The scenario for the autumn ball event is interesting. Competitions for the autumn ball. We suggest you make this version of the poster:

Celebration of the autumn ball at the school "School Autumn Television"

The hosts of the evening in strict black trouser suits come out to solemn music.

(Calm solemn melody)

Presenter 1: Good evening, dear friends! Good autumn evening! Oh, no, no, that won't do! It seems that you are not happy about our meeting. You need to say hello cheerfully, loudly, clearly. Let's try again? Hello, fellow schoolchildren!

Presenter 2: Hmmm, unconvincing, unconvincing. Your diet is not good. Is this a greeting?

Presenter 1: So... Good evening...... Hello!

Presenter 2: We welcome everyone to a significant event in the history of world television and our school - the opening of a new cable television channel- School Autumn Television (abbreviated as SHO TV).

Presenter 1: And with you all evening today I am ___________________________________ (F.I.) and I ___________________________________, presenters of the SHO TV channel.

(Quiet calm music (“Long Road in the Dunes”)).

Nowadays no one can imagine their life without television. In shops, on the street, during breaks at school, you can always hear heated discussions of the latest events.

Presenter 2: For some, TV replaces an interlocutor, a friend...

Presenter 1: For some, he serves as the first adviser, an example to follow.

Presenter 2: In general, television is present everywhere.

Presenter 1: Well, we decided not to change our favorite topic, but, nevertheless, we will try to express our own view on the topic of TV.

Presenter 2: And today we have the first presentation in the history of our school of film companies vying for the main award - “Golden Leaf”, which will be presented by respected members of the jury


Presenter 1: So, let's take a roll call! 5th grade? Are you ready to introduce your film company? I can't hear you, repeat! Is 6th grade ready? Wonderful! Everyone is ready! So here we go!

Presenter 2: Now let's take an oath for the participants of the SHO TV channel.

Presenter 1: Have fun from the heart!

All. We swear!

Presenter 2: Dance until you drop!

All. We swear!

Presenter 1: Laugh and joke!

All. We swear!

Presenter 2: Participate and win in all competitions.

All. We swear!

Presenter 1: Share the joy of victory and the prizes received with friends.

All. We swear! We swear! We swear!

Presenter 2: Since everyone is ready, then it’s time to present your film studios.

-6th grade presentation

- 5th grade presentation

DJ: It's time for you to cheer up before difficult challenges! And I, DJ Seryoga, will warm up for you! Are you bored? Now I will ask the audience a few questions, you must answer “You are right!” or “You’re wrong!”, just all together, let’s practice! (Checking the hall, how they can scream)

If the leaf is yellow-red to you
He fell straight up to his feet,
Someone will say this is summer, (Is it summer?)
We will answer!
("You are not right")

What a time of year, what a miracle!
The leaves have completely fallen off
Someone will say It's autumn! (Is it true?)
"You're right"

If it rains and fogs,
If you are sad and sad, (What you need to saddle)
You just need to smile!
"You're right"

You won't find such beauty
In winter, summer or spring.
Autumn is a time of bright colors (Really?)
"You're right"

Everyone scolds the time of year,
Maybe winter will be better right away,
Everyone doesn't like Autumn, right?
What is your answer, are you together?
We will answer!
("You are not right")

Presenter 1: We present to the attention of film companies the program “The Smartest”

Ved. "The Smartest" program: The "The Smartest" program welcomes you! KVA (presentation)

This taskI'll give it in verse. Listen carefully.

Summer morning at the edge of the forest

Frogs croak loudly.

A lot of words, and all the words

They always contain “K-V-A”

In the middle and at the beginning

Both separately and in a row!...

You have come across the words more than once,

Let them talk.

Listen carefully to the riddles and answer one by one. SPECTATORS PLEASE BE SILENT (Annex 1)

Presenter 2: We have completed the “The Smartest” program! The jury needs to deliberate. A little later we will hear the scores for the third competition and the overall score based on the results of 2 competitions.

Presenter (Oksana):

One evening in the garden
Turnips, beets, radishes, onions
We decided to play hide and seek
But first we stood in a circle.
Calculated clearly right there:
One two three four five…
Hide better, hide deeper
Well, I'm going to look.


Presenter 1:. Our broadcast continues to operate. The “Your Own Director” program is taking a break, and you and I will start filming the film.

Presenter (Nastya): Anyone who wants to star in our film, please come up on stage.

We need: wind, moon, trees (3 people), gypsy, stable (2 people make a “roof” with their hands), perch, sparrow, horse, dog, mistress, mistress’s husband (14 people)

Let's do a short rehearsal: The moon is shining (show how you will shine), the wind is howling (if necessary, take a trumpet), the trees are making noise... Dress in costumes appropriate for the role.

Silence in the studio! Is the camera ready? (Operator nods his head).

Is the cracker ready?

Firecracker: Here I am! Take one, frame one and final!

