Children's fairy tale turnip in a new way. Turnip in a new way (script for a school production) material (grade 1) on the topic. Fairy tale Turnip in a new way

Scenario of the fairy tale "Turnip on new way" (for puppet theater - glove puppets)

Description: this work may be useful for preschool teachers(for theatrical classes; organizing children’s performances in front of preschool students, parents), teachers additional education, heads of theater studios working with preschoolers. The script is intended to dramatize a fairy tale in puppet theater– glove puppets. The age of children for whom this scenario is designed is 4-5 years old (kindergarten middle group).
Theatrical activity develops the child’s personality, instills a sustainable interest in literature and theater, improves children’s artistic skills in terms of experiencing and embodying an image, and encourages them to create new images. Preschoolers are happy to join the game: answer the dolls’ questions, fulfill their requests, give advice, and transform into one image or another.
Goals and objectives
expand children's knowledge about Russian folk tales;
consolidate the ability to distinguish a fairy tale from other literary works;
teach children to analyze a fairy tale;
teach to understand the emotional and figurative content of the work;
teach children the rules of puppeteering;
develop the ability to convey playful images in actions with a doll;
teach to understand the value of friendship, unity
develop interest in Russians folk tales;
introduce children to the origins of Russian culture;
develop thinking, imagination, visual memory, observation skills;
develop children’s cognitive and speech activity, expand their vocabulary;
develop means of expressiveness (verbal and non-verbal) in speech and acting;
enrich children's emotions
cultivate a love for Russian folk art;
cultivate the manifestation of good feelings towards each other;
develop artistic taste;
cultivate respect for the book.

Characters (preschoolers 4-5 years old):
Presenter (adult)
There is a screen on the stage. On the screen there is decoration - a hut, a fence, trees.

Leading: A fairy tale is the best
The main thing is, believe me,
What about the golden key?
There will always be a door.

Sit quietly, children,
Yes, listen about the turnip
The fairy tale may be small
Yes, about important matters.
Either: Dear viewers!
Would you like to see a fairy tale?
A fairy tale about a turnip in a new way
Everyone is happy to tell you.
Grandfather and grandmother lived and lived.
We lived well and did not grieve.
Shared shelter with them:
Cat, granddaughter,
Mouse and Bug.
Grandfather comes out onto the porch
And he starts such a speech
(Grandfather leaves the house)
Grandfather: I will plant a seed in the ground in the spring
I will enclose it with a high fence
Grow, my turnip, in the garden,
May everything be okay with you.
Leading: The earth was watered together,
They fertilized and loosened.
Finally the day has come
A sprout also appeared.
(The turnip begins to gradually “grow” - appear from behind the fence)
Growing turnip
Grandfather cared and cherished!
Surprising everyone with its size,
The turnip has grown big!
(The turnip appeared completely)
In the Guinness book she
Claims without difficulty.
She rose from behind the fence,
Filled with sweet juice.

Grandfather: What a turnip, what a miracle!
And you are big and beautiful!
And how strong it is!
I don’t know how I’ll get it out!
(He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out)
Grandfather: One cannot cope alone!
I need to call my grandma!
(Granny leaves the house)
Grandma: Wait a minute! Run Run!
And I will help you, grandfather!
Be quick, grandpa.
Together we will pull out the turnip!
How to pull? Which side?
Grandfather: You grab your sides
Pull me with all your might!
(They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out)
Leading: No result to be seen
They started calling their granddaughter for help:
Grandma: Our turnip is the record holder -
It sat in the ground very firmly!
Granddaughter: Wait, grandma and grandpa.
I'll help you pull the turnip.
I’m already in a hurry to help you.
Where is he - a naughty vegetable?
Grandfather: Get up quickly, pull!
Granddaughter: No, the three of us can't handle it,
Maybe we should call Zhuchka?
Bug, throw a bone,
Let's pull out the turnip!
Bug: What's that noise and what's that fight?
I'm tired as a dog.
And now right under your nose
The turnip grew without asking.
What kind of riot is this, woof!
Get out of the garden, turnip!
Granddaughter: Stand behind me, pull
Come on, together! One two Three!
Bug: We can't survive without a cat,
Let him help us a little!
(The bug calls the cat)
Cat: From ears to tail
The cat is simply beautiful.
Because this fur coat
Not clothes, but a dream.
So as not to get your paws dirty,
I put on gloves.
Bug: You, Murka, quickly run to the mistress
Leading: The five of us already skillfully
They got down to business.
They're about to pull it out
Such a stubborn root vegetable!
A mouse ran past
The cat saw the mouse:
Cat: Wait, don't run away!
Help us out, friend!
Leading: Grandfather said:
Grandfather: We got together together
We need to pull out the turnip!
Mouse: Get together in a row
Leading: So they pulled out the turnip,
That she sat firmly in the ground.
The miracle vegetable is on the table...
The fairy tale is over already.
The essence of this tale is simple:
Always help everyone!
Together: We worked happily and together now,
Friendship matters - there was a story about that.
Leading: We told you a fairy tale, whether it’s good or bad,
and now we ask you to clap!
The presenter introduces the artists one by one. The children bow and leave the stage to the music.

