Basic elements of personnel management. The main components of an organization's personnel management system The main elements of a personnel management system article

What elements of the personnel management system are considered basic? Learn how to properly design a management system to ensure sustainable development and the economic stability of the company.

From the article you will learn:

What elements of the personnel management system underlie the company’s effective operations?

Elements of the personnel management system are developed taking into account the specifics of the company's activities. Managers take into account that in the process of functioning the organization is faced with the need to resolve standard and specific issues. Change in the field market relations, the economy requires prompt replacement and improvement existing systems management. The development of subsystem elements allows you to effectively cope with current and strategic tasks without changing all the elements of the interconnected system.

The main elements of the personnel management system are based on the following sequential actions:

In choosing and establishing the order of employee interaction

Helps create an effective interaction process and systematize all company activities

In establishing the order and sequence of functions performed

  • managment structure, based on the development of a system of relationships between the main subjects of management;
  • management process, based on the inclusion of such functions as the development and implementation of management decisions, the formation of communication systems, information support;
  • control technology includes systems of organizational tools, document management programs.

The main elements of the personnel management system consist of:

  1. methods or ways of influencing personnel;
  2. setting tasks and options for finding appropriate solutions;
  3. goals, when the task is aimed at achieving the desired, necessary and possible;
  4. laws with the creation of relationships between existing phenomena;
  5. communications based on processes of interaction or counteraction through the transfer of information;
  6. decisions made;
  7. existing functions;
  8. developed principles.

How to develop the main elements of a personnel management system

Elements of an organization’s personnel management system are a set of tools, principles and methods that help to purposefully influence personnel. In the management process, methods are being developed that can help ensure the most effective use of the intellectual and physical abilities of employees. This is aimed at quality performance labor functions, which in turn helps to achieve the goals set by the organization.

When developing management systems At the same time, decisions on long-term design of systematic personnel development are being implemented. Changes in market and economic conditions dictates the need to pay increased attention to employee development. Improvement is the main stage in the successful implementation of set goals. Modern theoretical and practical foundations of management are based on taking into account the requirements of a market economy in relevant areas production activities.

The development of elements of the personnel management system is carried out taking into account the fundamentals of marketing, monitoring, audit and control. Personnel includes all hired employees who have entered into an employment relationship with the employer. A certain set of characteristics, such as: profession, level of education, work experience, qualifications, competence, allows one to perform the appropriate labor function aimed at strengthening the economic situation, ensuring competitiveness and development of the organization. The management considers the creation of conditions for labor activity, ensuring development to achieve set goals.

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When developing elements of a personnel management system, you should pay attention to the functions:

Integration of all systems into a single holistic management model

Linkage is carried out with strategic guidelines, corporate culture, planning of all elements of production activities

An extensive system of program events

Jobs are planned, selection and hiring of applicants are organized, placement and training are carried out

Accounting for professional and personal qualities

Systematic assessment and certification is carried out

Centralized management of labor activities

The system is being structured personnel work

What elements of an organization’s personnel management system can be identified?

Elements of the personnel management system are methods that make it possible to create complexity, efficiency, rhythm, scientificity and specialization of all management options. It is necessary to take into account that the methods of leading an organization and a team are divided. But administrative elements should be used sparingly and only in organizations where the specifics of production activities imply authoritarian management.

Today, most companies opt for socio-psychological methods. According to statistics, the team works more harmoniously and productively if administrative techniques are not used or are used very rarely in emergency situations.

The elements of the personnel management system include:

  1. HR policy of the organization. It is based on the entire system of theoretical views, relevant requirements, principles that determine the directions efficient work with personnel, methods of this work, allowing to form a highly productive, cohesive team;
  2. personnel planning. Problem solving is carried out by determining the organization’s personnel needs, taking into account the required number and corresponding qualities;
  3. recruitment and selection of personnel. The process consists of several stages: searching for candidates, detailing requirements, conducting direct selection;
  4. adaptation new employees. A method of familiarizing new employees with the enterprise, current policies, working conditions, labor protection, and safety precautions. Professional, psychophysiological and socio-psychological adaptation occurs faster if all elements of the management system are worked out;
  5. professional training and personnel development A. Several types are traditionally used vocational training and development: on-the-job, carried out in specialized institutions, off-the-job and in the workplace, in Lately self-education methods are increasingly being used;
  6. employee assessment, certification. Periodic assessment helps to identify the degree of professionalism of personnel, as well as determine whether additional training, education, or advanced training is needed;
  7. personnel behavior management. The main element of managing employee behavior is the methods of conflict management and their rapid resolution;
  8. personnel records management. A series of works that are combined general concept"office work".