Night. The moon is shining. The wind howls. The trees are swaying. A gypsy thief makes his way between them, he is looking for the stable where the horse sleeps. Here is the stable. The horse is sleeping, he is dreaming about something, he moves his legs slightly and neighs quietly. Not far from him, a sparrow perched on a perch, he dozes, sometimes opens one or the other eye... A dog is sleeping on the street, scratching his ear with his paw in his sleep. The trees are noisy, because of the noise you can’t hear how the gypsy thief makes his way into the stable. Here he grabs the horse. The sparrow chirped alarmingly... The dog barked desperately... The gypsy thief leads the horse away. The dog starts barking. The hostess ran out of the house, groaned and screamed. She calls her husband. The owner jumped out with a gun. The gypsy runs away. The owner leads the horse to the stable. The dog jumps for joy. A sparrow flies around.

The trees rustle and the wind continues to howl... the owner strokes the horse and throws him some food. The owner calls the hostess into the house. Everything is calming down. The dog is sleeping. The sparrow is dozing. The horse falls asleep while standing, he occasionally shudders and neighs quietly... The moon is shining.

Presenter 2:

Oh, guys, hush, hush!

I hear something strange:

Someone is in a hurry to visit us

And it seems... rustling.

Whoever it is, come in

Have fun guys!

1 rustle

Autumn sent us to you.

She asked me to deliver

Riddles, gifts and soon

Hopes to be here herself.

Presenter 1:

We see a basket with gifts.

And who are you?

Believe me, we won't hurt you.

What is your name, dear guest?

Shurshiki together: We aressssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

2 rustling

On the strongest oak branch

I was sitting in a cramped stomach.

The time has come and I'm from there

It flew onto a pile of leaves.

1 rustle

I rushed through the autumn foliage,

And every leaf rustled to me,

And the old oak tree laughed until he cried

And he called me a rustler.

Presenter 2:

Do you know, Shurshik, what Autumn sent in this basket?

2 rustling

Autumn has sent you a whole bucket of acorns, and now we will find out which of you is the most dexterous.

GAME “Pick up an acorn”

1 rustle

Put the acorn on the floor

Show yourself dancing.

The music will stop playing,

We need to grab the acorn quickly!

(Children stand in a circle (two teams after one), walk in a circle to the music, dancing. When the music stops, you need to collect as many acorns as possible).

Presenter: In autumn, the forest sheds its headdress of golden leaves. And we, on the contrary, put it on. Something warm. We are changing our wardrobe. Everyone knows such names as Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Valentin Yudashkin, Pierre Cardin, Yves Saint Laurent. And today we will try to discover new stars in the horizon of Russian design. So, we are starting the “Fashionable Verdict” program. The task for our participants is this: you are given two rolls toilet paper, while the music is playing, you need to come up with an original outfit and then demonstrate it.

DJ. You recognized me? In front of you again I am DJ Seryoga! You must answer my questions together and in chorus “Yes!” or not!". Is everyone clear? Let's rehearse: Yes! (Everyone responds - Yes!) No! (Everyone in the hall - No!). The answer to my questions is always only “no” or only “yes”! Let's go!

Is ice frozen water? (Everyone shouts accordingly - yes!)

Does the old grandfather go to the nursery?

Does he take his grandson there?

Wednesday after Friday?..

So much for you! I thought it was Saturday! Okay, let's move on!

Do rockets have wheels?

Is a tiger a predator or not?..

What do you think, like a bunny, eats carrots and cabbage?

Does the hare have a beard?

Yes?! It's the goats who have a beard. And hares go to the barbershop to shave!

Should there be sun?

Should there be friendship?

Should I stop this evening?

How to stop this? Everything is just in full swing!

(Leaves stage to music)

Presenter 1:

We again turn the floor over to our jury. Please announce the results of past competitions.

Presenter 2:

And now we invite team captains to the stage. They will have to fight in the amazing autumn competition “Thunderstorm!”

Presenter 1:

The conditions of the competition are as follows: You need to put on autumn clothes and pick up an umbrella. During the music you will move around the hall. As soon as the music stops, you need to take off one thing and put it in the place where you are standing. When the “Thunderstorm!” signal sounds, you must quickly put on all the things you have taken off and pick up an umbrella. The one who puts his things on the fastest wins.

Presenter 2 (addresses Presenter 1.): Tell me, Lena, I see your hair is very long. Who helps you do your hair?

Presenter 1: My mother, and I also have friends who sometimes help me cope with this task.

Presenter 2: And you know, among our participants there are also guys who can easily create a chic autumn hairstyle. Do not believe?

Presenter 1: I do not believe!

Presenter 2: But in our next competition they will prove this to you! I am announcing the “Young Hairdresser!” competition. Conditions of the competition: eyes, mouth, nose are drawn on the balls. While the music is playing, using colored autumn leaves (the number of leaves is the same!) you must make a hairstyle on the balls, and each participant, running up to the ball, can stick only one leaf.

