How to write a letter to a bank correctly. Sample letter of recommendation to a bank from a counterparty. Letter of goodwill from the company itself

Today banks occupy significant place In human life. Between financial institution and citizens enter into all kinds of service agreements, including maintaining debit and credit accounts, as well as currency transactions.

Situations often arise when the client is dissatisfied with the work of employees, the terms of the contract, or technical problems arise during automatic service.

Resolving issues should begin with a written request to the bank.

Basic Rules

A bank client has the right to go to court in a civil manner if his rights are violated. However, when considering a claim, the court takes into account the existence of a pre-trial resolution of the issue, which is a claim to the bank.

This request must be made in writing in two copies, one of which remains in the client’s hands with a note from the bank that the claim has been accepted. Must have a number incoming document, which is entered by the employee receiving the request.

If it is not possible to bring the claim in person, you can send it by mail by registered mail, preferably with acknowledgment of delivery. This postal document may be needed in the future if the bank does not respond to the request or resolves the issue differently than desired.

When to write

A claim to the bank is written in the following cases:

  1. Various problems have arisen with the ATM: card delay, non-receipt of deposited money into the account, debit from the account without issuance, and other situations.
  2. Writing off an incorrect amount under a loan agreement when this happened in larger size than what is prescribed. Most often in these cases, a claim is written to the bank for insurance, since this is the most common mistake of financial institutions.
  3. The bank writes off a fee for maintaining a loan account, which in fact is a violation of the rights of the borrower as a consumer.
  4. The bank employee provided incorrect information, as a result of which the client encountered problems: the amount of the last payment was incorrectly calculated, the date of depositing the money was incorrectly indicated, etc.

And there are many other cases when it is not possible to resolve the issue orally, and you have to write a statement.

The claim to the bank must be considered. Based on the results of the check, a written response is sent to the client.

How to write a complaint to a bank correctly

In order for a document to be accepted, it must be drawn up correctly. First of all, it is necessary to clarify the full name of the bank, location and postal address.

The client enters his data in full: registration and residence addresses (if different), telephone number and passport details.

The main part describes the essence of the claim, the rules of law governing this issue and the method of solving the problem. It is also necessary to indicate information that in case of failure to comply with the requirements, legal action will follow.

At the end, the client who sent the document puts a date and signature.

Below is a complaint to the bank (sample) regarding the fee for maintaining a loan account.

Thus, when drawing up a document yourself, you should be armed with the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and Chapters 21-27 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Having carefully studied these rules, it is necessary to determine exactly what rights were violated and what responsibility the bank should bear for this.

We should also not forget that the rights of the credit institution could have been violated. Therefore, before finding out how to write a claim to the bank, the client must (although is not obligated) to eliminate the presence of overdue payments or other obligations only if they did not arise through the fault of the organization.

Contacting lawyers

Unfortunately, among clients financial institution Few people know how to file a claim with the bank. The presence of codes and laws may not only not help the consumer, but also completely confuse them, since articles and clauses often correlate with each other.

Often only an experienced specialist can understand in which case to apply this or that provision.

IN law firm the preparation of a document such as a claim to a bank occurs for a fee. However, the consultation can be completely free. On it, the client can receive practical advice and recommendations on writing a document.

Terms of consideration

If the client does not indicate in his complaint the period during which it must be considered, the bank may refer to the agreement drawn up by him. Since most clients do not thoroughly study every letter of the document, the bank can set the deadlines for considering applications and complaints that are beneficial to it, but within the limits of the law.

At the same time, it is not possible to use the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, since the said provision does not regulate banking activities.

The provision is often used international operations, that is, when transactions are carried out between a Russian bank and an institution in another country. This can happen if a citizen of the Russian Federation pays with a card abroad.

Processing of debits or replenishments takes a long time. Therefore, banks, using the “just in case” rule, apply this provision, supposedly checking whether the client has had transactions abroad.

In some cases this is justified. However, if a few hours before the problem occurred, operations were carried out on Russian territory, it can be assumed that the person never left.

In addition, the bank will always have time to write it off, but the person may be left without funds. Very often, such situations arise when, when replenishing a card through an ATM, money does not arrive in the account within 24 hours.

Bank rules

According to employees of credit institutions, claims to the bank are considered within the time limits established by internal bank rules. Naturally, the client is not informed of the content of these rules.

