Good and bad reasons to take time off from work early. How to take time off from work - methods and correct reasons How to take time off from work

Most workers work five days a week for eight hours. And it’s no wonder that they physically don’t have time to go to the clinic, housing office, or their child’s school - after all, the opening hours of these institutions are almost the same. Write a whole day off due to parent meeting I don’t really want to, most often employees simply ask to take time off from work. In this regard, the employer has many questions: what to do with payment for absence time, how to take it into account, whether it needs to be formalized, etc. Read the article and you will find answers to these and some other questions.

Indeed, “asking for leave” from work is not uncommon. Mostly, employees ask to be released for a couple of hours or half a day. Sometimes, of course, they ask for more time—a day or even two.

Let us say right away that this situation is not regulated by any Labor Code, nor any other acts containing norms labor law. Therefore, the solution to the issue of registering and paying for the absence of an employee who has asked to take time off depends on various circumstances.

If an employee asks to take an hour or two off

First of all, we note that if an employee decides to leave for personal matters during the lunch break, then he does not need to take time off from work. Breaks during the working day (shift), including for rest and food, are considered rest time (Article 107 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And according to Art. 106 Labor Code of the Russian Federation rest time - time during which the employee is free from work labor responsibilities and which he can use at his discretion. Thus, during lunch, an employee can leave work and resolve his issues without the consent of the employer.

If you need a couple of hours work time, a corresponding application is required from the employee addressed to the head of the organization. You will say: why multiply pieces of paper, because you can verbally inform your immediate supervisor and that’s it? We believe that an application is still required. If the manager agrees, the corresponding visa, the manager’s signature and the date are affixed on it. In this case, the employee will be sure that his absence will not be regarded as a violation labor discipline, and the employer finds out that the employee is absent. There is no need to issue an order.

For your information

Absenteeism is considered absence from the workplace without good reason during the entire working day (shift), regardless of its duration, as well as more than four hours in a row during the working day (shift).

The need for a statement is also indicated by arbitrage practice. So, the employee was fired for absenteeism. Not agreeing, he filed a lawsuit for reinstatement, citing the fact that he took time off from work from the director. The court, examining the case materials, did not find confirmation of this fact, since the employee did not contact the employer with any written statements about the need for absence, for example, about granting leave without pay. Accordingly, the dismissal was recognized as legal (Appeal ruling of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court dated September 19, 2016 in case No. 33-12406/2016).

Please note that absence upon application must be recorded in the time sheet, because the employer is obliged to keep accurate records of the working time worked by each employee. The period of absence is taken into account when calculating the employee’s salary.

If an employee takes time off for the whole day

There are different design options available here:
  • leave without pay wages;
  • annual paid vacation;
  • time off

Let's consider these options.

Leave without pay

Based on Part 1 of Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for family reasons and other valid reasons, an employee, upon his written application, may be granted leave without pay, the duration of which is determined by agreement between the employee and the employer. As we see, the legislation does not establish either a minimum or maximum duration of such leave. This means that unpaid leave can be granted for any period that the parties to the employment contract agree on, even for one day.

As can be seen from the wording of the norm, the provision of such leave is a right, not an obligation, and if the employer considers the reason unjustified, he can deny the employee unpaid leave. At the same time, you need to remember that there are categories of employees to whom the employer does not have the right to refuse this. In particular, based on a written application, the employer is obliged to provide the following leave:

  • for working old-age pensioners (by age) - up to 14 calendar days per year;
  • for working disabled people - up to 60 calendar days per year;
  • employees in cases of the birth of a child, marriage registration, death of close relatives - up to 5 calendar days;
  • in other cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws or a collective agreement.
If an employee, without waiting for approval of unpaid leave for one day, does not go to work, and the employer refuses to provide such leave, absence from work may be regarded as absenteeism (appeal rulings of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court dated September 19, 2016 in case No. 33-12406/ 2016, Rostov Regional Court dated August 15, 2016 in case No. 33-14008/2016, etc.).

