What other exchanges are there besides advego. My review of Advego: instructions for working on the stock exchange for beginners. Good orders are rarely made public

If you have a rich imagination, can write well and competently, and also have something to tell people, you have a direct path to content exchanges. For beginners, the Advego exchange is best.

    • What is Advego?
    • What ways to earn money does the Advego exchange provide?
    • Advice for beginning Advego authors
    • Conclusion

What is Advego?

If we talk in simple words, then Advego is a site where you can buy or sell content on various topics or complete any task related to writing articles. Among everything variety of exchanges existing on the Internet, Advego stands out for its affordable prices and a large selection of ready-made articles, which is undoubtedly main reason influx of customers.

  1. Before starting work, the exchange does not require passing any special tests. Just registration is enough.
  2. You can either take orders or work with the article store. True, in order to publish your first article, you need to complete at least 10 works and get paid for them.
  3. There is an opportunity to post your resume.
  4. You don't have to pay to access orders like you do on some other exchanges.
  5. To withdraw money from your account, you only need to dial 5 dollars.
  6. You can discuss all the questions you are interested in regarding the operation of the exchange on a special forum.
  7. The exchange provides the opportunity to check content for uniqueness and absence of errors directly on the Advego website itself.

Getting to know the Advego article exchange

As you can understand, such a number of advantages is an excellent argument for joining the ranks of Advego authors. However, like everywhere else, this exchange also has its drawbacks. And it’s better to know about them before starting work:

  1. Very low rates for writing articles. When you're just starting out as a copywriter, this might not bother you too much. But more professional authors, having gained experience and knowledge, as a rule, leave the ranks of Advego authors and begin to look for higher earnings.
  1. For an inexperienced copywriter, there is a risk of doing the job for free. Unfortunately, not in all cases the Advego administration accommodates the authors halfway. Therefore, you will still need to prove the illegality of the refusal to pay. However, fortunately, this rarely happens.

7 secrets of teaser advertising

If you are not afraid of possible difficulties, then the next thing that will interest you will be the question of how earn money by writing articles on Advego.

What ways to earn money does the Advego exchange provide?

There are several ways to make money on this exchange. Over time, you will choose what you like best.


This is the easiest way to make money. This is where most authors start. You will need to leave your comments and posts in in social networks or forums. The money paid for such work is small, but in order to earn a rating and understand how the exchange works, posting is quite suitable.


This work involves rewriting one or more articles while maintaining the main idea. Your task is to achieve high uniqueness while maintaining main idea text. This type of work is very similar to writing an essay in school. You are given a text that needs to be rephrased in your own words, but the meaning of the article should not be affected.


Such work is already considered more difficult. You will be required to write unique content using only your own knowledge and experience. Of course, you can search for information on the Internet, because no one will be able to check where you got it from. However, your article should not be similar to any other.

At first glance, this task seems difficult. However, if you have a lot of experience, a great imagination and you understand what you are writing about, you can handle copywriting.

SEO copywriting

Many aspiring authors are afraid of such assignments. Although in reality there is nothing complicated about them. You are given keywords- a regular set of words or phrases that need to be inserted into the text. At the same time, an outsider who will read your text should not guess how these words or phrases sound, so harmoniously they should be included in the article.


A great way to make money, if, of course, you know foreign language. Orders for translation of articles are well paid and competition in this work is not so high.

Writing articles for the Advego ready-made content store

Besides fulfillment of orders, you can also write articles for the Advego ready-made content store. To do this, you just need to understand which topic you are strongest in and start writing the article. This type of work has its advantages. Firstly, you are not limited in time. That is, write whenever and as much as you want.

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money from copywriting

Secondly, you choose the topic of the article yourself and write about what you want. But there are also disadvantages. The most important thing is that you will have to wait until your brainchild finds its buyer. This may take more than one week. It all depends on how popular the topic of your articles is.

You may have an excellent style, be able to write unique articles and know a lot of useful and interesting information that can be conveyed to people, but, unfortunately, this does not guarantee you success on the Advego exchange.

Checking the uniqueness of the texts you write through Advego

In order to achieve recognition and become a good author, you need know some secrets, which we will discuss below.

