Is it possible to fertilize the soil with chicken droppings? Chicken manure as fertilizer for tomatoes and cucumbers. Chicken droppings for flowers

More and more gardeners and gardeners are abandoning “chemical” fertilizers in favor of natural fertilizers for soil and plants. Manure from various farm animals is becoming increasingly popular. In particular, farmers often prefer chicken manure as a fertilizer.

The composition of chicken manure is such that the content of useful elements in it is not inferior to most chemical fertilizers. For example, it contains 33 times more nitrogen and 8 times more phosphorus than horse manure. It was discovered in the 18th century by the German scientist Liebig. Unlike other types of manure, chicken manure:

  • accelerates the flow of biological processes in the soil layer;
  • increases productivity, accelerates ripening;
  • inhibits soil mold;
  • contains nitrogen in a form suitable for absorption by plants;
  • the beneficial effect persists for another three years after application;
  • plant roots are able to extract up to three quarters of the nitrogen in the droppings;
  • lasts longer in the soil than artificial analogues.

Biological effect: substances contained in chicken manure accelerate photosynthesis and supply plants with nutrients. In practice, this leads to faster growth, an increase in the volume of tops, leaves and fruits. However, it increases the formation and growth of tubers slightly.

Specifics of use

The unparalleled concentration of beneficial microelements in chicken manure has a downside. It can be applied fresh, undiluted only in microdoses; it destroys the root system of most cultivated plants. Even liquid fertilizer from kuryak needs to be applied between rows or holes in the beds; watering the plants themselves with it can damage their root system.

Video - Preparation of fertilizer from chicken manure

Chicken litter

Chicken coop litter is very useful in crop production. It contains all the beneficial substances of chicken manure, plus straw. Chicken owners can take care to make the litter even more beneficial for the plants. To do this, it is enough to use plant-friendly substances to line the chicken coop. You will have to give up sawdust - they are of little use.

It is best to use peat. Straw or old hay is also acceptable. You can add a little ash, mixed with rotting plant residues and excrement, it will complement their effect.
In gardening practice, chicken litter is either composted or used to fertilize the following crops:

  1. Mulching berry bushes.
  2. At fruit trees. The litter is poured into the tree trunk circle at the rate of 1-2 kg per tree.
  3. Application under cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins and melons. Fresh litter is mixed in half with soil and applied before winter to the beds where these crops will grow.

Although the litter is usually a mixture of excrement and plant matter, it should not be placed on bare roots, only on the soil.

Application of fresh litter

Contrary to popular belief, you can also use fresh chicken manure to fertilize your garden. But we must take into account that compared to animal manure and humus, it is extremely concentrated. Therefore, the doses should be smaller.

On square meter In the beds, you can add no more than a glass of fresh or 2/3 glass of dried manure. At the same time, there is no need to sprinkle it directly under the roots.

In order to more evenly distribute droppings over the entire area, it is often mixed with sand, ash, peat and other organic and inorganic substances that are useful for this type of plant. You can also mix fresh droppings with garden soil in a 1:1 ratio, but even this mixture should be used with caution.

Liquid fertilizers

For these purposes, fresh chicken manure is taken and diluted with clean water. There is no consensus among experienced gardeners about concentration. There are options from 1:10 to 1:20.

How to make liquid fertilizer (option 1)

Step 1. The solution obtained by mixing chicken manure with water in a ratio of 1:10 to 1:20 (the concentration varies depending on the plants and the gardener’s goals) is thoroughly mixed until smooth. The color should resemble weakly brewed tea.

Step 2. Keep the solution for two days in a dark place.

Step 3. Shake until smooth.

Step 4. Dilute in half with water and use for watering at the rate of 1 bucket per 2-3 sq.m of bed.

How to make liquid fertilizer (option 2)

Step 1. Fresh droppings are diluted half and half with water in a large closed container, for example, in a barrel or garden bucket with a lid.

Step 2. Close tightly and leave for 3-5 days.

The result is a concentrated liquid fertilizer. It cannot be used undiluted. To ensure that the solution does not damage the plants, but stimulates their growth, pour 2 cups of concentrated infusion onto a bucket of water.

How to make liquid fertilizer (option 3)

This recipe is suitable for watering plants that do not like excessive acidity.

Step 1. Two parts of the litter are poured with one part of water, and left without stirring for two days. For convenience, you can use a fabric bag, so that excess moisture does not have to be filtered separately after the droppings have settled.

Step 2. After this, the water is carefully drained if you did not use the bag, otherwise, simply remove the bag from the container - the excess water will drain off on its own.

Step 3. Then, 1 liter of the resulting slurry is stirred in 20 liters of water and left to ferment, uncovered, for a week. There is no need to re-dilute this tincture with water before use.

Sequence of preparation of fertilizing - option 3

Fertilizing with any manure infusion should be done after watering or heavy rain, which has well moistened the soil. This will help the nutrient liquid to be evenly distributed in the soil layer and prevent excessive concentration, which is dangerous for the root system.