Let's consider the main elements of the personnel management system. These include:
personnel planning - a set of measures aimed at assessing current resources, forecasting their reduction, assessing the future need for resources, including management personnel, assessing the personnel reserve and ways to quickly replace specialists;
attracting personnel is a set of measures that ensures the attraction of the required specialists at a given time. These measures include search, recruitment, selection, hiring and initial staff development;
personnel development - includes training and retraining of personnel, relocation, assessment and promotion of personnel, training of reserves of specialists and managers;
motivation and incentives of personnel - includes remuneration, additional incentive payments and a labor motivation system;
Personnel accounting is a set of measures to ensure personnel work in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities and the needs of the organization itself.
The presence of these components allows us to say that the bank operates basic elements personnel management. Thus, in most Russian banks one can note the presence of such of the listed components as personnel accounting, which is mandatory in the activities of any organization and is quite well regulated by external bodies; it is also a system for involving personnel in solving common problems.
The narrowest areas in the field of personnel management, and therefore the least developed, are personnel development, their motivation, as well as resource planning, which, as a rule, is not carried out at all in Russian conditions. Therefore, improving the personnel management system must begin in these areas.

More on the topic Basic elements of a personnel management system:

  3. Chapter 7.1. Main elements of the personnel management system of an innovative organization
  4. 1.1. Concept, essence and problems of enterprise personnel management
  5. 1.3. Enterprise personnel management strategy and features of its formation in unstable production conditions

Personnel management is a multifaceted and extremely complex process, which is characterized by its specific features and patterns. Personnel management is characterized by consistency and completeness based on comprehensive solution problems and their reconstruction. The systems approach involves taking into account the relationships between individual aspects of the problem in order to achieve final goals, determine ways to solve them, and create an appropriate management mechanism that ensures comprehensive planning and organization of the system.

A management system is an ordered set of interconnected elements that differ in functional goals, act autonomously, but are aimed at achieving a common goal.

Features of the development of the personnel management system, its role in the organizational system determine the characteristics of its main factors: object and subject, goals of the system, its functions and structure.

The elements of the personnel management system are: management objects, its subjects, structure, management methods and procedures. The system also includes the following elements:

  • - goals and objectives of personnel management (PM);
  • - UP functions;
  • - resources (material and technical, financial, information - for example, automated programs that are used in UE).

Control object is the element to which control is directed. In this case, these are individual workers or teams.

The subject of management is a manager or employee of the management apparatus who directly carries out the development and implementation of decisions.

The structure of personnel management is a set of departments directly involved in personnel, and their qualitative and quantitative relationships.

Management methods are ways of influencing the object of management (in this case, personnel).

Management procedures are certain, formally legalized methods of influencing the subject on the object of management, or vice versa.

Management methods and procedures are designed to ensure the implementation of management decisions.

The set of processes carried out within the framework of the personnel management mechanism is a personnel management system.

There are several approaches to formulating a personnel management system, it all depends on which aspect of this phenomenon is considered.

As a rule, organizations aimed at implementing personnel management functions include a subsystem of the organization's line management, as well as a number of functional personnel management subsystems (for example, a recruitment subsystem, a training and development subsystem, etc.).

Within the framework of such a system, the interrelations between individual aspects of personnel management are taken into account, which is expressed in the development of the ultimate goals of personnel management of the organization, in determining the ways to achieve them, as well as in the creation of an appropriate management mechanism that ensures comprehensive planning and organization of personnel management of the organization.

The initial stage of designing and forming an organization’s personnel management system is the formulation of the goals of this system. For various organizations The goals of the personnel management system vary depending on the nature of the organization’s activities, production volumes, strategic objectives, etc. Generalization of the experience of foreign and domestic organizations allows us to formulate the main goal of the organization’s personnel management system as providing the organization with personnel, their effective use, professional and social development. Figure 1.2.1 shows the structure of the goals of the organization's personnel management system.

Fig.1.2.1. Goals of the organization's personnel management system

The social goals of an organization can be viewed from two points of view, namely: from the position of personnel and from the position of administration. On the one hand, the goals of the personnel management system determine the specific needs of employees that must be satisfied by the administration. On the other hand, these goals determine the nature and conditions of work that the administration provides. An important condition for the effectiveness of the personnel management system is the absence of contradictions between these two branches of goals. Let's look at them in more detail. From a personnel point of view social goals organizations are determined by the extent to which the performance of labor functions contributes to the satisfaction of human needs. The structure of such goals is presented in Figure 1.2.2.

