Objectives of business communication - abstract. Goals and values ​​of business communication What goals does business communication pursue?

Business communication is the basis for the successful development of not only the enterprise as a whole, but also the individual. This is an important type of relationship between people, supported by norms and rules.

Communication is divided into:

  • communicative, implying the exchange of information;
  • interactive, consisting in interaction between participants;
  • perceptual, meaning the establishment of a relationship between partners.

All three types are based on a system of ethical values, where the most important criteria are evil, good, good, justice, duty, responsibility, etc. Business relationships should lead to harmonization and coordination of interests.

Objectives of ethics business communication consist in the formation of principles of communication that would be aimed not only at full-fledged and non-conflict interaction between the parties, but also would not contradict the moral behavior of people. The goal is subordinate to a specific production, scientific or commercial task. A the main task of business communication consists of productive cooperation and improving relations with partners, interaction with which is determined by the exchange of information and is of an informational or disciplinary nature, aimed at achieving a joint result.

Such joint activities imply adherence to common goals, motives, and relationships between participants labor process, as well as the distribution of individual functions between them. The basic rule of communication is: “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.” Interaction imposes some specific requirements on participants:

  1. Compliance with social legal norms, instructions, internal regulations, etc.
  2. Compliance with the ethics of business communication in accordance with job roles, rights and responsibilities.
  3. Contact between participants, regardless of likes and dislikes.
  4. Same measurements for all employees.
  5. Written recording of decisions, instructions, orders and their execution to increase the efficiency of interaction.
  6. Encouragement and motivation in achieving the final result without allowing conflict, both intrapersonal and interpersonal. Team compatibility for joint activities
  7. also allows you to solve a wide range of problems.
  8. Criticism of actions, not of people.

The ability and ability to find the right relationship is the art of business communication, which every enterprise that values ​​its reputation strives for. The values ​​of ethical behavior are declining today, which is reflected in the behavior of firms and managers who, violating ethical standards, offer or extort bribes, gifts and other illegal payments. According to statistics, our country lost about 70% of profitable deals due to cultural blindness in the business world, therefore the goals and objectives of business communication also manifest themselves in improving the culture of modern society.

Lecture 3


1.The concept of communication. Communication and communications.

2.Main characteristics of business communication.

3.Communicative culture and communicative professionogram of a modern specialist.

4. Communication styles.

5.Forms of business communication.

1. The existence of many different definitions of the concept of “communication” is primarily associated with different approaches and views on this problem. We will use the following definition.

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified interaction strategy, perception and understanding of another person. In the narrow sense of the word, communication is the interaction of people who have common or complementary interests or needs.

In psychology, communication is defined as the interaction of two or more people, consisting of the exchange of information between them of a cognitive or emotional-evaluative nature, aimed at coordinating and uniting their efforts in order to establish relationships and achieve a common result.

The simplest model of communication can be presented as follows: C1↔C2. Note that both an individual and a group can act as subjects of communication.

Many definitions of communication include:

Communication as a type of independent human activity;

Communication as an attribute of other types of human activity;

Communication as interaction of subjects.

In the special socio-psychological literature there is a view of communication as a communicative activity. Based on the concept of A.N. Leontyev and his analysis of communication as an activity and denoting it as “communicative activity,” we will consider its main structural components: the subject of communication is another person, a communication partner as a subject; the need for communication consists in a person’s desire to know and evaluate other people, and through them and with their help, to self-knowledge, to self-esteem; communicative motives are what communication is undertaken for; actions of communication are units of communicative activity, a holistic act addressed to another person; communication tasks are the goal to achieve which in a specific communicative situation various actions performed in the process of communication are aimed; means of communication are those operations with the help of which communication actions are carried out; product of communication - formations of a material and spiritual nature, created as a result of communication.

Communication as an activity is a system of elementary acts. Each act is defined:

The subject-initiator of communication;

The subject to whom the initiative is addressed;

The norms by which communication is organized;

The goals pursued by the participants in communication;

The situation in which the interaction takes place.

1. Transfer of information from person to person.

2. Communication partners’ perception of each other.

3. Mutual assessment by communication partners of each other.

4. Mutual influence of communication partners on each other.

5. Interaction of partners with each other.

6.Management of group or mass activities, etc.

Communication functions:

The instrumental function characterizes communication as a social mechanism for managing and transmitting information necessary to perform an action.