All infusions can be used from the moment of planting; they are finished using them 2-3 weeks before harvesting. If some parts of the plant are eaten all the time, like lettuce or parsley, then these plants are not watered with manure infusions. The application rate is 1/2 -1 liter per plant.


The easiest way to prepare humus from manure is in a compost pit. A layer of any plant waste (this could be garden weeds, sawdust, peat, straw, etc.) and droppings is alternately placed in the pit. It is permissible to combine it with other “varieties” of manure, especially horse and cow manure. The height of the layers should be approximately 20 cm. There is no need to make thicker layers of excrement, as this may lead to a fire. If the manure is excessively dry, the compost pit must be moistened. The pile is covered with greenhouse film, oilcloth, or otherwise prevents the access of atmospheric air. After 3-4 months the compost is ready.

It’s easy to tell if a litter has rotted. If the smell of ammonia, which many compare to ammonia, persists, then the process of overheating has not yet been completed. The stronger the smell, the “fresher” the droppings. Rotted compost should not smell different from regular compost.


Granulated, or, as it is also called, dry litter, can be bought in agricultural stores or markets. Some gardeners are suspicious of it, considering it “chemical”. This prejudice is not true. No third-party additives are used in the production of chicken manure.

The technology is simple. Fresh litter, cleaned of dirt and impurities, is heated to 600 degrees. This rids it not only of moisture, but also of odor, and also kills weed seeds, bacteria and microorganisms. After heating, the dried litter is formed into granules and packaged.

In addition, in Lately, applies new technology low-temperature dehydration, which allows you to obtain dry litter without heating to high temperatures, i.e. with 100% preservation of nutrients.

There are no disadvantages to granular litter; the advantages include: absence of odor, bacteria and weed seeds.

How and when to fertilize

The options for using litter are not very diverse, but there are some nuances, and you need to know them. Chicken manure is a very concentrated and potent remedy, the improper use of which can cause great harm. Here are some basic rules that apply to all application options:

The maximum number of applications per season ranges from 1 to 4 times. It is impossible to fertilize plants more often with manure and fertilizers based on it. In addition, application rates differ in autumn and spring time.

Autumn application

In areas with heavy soil, it is useful to apply rotted chicken manure in the fall, when the crop has already been harvested. After application, the beds are dug up for the winter, this allows the fertilizer to be evenly distributed throughout the soil. During the winter, soil bacteria decompose the droppings into components; as a result of this activity, useful microelements go into the soil layer, from where crop plants will feed on them. next year. Nitrogen is partially decomposed into its components, which removes its excess.

The recipe is simple. Rotted semi-dry droppings are taken at the rate of 1 kg per 1 hectare of land. If it is dry, its weight is taken less, if it is damp, more. If you are going to add more sand, ash or humus to the bed for certain crops that you plan to plant in this bed in the spring, you can simply mix it all with the manure and apply it together. All this is evenly scattered over the future bed and dug up. If you do not practice autumn digging, you can simply leave the fertilized beds undug.

Spring application

Spring application of chicken manure is indicated for light soils. This is done either before the spring digging of the garden and marking the beds, or after that and before planting crops. In the first case, rotted droppings in the same proportion (1 kg per 1 hectare of land) are distributed in an even layer over future beds and dug up. In the second, it is mixed with straw and laid out between the rows.

For tomatoes

Even a one-time application of kuryak can increase the yield of this crop by increasing the size of the fruit. Like all members of the nightshade family, it responds well to this fertilizer.
In the spring, a one-time fertilizing is done with fertilizer (rotten dung), placing it around the planting holes at the rate of 3-4 kg/m².

During the growing season, tomatoes are watered with manure tincture at the rate of 2-3 liters per bush. If the stems and leaves begin to thicken excessively, stop feeding.

For cucumbers

If there are a lot of barren flowers in the cucumber beds, using an infusion of chicken manure will help solve the problem. Cucumbers are watered with it in the spring until flowering at the rate of 3-4 l/m².

Cucumbers are sensitive to uric acids, so precautions must be taken:

  1. Before use, leave the infusion or solid mixture in the open air for several hours.
  2. Do not allow fertilizer to get on the roots.

After flowering begins, fertilizing with droppings is not carried out.

Video - Fertilizing cucumbers with fertilizer based on chicken manure

For potatoes

Chicken manure is also good for potatoes. It does not directly affect the increase in the number of tubers and their growth, only indirectly. Firstly, strengthening the bush and supplying it with the nutrients necessary for the “building” of root crops. Secondly, it increases potato resistance to fungal diseases and late blight. However, manure cannot fully provide this crop with all the necessary nutrients, so it is combined with other fertilizers. For example, to 10 parts of humus add 1 part of potassium chloride.

It is best to apply humus prepared in this way in the fall before digging at the rate of 50 kg per hundred square meters, or into the hole when planting. At the beginning of summer, young bushes that have reached a height of 15 cm, but not exceeding 20 cm, are fed with liquid droppings. This is done strictly once.

For fruit trees

Fertilizing with tincture of droppings from fruit trees, especially apple and pear trees, has proven to work well. This is done 2 times a year, before flowering and after harvesting the fruits.

