Job description of a hospital admissions nurse. Job description of a ward nurse in a surgical department. Job description of a dental nurse

Job description- This is the main document of an employee in any position. This indicates all his main duties that he must perform at his workplace, depending on the nature of the position held and the specifics of the employer’s activities.

The employer is obliged to familiarize the applicant with this document before signing it employment contract. After reading the instructions, the employee must put his signature on the last sheet. This suggests that their job responsibilities he knows and will strictly observe them. Only if the employee has the signature can he be subject to disciplinary action for failure to fulfill his official duties.

The instructions are drawn up by specialists from the HR and legal departments. The document must reflect all the nuances of this position. No employee should perform work beyond their duties specified in the job description.

Job responsibilities of a clinic nurse

A nurse belongs to junior medical personnel. The duties of a clinic nurse include:

  • ensuring proper storage of linen, as well as household equipment and detergents;
  • cleaning in medical institutions in accordance with sanitary standards;
  • assisting the head nurse in taking medications, as well as instruments and medical equipment;
  • assisting the head nurse in delivering received medications, instruments and equipment to the department;
  • accompanying patients to diagnostic and treatment rooms as prescribed by a doctor or nurse;
  • cleaning in medical offices;
  • washing radiators and window sills in accordance with sanitary standards;
  • daily washing of floors in the corridors assigned to each nurse;
  • washing medical glassware in accordance with the instructions of the office nurse;
  • acting as a courier;
  • a message to the sister-hostess about malfunctions in the heating system, sewerage, water supply and electrical appliances;
  • compliance with internal regulations and labor discipline;
  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in medical institutions;
  • Perform other duties depending on the type medical institution.

Medical organizations require many employees. The profession of a nurse is considered to be in demand. All work of employees is carried out according to the job description, which indicates all the nuances of the activity. The job responsibilities of a nurse are described in the article.

Primary activity

Nurses are junior medical personnel who perform auxiliary functions in medical organization. Not a single hospital can function without such workers. The job responsibilities of a nurse include:

  1. Sanitary and hygienic maintenance of premises.
  2. Processing of instruments and patient care products.
  3. Patient care.
  4. Assist medical staff with procedures.

The list of types of work may vary depending on the department where the employee works, as well as the type of medical institution. The job responsibilities of a hospital nurse are specified in the work instructions.

General information about the job description

This document is created and approved independently in each institution, taking into account the work of the organization and specialists. But the structure of the job description is usually the same everywhere. It contains the following sections:

  1. Basic provisions: education, experience, admission rules, employee’s place on the staff, boss. A certificate is required to work in this position. high school, sometimes you need a certificate of courses. Some institutions require experience.
  2. Rights and obligations.
  3. Responsibility. Nurses are responsible for performing duties material damage, law violation.

In the clinic

It is important to have a detailed and clear definition of the types of work that an employee must perform. This will make activities more efficient. The job responsibilities of a nurse in a clinic are:

  1. Cleaning the premises.
  2. Assist the nurse in obtaining medications, instruments, equipment, and delivery.
  3. Receiving linen, household equipment, dishes, detergents.
  4. Disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning of medical instruments.
  5. General cleaning of premises according to schedule.
  6. Delivery of outpatient cards.
  7. Notification of defects in appliances, sewerage, heating.
  8. Preparing rooms for patients.
  9. Sanitary and hygienic surface treatment.
  10. Helping patients undress and dress.
  11. Information about the repair of equipment and inventory.
  12. Carrying out the orders of the older sister.

Nurses may be required in public and private clinics. However, the list of responsibilities is practically the same. Everywhere, workers care for the sick, ensure the cleanliness of the premises and the serviceability of the equipment.

Ward and operating room nurse

The job responsibilities of a department nurse depend on where she performs her work - in the ward or operating room. Employees in the ward must carry out:

  1. Monitor patients and report deterioration to medical staff.
  2. Assist doctors and medical staff during diagnostic and treatment procedures.
  3. Cleaning the rooms, airing, quartzing.
  4. Cleaning bedside tables near patients' beds.
  5. Receiving and replacing linen.
  6. Supply and cleaning of vessels.
  7. Helping the sick.
  8. Taking out the trash.

