What I imagine awaits in the future. Miniature essay “How do I see my future?” My professional goals


Probably every person thinks about what will happen tomorrow. And everyone is interested in how their life will turn out... I believe that a person is the architect of his own happiness. And how you live now, think, act - a lot depends on it. You must always be confident in yourself, have a goal in life, strive for something. If all this is not there, then there is no life. It’s stupid to live in vain, to waste time on things, deeds, and actions that are unnecessary either to you or to those around you. Everything should be in balance: school, dancing, friends, relationships with someone or anything else. There are a lot of examples that can be given, but the essence is the same. In my example... My dream is a successful choreographer in a large city with great prospects. Or a psychologist with a very developed inner world. I don’t want to finish school and immediately jump out and give birth to a bunch of children and then sit and think about how to make them human. I have no desire to sit at home in a colorful robe, wipe children’s noses, and complain that life has not happened. This means that now we need to think about our future. It's a waste of time to rely only on bad habits, watch TV for hours...

My choice of profession was made based on my abilities and talents. Being a choreographer is not as easy as it seems. You not only need to know and be able to do all the jumps, turns, positions, but also teach them to others. And teach correctly, so that the student will later be proud that he was taught by a real person in his field. For everything to work out, you need to be able to position yourself, to be, first of all, a friend, and not a despot who molds people into a stamp with the word “like everyone else, so are you.” Each person is individual and has his own abilities for something. And if you don’t develop them, but live a dull life, then you have no right to call yourself a human being. To live according to the rules means to be a conservative. I'm not one of those people, I'm an innovator. The future family as I see it. Mutual understanding, trust, love should reign in relation to the family; I am against matriarchy and patriarchy. There should be equality with the person you decide to spend your whole life with. You need to love, appreciate, respect. And make the right choice, think well before legalizing the relationship. Do not rush headlong to the registry office, based only on affection and mutual interests. There is no need to waste time searching, thinking that all the best ones will be taken away. True love comes on its own, alone and forever. You just don’t need to think about it all the time, you need to exist in your own correct individual life. And not just to exist, but to live in the fullest and most in the best sense this word. Believe, wait, feel, act, and in any case be optimistic, think that everything will work out for you. And get a good result, striving for even better.

How do I see my future

Everyone is the smith of their own destiny.

Every person at least once in his life thought about what awaits him. They say that looking into the future is tempting fate, but is that true? There is a difference between empty dreams and carefully hatched plans that will help make those dreams come true. But is it not a waste of time to make plans without knowing whether they will come true or not? Probably not useless, because no blessings can fall directly from the sky; they are necessarily the result of long and hard work, which, in turn, is the result of reflection and fruitful reflection.
A planned life is not a utopia. Living according to plans does not mean mechanically existing like a robot, it means gradually, step by step, moving towards the fulfillment of your desires.
Of course, anyone would like to live according to this principle: if you wish, it happens. True, there is a serious danger: a person does not appreciate easy prey and cannot fully appreciate what he received without effort.
But such fulfillment of desires is not worth even talking about, because it is still impossible. In addition, you need to be careful what you wish for, because they may come true.
That's why the best option- this is first to clearly define the list of what you want, and then try to implement it through your own efforts, “on the go” adjusting it in accordance with the requirements of the real world and new personal needs, because it is human nature to constantly change and be on the move (of course, the consequence of which is a change in our priorities , sometimes very unpredictable.

It is one thing to know the sources of the Nile River and the layout of the labyrinth, and another thing is to understand the essence of happiness. (G. Skovoroda)

Whatever my future is, I want to create it myself and be responsible for my actions, because the main thing is not what we achieve in life, but how we do it.
Of course, in the future I would like to work fruitfully, to benefit people and my country, and I hope I will succeed, because I have chosen the profession of a lawyer and will try to do everything so that the laws of Ukraine are not only on paper, but also in effect in real life .

The happiness of an individual outside of society is impossible, just as the life of a plant is impossible when it is pulled out of the soil and thrown into infertile sand. (A. Tolstoy)

But I don’t even consider self-realization in the profession to be the most important thing in life. I think that if a person makes another person happy, she can consider her life not as years lived in vain, but as a hearth that warmed someone. Of course, the well-being of a nation weighs a lot, and the fate of the Earth, its ecological state and political turmoil cannot leave anyone indifferent. But no less important is happiness in the family, mutual understanding with loved ones. And it seems to me that harmony in an individual family (and I would like there to be as many such families as possible) can contribute to our world also becoming harmonious.
With this hope, I take a step into my future.

