Changes that are being made to the acts of the government of the Russian Federation on the issues of transportation of heavy goods on the roads of the Russian Federation. Changes that are made to the acts of the government of the Russian Federation on the transport of heavy

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 9, 2014 No. 12
"On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation Concerning the Transportation of Heavy Goods on the Roads of the Russian Federation"

(with changes and additions, included in the text,
according to the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation: dated December 27, 2014 No.,
dated May 18, 2015 No.

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached changes that are being made to the acts on the transportation of heavy goods on the roads of the Russian Federation.

Amendments being made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the issues of transportation of heavy cargo on the roads of the Russian Federation

2. In the Rules for the carriage of goods by road, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2011 No. "On approval of the Rules for the carriage of goods by road" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 17, Art. 2407; 2012, No. 10, 1223):

a) Paragraph five of clause 5 shall be stated as follows:

"heavy cargo - cargo, the mass of which, taking into account the mass of the vehicle, exceeds the permissible mass Vehicle in accordance with Appendix No. 1 or permissible axle loads of vehicles in accordance with Appendix No. 2;";

b) clause 75 shall be stated as follows:

"75. The placement of divisible cargo on a vehicle is carried out in such a way that the total mass of the vehicle with such cargo does not exceed the permissible masses of vehicles established in Appendix No. 1 to these Rules.";

c) appendices No. 1 and No. 2 to the said Rules shall be stated as follows:

"Appendix #1
to the Rules for the carriage of goods
by car
(as amended by the decision
Government of the Russian Federation

Permissible vehicle weights

Type of vehicle or combination of vehicles, number and arrangement of axles

Permissible vehicle weight, tons

Single cars





Road trains saddle and trailer




six axles and more

Application No. 2
to the Rules for the carriage of goods
by car
(as amended by the decision
Government of the Russian Federation
dated December 27, 2014 No. 1590)

Permissible axle loads of vehicles

Location of vehicle axles

Distance between closely spaced axes (meters)

Permissible axle loads of wheeled vehicles depending on the standard (calculated) axle load (tons) and the number of wheels on the axle

for highways designed for an axle load of 6 tons/axle

for highways designed for an axle load of 10 tons/axle

for highways designed for an axle load of 11.5 tons/axle


from 2.5 m and more

5,5 (6)

9 (10)

10,5 (11,5)

Tandem axles of trailers, semi-trailers, trucks, tractors, truck tractors with distance between axles (bogie load, sum of axle masses)

up to 1 (inclusive)

8 (9)

10 (11)

11,5 (12,5)

from 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

9 (10)

13 (14)

14 (16)

from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

10 (11)

15 (16)


from 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)

11 (12)

17 (18)

18 (20)

Triple axles of trailers, semi-trailers, trucks, tractors, truck tractors with a distance between the axles (bogie load, sum of axle masses)

up to 1 (inclusive)

11 (12)

15 (16,5)

17 (18)

up to 1.3 (inclusive)

12 (13)

18 (19,5)

20 (21)

from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

13,5 (15)

21 (22,5 )

23,5 (24)

from 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)

15 (16)

22 (23)

25 (26)

Contiguous axles of trucks, tractors, truck tractors, trailers and semi-trailers, with more than three axles at a distance between axles (one axle load)

up to 1 (inclusive)

3,5 (4)

5 (5,5)

5,5 (6)

from 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

4 (4,5)

6 (6,5)

6,5 (7)

from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

4,5 (5)

6,5 (7)

7,5 (8)

from 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)

5 (5,5)

7 (7,5)

8,5 (9)

Contiguous axles of vehicles with eight or more wheels on each axle (load per axle)

up to 1 (inclusive)

from 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)


from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

from 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)



* In the event that the owner of the road establishes the appropriate traffic signs and posts information on the vehicle's axial load permissible for the road on its official website.

** For vehicles with single wheels equipped with air suspension or equivalent.


1. The values ​​in brackets are for dual wheels, without brackets - for single wheels.

2. Axles with single and double wheels, combined in a group of close axles, should be considered as close axles with single wheels.

