How to make a nest from twigs with your own hands. Nest on your house. Real bird nests

If you have birds on your farm, you may need nests for them. Their quality determines how many eggs will be laid. To ensure the most comfortable conditions, nests are constructed with your own hands. Below we will reveal the main question on this topic: how to make a nest?

The most favorable time for mating and hatching eggs is summer and the first autumn months. During this period, most birds find it easier to bear heavy loads.

Of course, offspring can also be produced in winter. But this issue should be approached responsibly. Birds' diets should contain many beneficial minerals and vitamins. Thanks to modern technologies this opportunity is now available to everyone.

Materials: types and advantages

The main types of nests are provided:

Making nesting boxes for ducks

The nest must meet the following criteria:

  • the place is always dry;
  • you need a thick bedding so that the eggs always remain intact;
  • location – as far from the passage as possible;
  • dim light and minimal sounds.

If the poultry farmer ignores the recommendations given, the duck will not like the proposed environment. Then the bird will go looking for a cozy place away from home. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose the right room and build nests. Ideally, they are under a roof, which creates a feeling of protection for the duck. Make a threshold at the bottom, thanks to it the masonry will not roll out.

Wood is the most preferred material for building a nest.

Step-by-step construction instructions

Necessary materials:


Step 1. Cut two rectangular pieces from a plywood sheet, size 40x40 centimeters.

Step 2. On one side at a height of 9 centimeters, make a hole as a hole, size - 17x17 centimeters.

Step 3. Prepare a couple more parts, one side wall should be 40 centimeters, and the second – 50.

Step 4. Build a ceiling.

Step 5. Make a frame of the structure from slats.

Step 6. Fasten all the parts, after which the nest will be ready.

Put ready house on the plank floor and place it below deep litter. It needs to be updated regularly to prevent harmful bacteria from accumulating on the testicles. Birds lay eggs mainly in the morning, so the straw should be changed in the evening.

Video - How to make a nest for ducks

Training ducks to the nest

After the nest is ready, you need to train the duck to lay eggs only in it. This is not difficult to do, just follow the tips below:

How to plant a duck on eggs is a question that arises among many farmers. How to create a nest and place a duck on it? How to choose a suitable hen? You will learn all this in this article.

Making nesting boxes for geese

Geese love spacious nests. To build them yourself, car tires, old boxes or baskets are suitable.

Main features of nests for geese:


Now let's look at several options for how to arrange a nest. First- from the box. You will need the following materials and tools:

  • lining;
  • fasteners;
  • hammer, hacksaw and tape measure;
  • litter;
  • plywood.

The first way to create a nest

Step 1. Saw the lining into identical blocks, one wall should be 0.5 meters, and the second - 0.6.

Step 2. Take 4 bars, nail slats to them at a distance of 4 centimeters.

Step 3. Place plywood on the bottom to keep the goose and eggs warm;

Step 4. Treat the entire structure with a special solution.

The second way to create a nest

Second way - to weave from willow branches. For this you will need:

  • willow branches of varying thickness;
  • knife;
  • awl;
  • spacer ring.


Step 1. First you need to weave a cross. Take several twigs, one of them is the shortest. Use a knife to cut 3 rods in the middle and thread others through them. Attach another twig to the side of the cross.

Step 2. Braid the crosses. This should be done crosswise. Each turn should be pressed tightly together. The diameter of the cross should be 70 centimeters.

Step 3. Prepare the sides. To do this, insert the side rods, their tips should be pointed. To get an interesting pattern and unusual design, experiment with shades.

Step 4. Braid the edges, bend the rays and gather the ends of the twigs on the side above the device, then tie them in the center with wire.

Step 5. Place the spacer ring inside the product and secure it to the sides.

Step 6. Hang the ends of the fixed rods on the outside.

Step 7 At a height of twenty centimeters, untie the tied rays and braid the edges of the basket on either side.

Step 8 Wrap the first rib with the second one, bend the third one 5 centimeters and cut it off.

Step 9 Braid the last rod and cut off the remaining ends with a knife.

Hatching nests

One laying hen occupies a place for about an hour and a half. If the goose does not leave when a person appears, but puts out its wings threateningly, then the time has come to prepare its nest for incubation. Before laying the eggs, the nest should be carefully prepared - cleaned with special solutions and soft straw laid on the bottom. Hay is not recommended for this purpose.