A wide shallow groove is dug around the tree, coinciding with the projection of the crown. Fill it with tincture of droppings at the rate of 8-10 liters per 1 sq.m of area of ​​the entire resulting circle. You can take a tincture prepared according to any of the above recipes.

For strawberries

This crop is fed with manure tincture in the spring, when young leaves begin to appear. The bushes themselves are not watered. A wide and shallow furrow is made between the rows, into which the infusion is poured and sprinkled with earth. This cannot be done after flowering has begun.

A one-time watering at the beginning of the growing season is enough for the plant to receive the supply of nutrients necessary for the development of large and tasty berries.

If the strawberry bed is located on clay soils, it is permissible to line the rows with rotted droppings at the end of autumn.


Like any other fertilizer, chicken manure has its drawbacks and contraindications for use.

In addition, chicken manure cannot be used as biofuel for greenhouses. He highlights a large number of ammonia, which depresses plants.

Many gardeners want to learn more about chicken manure, how to use it, and what plants to use it for. This is understandable, because this supplement is affordable. There is poultry in almost every country private yard and country house, so obtaining and using chicken manure is not difficult.

Composition of chicken manure

What is included in bird droppings? Its components are organic and inorganic compounds: water, ammonia, ammonium, copper, potassium, zinc, calcium phosphorus, manganese, proteins, amino acids, peptides, glycerols, lipids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, fiber, sugars, alcohols, volatile acids , sulfur. It is worth considering that the chemical structure of poultry droppings largely depends on the conditions in which the chicken was kept.

Chicken droppings - pros and cons

It is commonly practiced to use chicken manure in the spring to feed plants. To achieve high plant productivity results, you should know the rules of how to use poultry manure. Feeding has its pros and cons. Among the first, the following factors can be noted:

  • improving soil quality;
  • high productivity;
  • plant resistance against wireworm.

At the same time, you should know that if this fertilizer is processed incorrectly, the summer resident may lose some of the planted crops. Fertilizer should be applied and administered in moderation. Its excess content in the soil will lead to a slowdown in the growth rate of the underground part of the plants (while the above-ground part will grow very quickly). Such uneven development can only give the summer resident tops. Taking into account the insecurity poultry to infection with worms, there is a risk of salmonellosis.

What can be fertilized with chicken manure?

Experienced summer residents can tell newbie gardeners what chicken manure is as a fertilizer, how to use this fertilizer in the spring, and what plants it is suitable for. The fact is that such feeding is not universal, and some cultures may not like it at all. For example, it should be used carefully, because in large quantities fertilizer can make the fruits of the vegetable dense and stringy.

Bird manure has a positive effect on the growth and productivity of nightshade plants - and others. It is advisable to use this fertilizer for these crops in the spring. Chicken manure gives good growth to melon crops - cabbage, cucumbers, strawberries, and if you use this fertilizer for onions and garlic, this will subsequently have a beneficial effect on the quality of the fruit.

There are different ways to use chicken manure to feed plants. Beginners should know that fresh, dry and granular versions of this fertilizer can be used for these purposes. If it is available fresh, it should be given the opportunity to rot and then used. Using fertilizer in dry form will cause less trouble for the dacha owner; the granular version has a long shelf life, because the product is obtained as a result of industrial processing. When comparing types of litter, it is ultimately advantageous to use the granulated version.

How to use chicken manure to fertilize vegetables

It is advisable to apply dry poultry manure to garden crops in a volume not exceeding 50 g per 1 sq. m. m. It is even better to use fertilizer in liquid form. Preparing fertilizing will not take much time and effort. If the solution is made from dry manure, then much more water will be required than to dilute fresh manure. It is not recommended to store the prepared mixture for more than two days. Feeding vegetables chicken droppings apply 1 bucket per 1 sq.m. to the plants. m.

How to fertilize trees with chicken droppings?

Feeding trees with chicken droppings is done in different ways. For these purposes, the fertilizer can be used in the form of an infusion, stock or secondary solution as follows:

  1. To prepare an infusion of fresh chicken manure, 1 bucket of it is added to a barrel and diluted with 10 buckets of water. After stirring, leave to brew for 24 hours. Pour the infusion into the tree trunk circle. One bucket is enough for a tree, and if seedlings are processed, then the introduced volume should be reduced to 1/3 of a bucket.
  2. A stock solution of fresh droppings is obtained by diluting the fertilizer with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. You need to mix the mass thoroughly and leave for 3-4 days, then treat furrows 2-3 m long on different sides of the tree.
  3. A secondary fertilizer solution is prepared from organic matter that has undergone a fermentation process. For every sq.m. Apply one bucket of solution to the treated area under the tree.

Chicken droppings for flowers

Chicken manure as a fertilizer is used not only in the garden. It can also be used as a fertilizer for indoor flowers. For these purposes, litter in granules is used. After pre-soaking the fertilizer in water, you should water the plant with it, or you can simply put the fertilizer undiluted in the pot at the time of planting. The growth rate of roses will noticeably improve if they are fertilized with chicken droppings.

