How to make a handmade happy birthday photo album. How to make and beautifully decorate a wedding photo album with your own hands: master class, design ideas, notes. How to design the pages of a wedding album, cover and wedding photographs: ideas, photos. Page design

I especially want to remember the first months of a baby’s life. After all, it is at this time that the child grows and changes “by leaps and bounds.” And a little later, it will be very interesting for parents to sort through old photographs and recordings that record the first smiles and steps of their child. A beautifully designed album for your baby will be an excellent option to save all this unique information in one place - do-it-yourself pages will allow you to save this valuable information.

Let's try to make a baby album with our own hands

Required materials and tools:
  • blank for a scrapbooking album (it is better to choose a blank with rings so that you can add new pages if necessary)
  • sheets for scrapbooking (plain and with prints. You need to think about the theme of the album in advance and choose the appropriate paper - you don’t have to limit yourself to pink for girls and blue for boys)
  • stamps and colored ink
  • paints
  • stickers
  • universal glue
  • sparkles, rhinestones, buttons, ribbons and any other elements for decoration
  • figured hole punch
  • scissors, curly and regular

It is difficult to describe a specific master class for designing a children's album, because... You need to start first of all from the amount of material and photographs that the parents have. At the same time, if you are planning to make such an album, then you can outline its plan in advance and take the necessary photographs as the baby grows.

You can simply print out photographs and paste them, you can make collages manually, or you can do them first using computer programs. Very beautiful albums are obtained if you decorate the pages with ribbons and special curly stamps - these scrapbooking ideas can be picked up on the relevant forums.

Step-by-step design of the first pages of the album:

1) We start designing the album with the cover. You can put a family photo on it, or just a portrait of a baby. In any case, it is important to remember that this is a cover for a children's album, so it is better to give preference to delicate watercolor colors. Cute drawings depicting storks or babies in cabbage will look great.

2) To fit in all the necessary information, you need to act step by step. The first pages of the album can be dedicated to the months of pregnancy. Photos of a rounded tummy and the first ultrasound photos will be posted here, accompanied by funny comments and captions. Those who wish can even paste “that same” striped pregnancy test here.

3) It is very useful to place a family tree on the following pages - it will be important for both parents and the grown-up child to feel that the little person is part of a big family.

4) The next page is the very first photo of the baby, straight from the maternity hospital. We put it here full information about how much the little man weighed, what his height was and his Apgar scores. The tag that is hung on newborns can also be glued on this spread. Feel free to add more of your personal memories of this event (who was there, how you felt, how it all started), because... then like this important points are erased from memory, and re-reading them will be very interesting.

5) Next we post information about choosing a name for the baby. How they chose the name, who they decided to name it after, what it means - we put all this on this spread. Here, if desired, you can add information about your zodiac sign and year of birth according to the Eastern calendar.

6) Photos of the maternity hospital are naturally followed by discharge photos. We place photographs of happy parents on the page, accompanied by short stories about how this significant event went. We also describe how the move home and the first days of life with a new family member went.

7) Everyone is very interested in who the baby looks like - mom or dad? To find out, place a large photo of the baby and each of the parents next to each other. And to make it more interesting, you can even take not adult shots, but photos of parents in infancy - that’s when the resemblance is especially visible. And then, when the grown-up baby looks at his album, he will be very interested in the fact that mom and dad were also once very little “dolls.”

We analyze thematic pages in a children's album

In addition to the chronological design of pages, you can use collages dedicated to individual everyday sketches:

  • “I’m sleeping” - a photo of a sleeping baby in different poses and places, a crib, a night light.
  • “I eat” - a photo of a baby trying various foods (from a bottle, a spoon, or just with his hands from an adult plate); here you can also describe the schedule for introducing complementary foods or funny taste preferences.
  • “I’m walking” - photographs of walks, games in the sandbox, on playgrounds, sledding and snowball fights.
  • “I’m bathing” - photographs of a baby in a bath with foam, rubber ducks and other toys, funny shots in a bath towel.
  • “I play” - photographs of the baby with his favorite toys, the process of collecting the first pyramid, shots with mobiles and rattles.
  • “I’m crawling” - the baby’s first attempts to move around the apartment, parents preparing a safe space for the baby (sideboards, latches on doors and drawers, etc.).
  • “I’m walking” - the first hesitant steps by hand or along a support, the joyful faces of relatives who saw the baby’s new skill, the first shoes.