1.Grandfather: I’ll plant a seed in the ground in the spring
I will enclose it with a high fence
Grow, my turnip, in the garden,
So that everything is okay with you
2. Grandfather: What a turnip, what a marvel!
And you are big and beautiful!
And how strong it is!
I don’t know how I’ll get it out!
(Pulls and pulls, but cannot pull)
Grandfather: You can’t cope alone!
I need to call my grandma!
3.Grandfather: You grab your sides,
Pull me with all your might!
4.Grandfather: Get up quickly, pull!
Come on, together: one, two, three!
5.Grandfather: We got along together,
We need to pull out the turnip! All together: We worked cheerfully and amicably now,

1. Grandma: Wait! Run Run!
And I will help you, grandfather!
Be quick, grandpa.
Together we will pull out the turnip!
How to pull? Which side? 2. Grandma: Our turnip is the record holder -
It sat in the ground very firmly!
Friendship matters, there was a story about that.

1. Granddaughter: Wait, grandma and grandpa.
I'll help you pull the turnip.
I’m already in a hurry to help you.
Where is he - a naughty vegetable? 2. Granddaughter: No, the three of us can’t handle it,
Maybe we should call Zhuchka?
Bug, throw a bone,
Let's pull out the turnip!
3. Granddaughter: Stand behind me, pull
Come on, together! One two Three! All together: We worked cheerfully and amicably now,
Friendship matters, there was a story about that.

1. Bug: What’s that noise and what’s that fight?
I'm tired as a dog.
And now right under your nose
The turnip grew without asking.
What kind of riot is this, woof!
Get out of the garden, turnip!
2. Bug: We can’t survive without a cat,
Let him help us a little!
3. Bug: You, Murka, quickly run to the mistress
And help me pull the turnip out of the ground.
All together: We worked cheerfully and amicably now,
Friendship matters, there was a story about that.

1.Cat: From ears to tail
The cat is simply beautiful.
Because this fur coat
Not clothes, but a dream.
So as not to get your paws dirty,
I put on gloves.
And I will comb my fluffy mustache for beauty.

2.Cat: Wait, don’t run away!
Help us out, friend!

All together: We worked cheerfully and amicably now,
Friendship matters, there was a story about that.

Mouse: Get together in a row
Eh, once again, let’s pull out the turnip now
All together: We worked cheerfully and amicably now,
Friendship matters, there was a story about that.

The fairy tale teaches younger schoolchildren that without the help of relatives (grandmother, granddaughter) and friends (Bug, cat, mouse) it is difficult or impossible to achieve great goals. This fairy tale teaches cohesion. It shows how strong a society can be if it joins hands. Together we are strong, but separately we will be broken.



Scenario school play


Track "Introduction" The presenter comes out


Dear viewers:

Teachers, parents,

Now 1 "A" class

A story will tell you about Turnip.

We will try our best

And we can cope with the anxiety!

So, let's go-and-and-and-and-and!

turned on the "INTRODUCTION" track for 5 seconds

Leading: Grandfather tried to plant Turnip.