There are many difficulties and unexpected turns of events in every person's life. I will also have to overcome many obstacles, but I am confident that I can become a real specialist in the field of economics. To achieve this goal, you need to work hard on yourself now and, of course, gain experience with everyone possible ways. Experience is very important, but it comes with time. Therefore, now we cannot waste this precious time.

I would like to make my career in some thriving company, climb the corporate ladder, and open my own construction or design company.

In my understanding, making a career means achieving a prestigious position in society and a high level of income. This refers to prestige from the point of view of public opinion.

In order to become a specialist in your profession, you must have personal qualities such as ease of communication, perseverance, willpower, self-confidence, etc.

To reach main goal, you need to go through almost the entire life path. Progress towards a different goal will take place in stages, step by step, through solving intermediate tasks.

At the age of 18, I will get a part-time job as a sales consultant in a construction or design organization in order to accumulate some knowledge and experience in my chosen field of activity. For this position I need qualities such as communication skills, attentiveness, politeness and, of course, some knowledge. I think it will be interesting job, because I will be able to communicate with customers and more experienced work colleagues. Estimated income is 1,500 rubles, because I have no work experience. In this way I will take the first step towards my intended goal.

By the age of 22, I plan to get a position as a sales manager in the same company. A month will be enough to demonstrate your capabilities to colleagues and prove that noticeable progress is being made in your work. My responsibilities will include concluding contracts with clients and advertising products. Desired income is 4,000 rubles.

By the age of 25, I want to move up the career ladder and get the position of deputy director. regional office in a construction (design) company. Having achieved this, I will need to master the art of managing people. The experience and capital accumulated during my tenure in this position will mainly help me make the leap and become the owner of my own company. Estimated income is 10,000 rubles.

At the age of 30 I will open my own business. This will be a construction or design firm. Construction has always been and will be held in high esteem. It has great prospects, despite the fact that it has existed since ancient times. It is especially pleasant to build civil buildings and residential buildings. I want to bring something new to these construction industries. I want the houses to be comfortable to live in and have an exceptional interior. This will greatly benefit people.

Design is closely related to construction and has a wide field of activity. Both the construction and design firm will undoubtedly prosper and pay for itself within a very short time. The desired income in this position is 30,000 rubles.

By the age of 35, I plan to expand my business and create a network of companies throughout the region. I think that by the age of 40 I will have a certain amount of money capital to achieve my main goal, because I think that at this stage it is quite possible wage will be 300,000 rubles.

And by the age of 40, I will expand my business so much that I will become a media mogul. Branches of my company will operate throughout the country and, I hope, abroad. This will be the result of my professional path, the peak of my career. Estimated income is about 5,000,000 rubles. For such successful prosperity, I will need enormous willpower and assertiveness, enterprise and optimism, professional competence and all those qualities that a manager should have.


"Who doesn't know which harbor

he floats, that's why he doesn't

fair wind."

My main professional goal in life is to make a career and open my own business. I want to have a job that will allow me to be independent, even financially. But at the same time, work should bring pleasure. I want to live in order to work, and not vice versa. To do this, first of all, I must successfully graduate from college, get a diploma and a job in my specialty. Undoubtedly, I will need computer skills, since now a large amount of information can be extracted from the monitor screen. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​also plays a huge role in modern life, so it is advisable to know at least one foreign language. This provides great benefits in communicating with Western partners, plus the opportunity to travel abroad. Studying the specifics of the economies of other countries is also useful: you can adopt their experience and technologies in relation to our country, and specifically to your company.

I also think that it is necessary to communicate as much as possible with business professionals and gradually gain experience from them.

For now, my goal is to study well at university and pass the first session with flying colors. After passing the session, my next goal will be to find desired job. Then the next one will follow. This will continue until I achieve my final goal.

Long term goals Medium-term goals Short term goals
Deputy Director of the regional office Sales consultant in a construction or design company Learn how to use a computer
Complete an internship in the financial and economic departments of an enterprise
Owner of a construction (design) company Defend your graduation project
Prepare well for an interview with the head of the company in order to produce good impression
Sales manager in a construction (design) company
Owner of a network of construction (design) firms
Media magnate, owner of the largest construction (design) company on the Russian market

Rice. 1. Professional goals

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Essay on OTD: “How I see my future in 5 years”

dreams life paths

If you ask someone what their future will be like in 5 years. Of course, not everyone can answer this question specifically, because we are not fortune tellers or clairvoyants, but our desires to be happy pull us forward. But I will answer, because I have the most cherished dreams that guide me through life, which help me choose the right paths to achieve the tasks I have set and to realize them. My future for me is a very serious mission that I must certainly fulfill, otherwise, why was I born into the world, because there is a lot of light and pure in the world. And for this you need to love and create.