So, such a vacation is arranged as follows:

  1. The employee writes a statement addressed to the head of the organization, indicating the date of leave and the reasons why it is required. If the application is written for several hours, you need to indicate specific hours.
  2. The manager marks the visa application as “Agreed” or “I do not object”, and in case of refusal to grant leave - “Refuse”.
  3. If the head of the company agrees:
    • an order is issued to grant leave without pay (the employee must be familiarized with such an order and signed);
    • a personal card is filled out (form T-2) - it is necessary to keep records of the number of days of unpaid leave, since the length of service for the provision of annual paid leave depends on this;
    • a time sheet is filled out.
The question of payment for the day for which the employee is granted unpaid leave disappears by itself, since everything is clear from the name of the latter.

Annual paid vacation

Each employee is guaranteed annual paid leave, which is provided in accordance with the vacation schedule, mandatory for both employees and employers (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


The vacation schedule is approved no later than two weeks before the new year, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization.

At the same time, nothing prevents the provision of annual leave outside the schedule if the employee and the employer have agreed on this. Let us add that according to general rule vacation can be divided into parts, one of which is at least 14 calendar days (Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But the remaining part can be used as the employee and employer agree. Therefore, providing one day of annual paid leave is completely legal.

For registration annual leave for one day (if the employer agrees) you need:

  1. Receive a statement from the employee indicating the specific desired day.
  2. Issue an order granting annual leave.
  3. Make appropriate notes on the time sheet.
Please note that if you apply for annual paid leave for one day, difficulties may arise related to payment for the leave. In particular, according to the rule of Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, vacation must be paid no later than three days before it starts. Moreover, this rule applies to vacation of any duration; the employee goes on vacation for a day or two weeks - it doesn’t matter.

Therefore, providing one day of annual leave is convenient if the employee knows in advance that he needs to leave on such and such a date. However, in most cases, employees ask for time off spontaneously when certain circumstances arise.

Time off

Despite the fact that the Labor Code does not define the concept of “time off,” according to established practice, time off is considered rest provided as compensation for work or duty during non-working hours. Time off should not be confused with leave without pay, since it is not provided as compensation for something, but for personal reasons that employees have or by force of law.

Labor legislation provides for several cases when an employer must provide an employee with a day off for working outside of working hours. (We present them in the form of a diagram on page .)

The procedure for applying for time off is as follows: the employee writes an application requesting a day of rest indicating the reasons, for example, for overtime work or working on a day off. (Donors must attach a certificate to the application confirming the fact of donating blood.) Based on such an application, an order is issued, which must be familiarized to the employee against signature.

Of course, you need to make notes on your timesheet:
— additional days off without pay are indicated by the letter code “НВ” or the digital code “28”;
- day of rest for donor employees - letter code “OV” or digital “27” (additional paid day off).

When required to work overtimeBy virtue of Art. 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the first two hours of overtime work are paid at least one and a half times the rate, the subsequent ones - at least double the rate. At the request of the employee, overtime work, instead of increased pay, can be compensated by providing additional rest time, but not less than the time worked overtime, while rest time is not subject to payment
When hired to work on a weekend or non-working holidayIn accordance with Art. 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, work on a day off or a non-working holiday is paid at least double the amount. At the request of the employee who worked on that day, he may be given another day of rest. In this case, work on a weekend or holiday is paid in a single amount, and a day of rest is not subject to payment.
When an employee donates blood and its componentsAccording to Art. 186 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if an employee goes to work on the day of donating blood and its components, as well as on the day of the related medical examination, he is given another day of rest at his request. In the case of donating blood and its components during the period of annual paid leave, on a day off or a non-working holiday, the employee is given another day of rest at his request. In addition, after each day of donating blood and its components, an additional day of rest is provided.
For overtime within the work schedule when working on a rotational basisDue to an increase in working hours and a reduction in rest time during the shift period, employees usually accumulate overtime hours, which are paid at the rate of the daily tariff rate, daily rate(parts of salary ( official salary) per day of work). Overtime hours that are not multiples of a whole working day can be accumulated throughout the year and summed up to whole working days with subsequent provision additional days inter-shift rest. The hours of daily (between shifts) rest that are underused in this case, as well as the days of weekly rest, are summed up and provided in the form of additional days off from work (in the form of days of inter-shift rest) during the accounting period

If an employee systematically asks for time off

There are workers who constantly need somewhere. Such employees may be allowed to work part-time. Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows the introduction of this mode of work by agreement between the employee and the employer when hiring or in the course of work.