Video on the topic of the article

For greater clarity, we suggest watching the following videos, which demonstrate in detail how to make an album for a baby with your own hands.


We advise you to first read the materials for beginners to understand basic principles compose compositions and choose the appropriate style for decorating a gift (for the New Year, for Christmas, for Valentine's Day , by February 23). And the ideas for scrapbooking that are posted in this article will help you choose materials for work and correctly arrange them on the base (it is advisable to use thick scrap paper or cardboard).

Ten original ideas from scrapbooking masters:

Idea #1

▪ place the lace on a sheet of cardstock, and then cover it with scrap paper from the kit so that the edges of the lace stick out a little;

▪ under this blank, glue figures with text, beautifully cut out of paper;

▪ place 2 photographs on the blank, one of which is elegantly tied with a satin ribbon or bright ribbon;

▪ around the composition, make several blots of different shapes using watercolor paint and glue beads, resembling droplets of paint in color and shape.

Idea #2

▪ to create this scrap collage, take a sheet of cardboard, which must be immersed in strong tea leaves for 5-10 minutes. Remove the sheet from the tea leaves and dry it during the day;

▪ now, using curly scissors, we beautifully trim the edges of a napkin, colored paper, or photograph. We cut a piece of bright fabric to size with scissors and place all the elements of the composition on top of each other;

▪ we tie this composition beautifully with a ribbon and then glue it to the center of a dried sheet of cardboard;

▪ cut out shapes from paper and light fabric (flowers, stars, snowflakes), and then using sewing machine you need to stitch the decoration around the composition to the base.

Idea #3

▪ Glue a piece of old newspaper onto a piece of cardstock, and place several bright napkins on top. In the middle, glue circles cut out of checkered paper;

▪ now we cut out circles of different sizes from felt and place them on top of each other - starting from the largest, and on top - the smallest one, and this craft is crowned with a beautiful button;

▪ Glue flowers cut out of colored paper around the circles. Additionally, you can glue several kanzashi flowers made from ribbons;

▪ from thick paper or we cut out letters from leather, from which we make an inscription, and then glue it in the corner;

▪ make your own small envelope from translucent scrap paper for themed little things (hearts cut out of red fabric, paper snowflakes, tickets, notes of congratulations, dried flowers, pictures);

▪ the envelope can be beautifully tied with a bright cord or ribbon with a small key;

▪ now, using a hole punch, we will punch out the collage and the envelope and connect the scrapbooking composition metal ring.

Idea #4

▪ on a bright sheet of cardstock, place a composition of pictures, labels, and postcards cut out from magazines. Place several small photos and one larger photo on the decorated base;

▪ Spray the corners of the base with watercolor paint, outline the contours of the blots with a golden helium pen;

▪ make letters from bright colored threads and put them into a congratulatory sentence that can be placed under the photographs.

Idea #5

▪ on a base of thick colored scrap paper we will compositionally place different pictures and an interesting Polaroid photo;

▪ draw three-dimensional letters on a sheet of white paper, color them a little and cut them out with scissors;

▪ we make congratulatory words from letters;

▪ some elements of the composition are glued to the base using glue, the rest can be stitched on a sewing machine.

Idea #6

▪ place a piece of canvas material on the base (cardstock) and use a sewing machine to sew the fabric along the edges;

▪ casually twist a bright ribbon and attach it to the center of the stitched fabric;

▪ you can sew letters cut out of fabric or paper on top;

▪ Glue shapes cut from colored paper around the composition.

Idea #7

▪ print out a picture in the form of repeating elements on a printer and use this template to cut out the base from gray cardboard;

▪ now glue white paper to the workpiece, and then very carefully tear off the paper so that marks on the cardboard are visible;

▪ on this basis we place a composition from strips of colored paper, magazine clippings, photos.

Idea #8

▪ how to make a mini-album or folding card with your own hands. If you have an old guidebook or an accordion-style advertising booklet on hand, you can use it as a basis for a scrap composition;

▪ each sheet of base is covered on both sides with thick red paper;

▪ congratulatory words on a red background can be written with a marker with golden ink;

▪ glue thematic elements and photos on top of the letters.