The integrative function reveals communication as a means of uniting people.

The function of self-expression defines communication as a form of mutual understanding of the psychological context.

Broadcast function-function transfer of specific methods of activity, assessments, etc.

Expressive is a function of mutual understanding of experiences and emotional states.

The function of social control is the regulation of behavior and activities.

The function of socialization is the formation of interaction skills in society in accordance with accepted norms and rules, etc.

Communication goals:

The purpose of communication is outside the interaction of subjects;

The purpose of communication is in itself;

The purpose of communication is to introduce the partner to the experience and values ​​of the initiator of communication;

The purpose of communication is to introduce the initiator himself to the partner’s values;

The purpose of communication is to satisfy the needs of communication partners (for prestige, dominance, security, individuality, patronage, knowledge, beauty, etc.).

Along with the term “communication”, the term “communication” has become widespread. From the linguistic encyclopedic dictionary: Communication - communication, exchange of thoughts, ideas, etc. is a specific form of interaction between people in the process of their cognitive and labor activity. In other words, communication is an information connection between a subject and a particular object. Model: C → O (accept, understand, assimilate, act). Often both these words are used as synonyms.

The communicative side of communication is the exchange of information and its understanding. The means of communication are:

1) verbal (speech)

2) non-verbal (gestures, facial expressions, posture, gaze, etc.)

4) extralinguistic (pauses, laughter, crying, rate of speech)

5) spatiotemporal (distance, time).

2.Business communication takes significant place in the lives of many people. After all, we constantly have to discuss issues related to the organization of production, the life of the workforce, the performance of official and official duties, concluding transactions, contracts, making decisions, preparing documents, etc.

Business communication plays an important role in various types of professional activities and determines their success.

It acquires particular significance for people involved in management. As studies in the field of management show, 80% of the working time of managers at all levels is spent on communication. In this regard, J. Rockefeller’s statement is interesting: “The ability to communicate with people is the same commodity bought for money as sugar or coffee. And I am willing to pay more for this skill than for any other product in this world.”

There is no strict definition of the concept of “business communication” in the scientific and methodological literature. Foreign and domestic researchers associate business communication mainly with commercial activities, describe various forms of communication in business. The following definition seems to be the most acceptable. Business communication is interpersonal communication for the purpose of organizing and optimizing one or another type of objective activity: production, scientific, commercial, managerial, etc. This definition emphasizes the purpose of business communication - organization fruitful cooperation, and it is also noted that it is inextricably linked with a variety of areas of human activity. It should be borne in mind that participants in business communication are, as a rule, official officials performing their official duties.

Business communication is a rather complex phenomenon. Its character is influenced by both vertical and horizontal connections in the process of interaction. Business people You constantly have to communicate with people at different levels of the hierarchical ladder, as well as with colleagues and employees of the same level. In this regard, it is advisable to talk about equal types of relationships that develop in the process of business communication between its participants. Vertically, these are, as a rule, subordinate relationships, and horizontally, partnerships.

Ability to find best option business relationships both vertically and horizontally is a great art. The types of relationships between participants in business communication also determine the forms of their speech behavior.

Main characteristics of business communication:

Regulation, i.e. obedience to established rules and restrictions. There are so-called “written” and “unwritten” rules of conduct. For example, quite often one hears such expressions as “according to the protocol”, “in accordance with the protocol”, etc.

Regulation presupposes compliance business etiquette, reflecting the accumulated experience, moral attitudes and tastes of certain social groups.

Business etiquette includes the rules of greeting and introduction, regulates behavior during a presentation, at a reception, at the table; prescribes how to give and receive souvenirs, how to use business cards, conduct business correspondence, etc.

Much attention in etiquette is paid to the appearance of business people, their clothing, the ability to manage negative and positive emotions, and the manner of speaking.

Regularity also includes adherence to speech etiquette. The use of etiquette speech patterns helps interlocutors establish contact, establish mutual understanding, create a favorable psychological environment, etc.

The regulation of business communication also means that it is limited to a certain time frame. Business people know the value of time, try to use it rationally and usually schedule their working day by hours and minutes.

Important Feature business communication is the strict observance of role roles by its participants. In the process of interaction, a business person in different situations has to be a boss, a subordinate, a colleague, a partner, a participant in some event, etc.