3. For tandem and triple axles structurally combined into a common bogie, the allowable axle load is determined by dividing the total allowable bogie load by the corresponding number of axles.

4. An uneven distribution of the load along the axles for two-axle and three-axle bogies is allowed, if the total load on the bogie does not exceed the permissible one, and the load on the most loaded axle does not exceed the permissible axial load of the corresponding (single or dual) single axle.".

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2014 N 1590
"On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 9, 2014 N 12"

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:


* In the event that the owner of the road establishes the appropriate traffic signs and posts information on the vehicle's axial load permissible for the road on its official website.

** For vehicles with single wheels equipped with air suspension or equivalent.

Notes :

1. The values ​​in brackets are for dual wheels, without brackets - for single wheels.

2. Axles with single and double wheels, combined in a group of close axles, should be considered as close axles with single wheels.

3. For tandem and triple axles structurally combined into a common bogie, the allowable axle load is determined by dividing the total allowable bogie load by the corresponding number of axles.

4. An uneven distribution of the load along the axles for two-axle and three-axle bogies is allowed, if the total load on the bogie does not exceed the permissible one, and the load on the most loaded axle does not exceed the permissible axial load of the corresponding (single or dual) single axle.".".".






In pursuance of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 3 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2016 N 678 "On the determination of the sole contractors of services for the organization and implementation of military and special railway transportation" The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Determine that:

for the provision of services provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2016 N 678 "On the determination of the sole contractors of services for the organization and implementation of military and special railway transportation", railway rolling stock and containers are involved sole performers services defined by this Decree, on the basis of an auction with the owners of railway rolling stock and containers. The procedure for holding this auction, including the procedure for determining the starting price for attracting railway rolling stock and containers, is determined by the Federal Antimonopoly Service in agreement with the Ministry economic development Russian Federation;

before the entry into force of the act of the Federal antimonopoly service establishing the specified procedure for holding an auction, the involvement of railway rolling stock and containers for the provision of services provided for in paragraph one of this clause is carried out on the terms public offer;

use of attracted railway rolling stock and containers on the infrastructure of railway transport common use for the provision of services in accordance with the first paragraph of this paragraph, it is carried out on terms similar to the conditions for the use of railway rolling stock and containers of the general fleet, taking into account the peculiarities of the calculations for the provision of such services, provided for by the peculiarities of tariffication of military and special railway transportation, approved by this resolution.

2. Approve the features of the tariffing of military and special rail transportation.

3. Establish that this resolution applies to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2017.

Prime Minister

Russian Federation



Government Decree

Russian Federation




I. General provisions

1. This document is applied in the organization and implementation by the carrier of military and special rail transportation in railway rolling stock and containers attracted by the carrier through an auction or a public offer, owned by the carrier, other persons, including federal authorities executive power, in whose interests military and special rail transportation is carried out, and establishes the specifics of settlements when the carrier provides services for the organization and implementation of such transportation on the infrastructure of public railway transport (hereinafter referred to as the involved rolling stock, infrastructure).

2. In this document, the term "tariff guide" is used in the meaning provided federal law"Charter of railway transport of the Russian Federation".

3. The current tariff in this document means the amount of the tariff, fee and charge for railway transport services, in force at the time of transportation, provided for by the relevant tariff guide and determined taking into account the application to the base rates of such tariffs, fees and charges of the indexation coefficient established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for the current year for all users of railway transport services (hereinafter referred to as the tariff indexation factor).

