Manufacturing instructions for operating ps. Organization of safe operation of substations as part of a hazardous production facility

Russian Federation

Job description of the person responsible for implementation production control for compliance with industrial safety during the operation of pressure vessels

"I approve"

responsible for the implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety during the operation of pressure vessels

1. General Provisions

1.1. The main objectives of production control are:

a) ensuring compliance with industrial safety requirements in the organization;

b) analysis of the state of industrial safety in the organization, including through appropriate examinations;

c) development of measures aimed at improving the state of industrial safety and preventing damage to the environment;

d) control over compliance with industrial safety requirements established by federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts;

e) coordination of work aimed at preventing accidents on pressure vessels and ensuring readiness to localize accidents and eliminate their consequences;

f) control over the timely conduct of technical examinations and diagnostics of vessels operating under pressure, repair and verification of control measuring instruments;

g) control over compliance with technological discipline.

1.2. An engineer and technical worker of appropriate qualifications is appointed to be responsible for the implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety during the operation of pressure vessels. trained and industrial safety certification in the manner established by Rostechnadzor.

1.3. The person responsible for the implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety during the operation of pressure vessels annually prepares information on the organization and technical support of production control and, after approval by the organization’s management, sends it to the territorial body of Rostechnadzor. IN specified information must contain the following information:

a) action plan to ensure industrial safety for the current year;

b) organization of an industrial safety management system;

c) the name of the employee responsible for carrying out production control, his position, education, length of service in his specialty, date of the last certification in the field of industrial safety;

d) the number of vessels operating under pressure, with a description of the main potential sources of danger and possible consequences of accidents;

e) implementation of the action plan to ensure industrial safety, results of inspections, elimination of violations, compliance with the instructions of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of the Russian Federation for the past year;

f) action plan for localizing accidents, incidents and eliminating their consequences;

g) condition technical support work on production control;

h) copies of the insurance contract for the risk of liability for causing harm during the operation of pressure vessels;

i) the condition of pressure vessels subject to mandatory certification;

j) results of inspection and control tests of pressure vessels;

k) plan for carrying out control and preventive inspections for the next year;

l) assessment of the readiness of the organization’s employees to act during an accident;

m) description of accidents and accidents that occurred during the operation of pressure vessels, analysis of the causes of their occurrence and measures taken;

o) training and certification of managers, specialists and other workers associated with the operation of pressure vessels in the field of industrial safety.

2. Responsibilities of the person responsible for carrying out production control

2.1. The person responsible for the implementation of production control is obliged to:

a) ensure monitoring of compliance by workers servicing pressure vessels with industrial safety requirements;

b) develop a work plan for the implementation of production control in the divisions of the organization;

c) conduct comprehensive and targeted inspections of the state of industrial safety during the operation of pressure vessels, identify hazardous factors in the workplace;

d) annually develop an action plan to ensure industrial safety based on the results of checking the state of industrial safety and certification of workplaces;

e) organize the development of action plans to localize accidents, incidents and eliminate their consequences;

f) organize work to prepare for the examination of industrial safety of pressure vessels;

g) participate in the technical investigation of the causes of accidents, incidents and accidents;

h) analyze the causes of accidents and incidents during the operation of pressure vessels and store documentation for their accounting;

i) organize training and certification of workers servicing pressure vessels in the field of industrial safety;

j) participate in the introduction of new technologies and new equipment;

k) bring to the attention of employees information about changes in industrial safety requirements established by regulatory legal acts, provide employees with the specified documents;

l) make proposals to the management of the organization:

  • on carrying out measures to ensure industrial safety;
  • on eliminating violations of industrial safety requirements;
  • on the suspension of work that is carried out on pressure vessels in violation of industrial safety requirements, poses a threat to the life and health of workers, may lead to an accident or cause damage to the environment;
  • on the removal from servicing of pressure vessels of persons who do not have the appropriate qualifications and who have not undergone timely training and certification in industrial safety;
  • on bringing to justice persons who violated industrial safety requirements;

m) inspect the vessels in working condition and check compliance with the established regimes during their operation;

o) exercise control over the preparation and timely presentation of vessels for inspection;

o) conduct technical examination of vessels in cases provided for by the rules;

p) keep a book of accounting and inspection of vessels on the balance sheet of the organization, both registered with the territorial body of Rostechnadzor and those not subject to registration;

c) check the issuance of instructions to service personnel, as well as the availability of instructions at workplaces;

r) check compliance with the procedure established by the rules for admitting workers to service vessels;

s) check the correctness of technical documentation during operation and repair of vessels;

t) participate in inspections and technical examinations of vessels conducted by a state inspector of Rostechnadzor or a specialist from an organization that has a permit (license) from the territorial body of Rostechnadzor.