The duties of an operating room nurse include:

  1. Cleanliness of the premises.
  2. Daily wet cleaning before and after operations.
  3. Cleaning the workplace and utility rooms.
  4. Handing over dirty laundry and receiving clean ones.
  5. Help the sister-hostess.
  6. Performing minor linen repairs.
  7. Knowledge of operating table structure and patient positioning techniques.
  8. Implementation of safety precautions.
  9. Knowledge of antiseptics and asepsis.
  10. Maintaining form.

Difficulties of the profession

The job responsibilities of a nurse-washer are suitable for responsible, attentive, neat people. Many employees who have worked in this position note the psychological complexity of the profession. Usually they have to do all the dirty work, and they may face disrespect from patients.

Colleagues are also not always respectful, and often overload with large amounts of work. Before you get a job, you need to understand whether this job is really suitable for you. Nurses are needed in every medical institution: both in the district clinic and in surgical buildings. To work in some highly specialized organizations, you need psychological stability.

Prospects and earnings

Often future or former doctors work as orderlies. Students are often hired for positions medical colleges and universities, as well as retired doctors or nurses. Hospital employment will be beneficial for those starting a career in the healthcare field. By familiarizing yourself with the situation inside, you can understand whether the job is suitable.

What is the salary of a nurse? Income depends on responsibilities and job description. Usually the salary is 8-15 thousand rubles. Salary is determined by region and type of medical institution.

Thus, nurses are essential workers in health care settings. They are the ones who ensure cleanliness and comfort for the sick. But this type of work is not suitable for everyone.

Any modern medical institution can boast a fairly large staff of employees of various skill levels. Healthcare jobs are considered good jobs and usually come with benefits. But do not forget that to become a doctor or nurse you need specialized education. It’s a completely different matter for junior medical staff. What responsibilities and rights does a nurse have, and who is suitable for this job?

General description of the profession

The work of any healthcare institution can be compared to the functioning of a complex mechanism consisting of many parts. Doctors prescribe treatment and monitor the condition of patients, nurses perform procedures that do not require higher qualifications. What does a nurse do in a hospital? It’s worth starting with the fact that the job description of junior medical personnel is unique in each medical institution and completely depends on its specifics and profile. Typically, a nurse monitors order in the hospital and provides simple care to patients undergoing inpatient treatment. This profession has a lot in common with a junior nurse and a cleaner.

Nurse: duties and job description

It will be useful for anyone interested in the work of a nurse to familiarize themselves with the standard list of responsibilities for this profession. Most often, the first item on this list is ensuring cleanliness in offices, wards, corridors and other areas of the hospital. If a healthcare institution is large, as a rule, several nurses work in it at the same time, each of whom is responsible for certain areas. Wet cleaning and sanitization of premises is usually carried out 2-4 times a day, depending on the internal regime of the institution.

Any nurse also has housekeeping responsibilities. An employee holding this position must promptly inform the hostess about the discovery of any malfunctions in the water supply and sewerage systems, as well as cases of breakdowns of electrical appliances and other equipment. In hospitals, nurses change bed linen and, if necessary, provide full or partial care for patients.

In many medical institutions, nursing staff assist nurses. For example, a nurse can participate in the acceptance and delivery of medicines and equipment, disinfection of instruments and many other simple manipulations.

Possible difficulties and disadvantages of the profession

Many people who have tried to work as junior medical personnel complain about the psychological complexity of this profession. Often, a hospital nurse does all the dirty work, but at the same time faces complete disrespect from patients. Often, colleagues are not very respectful, and sometimes they are simply overloaded with overtime work.

Before looking for open positions, try to understand whether this is the kind of job you really need. Today there should be a nurse in any medical institution - from the district clinic to surgical buildings and psychiatric dispensaries. Working in many highly specialized institutions requires increased psychological stability; highly impressionable people have nothing to do in such places. If you are ready to clean up blood and are confident that you can listen to the screams of patients every day, this is the job for you.

Requirements for applicants

Any applicant over the age of 18 can get a job as a nurse. Educational requirements are low - complete or incomplete secondary general education. Often, applicants are hired during a formal interview. Most employers do not require candidates to have professional experience. An important document is the job description of a nurse; a future employee must study it before signing an employment contract. In essence, this is what it is complete list responsibilities and rights of the employee.

