Zubakin Vasily Alexandrovich Lukoil position. Vasily Zubakin found a new job

Head of the Department of Renewable Energy Sources

Was born:


Omsk Polytechnic Institute, (specialty "Design and production of radio equipment") (1980).
Postgraduate studies at the Moscow Institute of National Economy. G.V. Plekhanov (1986).
Doctorate of the Russian Economic Academy named after G.V. Plekhanov (1993).

Academic degree:

Doctor economic sciences.

Academic title:

Professor, 2006

Professional activity:

Senior laboratory assistant, assistant of the department of economics and organization of production, Omsk Polytechnic Institute, Omsk (1980-1983);
Postgraduate student, Moscow Institute of National Economy. G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow (1983-1986);
Assistant, Deputy Dean, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Omsk Polytechnic Institute, Omsk (1987-1990);
Doctoral candidate, Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow (1990-1993);
General director, Management Company Siberian capital-manager, Omsk (1993-1996);
General Director, OJSC Siberian Capital, Omsk (1996-2000);
Deputy Head of Department - Director for Analysis and Forecasting of the Department of Economics and Holding and Subsidiaries, OAO RAO "UES of Russia" (2000);
Deputy Head of the Department of Economics of the Holding and Subsidiaries, OAO RAO UES of Russia (2000);
Head of the Department of Economics of the Holding and Subsidiaries, OAO RAO UES of Russia, Moscow (2000-2002);
Head of Department, Capital Management Department of RAO UES of Russia, Moscow (2002-2004);
General Director of OAO UK HydroOGK (2008-2010); Deputy Head of the Main Energy Department of OAO LUKOIL, Moscow (2010);
Head of the Department, Professor of the Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics of the Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanova (2010-2016);
Head of the Department for Coordination of Energy Sales and Operations of PJSC LUKOIL, Moscow (since 2012);
Head of the Department of Renewable Energy Sources (since 2017).

Scientific interests:

Energy economics and forecasting, economics of renewable energy sources, economics of distributed generation, economics of virtual power plants, risk management in the fuel and energy complex, investment models in the energy sector, economic and mathematical models in the electricity market, economic and mathematical models in the power market.

Scientific research:

Research work “Calculation of the total cost of decommissioning a power plant”, 2011.
Research work "Development of a risk management system in the planning and implementation of control activities", 2012.
Research work "Development of evidence-based proposals for improving the organization of operational monitoring of quality financial management federal public institutions subordinated to the Ministry of Sports of Russia”, 2013.
Research work "System of multifactorial dynamic forecasting of exchange quotations and indices", 2014.
Research work "Cross subsidizing in the electric power industry: problems and solutions", 2017.


Awards, membership:

Industry badge "80 years of the GOELRO plan" (2001);
- Anniversary badge "85 years of the GOELRO plan" (2005);
- Gratitude of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation (2006);
- Certificate of honor Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (2008);
- Honored Power Engineer of the CIS (2015);
- Honorary Power Engineer of the Russian Federation (2016); - Member of the Management Board, JSC RAO "UES of Russia", Moscow (2002-2004);
- Member of the Management Board, Head of Department, Reform Management Center, JSC RAO "UES of Russia", Moscow (2004-2006);
- Member of the Management Board of JSC HydroOGK, Moscow (2006-2007); Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSC RusHydro (2007-2010) (acting Chairman of the Management Board (2008-2009)).

  • Academic degree:  Doctor of Economic Sciences
  • Date of birth:  August, 26th

After graduating in 1980. Faculty of Radio Engineering of the Omsk Polytechnic Institute (specialty "Design and production of radio equipment") entered the graduate school of the Moscow Institute of National Economy named after Plekhanov. In 1986 he defended his dissertation on the topic "Management of the organizational development of industrial and economic complexes", becoming a candidate of economic sciences.

In 1987 he returned to the Omsk Polytechnic Institute, where he soon became the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Automation. From the very beginning of his teaching career, he declared himself as a teacher-economist and researcher. Actively participated in organizational and activity games and seminars of G.P. Shchedrovitsky, P.G. Shchedrovitsky and S.V. Popov.

In the same period, he took up professional consulting. In 1988, together with the Administration of the city of Omsk, the Center for Methodological Research, Consulting and Training was established. One of the serious works of the Center was carried out, together with the Interregional Methodological Association S.V. Popova, in 1990 "Examination of the state and prospects for the development of the city of Omsk in the context of market reforms."