Using chicken manure as fertilizer

In order to feed potatoes, this fertilizer is best used in the spring, before the planting process, the same applies to carrots. Feeding currants with chicken droppings is of a slightly different nature. It is not fertilized in the first year after planting - chicken manure should be applied for the first time in the spring. The procedure is completed a year later during the same period. It is recommended to use nitrogen fertilizer along with humus.

How to infuse chicken manure for feeding?

Those who want to know how to properly prepare an infusion of chicken manure should use the following sequence of actions (the proportions are taken for processing potatoes. For feeding other plants, they may differ up or down):

  1. Place 3 kg of fertilizer in a barrel and fill it with 4 liters of water.
  2. Add hay.
  3. Leave the mixture for 4 days. Periodic stirring of the mass is necessary.
  4. After 4 days, add 100 g of potassium chloride, and then dilute the infusion with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  5. We water the area to be treated at the rate of 1 liter per 1 square meter. m.

It's easy to prepare the fertilizer. The main rule here: this procedure is carried out immediately before applying fertilizer to the soil. You should also know the proportions of chicken manure for feeding - 20 parts of water are taken for one part of poultry manure; approximately 1 liter of ready-made fertilizer should be poured onto one bush. If young crops are fertilized, the proportions should be halved. To obtain a thick concentrate, the ratio of litter to water will be 1:1. The mixture is infused for a week, and before application to the soil, 1 liter is diluted in 10 liters of water. It is good to apply between rows without watering the beds with it.

How to apply chicken manure to the soil?

Beginners should know not only what chicken manure is as a fertilizer and how to use it, but also be aware of all the intricacies of each stage of its use. One of the important actions when feeding plants is introducing chicken manure into the soil. This also needs to be done correctly, otherwise all efforts will be in vain, and the summer resident will not get the desired results. The basic rules for applying fertilizer are as follows:

  1. Fruit trees are fertilized by adding a small volume of diluted droppings to the soil; this should be done before planting in the hole. At other times, you can simply sprinkle dry chicken fertilizer nearby. Do not worry that the fertilizing is not diluted with water - it will receive the moisture necessary to penetrate the soil during periods of rain or watering the garden.
  2. When applying fertilizer to tomato crops, 6 to 8 kilograms of fresh manure are consumed per 1 square meter. m. Then the garden is watered.
  3. To feed strawberries, it is recommended to scatter dry droppings between the rows. This procedure is carried out in the fall. Subsequently, during the winter season, the earth will absorb all the useful substances, and the strawberry rhizomes will be safe. Fertilizer is used in the same way for raspberries, but it is important to ensure that the fertilizer does not get on the roots.

Fertilizing vegetable crops with chicken manure is a worthy alternative to expensive mineral fertilizers. It is used to saturate the soil with organic substances and microelements necessary for plant development. We will tell you how to dilute chicken manure, how long to infuse it, and in what cases to use it.

The use of chicken manure as plant nutrition is actively used by many gardeners. This method has proven itself due to its high efficiency. And the resulting harvest will please you not only with quantity, but also with quality.

The benefits of chicken manure for plants

Chicken manure is significantly better than many other organic fertilizers. Its value is in the record content of nitrogen and phosphorus (three times more than in any other type of manure). Bird droppings also contain easily soluble potassium salts.

The advantages of this fertilizer:

  • is not toxic, can be stored for a long time and does not cake;
  • saves beneficial features up to 3 years;
  • suitable for almost all vegetable and garden crops;
  • stimulates crop ripening;
  • helps restore optimal soil acidity;
  • increases plant immunity and enhances their protective properties;
  • not dangerous to roots, does not cause burns.

One of the most important advantages of chicken manure is its availability. The product is environmentally friendly and costs significantly less than mineral supplements.

Application of fresh chicken manure

Fresh bird droppings have a fairly high concentration of active substances, which can negatively affect the health of young and low-growing plants. It can be detrimental to some crops, so it is recommended to apply it to the soil a couple of months before planting.

Bird droppings are used as fertilizer for many vegetable and fruit crops:

  • It can be applied regularly under trees and shrubs, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants.
  • Onions, garlic and various greens need a moderate amount of this fertilizer.
  • For blueberries and heather, such feeding can be disastrous.

Before diluting chicken manure to feed plants, read the table below; it will help determine the timing of application and dosage of fertilizer for various crops.

Poultry manure is applied to the soil in autumn and spring in the form of compost prepared from it, or litter from a chicken coop is used. And regular feeding of plants is most often done with diluted granular fertilizer, which can be bought in stores or at theme fairs.

If you use fresh chicken manure, the solution is prepared in the proportion of 10 liters of water per 0.5 kg. The mixture is infused for two weeks, and its total quantity is calculated individually by the gardener. To neutralize the unpleasant odor, add 300 grams to the container. iron sulfate. To feed vegetable crops, the infused fertilizer is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. Stir well before watering.

How to properly use granulated chicken manure

Fertilizing the soil with granules is possible when digging up the area for vegetable crops to a depth of at least 10 cm. The average fertilizer rate when preparing beds for vegetables is 15 kg per 100 square meters of soil.

