test sales (market probing).

6) Conferences, seminars

7) Sponsorship and charity events

8) Original special events

These are activities that the company develops and implements based on its actual plans and needs - internal and external. Such events can be associated both with a specific date (anniversary of an organization, an employee’s day in a given industry, a calendar holiday), or with a season (winter festivities, “white nights”) and with an event in the life of the company and its activities together with other partners.

9) Promotions using databases

Pre-created databases with segmentation by client type, priorities, buying behavior allow you to target audiences with different characteristics and conduct PR events that are most interesting to these audiences.

10) Other events

As more private PR activities that are included in other PR events, speeches can be considered - at a seminar held by another organization, at a conference, at the opening of an exhibition; reception (buffet) before the start of the event, joint (with the target group) visit to the organization, third-party event.

Carrying out all of the above activities is of great importance for the organization that conducts them. Therefore, in the case when their body is the administration of a municipality, the success of their activities will depend on how these activities are carried out. In addition to assessing the work itself spent on organizing such events, it will be important to build the image of the government body, which in turn will affect support in the elections. And most importantly, the quality of the organization and how this or that idea of ​​the event is implemented and covered in the media will change the image of both the head of the administration and, in general, the territorial unit to which this official is assigned.

PR events are created to maintain the brand and improve the image. The basis of the brand - the identity of the city - must be manifested, embodied in the urban environment and in general in everyday urban life. This requires painstaking work to grow the brand of the city in the urban environment.

A PR campaign includes various tools and means of an enterprise's communication policy. Each event is assigned a specific place, but all methods are directed to achieve a common goal. The PR campaign is particularly effective.

The PR campaign model is structured according to a uniform scheme, and the process of preparing and conducting a PR campaign consists of successive stages:

· Identification of problems, conducting research.

· Program planning.

· Implementation of the PR program.

· Evaluation of results.

The above elements are the components of the RACE system. This abbreviation stands for:

1. Research - research;

2. Action - action;

3. Communication - communication;

4. Evaluation - assessment.

Using the RACE system allows you to take into account the preferences of the public and create a favorable environment for promoting the company's product offerings. However, in order to achieve high results, each stage should be carefully worked out.

Identification of problems, conducting research. At the first stage of preparing a PR campaign, you should conduct a situational analysis in order to correctly assess the preferences of potential customers. To do this, it is necessary to identify and study existing problems, as well as determine the causes of their occurrence. Having formulated the range of problems and unmet needs, it is necessary to outline the boundaries of social groups relevant to these issues. The collected information should be as complete, reliable and of high quality as possible.

Program planning. During the planning phase, the purpose of the program should be clearly stated. The goal should reflect how public opinion should change after the PR campaign. Also at this stage it makes sense to evaluate possible risks, suggest various alternatives for the development of events, predict several options for the consequences, and also decide on a set of measures.

In order for the course of the PR program to be fully controlled by the company, it is necessary to analyze all unplanned situations and problems that can change the course of events and adversely affect the effectiveness of the program. For each such case, options should be developed to optimize their consequences.

At this stage, you need to think through all the cost items and assess the financial capabilities of the company.

Determining the structure of the program and the frequency of communication calls play an important role. Information can be provided in separate blocks in the course of events or be made public in a complex way using different communication channels.

Implementation of the PR program. This stage provides practical use planned means and methods. The success of this stage depends on the development of the previous stages. The totality of all PR activities constitutes a predetermined strategy, which can be viewed from the point of view of the communication process.

Evaluation of results. At this stage, the results of the work done are summarized. Real results are compared with expected indicators. Also at this stage, errors are identified and their causes are analyzed.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the organization of PR campaigns is a complex and time-consuming process. The positive consequences of the implementation of PR programs directly depend on the quality of the used PR technologies. In order for the activities carried out by the municipal authorities to bring exactly the result that was planned, it is necessary to comprehensively use all available means of communication with the population.

In addition, when conducting each PR campaign, it is necessary to follow the developed schemes as clearly as possible, working through each step sequentially.