Features of business communication include and increased responsibility of participants for its results. After all, successful business communication is largely determined by the chosen communication strategy and tactics: the ability to correctly formulate the goals of the conversation, determine the interests of partners, and build a justification for one’s own position.

3. The culture of a modern specialist is impossible without a culture of communication, without a communicative culture. In the very general view communicative culture can be defined as follows: communicative culture is a set of communication skills that have become an organic part of the personality. We need to determine which ones exactly. For example, the basic communication skills of a manager:

Ability to conduct a business conversation (when hiring, when dismissing, when consulting, when delegating, when monitoring);

Ability to conduct a meeting;

Ability to speak in public;

Ability to negotiate.

A modern specialist must fully master communication techniques, the degree of proficiency of which is perhaps the main criterion for professional suitability.

He must be able to:

Formulate goals and objectives of communication

Organize and manage communication

Handle complaints and statements

Build questions and answer them specifically

Possess skills and techniques, tactics and communication strategies

Conduct a conversation, business meeting

Analyze conflicts and resolve them

Prove and justify, argue and convince, reach agreements and decisions, conduct a conversation, debate, dialogue, dispute, negotiations

Using words, relieve stress, relieve your interlocutor from feelings of fear, and correct his behavior and assessments.

The ability to speak and be understood correctly, to hear and understand, to unobtrusively persuade, to create trusting relationships - all these are elements of a communicative professionogram.

4. Communication styles.

Each person has his own style, or model of behavior and communication, which leaves a characteristic imprint on his actions in any situation. The style of communication depends on very different components - life experience, attitude towards people, and also on what kind of communication is most preferable in society. At the same time, communication style ultimately shapes personality. Communication style is the individual typological features of interaction between people. There are ritual, manipulative and humanistic communication styles. The ritual style is generated by intergroup situations, the manipulative style is generated by business situations, and the humanistic style is generated by interpersonal situations.


IN real life There are a huge number of rituals; they require only one thing from the participants - knowledge of the rules of the game (birthday). The main thing here is to strengthen the connection with your group, reinforce your attitudes, values, opinions, increase self-esteem and self-esteem. For ritual communication, it is very important, on the one hand, to correctly recognize the communication situation and, on the other, to imagine how to behave in it.


One should not conclude that this is a negative phenomenon. Great amount professional tasks presupposes manipulative communication. Any training, persuasion, management always includes manipulative communication. It exists where joint activity is expected.


It satisfies such human needs as the need for understanding, sympathy, and empathy.

5. In practical activities, there are various forms of business communication: various types of business conversations, negotiations, meetings, meetings, telephone conversations, business correspondence. A business person needs to know the specific features of these forms and master the methodology for their preparation and implementation.

In specific forms of business communication, as a rule, the following general stages are distinguished: establishing contact, orientation in the situation, discussing issues, making decisions, achieving a goal, leaving contact.

Goals of business communication

Business communication becomes of paramount importance for people who are involved in management. As studies in the field of management show, according to average data, about 80-90% of the working time of managers at all known levels is spent on communication and communication.

The main goal of business communication is to organize fruitful cooperation, as well as to create optimal conditions for the successful solution of problems facing the organization and its individual employees.

In other words, the purpose of business communication can be called the organization and optimization of a certain type of joint activity.

However, in addition to the general goal, it is also possible to highlight personal goals, which are realized to one degree or another by the direct participants in the communication:

    desire for personal safety in the process social activities, in the course of performing their professional duties, which often manifests itself in avoidance of the responsibility assigned to the employee;

    the desire to improve one’s standard of living and improve one’s financial situation;

    the desire for power, that is, the desire to expand the range of available powers, to move only up the career ladder, to get rid of the burden of hierarchical control;

    the desire to increase one’s prestige, which is often combined with the desire to strengthen the prestige of the position held and the organization itself.

But in order for the goal of business communication to be successfully realized, modern psychological science identifies two main ethical and psychological principles of business communication, which include:

    the principle of creating conditions for identifying the creative potential and professional knowledge of an individual, on the basis of which it is possible to reconcile the employee’s personal goals with the general goals of the organization;

    the principle of authority and responsibility, regulating business communication within the framework of official rights and responsibilities in accordance with the official status of the employee, his assessment business qualities and the use of his direct qualifications and acquired experience.

