Ordinary brand solid bar toilet soap. Solid toilet soap: features, types, GOST and reviews. The commission on labor protection and social insurance of the trade union committee of Daaz OJSC also became acquainted with the “smelling” soap exhibit. this is how si commented

Let's consider the classification toilet soap from point of view various types classifications.

By All-Russian classifier products OK-005-93 /1, 321-322/ perfume and cosmetic products belong to class 91.

914400 Fat-based detergents

914401 Soap based on 40% fatty acid content

914402 Solid toilet soap

914403 Laundry soap

914420 Toilet detergents

914430 Special purpose detergents

Next, we will consider the standard classification of toilet soap. According to GOST 28546-2002 “Hard toilet soap. Are common technical specifications» solid toilet soap, depending on the main consumer properties, is divided into the following brands: “Neutral” (N), “Extra” (E), “Children’s” (D), “Ordinary” (O).

Each brand of solid toilet soap must have an individual brand name.

Classification according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity. Toilet soap is included in section 6 entitled “Products of chemical and related industries.”

To group 34. Soap, organic surfactants, detergents, lubricants, artificial and prepared waxes, cleaning or polishing compositions, candles and similar products, modeling pastes, plasticine, "dental wax" and dental compositions based on plaster.

Subgroup 3401 Soap; organic surfactants and preparations for use as soap, in the form of bars, pieces or molded articles, whether or not containing soap; organic surfactants and skin cleansers in liquid or cream form and packaged for retail sales, whether or not containing soap; paper, wadding, felt or felt and non-woven materials, impregnated or coated with soap or detergent:

Educational classification. The range of toilet soap is varied and wide. It is grouped according to various criteria.

Based on consistency, soap is divided into solid (bar), creamy, liquid and powder soap.

Liquid soap is sodium salts of fatty acids.

Liquid soaps are potassium salts of fatty acids.

Liquid toilet soaps are scented aqueous-alcoholic solutions of triethanolamine soap oleic acid and potassium soap fatty acids vegetable oils with various additives. Liquid toilet soap contains up to 20% fatty acids, 10-20% ethyl alcohol, up to 1% fragrance, the rest is water.

Toilet soaps have a good cleaning effect, however, due to high pH values ​​(9.0-9.5), they are becoming less and less popular.

Depending on the composition, toilet soap is divided into four brands: “Neutral” (N), “Extra” (E), “Children’s” (D) and “Ordinary” (O).

Soaps of brands N and E contain at least 78 g of fatty acids per 100 g of soap. For these brands, the highest quality fatty raw materials are used - rendered edible animal fats of only the highest and first grade, coconut oil, etc. To flavor the soap, thin high-quality fragrances are used.

Soap brand N contains no soda products, brand E contains no more than 0.20%.

Soaps of brands N and E are the hardest, have less swelling, are consumed slowly, and have high washing ability. Shelf life - at least 3 years.

According to their purpose, toilet soaps are divided into hygienic, therapeutic and prophylactic, disinfectant, deodorizing and special.

According to the shape and weight of the piece. Solid toilet soaps are packaged in the form of pieces of various shapes with a nominal weight of up to 300g. Soaps weighing 100, 125, 150 g are considered the most convenient.

The shape of the piece can be rectangular, oval, round. Toilet soap can be curly.

According to packaging. Toilet soap is produced without wrapper and in wrapper (packaging), which in turn differs in appearance and type.

The paper wrapper of a soap may consist of one, two or three layers. Most often, one- or two-layer paper packaging is used.

Toilet soap is wrapped in a single-layer wrapper made of transparent, translucent and opaque polymer films (PE, PP, etc.), laminated paper, in plastic boxes - soap dishes, in artistically designed cases in the form of a pack, using cardboard boxes (1-4 pieces and more).

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Solid toilet soap seems to be a long-known cosmetic product for personal hygiene. But few people are familiar with its history, manufacturing standards and other tricks. IN Lately homemade soap making is gaining more and more popularity, and manufacturers are pampering with magnificent aromas and natural ingredients. Store shelves are literally bursting with a huge assortment, designed to suit every taste and budget.

Ancient recipes

The first mentions of solid toilet soap were found on clay tablets of the ancient Sumerians. These historical artifacts are already about 3000 years old, and the compositions on them are not much different from modern recipes. In ancient Babylon, as now, they used a fat base, and wood ash as an absorbent.

They were also familiar with soap firsthand in ancient Egypt; papyrus describing the use of soap is at least 3,500 years old. Initially, Egyptian recipes were similar to Sumerian ones, but later they began to replace ash with a natural mineral - soda.

Soap was used for personal hygiene, washing and washing wool. In addition, it was actively used in the treatment of skin diseases.

Soap making began on a commercial scale during the Middle Ages. The French king was an ardent fan of luxury and expensive fragrances, and it was thanks to him that essential oils began to be added to soap. These precious blocks were available only to the nobles and clergy.

Main characteristics

IN modern world solid toilet soap is also intended for personal hygiene. It consists of natural or synthetic fatty acids and salts, various perfumes, plant extracts and other components that further determine its classification.