Presenter 1: We know that every school student dreams of learning more about their teachers, especially their class teachers. We make your wishes come true! Therefore, class teachers are invited to the stage.


(The presenter asks each teacher a question, to which he answers with text on a piece of paper, which he pulls out)

1- Do you hide your ill-gotten earnings from your family?

2- Is it true that cool tutorial- your hobby?

1- They say you check notebooks for a living. This is true?

2- Is it true that you hide from children under your desk during breaks?

1- Do you often have to change your appearance while hiding from the school principal?

2- Would you like to sit in the director's chair?
1- They say that you are writing a dissertation on the topic “Problems of using cell phones while taking exams?

2- Is it true that you are afraid? school bell?

1- They say that you have never deceived anyone. This is true?

2- Legends are made about your beauty and your kindness. What do you think about it?

1- They say that you cannot live a day without a deuce. This is true?


* Yes, and I also dress second-hand.
* No no and one more time no! Although, by the way, yes.
* Yes, and I also do cross stitch.
* Don't push me with your intellect. I saw Putin!
* I’m writing a book about this.
*I'm working on this right now.
* I will answer you, but I will be imprisoned for it.
* I will answer your question only in the presence of my personal lawyer.
* Well, maybe a person has at least one flaw!
* I give out military secrets only in captivity.
*Only by order from above.
*And this is what you know about me?
*Can’t you see it from me?
* That's how fate decreed.
* It's just my genes being naughty.
* I am completely unique!
* Ask the neighbor on the left, he is smarter.
* This is what I live for!
* Come on, I don’t even dare think about it!
*Only at the request of friends.
* This is my secret passion.
* Once a year I can afford it.
* Why does everyone only ask me about this!?
*Will you keep me company?

Presenter 2:
Thank you for your frank answers, dear teachers!

Presenter: And we move on to the intellectual competition “Perertyshi”. We will read for each class in turn various words associated in one way or another with autumn, but vice versa, i.e. not from the beginning, but from the end. And the team must guess what the word is.




Presenter: The time has come for the program “My dear village”. Everyone knows that autumn is harvest time. Now, dear viewers, we will witness a unique harvest of potatoes from our improvised garden!


After all, potatoes are your best friend

A product we really need.

And it’s no wonder she’s here

They call it second bread.

Presenter: Participants in the competition need to transport all the potatoes from their field on a truck, and that’s as many as 6 pieces! Moreover, you can transport only one potato at a time. The speed and correctness of transportation is assessed. Potatoes should not be lost on the road, and the truck should be driven by hand. If everything is clear, then let's get started!

Presenter 1: It's time to check your homework.

Presenter 1: So, we invite the 5th grade film studio to the stage.


Presenter 2: Next we invite the 6th grade film company to the stage.


Presenter 1: Yes, some people had a lot of fun today, while others worked hard and sparing no effort.

Presenter 2: Let's turn to our workers - the panel of judges. What will you please?


Jury Speech

Presenter 1: They say that autumn means sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather... Don't believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way.

Presenter 2: It brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, and brings unique beauty into our lives!

Presenter 1: Autumn has fully come into its own today and we will celebrate its arrival. We thank this autumn for bringing us all together for the autumn ball.

Presenter 2: Winter, spring, summer are ahead... And then autumn again. How many more of them there will be in our lives! We hope that the golden lights of the Autumn Ball will be lit for all of us at our school more than once.

Presenter 1: Our competition program is over. See you again! (Slow music plays)

When using materials from this site - and placing a banner is MANDATORY!!!

Autumn Ball

Used the Autumn Ball script from the website

The purpose of the autumn ball: To cultivate a love for beauty, for nature, for the Motherland. Develop aesthetic taste, a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, the ability to have fun and have fun.

Stage decoration for the Autumn Ball: Autumn flowers, garlands of yellow leaves, branches autumn trees, bunches of rowan berries, on the table in a vase - vegetables, fruits, an exhibition of drawings on an autumn theme, multi-colored balls. On the stage there is a poster “Sad time - charm from the eyes!” At the door there is an invitation poster “Welcome to Autumn Ball!", "We have - Autumn Ball".


1. Wrappers, forfeits. 2. Leaflets with participant numbers. 3. Gifts from Cardin. 4. Apples, potatoes, small watermelon, fruit drink. 5. Scarf, clothes for Cardin, phone. 6. Large sheet.

Homework classes:

A) Model of the autumn season and characteristics indicating its advantages (Write the story about the model on a separate sheet. Read by an assistant from the same class). b) Autumn composition and a story about it: what it is made of, what it symbolizes, its purpose.

Questions, riddles, assignments for phantom lotto “Nadezhda”.


1. I came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves (Autumn). 2. He sees and does not hear, walks, wanders, prowls, whistles (Wind). 3. The beast is afraid of my branches, they won’t build nests in them, my beauty and power are in the branches, tell me quickly - who am I (Autumn). 4. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Leaf) 5. Very friendly sisters, they wear red berets. Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer (chanterelles). 6. They ask and wait for me, but when I come, they hide (Rain). 7. Under the ground, the bird made a cube and laid eggs (Potato). 8. There is a hat but without a head, there is a leg, but without shoes (mushroom).