Fig.1.2.2. Goals of the organization's personnel management system from the personnel point of view

From the management's point of view, the social goals of the organization are linked to economic goals. In this aspect, the personnel management system should serve the main goal - making a profit. The structure of social goals from the administration’s point of view is presented in Figure 1.2.3.

Rice. 1.2.3. The goals of the organization's personnel management system from the point of view of administration

Both branches of social goals (staff and administration) do not contradict each other, which creates an effective basis for the interaction of these two entities to achieve common goals. The presence of conflicting goals of the personnel management system leads to a conflict of interests between personnel and administration, which in a negative way affects the functioning of the organization as a whole.

So, the main goal of personnel management is a contribution to the profit of the organization, which is achieved through providing the organization with highly qualified and interested employees, through the effective use of their skills and creativity, through satisfying the social needs of a person in production (job satisfaction, self-expression, comfort interpersonal relationships and etc.).

It should also be emphasized that, despite the fact that from the point of view of the administration, the main goal is to make a profit, the starting point in modern theory and the practice of personnel management is the awareness of the need to satisfy not only the material, but also the social needs of employees.

Economic goals are aimed at achieving the estimated profit.

Scientific and technical goals are related to ensuring a given scientific and technical level of products, as well as increasing labor productivity by improving technology.

The production and commercial goal is associated with the production and sale of products in the volumes necessary to obtain the planned level of profit. Social goals of the organization are to achieve a given level of employee satisfaction.

IN general view HR management activities are as follows:

  • - in the formation of the organization’s management system as a whole and the personnel management system;
  • - planning of personnel work, including the development of an operational plan for the organization;
  • - conducting personnel marketing;
  • - determining the organization’s personnel needs;
  • - accounting and regulation of the number of personnel.

Human resource management technology covers a wide range of work from hiring to dismissal of personnel:

  • - search, selection, hiring (dismissal) of employees;
  • - adaptation, training and retraining of personnel;
  • - motivation of personnel’s work activity in its use;
  • - organization of work in compliance with the ethics of business communication;
  • - assessment of the performance of personnel and structural units;
  • - conflict and stress management;
  • - business career management in the service and professional advancement of personnel;

The functions of the organization's personnel management system are:

  • 1. The function of personnel planning is to develop personnel policy and HR strategies; analysis of the organization’s personnel potential and the labor market; organizing personnel planning and forecasting personnel needs; maintaining relationships with external sources, providing the organization with personnel.
  • 2. The function of recruitment and personnel management is to organize the recruitment of candidates for vacant position; organizing the selection (interview and assessment) and reception of personnel; accounting for the reception, movement, and dismissal of personnel; employment management, documentation support personnel management systems.
  • 3. The function of personnel assessment, training and development is to carry out training, retraining and improve the qualifications of personnel; induction and adaptation of new employees; organizing and conducting personnel assessment events; career development management.
  • 4. The function of personnel motivation management is to set standards labor process and wage tariffs; development of systems of material and non-material incentives, as well as the application of methods of moral encouragement of personnel.
  • 5. The function of social development management is to organize meals during the working day; ensuring health protection and recreation for employees and their families; development organizations physical culture; social insurance organizations.
  • 6. The function of legal support for personnel management is related to the solution of legal aspects labor relations, as well as with the coordination of administrative and other documents on personnel management.
  • 7. The function of information support for personnel management is to maintain personnel records and statistics; informational and technical support personnel management systems; providing personnel with the scientific and technical information necessary for their work.
  • 8. The function of ensuring normal working conditions includes ensuring and monitoring compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology and ergonomics of work, labor protection and environment etc.
  • 9. The function of line management is that the organization’s personnel management is carried out at the management level of the organization as a whole. This function is carried out not only by the management service, but also by managers at all levels.

A control method is a method of influencing the subject of control on the object of control for the practical implementation of the strategic and tactical goals of the control system. The goal of the management system is to achieve the competitiveness of manufactured products, services provided, organizations and other objects in the external or internal market.

Currently, three groups of management methods are revealed and applied in practice in the scientific literature: administrative (organizational or organizational-administrative); economic and socio-psychological. These groups of management methods are most often seen as complementary to each other (see Appendix A).

The most effective activities of a personnel manager can be achieved only with the integrated use of economic, administrative and socio-psychological management methods.

Main structural unit for personnel management in an organization, according to Porshnev A.G., Rumyantseva Z.P., and Solomatin N.A., is the personnel department, which is entrusted with the functions of hiring and firing personnel, as well as organizing training, advanced training and retraining frames. Human resource management services, as a rule, have a low organizational status and are weak professionally. Because of this, they do not perform a number of tasks related to personnel management and ensuring normal working conditions. Travin V.V. and Dyatlov V.A. have a different opinion in relation to the personnel management service. They argue that the personnel management service performs the functions of an enterprise’s personnel management center, the ultimate goals of which are the successful operation of the enterprise and improving the well-being of each member of the workforce.