Despite the period specified in the contract, it is worth relying on the general period of waiting for a response from organizations, which is 30 days. The client can specify other deadlines, after which he has the right to go to court.

The main point here is the fact of an attempt to resolve the issue before the trial.


The most pressing issue among bank clients is the problem of insurance. When applying for a loan, bank employees almost always impose, literally, an insurance policy.

By the way, the same claim to the bank, a sample of which is posted above, can be sent regarding insurance, with minor changes.

There is a law that prohibits conditioning the sale of one product or service (in in this case- loan) by purchasing another (insurance). In this case, if Article 16 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” is clearly violated, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor.


It is worth going to court if a claim to the bank does not resolve the issue, but only after carefully studying the contract and the insurance policy itself, as well as based on the judicial practice of the region.

For example, in the Vologda region, court decisions made on this issue are not in favor of the client. The judges justify this by the fact that the refusal of insurance is unlawful due to the fact that the client knew what documents he was signing and under what conditions.

In any case, if a service was sold to a client, they should have told about it. This is not a case where ignorance is no excuse. In defense of the consumer, the article of the mentioned law says that the court’s decision on the claim should be based on the fact that the citizen did not or could not have special knowledge for correct use services.

There are many curious cases regarding credit institutions. In one of the cities, a client, a legal entity, learned that his rights had been violated and decided that a claim was needed to the bank. The organization did not respond to written statements or received replies.

Since the law does not say anywhere on what medium the claim must be sent, the entrepreneur “wrote” it on a granite slab.

The complaint preserved all the rules, indicated the details of the parties, the essence of the complaint and the signature of the businessman. In the morning the “statement” was already right at the door credit institution, which prevented bank employees from getting to their workplaces.

Since it was not possible to move the claim, the managers called the police, who refused to solve anything, since the situation was of a civil nature.

Bank employees had to enter through the window. The next day, the judge, having considered the bank’s claim against the businessman, refused to cancel the claim. In addition, having indicated that the filing material was not an obstacle to consideration, the court decided to accept the application (even in this form).

As a result, the bank, which had difficulty “considering” the claim, satisfied the client’s requirements specified in the appeal.

Bank claim form

A short guide on how to correctly write a letter (application, claim) to the bank when you have nothing to pay the loan. This will allow you not to overpay lawyers or pay for magical document templates that are shoved at you on the Internet.

It's time to dot the T's and express YOUR POSITION regarding pre-trial correspondence with the bank - is it necessary or not, in what form should it be carried out and are there any secret tricks and magic application forms?

Let me start with the fact that I always say that no miraculous letters will force the bank to forgive your debt, terminate the loan agreement with you, stop charging interest, or win a lawsuit with the writing off of all loan obligations. Correspondence is not a catalyst for starting the collection process and with the help of correspondence you will not break the bank, as some advanced specialists say.

Correspondence with the bank

Important! Please keep in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • A thorough study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome. It depends on many factors.

To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to follow any of the suggested options:

Correspondence is just a way to win back penalties in court, to delay the trial, but in EXCEPTIONAL CASES it is a reason for the court to refuse to satisfy the bank’s claim. But this is not writing off the debt - it will only allow you to enlist the support of the court and return the case to the pre-trial stage if there is bail. That is, save your collateral for a while if you have a mortgage or a car loan. Well, in the case of an MFO, perhaps this will be a basis for terminating the loan agreement if you manage to prove the enslavement of the transaction. THESE ARE JUST NICE BONUSES THAT YOU CAN GIVE YOURSELF.

It is not worth paying lawyers for this every month or for every application. If you forgot what I’m talking about, I recommend watching my video about shitty lawyers.

When you have nothing to pay a loan, they screw it into your ears or hang it on your ears that everything is individual and you definitely need to pay in order for everything to work out for you. But there are no magic forms and it’s stupid to pay money for it - you can do it yourself INDIVIDUALLY according to my instructions, which will be published IN FREE ACCESS within the next two weeks. I'll try to sort out the main ones typical situations, but if somewhere I don’t take your situation into account, just write comments - and I will finalize the instructions, so to speak, for future generations.