1. Who picks apples with their backs? 2. Whose cheek is the place of the bag. 3. Birds fly south in the fall - everyone knows this. Are there migratory animals? 4. Which animal dries mushrooms? 5. Which tree leaves turn red in autumn? 6. Where do frogs go for the winter? 7. What animal gives birth to cubs in November? 8. Name the names of songs associated with autumn and sing at least 4 lines. 9. What was September called in ancient times? 10. October has an old name - 11. November has an old name - 12. Which forest has no leaves?

Progress of the event "Autumn Ball at School"

Participants Autumn ball dressed smartly. Everyone has some sign of autumn on their clothes, a piece of paper with a number on it. The music is playing - the calm, slightly sad melody of “Autumn Waltz”. Gradually it calms down. The presenters come out.

1 presenter.

It's a sad time! Ouch charm! I am pleased with your farewell beauty. I love the lush decay of nature, the forests dressed in crimson and gold... -

This is how A.S. Pushkin once expressed his admiration for autumn nature. And I wanted to express my feelings in the words of the great poet.

2 presenter. And I would like to continue with the words of another famous Russian writer and poet Ivan Alekseevich Bunin:

The forest, like a painted tower, purple, golden, crimson, stands like a cheerful, motley wall above a bright clearing. Birches with yellow carvings Shine in the blue azure, Like towers, fir trees darken, And between the maples they turn blue Here and there in the through foliage Clearances in the sky, like windows. The forest smells of oak and pine, Over the summer it has dried up from the sun, And autumn, like a quiet widow, Enters its motley tower.

3 presenter. Autumn... The golden time of the year, striking with the richness of flowers, fruits, and a fantastic combination of colors: from bright, eye-catching to blurry-transparent halftones.

4 presenter. But it’s true, look around, take a closer look: the foliage sparkles like forged gold, multi-colored lanterns of asters and chrysanthemums flash brightly, rowan berries freeze on the trees with droplets of blood, and the bottomless autumn sky surprises with the abundance and brightness of the stars scattered across it.

1 presenter. Sad October stretches out its business card, where the lines of the brilliant Russian poet are written in colorless ink of mists:

October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off the last leaves from its naked branches; The autumn cold has arrived and the road is freezing. ….And the pond has already frozen……

2 presenter. It’s autumn outside now... We call it different things: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of year, it’s the time of harvesting, summing up the results of field work, it’s the beginning of school school, this is preparation for a long and cold winter... And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! AND folk wisdom says: “Autumn is sad, but life is fun.” So let wonderful music sound on this October day, let unbridled cheerful laughter flow like a river, your legs know no fatigue in dancing, let your fun never end!

All presenters. We are opening our holiday Autumn Ball.

3 presenter. The honorable right to cut the ribbon and open our Autumn Ball provided... (the ribbon is cut, music plays, everyone lines up)

4 presenter. Now let's take the participants' oath Autumn ball.

All. We swear!

1 presenter. Have fun from the heart!

All. We swear!

2 presenter. Dance until you drop!

All. We swear!

3 presenter. Laugh and joke!

All. We swear!

4 presenter. Participate and win in all competitions.

All. We swear!

1 presenter. Share the joy of victory and the prizes received with friends.

All. We swear! We swear! We swear!

2 presenter. We talked for a long time, but completely forgot that we had to dance at the ball. Maestro, music!

(Music sounds, everyone dances)

3 presenter. And now we are starting the competition program.

1 competition – literary. Now the lines of Russian poets will be heard, and you name their authors. Everyone who guesses correctly gets a forfeit. Please save them until the end of the ball.

A) Glorious autumn! The healthy, vigorous air invigorates tired forces, the fragile ice on the icy river lies like melting sugar. Near the forest, it’s like being in a soft bed, You can sleep well - peace and space! The leaves have not yet had time to fade, They are yellow and fresh, like a carpet. (N. Nekrasov) b) In the original autumn there is a short but wondrous time - The whole day is as if crystalline and the evenings are radiant. (F. Tyutchev) c) The sky was already breathing autumn, the sun was shining less often, the day was getting shorter, the mysterious canopy of the forest was revealing itself with a sad noise. (A. Pushkin) d) Autumn. It showers our entire poor garden, Yellowed leaves fly in the wind, Only in the distance do they flaunt there, at the bottom of the valleys, Clusters of bright red withering rowan trees. (L. Tolstoy)

4 presenter. And now the competition program is interrupted. We have advertising.

1. Astrologer's predictions: about fashion - this fall they will wear... (a student comes out in a warm jacket) with their hands in their pockets. 2. I predict natural disasters: time and degree of destruction - optional. 3. Tip: if in a closet hung outerwear, there is no free space left, try to hide from loud music in another place. But not at our school, because music is compulsory here. (Music sounds. Everyone dances).