First of all to modern man Nowadays, in order to become successful, you need a profession. One day in seventh grade, I discovered that I could draw. I liked this hobby so much that my inner world began to change, my attitude towards life, I understood why I live and why. Having fallen in love with art, I decided in the future to become an artist with the highest spiritual culture; designer and simply a sought-after architectural specialist.

I see myself at 25 years old as a more successful person in life. By this time I will have already finished some educational institution in artistic direction. And maybe by that time I will have a family in which I will be a faithful companion to my husband and a loving mother to my children. What could be more pleasant than giving love and receiving it, because each of us is worthy of love. But, I would not like to start a family early, like some, because this may be wrong. I think everything has its time.

Therefore, every person should have faith in himself and should go through life according to the call of his heart. Posted on Allbest.ru


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How to imagine the future

The future now belongs to two types of people: the man of thought and the man of work. In essence, both of them form one whole, for to think means to work

The future, even a very distant one, always opens up magnificent prospects for the whole world, since it is written in the program of human evolution that he must move closer and closer to the Divine. Try to imagine this extraordinary state of flourishing, beauty, power and you will already feel it, you will live it, it will become real for you. Here is a wonderful exercise that can completely transform your life. People are far from thinking this way, and their lives remain dull, dull, and unhappy.

There are two great truths to know: first of all, that thought is a real force, and then that it allows you to transport yourself into the future and live in it, anticipating it. Look, for example: if you have to find yourself in a terrible situation, take an exam or stand trial, then in advance you are trembling, worried: how will all this go? And if you know that you are going to meet your loved one and kiss him, you already feel the joy of these close or distant moments. If you imagine that you will go to the theater, or you are invited to dinner, which promises to be very tasty, you are already living this evening and enjoying it in advance. This means that you can mentally transport yourself to the near future, why can’t you transport yourself to the distant future?

The power of thought is real, both positive and negative, and we need to use it for the positive. Initiates who have paid attention to all these facts have discovered in them extraordinary means of improving their existence, while most people do not turn to the experience of their Everyday life to benefit from it. They live unconsciously and always in the sphere of the negative, always with long faces, absorbed in their failures, in something terrible, catastrophic. There is no misfortune yet, but they think about it constantly, so that in the end it really overtakes them: they attracted it by thinking about it intensely!

Everyone could state this: people live in fear or in hope before the expected event itself occurs. But why live only in the near future of today or tomorrow?.. When I talk about the future, I mean the distant future, in which humanity will live much later, maybe in several million years. When people talk to me about the future, I notice that their “future” is so close that, in my opinion, it is already the past. For what I call the past is sorrow, suffering, doubt, torment, anxiety. And people endlessly repeat this past because they project it into the future. Expecting suffering in the future, they are already experiencing it today, not knowing that their so-called “future” comes from the past.

The past, as I understand it, is a deplorable state of consciousness where something is always missing, while the future is a state of perfect consciousness. Consequently, all states of imperfect consciousness that you experience: apprehensions, fears, etc., no matter how they relate to the future, belong to the past, since the past is only disorder, vices, illnesses, an animal state. The future, on the contrary, is improvement, perfection, for we are all moving towards perfection.

As long as you project the imperfections of yesterday into the future tense, you continue to reproduce and repeat the old past, and your future is nothing but the wreckage of the past that you have projected forward. This is a projection of everything that is vicious and rotten. Whereas if you project everything beautiful, bright and perfect, you are already living the future that awaits you. This future is already real because you are living it. Feeling the presence in the present of those things that have not yet been realized is proof of their real existence in another form. Not in the physical sense, but in the mental sense, which is already remarkable. Therefore, this is what you need to learn: practice this and you will see that you will no longer be able to live the life you lived in the past. This will become impossible.

