What is indicated in the corner stamp of the organization. Requirements for an organization's letterhead. When it is necessary to make a new seal to replace the old one

Law No. 82-FZ, issued on April 6, 2015, abolished the obligation of companies to use the LLC seal and transferred it to the category of voluntary attributes. Article 2 of the Law “On LLC” now reads as follows: “The company has the right to have a seal, stamps and forms with its name, its own emblem.”

Do you need an LLC seal?

In fact, abandon this attribute legal entity will not be possible any time soon. The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. Article 2 of the Law “On LLC” now contains the following clause: “Federal law may provide for the obligation of a company to use a seal.” This means that a newly adopted legislative act at the federal level may introduce its mandatory use in any situation.
  2. Changes to the voluntary use of stamps have been made in some regulations, but others still require their use. So, an imprint is still required in and on receipts. We must wait until the mention of the mandatory seal is removed from other acts, but for now in some situations it cannot be avoided. Of course, the departments noted the fact of cancellation, so they give their own interpretation of the emerging controversial situations. Thus, Rostrud allowed the confirmation of entries in work books not with round imprints, but with stamps from the personnel service.
  3. If the counterparty to the transaction has not refused the seal, then when concluding the contract he has the right to demand its use from you. In this case, the transaction may not take place, because the parties must agree on all contractual terms.

With regard to documents sent to the tax authorities (declarations, reports, certificates), the Federal Tax Service of Russia reports that regardless of changes to the orders of the tax service, they are accepted both with and without a company stamp (letter dated August 5, 2015 No. BS-4-17/13706@).

In addition, it is now recognized by default that the organization does not use a seal. If this is not the case, then the charter must contain information about its availability (Article 2 of Law No. 14-FZ). Again, it is not clear in what time frame the charter must be changed if such wording was not there. Nothing is said about liability for violating this norm or whether the organization’s seal is legitimate if the charter does not mention it. It turns out that the intention of legislators to simplify document circulation only added more questions and troubles for businessmen.

State Register

A special registration procedure is provided only when using stamp images, and official records of seals of commercial structures are not maintained. Nevertheless, for some time such a register existed, but only for Moscow. In 1998, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov issued an order to create a city register at the Moscow Registration Chamber.

All Moscow businessmen were required to register stamps in this register, for which a state fee was charged. This was a kind of arbitrariness of the capital’s mayor, because no other region of the Russian Federation had such an accounting procedure. Federal Tax Service, which is responsible for matters of registration of entities entrepreneurial activity, demanded to cancel the maintenance of the Moscow register. This happened only 7 years later - in February 2005.

For better or worse, in 2019 the state federal register there is no such attribute that is important for a legal entity. To order a cliche, it is enough to send the company name, INN and checkpoint codes, and location via the Internet or telephone. No official paperwork is required to order, although some manufacturers request copies of the registration certificate.

Of course, with the current development of technology, you can order not only cliches according to your details, but also from any other organization according to the model. Unfortunately, an imprint on paper does not always guarantee legitimacy and belonging to a specific legal entity.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishes liability under Article 327 for forgery of documents and stamps, the punishment is up to two years in prison. If you want to guarantee the protection of business papers and the confidential information they contain, then you should use it for this.

Stamp manufacturers are also not standing still, offering the following methods of protection against counterfeiting:

  • laser engraving with halftone drawings and photographs;
  • a special font developed according to an algorithm for a specific customer;
  • multi-color flash technology;
  • guilloche grids of lines less than 0.1 mm thick;
  • protective elements in accordance with GOST R 51511-2001, which are used for official stamps;
  • control marks (micro-rotation, micro-displacement, micro-deformation of individual letters or their elements; imitation of a cliche defect, traces of dust, paint run-off, splashes, blots; inclusion of individual letters with a different font);
  • UV marks, visible only under ultraviolet light;
  • chemical labels;
  • relief cliche with embossing;
  • hidden images;
  • two-dimensional barcode of the Data-Matrix standard.

The more degrees of protection, the more expensive the production will be. But while it is necessary to use this symbol of a legal entity in business, all measures must be taken to ensure its safety and the impossibility of falsifying the image.

What should the seal be like?

The legislation does not establish mandatory requirements for the organization's seal. In the previous version of Article 2 of the law on companies with limited liability it was only said about the presence in the details of the full company name in Russian and location ( locality) OOO. Now the wording has been shortened to “... seal, stamps and forms with its name.” So, we can assume that there are no official requirements for the form and details of stamps of commercial structures.

However, if you look at what imprints look like on documents from different companies, you can see their obvious similarity to each other: in size and information contained. It is caused by the fact that professional manufacturers develop some of the cliches in accordance with GOST R 51511-2001, intended for stamp images. Accordingly, the equipment and operating standards for them were also applied to commercial customers.

Important: only a certain circle of persons have the right to place the coat of arms of the Russian Federation: federal authorities; government bodies, organizations, institutions; registry office authorities.

In addition, the order of the Moscow mayor No. 843-RM specified the requirements for the appearance of the print:

  • round - circle with a diameter of 38-42 mm;
  • triangular - an equilateral triangle with a side length of 38-42 mm;
  • rectangular - a rectangle with sides measuring from 35-50 mm to 70-100 mm.

Regarding the information required to indicate the cliches of legal entities, the following requirements were given:

  • full name in Russian indicating the organizational and legal form;
  • location (settlement);
  • number state registration.