Idea #9

On a cardboard base for a postcard or album, we sew or glue pieces in the form of rays of fabric. You can glue a napkin to the center of the composition, and on top - a circle cut out of checkered paper. Let's decorate the composition with a stylish inscription with in large letters

Idea #10

some inner sheets of photo albums can be decorated with decorated envelopes in which various little things associated with important events will be stored (tickets, parts from the first toy, lace booties, strings, bows, buttons). Such pages with envelopes can precede, for example, sections of a children's photo album.

More ideas:


How to tie beautiful bows to decorate children's and wedding photo albums. Video MK.

7 best ideas DIY family album design

Who among us does not like to be photographed and photograph loved ones and loved ones? Over time, a huge number of photographs accumulate in our home, which, of course, we want to preserve and pass on to future generations. That’s why we’ll discuss design ideas with you today. family photo album with your own hands. It would be a good idea to make this pleasant activity one of the most basic traditions of the family, doing all the creative work on designing the family album together.

Family chronicle using scrapbooking technique - DIY vintage family album

Scrapbooking is one of the techniques for creating and decorating family or personal albums with your own hands. Where, in addition to photographs, newspaper clippings, postcards, buttons, drawings and other memorabilia are added that carry a story telling about you and your loved ones. Thanks to this art, instead of a regular album, we will get a whole story about the life of your family. The cover of a photo album can also be given an original look. Decorate it with some memorable things - for example, a ribbon to which you can attach an amulet, or yellow maple leaves. You can put a beautiful inscription on the cover, symbolizing something important only for you and your family.

Design of a family album in the form of a family tree

Try to make your own family tree and attach it to your title page photo album. This will not be difficult - indicate all the closest relatives whom you remember and whose photographs you can find in the family archive. First, add photographs of your most distant ancestors to the album, and finish with photographs of our days. Such a photo album, made with your own hands, will be of interest to absolutely everyone - both the older and younger generations. After all, looking at it, you will have the feeling that you are reading a real saga about the history of your own family.

How to make a family album with children's pages - ideas for designing a children's family album

Of course, one of the most important events in every family is the birth of a child. We always want to design this chapter of our lives in some special way. After all, even the smallest detail is important here. We have a great many photographs of growing children, because we want to capture every moment of the little person’s life. And choosing some individual photos from them to put in an album can be very difficult. But still try to select the most characteristic photographs, most vividly reflecting important moments in your baby’s life. At first, these could be photos of you with the baby still in your tummy. Next - discharge from the maternity hospital. A newborn baby meets family members and closest people. First smile. First steps. Walks. Deep sleep. Breakfast. For any mother, all these moments are incredibly important and each one will remain in memory forever. You can also attach the baby’s first hairs to the photo album, make decorations from the first booties, ribbon, from a lace baby scarf or cap. Don’t forget to describe next to the photographs the events that are depicted in them. Over time, you can add your child’s drawings and various school or sports trophies and certificates to the photo album.

The very type of needlework appeared thanks to imagination and skill, as well as the need to make monotonous photo albums unique. Gradually, craftswomen found unusual solutions for decorating photo albums, later they moved to, and now can be found in the most and in decoration personal diaries and in the design of love confessions.

There are several established styles, which are quite easy to distinguish from each other:

  • « clean and simple"involves a minimum of decoration. The space must be organized so that emptiness becomes an element of the work. Calibrated lines and unusual solutions are the secret of this style;
  • « vintage" Things made in this style will help you immerse yourself in ancient times and enjoy the decorations of Victorian England;
  • « European" This style does not like a lot of decor; all attention should be focused on the photograph. Therefore, the photo is cropped in the form of a certain object or the edge is decorated in an unusual way;
  • « shabby chic" Not to be confused with vintage items. Shabby chic welcomes ribbons and bows, lace and, of course, fraying.
  • « American" This is where you can safely use jewelry. Decor in this style is the main part of the work. Numerous elements must necessarily form a single composition.

Also for beginners need to decide on techniques which they will use during their work. And there are many of them. We will list the most popular and suitable for a beginning needlewoman.

Among them are:

  • stamping(involves the use of special applicators and stamps with various patterns);
  • cropping(photos are cropped so that only the most important remains);
  • decoupage(using special pictures and applying them to paper or other surfaces);
  • distress(a special method of aging paper using ink);
  • journaling(an inscription describing the photo or a similar tag should be placed on a small piece of paper).

But the list of techniques is not limited to this. Scrapbooking allows you to use almost any materials: from colored paper to dried flowers. It all depends solely on your imagination and the chosen topic.