Payment for part-time work is made in proportion to the time worked or depending on the volume of work performed. Moreover, work under such conditions does not entail any restrictions on the duration of the annual basic paid leave, calculation length of service and other labor rights.

To establish part-time working hours, you must:

  1. To conclude additional agreement to the employment contract, which specifies the specific start and end time of work, duration working week and the period for which part-time work is established. This document is signed by both parties to the labor relationship.
  2. Issue an order to introduce part-time work for a specific employee, indicating the reasons for this decision.
Additionally, we note that the employer may propose to introduce a part-time working regime, but the employee may refuse, considering that it is more profitable for him to write applications asking for unpaid leave. In this case, part-time work cannot be established.

So, if employees occasionally take time off during working hours for personal matters, this must be documented, at least with an application with a management visa confirming permission to leave. If they ask for a day or two off, other options are possible - taking leave, paid or unpaid. If the employee periodically requests time off, for example, every Tuesday and Friday for a certain number of hours, it may be worth considering introducing a part-time working regime for him.

It's not always so easy to leave work for the day. Although many reasons are valid and are even enshrined in the Labor Code, the last word remains with management. It is management that will decide whether to give a day off or not. If you need to leave and don’t know how to take 1 day off from work, then this article is for you.

What is the best way to talk to your manager to ensure you get the day off? Not everyone succeeds in this, so you need to find an approach

How to ask your boss for time off

The following tips may help:

  1. Of course, you should not call and talk about this request or ask for a day off on the same day. You must ask for time off in person, you can use the phone to ask for time off only if you are seriously ill and you should not come to work so as not to infect anyone, or in some other emergency.
  2. You should contact your boss at the very beginning of the week. You should ask for time off in advance so that the boss can find a replacement for you.
  3. When communicating with your manager, you should explain in detail and confidently the circumstances that require you to take time off, but you should not be overly verbose or emotional.
  4. Be polite, calm and confident.
  5. It should also be added that you have completed most of the work, and the rest will be ready on time. Show that the time off will not affect the work process in any way.
  6. To get in touch, leave your contact details, in case you need to clarify something with you about your work.

How to take one day off from work: reasons

Reasons that are considered valid for taking time off from work.

The need to visit official authoritiesIt may be necessary to apply for a replacement passport, register real estate, or something else. These organizations operate only on weekdays and are closed on weekends. And the queues, for example, at the passport office are very long and it can take the whole day. That is why, in order to visit such places, you should take a day off from your superiors.
Difficulties with transportPerhaps you were caught in a big traffic jam, a small accident, or your car suddenly broke down on the way to work. You can't abandon your car in the middle of the road, can you? So, this can be considered a serious reason for taking time off.
Family problemsThis is often the most common reason, but for management this is one of the most serious reasons. Perhaps you need it for your child's school holiday or for your elderly grandmother's birthday. This also includes meeting relatives at the station.
Need to pass examsPerhaps you need to pass exams for your license or you have a session at the university; in such cases, time off is simply necessary and it is unlikely that your boss will be able to help you with this.
Due to illnessRequesting time off due to illness is one of the most respectful requests for an employer.
You urgently need medical helpIf you are feeling unwell or your Small child sick, then the manager should simply give you time off so that you can apply for medical care. Such a reason could be: heat, and the need to get tested. In this case, the employer will not be able to refuse you.

A completely legal method for getting two days off is to donate blood. The day of delivery and the next day are a day off. By law, these days off must be paid.

In this case, you need to present a document that will prove that you donated blood. However, the authorities can rarely release you for regular donation, but only when it is necessary for close relatives or if you are a donor with a rare blood type.