1 presenter. And again our autumn ball continues. I have a box in my hands. There are forfeits in it. We are glad that you came to our ball. And we are looking for students among our guests who have a broad outlook, are talented, and smart. So, we invite you to participate in the phantom lotto “Nadezhda”. We hope that many will want to express themselves. And they will all be awarded with small candy wrappers. (High school students receive forfeits with tasks, questions, riddles. Those who guess correctly receive a forfeit that must be kept).

1. Our fruit drinks quench your thirst well. You can get thirsty by earning money on these drinks. 2. The unique smell of the forest fills your room if you make a fire from spruce branches. 3. Attention! Top designers Our company will paint a fruit and meat still life on your refrigerator. 3 presenter. And now, I think there should be a musical break, because what would an Autumn Ball be without dancing? (Everyone is dancing)

The phone rings.

1 presenter. Hello! This is France! Bonjour, bonjour! Guys, be quiet, Pierre Cardin is calling. Yes, what do you say, very, very happy.

2 presenter. What's happened? Which Paris? What kind of cardan?

3 presenter. Yes, not Cardan, but Carderon. Paris? Probably French?

1 presenter. Oh, darkness. Yes, not Carderon or Cardan. Pierre Cardin is a French fashion designer.

2 presenter. And why did she call?

1 presenter. And he not only called, but also brought his latest autumn collection. Now he will be with us. (Carden enters with his assistants)

PC. Bonjour, yes my gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen. Allow me to introduce my latest models. (Classes present their models, and model assistants - students of these classes - voice them).

2 presenter. Thank you, Cardin is very interesting. An extraordinary collection. Tell me, where can I buy your clothing designs?

PC. Thanks for the question. It comes in handy. I will soon open my salon in your city on Institutskaya Street called “Français”. Come back next fall.

3 presenter. Dear Cardin, we will be waiting for the opening of the salon with great anticipation. And now remain guests at our ball - you and your assistants. Thanks for your showing. (Offers a flower to the fashion designer).

1 presenter.(To the guests of the ball) And also, Mr. Cardin would be very grateful if you would point out the best model, giving him the appropriate message indicating the name. Vote for the participants in writing. Best model will receive a prize from the Maestro. (Musical pause. At the same time, the guests of the ball give Cardin notes with the names of the models whose outfit, in their opinion, is the best).

2 presenter. (Addresses other presenters) Please tell me, do you like coziness, warmth, comfort. Is your home comfortable? (The presenters answer) So our guests tried to make our holiday cozy. To do this, they made a composition from autumn material. They will not only show it, but also tell you what it is called and what it consists of. (Representatives from classes defend their composition. With the help of competent designers - teachers - the best composition is determined. A forfeit is awarded).

3 presenter. Dear guests, please listen to a short announcement. In parallel with our competition program, there is a competition for the title of King and Queen of the Autumn Ball, which students of our school can become. Each of them has leaves with numbers. Each of those present can go up to the stage and write down the number of the person they consider a contender for this title. Now we invite everyone to dance! Maestro, music!

1 presenter. It's time to take a break from dancing. That's why we have a game. You all probably love apples. I hope our members do too.

Game "Who can eat the apples faster." The apples are tied on a rope and the participants' task is to eat the apple without their hands.

2 presenter. Everyone knows how tasty and healthy potatoes are. Very often we all have to both plant it and clean it up. I suggest that the next participants in the game collect the harvest. The game is called "Collect Potatoes". It is carried out as follows: a lot of potatoes are scattered on the floor, and the participants in the game, blindfolded, must quickly harvest the crop in one minute. The winner is the one who collects the most potatoes from the bucket.

1 presenter. You don’t need to prove to anyone that watermelon is very healthy. tasty and beautiful. I invite you to take part in the next game. It's called "Bon Appetit." Each participant in this game, with his hands tied, must eat a share of the watermelon placed in front of him. The one who eats the fastest wins.

2 presenter. We remind you that the competition for the title of King and Queen continues. And now again advertising:

1. Dear schoolchildren! Children's hair salon "Curly Life" low prices will do chemistry for you..., as well as physics, mathematics and computer science. 2. Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! For the first time something new in tourism. Non-stop flight Glukhov-Paris-Glukhov. You will be able to see Paris from the airplane window twice! 3. Ginseng is suggested. Self-search, self-pickup, self-redemption. Detailed map Far East attached. 4. Hurry to make your choice of King and Queen. Since the competition program is coming to an end

(musical pause).

1 presenter. And now the last competition of our ball. Two participants are invited. Competition "Wreath of leaves". Behind better job– prize.

2 presenter. It is announced who became the King and Queen of the ball. (They wear wreaths of leaves) “Dance” competition. Requires 6-8 people. The main prize is a dance with the king or queen of the ball.