Usually you get up to 10 eggs. During brooding, the female should have fresh food and water nearby. The goose leaves the nest very rarely. So that people don’t forget about her, she sometimes screams loudly. After short and short walks, she quickly returns back.

These birds are not afraid of the cold. However, eggs can become hypothermic. Because of this, nests must be placed in heated rooms in winter.

Experts do not recommend changing nests. The female may end up looking for a place to hatch her eggs herself. This is fraught with loss of offspring. If you planted several geese nearby, you need to make small curtains so that they do not see each other. Otherwise, they will become nervous, which will negatively affect the quality of the eggs.

Making nesting boxes for pigeons

In order for pigeons to live well, you should do for them comfortable conditions. If the room is empty, the birds will not like it. Therefore, the following requirements must be met:

Types of pigeon nests

For pigeons, nests are usually made in two versions. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Wooden nest for pigeons

Wooden structures are not difficult to make, since the material is affordable and completely environmentally friendly. To work you will need:

  • fine metal mesh;
  • wooden blocks;
  • hammer and nails;
  • hacksaw;
  • tape measure and pencil;
  • sandpaper.

First take sandpaper and process the bars so that there are no burrs on them. After this, make the necessary markings and cut the boards. Next, you can fasten the structure and make the bottom from the mesh.

Styrofoam nest

This material is not affected by temperature changes and has a long service life. In addition, thanks to the foam, the nest is comfortable and warm.


  • high density foam;
  • PVA glue;
  • metal pan;
  • parchment;
  • construction bandage.

To make a nest, you need to do the following work:

Step 1. Measure the dimensions of the nests on a sheet of foam.

Step 2. Cut rectangular pieces with a knife.

Step 3. Cover the surface of the foam with parchment.

Step 4. Heat the pan, place it on the parchment, press down and get a smooth hole.

Step 5. To prevent the material from collapsing, treat all workpieces with glue and apply a construction bandage.

We must not forget that pigeons need somewhere to sit and rest. We will need the following materials and tools:

We make a roost like this:

Step 1. First, the blanks are cut out. The first should be 180, and the second 200 millimeters. They are connected in such a way that it turns out to be 90 degrees.

Step 3. Drill a hole to secure the perch to the wall.

Birds will thank you for such places to sit.

Making nesting boxes for quails

Any poultry farmer knows that chickens and other birds lay eggs in nests. But we know the least information about quails. This knowledge gap needs to be corrected. In captivity, boxes are used as quail nests. True, they do not rush in them as vigorously as chickens. These birds like to lay eggs at ground level.

An excellent bedding would be shavings or hay. However, female quails are unpretentious - they can lay eggs in an ordinary sandbox. This behavior is quite common for them: quails fly free anywhere when the time comes.

Making nesting boxes for guinea fowl

The guinea fowl is a free and capricious creature. The bird does not like to sit in a cage. Therefore, there is no point in arranging nests for them. Females refuse artificial incubators and build nests where they consider it practical. Most often this is dense grass or bushes.

Guinea fowl are distinguished by their cohesion. The whole team prefers to rush in one place. To minimize egg loss, birds should be kept indoors until noon. Afterwards you can let him go outside for a walk.

Guinea fowl prefer to lay eggs in the warm season. To increase the number of offspring, leave several eggs in the nest. Otherwise, the bird will think that the nest is ruined and will go to look for a more secluded place. Guinea fowl become very shy while hatching eggs. It is not uncommon for them to abandon the roost long before the chicks hatch. If this happens, you can place a chicken on the egg.

How to make a pheasant nest

Pheasants need a free environment. Nests for these birds should be made in closed enclosures. First, a layer of peat is placed in the nest, with a little turf and hay on top. The nest is made in the shape of a small depression, sizes - from 130 to 250 depending on the size of the bird. In the future, the female will finish building her nest herself.

Since nests are made very simply, let’s focus on the construction of the enclosure itself. For this you need:

  • planks;
  • Rabitz;
  • for the roof of the house - corrugated sheeting;
  • hammer with nails;
  • dye;
  • for the base of the enclosure - posts.


Step 1. First you should put the pillars, they will become the basis of the bird room. For such a task, iron, wood or concrete is used. It's great if you can install concrete pillars, they will last a long time.