For personal reasons

Time off can be obtained for personal reasons. What can be classified as such circumstances for the employer to approve the desired time off?

The birth of a child is a circumstance that allows you to take time off from work

These include:

  1. Birth of a child. For this reason, the employer is unlikely to refuse the request.
  2. Subpoena for court hearing. If there is a situation where an employee has been summoned to a court hearing as a juror or as a participant in a trial, the boss does not have the right to prohibit the employee from leaving the workplace.
  3. The emergence of emergency household problems. In emergency situations, when, for example, a subordinate's front door is jammed, he is stuck in an elevator, or cannot leave the house due to a broken water supply, the boss should give the subordinate a day off. But only under these circumstances it is necessary to prove why you could not come to your workplace. As evidence, you can take a document from the relevant organization or emergency service.
  4. You can also add circumstances such as a close relative and wedding.

On account of paid leave

By agreement with his superiors, the subordinate is obliged to prepare for the provision of a future day off, deducting it from the main paid leave. The employee must submit the prepared document to the employer for approval, and then send it to the personnel department.

The following categories of persons are entitled to unused days from vacation earlier than 6 months from the start of work:

  • pregnant women who will soon go on maternity leave;
  • persons under the age of majority;
  • parents who have become parents or adoptive parents of children under three months of age.

Employees must fill out a sample application, which is drawn up according to the established rules.

Vacation at your own expense

To ask for time off, you must draw up a statement with the following wording:

“I ask you to grant me leave without pay for 1 working day - 06/18/2018 - due to the urgent need to be present in the house at my place of registration during urgent electrical repairs.”

How to write an application for leave at your own expense

This document for a day off without saving earnings can be drawn up at any time. Whether the boss will sign the application or not is impossible to guess. The granting or refusal of unpaid leave is affected by a large number of factors.

Starting from the reason you provided, whether your boss considers it respectful enough or not, and ending with how your boss treats you. Perhaps he considers you an irreplaceable employee or does not like you and because of this does not want to give you time off.

It is also important to know your rights well, be ready to defend your own interests and demand time off in accordance with cases that guarantee a day off by law. After all, this will come in handy if your employer does not give you permission to take time off.

Find out how to send an employee on vacation at your own expense in this video:

Application for time off

How to get a day off from work? Even if your boss doesn’t tell you anything, you still need to write a statement. It should be taken into account that your boss may completely forget that he released you for the day, and this may lead to a reprimand, a fine, or even loss of your job. There is no single model, however, there are certain rules that are accepted in many companies. These include:

The application must be completed in two copies. One must be signed by your employer, and the other must remain in your hands. Before you start writing a statement, you need to find out who exactly needs to address it, the main boss or your manager.

This question needs to be clarified. Your company has certain rules that must be followed. If your application uses any documents or certificates, then it is very important to refer to them in the text of the application itself.

We are talking about some kind of certificates from a hospital record or appointment cards from your attending physician. It is very important to refer to the duration of absence from work in your application.

It also happens that you need to take time off for a short time due to certain circumstances, and then it becomes unclear how to leave your workplace for one hour? The application itself must contain information about the time that you will not be present at work, and deductions from wages will only be for certain time, any misunderstanding must be avoided. The application must be written in a certain form, which can be obtained from the secretary.

This video is about unpaid leave:

Form for receiving a question, write yours

Working on a traditional 5-day, 40-hour work schedule, it is physically impossible to cope with all personal matters that do not relate to work. The fact is that most official institutions have exactly the same schedule: a visit to a parent meeting or a doctor’s office cannot be rescheduled for the weekend. The need to leave the workplace in the middle of the working day can arise in any person in almost every organization - this is a completely ordinary life situation. But not for management. The boss is visited daily by certain employees, in the position of each of whom he must “enter and let go.”

Against this backdrop, managers develop a whole strategy: how to identify liars and liars, how to refuse those who ask strongly, and even how to force an employee to work out the given free time twice. Like, if you solve personal issues while working, do your work in your personal time. What is the best way to ask your boss for time off without making money? disciplinary sanctions and not end up getting fired?