1 presenter And now again a short advertisement:

2 presenter. The Prom Queen gives the floor. (it determines the participants in games, competitions, who have greatest number candy wrappers. All of them are rewarded for their active participation).

1 presenter. They say that autumn means sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather... Don't believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. It brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, and brings unique beauty into our lives!

2 presenter. Autumn has fully come into its own today and we will celebrate its arrival. We thank this autumn for bringing us all together for the autumn ball. Winter, spring, summer are ahead... And then autumn again. How many more of them there will be in our lives! We hope that golden lights will be lit for all of us in our school more than once. Autumn ball. See you again! (Slow music plays)

End of the autumn ball scenario

Autumn Ball

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Participants are divided into teams. Each of them is given a card with one of the words - “leaves”, “rain”, “wind” or others. In one or two minutes you need to figure out how to more words, denoting an action and corresponding in meaning to the specified word. For example, what does the wind do? Answer: howls, howls, circles, blows, sways, and so on. The team with the longest list of phrases wins.


Each team of players is given a large umbrella. It is necessary to gather as many people as possible under one umbrella. Only those players whose heads are inside the perimeter of the umbrella are taken into account when counting. It is allowed to raise the umbrella high, take each other in your arms, and come up with other combinations and weaves in order to place more players’ heads under the umbrella.

Fall of leaves of desires

Each guest writes on a piece of paper his wish for this evening, for example: I want to be kissed; I want to be made to laugh; I want to see the focus; I want to be hugged; I want them to dance with me and so on. At the end of the wish, the guest must sign up. The host collects all the leaves with wishes and, on the count of 3, throws them into the hall, and each of the guests at this time must catch one leaf from the fall of wishes. Then each guest reads the wish and the name of who this wish belongs to, and then fulfills it. It will turn out to be an interesting game that will bring the children closer together and, of course, have fun.

Autumn colors

The host hands the player a card of a certain color. For example, orange. The player hides it and tries, without naming the color, to explain to the other participants in the competition what it looks like.
Any pictorial comparisons and descriptions are allowed, but without exact instructions. The one whose color is guessed the fastest wins. But the prize is awarded to the author of the most striking comparison.

Autumn Awards

During the holiday, a vote is launched, based on the results of which at the end of the evening the winners will be determined, who will be awarded prizes or medals.
Examples of nominations:
The most impressive gentleman;
The most luxurious autumn hairstyle;
The brightest diva;
The most active young man;
The most cheerful girl;
The most charming smile;
The loudest boy.

Autumn time is the time of poets

Poetry competition. Participants are asked to come up with two or more rhyming lines using required words. Such words are, for example, “day” and “laziness”, “autumn” and “eight”, “leaf” and “whistle”. The winner is determined by voting. The losers are instructed to print or write the winner's verse on pieces of paper, and the winning poet himself autographs each copy and distributes it to those who wish.

In autumn we pick mushrooms

Participants are divided into teams with the same number of people. The guys from each team stand in a separate row, since the game will advance according to the relay race method. At the same distance from the teams, for each there is a basket with mushrooms in the same quantity (mushrooms can be either real or cut out of paper or made, for example, from polystyrene foam). The first participants hold a rope (bundle) in their hands, on which the teams will string mushrooms. At the “start” command, the first participants run to their basket, take a mushroom and tie it by the leg with a rope, then run back, pass the baton to the second participants, and so on. The team that can string all the mushrooms onto a bunch the fastest will win.

Yellow leaves swirl over the city

The guys are divided into several teams, approximately 3-4 people each. For each team, there is the same “row” of leaves on the table (oak, ash, maple, walnut, apple tree, poplar, rowan, and so on). The team writes on a leaf in sequence the names of the trees to which the leaves belong. Whichever of the guys can do it faster wins.

Autumn nostalgia

The guys stand or sit in a circle, the elimination game begins. Starting with the first participant, each guest in turn names one version of a poem, song or film/cartoon in which there is a mention of autumn, for example, the song of the Lyceum group - “Autumn, Autumn”, Pushkin’s poem “Autumn”, the cartoon “ Gray Neck" and so on. The three participants who stay until the end and turn out to be the best experts on autumn stories will win and receive prizes.

Grapes from your hands

The guys are divided into pairs: boy-girl. Each couple receives an identical bunch of ripe grapes on a plate - one of the symbols of autumn. At the “start” command, the boy takes the girl’s hand in his hand and with the help of this hand eats the grapes, that is, all the movements are performed by the boy, and the girl must deftly tear off the grape and try to get into the boy’s mouth. The couple that eats their bunch of grapes the fastest wins.

Natalia Petrova
"At Autumn's Ball." Scenario autumn holiday for older children

The hall is decorated autumn leaves. In the center of the hall is a throne. Music sounds, children enter and take their places in the hall.