Corner stamps must also contain the full legal address and telephone number. The name of the enterprise in the language of the people was also indicated on a voluntary basis Russian Federation or foreign language, as well as a registered trademark.

A sample LLC seal, common for business in Russia, looks like this.

The identification symbol of your company can be anything you want, but it is still better to leave excessive creativity for internal use.

After completing the registration procedure new organization and obtaining the main seal, the question arises of purchasing a corner stamp with the company details. Traditionally it is rectangular in shape and contains a full or brief information about the organization. The size of the stamp and the content of the text on it are determined by where you intend to use it. Existing seals and stamps and the scope of application of the corner stamp are described in the materials of this article.

From the article you will learn:

Stamps, seals, facsimile– attributes without which no modern organization can exist and function. Seal - main attribute company, its legal signature. It is the seal that confirms and certifies business paper. Documents that are not certified by a seal do not have legal force. A stamp is a rectangular impression, the purpose of which is to replace a frequently repeated entry. It has no legal force, its purpose is to facilitate work with a large number of documents.

The number of seals, stamps and their impressions is huge. The most common of these is the corner print. Most often they are used in business correspondence, as well as when issuing various certificates. The set of details presented on the cliche is independently determined by the management of the organization. Mandatory requirements not provided here.

Types of stamps and seals:

  1. Medical (for example, “pediatrician Chernova E.G.”, “Polyclinic No. 2” or “Medical examination passed”);
  2. Restricting access to the document (for example, “Secret”, “Confidential”);
  3. Corner ones, they are also called “address” (depending on the purpose, they may contain the name of the company, address, email, telephone numbers, as well as Bank details, OGRN, BIC, INN. This type of stamp will be discussed in more detail below).
  4. Enterprises or organizations (for example, banking);
  5. Confirming the approval of the document;
  6. Marking;
  7. Registration;
  8. Notary office or notary;
  9. Accounting (“Copy is correct”, “Paid”, “Received”, “Deposited”, etc.);
  10. Personal;
  11. For scrapbooking ( family albums with photos);
  12. Children's and school.

A special type of seal is a facsimile. It accurately copies the person's original signature and is designed to be embossed onto paper. This type of cliché is common when drawing up documents that do not require a personal signature. For example, using a facsimile, you can quickly certify documents.

Traditionally seal a round stamp has a circle size of 30-50 mm in diameter, a triangular stamp is an equilateral triangle where each side is 38-42 mm, and a corner stamp has a rectangular shape from 35 x 50 mm to 55 x 70 mm.

Sometimes organizations order prints of other shapes and sizes for internal office work.

Structural divisions of an organization may have their own seals. Required condition- in addition to the standard details, it must contain an additional inscription that will indicate that this print belongs to this particular department. For example, “Accounting” or “DOW Department”.

Read also:

  • Seals and stamps of commercial organizations. Types and details of seals and stamps

Equipment for seals and stamps

All existing species seals and stamps consist of two mandatory elements– equipment and cliches. Letters and all elements are cut out on the cliche, which are then displayed on paper, and the equipment is the body on which the cliche is attached.

Equipment can be manual or automatic. The materials for manual ones are stone, wood, ceramics, metal, glass or plastic, and for automatic ones - metal and plastic.

  • If the main place where printing is used is the office and it is important to make a clear and even print, then it is better to purchase automatic equipment.
  • If you often have to take your printing with you and make impressions outside the office, then it is better to purchase manual equipment. It is smaller in size, easy to transport and quite reliable.

Sample corner stamp of an organization

Corner organization stamps there are different types and sizes.

Corner stamp with brief details. It contains the name of the organization, contact information, TIN, OGRN and KPP numbers. This product is small in size, compact in shape. The equipment can be either manual or automatic. The height is no more than 2 cm, and the width is no more than 5.5. This type of cliche is used where there is no need to use the main seal - on contracts and other papers.

Corner stamp with full details. In addition to the information displayed in truncated form, it contains additional bank details. This type of cliche reflects a complete list of data about your company. There they indicate a current account, a correspondent account, the name of the bank servicing this account, as well as OKPO and OKVED numbers. As a rule, an imprint of this cliche is made at the end of contracts, so as not to print this information manually. Using such a print greatly facilitates the accountant’s work when drawing up contracts and saves your time. These products have a height of 3 to 4 cm and a width of 6 to 7.6 cm. The equipment for them is made automatically, since the quality and clarity of the print is very important here, and the place of use is the office.

Samples of different types of corner stamps are presented below:

Let's sum it up

  1. Stamps are used in modern organizations to optimize routine work and save time.
  2. A stamp, unlike a seal, has no legal force.
  3. The corner stamp has a rectangular shape.
  4. The main area of ​​use of corner cliches is issuing certificates, drawing up contracts and conducting business correspondence.
  5. There are no special requirements for the design of this type of print.
  6. The list of details reflected on the corner block is determined independently by the head of the organization.
  7. A typical list of details for a simple corner print: company name, address, telephone, email. The full cliche contains bank details.
  8. The stamp consists of a cliche and equipment. Equipment can be automatic or manual.

Historical fact

According to archaeological excavations, the largest cities of Ancient India were Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. Currently, there is not a single written document that sheds light on the life, culture and way of life of the inhabitants of these ancient cities. The only evidence that has reached us of the presence of writing and a high business culture of Ancient India are the seals of that time, discovered by archaeologists in large quantities during excavations. Of particular interest are the carved seals of the Harappan civilization.

