What you need to know to help people. I want to help people in need: our good deeds. Disabled and crippled people who demonstrate their “defects”

What to do if you want to help another person, but:

  • You are far away
  • Not enough time, no way to be around
  • He doesn't want to accept help

It's no secret that the life of our loved ones is not always beautiful and cloudless. There are also difficult situations. At such moments, very often a person needs help, support or the feeling that someone is nearby, that at least someone in this world cares. For example, you know that a person important to you has a difficult day tomorrow: an interview, an exam, difficult negotiations, and it definitely wouldn’t hurt him to feel supported. But being close to him won't work. Maybe because of the distance, or maybe because of social norms. It is unlikely that anyone will appreciate it if a man comes to a job interview with his wife as support. Or a friend was fired from work, she broke up with her loved one, she feels very bad. You don't always have the opportunity to sit next to them and hold their hand. But I want and need to support and help. Or if your loved one is in prolonged depression, then this technique is almost the only way help him. It happens that a loved one needs support when he is very far from you. This technique works great in all of these cases.

Who can be helped with this technique?

Of course, to your loved ones - children, loved ones, friends. And you can help complete strangers.

The beauty of this technique is that it is not necessary to ask the recipient. If this does not suit a person, his energy simply will not accept your support.

How will this help the person you are making the technique for?

  • Your mood will improve
  • There will be more energy
  • Faith in yourself and the world will return
  • There will be a feeling of support
  • The person will feel and remember that he is not alone
  • Possible healing effect

Thanks to your help, the recipient will have the strength to do something, to somehow change their situation. A person will be able to overcome difficult life circumstances more easily.


You should not do this technique if you are expecting applause, gratitude or something in exchange, if you think that you need such a package more, if you are not ready to share.

How to do the technique


The resource contains a lot of energy, great mood, a state of harmony.

You feel that you are part of the world, and the world is part of you.

What to do

  1. Make an ATS. This is highly desirable, but not required.
  2. Close your eyes. You can do the technique with your eyes open, but at first it is better to do it with your eyes closed.
  3. If you know a person, then create an image of him in your mind's eye.
  4. Go through this image and reach out to the person.
  5. Wait until you feel connected. Maybe pictures will come of this person, maybe there will be a feeling of warmth, a feeling of contact.
  6. Create the positive energy you want to send to the person. It can be in the form of a ball, in the form of a figurine, an image. It's different for everyone. You can put in the message the energy of love, joy, the thought that everything will be fine, just support, strength, a feeling of harmony, the thought that after dark times bright ones will surely come, that a person is not alone, that the support of the World is always with him, even if he doesn't remember this.
  7. Send the generated energy object via the communication channel. IMPORTANT! There is no need to watch how a person receives it, how he feels, there is no need to pull this object towards the recipient. This is the state when you dropped a letter into the mailbox. The postman himself will deliver the letter to the addressee. Fortunately, this mail works without problems.

If you are not familiar with the person, then just look at something associated with him. In our case, I give the person’s story in his own words, his experiences and his situation. This is enough to reach this person. But I'm leaving an additional hint. It's easier. During the technique, remember his words, his situation. Reach out to the person through it.

Errors. What not to do

  • Fear that you chose the wrong person, contacted the wrong person
  • Check if you received
  • Worry that they could cause harm
  • Expect something in return

By the way, about getting something in return. Believe me, you will definitely be rewarded. The world always maintains balance. Just don’t wait for this and present the bill to the World: “I helped two people, but where is the help for me,” or “well, I wanted a car, not a new acquaintance”...

Danger to you

There is only danger if you yourself have little energy. There is no need to de-energize yourself and give away your last. This will not benefit either you or the recipient.

You should not be afraid that you will “get involved” with this person energetically. To prevent this from happening, it is enough not to track your gift. To create a strong energy channel, considerable effort is needed. In the technique I gave, you don't do even 3% of this effort.

You should not be afraid that in response to this connection you will receive negativity from a person. To get negative energy out of a person, you still have to try. Those who have ever made castings or transfer techniques know this very well.

Is it possible to cause harm using this technique?

The beauty is that if a person is not in serious physical condition, then it is impossible to harm. You are not forcing your gift. And, if your support is friendly and useful to a person, he will accept it; if not, then his energy body will not allow energy that is not useful to him to pass through.

You should be careful with this technique if your loved one is undergoing surgery, or during an exacerbation of a chronic illness. At this moment, his natural energy protection may be damaged. And here you can accidentally cause harm.