2.2. The person responsible for production control ensures control:

a) for compliance with the conditions of licenses for activities related to the operation of pressure vessels;

b) installation, reconstruction, repair of pressure vessels;

c) eliminating the causes of accidents, incidents and incidents;

d) for the timely conduct of tests and technical examinations, repairs and verification of control measuring instruments by the relevant services;

e) availability of certificates of compliance with industrial safety requirements for the vessels used;

f) for compliance with the instructions of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor.

3. Rights of the person responsible for carrying out production control

3.1. The person responsible for production control has the right:

a) freely visit at any time of the day all departments of the organization where pressure vessels are operated;

b) get acquainted with the documents necessary to assess the state of industrial safety during the operation of pressure vessels;

c) participate in the development and revision of industrial safety declarations;

d) participate in the activities of the commission to investigate the causes of accidents, incidents and accidents during the operation of pressure vessels;

e) make proposals to the management of the organization to encourage employees who took part in the development and implementation of measures to improve the industrial safety of pressure vessels.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The person responsible for the implementation of production control is responsible in accordance with current legislation for violating safety rules and job description.

Added to the site:

1. General Provisions

1.1. This instruction has been developed in accordance with the requirements of "" approved. by order Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision dated November 12, 2013 No. 533.

1.2. The specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of lifting structures (hereinafter referred to as the responsible specialist) is appointed by order of the General Director, after passing certification in the field of industrial safety and receiving a job description.

1.4. Re-certification of the responsible specialist is carried out at least once every 5 years.

1.5. The responsible specialist reports to the head of the labor protection, industrial and environmental safety department, and in his absence – to the general director.

1.7. Responsible specialist carries out production control over the safe operation of lifting structures, removable load-handling devices, containers and rail tracks.

1.8. During vacation, business trip, illness and in other cases of absence of the responsible specialist, the performance of his duties is assigned by order to another employee with the appropriate qualifications.

1.9. The responsible specialist must know:

1.9.1. Safety rules for hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures;

1.9.2. Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE) section “Electrical equipment of cranes”;

1.9.3. Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations;

1.9.4. Job description;

1.9.5. Requirements of instructions for the operation of lifting structures of manufacturing enterprises;

1.9.6. , responsible for maintaining lifting structures in working condition and specialists responsible for safe production using lifting structures.

Production instructions for personnel involved in the repair and maintenance of lifting structures;

1.9.8. Guidelines for the inspection of lifting machines that have reached their standard service life;

1.9.9. Information letters from Rostekhnadzor on the prevention of accidents during the operation of lifting structures.

2. Responsibilities

2.1. The responsible specialist must:

2.1.1. Carry out production control over the technical condition and safe operation of lifting structures, removable load-handling devices, containers, rail tracks and take measures to prevent violations of safety rules;

2.1.2. Conduct technical inspections of lifting structures not registered with Rostekhnadzor, as well as keep records of them;

2.1.3. Monitor the implementation of issued state regulations. inspectors of Rostekhnadzor regulations;

2.1.4. Monitor compliance with repair schedules, technical services and periodic inspections of lifting structures, rail tracks, removable lifting devices and containers;

2.1.5. Participate in commissions for certification of specialists in the field of industrial safety and testing the knowledge of maintenance and repair personnel;

2.1.6. Check compliance with the procedure established by safety rules for admitting personnel to servicing lifting structures;

2.1.7. Monitor the availability and implementation of instructions by service personnel and responsible specialists;

2.1.8. Check compliance with the requirements of safety rules, work plans and technological maps when carrying out work using lifting structures;

2.1.10. Check the availability of technical documentation on the operation of lifting structures at the work site;

2.1.11. Monitor compliance with the established procedure for putting lifting structures into operation;

2.1.12. Check compliance with the procedure established by the owner for the allocation and direction of mobile lifting structures to objects;

2.1.13. Bring to the attention of service personnel, managers and specialists related to the operation of lifting structures information on the state of accidents and injuries, with an analysis of violations during the operation of lifting structures;

2.1.14. Be present during inspections of the technical safety of lifting structures by representatives of Rostechnadzor authorities.