Business Communication Values

Studying any form of business communication, we are faced with its general laws. Let us present a diagram of the relationship between interaction and development. The main elements of this scheme: the system of mutual influence and the person. The ideal of a person is what a person is and what he does, i.e. the embodiment of what he can become. These are the best tendencies, which, embodied in a model, become a stimulus and regulator of its development. The system of mutual influence contributes to the development of a conscious personality.

In the process of business communication, the uniqueness of the operation of the laws of interpersonal relations is studied, and specific patterns are revealed. Business communication involves the regulation of production and non-production relations in working conditions.

In business communication, mutual development of the subjects of communication takes place. The essence of such a process is expressed in the degree of consciousness and activity of the individual participating in it. The purpose of business communication is to develop cooperation. Business communication is a condition for the development of thinking and behavior techniques, helping those who own it to come to the right conclusions.

The dependence on coordination and mutual influence is much broader than is usually implied when talking about communication. If there were no effective procedures and techniques, we would not be able to enjoy any of the fruits of civilization.

The behavior of participants in business communication should be imbued with purity and nobility. The development of business communication consists in the improvement of its subjects, in the superiority of their soul and heart, in inner beauty and a high degree of morality. In communication, it is important to use reasoning, correct and comprehensive commentary on information received from the press, radio, television and other sources, selection and generalization of the necessary facts and events, creation and formulation of one’s own information that interests the interlocutor. In business communication, a competition of minds, programs, projects, and provisions is realized.

Knowledge, its breadth and depth, horizons, and erudition provide flexibility and independent thinking. Business communication determines the organization of mental activity, forces its participants to reflect on a particular problem, form their views and relationships, and determine their place and purpose in production activities. The system of mutual influence encourages subjects of business communication to perform that set of interrelated actions, as a result of which goods and services necessary for society are produced. As a result, the mechanism of positive cooperation and coordination in the workforce is developing and improving.

In business communication, participants take those actions that, in their opinion, will bring them the greatest benefit (that is, benefit minus any possible costs or losses associated with these actions). Everyone acts following their personal interests, in accordance with the formulated rules, depending on the interaction in business communication. Highly developed people experience great satisfaction in helping others. Unfortunately, there are also those - probably not many of them - who get satisfaction from harming their employees. However, a developed personality is able to correctly predict the actions of complete strangers. This turns out to be useful in cases where you want to influence the behavior of other people.

By acting in their own interests, participants in business communication create opportunities for their opponents to choose. Mutual influence is the process of continuous mutual adjustment to changes in benefits arising from their interaction with each other. These actions change the relative costs and benefits associated with the opportunities available to other people. Changes in costs and benefits can motivate participants to change their behavior so that it is more consistent with the actions of other people. This is the main mechanism of cooperation between participants in business communication, which allows them to ensure that their needs are met using available means. Thus, in the interaction of personal and non-personal interests and needs, rational choice is made in business communication.

Having previously weighed the expected pros and cons of the available options, a person learns from his mistakes and, therefore, tries not to repeat them. People, pursuing their interests, adapt to each other’s behavior, although they comply with the norms and rules accepted in society. This combines the personal and public interests of participants in business communication. An important part of the rules governing these interactions are property rights, which delimit what belongs to whom. Property rights and other rules and regulations ultimately determine exactly what choices business entities will make in pursuit of their interests.

If participation in the discussion and solution of production problems is formal, then it is not the social qualities of the manager’s personality that dominate, but the qualities of the subject-performer, i.e. the rational natural essence of man. In this case, the rules of business communication are only an external requirement, and not the internal essence of its subjects.

Business communication allows you to better understand what market and new socio-economic relations require, and to see a wide range of complex social relationships. It is able to explain the processes of coordination in society and identify the prerequisites that allow them to develop successfully.

Business communication plays an important role in various types of professional activities and determines their success. It acquires particular significance for people involved in management. Thus, executives and managers spend 80% of their working time on communication. And this is no coincidence: after all, the goal of business communication is to organize fruitful cooperation.

In the scientific and methodological literature, many definitions of the concept “business communication” are given. Here is one that highlights the purpose. Business conversation- this is interpersonal communication for the purpose of organizing and optimizing one or another type of objective activity: production, scientific, commercial, managerial, etc.

Business communication is a complex phenomenon. Its character is influenced by both vertical and horizontal connections in the interaction process. Business people constantly have to communicate with people at different levels of the hierarchical ladder (vertically), as well as with colleagues and employees of the same level (horizontally). In the first case, these are subordinate relationships, in the second - partnerships.