Good orders are rarely made public

Most often, the customer creates a tender and chooses the author with whom he will work. Don't neglect such tenders. Be sure to leave requests indicating that you would like to work with this customer. Of course, while you have little experience and written articles, the likelihood that you will be chosen is low. However, it's still worth trying!

Only take on work that you are guaranteed to do

Never take on something that you may not be able to handle. Otherwise, refusal to pay will lower your rating and, as a result, scare away other customers.

Feel free to ask questions on the forums

The more you know, the easier your job will be. However, you should not swear on forums, sort things out and complain about other customers. Don’t forget that forums are read not only by Advego authors. Accordingly, your behavior may not be in the best possible way affect your rating. Maintain a friendly, polite and positive attitude.

Ask to be added to the customer's white list

If you have completed the job successfully, ask the customer to whitelist you. Just don’t bother me too much—few people like that either.

Be careful with order deadlines

Remember that you have a limited amount of time to complete the work. If you fail to submit your work on time, it is automatically considered incomplete, and you have another refusal to pay.

Always check your completed work for grammatical and punctuation errors.

Sometimes we allow them to happen simply through inattention. But in the work of writing articles, they are simply unacceptable.

Before taking your first order from a customer, check his profile

To do this, simply click on his name. You will see what percentage of failures and revisions it has. This is very useful information. Then you can decide for yourself whether you should work with this customer or not.

Download the free checklist: 18 ideas on what you can sell on Avito right now to make money

A high percentage of payment refusals indicates that your potential employer is picky. Of course, the Advego exchange guarantees payment for your work, but only if it is done correctly. All controversial cases are resolved through the Advego administration and, if it turns out that your work has even the slightest mistake, the refusal to pay will be considered justified.

Spend as much time as possible on the Advego website

Good orders are sold out very quickly. And, if you visit the exchange 1-2 times a week, you will have little chance of catching a good order.

Be sure to consider the uniqueness of your articles

She's being checked special program Advego Plagiatus. Despite the fact that the exchange considers an article with a score above 90% unique, some customers require a higher uniqueness score, for example, 95% and higher. If you cannot achieve this indicator, you may be denied payment. And such a refusal will be considered completely justified by the Advego administration.

It is more difficult to achieve high levels of uniqueness in highly specialized articles, for example, in recipes, product descriptions, articles on medical, legal or other topics. At first, try to avoid such work so as not to spoil your statistics.


By following all these recommendations, you can easily make money from content writing and become a good copywriter. The exchange gives everyone the opportunity to earn money. And with diligence, the amount of your monthly earnings on Advego can easily exceed your current income. However, do not forget that easy money can only be won in the lottery, but this, unfortunately, does not happen often. In other cases you have to work.

Good day, dear readers! Quite recently, a vote was held in the VKontakte group about article exchanges. As a result, 2 leaders were identified: Text.ru and Advego. Let's find out why these exchanges were preferred.

To begin with, let us outline the criteria for the success of an articles exchange. There are 3 main points:

  • First, the exchange should be simple for beginners. As they say, Moscow was not built in a day. So here too, first you need to interest the customer, raise your level each time, and understand the nuances of copywriting work.
  • Second, the article exchange must do custom work. According to statistics, a copywriter’s income depends 90% on orders and only 10% on free sales.
  • third, there must be a referral program, i.e. expand the circle of willing copywriters.

We recommend, especially for beginning copywriters, to use the Text.ru exchange and the Advego exchange. They meet all three points.

You may be wondering, which article exchange is better? Our answer is the Advego exchange. Why? Because on the Text.ru exchange the customer chooses the artist, but on Advego it’s the other way around, which makes it possible to prove yourself to the customer, even if you are a novice copywriter.

My advice to you: if you still decide to register on the exchange, then register on two at once: on Text.ru and Advego. First, pay attention to Text.ru, where you can get your hands on good orders with decent pay, and over time, customers themselves will start looking for you.

We wish you good luck in your endeavors and decent pay!

Good afternoon dear blog visitors. Despite the fact that it is already 1 - 39 am Moscow time, and despite the fact that today I managed to write 32 articles for sale (seriously), this is how debts of 55,000 wmr and with daily interest dripping by 200 wmr motivate or even more, but not about that =). As you already understand, I started to really make serious money from copywriting, and was able to achieve an income of 10 - 30wmz per day, since I sell 5 - 15 articles per day. This motivation has affected me so much with debt, so old mistakes need to be corrected. In this article I want to talk about my purely opinion about making money from copywriting, and I want to talk about: etxt, advego or textsale? On which exchange you can really earn more, and why.