The grandfather comes out from behind the scenes, dragging Turnip along with him. The turnip kicks, resists with all its might and screams

Turnip: I do not want and I will not.

Grandfather: What kind of vegetables are so harmful! I wanted to plant a cucumber, but he refused. He asked for carrots - she has things to do, you see! At least I should raise a normal turnip, otherwise grandma keeps grumbling that I’m a slacker...(To Repka) Sit down. (Turnip shakes his head) Sit down, I say! (Turnip squats) Grow!

turnip (flirtatiously): I don’t want to!

Grandfather: Oh oh oh! How capricious we are! Grow!

Turnip: Well, water me or something...

Grandfather is watering.

Turnip: Feed it now.

Grandfather: Eh... Will you have some candy?

Turnip: Give me your candy, greedy!

Turnip eats the candy, and the grandfather goes backstage dissatisfied.

Leading: The turnip has grown very, very big. What's the point? Not sweet. And also harmful...

The turnip reluctantly, slowly rises, stretches to its full height, stretches, demonstrating how big it is!

Leading: Grandfather came to pull the turnip...

Track "Grandfather's Exit"

Grandfather comes out dancing

Grandfather: This turnip has grown!

Track "Pull the Turnip"

Dance (before pulling out)Grandfather is trying to pull out the turnip. Turnip is indignant.

Turnip: What are you doing? I'm an advanced Repka, I'll complain! I'll go to court... Save me! I'm pulling it out!

Grandfather: Let me pull you out and go wherever you want.

Turnip: Well, I do not! Russians don't give up! (stomps his foot)

Leading: He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out. Grandfather called Grandfather.

Grandfather: Grandma, come here.

Phonogram “Track 3 BABKA”

Grandma comes out. She has a laptop in her hands. Grandma’s face is horrified because she has problems with the computer. The grandmother performs an impromptu dance to the music.

Grandma: How these viruses tormented me, if only you knew. What do you have here? Turnip? Oh, what a device!!! Let us scan it, archive it and send it to Baba Nyura by email!

Grandfather: Let's get her out first and cook some porridge!

Phonogram “Track 2 TURNIP”

Start to pull together

Leading : They pull and pull... They can’t pull it out.

Grandfather: Call, Grandma, the younger generation!

Leading: Grandmother called her Granddaughter.

Grandma: Granddaughter! Come here, here you need to extract one file...

Phonogram “Track 4 Granddaughter”

Granddaughter enters.

Grandfather: Granddaughter, help me pull out the turnip.

Granddaughter: Oh, why did you plant a turnip? It would be better if you planted potatoes. And preferably fries right away. Well, okay, let's get her out quickly, otherwise I have to run to the disco. I'm already late.

Phonogram “Track 2 TURNIP”

Leading: They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out...Granddaughter called Zhuchka.

Granddaughter: Bug, come to me!

Zhuchka comes out. She has a headband with beetle antennae on her head.

Phonogram “Track 5 BUG”

Zhuchka: I'm not Zhuchka. I (proudly) - Bug!

Everyone (horrified): An insect???

Bug: Don't panic. I was joking. Zhuchka, I'm Zhuchka. How can I help?

Granddaughter: Let's pull the turnip together!

Phonogram “TRACK 2 TURNIP”

Leading: Pull - pull. They can't pull it out. She called Murka the Bug.

Bug: Murochka, Murochka, come here, dear!

Murka comes out.

Phonogram “TRACK 6 MURKA”

Murka: This is how you, Zhuchka, spoke: “Murochka!” And just yesterday she chased me up a tree and tore out tufts of fur! F-f-f-f-f-f...(Hisses at Zhuchka)

Bug (attacks Murka): Woof woof woof!

Granddaughter: Girls, don't quarrel! Let's better pull out the turnip!

Phonogram “TRACK 2 TURNIP”

Leading: Pull - pull. They can't pull it out! Murka called Mouse.

Murka: Mouse, run here! There is a deal!

A mouse enters. Big, pumped up muscles, stern face.