It is not recommended to add granules to holes when planting crops, since it is very difficult to calculate the required rates for young plants. Also, if the roots come into contact with the fertilizer, they will die. This method of fertilizing is sometimes used when cultivating soil with agricultural machinery, when the depth of placement of granules and the depth of sowing seeds can be adjusted.

Each crop has its own standards for fertilizing with an organic solution, which can be controlled directly during watering. And the recipe for its preparation is common to all vegetable crops.

Before diluting chicken manure to feed plants, prepare a large container for infusion, such as a barrel. Pour granular fertilizer there and fill it with water.

  • Mature trees, shrubs and vegetable crops are watered with a solution: 100 grams per 10 liters of water. granular fertilizer.
  • To feed young seedlings or seedlings, the mixture is additionally diluted with water 1 to 10.
  • The rate of application of the solution for one plant is from 0.5 l to 1 l - depends on the age and size of the crop.

The granular fertilizer solution can be used almost immediately when it turns into a homogeneous mixture.

General rules Applications:

  • fertilizer is used at the rate of 5 liters per square meter;
  • avoid getting fertilizer on the leaves;
  • the grounds remaining at the bottom of the container can be poured under the fruit trees;
  • After fertilizing, the beds should be watered well, clearing the aboveground part of the plants from any drops of infusion that have fallen.

Garden crops are fertilized 2-3 times per season.

Application of fertilizing for vegetable crops

Experienced gardeners Fertilizer application rates are allocated for each crop, which depend on the place of cultivation, the stage of plant development, soil condition, and time of year.

Feeding cucumbers with chicken droppings

The irrigation solution is prepared according to the standard recipe. It is necessary to follow the recommendations for the use of fertilizer for greenhouse cucumbers and those growing in open ground.

When grown in a greenhouse, the first fertilizing can be done at the stage of planting seedlings:

  • the prepared wells are watered with the solution;
  • The seedlings are transferred to the ground, then watered with water.

The second feeding is carried out during the formation of the ovary, and the third - during the active development of the fruit. Plants must first be watered with water, and the solution is applied not at the root, but between the rows.

Fertilizing cucumbers in open ground with chicken droppings is carried out 14 days after the first fertilizing with minerals. In this way, the number of ovaries can be significantly increased.

It is also recommended to add bird manure to the soil for cucumbers in the fall - this will significantly improve the quality of the soil and its composition. Fertilizers are applied over frozen ground, and it does not matter what exactly is used: granules, fresh droppings, or bedding. In the spring, organic matter will find its way into the soil.

Feeding tomatoes with chicken manure

Tomatoes are fed twice a season: before planting seedlings, and during the flowering period. The prepared solution should have the color of weak tea. If the shade is saturated, you need to dilute it. Consumption for 1 bush is 0.5 liters.

When planting tomatoes with seeds, fertilizer can be applied in advance - at the soil preparation stage.

Feeding potatoes with chicken droppings

Potatoes are fertilized with bird droppings once per season, until the plants are taller than 15-20 cm. Usually the procedure coincides with the period of the second hilling. Fertilizer is applied between the rows in the morning or evening. Consumption should be 1 liter per bush.

Bottom line

It’s not for nothing that bird droppings are called soil-forming agents. It saturates the soil with substances necessary for plant development, and the microorganisms it contains help enhance biological processes in the soil. Before diluting chicken manure to feed plants, it is necessary to take into account the individual needs of the crops in order to avoid oversaturation with nitrogen.

Chicken manure as a fertilizer is very effective due to the content of large amounts of nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, in addition to organic matter in its composition. It is the presence of these elements that accelerates the ripening of fruits, making them tastier and healthier. In addition, the popularity of chicken droppings, and not manure, is largely explained by the frequent breeding of chickens in country or personal plots. But only when correct use chicken manure can be beneficial as fertilizer.

In addition to the already mentioned elements, for which summer residents usually buy mineral fertilizers, chicken manure contains iron, manganese, sulfur, copper, cobalt and zinc. And, nevertheless, it is considered organic, if you feed it correctly, then almost all the plants in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden will receive the necessary nutrition, and as a result they will delight their owners with abundant flowering and excellent harvests, for example, raspberries produce much larger berries than without such feeding. But this same substance can cause burns to the leaves and roots of plants if used incorrectly. Fertilizing is done in spring, autumn, summer, using dry manure, its aqueous solution, fertilizing seedlings and adult plants - this versatility of application is explained by the enormous benefits, even when compared with manure. To avoid causing harm, liquid fertilizer is most often used.

The easiest way is to do this: pour 1 part of the litter with 20 parts of water, leave for several hours, stirring constantly. Then it is advisable to strain this solution and use 0.5 liters for 1 plant. Some gardeners prefer to prepare a concentrated infusion; to do this, dilute it in a 1:1 ratio, close the container tightly, and leave for 2–3 days. This technology allows you to save greatest number nutrients in water. This infusion can be stored all season, if necessary, diluted and used as a top dressing. 1 liter of this solution is diluted with 10 liters of water and applied between the rows of vegetables or flowers.