I want to warn you right away that my opinion is personal and everyone has their own favorite copywriting exchange on which they earn money, either buy articles, or work as customers. In my recent posts I wrote about:

I strongly recommend that you read these posts, and now let’s move on to the main thing. The purpose of this post is that I want to weigh the pros and cons of three popular copywriting exchanges. We will talk about such exchanges as:



3. Etxt

I became acquainted with these exchanges about 3 years ago. And in general, I learned what copywriting is somewhere in 2010, and I didn’t manage to make money from it right away, of course, because of my own laziness. And the fact is that any exchange has both disadvantages and advantages. Of course, you can make money on any exchange, but there are some nuances that prevent a novice copywriter from making money. Let's take a brief look at the copywriting exchange data.

This is the first exchange I met and earned my first money.


1. Minimum amount for payment

2. Payment within a few hours on WMR (if memory serves)

3. Took the job, completed it, received the money. There are no expectations for choosing a performer.


1. A very frequent refusal when putting an article up for sale supposedly has low quality or errors. (this is of course a minus only for performers, but for buyers it’s a big plus, since the quality is guaranteed)

2. There is very little work, so you can make money only by selling articles. And articles are moderated very harshly, so this exchange is simply not suitable for beginners.

It was on this exchange that I began to earn at least a few thousand rubles a month. But because of my laziness, I never went beyond 5,000 rubles a month


1. Just a lot of work for the performers

4. Withdrawal both within 5 days and within 24 hours for 5%

5. Very honest exchange and moderators, they won’t just scam you or deceive you

6. SMS notification support

7. Super affiliate program

8. Conveniently sell articles


1. Low cost of completing tasks. It is difficult to find a price higher than 50 rubles per 1,000 characters; the majority of tasks cost up to 15 rubles/1000 characters.

2. Moderation of articles occurs with a very high delay, sometimes up to 7 days, and unfortunately not everyone has auto-moderation.


As soon as I visited this exchange for the first time, I almost felt sick from the poor design. But I had no idea that behind this poor design there was a whole mine for making money. Now I recognize this exchange as No. 1 for making money when compared with others. Now advego and etxt are nothing for me compared to textsale. With the help of textsale, I was able to achieve an income of over 300wmz per month (10,000 rubles +), and I could not earn more than 5,000 rubles on other exchanges.


1. The minimum amount for payment is only $1

2. Payment after 1 day. You can know exactly up to 1 minute when you will receive the money, and usually this is after 1 day at exactly 12:00 Moscow time.

3. No moderation of your articles. Wrote it, put it up for sale, sold it.

4. Payment to both wmz and wmr wallets

5. It’s easy to buy articles even for $10


They simply don’t exist, it seems to me! And I used to consider this exchange to be the worst. Now I can say that the testsale article exchange best exchange to make money from copywriting.

I award first place to a copywriting store called TextSale. And I also recommend joining my team at textsale and starting making money from copywriting.

Good luck to you!

This message has no labels

2015 is coming to an end, and it’s time to take stock of some results and remember what was good about it. And one more thing - what made users happy with popular domestic freelance exchanges, what innovations and updates were made, how this affected the work of the exchanges and the freelance market as a whole.

It might even be possible to do small excursion into the future, and lift the veil of secrecy - what awaits us in 2016? What gifts do the administrations of popular resources have in store for us?

I would like to start with popular content exchanges, namely -Advego, eTXTAndMiratext.

The administration of one of the largest content exchanges did not sit idly by this year and made many updates to the resource - both small and large.

A new versionAdvegoPlagiatus

The program, which is trusted by many customers and copywriters, has undergone another update. Version, according to the creators, is critical, and only you need to follow it, because... all other versions do not work correctly.

IN new version The program highlights characters typed in a different keyboard layout. You also need to enter captcha less often when working with Yandex.

In addition, it works in beta version PlagiatusOnline, launched in January this year.

Change in minimum prices

Before copywriters had time to come to their senses after lowering the minimum prices in December 2014, in August 2015 the exchange again changed pricing policy. The minimum cost of work became two times lower than the previously announced prices, and amounted to 0.02 USD / 2 rubles.