Leading: Here she comes autumn, golden time! Autumn She managed to cover the entire earth with a golden carpet, bare the trees and bushes, and set a lot of work for the grain growers and gardeners. The wheat is ground so that you and I can then eat fragrant, fluffy pies. Our mothers and grandmothers make jam, compotes, and stock up on vegetables for the winter. And mushroom lovers dry and salt them, collecting them in the forest after the rain. No, no matter what you say, but autumn is a wonderful time!

Today we will go on an extraordinary journey to a beautiful fairy tale country, Autumn holiday. You can get there if we say magic words. Close your eyes and repeat me: “One, two, three, open the doors to a fairy tale!” Open your eyes! It seems we are there.

Video on the projector "Away Fairy Tales"

Fanfare sounds. The hall includes three autumn months: September October November (children).

September: Attention! Attention! Today our mother empress Autumn deigned to invite all her subjects and guests to holiday.

October: Attention! Attention! Strict order: have fun, sing and dance until you drop. And whoever disobeys and does not fulfill the royal will will be sad until winter!

November: Attention! Attention! On holiday the empress herself will arrive cheerfully Autumn.

Leading: Yes, here she is! Meet! Music!

Solemn music sounds. The months bow low. Included Autumn.

Autumn: Hello, dear guests, hello! We are glad to see you in our kingdom.

We have a place and a word for everyone. Are you comfortable, dear guests? Can everyone see it, can everyone hear it? Was there enough room for everyone? (children and guests answer)

Well, then let's start our Autumn Ball!

I - golden autumn

Today I'm running the show

Queen of the harvest

Anyone would recognize me.

I am generous and beautiful

And I shine with gold

And now everyone is surprised

I will treat the guests!

Autumn sits on the throne.

Leading: Rain fell on the rowan bunches.

A maple leaf circles above the ground.

Oh, Autumn, again you took us by surprise!

You put on your gold outfit again.

You bring with you a sad violin,

So that the sad tune sounds over the fields.

But we you Autumn, we meet with a smile

And we invite everyone to festive ball!

Children sing a song about autumn- at the choice of the music director.

A noise is heard at the door of the hall. Are heard screams: “You can’t come here!”, “Let me through!”

Autumn: Who dared to disturb our fun?

The months are heading towards the doors. A garden scarecrow runs into the hall with a broom in his hands.

Scarecrow (runs up to the throne, bows low): Mother Dove, our queen! They didn’t order execution, they ordered him to say his word!

Autumn: Who are you? And where? Why in this form on holiday?

Scarecrow: I don't dress according to fashion

All my life I stand as if on watch,

Am I in the garden, in the vegetable garden?

I strike fear into the flocks,

I'm magpies, jackdaws

They are more afraid than a stick!

Autumn: Stop talking in riddles here. Answer the queen's question properly.

Scarecrow: Empress, I’m not some kind of slacker and lazy person. I am a laboring garden scarecrow. All summer I stand in the garden at any time weather: under the sun, wind, rain. I guard the master’s harvest, I don’t sleep, I don’t eat, I work tirelessly! Yes I have too there are witnesses(addresses children): Do I chase birds in the garden?

Children: You're racing, you're racing!

Scarecrow: Autumn, I have others too there are witnesses. Hey, garden fruits and berries, am I protecting you from winged robbers?

Children (vegetables): You protect, you protect!

Scarecrow: Well, here I go the holiday is not allowed. They say the outfit is not fashionable. This is what they gave out! And then, if I stand in a beautiful suit, who will be afraid of me?

Autumn: Don't be offended, Scarecrow! Now we have it all figured out. Come in, have a seat, be a guest.

The Scarecrow bows to the Queen and with an important look, holding a broom like a gun, walks to the chairs where the participants are sitting. holiday.

Autumn: (referring to months):

Well, my beloved sons: September, October and November, amuse us, show us what you are capable of. And then someone came up with the idea that Autumn is a sad time. Get started, you, September the sorcerer, my beloved, dear, playful son!

Video sequence autumn pictures on the projector

In a golden carriage with playful fire,

Jumped Autumn through forests and fields.

The good witch changed everything,

She painted the ground bright yellow.

Children perform a dance composition

S. A. Korotaeva « Autumn concert» .

Children: Numerous army

collects old tree stump,

Thin-legged guys

growing up every day.

Troops march across the grass

Mushroom pickers will find them here.

Just bend over a little -

and, look, the basket is full!

Leading: and now we’ll see if our children know which mushrooms can be eaten and which ones cannot.

September: Guys, do you want to play?

A game "Collect mushrooms"

September: Here, mother Autumn, you see how great the guys are!

Autumn: Yes, of course, well done!

Leading: One evening in the garden

Turnips, beets, radishes, onions

We decided to play hide and seek

But first we stood in a circle.

Scarecrow: (jumps up from his chair, takes a broom, humming loudly):

Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden, the Scarecrow stood.

It old I used a broom to drive away the birds.

Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden, fruit was poured,

But the birds did not peck them - they were afraid of the Scarecrows!

The audience applauds, the Scarecrow bows in all directions. Addresses to children:

Do you know riddles about fruits and vegetables?