What to do if it doesn't work out

If you feel that the technique did not work out, you can repeat it immediately or after a while. Just check that you are still in the resource.

Living in society, we sometimes encounter people who find themselves in difficult life situations. But we don’t always think that maybe our word or action can help a person or even save his life. Some people say: “I want to help people,” but don’t know where to start. In this article, we will tell those who wish how to be useful to others, how to take the path of charity and help.

Each of us, even having small amounts of money in our accounts, has every opportunity to help someone, to make someone’s life better, for this it is enough to have a large and kind heart. For example, even people who beg near crossings or in transport need our help, although they are dependent on a large “beggarly” business where considerable sums of money are circulating. Help everyone in the world, direct your help to where it is needed. The main thing is to act!

How to help people?

I want to help people - that’s your main desire. If you're wondering where to start, you can try becoming a volunteer at a popular foundation. People are often needed there to help on a voluntary basis, for example in a nursing home. Your money is not needed here, the main thing is a sincere desire to help. Most old people who end up in such a home are sometimes forgotten by their children and simply need compassion and understanding. They will be pleased if a person appears who will be sincere with them, who will be ready to listen: after all, they have so many stories accumulated over their lives. Becoming a friend to an older person can help them feel connected. modern society, defeat loneliness and enrich yourself.

Another place that needs your help is a children's boarding school. Often we don’t think about the fate of things that have gone out of fashion or are no longer our size; we simply take them to the warehouse and put them in the closet. But there are places where every thing will find its owner, such a place is a boarding school. Children left without parental care often need not only human warmth, but also warm clothes. Being entirely supported by the state, institutions for orphans sometimes experience a shortage of quality things. So just take the things in the closet to Orphanage. This will make some little boy or girl's day enjoyable. You can help boarding schools not only with things: you can donate money, things, medicine, and finally, your own participation and labor. First, contact the manager to find out what exactly the students need.

Become a full member of a charitable foundation. You will be able to see how all the work is built, you will become an important part of this whole thing. As a rule, such organizations themselves purchase necessary materials and items from trusted suppliers. The range of possibilities is unlimited! Your possible task ranges from finance and pedagogy to construction and renovation. If you are still a schoolchild or student: play with children or improve the territory. All this is possible in orphanages or nursing homes.

Where they are waiting for your help

So where to start? If geographic or time circumstances do not allow direct contact with a nursing home or an orphanage, there is another place: a church where a priest can talk about those in need in his parish. Moreover, today many churches take charitable organizations and boarding schools under their wing. Even just bringing the necessary things to church, you can help.

Remember that material wealth or wealth doesn’t always decide everything. cash. Sometimes other people simply find themselves in difficult life situations from which they feel it is difficult to get out. Such people will benefit if you meet them on their path, just listen, show them that they are not alone. Feel free to take responsibility: start volunteering. Get special training and training, because the most important thing in this profession is to do no harm. However, a person can be greatly helped by a simple conversation.

Help starts with intention

The emerging desire to help is already part of the matter, but you should quickly move on. It is very important to turn this intention into action. To simply help people, it is better to start by simply talking to them to find out their concerns. Perhaps you have a veteran living in your home who doesn't have children or needs help getting to the store? And if he needs legal assistance, and you are a lawyer by training, bring your professional qualifications to solve his problems. This will also benefit you: having gained popularity among the residents of the house and district, you can become a deputy. And it is easier to protect those in need with a deputy mandate than without any powers.

You can also simply share your life experience with young people, feeling the sincerity in your words; surely some of them will decide to avoid the “slippery slope.”

Opportunity to save someone's life

Unfortunately, life can be harsh and sometimes tragic events happen. Then your help as a donor of blood, bone marrow and skin will be in demand. Being a donor is an honorable duty for which the state sometimes pays a pension. Blood plasma can save a person who has been in an accident. Isn't it wonderful to save someone's life? Without any cash investment or anything else material costs You will provide a person with the most important service in the Universe!

Socially active life

Help can be completely different. Some help with money, some with things, some donate blood, and some become an agitator for a healthy and moral lifestyle, attracting new people to the side of good. Nowadays, when the Internet is so widespread, you can organize a charity website and help people on the forum. You can highlight the problems of people in social communities, and also involve others in solving social problems.