It is better to use a watering can without a divider, and then pour water to wash off any drops that accidentally fall from the plants. Another way to prepare the solution is this: fresh droppings are placed in a barrel, filling it to 1 third, then add water and stir well. 1 part of the resulting solution is diluted with 4 parts of water - then it is ready for use.

Apply approximately 1 bucket per 1 square meter of garden, but not under the very roots of the plants.

Summer residents can also use this method, since fermentation accelerators are sold in stores. Some people prefer to make an infusion. To do this, the rotted droppings are poured with water and allowed to brew for 2–3 days. The resulting mixture should resemble weakly brewed tea in color; if necessary, it is diluted to this state.

Gardeners who are afraid of harming plants with excess acid prefer to soak chicken waste products. They fill the droppings with water, drain it after a couple of days, and this process is repeated several times. It is believed that this removes uric acid and toxins. Perhaps some of the beneficial substances are removed along with them. Perhaps it is best to fill the droppings with water in a ratio of 1:3, leave for 3-4 days and add a drug like “Tamir” or “Baikal M” (only 1 tablespoon per 1 bucket of solution) to speed up processing. The resulting preparation will be free of seeds and eggs and will be ready for use as a fertilizer for flowers, seedlings or adult plants. True, it will still need to be diluted with 4 parts of water.

The result of using liquid fertilizing will be visible within 1–2 weeks: the plants will begin to develop much faster, become stronger and more beautiful, their fruits will become tastier and healthier.

Video “Necessary information about fertilizing with litter”

Everything you need to know about fertilizing the soil with chicken manure.

General principles of fertilization

The easiest way to fertilize your garden is to add dry manure. This is usually done in the fall or spring before general plowing of the area, and, of course, long before planting the seedlings. For 1 sq. m apply up to 0.5 kg of fertilizer. Rain or heavy watering will speed up decomposition and absorption into the soil. Chicken excrement is never used fresh as fertilizer; fertilizer is prepared from it, because a large amount of uric acid can simply burn the roots of plants.

There is much more nitrogen and phosphorus in chicken droppings than in manure, and they evaporate when stored in the open air. Fresh droppings can only be used in the form of a solution. But even when prepared and diluted to an acceptable concentration, it is applied between the rows of plants, and not under the roots. It is correct to fertilize after rain or watering - in moist soil.

It is very effective to use droppings along with manure to make compost. Poultry waste products are placed on plant debris, interspersed with sawdust, manure, peat, straw, hay and kept until fully ripe. Litter and manure will create sufficient heat to quickly overheat all components and prepare humus.

If you start a compost pile in the fall, it will be completely ready in the spring. Such fertilizer can be applied in the spring to seedlings and all plants in the garden without any fear.

In the fall, before general plowing of the area, you can scatter fresh excrement (as well as manure) over it, up to 2 kg per 1 sq. m. m, then during the winter it will rot enough and connect with the soil so that in the spring it will not harm the delicate roots of the seedlings. Before planting fruit trees, you can place several kilograms of dry rotted matter or compost in the hole. For growing trees and berry bushes, it is best to apply liquid fertilizer to the tree trunk. For raspberry bushes, only pre-planting fertilizing is not enough, so it is advisable to fertilize raspberries with a solution of chicken manure in spring and summer. Litter, like manure, perfectly fertilizes the soil for several years after application, but raspberries consume a lot of organic matter during the season, and therefore require intensive feeding.

For pumpkins and tomatoes in spring (or autumn) apply up to 3-4 kg of fertilizer per 1 square meter. m of beds, after which they water several times during growth to get only 5-6 liters of solution per 1 sq. m. m. Apply 2 kg per 1 sq.m. to the area for white cabbage. m, in addition, they are fed at least 3 times per season at the rate of 1 liter per plant. For root crops (except potatoes) and greens, apply up to 2.5 kg of fertilizer per 1 square meter in the fall (or spring) before plowing. m beds. During growth, the greens are not fed, because they can accumulate nitrates, but the root vegetables are watered several times with a solution very diluted with water.

In general, all plants respond well to watering with liquid fertilizer from chicken manure, but it is not applied to seedling holes or under the roots. It is correct to water the rows and be very careful not to splash the greens. The use of manure is especially beneficial when growing grapes, raspberries, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Grapes love clay soil and complex fertilizers. Before planting, add enough nutrients to last for several years. But adult plants require regular feeding, so once a season you can add rotted droppings or its solution to the grooves dug between the bushes. Manure can also be used.

Raspberries extract twice as many nutrients from the ground as gooseberries, so they need to be fed more. This can be done once, as for grapes. You can spread compost or rotted droppings between the raspberry bushes; after watering, the beneficial substances will reach the roots. After fertilizing with chicken manure, raspberries give a particularly good harvest.

Tomatoes are especially happy with this fertilizer; seedlings immediately respond to it. In the spring, it is good to add dry compost to their plot (3–4 kg per 1 sq. m), and then feed them as they grow. But you can overdo it: if after fertilizing the greenery becomes too luxurious (fleshy leaves, thick stems), then the harvest is at risk - the plant has become carried away with growth. Then it is better to stop adding litter and add ash. It is recommended to feed cucumbers before flowering, then there will be fewer empty flowers and more ovaries.