1. Green piglets grew up in the garden,

Sideways towards the sun, crochet ponytails.

These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us.


2. When I put on a hundred shirts, it crunched in my teeth. (Cabbage)

3. Both green and thick

Bush in the garden:

Dig a little -

Under a bush. (Potato)

4. Green branches grow in the garden bed,

And on them are red children. (Tomatoes)

Leading: Queen Autumn, and we also have our own garden!

Children show re-enactment"Garden".

1st child: You are generous with beauty,

Autumn is golden,

And it is also rich in a miracle harvest.

Cucumbers and tomatoes,

There are carrots and salad,

Onions in the garden, sweet peppers

And a whole row of cabbage.

2nd: It takes a lot of work

Gather a big harvest,

And then have fun

Songs to sing and dance.

3rd: Blue eggplants,

Red tomato

They're planning a long one

And a serious dispute:

Which of us, from vegetables,

And tastier and more tender?

Who with all the diseases

Will it be better for everyone?

Cucumber: Very you will be pleased,

Eating a lightly salted cucumber.

And a fresh cucumber

Everyone will like it, of course!

It crunches and crunches on your teeth.

I can treat you!

Radish: I am a ruddy radish,

I bow to you low, low,

Why praise yourself?

I'm already known to everyone!

Beet: Let me say at least word:

Eat beets for health!

You need beets for borscht

And for the vinaigrette,

Eat and treat yourself,

There is no better beetroot!

Cabbage: You, beetroot, shut up,

Cabbage soup is made from cabbage

And what delicious cabbage pies!

Trickster bunnies love stubs,

I’ll treat the kids to a sweet stump!

Carrot: The story about me is not long,

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice

And bite the carrots

Then you will be, my friend,

Strong, strong, dexterous!

Autumn: You are all right! May be,

Is it time to end the dispute?

To be healthy and strong -

There is no doubt about it -

Gotta love vegetables

Everyone without exception!

The vegetables take a lap of honor to the music and sit down.

Autumn: Well, now your turn has come, my second son, Golden October. Show off your skills and present your creations.

Video sequence autumn pictures on the projector

Autumn I spread paint at the edges,

I gently moved a brush across the leaves.

The hazel tree turned yellow and the maples glowed,

In the purple of the aspen, the oak is still green.

Comforts Autumn: “Don’t regret the summer,

Look - Autumn is dressed in gold

Children perform « Autumn song» (optionally).

Leading: Empress Autumn, listen to more poems about you.

Children read poems about autumn.

Leading: Guys, have you noticed what a beautiful rowan tree gave us this year? Autumn? How many berries are there on the trees?

Girl: The rowan tree grew bright and juicy,

Mom her daughter in dressed up for the holiday:

Red scarf, red boots.

The girl looks like a mountain ash!

Girls perform a dance "Rowan"

Autumn: Thank you, son October! I liked your assistants too. And now it’s your turn, my most serious son, frosty November!

Video sequence autumn pictures on the projector

Already the sky it was breathing in the fall,

The sun shone less often.

The day was getting shorter

Mysterious forest canopy

She stripped herself naked with a sad noise.

Quite a boring time:

It was already November outside the yard.

November: I can’t even imagine, mother, how to please you. You yourself know what a dreary time it is - late autumn.

Scarecrow: Well, what are you, Prince November, making us sad? Come on, dear guests, let's play! Everyone loves to play. Do you agree?

Children: We agree!

Scarecrow: Okay, then divide into two teams. Girls will pretend to be rain, and boys will be the wind. Have you, brave assistants, forgotten how the rain hits the roofs? Come on!

Children: Drip-drip-drip.

Scarecrow: Do you remember how the wind howls outside the window in November? Children: Uh-uh-uh.

Scarecrow: Well, now all together! (Children do.) Well, Prince November, it looks like it?

November: It looks so similar!

Scarecrow: And now, guys, I’ll tell you riddles.

Drop one, drop two,

Very slowly at first

And then, then, then -

Everybody run, run, run!

Children: Rain!

Children perform orchestra "Rain"


What is it, guess:

A blot appeared in the sky.

If the blot roars,

All the people will run away!

Only the wind was cunning

He swooped in and erased the blot.

Children: Cloud!

(game with cloud)

Leading: Empress Autumn, and now - dance!

Come on, Dimochka, my friend, (any name)

Come out boldly into the circle,

Invite all the kids

Start our Polka!

Children perform a steam dance "Polka".

Autumn: Yes, I can be different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold wind and frost. I am very glad that you love me for my generosity, beauty, for rare but glorious warm days. Thank you for coming to our holiday in the autumn fairy kingdom. Low bow to you. Accept gifts from me, pies and cheesecakes with different fillings, eat them in groups and once again remember me with a kind word.


It's over autumn holiday, I think it lifted everyone's spirits. I want to sing and always smile. Children, do you agree with me?

Children: Yes!

Children say goodbye to the characters.

Leaving to the music