Phonogram “Track 7 MOUSE”

He stops, realizing that he is not speaking intimidatingly enough. Covers his mouth with his hand. He makes a second attempt in a rude voice: “I’ll tell you a secret!” The mouse is satisfied with the result, the mouse raises its index finger up: “Oh!” Like, it’s good now, and continues speaking.


I'll tell you a secret:

There is no beast stronger than Mouse!

Now I'll get you a turnip!

Everyone will respect the Mouse,

Stop offending!

He approaches Murka and makes a “goat”: Ooh-bye-bye-bye-bye...

Murka gets scared.

Mouse: Be equal! Attention! (all heroes follow Mouse commands) Let's pull!

Phonogram “TRACK 2 TURNIP”

In the second part of the soundtrack, the characters count to three in unison: “And one, and two, and three!” On the count of three, Turnip is pulled out.

Leading: Pull - pull. They pulled out the turnip!!! Not even a year has passed!

Turnip: Well, thank you! Well, I went...(gets up and runs backstage)

All: Where?!!! Whoa-oh-oh!

Everyone, catching up with Repka, runs backstage like a snake.


Here we are in a fairy tale,

Heroes (one by one)

We learned and played.

And they helped each other.

If we become friends,

We will definitely become stronger!

People need to live in peace

And cherish your friendship!!!

Goodbye! let's say together


And we’ll wave to everyone!

Phonogram “Track 1 INTRO”

All the actors take a bow.


Cognitive developmental lesson for primary schoolchildren of 1st grade

Target: role-play “The Tale of a Turnip” by N. Boltacheva, give an idea of ​​improvisation; develop attention, thinking, imagination, artistic abilities.

Equipment: the teacher has texts of roles, emblems with images of vegetables, safety pins; Students have notebooks and colored pencils.

Teacher. Today, guys, we will perform an impromptu performance called...

Write on the board:




Answer. A tale about a turnip. We read, skipping every second letter, i.e. E.

Teacher. What does an improvised performance mean? The word improvisation comes from Latin and means performing something without having prepared it in advance. In such cases they also say: impromptu.

The performance will begin soon, and the actors, that is, you, do not yet know what roles you will play, what words to say. You will have to literally get used to the role assigned to you on the fly, and figure out on your own how best to play it. This is improvisation, or impromptu.

But first, warm up! Guess the riddles.

Kicked off from Yegorushka

Golden feathers -

Egorushka forced us

Tears are shed without grief. (Onion)

And green and thick

A bush grew in the garden bed.

Dig a little

Under the bush... (potatoes).

The most necessary of all vegetables

For vinaigrettes and borscht

From the new harvest

Beauty lilac. (Beet)

He drinks water and hurries himself,

And it grows and accumulates leaves.

The egg capsule is gaining weight,

In the middle there is a stalk. (Cabbage)

The red nose has grown into the ground,

And the green tail is on the outside.

We don't need a green tail

All you need is a red nose. (Carrot)

Round, not a month,

Yellow, not oil,

With a tail, not a mouse. (Turnip)

Teacher. How can you call these answers in one word? (Vegetables)

The heroes of our performance will be vegetables, which, along with fruits, are the main suppliers of vitamins for our body. Vitamins are substances without which a person gets sick. If you want to grow up healthy, have excellent vision and strong teeth, then you need vitamin A. If you want to be strong, resilient, have a good appetite and a cheerful mood, then you need vitamin B. If you want to catch colds less often and recover faster from an illness, then you need vitamin C. We get these and other vitamins mainly from vegetables and fruits.

Let's play: we will take turns naming all the vegetables and fruits you know. Whoever comes out last is the winner! (Kids are playing.)

Now let's move on to the distribution of roles.

The teacher distributes texts to the children, and emblems depicting the corresponding vegetables (carrots, potatoes, cabbage, beets, onions) are attached to clothes using safety pins. All children should get roles. So, for example, several people can play the role of a carrot or potato.

After distributing the texts, children are asked to read them for 5 minutes and think about how to play their role more interestingly. Then the impromptu performance begins.


Grandfather planted a turnip...