Step 2. Afterwards the area needs to be marked. Cement is poured into the holes dug for the base and posts are installed.

Step 4. What is missing from the enclosure? That's right, roofs! If it is built from slate, it is recommended to initially install wooden rafters.

Video - Aviary for pheasants from a greenhouse

How to make a nest for turkeys

Turkeys love silence, darkness and warmth. If the room meets these requirements, then the bird feels completely safe. In addition, in the absence of drafts, the turkey will not get sick, and the eggs will be of high quality. Straw, branches (can be replaced with earth) and hay are laid on the floor.

There are many types of nests themselves. Let's consider three main ones:

Rules for caring for nests

Want lots of healthy chickens? Then take proper care of your eggs! To do this, use the tips below:


Now you know how to make nests for different domestic hens. And remember: when a bird doesn’t like a new place, it needs to be remade urgently. Otherwise, you won't get quality eggs.

As you know, the ideal gift is one that contains love and a piece of the soul of its creator. Any thing made with your own hands is unique, which means it should definitely please the birthday person. The article will focus on making a nest. Of course, this is not a wasp's nest or even a crow's nest. We'll talk about a cute gift option that can become a real one. decorative item. You can give a beautiful thing to a girl for her birthday or March 8th. Let's see how to make a nest with your own hands?

What will you need?

To make an original nest with funny chicks, you should prepare wire, a washcloth, pliers, a spruce (or willow) branch and beautiful artificial feathers.

1. So, to make a decorative nest, you will need to be patient. Let's start by creating the basis for the future craft. Using wire pliers, you need to make a cross-shaped structure, adjusting its ends to the desired size. You should use thick wire to make the craft durable.

2. Then you need to braid the entire basket with thinner wire, imitating a cuckoo’s nest. Don't go overboard with the amount of wire. Remember that this is just the basics. Next, we begin to weave spruce or willow branches into our frame, doing this according to the principle of an ordinary basket: we weave each twig, threading it in a circle.

3. It is not at all necessary to do everything very carefully, because protruding elements will create the illusion of resemblance to a real bird's nest. However, to make the structure durable, it is better to secure the willow branches with thin wire. Let the branches be of different lengths, this will give the craft a special charm, reminiscent of an explosion of creative imagination.

4. Now you know how to make a nest with your own hands. But that is not all. In order for it to become a work of art, it needs to be beautifully designed. Beads should be placed on a thin wire, and then this decorative element should be secured to the branches of an improvised nest. It is better to carefully distribute them throughout the structure so that everything looks as natural as possible.

5. The nest can also be decorated with feathers. Simply place colorful feathers on the bottom of the craft. You can also decorate the edges of the nest with them, after adding a little glue. This should be done very carefully so as not to spoil the craft.

6. To create beautiful effect, try adding glitter to your nest, fixing it with hairspray. Glitter will add a touch of mystery and charm to your homemade nest.

7. You can create a variety of different crafts by placing eggs or chicks made from ordinary foam rubber painted with gouache in a nest. In general, what is enough for your creativity?

Thus, your craft can become an original gift friends for a birthday or any other holiday. Knowing how to make a nest with your own hands, you don’t have to worry about a present or create amazing design works for sale.

Before you start building a solid nesting box, you can provide the chickens with minimal comfort using available materials. Wicker baskets can be used as a nest for laying hens, carton boxes, plastic and wooden boxes.

Before using such a container in the form of a nest, you need to make sure that it is intact and does not have sharp chips or protruding nails that could accidentally injure the bird or damage the egg.

It is also worth paying attention to the parameters of the future nest. For medium-sized chickens, containers approximately 30cm x 30cm x 30cm are suitable.(width depth height). Such nests are placed in the darkest and quietest corners of the poultry house so that no one can disturb the chickens.

If the homemade nests are not comfortable enough, the birds will not want to nest in them, and the farmer will certainly notice this. It is better to replace temporary structures with more solid ones.

From plastic buckets
From wooden boxes
From plastic boxes

Basic rules for arrangement and use of materials

Before building a nest with your own hands, every farmer should remember a few important rules. Firstly, when working with chipboard and other wooden materials In no case should you use nails longer than the thickness of the material used.

In this case, they will easily break through the slab and stick out on the other side, which means they can seriously injure the bird.

Secondly, nests should not be built in damp places. Often, a poor microclimate causes colds, which negatively affect their overall productivity.