2.2. The specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of lifting structures should not allow them to operate if, during the inspection, he established that:

2.2.1. Repair and maintenance of lifting structures is carried out by personnel who have not passed the knowledge test;

2.2.2. The specialists responsible for the safe performance of work using lifting structures and the specialists responsible for the operational condition of lifting structures have not been appointed;

2.2.3. The period for technical examination of lifting structures has expired;

2.2.4. The instructions issued by them or Rostechnadzor authorities to ensure the safe operation of lifting machines have not been fulfilled;

2.2.5. Technical faults have been identified at lifting structures: cracks or deformations of metal structures, loose fastenings in connections of metal structures, malfunction of instruments and safety devices, malfunction of the control system, unacceptable wear of hooks, ropes, chains, malfunction of mechanisms and brakes, faulty rail track, faulty grounding or electrical equipment;

2.2.6. There are no removable lifting devices and containers corresponding to the weight and type of goods being moved, or they are faulty;

2.2.7. The work is carried out without work plans, technological maps, work permits;

2.2.8. The measures for the safe conduct of work set out in the work projects have not been carried out, technological maps, work permits;

2.2.9. Passports of lifting structures or information about its registration with Rostekhnadzor authorities are missing or lost;

2.2.10. Work using lifting structures is carried out in violation of safety rules and instructions, which can lead to an accident or injury to people.

3. Rights

3.1. The specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of lifting structures has the right to:

3.1.1. Visit workshops and areas associated with the operation of lifting structures at any time and check them technical condition, terms of Use. as well as compliance by managers and specialists, and maintenance personnel with safety rules, production instructions and other regulations in the field of industrial safety;

3.1.2. Stop the operation of lifting structures in the cases specified in clause 2.2. this instruction;

3.1.3. Require from technical services enterprises, managers and specialists, presentation of documents for verification on issues related to the operation of lifting structures;

3.1.4. Give mandatory instructions to the administration of workshops and departments and set deadlines for eliminating identified violations;

3.1.5. Raise the question to the administration of the enterprise about the removal from carrying out work on the repair and maintenance of lifting structures of persons who violate the requirements of federal and local regulations in the field of industrial safety;

3.1.6. Raise the question of punishing workers responsible for violations of industrial safety requirements during the operation of lifting structures.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of lifting structures is responsible in accordance with current legislation for.

At an enterprise, this is a whole range of measures that are taken to ensure compliance with all sanitary and anti-epidemic measures required by law. Properly carried out production control will help both the employee of the enterprise and its customers to be confident in compliance with all norms and requirements in the production process, and in the absence of health hazards and defects in product quality.

Production control should be carried out as legal entities, and individual entrepreneurs at all stages of production and technological processes, in all premises and sanitary protection zone, taking into account all equipment and technologies used, all existing workplaces. Production control requires careful development and strict execution, while the production and other specifics of the enterprise, the number of employees, process features and special requirements for this type of activity, which are prescribed in the relevant SanPiN and other standards, must be taken into account. Among other things, production control includes:

  • maintaining all necessary reports in the prescribed form,
  • development, dissemination and introduction at the enterprise of special sanitary rules and methods of monitoring their compliance,
  • timely instructions, medical examinations, compliance with professional hygiene and other production control requirements.
When developing production control at an enterprise, it is necessary to indicate the responsible persons and assign control to them as part of their job responsibilities, establish a plan, sequence, timing of the necessary actions, type and form of reporting, as well as other “control points”. For the development of production control and appropriate instructions for officials You can contact the specialists of our company, we will do this work for you in a short time and competently. There are a number of requirements for persons carrying out production control, since they must perform a fairly wide range of duties. As an example of a job description for an employee responsible for carrying out production control, we provide the following sample:

JOB DESCRIPTION Hide Click for details

JOB DESCRIPTION employee responsible for production control in the organization
№ 1
Saint Petersburg

I affirm:

General Director of Alpha LLC

Pavlov P. A.

"____" ____________ 2017

employee responsible for production control in the organization

№ 1 Introduction

1. This job description has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, adopted State Duma 06/20/1997 No. 116-FZ, “Rules for the organization and implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility”, approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated 10.03.99 No. 263, “ Methodological recommendations on organizing production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at hazardous production facilities” approved by Order of the State Technical Supervision Authority of Russia dated April 26, 2000 N 49.