What will you need for work?

First of all, you cannot do without a special scrap paper. For beginners, special sets are ideal, where different types papers are sorted and arranged. Thus, at first you can not devote a lot of time to selecting the ideal combination, but focus on creating a composition.

  1. You will also need different kinds scissors. These include regular medium-sized straight scissors, small manicure scissors, rounded scissors and, of course, curly scissors.
  2. Glue and tape. You can't do without these things. But remember that everyone has their own purpose. Glue is used to work with background paper, as well as with small parts. Scotch tape will not be useful to you in these cases. But you can create additional volume only with the help of double-sided tape.
  3. Hole puncher. The simplest hole punch will help you fasten several parts or even pages. But curly ones can completely transform the entire composition.
  4. Stamps. Another way to decorate your work. Various patterns are easy to apply and do not require special skill. But if you first think through the whole image, and only then put a stamp - you won’t be able to remove it.
  5. Ruler and stationery knife. It is better, of course, to use a special cutter, but for a “newbie” such a purchase is unlikely to be justified. Therefore, at first you can trim paper and photographs using a knife and ruler.
  6. Cutting mat. If you do not want to damage your desktop, then take care of a suitable backing. Special mat - great option. But at first it can be replaced by thick cardboard, a stack of magazines or a piece of linoleum.
  7. Decorative elements. You can find them in any theme store or in your own craft chest. Unusual buttons, pendants and beads, rhinestones and ribbons, lace and pieces of fabric - all this will come in handy.

Scrapbooking kits

To create a small photo album, take a sheet of special thick paper. It's needed draw into 12 identical squares. To do this you will need a ruler and a simple pencil. The photo below shows an example with three rows of 4 squares each.

Carefully cut the sheet so that the rows are separated from each other. Wherein one square on each side should be undercut. You can see the technique in detail in the photo.

The arrows indicate the areas that need to be glued together. This way you can get one long ribbon of squares.

All the result the tape needs to be folded like an accordion. After this, carefully assemble the future album. You will need washi tape or plain paper (not too thin).

To prevent the album from breaking up into separate pages, it needs to be glued. Cut the ribbon or strip of paper to the desired size and glue it to the first and last page, forming a “spine”. All other pages should also be well glued.

After this, you can proceed to the most exciting part - album finishing. We advise you to think in advance about what photographs and decorative elements you will use. Experienced craftsmen first make sketches, and only then start working.

Use stamps, curly scissors, pieces of fabric and thread, buttons and rhinestones - whatever you want. Just don't forget that a large number of voluminous elements are not suitable for a small album. Appearance products in a closed form is also very important.

Tie the album with ribbon or unusual thread to highlight its individuality. You can also write the owner's name on the album cover.

A family album is an important element of every home. It is the center of attention when visiting friends and relatives, at family celebrations and in warm moments of memories. This is a secret of the past, a kind of relic, the life story of each of us. Today, most photos are stored on phones, tablets, and mobile phones. But it’s much more pleasant to turn through the pages of history and touch pictures than to view them on a monitor. A handmade photo album will be a successful alternative to electronic folders.

Photo album using scarpbooking technique

The scrapbook is a literal translation of the newfangled trend of creating photo albums. Such albums can contain everything: dried flowers, “tags” of a newborn, small meaningful things, cuts, lace, beads and, of course, photos. Design imagination knows no bounds, and modern materials make it possible to realize any ideas.

Masters work in several directions:

  • modern. All current attributes, stencils, blanks, bright prints, rhinestones, etc. are appropriate. In this direction you can often find shabby chic;

  • V retro And vintage albums use aged paper, cute trinkets, jewelry, clippings from old newspapers or magazines, lace, braid;

  • romantic implies the use of everything delicate and airy: lace, fabric, ribbons, decorations, braid, poetry.

When creating an album on any topic, it is important to think through the basic design and create a color composition. Basic scrapbooking tips for beginners:

  • decide on the style in which the album will be made;
  • choose the background of the pages. It should be combined with the shades of colors used in the album;
  • think over the semantic content of the album, if you need to select poems, quotes, make clippings.

How to make an album with your own hands, see the video below.

A love story: wedding album

A wedding photo album does not have to contain exclusively photographs of the celebration. You can start a story about your family with a story about how you met: photos together on vacation or dating moments.