Grandfather told the turnip.

You grow, grow big,

Become a rich harvest

So that I can be proud of you.

I'll bring you some water,

Five buckets of fertilizer...

Oh, I'm tired, it's time to sleep.

Grandfather lies down not far from Repka and falls asleep.


Grandpa sleeps without worries.

Meanwhile the turnip is growing

Yes, he fights with weeds:

Their feet and hands...

It's already autumn in the yard.

Chilly morning in September

Grandfather woke up and got scared.

Grandfather wakes up and jumps from the cold, his teeth chattering.

Oh, old me, I fell asleep.

It's time to pull the turnip.

I've grown up a little, I see.

Oh, yes, the turnip is born!

I never dreamed of such a thing.

He grabs the turnip and pulls.

Leading. Grab it, but the turnip was indignant.


What a clumsy old man!

I'm not a turnip, I'm a carrot.

Apparently you didn't wash your eyes.

Turnips I'm a hundred times slimmer

And more orange too.

If you need Korean salad,

Without me you will be lost...

You can't drink carrot juice,

I have no substitute for soup...

And one more secret:

I'm rich in vitamins -

All useful carotene.

I am a great harvest!

Well, get into the basket.

What is this, what is this miracle?

Maybe I didn't sleep well?

I sowed turnips in the spring.

Okay, my friend, wait,

I'll pull out another turnip.


I protest!

I'm not a turnip. I am a potato!

Even the cat knows this.

I am the head of all fruits.

It’s as clear as two and two:

If there are no potatoes in the soup,

There is no need to pick up a spoon.

I'm here for chips, you hear, grandpa,

The most important component.

In hot oil, look,

I can become French fries

I am your main harvest!

Well, get into the basket.

I'll go down the turnip again.

How tightly it sits in the earth!

Oh yes turnip, here you go!


Really, I'm outraged!

Grandfather, have you eaten too much Snickers?

Have you seen enough TV series?

Maybe you fell off the stove,

Don't you recognize cabbage?

I don't look like a turnip

She has only one clothes

I have a hundred of them!

All without buttons...

I am crispy cabbage!

Without me the salad is empty,

And any lunch with me,

Cabbage roll or vinaigrette

It will be ten times more useful!

And then me, my dear,

You can ferment and salt...

And store it until summer.

You can eat me all winter!

You are the basket.

What kind of miracles are these?

It's already been two hours

I spent time in the garden.

Where is the turnip? This one seems...


Again the grandfather did not guess correctly.

Do you know if you lost your glasses?

Or has the demon misled you?

I confused beets with turnips.

I'm a hundred times redder than her

Both healthier and tastier!

There are no beets and no borscht.

In vinaigrette and cabbage soup

I alone am the source of color!

And the beet cutlet -

This is simply delicious!

One hundred percent - weight loss.

I am a great harvest!

Well, get into the basket.

And there will be a place for you.

But it’s still interesting

Where is the turnip? Maybe this one?

I'm almost the same color

But not a turnip, old man,

I am your onion!

Even if a little insidious,

But he is popular among the people.

The most delicious kebab

The one with the onion in it.

All housewives know me

Add to soup and porridge

In pies, in mushrooms, in broth...

I am a nightmare for viruses!

Even the flu scares me...

At least now I'm ready to fight.

I am a great harvest!

Well, get into the basket.

The evening is coming to an end.

The moon is coming out in the sky.

Yes, it’s time for me to go home.

Tomorrow morning

I’ll start looking for the turnip again,

And now I want to sleep.

Wow, heavy basket

A car would be useful...

The harvest has grown well!

Grandma, come on, curtain

The fairy tale has come to an end.


Well done to whoever listened.

We expect applause from you,

Well, and other compliments...

After all, the artists tried,

Let them be a little confused.

Teacher. That's the whole story, guys. Thank you for participating. Did you enjoy the improvised performance? Please share your impressions of the game.

Tell me, what did you learn new about vegetables - the heroes of the fairy tale? (Children's answers.)