A little less than 4 months have passed, and the minimum prices have changed again. From December 15, the following prices apply on the exchange:

Copywriting - 0.35 USD e. / 25 rub. for 1000 characters.

Rewriting with one source - 0.20 USD. e. / 15 rub. for 1000 characters.

Transfer - 0.35 USD e. / 25 rub. for 1000 characters.

Text proofreading, error correction - 0.20 USD. e. / 15 rub. for 1000 characters.

  • Guru - 10x
  • Experts - 4x
  • Professionals - 2x
  • Specialists - 1.25x
  • Amateurs - 1x

There is also an increasing coefficient for tenders - 1.25x.

Instant withdrawal of funds

From December 1, exchange users with a certificate no lower than the initial one can order instant withdrawal funds from the exchange, with a commission of 5%. The function is available to those who withdraw funds a second or more times. The money is credited to your account within one minute.

The second currency is rubles

The Advego exchange has always worked with only one currency - cu. Since December, users have been able to choose which currency they want to work with - rubles or cu. You can change the currency in your profile settings. There is a commission for the change: the first time - 1%, subsequent times - 3%.

Due to the innovation, the minimum threshold withdrawal of funds. In rubles it is 500 rubles, in USD – 5 WMZ.

Many innovations have been made for customers: quick notification by email about a completed order; created new section"Works"; An absolute order limit has been introduced for performers.

Several literary competitions were held for performers: “Fables of Advego”, New Year's competition children's story "Advego-children".

What awaits exchange users next year is anyone’s guess. Let's hope it will be improvedPlagiatusOnline, and that prices will not go down any further. The work of copywriters still needs to be appreciated; in fact, it is not such an easy job!

A large content exchange, with a store of ready-made articles and its own program for checking texts for plagiarism and rewriting, which is extremely popular with both customers and performers - this is eTXT.ru.

The resource has a long and rich history, which in 2015 was replenished with significant events:

The following figures indicate that 2015 was a successful year:

In total, according to statistics as of December 2015, more than 800,000 users were registered on the exchange;

Since January 1, 2015, more than 250,000 users have registered on the exchange, which is 18% more than last year;

Every day 9,000 orders are processed through eTXT.ru. In 2014, this figure was 7,000 orders.

Exchange updates in 2015:

  • The full functionality of the article posting module has been launched, helping exchange users to order and post articles on resources immediately through the eTXT.ru system. The module was created for advertisers who would like to promote their resources using articles. It's simple - the user creates his own campaign, adds articles to it for posting and sends them for moderation. After the moderator accepts the articles, the user can select suitable sites and submit applications for posting. Webmasters post articles on their resources. For webmasters, this is an opportunity to fill their resource with unique content and earn additional income.
  • The SMM module has been launched in beta version since December of this year. This system will allow users to effectively promote content on social networks.

The eTXT.ru exchange is the organizer of Russia's first specialized conference on content marketing, Russian Content Marketing. The conference was held for the first time in 2014.

In 2015, the Russian Content Marketing conference was held on October 2 at the Technopolis Moscow congress center. A total of 26 speakers addressed the audience, and 6 master classes were held. More than 700 people took part in the conference, including online listeners.

Plans for 2016

About plans for next year Alena Reutova, deputy, told our magazine general director exchanges eTXT.ru:

« We have big plans for the coming year. We won’t reveal all the secrets, but we can say that the international version of the eTXT exchange will be launched in 2016.”.

Speaking of popular content exchanges, Miratext could not be missed. This exchange is considered one of the most authoritative for copywriters, and its operating principle differs from most similar sites. 2015 was not a wasted year for the resource, let’s take a look at what was being worked on.

First, some statistics .

Registered on the exchange 1086 copywriters, including:

  • 592 active;
  • 494 banned (for poor quality of work).

11105 users who want to become copywriters, but cannot pass test tasks.

Every day sh̶̶̶i̶̶̶e̶̶̶ ̶g̶l̶a̶z̶a̶ ̶р̶е̶д̶а̶к̶т̶о̶р̶о̶в̶ through the experience and prism of knowledge of the exchange editors passes approximately 457027 characters. And even more without an editor.

Over the past month, the following has been posted on client sites:

  • manually - 295 articles;
  • automatically - 73 articles.