Under no circumstances should you place a nest for a laying hen near the entrance to the poultry house. Even if it is well heated, there will be slight air movement. Sitting in a draft can cause the hen to get sick and the eggs to spoil.

Proper placement of birds in the chicken coop is very important.

Well organized chicken room

As for the filler for the nest, then no need to add too much sawdust. During incubation, the hen may accidentally roll out the egg, rendering it unsuitable for incubation. It is equally important to follow hygiene rules when choosing material for.

Ideally, the walls of the nest should be several centimeters higher than the layer of sawdust.

If everything is done correctly, the egg production of chickens will increase significantly., since in more favorable conditions birds are able to lay eggs much better.

In general, organizing the proper maintenance of laying hens is not as simple as it seems.

Optimal location of nests in a chicken coop

How to do it yourself?

Why do many farmers prefer to build bird nests themselves? This makes it possible to create a nest that matches the size of the chicken and the desires of the breeder himself. We will tell you how to build three types of nests in your chicken coop in this article.

So, we will need the following tools and materials:

  • a sheet of plywood or chipboard with a thickness of at least 1 cm;
  • four wooden blocks 2.5cm x 2.5cm;
  • jigsaw and file;
  • screws and a screwdriver.

To determine the size of the sheet, you need to take into account the dimensions of the future nest. It is believed that nests with dimensions of 25 x 35 x 30-35 cm are suitable for chickens of egg-laying breeds, and for meat and meat-egg breeds - 30 x 40 x 45 cm (width-depth-height).

Experienced poultry farmers claim that for 10 chickens it is enough to have 2-3 nests.


A nest box is the simplest option. You don't need any special skills or materials to make it. This species is quite popular, despite the fact that chickens in it can sometimes damage the eggs.

Three-section nest box

Instructions for making a nest box:

  1. We process the edges of the chipboard sheet with sandpaper or a file.
  2. We cut out 4 identical squares of the size we need (35 x 35 cm) - the walls for the nest.
  3. In one of the squares we mark and cut out a hole for the entrance with a jigsaw. You need to make a threshold at the bottom.
  4. We cut four bars according to the height of the walls.
  5. We connect the cut out squares into a box using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.
  6. We make sure that there are no chips anywhere and that the ends of nails or screws are not sticking out.
  7. We cut out the floor and ceiling and attach them to the structure.

In the video you can see an excellent example of constructing a simple nest for chickens in the form of a booth or box:

Immediately after completion of construction, you can worry about the filler for the nest. Straw does this role perfectly, but it is better to use oak or pine sawdust.

They have much more mass than straw, so the bird will not be able to throw them out of the nest while laying eggs. It is enough to fill 1/3 of the total volume of the “box” for the chicken to feel great.

Nest with egg collector

This type of nest is considered the most convenient and safe for chickens. It is not much more difficult to assemble, but has a lot of advantages. For example, eggs will be 100% safe, because chickens will not have access to them. And it will be much easier to collect eggs.

It differs from a simple nest-box in that the bottom is made with a slight slope. It is along this that the eggs roll into special tray.

To produce such a nest, you will need the same materials that were listed in the section above.

Instructions for assembling a nest with an egg collector:

  1. Process materials and prepare tools.
  2. We cut out the side rectangles for the walls measuring 65 x 90 cm.
  3. We cut out the front wall measuring 65 x 40 cm.
  4. We make a hole in the front wall for entry, about 35 cm high.
  5. We connect the side walls to the front using bars.
  6. Cut out rectangles measuring 40 x 90 cm for the floor and ceiling.
  7. We attach the floor and ceiling to the walls using bars.
  8. We cut out a half-slope measuring 40 x 95 cm. It will be located above the main floor at an angle of about 15 degrees.
  9. We fill the floor with a layer of sawdust and lay the slope, securing it with self-tapping screws.
  10. We cut out the back wall measuring 40 x 45 cm. It is somewhat shorter, because we need a hole where the eggs will roll out.
  11. We attach the back wall with self-tapping screws and close the hole with a curtain.
  12. We attach a box for collecting eggs to the nest. To do this, you can use any container of suitable size.

A thin layer of sawdust or straw is used as bedding in such a nest. The eggs should roll easily along the inclined floor without getting stuck anywhere. You need to put something soft in the collection box that will prevent the shell from breaking.