So, if they sell you for money either fabulous templates or magical customized services filling out documents - you are being scammed for money. They don’t deceive you, but convince you to pay for something you can do yourself. I want to say, friend, if you are not lazy and have a head on your shoulders, you can do everything yourself. And of course, if a problem has just appeared in your ass and you have a little time to resolve your issues. Well, if only the handle sticks out from the awl and by all accounts it has already been turned there several times and the deadline is “YESTERDAY” - then, of course, you will not have time to understand these pieces of paper yourself. And most likely they won’t help you anymore.

So, let's figure out what correspondence with a bank is. I'm talking here about primary correspondence - these are statements, claims - what you send to the bank with the hope of settling your loan debt. But there is, as I called it, secondary correspondence - these are complaints that you submit to regulatory authorities when your requests and demands specified in the primary correspondence are not satisfied. But this will already be a topic for the next videos and I will definitely look into it - be sure to subscribe to the channel.

In this video we will talk specifically about the initial correspondence with the bank and today I will formulate only the rules for drawing up statements and claims, and we will discuss writing specific claims and statements in subsequent video instructions. Subscribe to the channel and very soon you will see instructions for filling out with free samples the following documents:

  • Application for a copy of the loan agreement
  • Application for provision of loan account number
  • Application to accept payment directly to the loan account, bypassing the personal account (for mortgage loans)
  • Instructions on how to pay directly to a loan account
  • Application for an extended statement of loan account
  • Application for a copy of the insurance contract for a consumer loan
  • Pre-trial claim for refusal of insurance and return of insurance premium
  • Application for restructuring, refinancing, credit holidays, credit amnesty
  • And a separate procedure for actions and correspondence with the bank when revoking its license

Well, maybe I’ll remember something else. These documents will definitely be there as they are published - links to the documents will be active and you can follow them and study the instructions and get free access to samples of these papers. BUT! These forms of documents are not miraculous - I just tried to take into account the experience of communication and judicial practice with banks, which I learned while I was helping myself and other people with loans. You can draw up any document yourself, using simple rules for correspondence with banks. There are 10 of them. Let's go.

Introductory rules

Very often, borrowers do not use the tools that the law gives us, as consumers of banking services and simply participants in civil transactions. Having made a delay, we forget that we have rights, and not just obligations, to pay the loan on time. So we stick our heads in the sand and act like guilty ostriches. Our sense of guilt does not give us the opportunity to protest against the open violation of our rights, and we do not even know them. We don’t start correspondence with the bank, because we think that the bankers will think, what a scoundrel, not to pay the loan, and he’s also blathering here, fuck his conscience, a fraudster. We want to seem good - by the way, I have one wonderful obscene video about this - look - it really opens your eyes.

Remember, friend! You did not break the law and you are not a criminal, you just found yourself in the same situation as me and almost 50 million of your fellow citizens, but this does not deprive you of your rights! You don’t refuse the debt and don’t abandon the bank (although this is a purely personal matter) - you just don’t have the ability to pay now and you want to settle your overdue loan debt.

Be ethical

There is no need to write to the bank and to all authorities at once, unless this is due to the fact that collectors are harassing you and threatening your safety, or at least your mental peace. First, write to the bank, give them a period of time, if they don’t respond, complain. But the following videos will be about complaints. That is, first pre-trial correspondence, as I said, primary and only then pre-trial with complaints, and then judicial procedure. I understand that you are angry, but at the same time, by driving carts everywhere, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to conduct a constructive dialogue with the bank and turn into a hysterical redneck that these intellectuals will spread rot on. Well, of course you won’t push us down, but don’t show your weakness and this will give you the opportunity to communicate with them on equal terms. And even negotiate. You won’t be able to bend the bank, but he will very well be able to ignore you as an equal participant in this process. In short, don't be a jerk.

Without a piece of paper you're a bug

From this day forward, do everything in writing - all papers with a signature and confirmation of receipt by the addressee. Verbal communication sucks. What settled the question - what did I listen to the radio - did the same thing. Write everything yourself on paper and remember that the bank must also respond to you in writing. SMS and letters by e-mail without a seal and signature - bullshit, unless of course you indicated email as a channel of communication with you.

In person or by mail?

Various statements, requests and claims can be sent and received in the appropriate way - you can do this in person or by mail. The list of documents provided or received by the bank is personally related to information that constitutes bank secrecy, as detailed in Art. 26 of the Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”.