Is it worth buying a litter?

The store sells dry organic fertilizers based on chicken manure, these are “Pixa”, “Roossis”. This is a balanced diet without harmful substances; it can be used to water seedlings and soak seeds. Stores offer hot-dried granular litter. It is easy to store and use. You can apply it dry, for example, between raspberry or nightshade bushes, and if desired, dilute it with water and water any plants. If you don’t have your own chickens at your dacha, then such proposals may well solve the problems of seasonal feeding. They do not contain anything harmful, the range of their use is much wider than the fertilizer that we prepare at the dacha.

Video “Expert’s opinion on fertilizer”

Informational video with an expert's opinion on fertilizing soil and plants with bird droppings.

Making your own fertilizer is a guarantee of obtaining a high-quality product and protection of harmful chemical elements. Chicken manure as a fertilizer is not only economical, but also most effective in growing various garden crops.

Chicken droppings

The advantage of chicken manure is that it is an organic fertilizer.

Chicken manure contains nitrogen and phosphorus and is almost always readily available. This useful fertilizer appears during the life of chickens.

The waste products of living organisms have always been food for the earth and guaranteed harvests without synthetic additives. Regular use will ensure plant growth.

  1. The main advantage is the preservation of properties (up to 3 years), the ability to effectively kill mold in the soil, and the saturation of plants with nitrogen.
  2. This product increases the quality and quantity of plant products and accelerates the ripening process of fruits if applied following the recommendations.
  3. Litter for feeding plants is economical, material consumption is insignificant. The presence of useful elements in it and their composition is determined by nitrogen and phosphorus.
  4. The fertilizer must be diluted. Using fresh chicken droppings is dangerous - the roots are affected.

It is important to maintain the correct proportions: the manure for digging should be diluted with water (1:10 or 1:20). If you take less water, the solution will be highly concentrated.

Cooking methods

You need to know how to breed bird droppings for feeding. Use requires strict compliance with all necessary conditions.

Gardeners immediately use 3 effective options for preparing liquid fertilizer.


It is necessary to dilute fresh chicken afterbirth in a barrel of water. The resulting infusion of chicken manure should be similar to unsaturated tea. It is important that the color is not too dark. If the mixture turns out darker, then water is added to it so that the concentration of nitrogen substances is reduced.

The resulting solution is infused for 2-4 days, then it is mixed with liquid (1:2) and placed in the wells.

Using already fermented afterbirth

You can dilute chicken manure to feed plants at home. It is necessary to mix manure and water in equal quantities. The mixture is closed and left untouched for 5 days.

The result of fermentation is a concentrate that must be diluted with water. Fertilizing with this mixture costs 300-500 ml per bucket of water.

Dry fertilizer

Dry chicken manure requires a longer cooking time, but does not lose its positive properties and is excellent for spring and autumn soil fertilization after preliminary processing.

Using a compost bin is a very simple method. In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to get rid of unnecessary organic waste, weeds and sawdust.

Rotted bird droppings, weeds, grass clippings, sawdust, and organic waste are poured into a chicken manure compost pit. Maintain a layer thickness of 15-20 cm. Humidity matters: if the components are dry, they are watered. The pit is closed and isolated from oxygen for 3-4 months.

Manure is spread in an even layer over the land. Then it is dug up. During the fall and winter, chicken poop will release nutrients into the damp soil. By spring, the soil will be saturated with nitrogen and ready for planting.

Dry fertilizer is poured under the roots of seedlings or fruit trees and bushes. There should be an afterbirth at the bottom of the hole ready for planting; it is covered with a layer of soil, then the plants are planted.

The use of chicken manure fertilizer should be careful; exceeding the concentration can make it toxic. General application rates:

  1. In the fall, before plowing the area, the ground is covered with dried Litter within 2 kg/m² of land.
  2. Use during planting: 10 kg of quail placenta for each planting hole.
  3. For fruit trees, 2 kg of afterbirth (for each) or 500 g of solution will be enough.

How to remove acidity

One way to remove acidity in a simple way. Fertilizer is poured into a fabric bag and dipped in water. The optimal ratio is 2:1. The bag is left for 48 hours. A liter of infusion is mixed with 20 liters of water and continued to be stored for another 7 days. Then the beds are fertilized.

To achieve the desired result, apply fertilizer to well-moistened soil, this ensures that the plants receive equal nutrition.

What plants to fertilize

Chicken manure has a rich composition of useful elements, due to which it ensures good productivity.


The main lover of nitrogen fertilizers is grapes. The organization of all conditions is important for him.

Grapes grow on clay soil; they need support and an uninterrupted supply of vitamins. The rotted Litter is compacted at the bottom of the planting hole, covered with soil cover, moistened and planted. Humus consumption - a bucket per pit.


Chicken manure is good for tomatoes and will ensure their productivity. It is better to add useful components as compost in compliance with dosages of 3-4 kg per sq.m. The infusion is used throughout the ripening period, 5 liters each. After watering, the tomatoes will show good growth and produce a lot of fruit.