Prospects and earnings

Very often, future or former doctors get jobs as junior medical staff. Indeed, students of medical colleges and retired doctors or nurses are equally willing to accept the position of nurse. Getting a job in a hospital will also be useful for those who are just thinking about starting a career in the healthcare field. By examining the situation in the clinic from the inside, you can understand whether this type of work is right for you.

How much does a nurse earn on average? Responsibilities and complete job description significantly influence the level of wages. Typically, the monthly salary of a nurse is 8-15 thousand rubles. Everything also depends on the specific region of employment and the type of medical institution.

In hospitals there is a lot a large number of different personnel who differ functional responsibilities. When a patient is hospitalized in a hospital, relatives and the patient himself may worry about how care will be provided and whether it will be fully provided. To the question - who should care for bedridden patients in the hospital? The answer is always the same – nurses. They are available in any medical institution, and their main duty is the care and concern of a person.

General duties of a nurse

Since orderlies are personnel who have not undergone any specialized training, their work is limited to caring for bedridden patients, keeping the wards, corridors and offices of the department clean. Such work does not require special skills and knowledge, and therefore does not require personnel training. When a bedridden patient is admitted to a hospital, the patient’s relatives may ask who should care for bedridden patients in a hospital according to the law. The answer to this question will be the job responsibilities of a nurse, which are available in every department in any hospital.

In a medical institution, nurses are divided into:

  • Cleaners
  • Barmaids
  • Moyschits

All hospitals differ in their own rules, as well as features of care. Generally, in departments with different disease specificities, patient care is very different from other departments. Each disease has its own characteristics and points that require attention. Special attention. Therefore, in any department there are job descriptions that the nurse or any other personnel are required to follow. In addition, when applying for a job, an employee is given general instructions, but when getting acquainted with the work in a particular department, the head nurse will introduce the employee to the main responsibilities that he will need to perform.

Job descriptions can be drawn up directly by the senior sister, but must be reviewed and approved head nurse hospitals. Such instructions may include responsibilities such as assisting the nurse in administering tube feeding to a severely bedridden patient. Therefore, depending on the specifics of the department, the responsibilities of employees differ.

Important!! If relatives or the patient himself notice that the cleaning lady, who has completely different responsibilities, is busy changing or feeding the patient, this is a gross violation. Should a cleaner wash a bedridden patient? No. And this is a reason to file a complaint with the head doctor of the hospital.

However, transferring and caring for bedridden patients remains the main responsibility of the nurse. If for some reason an employee cannot cope with her work or does not have time to complete it, the relatives of a bedridden patient can help her if they themselves express a desire. A nurse has no right to force a patient’s family to help and must do her job independently. When the question arises about who should care for a bedridden patient, the answer is simple: the relatives themselves, as well as trained personnel. In most cases, each department has two nurses on duty per shift, who are able to perform their duties without the help of others.

Who are junior nurses

Hospitals have departments where ordinary ward nurses are prohibited from working, due to insufficient knowledge and skills to provide assistance and care to extremely seriously ill bedridden patients. Such departments are the intensive care unit, intensive care, as well as a shock room and an operating room. In order to get a job in such departments, an employee must undergo a special training course, which includes mastering theory, practice and passing exams. Junior nurses perform more complex, hard work, they have more responsibilities compared to colleagues in simple departments and, accordingly, they bear more responsibility for their patients.

Is it the duty of a nurse to take care of a patient in the hospital and change diapers? The answer is quite simple, since it is assistance in caring for oneself and managing natural needs that is the main responsibility of a nurse or nurse.

Who can care for the sick

Caring for bedridden patients falls on the shoulders of all medical personnel. But the point remains that the main care activities are carried out by the department’s nurses, and each has its own functional responsibilities.

Ward nurse Cleaning woman Barmaid
  • Relaying;
  • Hygienic care;
  • Breathing exercises;
  • Change of underwear, diapers;
  • Feeding;
  • Vessel feed, ducks;
  • Anti-decubitus measures;
  • Transporting the patient to various studies;
  • Processing of equipment that is being maintained.
  • Washing the floors in the ward;
  • Processing of equipment (vessels, ducks, oilcloths).
  • Food distribution;
  • Feeding;
  • Utensil processing;
  • Checking expiration dates on patient products.

Thus, it is obvious that only the nurse is involved in direct patient care and does not deal with distributing food or cleaning the ward.

Important!! If relatives notice that an employee is shirking his duties or refusing to fulfill them without financial encouragement from relatives, then this gross violation. The family should contact the police to prevent such abuse from continuing.