The appearance and quality of these products are unique. They are made of white or grayish talc - steatite. Seals could be square or round. The seal was inserted into a handle shaped like a button.

The front part of the cliche contained ritual images of various animals - a bull with truncated horns, a tiger, a unicorn or an elephant. Sometimes human figures were depicted on seals.

The first entry on the procedure for using the seal appeared in the Unified state system office work (USSD), approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Science of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated September 4, 1973 No. 435 and recommended for use by all ministries, departments and their subordinate institutions, organizations and enterprises when improving office work. The provisions on the press recorded in the Unified State Database remain valid to this day.

Main and auxiliary seals

According to their purpose, seals and stamps are divided into main and auxiliary.

Imprint main seal placed on documents to certify their authenticity.

Clause 7 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On joint stock companies" establishes the composition of information in the company's seal: “The company must have a round seal containing its full company name in Russian and an indication of its location. The seal may also indicate the company's company name in any foreign language or the language of the peoples of the Russian Federation."

Organizations may have auxiliary (additional) seals– they reproduce the name of the organization, its structural unit, type of seal. In this case, the seal must contain an additional inscription: “Secretariat”, “For accounts”, “For information”, etc.

The imprint of auxiliary seals is affixed to certify certificates, copies of documents, extracts from documents, accounting documents, etc.


A stamp is a type of rectangular seal. Stamps formally replace handwritten records in repeating situations of the same type in paperwork. In this case, stamps are essentially details that are involved in giving the document legal force and speeding up document flow. Stamps also come in different types.

Corner (address) stamp used if the organization or entrepreneur does not have printed or “electronic” forms. The corner stamp can be used for short-term correspondence, issuing current certificates, etc. IN in this case corner die made in accordance with necessary requirements, gives the document an official character.

In the corner stamps, the organization's details are arranged in the same sequence as on the form, i.e. the details indicated in the corner stamps and seals must match.

The size of the corner stamp, as a rule, corresponds to the dimensions of the corner form (70x100 mm).

Registration stamp establishes the organization’s responsibility for the document and the start of the execution period. It contains the name of the enterprise, fields for indicating the date of receipt and number (index) incoming document. This stamp is not affixed to document attachments.

Access restriction stamp is placed in the upper right corner of each sheet of the document. The stamp may be supplemented with data provided for by law on information classified as state secrets and confidential information.

Stamps with company details, usually small in size, with a frame; include the short name of the company, place of registration, TIN.

Marking stamps are used for the internal needs of the enterprise. Their size, shape and content are not regulated. The use of special stamp ink allows the use of such stamps to solve production tasks– marking of containers, fabrics, plastics and other surfaces.


The production, accounting, replacement, storage, transfer and destruction of seals and stamps is provided personally by the head of the organizational department, appointed by order of the head of the organization. If he is dismissed, the order is reissued. Responsibility for the use and storage of seals and stamps, after issuing them to structural units, is assigned by order of the manager to the employees who received such seals and stamps. The issuance of seals and stamps is recorded in the accounting journal.

Use and storage of seals and stamps

Main round stamp The organization must be kept by the head of the organizational department and kept in his safe. It can be issued against signature to other employees in a situation where the head of the organizational department is absent for a long time or there is a need to use the seal on weekends and holidays or use it outside the organization.

Auxiliary seals and stamps are kept by the organization’s employees responsible for their use and safety.

Auxiliary stamps are stored in lockable tables. The main and auxiliary seals, the address stamp are stored in sealed safes (metal cabinets), access to which is available to the employee who received the seals and stamps and is responsible for their safety.

Accounting for seals and stamps

To record seals and stamps, a journal is kept, which is kept by the employee responsible for the safety of seals and stamps. The journal is maintained according to the rules for maintaining strict reporting documents. Each sheet of the magazine is numbered, the magazine is laced, sealed with a wax seal and signed by the head of the organization. The magazine is stored in a fireproof cabinet.

Received seals and stamps must be immediately registered.

accounting of seals and stamps

Lost seal or stamp

If the seal is lost, you must contact the police with a corresponding statement. If an office was broken into, law enforcement officers will inspect the premises from which the theft took place. And if the seal was stolen from personal belongings, for example, along with a folder of documents from the manager’s car, then the investigator will take an explanation from the person who reported the theft.

Both in the statement itself and subsequently in explanations, it is necessary to record as specifically as possible what exactly was stolen. It is better to indicate the theft of a seal separately.

It would be useful to provide the police with a sample of the seal imprint (you can make a copy of any document certified by it). In this case, it is necessary to confirm that a copy has been provided. If it is attached to the statement of theft, this should be written in the statement, and if a copy is submitted afterwards, then the investigator’s signature should be obtained on the covering letter.

In the future, the application will allow you to obtain a certificate from the police, which will confirm the fact of theft and help prove the company’s innocence if the seal is used by thieves.

In addition, after discovering the theft and reporting it to the police, it is necessary to make a statement about the theft to the bank. How faster organization reports the theft to the bank, the less chance thieves have of taking advantage of the stolen property. In addition, bank employees may well help in detaining criminals, if, of course, they are notified of the incident in time.

To protect yourself from claims from future victims of scammers, you can advertise the theft in the media.