Please note that you are required to provide almost all of the above statements regarding initial correspondence personally, since this is related to your receiving copies of documents containing your personal data, information about account transactions - this is all personal, because it contains bank secrecy. Otherwise, you risk not receiving documents, but if you go to court, you won’t achieve anything either - here’s an example of such a court decision. If you don’t do this personally, then don’t blame the bank for not providing you with anything. And by the way, in this case, borrowers often make the mistake of thinking that the bank does not have the documents, so they don’t have to pay the loan. Bankers are just bureaucrats. But sometimes, of course, signed contracts are lost)))

By the way - such a subtle point - before handing the letter to the bankers - first go to the loan officer and ask in a nice way, put a chocolate bar on the table - sometimes this seriously saves time and allows you to get all the documents that you need from the bank

In the case of remote banking, for example, if it is Tinkoff Bank or another bank that does not have a branch in your city, you can send these documents to personal account Internet banking, because when you log in using your login and password, you can be identified as a bank client. Please note that online banking options mobile application and PC versions may vary.

Well, at worst, if there are no opportunities, and you don’t want to go anywhere, you can send a telegram, when sending the identity of the sender is verified by the telegraph operator.

You can only send an application for restructuring and a pre-trial claim for the return of insurance by mail. Send applications by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, and if you are sending several documents at the same time, then by a valuable letter with a list of attachments and always with acknowledgment of delivery. It’s better to send to 2 addresses - to the main bank and to your branch where you received the loan - if the latter is sluggish, you have a better chance of achieving the desired result faster.

By shape

Remember that there is no form of application - the main thing is to write exactly to whom the letter is - the name of the bank, its address, from whom, address, phone number (if you want them to call), what it is - an application, notification, claim, for what obligation the letter is (loan agreement number , date, amount, term), what is the problem, what are the grounds (clause of the contract, the Civil Code, the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, the Law on Consumer Credit (Loan), what exactly are you asking for (there must be a very specific term, amount), in what period (usually 10 days according to the Consumer Rights Protection Law) and in what form you expect the answer, date, signature. Well, add information where you will complain if you do not provide what you want. Indicate attachments to the letter - attach evidence (for example, a copy). sick leave and if these are audio or video recordings, write that they exist, but will be provided upon request).

They may tell you that they won’t accept you using this form - like they have their own form. You can send it by mail, but if it’s a bank secret, then you’ll have to fill out an application with them (don’t forget to take a second copy and ask for a copy). It is not necessary to print on gilded paper with silver ink - not important printed form- you can write at least to toilet paper by hand. But remember about ethics))

Become a stenographer

Don’t hesitate to call the bank’s hotline and be sure to record audio and log the telephone conversation - this is called a transcript - find out the employee’s name and registration number recording the conversation - this may be useful later for correspondence. By the way, you can write in the form feedback on the bank's website. You can use an online call or order a call back. Plus on the portal all banks have hotline, where you can write in writing. They answer very quickly and reasonably. Record all your requests and responses.

Become a bureaucrat

You will have to become a bureaucrat, because without a piece of paper you are a bug. Create a folder where you keep the second copy of your applications with a note from a bank specialist, postal receipts, receipt notices, lists of attachments in valuable letters, protocols of outgoing and incoming calls (telephone messages), answers, print out letters from e-mail, keep telegrams.

Those who didn't have time are late

Start and end correspondence as quickly as possible. By prolonging the pleasure, you deprive yourself of the pleasure of letting the bank miss the statute of limitations. This does not apply to claims and complaints. The fact is that the limitation period is interrupted by the obligor’s performance of actions indicating recognition of the debt. That is, when you write letters where you indicate that you have actually entered into a loan agreement and indicate the amount, the statute of limitations begins to expire again.

Always leave something as a keepsake

When submitting documents in person, be sure to receive a second copy with the bank’s marks: position, name, signature, date, incoming number, stamp or seal, and in the case of submitting documents that constitute bank secrecy, ask to verify your identity and compare your signature with the signature image card. This will allow you to save time and avoid unpleasant refusals.

If you receive a response by mail, open the letter in the presence of two postal workers and ask them to sign a certificate stating the contents of the attachment in the letter, so that the bank does not send you a calendar instead of responding to your request.