The responsibilities of a nurse in a department with bedridden patients are to monitor the patient’s condition, ensure that all prescribed medications are taken, provide food for tube feeding, and assist the doctor with dressings. In addition, the nurse must inform the nurse about all dietary changes and possible studies for which the bedridden patient needs to be transported.

Why should a nurse not perform basic patient care activities?

It's all about controlling the spread of microorganisms. A nurse cannot simultaneously engage in clean work (which involves placing IVs, injections and dressings) and, for example, feeding a bedspread to a patient. With such manipulations, work clothes become contaminated, which increases the possibility of contaminating another patient with microorganisms or their spores.

To administer enemas or assist the doctor with “dirty dressings,” the nurse wears special aprons, which are subject to mandatory disinfection. Therefore, the duties of a nurse in a hospital with bedridden patients should not be performed by a nurse or with her help, except in emergency situations.


Many families are afraid for their relatives who have been hospitalized and are in a supine position. They often wonder whether the hospital is obliged to care for a bedridden patient? Of course, the anxiety is completely justified - the risk of complications in such patients is much higher than in others. They must be carefully cared for to prevent deterioration of the person’s condition.

When a patient is hospitalized in a medical institution, responsibility for the person’s condition and life falls on the shoulders of the staff. They are obliged to do everything possible so that the patient recovers and can go home to his family. Therefore, providing adequate care and treatment is the main task any hospital.



Legal and official relations at enterprises and organizations are documented and determine not only the general activities of the organization and its direction, but also a specific segment of responsibilities for each hired employee. The fundamental document that prescribes duties and imposes responsibilities on employees is the job description.

Sample of a typical job description for a nurse

The work of the ward nurse, as well as the duties of other employees of medical institutions, is coordinated and assigned by internal normative document. The job description of a ward nurse is developed directly in a medical institution and adapted to the needs of a specific clinic, hospital or pharmacy. Usually, when hiring junior medical personnel, there are no requirements for education and experience. The applicant only needs to understand the functions assigned to the ward staff. If the newly hired person has never worked in such a job before, then he is given individual training in the form of mandatory courses or an internship.

General provisions

Job description of a polyclinic nurse and job description of a nurse dental office have functional differences from each other, but in a general sense have equal responsibilities. Since junior medical personnel are mainly responsible for maintaining cleanliness in the premises and area, they are required to have basic knowledge in this area. Ward staff are required to know sanitary standards, personal and collective hygiene standards, health and safety rules. Direct work requires knowledge of the purpose of detergents and the method of their preparation.

Job responsibilities

Depending on the place of direct work of ward staff, responsibilities vary. General requirements are preserved, but the instructions also reflect the differences. Working in a surgical, therapeutic department or operating room involves the responsibilities of ward staff not only general work maintenance and care of the premises, but also replacing bed linen, transporting it to the laundry, caring for patients in the form of removing and delivering the vessel, as well as its disinfection. But working in a dental office or X-ray room, a nurse has the following job responsibilities:

  • daily cleaning of premises and general cleaning;
  • disinfection of spitting vessels;
  • waste sorting and removal;
  • maintaining cleanliness on the premises of the institution.

Based on the specifics of the medical institution, individual instructions are developed and approved based on an approximate standard job description.


Regardless of whether the ward staff works in a hospital inpatient unit, a research laboratory or a boarding home, the nurse has the right to be provided with free protective clothing and work equipment. A ward nurse can ask for help or clarification as if she were a junior medical workers, and to the elders. She also has the right to make proposals for her work and must be notified of all projects that contain information about her direct responsibilities.


The nurse is responsible for the dishonest performance of her duties and can be held liable for negligence, which entails a number of consequences. Ward personnel are held accountable for non-compliance with labor protection rules and fire safety and intentional mistakes. The ward staff is responsible for the safety of property and equipment, and in the event of its breakdown or loss, they bear financial responsibility.

Working conditions

Depending on the place of work, the instructions stipulate the working conditions of junior personnel. As for other employees, the working time schedule is prescribed in the internal labor regulations, and reference to the PVTR is made in this document. The preparation of this local document allows not only to clearly outline the range of work duties and responsibilities of personnel, but also to protect the rights of the employee, not allowing him to be burdened with functions beyond those specified.

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