Subordination relations are determined by the social status of the interlocutors and administrative and legal norms (for example, a manager - a subordinate).

These relationships are characterized by strict subordination of juniors in rank or position to seniors and compliance with the rules of official discipline. The manager makes decisions that are binding on the subordinate. Just as often a leader who prefers a subordinate type of relationship adheres to an authoritarian style in communication, he chooses a closed monologue strategy. For him, the interlocutor is an object that can be manipulated. The main thing for him is not to listen to the interlocutor, but to speak himself. He expresses his opinion sharply and categorically. It is characterized by phrases like: I am interested in this and that; I believe that; even though you don’t know it; no, you're wrong.

Such relationships cannot contribute to the success of the business. They fetter initiative, suppress feedback, kill interest in the matter.

Partnership relations are of a different nature. They are guided by a strategy of cooperation and mutual understanding, taking into account general interest and the needs of the participants. Such relationships correspond to the Russian rhetorical ideal of the Socratic type, Platonic dialogues.

“It is no coincidence that in business life there is a movement away from strict subordination relationships to partnerships, to the establishment of subordination-partnership relations along the vertical. This increases the business and creative activity of people, is important factor technological process production"(5, 40).

What is typical for business communication? We will examine this question in the next paragraph.

Communication can be different - personal, formal, business, ritual. All of them have certain differences from each other in terms of the relationships of the participants, goals and forms of behavior. A special type of communication is business. It is based on the interaction of people pursuing the goal of exchanging information in the process of their activities. In addition, business communication has a specific result, which is a product obtained as a result of joint activities. It can be power, career, information, as well as emotional experiences and intellectual analysis.

Definition of the concept

Business communication, like any other, has a historical character. Its manifestation takes place at all levels social system, and in a variety of forms. When studying theoretical foundations business communication, it becomes clear that it arises in connection with a certain type of activity taking place, the result of which is the release of a product or the receipt of a particular effect. Each of the parties entering into such relationships must adhere to standards and norms of human behavior, including ethical ones.

The fundamentals of business communication are processes that allow the exchange of work experience and certain information. In a market economy, this allows you to get maximum profit. What else underlies business communication? Such interaction is impossible without physical and psychological contacts, as well as the exchange of emotions. This is why the ability to build relationships with people and find an approach to a specific person is so important.

On the one hand, it may seem that business communication is not such a complex process. After all, from very early childhood people begin to become familiar with communication connections. Nevertheless, business communication, like any other that exists in society, is quite multifaceted. It has different types, has many directions and functions. Various sciences study its certain aspects, including ethology, sociology, philosophy and psychology.

Let's consider the basics of business communication, its types, principles, and features.

What it is?

Business communication is an interaction in which each participant has his own status. So, he can be a boss, subordinate, colleague or partner. In the case when people at different levels of the career ladder (for example, a manager and an employee) communicate with each other, we can talk about a vertical relationship. In other words, such communication is subordinate. Business communication can also take place with equal cooperation. Such relationships are considered horizontal.

Business communications take place constantly in official institutions, schools, universities and at work. This is a dialogue between subordinates and superiors, students and teachers, competitors and partners. And the achievement of the goal depends on how familiar the interlocutors are with the basics of business communication, its methods, forms and rules.


Business communication differs from all other types of communications in that it has:

  1. Regularity. The basics of business communication are established rules for limiting communications. They are determined by the type of interaction, its tasks and goals, the degree of formality, as well as cultural and national traditions. At the same time, business etiquette, as the basis of modern business communication, serves as the main tool for organizing the process of business relations.
  2. Strict adherence by all communication participants to their role role. It must meet the requirements imposed by a specific situation. Also, all participants in business communication need to fulfill their specific role (partner, subordinate, boss, etc.).
  3. Strictness regarding the use of speech means. Each participant in business communication must speak professional language and know the necessary terminology. Speech should not contain colloquial expressions and words, dialectisms and swearing.
  4. High responsibility for the results obtained. All participants in business communication must be punctual, organized, true to their word and obligatory. In addition, they should strictly adhere to moral and ethical standards of communication.


In production conditions, business communication allows each person to satisfy their need for communication, exchange experiences, learn something new, and evaluate their own professional quality. The importance of such communications during negotiations is great. Knowledge of the psychological foundations of business communication allows you to maintain your reputation and image, as well as achieve success in business.