The job description establishes the requirements for the employee responsible for carrying out production control in the organization. 2. Along with these instructions, the employee responsible for carrying out production control should also be guided by other regulatory legal acts (rules, methodological instructions, information letters, regulations, orders, etc.) regulating the safety of work at a hazardous production facility.

1. General provisions

1.1. Production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements<*>- one of the most important elements of the industrial safety management system at hazardous production facilities. -----------<*>Next is production control. Production control is organized and carried out by subjects economic activity(organizations operating hazardous production facilities), regardless of their organizational - legal form operating hazardous production facilities. The introduction of production control is the first stage of formation of an effective existing systems industrial safety management at hazardous production facilities controlled by Rostechnadzor. 1.2. The purpose of production control is to prevent accidents and ensure the readiness of organizations to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at a hazardous production facility through the implementation of a set of organizational and technical measures. 1.3. The employee responsible for carrying out production control must have: · higher technical education corresponding to the profile of the production facility; · work experience of at least 3 years in a relevant job at a hazardous production facility in the industry; · certificate confirming completion of industrial safety certification.

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. The employee responsible for carrying out production control is obliged to:

a) ensure monitoring of compliance by workers at hazardous production facilities with industrial safety requirements;

b) develop a work plan for the implementation of production control in the divisions of the operating organization;

c) conduct comprehensive and targeted inspections of the state of industrial safety, identify hazardous factors in the workplace;

d) annually develop an action plan to ensure industrial safety based on the results of checking the state of industrial safety and certification of workplaces;

e) organize the development of action plans to localize accidents and incidents and eliminate their consequences;

f) organize work to prepare for the examination of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities;

g) participate in the technical investigation of the causes of accidents, incidents and accidents;

h) analyze the causes of accidents and incidents at hazardous production facilities and store documentation for their recording;

i) organize training and certification of workers in the field of industrial safety;

j) participate in the introduction of new technologies and new equipment;

k) bring to the attention of workers at hazardous production facilities information about changes in industrial safety requirements established by regulatory legal acts, provide workers with the specified documents;

l) make proposals to the head of the organization: · on carrying out measures to ensure industrial safety;

· on eliminating violations of industrial safety requirements;

· on the suspension of work carried out at a hazardous production facility in violation of industrial safety requirements, creating a threat to the life and health of workers, or work that could lead to an accident or cause damage to the environment;

· on the removal from work at a hazardous production facility of persons who do not have the appropriate qualifications and who have not undergone timely training and certification in industrial safety;

· on bringing to justice persons who violated industrial safety requirements; m) carry out other measures to ensure industrial safety requirements.

2.2. The employee responsible for production control ensures control over:

a) compliance with the conditions of licenses for activities in the field of industrial safety;

b) construction or reconstruction of hazardous production facilities, as well as repair of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities, in terms of compliance with industrial safety requirements;

c) eliminating the causes of accidents, incidents and accidents;

d) timely carrying out by the relevant services of the necessary tests and technical examinations of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities, repair and verification of control measuring instruments;

e) availability of certificates of compliance with industrial safety requirements for the technical devices used; f) compliance with the requirements of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia and its territorial bodies, as well as relevant federal authorities executive power on industrial safety issues.

3. Rights

3.1. The employee responsible for carrying out production control has the right: a) to have free access to hazardous production facilities at any time of the day; b) get acquainted with the documents necessary to assess the state of industrial safety in the operating organization; c) participate in the development and revision of industrial safety declarations; d) participate in the activities of the commission to investigate the causes of accidents, incidents and accidents at hazardous production facilities; e) make proposals to the head of the organization to reward employees who took part in the development and implementation of measures to improve industrial safety.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The employee responsible for the implementation of production control is responsible in accordance with current legislation for: 1) violations of the “Rules for the organization and implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility”, “ General rules industrial safety for organizations operating in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities", "Regulations on production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility", this job description, others regulatory documents regulating its work. 2) failure to take measures to prevent the operation of mechanisms, machines and equipment with dangerous violations of safety rules and instructions, which could lead to an accident or injury to people.