The main thing is responsibility

But what if the result of your work does not claim to be impeccable, deadlines have been overdue for a long time and regularly, but you still need to leave? Here you can’t do without concessions and negotiations with the boss. Convince him that you will stay late in the evening for several days, go to work on Saturday, and even if you really need to, you will sacrifice part of your vacation. Additional homework may be a good alternative. Like, you need to supervise the work of the repair team or look after a sick child, but understanding all the responsibility, you promise that you will take all necessary work on house. You need to understand that the boss does not just give permission not to go to work - he is also responsible for such permission. Therefore, in order to painlessly ask for time off, in addition to requests, offer him a sensible solution to the current problem, which will give results to both you and your employer.

By being a truly responsible employee and clearly showing your responsibility to your employer, you will definitely not earn the image of a slacker. The more lost working time you manage to compensate, the fewer complaints your superiors will have, even if your absence is long.

Don't be confronted with a fact

Even if you are a very valuable person for the company and have never asked for time off to resolve personal issues, you should not present the employer with a fact - like, “I need to leave.” After all, it is obvious that the need to leave, be it 2 hours or 2 days, must be reported to the boss in advance. If such a need arises constantly, it is worth preparing for a more thorough and serious conversation. It probably even makes sense to discuss the possibility of working in a flexible schedule - in this case, you need to promise your boss not only maintaining, but also increasing productivity and efficiency. There is no doubt that this is possible - the practice of using a flexible schedule is very widespread, and almost half office workers I am sure that their effectiveness will only increase with such a schedule.

Convince the employer that even if you are not present in the office during working hours, the work will still be completed on time and with high quality. Perhaps it would be a good argument existing example results that were achieved when working outside the business center. Perhaps your boss should even think about transferring his employees to remote work?

Please note to your boss that his desire to help you sort out personal issues is extremely important to you, and if one of the types of such help is a floating, flexible schedule, you will be even more grateful to him. Of course, the final result depends on the corporate culture in the company, but most issues, including schedule conditions, are discussed individually. Therefore, if you can find arguments that prove your effectiveness regardless of your work schedule, it will be much easier to negotiate a flexible schedule.

If we're talking about about an isolated case, it should be agreed upon not only with superiors, but also with colleagues, especially if the company practices employee interchangeability. So that your time off does not become an unpleasant surprise for them, warn them and, if possible, complete at least part of the work to be performed in advance.

If the boss is against

But all of the above works only in “normal” companies, where normal corporate relations are built, and the boss does not perform the functions of an “overseer of the plebeians.” As we know, this happens quite often. In such companies, as a rule, they are fined for being late and punished for talking on the phone - asking to take time off, even for a good reason, is out of the question. By the way, even in exemplary companies, management is not always inclined to trust their employees regarding the validity of the reasons why they want to take time off. According to insurers from AXA PPP Healthcare, which conducted and published a corresponding study in The Independent, at least half of the managers they surveyed demand that those who ask for time off unquestioningly show up at the office, even if there is a good reason.

However, employees are also not a mistake - according to the insurance company, 2 out of 3 employees who want to take time off are ready to lie to management, since they are sure that the real reason will not be an argument for the boss. The result is a vicious circle - the employee does not tell the truth, because he is sure that he will not be let go, and the boss does not let him go, because he is sure that he is being lied to. In such a case, we would recommend using legal methods.

From the point of view of labor law, the safest way to legally not come to work is to donate blood. We remind you that donation is the most humane way to legally get two days off and paid days at work: on the day of blood donation and the next day. The bosses in this case cannot have anything against - the law prescribes giving donors a day off, and employers are obliged to unquestioningly fulfill this requirement.

The second option is at your own expense. According to labor legislation such unpaid time off or several days off may be granted to employees for family or other reasons. By the way, in general cases This is a right, not an obligation of the employer. The obligation to provide a day off “at one’s own expense” arises only when the employee is a labor or war veteran, a disabled worker, a child was born or a relative has died, etc. In other cases, the right to a day off “at one’s own expense” is the subject of an agreement between the employee and his management.