It is a blessing for you to know these truths, because from now on, enriched and armed with new knowledge every day, you will be able to shape your future, completely different from your past. This is mathematically precise, just as all the great universal laws are precise. You have no choice but to immerse yourself in this spiritual work. And the first task: monitor your thoughts. Whatever you do, look into the depths of your soul to know what your thought is doing and where it is. Be always alert, conscious, keep a clear mind... How many times have I asked some people: “What are you thinking about?” And they couldn’t answer me, they never paid attention to it. It’s amazing: all day long people think about something and don’t know what! How do you want them to become capable of mastering, directing, concentrating and using their instinctual forces? This is completely impossible. If you unconsciously allow no matter what forces to penetrate you, those forces will one day take over you. To become their ruler, you must, first of all, take control of the situation, that is, always be clearly aware of your thoughts and feelings. This is the most important quality of a disciple: he is always conscious and at any moment knows the nature of the currents passing through him - as soon as a negative thought or feeling slips in, he immediately stops it, replaces it, or transforms it.

This is the most important job: to own and manage everything that happens in us. Remember this well, for it is the absolute truth. The true science of Initiation begins with never allowing an internal event, a psychic phenomenon, an emotion to occur without the participation of your consciousness. Most people become aware of their inner life only when they experience some kind of tragedy or catastrophe. At this moment they feel that something is happening within them. But when the events are not so terrible, they are not aware of them and thus allow negative elements to accumulate in themselves, which little by little destroy them. And when they notice it, it’s too late to fix anything.

So you see, your first task is to keep your mind clear, watch everything that happens in you, and as soon as a negative element appears, do everything possible to transform it. This is the only way you can gain true strength. The basis of all strength is the ability to observe oneself. And this will not at all interfere with your activities, work and creativity. Some people think that if they start observing themselves, analyzing themselves, they will not do anything else. No, just the opposite, and self-analysis should become a habit. Those who imagine that their mental life organizes itself, without any effort of analysis and awareness on their part, will be disappointed. It is useless to expect great spiritual realizations if one does not have the most elementary qualities to begin the work.

Where to start building your future

You need to start by always being awake and immediately aware of all the currents passing through you. For example, you are cleaning, doing something, driving a car and you are focused on this. But in fact, part of your being is immersed in negative thoughts and feelings of anger, revenge, and this goes on for hours, and you don’t even notice it. This is exactly what you need to be aware of in yourself, otherwise these thoughts and feelings, like underground rivers, will undermine you until you intervene to change something.

You see, we keep coming back to Jesus' commandment: "Watch and Pray" . “To be awake” means “not to sleep,” but “not to sleep” in the spiritual sense. One must be constantly awake and careful in one's own thoughts and aware that there are impure, harmful currents and elements in order to avoid them. Those who are not careful and not awake are exposed to all sorts of dangers. And there's nothing worse than living with eyes closed. You need to keep your eyes open to constantly be aware of what is happening inside you. Only the one who keeps his eyes open has knowledge of the inner life; he will not allow any force, any entity to enslave him. Anyone can take a sleeping person by surprise! So you need to stay awake.

The meaning of prayer

What does it mean to “pray”? While awake, that is, observing everything that is happening in you, you must intervene in order to eliminate or add this or that element, become the master of the situation and prevent the enemy from capturing and ruining you. This is what “pray” is. To pray is to bring a remedy, an improvement; And The best way to achieve this is to connect to Heaven. The human brain is like a radio or television: it picks up certain stations, waves of a certain length. By turning the tuning knob on your radio, you can select the music or information program you want... Well, the same thing happens inside you: if you press some buttons by mistake, you will hear hellish noise. So change the wavelength! With your thoughts and imagination, press another button, it’s very simple, and you will hear Heavenly transmissions.

“Praying” is nothing more than touching the button of the shortest and fastest waves that will connect you with the Lord, and that is how you change your inner states and vibrations. To pray is to evoke in yourself a positive, bright, divine state of mind. Never forget that the first step to freedom, the first step to power, is to first look inward to see your condition and correct the situation as much as possible for you.

Therefore, this commandment: “Watch and pray” is very important for spiritual life. The physical body should be given time to sleep, it needs it, but your spirit should never sleep. You can sleep, but your spirit must work, even while you sleep. There are so many unhappy, suffering, confused people on earth: it is at night that the Initiate can help them. His physical body rests, it is motionless, but his spirit penetrates everywhere to help and enlighten others. His spirit does not sleep, it remains active. And you, too, can start this kind of work, but first learn how to prepare for bed. Before you go to sleep, say: “Tonight I will leave my body to go study in the invisible world and help people.” Always fall asleep with the thought of a beautiful ideal, because thanks to this ideal you will build your future and the future of all humanity.

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