When creating a wedding album with your own hands, you need:

  • choose size. The 30*30 cm option is ideal for placing several photos on a page. The parameters 20*20 cm mean a standard photo on the page and a few small things. But the album 25*25 cm is the average option. You can place several pictures and diversify with additional inserts;
  • Materials you will need: thick paper (cardstock), film with a pattern (overlay), cardboard figures (chipboard), foil, beads, garter, invitations, napkins, bows, buttons, lace, cards, tulle.

Watch the video below for the album creation process.

And naturally, your family life will be long and happy, so you need to provide pages for future anniversaries.

How to make a cover in the video below.

Creating an album for a newborn

When creating a children's album, it is appropriate to use a variety of scarp paper, stencils, and baby things. The following may be useful for registration:

  • a hand or foot print of a child. This can be done using regular gouache, or on a special base, which is then placed on the cover;

  • pregnancy photos and ultrasound images;
  • horoscope, name meaning - all this will be a good addition to the album;
  • pictures of your favorite toys will decorate the pages;
  • a lullaby for your baby is suitable for a photo of a sleeping child;
  • first phrases, a memorable drawing, a page from a diary - everything that seems ordinary now can be of great value in 10-15 years;
  • menu, favorite dish, favorite cartoon - mentioning these moments will be a good addition to the photos.

How to create a children's scrapbooking album, see the video below.

A children's album made from envelopes will be creative and non-standard. Watch the master class in the video below.

Chronicle of generations in photographs

A family photo album is an excellent wedding anniversary gift for your nearest and dearest. The history of their family, photos of children and all significant events can be placed under one binding. This album will look good in a vintage or retro style.

For a family history album you can use:

  • lyrics that are relevant in certain time, poems and sayings, newspaper clippings;
  • significant things or their photos;
  • artificial flowers, various stamps, elements of old costume jewelry, iron butterflies, flowers, figured photo frames, suede and velvet.

See the video below for an example of the design.

An integral part of such albums is aged paper. It's not difficult to do:

  • in order to give the edges a “tattered” look, you need to treat them with a distresser;
  • coffee will turn a white sheet of paper yellowed with age. Brew 5 full teaspoons of coffee in 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 10 minutes with the lid closed and strain. Lightly crush a sheet of paper, dip it in coffee and hold for no more than 5 minutes. Dry and iron;
  • Black tea will give yellowness to the paper. Brew 5-10 tsp. in a glass of boiling water (depending on how much the leaf needs to be yellowed). Leave for 10 minutes and strain. Keep the leaf in tea leaves for about two minutes. Dry and iron. You can drop tea leaves onto the sheet several times.

It's a good idea to create a family tree. You can bring your idea to life by drawing it, cutting it out of cardboard, felt or fiberboard.

How to make a family tree with your own hands, see the video below.

DIY travel book

For travel lovers, a travel book will be relevant - a book of photographs, notes, plans, saved tickets and small souvenirs.

How to create a travel album, see the video below.

The travel book contains:

  • a lot of entries. By hand and not necessarily with a ruler. These could be stories about your expectations from the trip, what you managed to achieve, a description of the highlights of the trip;
  • You can devote a page to each topic: food, relaxation, sights, new acquaintances;
  • special pockets for small souvenirs.

Review the full design of the travel album in the video below.

Stroller, heart or house: creating figured photo albums

Who said that a photo album must be rectangular? Figured albums look bright and unusual. You can download ready-made stencils from the Internet, or you can create them yourself. Unrivaled Family album blogger Elena Stepanova made it in the shape of a house. The author made a multi-story house and placed the photographs as follows: as the family grows, the floor increases. The result was amazing.

Figured albums can be family, children's, or reflect the hobbies of household members.

A pet album is interesting for children, because filling it with pictures of the pet is very entertaining.

How to design a figured album, see the video below.

Mini-album for beginners

There will be such an album good start for those who are trying their hand at scarpbooking. It can be designed in the form of a book, box or accordion. The last option is the easiest to implement. All you need is 70*10 cm cardboard, decorative paper, double-sided tape, tape. The album is composed as follows:

  • folds are made on the cardboard at a distance of 10 cm. This will be the binding;
  • the cover will be two squares measuring 10.5*10.5 cm, covered with decorative paper, which are attached to the binding;
  • Sheets of decorative paper measuring 9.5*9.5 cm are glued to each page of the album;
  • the album is decorated with a ribbon tie.