Grandfather did not find the turnip that day. Let's help him. Draw a turnip, “humanize” it: add eyes, a mouth, a nose... If the turnip is a girl, you can tie a bow to it, if it’s a boy, a bow tie, etc. (Children draw, exchange impressions.)

The lesson is over. Please continue the phrase: “Today I learned...”.


(in a new way)


Anton Grandfather is a “new Russian”, banker Dedov.

Alesya Grandma is the wife of the “new Russian”.

Ulyana Granddaughter is a modern girl

Vanya Vnuk - party animal

Ira Zhuchka is a “new Russian” Maltese dog.

Sergey The cat is Matroskin the cat.

Ruslan The mouse is smart, businesslike, economical.

Anya the Storyteller.

Storyteller. We'll show you now old fairy tale"Turnip". How did the fairy tale begin? That's right, grandfather planted a turnip.

Grandfather (with a mobile phone).Yes, the banker Dedov is listening. Yes... No... Well, give them half a million... Where?.. Yes, at the dacha. Yes, we need to reap the harvest here. Not for long. Listen, …(sees Repka) wow - and... (into the phone) okay, bye (puts the phone in his pocket, walks around Repka).Here - those on - ah! .. Here she is ugly. Trying to pull the turnip out of the ground.

Storyteller. The grandfather began to pull the turnip out of the ground - he pulled, he pulled, but he couldn’t pull it out. The grandfather called the grandmother for help.

Grandfather (calling on the phone).Hey grandma, come downstairs, I want to show you something!

Grandma. Well? Did you buy a new Mercedes, dear?

Grandfather. Look here! Look what a turnip! Need to get it out!

Grandma. What is this, or what?(Points to his signature outfit.)Look at me! And my nails!(Pretentious.)

Grandfather. Come on, come on, take it!

Storyteller. Grandma for Grandfather, Grandfather for Turnip: They pull, they pull, they can’t pull. Grandmother called her grandchildren.

Grandma. (thoughtfully).Grandfather, call your grandchildren, they are really going to the disco, maybe they haven’t left yet?

Grandfather (calls Granddaughter).Grandchildren, come down to the garden and I’ll show you!

Granddaughter (capriciously).Grandfather, what's the matter? I'm late, they're waiting for me at the disco.

Grandson. The car is already standing by the fence. What problems?

Grandfather. Come on, help me pull out the turnip!

Granddaughter. Here's another thing, I'll be poking around in the ground!(Snorts.)

Grandson. Exactly, exactly, we’ll still be poking around in the ground!

Grandfather. Come on, come on, otherwise you will be left without dinner and pocket money!

Storyteller. Picked it up again. Grandchildren for Grandma, Grandma for Dedka, Grandfather for Turnip: they pull, they pull, they can’t pull. Then the Granddaughter clicked on the Bug

Granddaughter. Come on, let's help Grandfather the Bug!

Bug (imitating the owner).Well, here we are, just from the hairdresser: cut by the master, washed with shampoo, sprayed with perfume, I’ll still get my paws dirty!

Grandma (sternly). Take hold of your Granddaughter, we’ll pull the turnip! Otherwise, you won’t see “Chappie” in the evening.

Storyteller. Bug for Grandsons, Grandchildren for Grandma, Grandma for Grandfather, Grandfather for the turnip: They pull, they pull, they can’t pull. The Bug called the Cat.

Bug (patronizingly).Hey, Matroskin, there is work!

Matroskin (concerned).Leave me alone, I have a lot of things to do, I haven’t milked Murka yet, Gavryusha hasn’t been fed, I’m going fishing with Uncle Fyodor...(doomedly) so what?

Bug (boastfully).Look at the owner's harvest! And we are just from the hairdresser... come help!

Storyteller. Again they took hold: the Cat for the Bug, the Bug for the Granddaughters, the Grandchildren for the Grandmother, the Grandmother for the Grandfather, the Grandfather for the Turnip: they pulled, they pulled, they couldn’t pull.

Matroskin. And I just saw a Mouse here, let him come to the rescue...

Mouse.( runs out all worried) “Mouse, Mouse”, what is “Mouse”? Is it weak without the Mouse?