Legal consultant _______________ _______________________

(signature) (full name)

"____"__________ 2015

I have read the instructions

(signature) (full name, date)

I have read the instructions

A copy for management was received ______________ _____________________________

(signature) (full name, date)

(full name) (signature)

Is it possible to industrial enterprise appoint a labor protection specialist responsible for the organization and implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility, the management of engineering and technical personnel for the supervision, operation and maintenance of Rostechnadzor facilities?


Answer to the question:

Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety are approved by Rostechnadzor. At the same time, the norms and rules are not universal; they vary depending on the industry, the type of work, and the use of machinery.

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Encyclopedia on labor protection on a turnkey basis with a unique set of mandatory samples from the Personnel System.

Since the company is engaged in the production of reinforced concrete products, it uses lifting structures. In this regard, the enterprise is subject to the Safety Rules for hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures (approved by Order of Rostechnadzor dated November 12, 2013 N 533). These rules establish the obligation to develop and approve by administrative act of the operating organization instructions with job responsibilities, as well as a list of names of persons responsible for industrial safety in the organization from among its certified specialists:

Specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation;

Specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition;

Specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS.

Therefore, an organization using lifting structures should have three safety officers appointed.

At the same time, in organizations where work using PS is carried out in one area (shop), one specialist is allowed to combine the responsibilities of those responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition and for the safe performance of work.

In addition, it should be taken into account that the employee responsible for carrying out production control must have:

Higher technical education corresponding to the profile of the production facility;

At least 3 years of work experience in a relevant job at a hazardous production facility in the industry;

Certificate confirming completion of industrial safety certification (clause 9 of the Rules for organizing and implementing production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 10, 1999 N 263).

Therefore, if a labor safety specialist meets the requirements for employees responsible for carrying out production control, he can combine his functions with the work of one safety specialist. Or, under the above conditions, combine the duties of a specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition and a specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using the PS.

The employer does not have the right to assign the responsibilities of all safety specialists to a labor protection specialist.

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

Situation :How to organize production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements

Ksenia SLADKOVA, expert of the magazine “Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health Specialists”

Organizations that operate hazardous production facilities are required to conduct production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements. It gives an idea of ​​the state of industrial safety at the enterprise and helps prevent accidents.

What documents will be needed for production control?

The main document on which production control is carried out is the Regulation on Production Control (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation). It regulates the entire production control procedure - from planning and conducting internal inspections to the procedure for recording control results. The provision should be at any public utility ( Federal Law dated July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ). It will be needed not only for production control, but also for:


The procedure for organizing production control has been established

  • generation and submission to Rostechnadzor of an annual mandatory report on production control at hazardous production facilities;
  • obtaining a license from Rostechnadzor to operate hazardous production facilities;
  • registration technical device in the bodies of Rostechnadzor;
  • successful completion of any scheduled and unscheduled inspection.

The regulation is approved by the head of the enterprise, and its certified copy is provided to the territorial Rostechnadzor at the location of the hazardous production facility.

The enterprise must also have a Production Control Plan for the year, which reflects operational, targeted and comprehensive inspections.

What does production control consist of?

Production control takes place at three levels.

First level— these are operational inspections, during which they monitor the compliance of personnel and contractors with industrial safety requirements.

Inspectors must:

  • acquainted with technical documentation on verifiable issues;
  • identify violations of rules in the workplace;
  • selectively check the knowledge of industrial safety with specialists;
  • remove untrained employees from work;
  • suspend work if a violation is detected that threatens people’s lives or may lead to an accident;
  • set a deadline for eliminating violations;
  • inform the immediate supervisor about violations identified and measures taken.

Second level control involves targeted checks. They are needed to ensure that all industrial safety measures are carried out in a high-quality and timely manner.

The inspectors evaluate:

  • condition of production facilities, organization of work and their compliance with industrial safety requirements;
  • implementation of previous acts-instructions based on the results of operational, comprehensive and targeted checks;
  • training, certification of managers, specialists and workers and their admission to independent work;
  • implementation of planned measures to organize production control and ensure safe operation of hazardous production facilities;
  • completeness and quality of implementation of measures after accidents and emergencies.

Third level control consists of a comprehensive inspection of the enterprise, which is carried out by a production control commission. During the inspection you need to evaluate:

  • technical condition of hazardous production facilities;
  • how the safe operation of the hazardous facility is organized;
  • how measures are taken to ensure safe working conditions;
  • efficiency of production control.

Who will do production control?

