What is naming in simple words. What is naming? Errors when drawing up TM

Why is naming needed?

Any company or store needs a name. And not just a name, but one so that it is not confused with hundreds of other similar establishments located in the same city or neighboring regions.

Those. The naming name is needed not only for enterprises and retail outlets, but also for new products on the market.

The name must be original, but at the same time not divorced from the specifics of the product. The name should be “speaking”. So that a person sees the name and immediately understands what it’s about.

So, the name is the main component of the company’s brand.

Despite its apparent simplicity, choosing a suitable name is not so easy.
The name doesn't have to be complicated. Long or compound names are difficult to remember. Therefore, experts advise limiting yourself to one or two words in the brand name.

The name should not be made exotic and incomprehensible. After all, a brand name should evoke certain emotions. This means being close and dear to those people among whom you are going to conduct your business.
To engage in naming professionally, you need to have not only a clear head and excellent imagination, but also certain knowledge in the field of PR.
If you are going to promote your product in a foreign country, you should immediately choose a name for it so that it does not cause bad associations in the language of a certain area.

Many people know the Chinese “Doshirak”, which had to be specially renamed for Russian consumers. Initially the brand sounded like “Dosirak”.

So the name should:

  • Be clear, harmonious and memorable.
  • Create positive associations. This way you can immediately attract potential customers to the company or product.
  • Match your target audience, company image and corporate style.
  • Work for results and lead your company to success.

It’s our job to come up with such a name.

How do we choose a name?

First, we will have to find out what names your competitors already have among their companies or products. Check whether the desired name option will overlap with an existing and registered name in another field of activity. This research is a large and painstaking work.

Then we will develop and offer you a choice of several options for the most successful and sonorous names. We will check names for absence of negative associations when translating into foreign languages and we will analyze their euphony for native speakers of the country where you plan to develop your business.

What's happened

Services for developing the name of a company, enterprise, trademark, their products, activities and other things are called naming (Naming, from the English “to name” - to give a name). Naming is a process that includes a set of works aimed at creating memorable, sonorous and accurate names. It is accompanied by checking the uniqueness of names in databases of patented trademarks, and testing among consumers, which increases the chances of brand success and achieves higher returns. It is recommended to complete the naming process by registering the name (trademark) in order to protect its rights.

Naming stages

Searching, selecting and approving a successful name involves several working steps:

  • Analysis. When starting to develop a name, it is necessary to prepare “basic” information: collect information about the company’s activities or the product for which the name is being selected, identify the specifics, main differences and competitive advantages; analyze the characteristics of the target audience; evaluate the names of competitors.
  • Definition of criteria. Based on the analysis data, positioning and efficiency criteria are specified, a framework is established, and a direction is chosen.
  • Generate many options. A selection of options is carried out that meet the naming rules and established criteria.
  • Selection of main options. The selected list of titles is sorted according to topics and relevance, leaving the most suitable ones.
  • Testing. It is important to take into account all the nuances of the name, from ease of pronunciation to correct transmission by voice mail (telephone), etc. Testing of selected options includes: linguistic analysis; checking linguistic, cultural, religious and other associations; checking for the presence of similar and identical names among other registered trademarks; taking into account public opinion, etc.
  • Final selection and full due diligence. The selected name undergoes legal verification for suitability established requirements regulatory authorities within the country, and, if necessary, international ones.

Naming rules

the main task naming consists of developing and selecting a liquid name.

To do this, you must remember the following rules:

  • Brevity. Often long and complex names in everyday use are being reduced. It is important to provide an abbreviation option or develop a short name.
  • Capacity and accuracy. The name must have a logical connection with the company and its activities, and create a positive image.
  • Meaning. Any agency performing

Greetings, friends! Today I’ll tell you what naming is, how to come up with a name for a new phenomenon, and whether it’s possible to make money from it as a freelancer.

Have you decided that the kicks are pointed and the boubas are rounded?

That's what I decided too. But could you explain why you decided this? Most likely not, right? Most people just feel it's the right thing to do. But if your decision was random and unreasonable, then why do 95% of respondents make the same choice?

More importantly, why do certain names for certain products “feel” the most correct?
How to create a name, for a product or company, so that it is the most appropriate?

There is a whole science called naming. This is a professional name development. Creating an original name for a product or service that allows you to highlight the advantages and benefits of its use.

What do you call the ship?

As a rule, naming is carried out by specialized agencies, and the cost of their services is impressive. The cost of developing a simple name can vary from 5 thousand rubles to infinity. It all depends on the level of the agency and the scale of development.

But why would anyone pay huge amounts of money? Why not just sit in the kitchen in the evening with your family and come up with a name for your new company?

You can try your hand at special naming exchanges, where entrepreneurs order names for their companies, products or events. You will find links to these exchanges.

Love for your business, gaining experience and studying books on naming will help you quickly grow from a beginner to a professional. At the same time, the prices for your services will also increase, so working on the Internet will bring you a stable high income.

What's in a name

A good name in itself is just a bunch of words and certainly not a guarantee of success. But, if a sonorous name is given to a quality product from a conscientious manufacturer, and if it is part of a well-thought-out marketing strategy, then such a cocktail can explode the market and attract a large audience of consumers.

Have you ever had to name new products or events? Share your experience in the comments, maybe your advice will help someone now.

In every project important place allocated to branding - creating the image of the project. Before the ship sails, you need to come up with a name [naming], you need to choose the right course [positioning], and you need insignia [ form style], so that he does not get lost in the ocean among thousands of other ships.

And today I will tell you how to develop a decent name in the field without involving agencies and freelancers. The name development process takes place in four stages. The guide is suitable for any naming task, be it developing a slogan, the name of a new brand or domain. So, this mysterious naming...

Stage I. Preparation

To come up with a good name, you don’t need to go to a fortune teller, howl at the moon or swallow painkillers, just ask yourself a few right questions...

1. Which project requires a name? What exactly is the task? [The thorny path to a clear technical specification for oneself begins from the beginning];

2. What do we want to highlight first? [You need to start from something];

3. Who is our target audience? [Approach, first of all, approach];

4. How to submit? [Cm. point No. 3];

5. Who are our competitors? [A lot has been invented, you can find a landmark and shoot];

6. Language [Sprechen si doitch? Excuse me, what the hell?];

7. Letters, syllables, length [Basic metrics before the direct generation of ideas];

8. Style [Guessed it? See point #3. Because it all comes down to sales. And sales - these are people. And people need to please you. Therefore, the third point, paradoxically, is the most important];

8. Features [Originality is everything, but again, see point No. 3];

9. Additional creativity [What else, besides the name, do we need now? If it’s a slogan, we go through the questions again and write down the answers in another column. It’s easier with a domain - the verification takes place after the name is generated. The positioning itself should be built around issues related to the target audience. As a rule, there are no problems with this];

After the information has been collected and taken into account, you can proceed to the next, most difficult and interesting stage.

Stage II. Generation of ideas

Here are some simple and effective ways create and generate.

1. Combine incompatible things [Online store “Double Bass and Tapestry”];

2. Connect words [“Aviasales”, “Oktogo” and others];

3. Split and distort words [“Houzz” and everything that we like exclusively in spelling and sound];

4. Create neologisms [The history of Google began with an absurd word born in the head of a genius. This is a story about the most incredible naming on the planet, because the name here at the very beginning did not play any role at all, it was just a funny set of letters];

5. Delve into history, mythology, geography [“Arkhyz”, “Panteon” - everything is born like that];

6. Play in the association [Table-tree-bark-beetle-stains-paint-artists-Dali-Picasso-Picasa];

As a rule, six ways are enough to spark ideas and release your inner creator. But if things don't move forward. There's something else.

7. Imagine your name as a house, a geometric shape, a color, a superhero [An easy way to visualize each idea];

If this doesn't help either. Then there is the last option.

8. Imagine wild and fierce Indians from a distant country [Moo, ooh and aah, shout, sing, show confusion in speeches, grimace, listen to sounds and catch successful combinations - you won’t believe where this will lead you. Be careful, you shouldn’t do this in the office, so as not to end up in you-know-where! If it doesn't work, at least have fun];

Some useful services to help:

Matrix of ideas from Artemy Lebedev Studio: https://www.artlebedev.ru/tools/matrix/

Dictionary of associations: http://slovesa.ru

Stage III. Examination

At the very least, we have scraped together a couple of successful names, it’s time to check if they are busy.

* First of all, it’s worth carrying out a simple check from Google. As a rule, 50% of successful names disappear here. If the top requests for your name are empty, we move on to professional checks.

*If we are going to register trademark, we check the name and .

* If we want to make sure that the name legal entity freely according to the tax base, we check.

* You can check [and, if necessary, immediately register] the domain on this website. Attention! Before registering a domain, it is important to check its age and merging to ensure that it is new and ok to work with.

Stage IV. Copyright registration

As soon as the most enduring name has passed all the checks, it has been in the sun for more than one day, and you remain 100% confident in it [otherwise you will have to go through all the stages again, with more honest and serious answers], we proceed to registering the rights to Name.

Don't want to do naming yourself? You can order the development of a name or slogan

Naming (“name” - English “name”) is the process of creating names for projects (companies, brands, websites, trademarks, etc.).
Accordingly, namers are specialists or companies that create “names”.
Naming is the first step towards forming a successful brand. Depending on the name of the as yet non-existent project, its recognition, demand and consumer trust will be achieved.
The brand name contributes to its development and popularization. That is why the “big name” of a brand has turned from identification into a material resource. If we're talking about about market relations, then the “name” of a non-living subject (that is, not individual) can be sold along with the established customer base and reputation or “rented out” (franchising).
As a result, the seller, the founder of the name, receives additional income, and the buyer is a well-promoted working project in which there is no need to invest in advertising.
It has been proven that in 90 cases out of a hundred, the consumer chooses this or that product, or turns to this or that company only because the name inspires confidence in him.
The name is what people pay attention to first. And only after that they decide whether to get acquainted with this phenomenon further (read information on the website, look at the product catalog, read the ingredients and description of the product), or pass by.

What is competent naming?

The “correct” name must meet the following criteria:
1) A bright, adequate, logical, verbal embodiment of the idea embedded in the product, fully reflecting its essence.
2) The name must have a connection with the product or field of activity of the company.
3) Euphony, memorability, ease of pronunciation and writing are essential criteria.
4) The name is completely unique, has no analogues in the country. The uniqueness of the name is checked using special databases.

From the history of the issue

Naming is not a new phenomenon. At all times, people named something - a boat, a store, a tavern, etc. Most often, things were called by their proper names, they were designated by simple synonyms (for example, “Sugar” candies) or named after their owners, founders, streets or cities where they were located.
Naming at a professional level, when creating a name is no longer enough own ideas and resources, therefore turning to specialized companies for help, arose relatively recently. For example, in Russia this phenomenon is not yet 10 years old.
The reason for naming to reach a professional level is competition in the market and an oversupply of manufactured products.

Why is naming needed?

For products, brands, trademarks, resources and services, naming helps to stand out from the crowd of analogues.
You also cannot do without a unique name if you need to patent a product, register a trademark or protect copyright.
For companies, naming requirements are dictated by law. It is prohibited to register a company if its name is the same as the name of any other registered legal entity in the country.
Most businesses find a way out of this situation by “twisting” or distorting names, adding unnecessary symbols or numbers to them. For example, it is not prohibited to call the hairdressing salon “Svetlana-18” (because in different regions of Russia there are 17 more enterprises of various forms of ownership under the guise of “Svetlana”, not necessarily hairdressing salons), but in order to arouse the interest of the client, such a company will have to prove its competitiveness "in practice".
Naming is an extremely difficult job, requiring the author to be creative, extraordinary, analytical thinking, with the help of which the entire essence and idea of ​​the project can be conveyed in one or two words.