In this video you will find useful information about creating a nest with an egg collector:

Double bottom nest

A nest with a double bottom or a “nest-trap” is another cunning option that prevents pecking and any other contact of chickens with eggs. The bottom of such a nest is double, and the upper tier has a slope and a hole into which the eggs roll, falling into a special collection tray. This is a very convenient socket option.

  1. Using the instructions for building a nest-box, we build a house with several large sizes- 60 x 35 x 35 cm. We are not attaching the front wall yet.
  2. We cut out two halves of the inclined floor with dimensions of 35 x 15 cm. After we secure them, there should be a gap between them, into which the eggs will freely pass.
  3. We attach one half to the back wall at a height of 20 cm and at an angle of 15 degrees.
  4. Where the front wall should be, we attach two partitions.

    The lower partition is 10 x 35 cm, to which the second half of the inclined floor is pre-nailed. Between this partition and the bottom there is a gap for the collection tray.

    The second partition measures 15 x 35 cm and is attached to the top of the nest, covering the entrance.

  5. Now you need to build a retractable tray for collecting eggs. You can cut it down to size or use any suitable one.

The tray is lined with a thick layer of soft material to prevent the eggs from breaking. We line the bottom of the slope with a thin layer that will not interfere with the movement of the eggs.

This video presents helpful information on creating trap nests:

Attachment in poultry house

After manufacturing, homemade nests need to be attached to the walls of the poultry house or to pre-arranged special stands.

When attaching to a wall, a board with dimensions 30x4x2cm is attached to a wooden slab from which the barn wall is made, using screws. It will act as a base on which the nest will rest.

Another similar board is screwed at an angle of 45°. This must be done in such a way that the angle diverges towards the bottom of the structure. In this case, the distance between the ends of the planks should not be less than 40 cm. After about 45 cm, exactly the same structure is made on the wall, with the same angle, but it will converge at the top.

The result should be a convenient compartment where a nest for chickens can easily be inserted. However, do not forget that the socket must be attached with screws to the oblique strip.

Option for attaching the nest to the wall of the chicken coop

The main thing to remember is that nests should never be screwed to the bare wall of the chicken coop. The fact is that the slabs from which it is made are usually quite fragile and after a few months of use they will begin to crumble under the weight of an ordinary chicken.

Some poultry breeders organize special scaffolding in their chicken coop. They are a table support made of boards or bars. For the convenience of the bird, it is placed at a height of 50 cm above the ground.

Installing nests on scaffolds

Equipping the right chicken nest is, of course, very important point, but the matter does not end there. The farmer still needs to make the chicken want to lay eggs there. And how to do it? First, let's look at the basics about how chickens choose a brooding site.

Check whether these conditions are met; if so, your chickens will certainly accept new nests and lay eggs in them.

Poultry farmers who have been breeding chickens for a long time know many subtleties not only about how to accustom chickens to the nest, but also generally increase egg production.

Here are some of them:

Proper nest care is required condition for raising healthy livestock.

Here are the main points of this process:

  1. Nests should be kept clean and dry.
  2. Dirt and wet sawdust are removed daily.
  1. Fumigate with special smokers designed for premises with poultry.
  2. Wash floors, walls, supports with a bleach solution (requires subsequent ventilation).
  3. Control room humidity and provide ventilation.

Once every three months you should check the strength of the sockets. In the fall, it is necessary to check the chicken coop at the time of insulation, and replace the insulation that has become unusable. As soon as the first frost arrives, check the room temperature twice a day.

As has been said many times, it is important to organize everything correctly in the chicken coop; this will be the key to the growth of healthy livestock and will help transform breeding poultry into business

If you don't want to waste your time making chicken nests, you can purchase ready-made ones.. Similar products can be found on thematic Internet resources, in specialized workshops, at agricultural markets and in specialized stores.

Manufacturers most often offer this kind of ready-made nests:

Finished metal
Plastic nest
Closed wooden

The price range of ready-made nests is from 850 rubles for a single open nest and up to 3000 for a double vertical nest. Usually in specialized stores you can also purchase cages, incubators, drinkers and feeders, and even entire chicken coops.