Among the main functions of this type of communication are the following:

  1. Instrumental. This function views communication as a control mechanism.
  2. Interactive. In this case, communication is a means of uniting colleagues, business partners, specialists, etc.
  3. Self-expression. Conducted business communication allows a person to assert himself and demonstrate his psychological, personal and intellectual potential.
  4. Socialization. By communicating, a person develops his business etiquette and communication skills.
  5. Expressive. It is expressed in emotional experiences and demonstrations of understanding.

All of the above functions are closely related to each other. Moreover, through their implementation, they constitute the essence of business communication itself.


In order for negotiations to be as successful as possible, a certain atmosphere must be created. It is possible to achieve this goal only if the partners, communicating with each other, feel as comfortable as possible. And knowledge of the principles of the psychological foundations of business communication will help with this. These include:

  1. Exercising control over emotions. This point is quite important. The fact is that surging emotions literally in a matter of seconds can destroy relationships that have been built over the years. After all, they will show a person from a clearly negative side. And even in the case when the interlocutor allows himself unrestrained behavior, you should not react to this. Every person must realize that emotions and work are incompatible.
  2. The desire to understand the interlocutor. Adhering to the basics of the psychology of business communication, the parties need to be attentive to each other’s opinions. Indeed, in the case when one of the negotiating participants talks only about his own interests, without listening to the other side, this will not allow reaching a common agreement and obtaining positive results from the meeting.
  3. Concentration. Business communication is often a monotonous process. This leads to the fact that a person is able to miss some fundamental points of negotiations. That is why during a conversation it is necessary to focus the partners’ attention on the topic when it becomes obvious that they have stopped concentrating their attention on really important things.
  4. The truthfulness of the conversation. The success of a business is largely determined by trusting relationships. Of course, opponents may not say something or deliberately be a little disingenuous to enhance their own dignity. Nevertheless, as for the fundamental points, it is necessary that things be said that correspond to reality. This is how businessmen earn their reputation.
  5. The ability not to express subjective opinions. The fundamentals of ethics and psychology of business communication imply the ability to separate the interlocutor from the object of negotiations. In other words, personal attitude towards a person should never influence work matters. This is the main difference between personal and business communication. It often happens that an opponent who is extremely unpleasant to the interlocutor can be very useful for the cause. In this case, you should not miss out on the benefits. After all, it often happens that very pleasant and good people turn out to be insolvent in business terms.

The principles listed above must be taken into account by every person who wants to acquire the skill of proper negotiation and earn money. good reputation business partner.

Moral Foundations

In what case is there a high probability of achieving a positive solution during negotiations? To do this, a businessman needs to know the moral foundations of business communication. Communications between people pursuing commercial purposes must comply with the following principles:

  1. The basis of business communication should be the interests of the business, and not one’s own ambitions and desires. Despite its obviousness, people violate this principle most often. After all, not every person is able to find the strength to sacrifice personal interests that conflict with the benefit that will be received for the business. This is especially evident in those moments when something can be done with impunity, and the only judge in this case will be one’s own conscience.
  2. Decency. What is the basis of business communication? The organic inability of a person to commit a dishonest act. Decency is always based on such moral qualities as a heightened sense of conscience, when there is an awareness that silence or inaction will become dishonest, as well as a constant desire to preserve one’s honor in the form of nobility, incorruptibility and assertion of one’s own dignity.
  3. The ability to behave equally with any person, regardless of his social or official status.
  4. Integrity. A person must not only have strong convictions, but also actively strive to realize and put them into practice. This is manifested in the fact that he will never compromise his own principles, even in the face of a threat and obstacles to his personal well-being.
  5. Goodwill. This principle lies in the organic need to do good to people, which is the main category of ethics. Any professional activity aimed at satisfying human social needs. And in this sense, he produces something useful, that is, he does good. By adhering to this principle, a professional does not only do what is included in his duties, but also does much beyond this, receiving emotional satisfaction and appreciation in return.
  6. Respect for human dignity. Such a principle can be realized thanks to such moral qualities cultivated in a person as delicacy and politeness, caring, courtesy and tact. Moreover, all this must be combined with balance, restraint and correctness. Here, the ethical foundations of business communication are in close contact with morality. This should also take place in statutory relations, which in no way allow the leader to humiliate the dignity of a subordinate. Respect for a person, which underlies the ethics of business communication, allows people not to experience mutual offense, irritation and dissatisfaction. It protects against nervous shock, stress and other negative consequences communications. Ignorance of the basic ethics of business communication by a person or inability to apply them in practice can negatively affect the opinions of others about him.
  7. Expediency and reasonableness. This principle underlies all ethical rules and regulations. Moreover, it is especially necessary in those forms of human communication in which it is very important to adhere to etiquette. By observing expediency and reasonableness, a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere is created in the work team, which greatly increases the efficiency of employees.