The main task of soap is to wash away dirt and bacteria from the surface being cleaned. This is achieved through alkaline environment, which actively removes impurities and a thin layer of sebum that protects against harmful microorganisms and infections. The top layer of the epidermis loosens and intensively loses moisture. Therefore, when washing dry and sensitive skin, it is better to use mild, alkali-free products and carefully read the composition indicated on the packaging. To protect the epidermis from damage, it is advisable to use a cream after cleansing.

Soap classification

According to the All-Russian Classifier, the cosmetic product belongs to class 91. According to GOST 28546-2002 “General technical conditions. Solid toilet soap”, depending on consumer properties, is divided into four brands:

  • neutral;
  • extra;
  • children's;
  • ordinary.

The main requirement for any stamp is the integrity of the piece, without visible damage or cracks, as well as a clear and even stamp. Also prerequisite considered to have high foaming properties. Availability of toilet certificate solid soap at any point of sale is strictly mandatory and is a guarantor of the quality and safety of the cosmetic product.

There is also another type of soap that is not included in GOST standards. Glycerin - has a translucent or transparent base. Unlike ordinary soap, it is boiled with glycerin, thereby eliminating harmful alkali. This product foams perfectly, moisturizes and cares for the skin.

Ingredients used

The main composition of solid toilet soap includes vegetable and animal fats, as well as their derivatives. In addition to them, it is allowed to use in production:

  • soda ash;
  • table salt;
  • whitening components;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • boric acid;
  • perfume fragrances;
  • dyes;
  • zinc white;
  • moisturizing components;
  • lanolin and others.

“Neutral” and “Extra” must be produced only in packaging that must indicate: composition, expiration date, date of manufacture, manufacturer, storage conditions, barcode and trademark. "Children's" and "Ordinary" can be produced without wrapper.

Types of soap

According to their intended purpose, the funds are divided into the following subgroups:

  • Hygienic soap general purpose(for normal and oily skin). It usually contains no additional caring components, only dyes and fragrances.
  • Hygienic special (for normal and oily skin). Contains special fat-based components that leave a protective film.
  • Disinfectant and therapeutic and prophylactic. Contains disinfecting and medicinal components.

Main Differences

The “Neutral” and “Extra” types are of higher quality; they contain highly purified components, plant extracts and high-quality fragrances. When manufacturing such products, the composition must contain at least 78% fatty acids. These can be rendered edible animal fats of the highest grade, as well as coconut oil.

“Neutral” is distinguished by the absence of potassium and sodium carbonates, while “Extra” contains no more than 0.2% of the total mass. These brands are the hardest; due to their low swelling properties, they soften less and do not “melt” when interacting with water. According to consumer reviews, after using this soap, the skin remains smooth and soft, without a feeling of tightness.

"Children's" solid toilet soap is made with the least alkali content to avoid irritation and allergies on delicate skin. In addition, manufacturers often add decoctions of chamomile, string and other beneficial herbs during production to help fight diaper rash.

“Ordinary” solid toilet soap is of the lowest quality. Its lower grade is due to the possibility of using synthetic components, unlike other brands. Reviews about the use of such soap are most often negative; many consumers complain about dry skin and tightness. This product is especially not recommended for sensitive skin.

Natural soap

In the manufacture of this product, only gentle ingredients are used. This eliminates the risk of allergies, irritation and other troubles. In the recipe, salts are replaced with saponins - plant extracts from soap root, horse chestnut, violet or Tartary soap grass. They have good cleansing properties and foam perfectly.

The Komus online store offers a wide range of solid soaps. Colors, shapes, fragrances, and auxiliary components vary, which means the consumer can buy laundry and toilet soap with optimal characteristics. Natural and chemical ingredients, oils, glycerin, perfumes in the composition - these parameters are determined by the purpose of the solid bars.

Children's recipes

Hygiene products for children are simple in composition and contain the necessary minimum of fragrances - for gentle and safe cleansing of the skin. The best are those containing mink fat, which moisturizes the epidermal cells and softens the skin. Extracts from calendula, chamomile, oak bark, and sage have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. Also, children's recipes are indispensable for people with sensitive skin and allergies.

Toilet soap

Suitable for body and face skin care. The main components in the composition are fatty acids, creams, glycerin, petroleum jelly, extracts of herbs and plants, honey, oats and beer. Along with cleansing, natural additives take care of the condition of the skin, soften, moisturize, and nourish.

Laundry soap

It contains natural vegetable and animal fats, sodium salt. The product is suitable for washing clothes and linen, cleaning kitchen surfaces, and other household needs.

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Assortment of solid laundry and toilet soaps in the Komus store

In the Komus megamarket you can order a batch of solid laundry and toilet soap. The catalog contains the following products:

  • in packs of 1-4 pieces;
  • the weight of the bars is 90-200 g;
  • without fragrance, with floral, plant and fruit and berry aromas.

Choose the toiletries you need in the catalog using the filter system. Order large volumes of goods and save on delivery - we provide discounts for large quantities. Wholesale orders are possible.