You can help seriously ill people, organize charity events to raise funds for expensive treatment and operations. For example, today charity auctions are popular on the Internet to collectively raise funds for surgery for sick children. To overcome diseases, the treatment of which requires large amounts of money, sometimes hundreds of thousands of rubles, and without us such children are doomed to death. You can, if not pay for the operation in full, still make your contribution to saving the child’s life. On such sites you can go on a date with another person, paying for it money that will go towards the operation of children. Your money will end up in the patient’s accounts and go to a charity fund for helping abandoned animals or orphans.


Even if a person does something selflessly, he expects gratitude from the people he helped, and this is quite normal. We are members of the human community; a benefactor can and has the right to count on respect and honor among other people. Any altruist helps society because he wants the good of human civilization as a whole. The survival instinct of the entire team is sometimes stronger than a person’s personal survival.

Therefore, do not expect that everyone will thank you; it is quite possible that the one you helped does not yet know how to speak. Don't expect to get any benefit. Helping other people is already helping yourself. Because it improves our mood and self-esteem. We feel like heroes. Isn't this wonderful? Helping people is a way to find good friends and your “only life partner,” because volunteers and philanthropists usually have high moral qualities and other positive personality traits.

Today, the topics of volunteering and charity do not leave the pages and screens: new information constantly appears about how and which successful and famous people help the needy and sick. It is not surprising that more and more young and energetic guys are becoming interested in volunteer movements. However, not everything goes smoothly for everyone. Some people are lucky and, on a whim, find their calling and feel happiness from helping people. Some people, and there are many such people, on the contrary, after the first day they turn around and run away from the pain and problems they face. And, unfortunately, they are unlikely to return to charity. It’s a pity, because by giving themselves a little more time, understanding the essence of charity and the purpose of volunteering, they could, as a result, get big changes in their lives. own life: from fears and phobias to love and joy.

What is the essence and meaning of charity and volunteering?
What to do and where to go to start helping people? Where to start your journey as a volunteer?
Who are the people who enjoy volunteering and doing charity work?
What will it give me if I become a volunteer and help people?

"I want to help people! Where to start?" - people often turn to Google and Yandex with this question. Search engines quickly rustle and respond with a list of volunteer centers and charitable foundations, where any help will always be welcome. Today there are so many types and formats of how to help people that it seems that each of us can choose a business to our liking.

However, when they begin to understand the issue and find out what exactly is required of a volunteer, many people are sincerely frightened. And this is not surprising: it is difficult for a person who is not morally prepared to care for a terminally ill old woman or child, and to see the suffering of an innocent person. We dislike odors that usually come from old, infirm people. Often, even the very thought of being near a person with the last stage of cancer or cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis or blindness terrifies us. It seems like I won't be able to bear it.

It is not surprising that often the internal message to help people, which arose from the best intentions, quickly fades away. And the first experience ends in disappointment with volunteering or charity, the very essence of which is offset by an unpleasant, painful feeling.

But if everything were really that bad, would there really be people who would be happy to do this?

So what is the mystery of volunteering and charity? Why is helping other people the key to feeling joy for some, but not for others? Why can’t everyone experience the joyful sensations of participating in the volunteer movement?

Why do people volunteer?

The psychological reasons for the emergence of volunteering and charity lie in the “visual measure”, which makes a person compassionate, capable of feeling the grief of others as his own.

Approximately 5% of people have a visual vector - they are the ones who possess the ideas of humanism, love for one’s neighbor, free help the needy and the sick. Developed and realized, such people are capable of attracting the whole society by their example, their dedication, and participating in charity in one way or another.

Another common mistake people make is the misconception about the direct benefits of charity. It seems to us that by helping people, we can receive a “reward” from nature for this, as a “plus to karma.” Many people take this as literally as possible. For example, young women who cannot get pregnant volunteer to help sick or abandoned children in the hope that they will be able to conceive their own child. Some philanthropists who share their hand-me-downs with the poor feel it is an investment - they are waiting for a return in abundance, which will suddenly fall on them from heaven in gratitude for what they have done. As a result of such intentions, as a rule, everything ends sadly - no benefits come to life. People get disappointed and quickly give up charity and volunteering as something that, in their opinion, does not work.

This, of course, is not about volunteering. Simply, actions performed for the sake of direct benefit are absolutely neither volunteering nor charity, but only an act of selfishness. Giving others what I do not need, or for which I want to receive a reward, is not charity.