Production control is carried out by an employee appointed by order of the manager, or by the production control service. If the enterprise employs less than 150 people, then one of the deputy heads of the enterprise is appointed responsible for production control. With a staff of 150-500 people, a separate specialist is allocated who will deal only with production control. If a hazardous production facility employs more than 500 workers, a production control service must be created.


Workers responsible for production control must have a higher technical education in the field of operation of the hazardous production facility, work experience at the hazardous production facility for at least three years and an industrial safety certification certificate

An example of the distribution of responsibilities for production control is given in the table.

Distribution of responsibilities for production control

Level of control Workers carrying out control in general at the enterprise Workers conducting control in branches
First Heads of workshops, laboratories, warehouses and their deputies.
Site masters.
Employees appointed as responsible for hazardous production facilities
Second Directors for types of production, material planning and logistics.
Deputy technical directors.
Services of chief power engineer, mechanic, metrologist, designer, technologist, technical control.
Heads and specialists of departments and departments.
Teachers and industrial training masters
Deputy Chief Engineer.
Heads and specialists of departments and services
Third CEO.
Technical Director and his deputies.
Production control commission at the enterprise.
Head and specialists of the industrial safety and labor protection department
Branch directors.
Chief engineers.
Production control commissions.
Heads and specialists of the industrial safety and labor protection department

What documents are drawn up based on the results of control?

After each level of control, a report is drawn up. It describes the purpose of the inspection, the violations identified, the proposed measures and the time frame for their elimination. Approves reports CEO or branch directors. Then they are transferred to the industrial safety and labor protection department, where specialists:

  • fill out a logbook of industrial safety measures at hazardous production facilities;
  • monitor the elimination of identified violations;
  • based on the information received, prepare for the annual technical meeting with management;
  • submit to Rostechnadzor information about accidents and incidents, the reasons for their occurrence and the measures taken, as well as about production control.

Inspectors can resolve identified problems together with specialists responsible for the operation of a particular hazardous facility after each level of control. More global shortcomings are dealt with by the production control commission together with the management of the enterprise. Approved measures to ensure industrial safety are included in the implementation plan for the next year.

Question:“According to current industrial safety requirements, is it possible to appoint specialists responsible for
for the safe performance of work using lifting structures (lifting structures) of the foremen?”

Answer:“Federal norms and rules in force in the field of industrial safety “Safety rules for hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures” in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by Rostechnadzor Order No. 533 dated November 12, 2013, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 31, 2013. , reg. No. 30992 (hereinafter referred to as the FNP for PS) does not provide for the appointment of foremen as specialists responsible for the safe performance of work using PS (clause 23 “g” of the FNP for PS).”

Question:“When operating lifting structures (lifting cranes, lifts (towers), construction hoists, manipulator cranes) in accordance with the requirements of subparagraph “g” of paragraph 23 of the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used” ", approved by order of Rostechnadzor dated November 12, 2013 No. 533, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 31, 2013, reg. No. 30992 (hereinafter - FNP for PS), an organization operating a hazardous production facility where lifting structures are used (hereinafter - HPF with PS) are assigned:

specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation;

specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition;

specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS.

Can an organization operating a hazardous production facility with a substation involve employees of other organizations, including specialized ones, licensed by Rostekhnadzor for the right to conduct industrial safety assessments, to perform the duties of these specialists?”

Answer:“Clause 151 of the FNP for substations determines that the number of specialists of the operating organization should be determined by an administrative act of the operating organization, taking into account the requirements of subclause “g” of clause 23 of these FNPs, as well as taking into account the number and actual operating conditions of the substation. According
with subparagraph “g” of paragraph 23 organization ( individual entrepreneur), operating a hazardous production facility with a substation (without carrying out repair, reconstruction or modernization work by its own services) (hereinafter referred to as the operating organization), must comply with the requirements of the manuals (instructions) for the operation of the available substation and fulfill, incl. the following requirements:

Develop and approve by administrative act of the operating organization instructions with job responsibilities, as well as a list of names of persons responsible for industrial safety in the organization from among its certified specialists:

a specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation;

a specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition;

a specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS (hereinafter referred to as Specialists).

Based on the above, the appointment of Specialists from among employees of third-party organizations is not permitted. However, FNP for PS
do not establish restrictions on attracting specialists working part-time (Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, these specialists bear full responsibility for compliance with the requirements established by the Federal Tax Service for PS.”