From the point of view of some authors, the current personnel services of the organization perform following functions in the field of personnel management technology: recruitment, selection, selection of personnel; its certification, training and organization of advanced training for existing personnel.

In management practice, it is important to consider those elements that can significantly change the state of the managed object. Only systems approach to acceptance management decision regarding personnel will allow the formation of high-quality labor resource. The end product of personnel management is the right worker, at the right time, in the right place.

Modern automated systems HR management systems are designed to optimize the work primarily of management and personnel of enterprise personnel services and play a big role in increasing the productivity of their labor. Based on their functional focus, the automated personnel management systems currently existing on the market can be divided into the following main groups:

  • - multifunctional expert systems that allow career guidance, selection, and certification of enterprise employees;
  • - expert systems for personnel analysis, identifying development trends of departments and the enterprise as a whole;
  • - salary calculation programs;
  • - comprehensive personnel management systems that allow you to create and maintain a staffing table, store full information about employees, reflect the movement of personnel within the company, calculate salaries.

Integrated personnel management systems are used to automate personnel work at any enterprise. First of all, such systems are necessary for management to obtain operational information on any issue related to the structure of the enterprise, staffing table, vacancies and information about employees. Only a manager who can quickly assess the current situation based on analysis can make the right decision promptly up-to-date information about the state of affairs at the enterprise. Therefore, an important factor in the conditions for using HR systems is also the possibility of integrating the personnel accounting system with systems accounting and enterprise management.

Thus, the personnel management system includes the entire procedure for working with personnel - from determining the basic idea of ​​​​interaction between the administration and the workforce to the release of workers - as well as a set of subsystems that support it (information, organizational, personnel, legal).

Let's consider the main elements of the personnel management system. These include:

Personnel planning is a set of measures aimed at assessing current resources, forecasting their reduction, assessing the future need for resources, including management personnel, assessing the personnel reserve and ways to quickly replace specialists;

Attracting personnel is a set of measures that ensures the involvement of the required specialists at a given time. These measures include search, recruitment, selection, hiring and initial development of personnel;

Personnel development - includes training and retraining of personnel, relocation, assessment and promotion of personnel, training of reserves of specialists and managers;

Motivation and stimulation of personnel - includes wages, additional incentive payments and a labor motivation system;

Personnel accounting is a set of measures to ensure personnel work in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities and the needs of the organization itself.

The presence of these components allows us to say that the basic elements of personnel management are functioning in the organization. Yes, in the majority Russian enterprises we can note the presence of such of the listed components as personnel accounting, which is mandatory in the activities of any organization and is quite well regulated by external bodies; it is also a system for involving personnel in solving common problems.

The narrowest areas in the field of personnel management, and therefore the least developed, are personnel development, their motivation, as well as resource planning, which, as a rule, is not carried out at all in Russian conditions. Therefore, improving the personnel management system must begin in these areas.

In the course of production and economic activity, complex and multilateral relationships are formed between the elements of the personnel management system. The relevance of the problem of interaction between the elements of the personnel management system is that through such interaction the internal management of the enterprise is carried out, the role of the manager and its influence on the results of the production and economic activities of the enterprise are determined.

The interaction between elements of the personnel management system must be considered as an exchange of information (knowledge, ideas, messages), material objects (money, documents, other property of the organization), movements and as a form. Such interaction is associated with mutual understanding between the elements of the personnel management system, the awareness, recording and execution by these elements of their functions, as well as the manager’s awareness of the problems that arise in working with people.

As a complex subject of study, the interaction between elements of the personnel management system has the following content: interacting parties; levels; objects; types; causes and consequences; conditions and development factors; the impact of change on other people and the feedback from those people.

Thus, the organization of interaction between elements of the personnel management system is modern conditions urgent and challenging task. The complexity is due to the many characteristics of the classification of this interaction, the impact on the results of the work of the participants in this interaction and the work of the enterprise.

Forming and considering the classification of interaction between elements of the personnel management system, the main types of which are organizational, motivational, educational, it can be noted that an important type of such interaction is motivational interaction. It occupies one of the central places, as it determines the behavior of managers and their subordinates, based on the inevitability of change management structure, changes in the content and provision of managerial work, increasing the expectations of managers.