Sometimes, due to some life circumstances, an employee needs temporarily leave the workplace on certain days. Then the boss is provided with an application for time off, which indicates the reasons for the absence.

A list of valid reasons is contained in Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Most often, the head of the organization independently decides the question of whether to give time off or not.

Time off is rest, which is given to an employee for working on weekends and non-working holidays.

Most often, managers are critical of employee absences. But sometimes circumstances don’t turn out very well, and the employee needs to leave work for a while.

The hardest time is for those people who often ask for time off, coming up with constant excuses. This is starting to irritate the bosses. It is considered normal to take time off from work no more than 3 times a month.

It is best to notify your boss of your request in advance, a week in advance or, for example, in the evening. This is necessary so that the manager has time to resolve all work issues and entrust the work to other people.

Try to specifically explain the reason, but without unnecessary details. It is worth leaving your phone number or address Email for communication in case of critical situations at work.

It is important to know that all sorts of methods work if this happens rarely. It’s better to provide a compelling story that has happened to many people, including your boss.

You can take time off for your account. Then the missed days will not be paid. There are no grounds required for temporary resignation from work. Documents are provided only for paid days. Must be provided following:

  1. Sick leave.
  2. Certificate confirming donation.
  3. Summons to court or military registration and enlistment office.
  4. A certificate from the registry office proving the registration of marriage on the day of leave.

Behind overtime the employer may provide compensation.

Medical indications

Medical reasons to leave the workplace include:

  1. The need to visit a doctor in case of illness of an employee or his young child. Also, a girl may leave due to an examination at the antenatal clinic (for example, in case of pregnancy) or to undergo a medical examination. at will. The employer may require a medical certificate as proof of an additional day off.
  2. Donation. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this reason is the basis for a two-day paid pass. You must provide a document from a doctor confirming blood donation at the hospital department.

If an employee did not notify the organization in advance about donation on a specific day and the next day began performing work duties under difficult conditions, this is violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation by the organization.

If a person becomes a donor several times a year, then he can take time off on all days of donating blood.

But there are cases when the management of an organization does not release an employee from work who regularly takes time off for this reason, but only in cases where blood is needed by a sick family member or in the presence of a rare group.

According to Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee, at his request, may be provided with unpaid leave if there are good reasons. Labor Code of the Russian Federation the period of such leave has not been established. This means that an employee can take leave for any period of time, even for a couple of days.

It is not the employer’s responsibility to provide leave, but only its right. The management of the enterprise may refuse if it considers that the reason is not good enough.

Family circumstances include:

  1. Birth of a child (provided up to 5 working days).
  2. Marriage registration (according to Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - up to 5 working days). Days off can be given at your choice during the marriage period, before the date of marriage registration, or after the wedding celebration.
  3. Death of a family member or close relative (up to 5 working days, has the right to extend up to 2 weeks).
  4. The occurrence of domestic emergencies (pipe burst, fire, gas leak, etc.). The supervisor should provide a certificate from the rescue service or management company specifically dealing with this issue.
  5. A relative's anniversary.
  6. Event in schools and preschool institutions.
  7. Meeting close relatives from a long journey.
  8. Other circumstances.

Sample and rules for filling out an application

The application can be submitted in advance or on the day of departure (there is a good reason). The best option will inform the boss about the request in advance. In this case, there will be more confidence that management will not refuse.

If there is no statement, the employer counts absenteeism, and this direct violation of labor regulations entailing disciplinary liability. If there are regular absences, the employee may be fired.

The only requirement for completing the application is official style . Even if you only verbally ask for time off from work, writing a statement is still necessary for reporting purposes. When you return to work, it is destroyed.

The application is written in free form. Required content:

  1. Name of company.
  2. Information about the manual.
  3. Employee data.

The document usually indicates the reasons for the leave. But this is not a mandatory requirement. In case of the birth of a child, death of a close relative, registration of marriage and other circumstances, time off is provided by law.