II. Tariffication of military railway transportation of goods

4. The calculation of payment for the transportation of military cargo on the infrastructure in the involved rolling stock, depending on the type of shipment, includes:

a) the cost of military rail transportation of goods by wagon, group, route shipments (Sv), determined for each infrastructure used in the transportation, according to formula 1:

The current tariff set for the carrier for the use of infrastructure and locomotives in a loaded run for the tariff distance of transportation, determined in accordance with the tariff manual for the relevant infrastructure used for the carriage of goods in wagons that do not belong to the carrier (hereinafter referred to as own wagons) (rubles/wagon) );

The effective rate charged to a carrier for the use of infrastructure and locomotives on an empty run, determined in accordance with the tariff manual for the relevant infrastructure used in the carriage of similar own empty wagons over a distance determined as the distance traveled in a loaded run on that infrastructure, multiplied by the empty factor mileage of wagons in relation to the loaded mileage of wagons in accordance with Appendix No. 1 for the corresponding type of rolling stock (hereinafter referred to as the conditional empty run) (rubles / wagon);

The cost of additional services for rail transportation carried out under a single transportation document with the participation of carriers of other modes of transport in a loaded and conditional empty voyage (rubles);

Payment for the use of attracted rolling stock, determined for the total distance of transportation in a loaded run and a conditional empty run for all infrastructures used in transportation, according to formula 2:

The term of delivery of freight wagons by rail, determined in accordance with the rules for calculating the terms of delivery of goods, empty freight wagons by rail transport of the tariff guide (hereinafter referred to as the standard period), in total in a loaded run and a conditional empty run (days);

Delivery time for wagons used to calculate the cost of military rail transportation of goods by wagon, group, route shipments if the carrier has an agreement with the federal executive authorities in whose interests military and special rail transportation is carried out, in the event of actual delivery of goods by attracted railway rolling stock, in containers within a period less than the standard, defined as the sum of the delivery times in the actual loaded flight and the conditional empty flight (days);

The cost of initial and final operations, provided for in Appendix No. 1 to this document (rubles / wagon);

Tariff indexation factor for freight rail transportation and additional services associated with such transportation;

b) the cost of military rail transportation of goods by container shipments (SC), determined for each infrastructure used in the transportation, according to formula 3:

The current tariff set for the carrier for the use of the carrier's infrastructure and locomotives in a loaded container run, determined for the tariff distance of transportation in accordance with the tariff manual for the relevant infrastructure used for the carriage of goods in own containers and in own wagons (rubles/container);

The current tariff set for the carrier for the use of infrastructure and locomotives in an empty run of a container, determined in accordance with the tariff manual for the relevant infrastructure used in transportation in own empty containers and in own wagons, for a distance defined as the distance of transportation in a loaded run of a container, multiplied by the ratio of the empty run of containers in relation to the loaded run according to Appendix No. 2 for the corresponding standard size of the container (hereinafter referred to as the conditional empty run of the container) (ruble/container);

The current tariff set for the carrier for the use of infrastructure and locomotives in an empty run of a wagon (container ship), determined in accordance with the tariff manual for the relevant infrastructure used for the transport of own empty wagons, for a distance determined as the distance of transportation in a loaded run of a container, multiplied by the ratio of the empty run of wagons in relation to the loaded run of containers, provided for in Appendix No. 2 to this document for the corresponding standard size of the container (hereinafter referred to as the conditional empty run of the wagon) (rubles/wagon);

nk - conditional number of containers placed on the wagon, determined in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this document (units);

The fee for the use of attracted containers, determined for the total transportation distance in a loaded run and a conventional empty run according to formula 4:

, , (4)

The normative term for the delivery of freight containers by rail in total in a loaded run and a conditional empty run (days);

The term for the delivery of containers used to calculate the cost of military rail transportation of goods by wagon, group, route shipments if the carrier has an agreement with the federal executive authorities in whose interests military and special rail transportation is carried out, and in the case of actual delivery of goods in the involved rolling stock, containers within a period less than the standard, defined as the sum of the delivery times in the actual loaded flight and the conditional empty flight (days);

The cost of initial and final operations, provided for in Appendix No. 2 to this document (rubles / container);

Tariff indexation factor for container rail freight and related additional services;

c) the cost of compensation in the event of a delay in the rolling stock attracted by the carrier, containers while they are under cargo operations, as well as in the event of a delay in the process of transportation or submission under cargo operations for reasons beyond the control of the carrier and the owner of the infrastructure, taking into account the cost of attracting rolling stock by the carrier composition (Rear), determined by:

in cases of wagon delays - according to formula 5:

, (5)

The cost of compensation in the event of a delay in the involved wagons while they are under cargo operations, as well as in case of a delay in the process of transportation or submission for cargo operations for reasons beyond the control of the carrier and the owner of the infrastructure (ruble/wagon);

The cost of attracting rolling stock by the carrier, determined taking into account the results of the auction (public offer) (rubles/car per day);

The time spent by the involved rolling stock, under cargo operations (days);

The delay time of the involved rolling stock in the process of transportation or filing for cargo operations for reasons beyond the control of the carrier and the owner of the public infrastructure (days);

in cases of container delays - according to formula 6:

The cost of compensation in case of delay in attracted containers while they are under cargo operations, as well as in case of a delay in the process of transportation or filing for cargo operations for reasons beyond the control of the carrier and the owner of the infrastructure (ruble/container);

The cost of attracting containers by the carrier, determined taking into account the results of the auction (public offer) (rubles/container per day);

The conditional number of containers placed on the wagon, determined in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this document (units);

The time spent by attracted containers under cargo operations (days);

The time of delay of attracted containers in the process of transportation or filing for cargo operations for reasons beyond the control of the carrier and the owner of the public infrastructure (days);

d) the cost of compensation in case of using the involved rolling stock, containers for training loading, as well as in case of refusal federal bodies executive authorities, in whose interests military and special rail transportation of goods is carried out, from the use of attracted rolling stock (), determined for each infrastructure used in the transportation, according to formula 7:

, (7)

The current tariff set for the carrier for the use of infrastructure and locomotives in an empty run, determined in accordance with the tariff manual for the relevant infrastructure used in the transportation of own empty cars from the departure station to the training or planned loading station (ruble/car);

Payment for the use of attracted rolling stock, determined by formula 2, with an increase in the standard period for the time (in days) of the wagon (container) being at the railway station of the training or planned loading until notification of the refusal to use the wagon (container) (rubles / wagon ( container).

5. Calculation of payment for the transportation of military cargo in the railway rolling stock of the federal executive authorities, in whose interests military and special railway transportation is carried out, including the transportation of mobile railway institutions (bath-laundry and bath-disinfection trains, laboratories, printing houses, workshops and etc.), as well as transportation in railway rolling stock owned by the carrier, is carried out at the current rates, taking into account the following features:

a) calculation of payment for the transportation of personnel military units or military teams traveling in military echelons as part of a freight train, is determined according to the current tariffs and the rules of tariff guidelines established for the carriage of goods as part of freight trains for wagons of the corresponding type, without applying coefficients established depending on the tariff class and type of cargo;

b) the calculation of the fee for the transportation of military guards in equipped freight wagons, passenger and baggage wagons following as part of freight trains is determined according to the current tariffs and the rules of the tariff manuals established for the passage of conductors in a freight or passenger wagon.

6. In addition to the payment provided for in paragraphs 4 and 5 of this document, the carrier's expenses for repairs (elimination of technical and (or) commercial malfunctions) of the rolling stock, including the costs of the necessary relocation to repair (from repair) and preparation for repair (in in accordance with the requirements of regulatory enactments), identified after loading or unloading and arising as a result of improper actions (inaction) of the consignor or consignee (Zrem), determined by formula 8:

Zrem \u003d Srem + Zperedisl + Zpreg, (8)

Srem - the actual costs incurred by the carrier for carrying out repair work rolling stock and elimination of technical and (or) commercial malfunctions (rubles/wagon (container);

Zperedisl - the actual costs incurred by the carrier for the relocation of the rolling stock to/from repair (rubles/car (container);

Сpreparation - the actual costs of the carrier associated with the preparation of the rolling stock for repair, carried out in accordance with the requirements normative documents(rubles/wagon (container).

III. Special rail transport of goods

7. Calculation of payment for special rail transportation of goods (hereinafter - transportation of special cargo) is carried out depending on the category of transportation.