Lecture 2. Organizational personnel management system

1. The main components of the organization's personnel management system.

2. Formation of the organization’s personnel policy. Personnel planning.

3. Analysis of the quality of personnel management.

The reasons for the failures of many companies often lie not in technology or the lack of markets, but in incorrect personnel management policies. At the same time, one of the main mistakes that managers make when trying to solve problems in the field of personnel management is scattered work in separate areas, without trying to link different areas into a single system.

Under system is understood as a holistic and ordered set of elements, which has new qualities that are not inherent in each of its elements separately. The system itself can act as an element of a higher order system. For example, a personnel management system consists of individual elements - areas of personnel work. At the same time, personnel management is an element of the organization's management system.

The initial stage of designing and forming an organization’s personnel management system is the formulation of the goals of this system. For different organizations, the goals of the personnel management system vary depending on the nature of the organization's activities, production volumes, strategic objectives, etc. Generalization of the experience of foreign and domestic organizations allows us to formulate the main goal of the organization's personnel management system as providing the organization with personnel, their effective use, professional and social development. Figure 9 shows the structure of the goals of the organization's personnel management system.

Considering the totality of organizational goals, we will also highlight the following categories of organizational goals: economic, scientific and technical, commercial and production and social.

Economic goals are aimed at achieving the estimated profit.

Scientific and technical goals are related to ensuring a given scientific and technical level of products, as well as increasing labor productivity by improving technology.

The production and commercial goal is associated with the production and sale of products in the volumes necessary to obtain the planned level of profit.

Social goals of the organization are to achieve a given level of employee satisfaction.

Rice. 1. Goals of the organization’s personnel management system

The social goals of an organization can be viewed from two points of view, namely: from the position of personnel and from the position of administration. On the one hand, the goals of the personnel management system determine the specific needs of employees that must be satisfied by the administration. On the other hand, these goals determine the nature and conditions of work that the administration provides. An important condition for the effectiveness of the personnel management system is the absence of contradictions between these two branches of goals. Let's look at them in more detail.

From the personnel point of view, the social goals of the organization are determined by the extent to which the performance of work functions contributes to the satisfaction of human needs. The structure of such goals is presented in Figure 2.

Rice. 2. Goals of the organization’s personnel management system from the personnel point of view

From the management's point of view, the social goals of the organization are linked to economic goals. In this aspect, the personnel management system should serve the main goal - making a profit.

The structure of social goals from the administration’s point of view is presented in Figure 3.

Rice. 3. Goals of the organization’s personnel management system from the administration’s point of view

Both branches of social goals (staff and administration) do not contradict each other, which creates an effective basis for the interaction of these two entities to achieve common goals. The presence of conflicting goals of the personnel management system leads to a conflict of interests between staff and administration, which negatively affects the functioning of the organization as a whole.

It should also be emphasized that, despite the fact that from the point of view of the administration, the main goal is to make a profit, the starting point in modern theory and practice of personnel management is the awareness of the need to satisfy not only the material, but also the social needs of employees.

To maximize the potential of people working in an organization, coordinated work is required simultaneously in a number of areas. The following most important areas can be identified:

Personnel planning,

Staffing of the organization and adaptation of new employees,

Personnel training and development,

Evaluation and control of work results,

Activating Potential human resources.

A general idea of ​​the organization’s personnel management system is shown in the form of a diagram in Fig. 4.

Rice. 4. Personnel management system

The starting point of the personnel management system is the strategic goals of the organization, determined by top management. A clearly formulated and clearly written organizational development strategy helps to better understand the range of tasks that must be solved within the framework of personnel policy. Human resources are called upon to become the transmission belt that ensures the achievement of strategic goals. Determination of quantitative and qualitative needs for human resources in accordance with the set strategic goals ensured by personnel planning.

Personnel planning translates the organization's strategy and goals into specific steps that must be taken in the field of personnel management to successfully achieve the organization's goals.

Staffing (ensuring the required number of personnel) and adaptation of new employees includes attracting and selecting personnel with such knowledge, abilities, skills and experience that are necessary to properly perform the work, as well as ensuring the effective entry of new employees into the organization and into the new team .

Training and development of employees are designed to ensure a high level of employee efficiency in solving problems within the framework of their position and timely improvement of the quality characteristics of personnel in the face of new tasks and areas of activity of the organization.

Evaluation and control - setting standards, benchmarks performance of essential activities and monitoring to what extent labor indicators employees meet the established indicators; control of labor and performance discipline of employees; monitoring the work process, the success of the implementation of developed plans, the accuracy and timeliness of employees performing their work functions.

Activating the potential of human resources - creating such working conditions in the organization, such organizational culture, such a system of material and moral incentives for work, such practices of informing employees that inspire people to work with high dedication, help maintain high morale, loyalty and commitment of employees to their organization and its goals.