Real help to people is a selfless action. Such charity always gives its return in a feeling of happiness, joy, and love for life. This feeling is either born in us or not - and it directly depends on only one thing - on our intention with which we come to volunteering and charity.

I want to help people! Where to begin?

Today it is difficult for an ordinary person to find something he likes. We do not know ourselves, we do not understand our reactions to external factors. Of course, a visual person is recommended to volunteer in any of the types of activities possible today.

How to help people if sometimes you yourself need help? Why is charity associated with material support? When is the time to help another and how to understand it? If you want to learn how to help others, but do it wisely, here you will find your answer. Help is a relationship between people, which is built on trust. How to awaken warmth within yourself and learn gratitude? We offer advice for all occasions.

How to help people or what is humanity?

You walk down the street and see these poor animals looking for food, you look at pensioners who beg for alms and... you pass by. You go online and see a banner asking you to help an orphanage, you go to social media, and there they are looking for volunteers to clean up the forest. How to stop being indifferent and be able to overcome selfishness? The eternal thought that they must work social services, the authorities should help - these are millions of people.

But the truth says: “Help your neighbor, and you will be rewarded twice.” How to help people without looking for excuses with a light heart? Critical situations can happen to anyone, so no one is immune. Children who were brought into orphanhood and old people who live their lives in poverty especially suffer. Everyone needs support and compassion to some extent, but not everyone sees the pain of others.

Help is a voluntary act. Few people will pay attention to the problems environment, if you don't pay attention to it. Few people think about people with disabilities, unless they say so through word of mouth. People always find a way to communicate, adapt, but good deeds no one canceled!

The answer to the question “how to help people?” it is very easy to find - it sleeps within the person himself. The ability to see the truth that was hidden under a mass of negativity and selfishness is simple!

Elementary ways to help your neighbor.

How to help people without leaving home? We can find everything on the Internet, where global life is constantly in full swing. Find out about problems in a neighboring country, read the news of your city, talk to the person who posted the “I need help!” post. It is enough to become interested in the topic and we immediately find hundreds of options to contribute. Why "immediately"? Now everything is freely available, and people are actively disseminating information. Why not teach English in schools for free? What about the idea of ​​participating in landscaping and cleaning parks in your city? A person is able to direct his efforts in a positive direction. The main thing is to want to change the world around you.

Helping others can be anything. An animal protection organization needs food for pets, needs to create a social video, highlight a global problem - such activities stimulate action. Many people don't think about how helping others makes a person happy. Inside he feels needed, gets involved in his work and fills himself with great knowledge.

Do you want to support orphans? You can make them cute cards, buy fruits, sweets and take them to an orphanage. I have a dream to travel, but with meaning - great option take care of elephants, feed turtles in Asian countries, help the deaf and dumb in Europe, etc. Such activities not only stimulate our consciousness, but also include... The possibility of being negative and saying “I have nothing to do, I’m bored” definitely disappears!

How to help people? First of all, pay attention to the circle of close people. Have you managed to move away from your parents, but rarely keep in touch with them? It is worth asking what they need, how they are doing, and giving them care. It is important to sincerely want to contribute to their lives. From the outside it seems that everything is great with friends, but they really have nowhere to turn. Do you have elderly neighbors living nearby? It would be worth buying them groceries and helping them carry their bags to the fifth floor. Words and actions are needed not only by family and friends, but also by complete strangers. It’s easy to give up your seat in a vehicle, move an old lady across the road, or support the door for a loader with goods in his hands.

Every day, each of us can be a superhero who sows the seed of goodness. How to help people? Fill someone's life with meaning, which will make you active. Good deeds are possible wherever we can remember our neighbor. It is important to realize that the present is expressed not only in material values, but also moral qualities.

How to help people?

1. Become a volunteer.

You can help the vulnerable segment of the population anywhere and always. For example, donate blood at transfusion stations and help hospitals in the same way. It is possible to be Santa Claus or Snow Maiden in orphanages and give candy to orphans. Sell ​​products self made, and give the proceeds to public organizations. Volunteering is for those who are willing to donate a little of their time and effort for the benefit of others. Volunteering is an activity that is not associated with self-interest and profit.

2. Make a financial contribution.

Without funding today it is difficult to imagine the construction of rehabilitation centers, animal shelters, and treatment of diseases. Sometimes there may simply not be time for independent help. It is optimal to allocate a certain amount to purchase books, clothes for orphans, purchase food for zoos, and distribute food to the poor in warming centers. Sometimes you can refuse to buy another fashionable item, but think about your neighbor.