In order to protect content by approximately 620 articles per month are regularly sent to the Yandex module “Original texts”.

For all time it was created 223 carefree project. In the largest one it was written 7168 articles. Some are so lengthy that work has been ongoing for 9 months!

  • Author 1 - 73379 rub.
  • Author 2 - 63245 rub.
  • Author 3 - 44969 rub.
  • Author 4 - RUR 38,256
  • Author 5 - 32573 rub.

Earned by users over the last month 9822 MiraCakes, which are actively exchanged in the bonus store.

Registered within 30 days 1854 user.

Exchange updates in 2015

One of the most important innovations is appearance of the service “Light-hearted project ”, which appealed to many customers. By ordering this service, the client receives not only ready-made texts at an affordable price, but also by posting them on your website.

There was also implemented automatic placement of finished articles in CMS Wordpress. Now the customer can entrust the placement not only to managers, but to the Miratext robot.

  • the possibility of exchanging bonuses has been expanded. Now you can use them to top up your account in Miralinks, Mirahab, PR-CY;
  • implemented open copywriter statistics, namely TOP-5 authors by monthly profit;
  • updated site analysis tool. A service that will help customers analyze the site for errors and find out its overall uniqueness;
  • tool createdquery clustering for the convenience of customers.

Plans for 2016

The Miratext administration shared its plans for the next year with our readers:

“The priority for us is the creation comfortable conditions to work in the system. Often even to our own detriment, we really try to make it comfortable.

Of course, there is still a lot of work, but the following areas can be highlighted:

  • Training for both copywriters and customers. We are preparing a lot of materials that will expand the horizons of our users. We'll explain what to do and what not to do.
  • We will classify copywriters in even more detail, and also make it possible to in a fast way find someone to collaborate with.
  • We will direct our efforts to speed up the site and make the work even more comfortable.
  • We will continue to develop new areas: a carefree project, site analysis and query clustering.
  • And a secret development :).”

As you can see, a lot of work has been done, and the leading content exchanges have huge plans for the next year. We look forward to the implementation!

There is very little time left until the New Year - a holiday that all freelancers look forward to. After all, this is not only delicious treats, tangerines and sweets, a decorated Christmas tree, but also a rare opportunity to take a complete break from fulfilling orders!

Domestic content exchanges congratulate all freelancers and clients on the upcoming main holiday of the year.


Congratulations from eTXT.ru

The administration of the eTXT.ru exchange wishes all freelancers a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We wish you success on the Internet! May all your most cherished dreams and desires come true in the New Year 2016!

Congratulations from Miratext

Miratext team, the whole friendly team

I would like to congratulate you on the holiday and wish you strength!

Find a source of inspiration for many years.

And so that Internet access is always available!

Good luck, creativity and a thousand ideas!

Calm, patience, many days ahead!

More orders, interesting topics,

We wish you only flattering comments and reviews!

Strive to develop and achieve the ideal!

Become better in the coming, neither more nor less.

The year of the monkey is bright, the year of creativity, fun,

We wish you such a mood every day!

Let in New Year dreams and wishes come true.

We appreciate each of you! Thank you for your attention!

Freelancers, happy new year!

Freelance. Today joins in the congratulations and wants to wish the Content Exchange Administrations success in their not an easy task, further development, and speedy implementation of plans for the future!

Advego is one of the most famous and popular. It unites more than 2.5 million users. Copywriters and rewriters choose Advego because of the regular replenishment of the list of orders and additional free programs for uniqueness checking, spelling and SEO analysis. Customers - for the opportunity to quickly purchase quality content. For those who are just starting to work on the stock exchange or want to increase their earnings here, we have collected useful information about this service in one article. From it you will learn many of the nuances and subtleties of the functionality of this online platform, which will help you work and earn money, guaranteed and quite productive.

Official site Advego exchanges: https://advego.ru

Types of work on the stock exchange

Tasks on Advego are divided by degree of difficulty:

  1. Low: completing tasks on social networks (likes, reposts, invitations to communities), comments on forums, searching for information according to certain criteria;
  2. Medium: decoding (translation into text format) of audio and video files, advertising publication on a third-party resource (for performers who are the owners of a website or blog);
  3. High: copywriting, rewriting with SEO elements (several keys must be inserted into the processed text), translations, text proofreading, SEO services (key selection using special services)

How to fulfill orders

The “Job Search” section contains tasks available for completion. All information for the contractor is placed on the order card. To select work based on certain parameters, there is a separate tab (filter), where you can specify a price acceptable to you, topic, type of work, and completion time. The minimum period that can be presented to the performer is 30 minutes, the maximum is 120 hours (5 days).