Transfer, replacement, production and destruction of seals and stamps

Replacement and acquisition of seals (stamps) are carried out on the basis of an order (instruction) of the manager on the recommendation of the heads of the organization’s structural divisions. To produce seals and stamps, an order is made to a company that produces seals and stamps. Seals and stamps are registered with the person who received them until they are transferred (surrendered) or replaced (destructed). Seals (stamps) to be replaced are destroyed.

The destruction of seals and stamps is carried out by a commission, which is created by order of the head.

The method of destruction is determined by the commission. The destruction of seals and stamps involves the complete destruction of their printing surface and form, which does not allow the possibility of restoration and further use. Products made of rubber, rubber, photopolymers are cut into small pieces or burned, and those made of metal are filed with two cross lines. An act on the destruction of seals and stamps is drawn up and approved by the manager. The act must indicate:

· time and place of destruction;

· composition of the commission;

· the basis for the destruction of seals and stamps;

· name and imprints of destroyed seals and stamps;

· method of destruction;

· conclusion of the commission on bringing the seal (stamp) into a state that excludes the possibility of its restoration and further use;

· signatures of commission members.

The act is filed in a special order, which is stored along with the accounting journal. This act is the basis for recording the destruction of the seal (stamp) in the accounting journal.

accounting of seals and stamps allocated for destruction

Monitoring the status of accounting and storage of seals and stamps

To conduct inspections of the state of accounting and storage of seals and stamps, special commissions may be created. Based on the results of the inspection, a certificate (act) is drawn up and submitted to the manager to take measures to ensure proper accounting and storage conditions for seals and stamps. When transferring or dismissing an employee responsible for recording and storing seals and stamps, the manager appoints a commission to verify the actual availability of seals and stamps.

The results of the inspection are reflected in the act of acceptance and transfer of seals and stamps to another employee appointed by order of the manager to be responsible for their accounting and storage, with the imprints of seals and stamps attached.

T.V. Kozlova, typing teacher at the Professional Secretaries Club


I, the subject of personal data, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152 “On Personal Data,” provide IP Filatov (hereinafter referred to as the Operator), located at st. Medynskaya, 2 k. 1, consent to the processing of personal data specified by me in the web chat form and/or in the form for ordering a call back on the Internet site, owned by the Operator.
Key points:

  1. The personal data I provide is as follows: full name, address Email and phone number.
  2. The purposes of processing my personal data are: ensuring the exchange of short text messages in online dialogue and ensuring the functioning of a call back.
  3. Consent is provided to carry out the following actions (operations) with the personal data specified in this consent: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, transfer (provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction, carried out as with using automation tools (automated processing) and without the use of such tools (non-automated processing).
  4. I understand and agree that providing the Operator with any information about myself that is not contact information and not related to the purposes of this consent, as well as providing information related to government, banking and/or trade secret, information about race and/or nationality, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, health, and intimate life is prohibited.
  5. If I decide to provide the Operator with any information (any data), I undertake to provide only reliable and up-to-date information and does not have the right to mislead the Operator regarding his identity, or provide false or unreliable information about himself.
  6. I understand and agree that the Operator does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by me and is not able to assess my legal capacity and assumes that I provide reliable personal data and keep such data up to date.
  7. Consent is valid upon achievement of the purposes of processing or in the event of the loss of the need to achieve these purposes, unless otherwise provided federal law.
  8. Consent may be withdrawn by me at any time based on my written statement.

Chief Specialist Moscow City Hall Information Technology Center

Any employee working in the field of HR needs to have knowledge about this important element personnel records management, like a seal: its details, the procedure for its production, the use of a seal imprint on documents, the protection of the seal from forgery. This topic is reflected in a small amount of teaching materials and literature, but it has always been considered in conjunction with the basic requirements for document preparation. Printing - as an integral part of document protection - requires a separate description.

A number of important questions arise that need to be answered, which is what we will try to do in this article.

A seal is a matrix cut out on a solid object for making impressions of a round or triangular shape for the purpose of witnessing or authenticating something.

A stamp is a type of rectangular shaped seal.

Seals are divided into the following types:


    Seals of legal entities and organizations without the rights of a legal entity that do not have the right to have official seals;

    Simple (stamps with the inscriptions: HR department, general department, for packages, etc.).

Seals depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, the coat of arms of a subject of the Russian Federation, the coat of arms of a city, region of the Russian Federation, as well as seals of organizations (with the names of organizations) that do not have the right to depict state symbols (hereinafter referred to as the seal) are placed on documents that require special certification of their authenticity, in in accordance with current legislation or other regulations.

Right to use print and image reproduction The State Emblem of the Russian Federation (including with the reproduction of a double-headed eagle in the form of the main figure) is defined in Art. 4 of the Federal Constitutional Law of December 25, 2000 No. 2-FKZ "On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation":

"The state emblem of the Russian Federation is placed on seals federal bodies state power, others government agencies, organizations and institutions, as well as bodies, organizations and institutions, regardless of the form of ownership, vested with individual government powers."

In other words, the State Emblem of the Russian Federation has the right to depict:

    Federal government bodies;

    State unitary enterprises And government agencies federal property (if indicated in constituent documents for the right to use a seal with reproduction of the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation);

    Educational institutions (except preschool) with state accreditation that issue documents state standard about the education received (in accordance with Article 1 and paragraph 2 of Article 27 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”);

    Enterprises and organizations that have, in accordance with regulations Russian Federation state status.