Matroskin . Talk less, you need to work!

Mouse (waves his hand). Now!

Storyteller. They pull again - they pull the turnip. Mouse for Cat, Cat for Bug, Bug for Granddaughters, Grandchildren for Grandmother, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for Turnip. They pull and pull, they pull and pull, once... and they pulled out the turnip...

Grandfather. That's what a team means, that's what one friendly team means! What a big strong turnip, you can even put it in the Guinness Book of Records!

Storyteller . Roles performed by:

Anton Artemenko Grandfather is a “new Russian”, banker Dedov. (bow)

Alesya Mikhailova Grandma is the wife of the “new Russian” (bow)

Ulyana DmitrievaGranddaughter - a modern girl (bow)

Vanya Vasiliev Grandson - party animal (bow)

Ira Popleukhova Zhuchka – Maltese dog of the “new Russian” (bow)

Sergey Isaev Cat - cat Matroskin (bow)

Ruslan Saleev Mouse - nimble, businesslike, economical (bow)

Anya Vasilenko Storyteller (bow)

Novik Nikita, Isaeva Elnura– assistance with decorations (bow)

That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened – well done! (general bow)

Good afternoon, dear guests!

Another repurposed turnip for holiday fun. So the heroes are still the same, they need 8 people, along with the presenter, but the text will be different, the presenter reads it. The actors speak their words not when they hear the name of their character, but when the presenter gives a sign that must be agreed upon in advance. Before starting the story, I recommend drinking a glass, it will be more fun.

Grandfather "Will live! Damn mother!

Grandma "The other needs strength"

Granddaughter “Well, think about it, things are going on”

Bug “Let me eat! I don’t have enough bones!”

Cat “Where do you wander, my happiness”

Mouse “Yola - fire! Sha! Atas!

turnip “Now I’m your first friend”

Think about the props, costumes for the characters; you need to invite the biggest guest to play the role of the mouse; you can invite men to the female roles and vice versa. A boy and a girl will look funny in the role of grandfather and grandmother.

You can play background music from “Village of Fools”

Without worries and without longing,
Somewhere near the river.
Once upon a time there was a little grandfather Kolya, (comes out)
Looks like he's not an alcoholic
Even though he was in his old age,
He stood firmly on his feet.
Even though I poured it in the morning,
but he lived gloriously - he knew no worries.
The bastard will drink, let's shout:

"Will live! Damn mother! (leaves)

Grandma Anna lived with him (comes out)
oh, and it was harmful!
The height of a giantess, the disposition of an ataman.
Her grandfather's drinking also made her unable to live.
Grandfather is on a drinking binge - she goes to a neighbor for an intimate conversation.
Even though she kept saying:

“The other needs strength” (leaves)

Their granddaughter was visiting them there. (exit)
This granddaughter is simply powerful.
In a mini skirt - and a slit!
Looks like she's wearing a skirt, maybe she doesn't.
Breasts - liquid melons.
Lips filled with juice.
And of course the miracle of the legs,
Like from a Playboy cover.
Like a rose bloomed:

“Well, think about it” (leaving.)

And on the farm at my grandfather's
It was, except for a trifle,
Two goats and a vegetable garden
Yes, the dog is at the gate.
Smart, nice, male. (out)
And his nickname is Tail.
Not at all from boasting,
He simply had no tail.
Either God didn’t give it to him,
Either he tore it off somewhere himself.
But the absence of a wave
No one was annoyed.
The dog barked rather sluggishly:

“Let me eat! I don’t have enough bones!” (leaving)

The cat Murka lived there. (out)
She was clean.
Ate whiskey, drank juice
And she slept on the armchair.
Murka was young
And preserved innocence.
And in my girlish dreams,
She was waiting for the young prince.
She has bad weather in her soul:

“Where do you roam, my happiness!” (leaving)

The Mouse lived there freely. (out)
He was stronger and taller than everyone else.
The whole Mouse village knew
He was the first bouncer
In a village tavern,
Called "SAKE"
And in the village all the people
The mouse called - a muzzle
It’s easy to communicate with him:

“Yoly fell, Sha! Atas!” (leaving)

Now you all know the inhabitants of their house.