Norms of culture of behavior

Let's take a brief look at communication. Knowledge of the rules and norms of behavior, and, of course, compliance with them, brings pleasure and benefit to their owner. A person, if he is well brought up, will feel confident everywhere, easily overcoming psychological barriers of communication, without experiencing an inferiority complex and having the opportunity to constantly expand his social circle.

The rules of etiquette that underlie effective business communication are a set of norms necessary for treating people politely. In official communications, in this case, compliance is considered appearance, manners, gestures, speech, posture, posture, facial expressions, clothing and tone, as well as that social role, which is inherent in a person and his social and business status. Such requirements become especially important when participating in any strictly regulated event that requires adherence to strictly established boundaries. Failure to follow the rules of etiquette in this case will be considered as an insult to the dignity of the participants in communications, which will cause their disapproval.

But it is worth noting that even with a thorough knowledge of the basics of professional business communication, it is not always possible to avoid some mistakes. After all, etiquette standards should not be applied mechanically. For each specific situation, they are subject to some adjustment. And this can be done with professional tact. Only it will protect the employee from errors.

Let's consider how the head of a company should behave during a business conversation. When greeting its participants, you need to greet them politely, shaking everyone’s hand (without squeezing it too tightly). Before starting the conversation itself, you should offer tea or coffee to your interlocutors. A similar tradition appeared not so long ago. Nevertheless, today almost everyone adheres to it. A cup of aromatic drink will allow a person to get rid of some tension and have a positive attitude towards the conversation.

Knowing the basics of business communication ethics will help prevent an unpleasant situation. If a mistake occurs during negotiations, you should apologize to your interlocutors for the inconvenience caused to them. And only after this the conversation can be continued.

Compliance ethical principles business communication assumes that when discussing business issues with partners, you should try to answer all their questions. In cases where, for one reason or another, it is impossible to do this directly during the conversation, you should apologize and ask for time to think, indicating a specific date.

When conducting negotiations, you need to keep a notepad and pen with you, writing down all the most important information voiced. You should not raise your voice. You need to speak clearly and clearly. The clothing style must be businesslike.

Types of business communication

The main task of official communications is always to achieve a specific goal.

At the same time, work issues can be resolved using various types of business communication. Among them:

  1. Business correspondence. This type of official communication is considered correspondence. When using it, all information is conveyed to the opponent in writing. No personal meeting is scheduled. Despite the fact that a lot of people are engaged in correspondence every day, compiling business letters is quite a difficult task, because they must be designed taking into account all necessary requirements and sent within the current deadline. When presenting information in such a letter, it is important to adhere to the basics of the psychology of business communication and its ethical standards. The specificity of the text and its brevity are valued. It is worth keeping in mind that conducting such correspondence allows partners to draw some conclusions about each other.
  2. Business conversation. This type of communication is the most common form of official communication. Managers of all companies must conduct conversations with staff. Such conversations should have a positive impact on the team and business development. This kind of business communication allows you to clarify some work issues, which makes it easier to complete the tasks facing the company.
  3. Business meeting. This type of official communications allows you to increase the performance of the company. At meetings, urgent issues are resolved and the most effective interaction between employees or partners is achieved. Sometimes meetings are not held with the boss and his subordinates. Get together to discuss actual problems, sometimes only the heads of departments or organizations.
  4. Public speaking. This type of business communication is necessary to convey to listeners any information of a presentational or informational nature. And here special requirements are placed on the speaker. He must understand the subject of his report. The text he pronounces must be logical and clear. Self-confidence is equally important.
  5. Business meeting. This type of communication is considered an integral part of doing business. Negotiations allow short time eliminate any problems that arise, set goals and objectives, take into account the opinions of interlocutors and draw the right conclusions. They are usually held between the heads of various enterprises. Each of them during business negotiations demonstrates his position. In this case, the parties must come to a common decision in order to satisfy the interests of all partners.