The same Federal Constitutional Law stipulates (Article 8):

    "Coats of arms (heraldic signs) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, public associations, enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, cannot be identical to the State Emblem of the Russian Federation.

    The State Emblem of the Russian Federation cannot be used as the heraldic basis of the coats of arms (heraldic signs) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, public associations, enterprises, institutions and organizations."

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 1995 No. 1268 "On the regulation of the production, use, storage and destruction of seals and forms with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation" and GOST R 6.30-97 "USD. USORD. Basic requirements for the preparation of documents" regulate this procedure as follows way.

The production of seals with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, with the image of the coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, cities and regions should be carried out only by printing and stamp-engraving enterprises that have licenses issued by the Russian Federation Committee on Printing for the relevant type of activity and certificates of availability of technical and technological capabilities for the manufacture of the specified type of product at the proper quality level.

The norms of the above-mentioned regulatory legal acts are applied when developing rules for the manufacture, use, storage, destruction of seals by authorities and management of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies local government, organizations and their associations, regardless of their organizational and legal form and type of activity.

For example, the order of reproduction of the coat of arms The city of Moscow is regulated by: the Charter of the city of Moscow (approved by the Moscow City Duma on June 28, 1995); Law of the city of Moscow dated 01.02.95 No. 4-12 “On the coat of arms and flag of the city of Moscow”; Decree of the Moscow Mayor dated January 27, 1994 No. 39-RM “On seals, document forms and signs of Moscow executive authorities”; by order of the Moscow Mayor dated November 26, 1997 No. 924-RM “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for using images of the coat of arms and flag of the city of Moscow by legal and individuals for commercial purposes"; order of the Mayor of Moscow dated April 17, 1998 No. 392-RM "On the use of the image of the coat of arms of the city of Moscow, the names "Moscow Government", "Moscow City Hall", "Moscow" on document forms, seals, stamps, certificates and signs of authorities executive power and organizations of city subordination" and other regulatory legal acts.

The right to use a seal with a reproduction of the image of the coat of arms of Moscow (including with the reproduction of the image of the main element of the coat of arms - St. George the Victorious on a horse, striking the Serpent with a spear, as well as with the placement of individual elements of decoration around the heraldic shield) have:

    Bodies of representative and executive power of the city, including those of dual subordination;

    District departments (branches) of city executive authorities;

    District departments of city executive authorities;

    District authorities - district councils;

    Representations of city executive authorities;

    Commissions, councils and other working bodies created by the Moscow Government or the Prime Minister

The Moscow Government and the Moscow Government vested with separate powers, as well as commissions and other working bodies created by the Mayor of Moscow. It is prohibited to use the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, as well as the coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the coats of arms of cities, districts on the seals of legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs, except in cases where regulatory and other legal acts provide permission for their use.

IN personnel services legal entities, depending on the established practice, in documents on personnel (work books, all kinds of certificates, etc.), both an official seal (if the legal entity has the right to such a seal) and a seal with the name of the organization (if the organization does not have rights to the official seal), and simple seal (“HR department”, “HR service”, etc.). The name of the organization must be applied around the circumference of the simple seal.

What is needed to approve designs for seals and stamps in Moscow?

In accordance with the order of the Moscow Registration Chamber dated January 20, 1999 No. 17 for approval of sketches of seals and stamps of newly formed legal entities, separate divisions of legal entities, as well as in cases of change of name, legal form, departmental affiliation, reorganization, registration and re-registration ( in connection with a change in last name, first name, patronymic), individual entrepreneurs must be presented:

    An application in 3 copies on a standard form for the issuance of permission to produce a seal/stamp, containing a sketch of the seal/stamp (hereinafter referred to as the application). The form must be completed in typewritten text. The sketch of the seal (stamp) is made using the computer graphics method (it is allowed to make a sketch of the seal (stamp) using the drawing graphics method);

    A document confirming the powers of the executive body (except for individual entrepreneurs);

    If the sketch of a seal (stamp) contains means of visual individualization (except for the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and the coat of arms of the city of Moscow) - a notarized copy of the Rospatent certificate of registration of a trademark or service mark (either a license agreement or an agreement on the assignment of a service trademark);

    A document confirming the fact of payment of the cost of approving the sketch of the seal (stamp) and entering the seal impression (stamp) into the city Register of Stamps.

When submitting an application for a permit to produce a seal (stamp) to the Center for Maintaining the Register of Seals (CRS), in addition to the above documents, one of the following documents on state registration must be submitted:

  • temporary certificate of registration of a legal entity;
  • temporary registration certificate separate division legal entity;
  • registration certificate individual entrepreneur;
  • certificate of amendments to the constituent documents.

Two application forms with an approved sketch of the seal (stamp) are issued simultaneously with a temporary certificate of registration (with a certificate of registration of changes); for individual entrepreneurs - simultaneously with the registration certificate. One application form with an approved sketch of the seal (stamp), along with the submitted documents, is submitted to the PIU.

If the sketch of the seal (stamp) submitted for approval does not meet the requirements current legislation the grounds for refusal to approve the submitted sketch of the seal (stamp) are set out on the letterhead of the registration chamber.

The “rejection letter” is drawn up in three copies and signed by the head of the Registration Chamber (RC): one copy of the refusal to approve the sketch of the seal (stamp) and the application is handed over to the person responsible for registration; are attached to the registration file of a legal entity, a separate division of a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur; The seals of a legal entity, a separate division of a legal entity, or an individual entrepreneur are attached to the registration file.

If registration of a legal entity (a separate division of a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur) is refused, the application and all submitted documents are returned along with the constituent documents.

What are the shapes and sizes of seals and stamps?

The round seal is a circle with a diameter of 38-42 mm; triangular print - an equilateral triangle with sides 38-42 mm; stamp - a rectangle with sides measuring from 35 x 50 mm to 70 x 100 mm.

For internal records management of users, stamps of other shapes and sizes can be produced.

The size of round metal squeeze stamps is standard: 22-23 mm.

Standard samples of seals and stamps are determined by the registration authority.

Seal impressions must meet the following requirements:

    Five levels of gray color gradation can be clearly distinguished (black, dark gray - 70%, gray - 50%, light gray - 30%, white);

    Reproducible line thickness up to 0.1 mm;

    Inverted text along the outer contour of the print cannot exceed 1 mm in height and must be clearly legible.

What details should the seals and stamps contain?

Seals of executive and representative authorities, legal entities and organizations without the rights of a legal entity (hereinafter referred to as organizations) must contain the following mandatory details:

    Full name of the organization in Russian indicating the organizational and legal form;


    State registration number (or number in the registration register);

    The state emblem of the Russian Federation or the coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Organizations may have simple seals for their structural divisions. In this case, the seal must contain the additional inscription: “Human Resources Department”; "Secretariat"; "Office"; "Case Management"; "For accounts"; "For IDs"; "For information" etc.

Seals of individual entrepreneurs must contain:

    Last name, first name, patronymic of the individual entrepreneur;


    Phrase: "Individual entrepreneur";

    Registration number indicated in the state registration certificate;

    Number in the Register of Stamps.

The corner stamp of the organization must contain the complete mailing address and phone number. Seals and stamps may contain the name of the organization in any language of the peoples of the Russian Federation and (or) a foreign language, as well as a trademark registered in the prescribed manner.

What is the procedure for placing an order for the production of seals and stamps?

The sketch of the seal and stamp must be agreed upon executive body legal entity, head of a separate division, individual entrepreneur on the prescribed form. The form of the form is determined by the registration authority.

The form with the approved sketch of the seal (stamp) is submitted to the registration chamber by the executive body of the legal entity (head of a separate division, individual entrepreneur) for approval.

To produce a seal (stamp) according to an approved sketch, the registration chamber issues a declaration (for each seal produced). The form of the declaration, as well as the procedure for its execution, are determined by the registration authority.

For each seal (stamp) produced, the manufacturer is required to prepare a declaration.

When issuing a manufactured seal (stamp), the manufacturer affixes a control impression of the seal (stamp) in the order registration book and makes a corresponding entry in it.

Sketches of stamps for internal records management of users are not approved and are not entered into the city Register of Stamps.

What is the procedure for placing an order for the production of seals (stamps) to replace previously issued ones?

To replace a previously issued seal (stamp) in case of wear or damage, in connection with renaming, change of organizational and legal form, as well as at the motivated request, the user must submit to the registration chamber:

    Application addressed to the chairman;

    Previously received seal (for destruction).

To replace a previously issued seal (stamp) in case of loss, the user must:

  • publish an announcement about the loss of a seal (stamp) in the official bulletin;
  • submit an application to the registration chamber addressed to the chairman.

The Register of Seals and Stamps (Register of Seals) is maintained by a structural unit of the Registration Chamber.

The division maintaining the Register of Seals provides:

    Approval of the sketch of the seal (stamp);

    Assigning a serial number to each seal (stamp);

    Collection, processing and updating of information on seals and stamps;

    Collection, processing and updating of information on manufacturers;

    Organizational and information interaction with manufacturers;

    Providing support and information services.

The register of seals represents information about manufactured seals and stamps in a documented (on on paper) and electronic form:

    Print number;

    Imprint of a seal (stamp);

    User data - name of the organization (or full name of an individual entrepreneur), state registration number, telephone number; Full name and passport details of the manager (or individual entrepreneur);

    Data about the manufacturer - name of the organization (or full name of the individual entrepreneur), registration number, license number for printing activities indicating the validity period, actual location address, telephone number; Full name and passport details of the manager (or individual entrepreneur), surname of the master who made the seal, date of manufacture;

    Date of issue of the seal (stamp) to the customer;

    Data about the individual who ordered the seal - full name, passport data, power of attorney (by whom and when issued).

The seal impression should be affixed in such a way that it covers part of the job title of the person signing the document.

Financial documents are stamped in a specially designated place. As a rule, this place of printing is indicated by the symbol "MP." without capturing job title and signature.

The imprint of the seal affixed must be clearly readable.

An approximate list of documents to be stamped:

    Acts (acceptance of completed construction facilities, equipment, work performed; write-offs; examination, etc.);

    Archival references;

    Archival copies;

    Powers of attorney (for receiving inventory, conducting business in arbitration, etc.);

    Agreements (about financial liability, supplies, contracts, scientific and technical cooperation, rental of premises, work, etc.);

    Tasks (for the design of facilities, technical structures, capital construction, technical, etc.);

    Conclusions and reviews;

    Applications (for a letter of credit; refusal of acceptance, etc.)

    writs of execution;

    Travel certificates;

    Consumption rates;

    Samples of seal impressions and signatures of employees who have the right to carry out financial and business transactions;

    Submissions and petitions (for awarding orders and medals, prizes, etc.);

    Letters of guarantee (for work, services, etc.);

    Orders (budgetary, banking, pension, payment, including consolidated, to the bank, to receive foreign currency from accounts, currency transfer, for import, etc.);

    Regulations on organizations;

    Registers (of checks, budget orders submitted to the bank);

    Cost estimates (for the maintenance of the management apparatus, for the calculation of the contract, etc.);


    Certificates (limited, about the payment of insurance amounts, the use of budgetary allocations for wages, accrued and due wages, etc.);

    Specifications (products, products, etc.);

    Work records;


    Charters of organizations;

    Staffing schedules.

All seals and stamps in the organization subject to accounting. Records are kept separately by type of seal in the registration form (card, journal) using the following details.

Upon receipt of seals and stamps:

    By the name of the type of seal and stamp;

    Date of admission;

    Number of the accompanying document;

    The name of the manufacturer (supplier) of seals and stamps.

When issuing seals and stamps:

  • by name of the type of stamp form;
  • number of copies;
  • name structural unit organization, surname and initials
  • official;
  • recipient of seals and stamps;
  • receipts for receipt;
  • notes (mark about destruction, etc.).

Seals are stored in securely locked and sealed cabinets.

Control over the production, use and storage of seals and stamps is assigned to the division of the organization responsible for office work. Persons personally responsible for accounting, use and storage are appointed by the administrative document of the head of the organization.

Registration and accounting forms are included in the list of affairs of the organization.

The availability, use and storage of seals and stamps are checked at least once a year by a commission appointed by an administrative document of the head of the organization. The inspections carried out are noted in the accounting and registration forms after the last entry. If violations are detected in the recording, storage and use of seals and stamps, the commission conducts an official investigation, the results of which are documented in an act and brought to the attention of the head of the organization.

In what cases are seals and stamps subject to destruction?

In the event of liquidation of a legal entity, termination of the activities of a legal entity as a result of a merger, accession, transformation, as well as termination of the activities of a separate division of a legal entity, seals and stamps are subject to destruction at the registration chamber.

In Moscow, the destruction of seals and stamps made before the entry into force of the order of the Moscow Mayor No. 843-RM dated 08/25/98 is carried out in the manner established by the order of the Chairman of the Moscow Registration Chamber dated 03/03/94 No. 18, at the address: st. Milashenkova, 10 (metro station "Timiryazevskaya").

The destruction of seals and stamps made after the entry into force of the Moscow Mayor’s order No. 843-RM dated August 25, 1998 is carried out at the Center for Maintaining the City Register of Seals.

Seals and stamps can be given another definition - these are specially made in engraving workshops or printing enterprises cliches having a set shape, size, font and corresponding certain samples. They are made of rubber or metal.

Any HR manager needs to know the basic methods forgery of documents (one of which is the forgery of stamps on documents) in order to prevent mistakes when checking citizens’ documents ( work book, passport, military ID, education diploma, all kinds of certificates - medical, release from prison, etc.).

Main methods of counterfeiting:

    Drawing a seal on the document itself;

    Obtaining an impression using a homemade cliche;

    Copying a genuine print onto a fake document.

Drawing an image of a seal or stamp on the document itself is the most in a simple way fakes. It has the following characteristics:

    Non-standard font and uneven placement of text;

    Asymmetrical arrangement of letters, words and lines;

    Distortion of drawings (coat of arms, emblems);

    The presence of grammatical errors in the text and its incorrect semantic content;

    Traces of print preparation (paper punctures from a compass, remains of pencil strokes).

When making a seal or stamp impression with the help of a homemade cliche made by engraving, etching, drawing on paper, cutting out of dense materials - rubber, linoleum, wood, etc. (in practice, there was a case of making a cliche of an official seal on the heel of a prisoner), assembled from typographical letters, remain characteristic signs that can be detected during an inspection or special examination. These signs include:

    Non-standard font;

    Uneven letter sizes and spacing between them;

    No cutoffs in letters;

    Availability of mirror images of letters and signs;

    The presence of circles of annual rings in the imprints of wooden cliches;

    The presence of circular lines or parallel grooves from metal cliches;

    Uneven distribution of dye in the print;

    Tortuosity in thick strokes, broken lines, etc.

In the process of examining and examining impressions made using counterfeit clichés, it is necessary (if possible) to use impressions of genuine seals and stamps for comparison.

Recopying a seal or stamp from an original document can be direct (mirroring) or by double copying.

Signs of a fake print, obtained by double copying are:

    Weak coloring of strokes;

    Blurs of coloring matter in them;

    Lack of paper gloss;

    The presence of strokes that are not related to the print image, but copied along with it.

Other methods of counterfeiting impressions of seals and stamps include making a seal or stamp by mounting using letters and numbers cut from genuine seals and stamps that are no longer in use.

There are cases when genuine seals or stamps of another organization are used to produce counterfeit documents, but their content is masked. For this purpose, the seal is slightly rotated when touching a sheet of paper, its imprint turns out blurry.

If the seal is transferred to a document using copying equipment or scanning using electronic computing technology, then the counterfeit can be detected by examining the back side of the document, since the printing dye does not penetrate into the structure of the paper on this side. Signatures on such counterfeits are mainly located on the image of the seal.