8. The fee for the transportation of special goods in wagons of the general fleet is determined in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this document.

The rates provided for in Appendix No. 3 to this document are calculated in the conditions of 2016 and are changed in subsequent years in accordance with the indexation coefficient for freight transportation tariffs.

9. The fee for the transportation of special cargo in rolling stock attracted by the carrier on the basis of an auction (public offer) is determined in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this document using a coefficient of 0.8 and including a fee for the use of attracted rolling stock (), determined by formula 2.

10. When transported in railway rolling stock of federal executive authorities, in whose interests military and special rail transportation is carried out, the payment for the transportation of special cargo is determined in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this document using a coefficient of 0.8.

11. In the cases specified in subparagraph "c" of paragraph 4 and paragraph 6 of this document, the calculation of the payment for the carriage of special cargo shall additionally include, respectively, the cost of compensation and (or) the costs of the carrier, determined respectively by formulas 5, 6 and (or) 8 .

IV. Determination of payment for military and special

passenger rail transportation

12. Payment for military passenger transportation carried out in military trains from passenger-type cars, military hospital trains (cars), as well as in specially allocated passenger trains (military trains), persons called up for active military service and dismissed with a valid urgent military service in stock, in passenger cars not belonging to the carrier, as part of long-distance passenger trains, is determined for the actual distance according to the current tariffs for the mileage of passenger cars (with passengers). When forwarding military trains, the payment for transportation is determined from the railway station of departure to the railway station of redirection and separately from the railway station of redirection to the railway station of a new destination.

13. Payment for the transportation of military personnel, persons called up for active military service and retired from active military service to the reserve, traveling alone on tickets issued in exchange for military requirements, in trains running according to the schedule of passenger trains (hereinafter referred to as scheduled trains) is determined depending on the type of wagon and seat category at the current rates or rates set by the carrier for the carriage of passengers by public rail transport in domestic traffic.

14. When transporting teams from among the persons specified in clause 13 of this document, in separate wagons belonging to the carrier, in schedule trains, the payment for transportation is determined at the current rates based on the actual number of passengers, but not less than for the total number seats, and also depending on the type and stencil of the wagon.

15. The payment for transportation in special wagons not belonging to the carrier, as part of long-distance passenger trains for convicts and persons held in custody, is determined according to the current tariffs for the mileage of passenger wagons (with passengers).

16. Payment for the transportation of empty passenger cars of the federal executive authorities, in whose interests military and special railway transportation is carried out, is determined according to the current tariffs, depending on the order of travel (as part of a freight or passenger train). In the calculation of the specified fee in the event of a technical malfunction of the rolling stock, the carrier's costs for eliminating the technical malfunction and the costs for the necessary relocation to repair (from repair) and preparation for repair, determined by formula 8, are included.

17. Payment for the passage of service cars (cars-salon) of the federal executive authorities, in whose interests military and special railway transportation is carried out, is determined according to the current tariffs for the mileage of passenger cars (with passengers).

The fare in a service car (salon car) owned by the carrier is determined according to the tariff of a 2-seater compartment (sleeping cars) with places for lying (in a car from 16 to 20 seats) of a fast train, established by the carrier, based on the actual number of passengers , but not less than for the total number of seats (according to the stencil of the car).

18. Payment for the use of infrastructure is determined according to the current tariffs for services for the use of infrastructure in the implementation of passenger transportation.

19. The payment for the transportation of military personnel, convicts and persons held in custody in special wagons in trains specially designated outside the regular schedule (Pvr) is determined according to formula 9:

Pvr = Lfact x tfact + Ivr x nvag, (9)

Lfact - the carrier's costs for the use of the carrier's locomotive for the transportation of special cars in trains specially assigned outside the regular schedule, determined on the basis of the calculation (rubles per hour);

tfact - the actual time of using the carrier's locomotive for the transportation of special wagons in trains specially assigned outside the regular schedule (hours);

Ivr - the current tariff set for the carrier for the use of infrastructure, including the infrastructure component (when transporting wagons with passengers and wagons in an empty state) and the station component (when transporting wagons with passengers), depending on the distance of transportation along the train route (rub. /railway carriage);

nvag - the number of special cars in a train specially assigned outside the regular schedule (units).