Social foundations of business communications

Business communication that occurs between people is derived from their activities. It captures the content and social orientation various types production relations, the importance of communication for the life of the whole society, as well as for its individual social groups and individuals.

Business communication between people is a process that is quite universal and at the same time quite diverse. It arises in a variety of fields of activity and at all levels. This must be taken into account when developing social foundations business communication, knowledge of which will allow a deeper understanding of the conditions in which interaction between partners will take place.

One of the main features of such communications is that the spiritual qualities of people find their manifestation in them. All interacting partners are subjects of interpersonal business relationships. They represent people of different ages with different moral, physiological, psychological and intellectual properties. Each of them has his own strong-willed and emotional attitude, worldview, value orientations and ideological attitudes. The manifestation of any of these properties allows, to a certain extent, to reveal the spiritual world of the partner and acts as an element of the content of interpersonal spiritual interaction.

Communication between professionals

Maintaining tolerance towards each other is quite difficult. Nevertheless, each of us must understand perfectly well that all people are different, and it is necessary to perceive another person as he is.

This is also indicated by the moral and psychological foundations of professional and business communication of a teacher, who, when contacting his student, must, first of all, show tolerance. The essence of such communication comes down to the application in the learning process of principles that make it possible to create optimal prerequisites for the formation of personal self-expression in children and for teaching a culture of dignity, while eliminating the factor of fear of an erroneous answer. Tolerance in the 21st century is one of the ways to create harmonious relationships that allow a person to more easily integrate into society.

Pedagogical communication with students should, first of all, be productive. Its main goal is the spiritual enrichment of both parties. That is, both the teacher and his student. But obtaining positive results is only possible if the teacher demonstrates:

  • respect for the child’s spiritual world;
  • interest in what the student considers valuable;
  • respect for the individuality of the student with all the qualities inherent in his personality.

Business communication of a teacher must adhere to the following principles:

  • non-violence (giving the student the right to be as he is);
  • respect for the child’s work of learning;
  • respect for the tears and failures of the pupil;
  • unconditional love for the child;
  • respect for the student’s identity;
  • compromise;
  • relying on the child’s positive character traits.

Healthcare sector

As an example of professional communications, let’s consider the basics of business communication in the work of a medical registrar. This person has to communicate with people seeking help. That is why it is so important that this specialist work as competently as possible. He should remember that any negotiation is a dialogue. When they switch to a monologue (on one side or the other), there can be no talk of any productive cooperation. And for this, the medical registrar needs to have the ability to listen, asking the right questions in a timely manner. They should not lead the conversation astray and will allow you to clarify the topic under discussion as much as possible.

In order to begin effectively listening to a visitor, the medical receptionist will need:

  1. Stop talking. After all, it is simply impossible to give a speech and listen at the same time. The speaker should be helped to relax so that the person has a feeling of freedom.
  2. Show the visitor your willingness to listen to him. In this case, you need to act with the utmost interest. When listening to a person, you need to try to understand him, and not try to look for reasons to object.
  3. Eliminate irritating moments. To do this, you will need to stop tapping on the table, moving papers, and not being distracted by phone calls.
  4. Empathize with the speaker and try to put yourself in his position.
  5. Be patient. At the same time, there is no need to try to save time and interrupt the person.
  6. Contain your own emotions. If a person is angry, he will most likely begin to give words the wrong meaning.
  7. Avoid criticism and controversy. Otherwise, the speaker will become defensive and simply fall silent.
  8. To ask questions. They will reassure the visitor, as he will understand that he is being listened to. Moreover, it is necessary to ask questions during 30% of the conversation.

As we see, the nature and content of business communication in each field of activity has its own characteristics. All of them are studied by specialists working in the fields of philosophy, ethics, sociology and psychology. It is no coincidence that a discipline appeared in the program for university students, which is called “Business Communication”. It allows us to consider ethical and psychological, and to be more precise, organizational and moral problems of official communications. There are also textbooks for this discipline. One of them was written by A.S. Kovalchuk. This manual talks about the basics of business communication in a very accessible way.

The book identifies the conditions and factors for optimal work aimed at creating a charming image. Also in this work, which is called “Fundamentals of Imageology and Business Communication,” the author examines the possibilities of using the results of such activities. In addition to university students, such a manual may well be of interest to people who are looking for a path to self-expression, as well as representatives of professions whose success depends on the realization of creative abilities.