I'm waiting for an answer like a nightingale of summer

If there is no response from the bank for a long time - only AFTER A LETTER HAS BEEN WRITTEN TO THE BANK - write to the Financial Ombudsman on the portal of the Association of Russian Banks - this is not yet a complaint, but it will allow you to stimulate bank employees so that they come out of hibernation. Then, by the way, it will also be useful for the court - that you have done EVERYTHING in order to settle the overdue loan debt out of court.

Here are 10 simple rules that will help you solve your credit problem easier and without errors and, most importantly, will save a lot of time, and possibly money. Over the next two weeks, I'll be posting instructions on how to fill out the paperwork I talked about at the beginning of the video, so don't forget to subscribe to the channel. Well, remember that all these pieces of paper will work like effective tool in the hands of the person who has already decided to solve problems with loans, and not run from them.

Before opening an entrepreneur account in a bank where you have not previously been serviced, be prepared to confirm your . If you already have an account with this financial institution and you are opening another one, you do not need to confirm anything. Confirmation business reputation Banks also demand from long-established firms. There is no point in sending a request to new organizations - their business reputation is at the stage of formation.

So what should you do? Ask your counterparties who are bank clients to write a letter about your business reputation or sign a document that you have drawn up. Banks in which the company previously had accounts can also draw up such a letter.

It is possible that one of business partners will refuse to write a review for you, citing a simple lack of time. In this case, write the letter yourself and offer it to the counterparty for approval. Our article provides a sample of such a review. You can also use the sample when the counterparty contacts you for feedback about itself.

By the way, you can confirm your business reputation with your own letter.

In any case, do not leave a request from employees of a financial institution unanswered: there is a high probability that the bank will not cooperate with your company.

Sample letter about business reputation of a legal entity

The counterparty's review of business reputation is drawn up in writing and in any form. The letter is written on behalf of the business partner and on his letterhead. The document must have the seal and signature of the director of the company. Please note that the financial institution is not interested in reviews of your business partners who are clients of another bank.

We provide a sample letter about the business reputation of a company for your reference. It is also possible.

Be sure to pay attention to the date the document was drawn up, because this is not formal, as many people think, but a very important detail.

The bank does not need outdated information; on the other hand, an undated letter may not be taken into account.

As you probably noticed, a letter about business reputation legal entity contains not generalized, but the most specific information. It is not enough to write that the counterparty is responsible and reliable. Give examples of contracts (preferably with amounts), write what plans the counterparty has for further collaboration with you.

The clause stating that there are no complaints about the company’s fulfillment of its obligations is very important.

This is a confirmation of reliability for concluding contracts with other companies, including a credit institution.

A review of business reputation can be requested not only from the counterparty, but also from the bank. Financial institutions have their own templates: they usually write about the number of counterparties and the turnover of transactions.

Letter of goodwill from the company itself

In many cases, among the counterparties there are no firms that are clients of the desired bank. Sometimes they may not give feedback. A financial institution may fail. In this case, the letter can be drawn up directly from your company.

What should I include in such a letter? Everything the bank can verify through open sources. For example, participation in government tenders, reviews on the Internet, television reports, publications in the press. Be sure to write that your company is not on the “black lists” of tax authorities on the website egrul.nalog (dot) ru.

Such a letter will be an excellent addition to reviews compiled by counterparties. It confirms that the company not only enjoys the respect of business partners, but is also in good standing with the Federal Tax Service and in the labor market.

Such letters can be issued to each counterparty who wants to verify the integrity of the company.

Any borrower sooner or later faces a situation when it becomes necessary to write an application to the bank. Applications can be completely different: an application for a refund of an insurance premium, an application for a detailed account statement, an application for a credit holiday or a deferred payment. And sometimes a lot depends on how correctly the application is written and sent. In addition, on our website we will constantly add new ready-made samples statements.

How to write an application to the bank

Any application to the bank must contain a header indicating the name of the bank, actual and mailing address, as well as the borrower’s full name, postal address, telephone number (or email address) and passport details. Next comes the name - for example, an application for a credit holiday. And then the main text of the statement. The text of the application must always begin with the words: I, full name, am a borrower of the bank from (date of signing of the loan agreement), agreement number. And then we state the essence of the question, demand or petition. We put the date and signature below. Any application to the bank is always drawn up in free form. But some banks require that the application be written specifically in their name. letterhead. There are two options here: either rewrite the text prepared in advance on their form, or write the following words on their form: I ask you to accept the application in Appendix No. 1, and on your prepared application, add in large size at the top: Appendix No. 1. They will also have to accept this option. Remember: no matter how the application itself is written - by hand or printed, the signature and decryption of the initial must always be written in your own hand, preferably with a ballpoint pen with blue ink.