One day in early May, an alcoholic grandfather
The thought appeared in reality.
He decided to plant turnips,
He went out into the field at dawn, (outgoing grandfather)
He put the grains in the ground,
Buried it. He poured water on it. I said

“We will live, motherfucker!”

And he went to hand over the glass. (leaving)
And then he went on a drinking binge
And I forgot about my root.

Well, it's summer at this time
It was generous in the heat.
The turnips were ripe, filling, (out)
Yes, I washed myself in the rain.
So by autumn she
She became large and strong.
Everyone around admired:

“Now I’m your first friend”

The grandfather came out onto the field - lo and behold:

“We will live, motherfucker!”

Grandfather strained himself,
The old belt broke,
Frail movement, even such tension.
But at least something for Repka.
Grandfather tried again!
But there is no progress to be seen:

“We will live, motherfucker!”

And he left the field (leaving)
Finish your moonshine.

At this time from a neighbor
The grandmother was walking after the conversation. (exit)
Grandma sees a turnip in the field,
Twice the field size.
It pulls like this. Yes it does.
Yes, there is no strength, the reserve has dried up.
It was in vain that I went to my neighbor:

“others need strength” (care)

And stumbling on the porch
She crawled to the stove
Sends granddaughter to Sveta(s)
Pull the turnips for lunch.

The granddaughter raised an eyebrow:

“Well, come to think of it”

I went out into the field to pick turnips
And he doesn’t know how to approach her.
Then he’ll push her sideways.
It will press on the contrary.
The girl tore her stockings
And Turnip is where she was.
The granddaughter spat out of frustration
And she left to change her outfits. (leaving)

There are tails at the fence
So he breaks his strap
Let's get some food first.
The little tail was untied, (out)
They ordered to pull the turnips.
He ran up and grabbed it with his teeth.
And let's rattle her.
Only the turnips are all in place,
He smiles, sits and moves his tops.
Out of frustration the dog did pssssss (peeing)
He jumped around for a minute
And wearily wandered into the booth. (leaving)

Well, the cat was resting on the porch
And I saw the whole picture. (exit)
Passions suddenly boiled over in Murka:

“Where do you roam my happiness”

She wanted it so bad
Use your maturity.
She pulled her paws,
She pouted her lips into a bow.
Snuck up on Turnip from behind
And she dug in with her claws.
I pulled as hard as I could.
She just dulled her claws.
Shaked myself off, bent over
And she returned on the armchair. (leaving)

Just woke up from a drinking binge
Kolya's grandfather, on an old bed.
And I decided to attract people,
Go out to the garden together (out)
Made a circle around Turnip:

(Turnip) “Now I’m your first friend”

The grandfather grabs the tops, strains his back and muscles.
Grandmother clutches grandfather's trousers in two hands.
The granddaughter also came running and struck a cutesy pose.
The scoundrel's tail grabbed her stocking.
Well, Murka is looking for the dog’s tail, but it’s not there.
Murka was very surprised and grabbed the little tail's paw.
Here they are, pulling and pulling that Turnip.
Only the strength withers and withers.
Grandfather, let's yell at everyone:

“we will live motherfucker”

Grandma answers sweetly:

“others need strength”

The granddaughter has already brought everyone up:

“come to think of it”

The dog whines again first:

“Let me eat, I don’t have enough bones”

Murka hisses with passion:

“Where do you roam my happiness”

That barge hauler's heavy howl
Then the hero heard the Mouse. (out)
To showdown in the garden
The muzzle hastened.
And I decided to help for once:

“The trees have fallen! sha! atas!”

Slowly approaches Turnip,
He looks around everyone with an impudent glance
He hugs Turnip tenderly.
And he takes it out of the garden.
Everyone gathered around:

“Now I’m your first friend”

Here our people reached out,
Started up and looked around
And he went to drink moonshine,
Thankfully he is always there.
There is a feast in the village,
Moonshine flows like a river.
And our story ends:

“The trees have fallen! sha!, atas!”

Happy holidays, dear guests!