In correspondence with a friend, did you notice that she had psychological problems? You can temporarily be a psychologist and try to solve the issue together. Personal knowledge can be life-saving for another. This will not only strengthen your relationship with the person, but also deepen your personal knowledge.

4. Do charity work.

How to help others if you are not interested in global, social problems? Charity is a broader concept than volunteering. It simultaneously covers all areas of life where financing is required. Of course, material support plays a key role here. There are entire charity exchanges where anyone can choose a project and help it.

5. Support the person.

A colleague may have been experiencing difficulties at work for months, a friend may be struggling after a breakup. It’s worth looking around how a strong shoulder, compassion, attention can not only save the “victim” from difficulties, but also give her the desire to live on.

6. Smile.

How can you do nothing but give a person pleasant feelings? It is enough to carry it within yourself, reflecting it in your behavior. There is no need to make a sour face that seems to say “don’t come closer, I have a ton of my own problems.” A slightly perceptible smile, calm movements, friendliness - all this attracts the attention of the gray mass, which needs such an energy recharge.

There is no secret to helping people and being yourself. It's never too late to start good things, and even useful. When you yourself feel lonely, you should look at the problems of others and understand “yes, I’m happy, I have everything.” Reach heights, share your experience and give opportunities to those who need it. Did you like the article? Share it with your friends on social media. networks.

First, think about how specifically you could help. There are many different ways.

Material aid

You can always help with money - for example, transfer a certain amount for the treatment of a sick person or donate to funds that help the homeless. Exist two types of donations- one-time and monthly. One-time means one payment of any selected amount. Monthly is a subscription similar to an auto payment in a bank - every 30 days the amount of money you specify will be debited from your account.

The oldest organization in St. Petersburg, Nochlezhka, helps homeless people return to their former lives. Every person in a difficult situation, by contacting this fund, can count on free consultation, shelter, social assistance, food and laundry. Helping the fund is very simple - just go to the official website and make a donation.

The Alyosha Charitable Foundation for helping seriously ill children has existed since 2008. The name of the organization was chosen for a reason, because in translation from ancient Greek Alexey is “defender” and “man of God.” Donate to medical care children can do it through a bank (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank), by sending an SMS or using a card through the official website.

The Rus Food Fund is engaged in supplying food to socially vulnerable categories of the population. Anyone can help the organization financially through the website.

Help with things

The charitable foundation for the protection of animals “Compassion NN” helps homeless animals find a new family, and also provides them with shelter, veterinary services and food. Helping the fund will not be difficult - just donate food, bowls, leashes or medicine to the animals.


This format of charity is suitable for those who are ready to give part of their time to those in need. “Old Age in Joy” helps older people. The organization’s employees will be grateful to all those who know how to take photographs and can take beautiful memorable photographs of grandparents. The foundation will also welcome hairdressers and stylists - “beauty days” are periodically organized in nursing homes. They are also waiting for those who are ready to simply come visit older people and spend a little time with them, because they so lack communication.

Volunteers of the Vera Hospice Fund are dedicated to helping people with incurable diseases. They care for patients, communicate with them, and organize creative events.

Teachers of creative arts, dancers and choreographers will be interested in the experience of volunteering at the Spirituality Center. The main task of volunteers is to teach people with disabilities how to dance.

The Civic Assistance Committee accepts into its ranks volunteers who are ready to work with migrants and refugees. You will have to (your choice) teach foreigners the Russian language, accompany them to state administrative institutions, work with documents, translate brochures and news into foreign languages, monitor court hearings.

Other ways to help

Children and adults in distress often require blood transfusions. If you do not have hemophobia (fear of blood), are physically healthy and want to help those in need free of charge, donation is just what you need. The Gift of Life Foundation is constantly in need of donors. You can see their nearest blood transfusion stations on the map on the organization’s official website.

To help charitable organization To help World Vita children, simply place a fund sticker on your car. You can apply for a sticker on the website.

The Connection Foundation for the Deafblind has come up with “a way to help without doing anything.” It is enough to order “Simple Good” water with the “Connection” logo on the website prostoedobro.ru, and the brand itself will send the money for it to the organization.

Basic rules of charity

  • Be careful when choosing a fund. Pay attention to the official website, reviews and spending reports over recent years.
  • Be careful when asking for help on social media. Before you send money to someone, make sure that the person is really not a fraud.
  • Check all information several times.