This is very convenient especially in the fall, we can do whatever our heart desires, we also need to use our imagination. Now it’s just a spontaneously invented craft, I’ll tell you how to make a bird's nest with your own hands, but it will be small and decorative, to decorate the room. We will supposedly make a nest on a tree, for such a craft we will need the following materials: green grass, dry cement, twists of various trees, pebbles, threads, polystyrene foam and glue - a gun, rubber chickens, and also, most importantly, quail chickens. Everything is done very simply, the most difficult thing will be to make the nest round, and then attach it to a branch. Well, let's do some DIY.

We prepared the necessary materials.

Let's start making a nest, take the branches and twist them under the base. We secure the branches with threads to prevent them from spreading.

We insert polystyrene foam into the middle of the made frame for the nest, and glue it to the branches if possible, if possible.

We cover everything on top with green grass, and we also wrap it with threads to the frame.

Birch cement and dilute it with ordinary water, according to the recipe, with the help of it we will secure our tree on which the nest will be.

We insert branches, or rather the trunk of a future decorative tree, into the cement. We fix it on top with stones for hardness.

Here is the top of the tree, here we need to attach a bird's nest.

Let's take a glue gun and pour glue onto the trunk where the nest will be, then pierce the foam with a branch, thereby hooking it. Be sure to glue where necessary.

When we use quail, it is better to make holes and take out all the insides. Then we put them in the nest and glue them on the side where the hole was. You should also glue a rubber yellow hen and a chicken in the nest on top.

Craft from natural material ready. Try making a bouquet the same way.

Remember that at any time you can add anything to the craft, the main thing is to show your imagination and make the craft exclusive.

There are no barriers to creativity; working together with children brings great joy. Especially if you need to take part in a crafts competition or want to decorate your child’s room with something especially original. Making a cozy nest with birds - a symbol of care and love is very simple.

The craft is a cardboard nest filled with dry grass, decorated with artificial flowers and feathers. The inhabitants of the nest are birds made of felt, carefully hatching their offspring. The advantage is not only the ease of making the craft, but also its functionality, for example, the nest can be given to loved ones for Easter.

Materials and tools for work

What to make a nest for crafts from? For making crafts you will need the most different materials, all elements can be easily replaced with any others.

The nest can be made not from cardboard, but from branches. Birds do not have to be made of felt; ready-made figurines or hand-made ones from polymer clay. Instead of dry grass, you can use artificial fibers. There are a variety of flowers: artificial, live, dry. Bunches of rowan berries will look interesting. Eggs can be made from salt dough or bought ready-made from polystyrene foam.

An approximate list of what you will need for:

  • cardboard sleeves from toilet paper(4 pcs.) or paper towels (2 pcs.);
  • a piece of cardboard for the bottom;
  • dry grass, flowers;
  • two sheets of felt different color;
  • synthetic fluff;
  • Styrofoam eggs;
  • scissors;
  • brown gouache;
  • brush;
  • glue gun

Step-by-step instruction

Making crafts takes place in several stages. The first one is the base of the nest:

1. Draw a circle on a piece of cardboard (22x22 cm), you can use a plate with a diameter of 17.5 cm.

2. Strips of 1 cm tire are cut from the bushings, small circles are obtained, they need to be slightly flattened.

3. Hot glue is applied to the bottom cut of the cardboard strip, then each strip is glued along the circle line. You should not glue the strips end-to-end; it is better to place them overlapping.

4. You should get a neat circle of cardboard strips.

5. The second tier of strips is glued to the first row in a checkerboard pattern.

6. There should be three rows in total, but you can make more, then the nest will be higher. It’s not worth cutting the bottom of the craft exactly to the size of the nest yet.

7. The cardboard blank must be painted brown; if you don’t have gouache at hand, watercolor will do, even better acrylic paints. The nest is painted completely on the outside and a little on the inside.

Second stage - birds made of felt:

1. Bird parts are cut out of paper.

2. A sheet of felt is folded in half, paper patterns are placed on top, then cut out. You should get two body parts and two wings for one bird.

3. The bird parts are sewn together with a decorative overlock stitch.

4. The birds' bodies are stuffed with synthetic down, wings and beady eyes are sewn on.

The third stage is decorating the nest:

1. The bottom of the craft can be left unchanged, or it can be cut to fit the size of the nest. Dry grass is placed inside the nest in a loose order; for reliability, it can be secured in some places with hot glue.

2. The nest is decorated with artificial flowers and feathers, the middle should remain free.