Appendix No. 1

to billing features

military and special

rail transport





Wagon type

The ratio of the empty run of wagons in relation to the loaded run of wagons

The cost of initial-final operations, the list of which is established in the tariff manual (rubles/car)


gondola car

Tanks for transportation of oil and oil products

Other types of wagons

Appendix No. 2

to billing features

military and special

rail transport





Container size

Conditional number of containers placed on the wagon

The ratio of the empty run of wagons in relation to the loaded run of containers

Coefficient of empty run of containers in relation to their loaded run

Cost of initial and final operations, the list of which is established in the tariff manual (rubles/container)

over 40 pounds

Appendix No. 3

to billing features

military and special

rail transport



oversized cargo

Degree of oversized cargo

oversized cargo

1 - 4 degrees

5 degree

6 degree

Full trains

KP-1, rubles per train-km

KP-2, rubles per axis-km

KP-3, rubles per train-km

KP-4, rubles per axis-km

Partial trains

KP-2, rubles per axis-km

KP-4, rubles per axis-km

Russian Federation


debt for 1998 - based on the amount of accounts payable as of October 1, 1998.

8. Federal executive authorities and other direct recipients of federal budget funds within 2 months to submit to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation information on the existence of accounts payable as of January 1, 1999 in accordance with special reporting forms approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in agreement with State Committee Russian Federation on statistics.

9. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, on the basis of reports submitted by the federal executive authorities and other direct recipients of federal budget funds, to carry out, by April 1, 1999, a complete reconciliation and reduction of the volumes of accounts payable formed as of January 1, 1999 as a result of underfunding of expenses for account of federal budget funds approved by the Federal Law "On federal budget for 1998".

10. To the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Dues, in agreement with central bank of the Russian Federation to submit proposals to the Government of the Russian Federation on a mechanism for repaying the debt of recipients of federal budget funds, determined in accordance with clause 9 of this resolution, existing as of January 1, 1999, for payment for consumed products (services), including through its restructuring .

Establish that the results of repayment of the specified debt are to be reflected in the reporting on the execution of the federal budget for 1999.

11. Federal executive authorities and other direct recipients of federal budget funds to submit quarterly to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and territorial bodies federal treasury according to the forms established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, information on the volume of income and expenses incurred on accounting accounts off-budget funds And extrabudgetary funds, indicating the directions of their use.

12. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the information provided, should quarterly monitor the volume of revenues and use of extra-budgetary funds of federal executive bodies and other recipients of federal budget funds, followed by submission of information to the Government of the Russian Federation.

13. Establish that monthly salary payments to military personnel, private and commanding staff of internal affairs bodies, tax police officers, customs authorities and the penitentiary system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation are made in accordance with their size as of December 1, 1998, with subsequent recalculation, taking into account their increase from January 1, 1999.

14. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, shall ensure in January 1999 the repayment of debts on monetary allowance and wages with accruals in the amounts envisaged in the federal budget for 1999, in excess of the amount of funding established by paragraph 1 of this resolution.

15. Establish that the financing procedure established by paragraph 1 of this resolution does not apply to the financing of expenses:

a) by sections " Public administration And local government", "Judicial Power", subsections "Bodies of the Prosecutor's Office" and "Bodies of Justice" of the section "Law Enforcement and Ensuring the Security of the State" - in connection with the introduction on October 1, 1998 of new salaries of the monetary content of employees of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies, courts and prosecutors;

b) related to the repayment and servicing of the state debt of the Russian Federation, carried out in accordance with payment schedules;

c) related to the implementation of the federal target presidential program"State housing certificates".

16. Financing of expenses not provided for in the federal budget for 1999 is not carried out.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation