​What useful things can you give to people? Buddha is nobody

You may be one of those who has the ability to claircognize:

1) You can easily distinguish reliable people from those who cannot be trusted.

2) People always turn to you for help when they have problems.

3) You instantly generate ideas and are sure to share them with others.

4) You often interrupt people when these ideas pop into your head, and you can't do anything about it because you're too excited.

5) You spend a lot of time thinking and writing about things. Many composers and writers are claircognizant without even realizing it.

6) You always find lost items and other people constantly ask you for it.

7) You have an innate ability to recognize bad ideas, even if everyone around them considers them good.

8) You know facts about events that have not yet occurred.

9) You find answers to any questions.

10) When you try something new for the first time, you always have a clear picture of the process from start to finish.

11) Your left hemisphere of the brain is better developed, which means you are logical and organized person.

13) You never stop learning and often start a new course to gain knowledge.
14) The decisions you make at the last minute always turn out to be the right ones and can sometimes help you get out of trouble. dangerous situation.

15) You feel a strong desire to visit certain places, and when you do, something good always happens.

16) You are surrounded by coincidences.

How do you know if you are claircognizant?

If you have ever felt like information suddenly pops into your head out of nowhere and you receive instruction or knowledge that your heart accepts as true, then you may be a claircognizant.

If you feel like you can somehow “download” information from an unknown source whenever you want, and you get insight in everyday situations, then this is another sign.

The difference between clairvoyance and clairvoyance is that while a clairvoyant sees things, a clairvoyant knows them. He does not feel things, does not hear or see, he simply knows them in advance.

What if you are a claircognizant?

If you think you are a claircognizant, then you most likely have a wealth of knowledge and the ability to think sharply. To enhance it, you must be aware of each time you “receive” information, relax and allow it to come to mind.

It is very important to pay attention to your body and listen to what it is asking for so that you can move to the next level. Also pay attention to coincidences, as they can be signs of claircognizance.

If you believe that you are claircognizant, then allow your mind to go blank and simply observe what is happening. If you suddenly have an idea, pay attention to it; it may turn out to be important. For this reason, claircognizant people have a good understanding of complex or abstract concepts and tend to be analytical.

A claircognizant is a person who constantly thinks about something, who wants to learn and absorbs information all the time. If you recognize yourself in this, then you should sharpen your skills and improve your ability to intuitively know the future.

Many people say they want the best for themselves. Most best girl, the most better job. But the best comes only to the best. Pay attention to yourself and your life, can you say that a girl living her successful life, beautiful and well-groomed will want to be next to you, as you are now?

Only you know the answer

Every person, even without a lot of money, can share. It’s true that a person can share when he has something himself. For example, he has some knowledge and skills. All this needs to be developed and trained. A person can give away his own resources - mood, motivation.

Of course, I do not deny that there are naturally cheerful people. But now there are fewer and fewer of them. Therefore, it is necessary to create a cheerful lifestyle. Nowadays people in society are very bored, television is boring, people around are boring, they need entertainment and if you are such a person, then this is useful for people.

In order not to be a boring person, you need to constantly be interested in new trends, information, read a lot and learn about a certain type of activity.

A rolling stone gathers no moss

Special skills are now highly valued, and it is on the basis of a common cause that friendships and relationships are built. The more skills you have, the more people will want to talk to you. Moreover, it is not slackers who will want to communicate, but quite enterprising people with whom you will be quite interested.

What to do if you don't have it?

The answer is obvious - to develop skills and an interesting lifestyle. If you work and your work does not develop you, then you should devote all your free time to studying or how to make your life more interesting.

Here are some ideas:

  • Sign up for a new sports section.
  • Go to the library and borrow books on topics that interest you.
  • Learn something new (skiing, touch typing, writing articles, etc.).
  • Go to another city and find out how people live there.
  • Go to a place where you have never been before and become your own there.

You can invent such tasks for yourself almost every day! The main thing in all this is that you become the person who can give something to others, whatever it is: mood, motivation, knowledge, skills - share!

There are already a lot of people in society who want everything for themselves, but people are black holes, absolutely empty, boring because they do not produce anything new or interesting. They live a boring, monotonous life, and do not want to become the Reason for Change and the Person of Inspiration!

Try to give to other people and then other people will love you and help you!

At the legendary live training by Itzhak Pintosevich “™” you will receive a sea of ​​positive emotions and motivation! Come and change your life!

Do you want to become more interesting to others and to yourself? Become internally richer? For example, I really want it!
To learn this skill, you just need to turn to professional psychologist who can in simple words talk about the most important and difficult things. We asked Nikolai Ivanovich Kozlov, a practicing psychologist and founder of the Sinton training center, for advice:

We are very different in different situations. One and the same I - now a Child, now a Parent, now a Leader, now a Snot, now a Cynic, now a Fighter for Truth... All these are our faces: our I, our roles, our personalities. Changing themselves, they change us from top to bottom, the structure of our thinking, appearance, behavior.

In this sense, there are many Me. I - consists of many I.

Another issue is that it is not “obvious”. As a rule, a person does not notice the personal changes happening to him. “I” is each time identified with its new state or role, and it seems to the person that he always remains “himself.” The illusion that I am always I is one of the most common and persistent.

If you see a Personality, appropriate it!
How the world is changing! And how I myself am changing!
I am called by only one name, -
In fact, what they call me is
I'm not alone. There are a lot of us. I'm alive.
So that my blood does not have time to cool,
I have died more than once. Oh so many dead bodies
I separated from my own body!

N. Zabolotsky. "Metamorphoses"

You may not like it, but you are what you have learned from others. The more you appropriate someone else’s, the more you have of your own. No one is going to blame you, since you are not taking anything from anyone, and, besides, everyone does this: or rather, it happens to everyone.

All you need to do is take this borrowing process into your own hands. Start doing it yourself.

What to invent? If you see a worthy personality, appropriate it. Play her not only externally, but also internally, “imprinting” her character immediately, entirely. Recreate the essence of this person, his Self, mood, attitude towards the world and himself, his way of life. Think with his thoughts, move with his movements, feel with his feelings. Find a passionate person (or non-categorical, or unselfishly related to the opposite sex, or wise - you know better what you need) - and get used to him. That's all.

Sometimes it will seem to you that the new behavior is not yours, that it is alien to you. That's right, because everything that is not mastered is foreign. And this alien thing seems to you the more distant from you, the less similar it is to yours. It's harder to master - that's true. But what you get used to will become yours and yours.

Of course, everyone is endowed with acting abilities to varying degrees, but referring to nature: “Well, it’s not given!” - hardly correct. Here we must proceed from the fact that every child is a great actor, and you need, rather, not to develop, but to restore your abilities. One way or another, acting training as an aid to personal development is necessary.

Of course it's not the only way expand your self-repertoire. For example, in the center practical psychology“Synton” there is a unique “Synton program”, which has collected all the best over 25 years of work. As part of our trainings, you will not only learn how to communicate effectively, but also master the most important thing - the ability to control yourself. Undoubtedly, these classes will help you significantly expand the images of your Self.

Should there be many good people?

Maintaining too many “I” staff is very responsible and troublesome, so many choose a simpler path: the path of simplifying themselves, the path of narrowing their personal range. In this case, the person does not demand or cuts off unnecessary roles, avoids new ones - and soon becomes simple and whole, like a cast-iron blank. His personality is solid, clearly and rigidly formed, with clear edges.

Another person loves and cultivates his diversity: let all flowers bloom. His personality grows richer, multiplies, it is more and more multifaceted, ideally any one. And any means none, vague, elusively fluid, dissolving in the world, people and situations.

Of course, the body in which we were born and live imposes its own limitations, but more often they simply blame their reluctance and laziness to do anything on genetics. Is not it?

I am a man. But I am a man not because (not only because) I have the appropriate sexual characteristics, but because I am considered a man and I consider myself a man. To put it simply scientific language, I have the appropriate role identification.

Can I feel like a woman? Under hypnosis, I can do it, just like any other person. I will behave, speak, feel, react in accordance with female attitudes, female psychology.

Rarely, people are born who, based on biological characteristics, are difficult to definitely classify as male or female. Or neither this nor that, or both... And it happens that he has a passport for a man, but is not sure that this is correct, and later experts may decide that, after all, he should rather be classified as a woman. He (or rather, she) is changed, his name and passport are changed, and within a month the person is reincarnated. His psychology changes, and he (s) becomes a full-fledged woman.

If biology is not decisive in this matter, then what can we say about smaller features.

Many people talk about temperaments as innate characteristics nervous system: accordingly, about something that cannot be changed. This gives me serious doubts. The most inhibited phlegmatic person in some situations can “break up” so much that he can pass for a sanguine person, or even for a violent choleric person. And the most choleric choleric is sometimes the spitting image of a melancholic. Another thing is that there is a prevailing, typical (habitual, easy for him) temperament. It's like that. But these difficulties are completely surmountable.

My innate temperament is choleric. I always didn’t like it, I dreamed of becoming sanguine. My dissatisfaction with myself in adolescence was such that melancholic traits became predominant in me. It was hard, I began to pull myself out, and gradually from a melancholic person I became a phlegmatic person.

This is still my favorite “ecological niche”. Anything bad - I jump into a cozy phlegmatic person, and everything becomes fine.

Only after a long time has passed and great job Above myself, I created for myself - as predominant - a lively and balanced sanguine temperament.

At one time I became interested in self-regulation and achieved some success, after which I had fun participating in experiments at the Institute of Psychology of the USSR Academy of Sciences. There, with the help of the most advanced techniques and equipment, temperament was determined. And at that time I could already control my EEG and give a wave to both sanguine and phlegmatic people: anyone. So what temperament was measured in me - the one I learned?

Then I realized that there are no biological indicators by which something completely harsh can be said about human psychology - if only because all these indicators can become what I want. And now I have the temperament that I need.

Temperament is the ossification of your personality. I wish you a speedy recovery from it.

You have to become anyone. You must allow yourself to become anyone. You have to believe that this is possible.

You can be anyone. Allow yourself this.

You may be something, but you cannot be the greatest. There will always be someone else somewhere in the world who is greater. But who is this "someone"? You are the measure. You say that this man is great - but by what, by whom do you measure? By yourself.

This spoon is the measure of the ocean. “This man is great,” you say. It is you who say, it is others who say, just like you: “This man is great,” and he becomes great because of you!

No. In this world, no one can be the greatest, no matter who he is, because the ocean cannot be measured with spoons. And all of you are teaspoons measuring the ocean. No, It is Immpossible.

So truly the greatest among you will be no one. What does Chuang Tzu mean when he says, “The greatest man will be a nobody”? This means it will be unmeasurable. You cannot measure it, you cannot label it, you cannot classify it, you cannot say, answer the question: "Who is it?" It simply cannot be measured. It just goes beyond - further, and further, and further... And you can throw away your teaspoon.

Enough for today.


Hui Zi was the prime minister of Liang.

He believed that he had secret information

That Chuang Tzu envies him,

And plots to oust him.

When Chuang Tzu arrived in Liang,

The minister sent servants to seize him,

But, although they searched for three days and three nights,

They couldn't find him.

Meanwhile, Zhuang Zi himself came to Hui Zi

and said:

"A bird lives in the south -

Ageless Phoenix.

Have you heard about this?

"This immortal Phoenix takes to the air in the Southern Ocean

And flies to the Northern Ocean,

Stopping to rest only on plane trees.

He only eats

Rare and exquisite bamboo fruits

And he drinks water only from crystal fresh springs.

"One day some owl

Gutting a stinking dead rat,

She saw a Phoenix flying over her.

"Raising her head and looking around, she hooted threateningly,

And hugged the rat to her

Confused and afraid.


Why are you so furious?

clinging to his ministry

and hooting at me in horror?"


The religious mind is fundamentally unambitious, unpretentious. If there is at least some ambition, at least some ambition, then it is impossible to be religious, because only a person the highest qualities may become religious. Ambition implies inferiority, inferior quality. Try to understand this, for this is one of the basic laws. Without understanding it, you can go to temples, you can go to the Himalayas, you can pray and you can meditate, but it will all be in vain. You will simply be wasting your life if you have not figured out whether the nature of your mind is ambitious or not. Your whole search will be futile because ambition, ambition can never take you to the divine. Only the absence of any ambition can become a door.

Modern psychology also agrees with Zhuang Tzu, with Lao Tzu, with Buddha, with everyone who has learned that inferiority gives rise to ambition, gives rise to ambition. That's why politicians come from the worst part of humanity. All politicians are Shudras, untouchables. It cannot be any other way, as soon as the mind feels an inferiority complex, it tries to become superior - and opposition, contradiction is born. When you feel that you are ugly, you try to look beautiful. If you are beautiful, then there is no need for effort.

Look at ugly women and you will understand the inner nature of a politician. An ugly woman always tries to hide her ugliness, always tries to look beautiful. At least the face, the painted face, the outfits, the jewelry - everything is dedicated to the ugly. Ugliness has to be overcome somehow, and you have to create the opposite in order to hide it, to escape from it. A truly beautiful woman will not worry, she will not even be aware of her beauty. But only unconscious beauty is beautiful. If you become aware, ugliness, ugliness appears.

When you feel inferior, when you compare yourself with others and see that they are superior to you, what will you do? The ego feels damaged - you are inferior. You simply cannot accept it, and you have to deceive yourself and others.

How do you cheat? There are two ways. One is to go crazy. Then you can proclaim that you are Alexander the Great, Hitler, Nixon. Then deception is easy because you don't care what others say or think. Look into a madhouse anywhere in the world and you will find all the great figures of history still living there!

At the time when Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was alive, at least a dozen people in India believed that they were Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. One day he went to a madhouse to inaugurate a new department. And the authorities of this insane asylum arranged it in such a way that he had to release several patients, because now they had become healthy and normal. The first person was brought to him and introduced, and Nehru also introduced himself to the former madman: “I am Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India.”

That madman laughed and replied, “Don’t worry. Stay here for three years and you will become as normal as me. Three years ago, when I first came to this madhouse, I believed that I was Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister -Minister of India. But I was completely cured, so don’t worry.”

Such cases are not uncommon. Lloyd George was the Prime Minister of England. During the war, a curfew and blackout began at six o'clock in the evening, and everyone was forbidden to leave their homes. All traffic stopped, the use of light was prohibited, and everyone had to take shelter somewhere. Lloyd George, walking one evening, completely forgot about it.

Suddenly a siren began to wail. It was six o'clock in the evening and his house was several miles away. So he knocked on the nearest door and said to the man who opened it: “Let me spend the night here, otherwise the police will detain me. I am Lloyd George, the Prime Minister.”

The person who opened it grabbed it and laughed: “Come in. You’ve come to the right place. We already have three Lloyd Georges!” It was a madhouse.

Lloyd George tried to convince the man that he was real. But the orderly was inexorable: “You all say so, so don’t waste time, let’s go inside before I move you.”

And Lloyd George had to remain silent all night, otherwise he really could have been beaten. How could he convince them? There were already three Lloyd Georges, besides him, and they were all trying to prove that they were real.

One way is to go crazy - you suddenly declare that you are superior, the highest. Another way is to get involved in politics. One of two things: either go crazy or get involved in politics. With politics you cannot suddenly proclaim - you need to prove that you are really the prime minister or president. So it's a long detour. Madness is the direct path to importance; politics is a long road. But they achieve the same goal.

And if this world is to become a sane, sane world, then these two types of people need to be healed: the crazy and the politicians. Both are sick. One took a long, roundabout route, the other went straight ahead. And remember well that a madman is less harmful than a politician, because he only proclaims his superiority, he does not bother to prove it; a politician is engaged in what he proves - and proof is always expensive.

What was Hitler trying to prove? That he is the highest, most excellent Aryan. It would be better for the world if he went crazy, took the shortcut; then there would not have been a second world war.

Politicians are much more dangerous because they are crazy with evidence. They are crazy hardworking, active, striving, achieving goals only for the sake of hiding their inferiority and second-rate status. If someone feels inferior, he needs to prove or simply instill in himself the belief that he is complete. You cannot be religious if you are mad. Not as mad as St. Francis is mad - that madness comes from ecstasy, this madness comes from inferiority. The madness of Saint Francis or Zhuang Tzu comes from the highest, is born from the heart, comes from the true, primary source. And this other madness comes from the ego. The soul is always the highest, and the ego is always the lowest, inferior.

By body I mean that part of your soul that is always in connection with your being. You begin to feel sad when there is some reason for sadness, or you feel content when there is some reason to be happy, but you never feel yourself without anything else. This feeling, this state when there is nothing, but you exist (fully alive, fully conscious) - this is the soul.

But this is an approximate definition. It only indicates, it does not define. It just shows. Much has been said, but this is just a finger pointing to the moon. The finger is not the Moon, it is only a pointer. Forget about the finger and look only at the moon. But these are all definitions.

Are you asking if the soul is individual? This is a meaningless question, but it seems reasonable to us. It's the kind of question a blind person would ask.

A blind man walks with his stick. He can't walk without her. With it he searches and gropes for things in the dark. If we propose to operate on his eyes, to cure them so that he can see, the blind man may ask a very reasonable question for him: “When my eyes are healthy, will I also be able to feel the darkness with my stick?”

If we answer: “You won't need your stick,” he won't be able to believe it. He will say: “I cannot exist without my stick, I cannot live without it. What you are saying is unacceptable, I cannot imagine it. Without my stick I am not. So tell me what will happen to my stick ?"

Indeed, this individuality is a stick for the blind. You feel the darkness with your ego because you have no soul. This ego, this I, is just a feeling because you have no eyes. Once you become fully alive, the ego simply disappears. It was part of your blindness, part of your inanimateness or partial inanimateness, part of your unconsciousness, part of your ignorance. It just disappears.

It is not a matter of whether you are individual or not individual. Neither one nor the other is relevant. Individuality has nothing to do with the soul, but you go on asking questions because the source of questions remains the same.

When Mulinkyaputta first came to the Buddha, he asked many questions. The Buddha asked, "Are you asking to solve these questions, or are you asking just to get answers?"

Mulinkyaputta said, "I have come to ask you, and you are starting to ask me. Let me think. I have to think about it." He thought it over and the next day said: “I have come to resolve them.”

Buddha asked, “Have you asked these questions to anyone else?”

Mulinkyaputta replied: “I asked everyone, constantly for thirty years.”

The Buddha said, "After asking for thirty years, you must have received many answers. But is any one of them truly the answer?"

Mulinkyaputta said, "No."

Then the Buddha said: “I will not give you answers. After thirty years of questioning, you have collected many answers. I could add more to them, but this will not help. Therefore, I will give you a solution, but not an answer.”

Mulinkyaputta said, "Okay, give me the solution."

But Buddha said: “I cannot give it to you, it must grow in you. So stay with me for a year silently. You cannot ask a single question. Remain silent, be with me - and after a year you can ask. Then I will give your answer."

Shariputra (Buddha's chief disciple) was sitting under a tree nearby. He laughed. Mulinkyaputta asked, "Why is Shariputra laughing? What's so funny?"

Shariputra said, "If you want to ask, ask now. Don't wait until a year has passed. We were fooled - that happened to me too. Because after a year we don't ask any questions. If you remain silent for a year, then the very source of questions disappears. And this man is a deceiver,” said Shariputra, “in a year he will not give you any answers.”

Then the Buddha said, “I will be true to my promise. Shariputra, I have been true to my promise to you. It is not my fault that you do not ask.”

A year passed and Mulinkyaputta remained silent: he meditated silently and became silent externally and internally. He became a quiet backwater, without vibrations, without will. He forgot that a year had passed. The day came when he was supposed to ask his questions, but he himself forgot about it.

The Buddha said, "There was a man here named Mulinkyaputta, where is he? He must ask some questions. A year has passed, this day has come, and he must come to me." There were ten thousand monks there, and everyone was trying to remember who Mulinkyaputta was. Mulinkyaputta also tried to remember where he was?

Buddha remembered him and said: “Why are you looking around? It’s you. And I must fulfill my promise. So ask and I will give you an answer.”

Mulinkyaputta said, "The one who asked died. That's why I looked around, looking for who this man Mulinkyaputta is. I also heard this name, but he has been gone for a long time."

The source itself must be transformed, otherwise we will continue to ask. And there are people who will provide you with answers. You are happy asking, they are happy answering, but what is happening is just mutual deception.

Conversation twelve


QUESTION Can LSD be used as an aid in meditation?

ANSWER LSD can be used as an aid, but this aid is very dangerous. It is not that simple. If you are using a mantra, it may be difficult to drop even that, but if you are using acid (LSD), it will be even more difficult to drop it.

Once you take LSD, you have no control over it. Control shifts to chemistry, and you are no longer the boss. And once you have ceased to be the owner, it will be difficult to restore your position. The chemical is no longer a slave, you have become a slave. Now you don't decide what to do. By taking LSD, you have made your master a slave, and now the drug affects your entire body chemistry.

Your body will begin to crave LSD. But now it is not the mind that will crave, as in the case of a mantra; if you use acid for meditation, this thirst will become part of your body. LSD penetrates the very cells of the body. She changes them. Your internal chemical structure becomes different and when all the cells in your body begin to crave LSD, you will find it difficult to put it aside.

You can use acid to introduce yourself into meditation only if your body has been prepared for it. Therefore, if you ask whether it can be used in the West, I will say that it is absolutely not for the West. It is only suitable for the East - only if the body is fully prepared for it. Yogis used it, tantra used it. There are schools of tantra and yoga that use LSD, but they prepare the body first. First there is a long process of cleansing the body. Your body becomes so pure and you gain such power over it that now even chemistry cannot command you. So yoga allows acid, but uses it very specifically.

First, your body must be chemically cleansed. Then you gain such control over it that you can even control your body chemistry. There are, for example, such yogic exercises: although you have taken poison, with special exercises you can order your blood not to mix with it, and the poison will be released through the body in the urine, without penetrating into the blood at all. If you can do this, if you can control the chemistry of your body, then you can use anything because you will remain the master.

In tantra (especially leftist tantra) alcohol is used as an aid in meditation. This seems absurd, but it is not. The seeker takes a certain amount of alcohol and tries to remain alert. Consciousness must remain. Gradually the amount of alcohol increases, but consciousness must remain clear. A person has taken alcohol, the body has absorbed it, but the mind remains above it. Consciousness is not lost. Then the amount of alcohol increases and increases. This is how one reaches a state where one can take any amount of alcohol, and the mind remains sober, capable of attention. Only then can you use LSD.

In the West there is no practice of cleansing the body or enhancing consciousness by changing body chemistry. In the West they take acid without any preparation. Then it won't help. On the contrary, it can lead to complete destruction of the mind.

There are a lot of problems here. Once you've experienced an LSD trip, you've caught a glimpse of something you didn't know before, something you've never experienced. If you start meditating, it is a long process, but LSD is not a process. You have accepted it, the whole process is over. Now the body begins to act. Meditation is a long process, you have to do it for years before the result comes, and once you have tried the short path, it will be difficult for you to follow the long path. The mind will tend to use drugs. So once you get a glimpse through chemistry, it will be difficult to meditate. For meditation you need more gunpowder than faith, more ability to wait, and that will be difficult because now you can compare.

Secondly, any method is bad if you do not maintain control all the time. When meditating, you can stop at any time. If you want to stop, you can stop right now. You can come out of meditation. But the LSD trip cannot be interrupted. By taking LSD you will have to complete the circle; now you are not the master.

Anything that makes you a slave will not ultimately bring spiritual help, because spirituality, in principle, means being the master of yourself, so I do not advise trying shortcuts. I am not against LSD, I can sometimes be for it, but then preliminary preparation is necessary. Then you will remain the master.

But then LSD is not a short cut. It will take even longer than meditation. In hatha yoga, it takes twenty to twenty-five years to prepare the body - then the body is ready. Now you can use any chemical and it will not be destructive to your health. But then the process will be much longer.

Then you can use LSD, then I'm for it. If you are willing to spend twenty years preparing the body to take LSD, then it is not destructive to it, but the same thing can be achieved in two years of meditation. Because the body is rougher, it is more difficult to master. The mind is subtler, so mastering it is easier. The body is further from our being, so there is a big gap. For the mind this gap is smaller.

In India, the original method of preparing the body for meditation was Hatha Yoga. It took so much time to prepare the body that sometimes Hatha Yoga had to invent methods to prolong life so that Hatha Yoga could be completed. It was such a long process that sixty years might not be enough, seventy years might not be enough. And that's the problem. If mastery of the body is not achieved in this life, then in the next life you will have to start all over again because you have a new body. All efforts will be in vain. IN next years In life you will not acquire a new mind, the old mind remains, so that everything that you achieve with the mind will remain with you, but what you achieve with the body is lost with every death. So Hatha Yoga had to invent methods to prolong life to two hundred to three hundred years in order to achieve mastery of the body.

If you have achieved mastery of the mind, you can change the body, but preparing the body remains only preparing the body. Hatha Yoga invented many means so that the process could be completed, but then more were invented best methods direct control over the mind (raja yoga). The body can be of some help in applying these methods, but there is no need to pay too much attention to it. Therefore, hatha yoga practitioners say that LSD can be used, but raja yoga cannot claim the usefulness of LSD because in raja yoga there are no methods of preparing the body. It uses direct meditation.

Sometimes it happens (only sometimes, rarely) that you catch a glimpse through LSD and do not become committed to it, and this glimpse can create in you a thirst for further searches. So it's good to try it, but it's hard to know where to stop and how to stop. The first trip is good, making it once is useful. You realize that there is another world and thanks to this you begin to search, the search begins - but then it becomes difficult to stop. That's the problem. If you can stop, then taking LSD once is helpful. But this "if" is very important.

Mulla Nasrudin said that he never drank more than one glass of wine. Many of his friends began to object because they saw him drinking glass after glass. He replied: "The second glass drinks the first glass. I drink only one. The second glass is drunk by the first glass, and the third is drunk by the second. Then I am no longer the master. I am the master only of the first, so how can I say that I drink more, than one glass? I drink only one glass, always only one! You are the master over the first, but no longer over the second. The first one will want to drink the second one and this will go on and on. It's no longer in your hands.

Starting something is easy because you are the master, but finishing it is difficult because you are no longer the master. So I'm not against LSD... and if I'm against it now, it's not unconditional. The condition is this: if you can remain the master, then everything is fine. Use whatever you want, but remain the master. And if you cannot remain the master, then do not take the dangerous path at all. Don't join at all. It will be better this way.

Conversation thirteen