Currently there are new technical means and methods for protecting seals from counterfeiting. The most interesting are the manufacturing methods and methods for identifying seal impressions by organizations that are direct users of the seal:

    By control marks;

    By chemical labels;

    By hidden image.

Identification by control marks. Control marks hidden from the uninitiated observer are placed in the original print layout. The type of these marks and their location are chosen in such a way that an attacker would mistake them for defects that arose due to carelessness in affixing the seal. The manufacturing organization analyzes the seal of the customer organization (user), and then selects control marks that ensure its reliable protection against counterfeiting. In order for the telltale marks to be invisible to the uninitiated observer, they must be very small. For this purpose, a seal is made with high accuracy- more than 1000 dpi, and the reference pattern - 2000 dpi.

The following can serve as control marks:

    Missing elements in letters or images;

    Dots simulating an accidental defect or trace of a speck of dust on a print;

    "thread-like" image cutout across the entire print field;

    Individual letters with a typeface different from the typeface of the entire text - micro-rotation, micro-mixing, micro-deformation of individual letters or their elements.

Along with the seal, the user organization receives from the manufacturer a control template containing a description and an indication of the location of the control marks.

Identification is carried out by applying a control template to the seal being checked. If differences between the imprint and the key on the template are detected, this means that the imprint was made by a counterfeit seal, very similar to the original. To make it easier to determine whether a seal is forged, you can use a backlit measuring magnifier.

You cannot show the key template to strangers. It should be stored separately from the seal.

Identification by chemical tags. The seal impression with chemical marks is unremarkable. It is impossible to suspect from the imprint that the seal of the user organization was made with a certain secret. The organization that uses the seal can easily distinguish an original print from a fake by illuminating it with an ultraviolet lamp. Multi-colored marks invisible in ordinary light appear on the print.

The colored marks are camouflaged to look like regular stamp ink. In daylight, they have the color of ordinary stamp ink and do not stand out in any way on the seal impression.

When creating such seals, special stamp inks(this method can be used to protect the details of documents on paper). Tags made by chemical means are visible in the light of an ultraviolet lamp with a wavelength of 365 nm (used in currency detectors) or 254 nm (special purpose lamps).

Ink pads used in seals with chemical marks undergo special processing. Printing can be upgraded to allow the use of several types of marks on one print. This significantly increases the level of seal protection against counterfeiting.

It is important to choose the right type of chemical tags. Fluorescent tags, invisible in daylight, have the following properties:

    The mark becomes visible when illuminated with ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 365 nm, the colors of the glow are blue, green, red;

    The mark is not visible when illuminated with an ultraviolet lamp with a wavelength of 365 nm, but becomes visible when illuminated with ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 254 nm, the glow colors are green or red;

    The mark is not visible in daylight; when illumination with ultraviolet light changes from one wavelength to light of another wavelength, the color of the glow changes.

There are stamp marks with hidden fluorescence. The original print is black. It does not fluoresce when illuminated with ultraviolet light of any wavelength. But, if moistened filter paper (a secret of the company that produces such inks and filters) is applied to the print impression, green fluorescence appears on it. The print itself does not change its properties and can be tested in this way up to 5 times.

Identification by hidden image. This method provides the highest level of seal protection against counterfeiting. The manufacturing organization, together with the printing cliché, produces a key template. The seal and the pattern fit together like a lock and a key. Control of a dubious print imprint is carried out by applying a key template to it (the key template can be a polymer piece of tape made using laser technology). An image will appear on the impression of a genuine seal that cannot be seen without this key.

Although the impression of a counterfeit seal will resemble the original in appearance, it does not contain a hidden image.

Looking at the print of the seal, an uninitiated observer will not detect either the fact of the presence of a hidden image, or its location, or its appearance. The parameters of the printing key will also remain secret.

Several images can be hidden in one place, each of which requires an individual key, which makes the task of making a fake seal insoluble.

You cannot show the template (key) to strangers. The template should be stored separately from the print.


    Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 70

    Federal Constitutional Law of December 25, 2000 No. 2-FKZ "On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation"

    Law of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education” (as of January 13, 1996)

    Regulations on the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, approved. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1993 No. 2050

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 1995 No. 1268 “On streamlining the production, use, storage and destruction of seals and forms with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation”

    GOST R 6.30-97 "USD. USORD. Basic requirements for document preparation"

    Moscow City Charter, approved. Moscow City Duma 06/28/95 (as of 07/12/2000)

    Law of the city of Moscow dated 01.02.95 No. 4-12 “On the coat of arms and flag of the city of Moscow”

    Order of the Moscow Mayor dated January 27, 1994 No. 39-RM “On seals, document forms and signs of Moscow executive authorities”

    Order of the Mayor of Moscow dated November 26, 1997 No. 924-RM “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for using images of the coat of arms and flag of the city of Moscow by legal entities and individuals for commercial purposes”

    Order of the Mayor of Moscow dated April 17, 1998 No. 392-RM “On the use of the image of the coat of arms of the city of Moscow, the names “Moscow Government”, “Moscow City Hall”, “Moscow” on document forms, seals, stamps, certificates and signs of executive authorities and organizations of the city subordination"

    Order of the Mayor of Moscow dated August 25, 1998 No. 843-RM “On the creation of a city register of stamps in the Moscow Registration Chamber”

    Instructions for MCI branches on the procedure for approving sketches of seals and stamps, approved. by order of the Moscow Registration Chamber dated January 20, 1999 No. 17