An application for leave has standard view . Writing it is not particularly difficult.

  1. In the upper right corner of the sheet information about the addressee is written: position of the head, name of the enterprise indicating the organizational and legal form (OJSC, CJSC, ALC, individual entrepreneur and others), full name of the director.
  2. Next, indicate information about the employee (position, name of activity, full name).
  3. City, area where the organization is located.
  4. Date of writing the application.
  5. Title of the document.
  6. The main part of the statement. The period for which the day off is planned, the reason. If you need to leave work urgently, it is important to indicate this.
  7. Signature with transcript.

General Director of CJSC "Ural-Logistic"

Solovyov A.I.

From a specialist in financial and economic security

Uvarova I.N.




Please give me a day off from 05/06/2017 to 05/07/2017 due to my daughter’s graduation.

Specialist in financial and economic activities

signature Uvarov I.N.

If attached to the application additional documents(certificate, doctor’s report, etc.), you must indicate them in the text.

Nuances when making an application:

  1. It is possible to register in two copies - one from the employee and the other from the employer.
  2. Appeal to management based on the standards and concepts of subordination established in the organization.

Other details can be clarified with the HR department if necessary.

How to ask for time off if your boss is against it

In many organizations, management does not always consider the reasons for temporarily leaving work to be reliable. Sometimes an employee does not actually tell the real reason because he believes that he will definitely be refused.

It turns out that the employer thinks that he is being lied to, and the employee that he will not be given time off. It turns out to be a paradox. In this case, there are several legal reasons to leave your job.

Sometimes it is impossible to ask for time off for objective reasons, for example, if the employee is a resuscitation doctor or an officer on duty at a fire department or ministry emergency situations. It is impossible to leave work temporarily due to the specifics of the profession.

The easiest and safest way is donation. Management cannot deny you time off. The employee receives two days off as provided federal law RF – on the day of blood donation and the next day.

Quit work at your own expense provided on the basis of family, personal and other circumstances. But this is not the responsibility of the employer, but only a subject of agreement between the parties.

Time off for these purposes not paid. The employee loses part of his salary for the number of days missed. The money is calculated for the month in which the leave was taken, i.e. salary will be reduced depending on how much time off is taken.


A bank branch consultant manager receives a salary of 30,000 rubles. Number of installed employment contract working days – 20. Average daily earnings – 1500 rubles.

The employee took 4 days off for personal reasons at his own expense. Then the following will be deducted from his salary: 1500 * 4 = 6000 rubles. At the end of the month, he will receive the amount including income tax (30,000 - 6,000) * 13% = 20,880 rubles.

Sick leave care. It occurs when the employee himself or his minor child. The employer is obliged to provide days off.

You should not buy sick leave. This is a direct violation of the law, which will result in criminal liability.

The organization may provide additional days off for:

  1. Fulfillment of work duties assigned to the employee in a given month.
  2. Overtime work. When you can be involved in overtime work: if there is a delay in equipment at the enterprise, an employee does not have time to fully complete his work properly, a technical malfunction, or the absence of one of the employees.
  3. Participation in creative events, trainings, community cleanups, etc.
  4. Replacement of one of the employees.
  5. Promoting new ideas that contribute to the development of the organization, improvement of work, and team cohesion.

Employees cannot be required to work overtime as usual. This is punishable by law. Within a two-day period he can be brought to work for no more than 4 hours. Number per year extra hours should not exceed 120.

  1. WWII veterans.
  2. Disabled people.
  3. Family members of military personnel and law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty.
  4. Pensioners by age.
  5. Parents of children under 15 years of age.
  6. Residents of the Far North with a child under 15 years of age.
  7. Citizens working multiple jobs.
  8. Students working part-time during their studies.

There are others legal grounds for taking time off, prescribed in Art. and Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But remember: even any legal method does not guarantee an adequate reaction from the boss. It is best when the leadership of the organization meets halfway.

Professional advice on this issue is presented below.