Cucumbers are fed with a solution of bird droppings after it has fermented. Special attention attention should be paid to concentration - the color of the liquid should be almost yellow.

The best time to fertilize is shortly before the cucumbers begin to bloom. After fertilization, the fruits will set well, and there will be an order of magnitude less empty flowers. for cucumbers guarantees results.


Feeding potatoes with chicken manure is useful. It is best to sprinkle dry droppings under potato tubers. Preparation land plot will give good results in the fall. But it will be difficult to obtain high-quality potatoes using only such measures.

Chicken manure is used in combination with other agents; urea works well. Additionally, bird droppings are diluted with dry ash, this helps get rid of wireworms, fight worms and treat tuber diseases.

Fruit trees

A good source of vitamins for apple trees and other fruit trees is fertilizing with chicken manure. One seedling consumes a norm of 8-10 liters. It is recommended to fertilize in spring and autumn after harvesting.


Fertilizer made from chicken manure is suitable for strawberries. When achieving the desired goal, it is important to follow some rules.

It is prohibited to water strawberry bushes for fertilizing. This can cause damage to leaves and death of bushes. The solution is poured into the furrow near the plant. The roots will provide the bush with the required amount of vitamins.

Blooming strawberry bushes should not be fertilized this way.


You can use chicken manure to feed peppers in a greenhouse; this must be done before the fruits ripen. To water the plants, use 500 ml of liquid.


A solution of chicken manure, which contains nitrogen, phosphorus, nucleotides and phosphorites, must be used for planting garlic.

Avoiding the use of fresh manure will help protect garlic and its flowering from the harmful aggressive influence of the placenta.

To add chicken manure to fertilize the garden, it is soaked for two days and diluted with water, applied around the roots.


Roses often suffer from nitrogen deficiency. Therefore, when feeding this plant with chicken droppings, it will delight you with lush and long flowering and a pleasant aroma.

It is not recommended to fertilize roses in the summer while they are blooming. Autumn and spring are optimal for this.


Currants love chicken droppings. It will saturate the bushes with the necessary nitrogen.

The currants are fed with humus from chicken manure when planting the bush. Raspberries are fed with chicken droppings in the same way. Fertilizers can be applied in spring and autumn.


Carrots are fertilized in early spring. Fertilizers cannot be sawed into the green part. A hole is dug along the rows of carrots, into which the solution prepared in advance is poured. Then it is recommended to moisten the root crop plantation. Watering will help ensure even distribution of nutrients. Carrots are also sprinkled with ash.

Vegetables tolerate fertilizers based on chicken manure differently. It is not recommended to fertilize greens and salads in this way. Nitrogen will give an unpleasant specific taste.

Store-bought chicken manure

The elements in the composition of chicken manure provide the gardener with cucumbers.

Production rules: raw organic product dried in accordance with high temperature and form granules of different sizes. They do not smell, their odor is neutral, they should be stored dry.

Thanks to special processing, purchased fertilizers based on droppings are not contaminated with helminth eggs, and most importantly, it is easy to transport. In its composition natural ingredients, its shelf life is quite long.

Industrial collection of chicken manure provides additional features consumption. The absence of odor allows you to use granules for feeding flowers, roses and indoor plants. They just need to be soaked in water and, after swelling, used for watering. The product soaked in water will help treat the seeds before planting.

It is not necessary to soak the granules; dry granules are placed directly under the plant in a moistened earthen mixture. As you water, the granule will gradually dissolve.

Suitable excrement

You can fertilize your garden with chicken manure, but farmers are also trying to use other effective fertilizers.

Not long ago, people began to use pigeon, quail and goose droppings to process various crops and seedlings.


Pigeon afterbirth is used in strict compliance with the standards established for the afterbirth of hens and chickens. No different from manure obtained from chickens.

The use of fresh pigeon droppings is prohibited. It is prepared for use by composting, soaking and infusion.

It is possible to use the litter of only those pigeons that live at home and eat natural food.

Collecting the afterbirth of pigeons living in large cities is dangerous. Such pigeons find food in landfills. The waste produced by such birds may contain harmful and dangerous substances.


Not only chicken manure is suitable for the garden. It is also possible to use goose excrement. Goose droppings are more nutritious. The components of such fertilizer are quickly absorbed by the plant world. Accordingly, the desired result of plant growth is achieved much earlier. Goose Droppings are not very common and purchasing them can be problematic. This fact is the main disadvantage of this experimental manifestation.

Breeding birds such as quails is becoming increasingly popular. A distinctive feature of these birds is the cost-effectiveness of their maintenance, but they produce a lot of litter. Quail droppings are milder in toxicity; they are not contaminated with helminth eggs (they die due to high body temperature).


When using chicken manure as fertilizer, all details must be observed. Due to increased nitrogen levels, it is important to adhere to acceptable dosages.

The composition of chicken manure is such that the content of all necessary substances makes it possible to feed Vegetables and other crops. There is no need to make any effort to store the fertilizer.