How to submit an application to the bank correctly - personal visit

Very often, borrowers and debtors bring an application to the bank, leave it with the manager and quickly leave the bank with a feeling of accomplishment. But no, handing over the application is the same as throwing it away. Then you won’t be able to prove anything to anyone anywhere. Here's how to do it correctly. Come to the bank and provide the manager with an application. The manager must mark receipt, then make a copy of your application with a mark of receipt and his own signature, and date stamp the copy. You must keep a copy for at least three years and may be useful in case of litigation or any disagreement with the bank.

How to submit an application to the bank correctly - send a letter

If there is no office of the creditor bank in your city, you can send an application by Russian Post. Be sure to make an inventory (the post office operator himself will have to seal the envelope). The letter must be sent by registered mail, with notification. It is also advisable to make an estimate of the cost, even if only 10 rubles, but such letters at the post office, as a rule, are treated more responsibly and carefully. Be sure to keep a copy of the application itself, the inventory, the shipping receipt and the notification, which you must receive with the addressee’s signature confirming delivery.
These are the simple rules for delivering applications to creditors that every borrower or bank debtor needs to know.

There is a feeling that there is no way out of the current situation; banks in such a situation do not make concessions. Try writing a letter to the bank.

When there's nothing left to lose

There is no way to avoid penalties and interest. They are specified in the loan agreement, and they are automatically added to the total debt by the system. An increase in the loan rate also cannot be avoided; this condition is also stated in the loan agreement in case of violation of the loan terms.

The loan debt is growing like a snowball every month; it is necessary to conduct a dialogue with the bank in order to soften the requirements in order to achieve the possibility of not repaying the loan in full ahead of schedule. Or so that information about an overdue loan does not get into the Credit History Database. What do you ask? Write a letter to the bank - a letter of goodwill. The effect is not achieved in 100% of cases, but decisions in favor of the borrower also happen. Therefore, try it!

What is the essence of the letter to the bank?

There are certain rules on how to write a letter to a bank. It should be written in a friendly tone, ask the lender not to require you to make early full repayment under the loan agreement, or ask not to enter information about late payments on an existing loan into your credit history.

Meaning official letter to the bank - try to convince the bank that you are not a willful defaulter, you are not making payments due to your negligence or bad intentions, your delays arose solely because of the difficult life situation in which you find yourself.

This letter is designed to address the human factor that must be present in the work of a financial institution; the message may touch the emotional core of bank employees. You need to make your loan officer empathize with you. From the letter, he should understand that you have taken full responsibility for late payments and accumulated debt to the bank.

Convince the bank that you will continue to cooperate with the lender, taking into account all the mistakes, and make overdue payments, including penalties. It is imperative to indicate the reason why this situation arose - you lost your job (attach an extract from work book), prolonged illness (a copy of the sick leave is attached). And how are you going to get out of this situation? The letter can be sent by email or taken directly to the bank. If the need arises, duplicate the letter, call your loan officer, come to the meeting, and be persistent.

What should a letter to a bank be like?

First of all, indicate your full name, address, loan agreement number, and date of conclusion. Next, write who the letter is intended for (full name of the bank, department, full name of the credit specialist). Then comes the text itself in free form.

Sample letter

This could be a sample letter to the bank:

“Thank you very much for taking the time to familiarize yourself with this letter. I am forced to write it because I made a number of mistakes in the form of late payments under the loan agreement, the number of which is (agreement number). I would like to inform you that I am giving report on my actions, I understand what consequences a debt to the bank can lead to.

There is a good reason why I found myself in such a situation (indicate the reason), otherwise I would not have allowed the loan to be overdue. I have accumulated arrears on my loan (specify the amount) as of today financial position I feel better (reason for improvement), I am ready to repay my loan debts and continue to repay the loan in accordance with the payment schedule."

If your letter of explanation to the bank is convincing and it believes you in your sincere intentions to repay the current debt, then you need to completely reconsider your attitude towards credit obligations.