When you find an interesting offer, carefully study the terms of reference, evaluate your capabilities, including time. Then click on the “Get to work” button.

The customer can independently choose the contractor. In this case, the order card contains the note “Tender”. If you decide to take part in the tender, you need to leave a request and indicate your advantages in a special field or explain why this order should go to you. Work can begin when the customer is in his personal account will choose you as a performer.

Useful advice from the company "LookFreedom»: do not take an order based only on short description. Open full text. IN terms of reference Sometimes nuances are indicated that may be beyond your control. Refusal to work, regardless of the reasons, affects the rating.

Any questions to the customer can be asked in the special “Order Discussion” form.

Remember(!) On Advego, the exchange of any contact information is strictly prohibited: both in personal messages and in discussions. Violation of the rule will result in a ban.

Personal order and white list

The customer has the opportunity to choose a contractor not only through a tender. If he liked the level of work performed, then next time he can immediately entrust his order to a specific person. This is why there is a “Personal order” option.

When there are several performers who suit the customer, he creates a “White List”. In this case, only the profiles specified in this list can respond to applications.

Work for authors (copywriting and rewriting)

Copywriters and rewriters can make money on Advego in two ways:

  1. Take orders from the general list;
  2. Sell ​​articles in a special “Shop” section.

Only the author who has already completed more than 10 orders and received payment for them can put his article up for sale. Before an article goes to the store, it is moderated. The reviewer (moderator) can return the material for revision. The performer has only 3 attempts to correct it.

What you need to do to get your articles bought (mini-case ):

  1. Follow the optimal volume – 3-3.5 thousand characters;
  2. Attract attention with an original title;
  3. Bring the most striking fragment for reference (it is better if this is the beginning of the text);
  4. Place an outline of the article in the description so that the buyer knows what your work is about;
  5. Indicate key phrases by which users can search for your material using search engines;
  6. Don't forget about uniqueness. The minimum acceptable indicator is 85% according to Advego.

Rating, efficiency, obligation

  • Number of completed orders and their average cost;
  • Scope of work (number of characters written, number of complex orders, etc.);
  • Number of customers with whom cooperation took place.
  1. Efficiency (coefficient of efficiency) should not fall below 95%. This indicator is calculated based on the ratio of paid work to their total number. That is, high efficiency means that the execution satisfied the customer, and he paid the contractor. For efficiency below 70%, permanent blocking is provided;
  2. Work with different customers;
  3. Complete 30 jobs in a week, 200 in 90 days;
  4. Select orders with prices above the minimum;
  5. Mandatory- above 95%. The main criteria for calculation are the number of work refusals and the number of modifications in completed orders.

Important tip: If you take on a job, but realize that you can’t handle it, it’s better to refuse in the first 30 minutes. In this case, the mandatory data is not reduced. The user account is blocked if the requirement is below 85% for 3 months, below 80% - forever.

Performers status

*If the customer specifies the level of contractor in the tender conditions, then the minimum order price is multiplied by an increasing factor

Anyone can become a guru. Certification

According to the new rules of the service, any registered Advego user can now obtain the “Guru” status. To do this, you need to go through the certification procedure and complete several tasks. These include writing:

  • Information note;
  • SEO text;
  • Text for a small .

Please pay attention to 2 important aspects:

  1. Certification - payable service(cost - 10 USD, or 600 rubles).
  2. Passing the tests does not automatically mean you will receive Guru status.

All certification participants receive in personal messages from Advego detailed analysis works indicating errors and recommendations for improving the quality of assignments.

Prices and level of earnings on Advego

The customer has the right to indicate any cost of the work on the exchange. However, it is still limited minimum prices (per 1000 characters):

  • Rewriting - from 0.25 USD (15 rub.);
  • Copywriting – from 0.35 USD (25 rub.);
  • Transfer – 0.35 USD (25 rub.);
  • Error correction (proofreading) – 0.2 USD (15 rub.);
  • SEO services – 0.15 USD (10 rub.);