In 1990 he entered the doctoral program of the Russian Economic Academy named after G.V. Plekhanov, from which he graduated in 1993. In parallel with this, in 1991, he organized in Omsk a check investment fund Siberian Capital, which in 1993 was transformed into a holding company consisting of CHIFs Siberian Capital, Khiminvest, High tech”, the management company Siberian Capital Manager and the Non-State Pension Fund.

In 1996-2000, he served as General Director of OAO Siberian Capital.

In 1999 organized a public examination in the city of Omsk "The state and prospects of the energy sector in Siberia".

In January 2000, Zubakin was invited to a group preparing a plan for the restructuring of RAO UES of Russia. In April of the same year, he took the position of first deputy head, and then head of the Department of Economics of the holding and subsidiaries of OAO RAO UES of Russia (he held this position until 2002).

He was engaged in setting up business processes for planning, cost management, evaluation and motivation of managers, incl. using the option program). In 2002, he became the head of the Capital Management Department of RAO UES, and in 2004 he headed the Department for Ensuring the Company's Reformation Processes. In addition, from 2002 to 2006, he was a member of the Management Board of RAO UES of Russia.

Summarizing the experience of participating in the reform of the Russian electric power industry, he participated as a co-author in writing the textbook "Economics and Management in the Modern Electric Power Industry" edited by A.B. Chubais. (published by NP KONTs, Moscow, 2009)

In 2006, he joined the Management Board of JSC HydroOGK – energy company engaged in the design, construction and operation of hydroelectric power plants. In the same year, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Models and methods of managing hydropower companies in the context of market liberalization”, receiving a doctorate in economics.

In 2007, he became Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSC HydroOGK. From January 2008 to September 2010 was CEO HydroOGK Management Company JSC, and from June 2008 to November 2009 he served as Chairman of the Management Board of HydroOGK JSC, renamed at that time into Russian Hydrogenerating Company JSC (RusHydro).

In September 2010, he switched to new job at OAO LUKOILfor the position of Head of the Department for Coordination of Energy Sales and Operations.

Currently, scientific interests are related to research in the field of integrated risk management in the electric power industry. Since February 2010, he has been the Chairman of the Board of NP EnergoProfAudit, a self-regulatory my organizations in the field of energy efficiency.

Has industry awards and commendations:

Honorary Diploma of RAO "UES of Russia" 2001
Industry badge "80 years of the GOELRO plan" 2001
Anniversary badge "85 years of the GOELRO plan" 2005
Gratitude of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation 2006
Acknowledgment from RAO UES of Russia, 2008
Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation 2008

Honored Power Engineer of the CIS 2015

Married, two children - a daughter and a son.

Teaching activity

Subjects taught: Economics and forecasting of the energy complex.

Directions of training and (or) specialty: Economics, forecasting and risk management.

Scientific research

Additional Information

Area of ​​scientific (or professional) interests: Energy economics and forecasting, renewable energy economics, economicsdistributed generation, economics of virtual power plants, risk management in the fuel and energy complex, investment models in the energy sector, economic and mathematical models in the electricity market, economic and mathematical models in the power market.

1. Tutorial«Modern market power industry Russian Federation, 2nd ed., Section 3: “Development of the electric power industry in the world”, Section 10: “Risks.Insurance”, Perot, 2015

2. "Assessment of economic efficiency and substantiation of operating modes of wind hydro complexes on the example of the Tsimlyanskaya HPP". Environmental Economics, Moscow, 2014

3. "Methods of managing hydropower facilities in the context of market liberalization." Paleotype, 2006

4. "Management of water and energy regimes of HPPs based on the theory of risk management." St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, 2006

5. "Analysis of the risks of imbalance in the structure of generation and consumption of electricity in the development of the Unified Energy System of Russia." In: Russian natural monopolies: systemic problems and solutions. – Moscow, 2006

6. "Risk-Based Models for Power Generation Management in Hydropower Companies". Publishing House of the Russian Economic Academy. G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow, 2006

7. "Optimization of coal balances of thermal power plants". Issues of fuel and energy complex regulation. Regions and Federation, 2003

8. "Methodological aspects of assessing the economic efficiency of coal fuel in cost management and optimization of coal balances at thermal power plants." Bulletin of the FEC of Russia, 2002

The ex-head of RusHydro, Vasily Zubakin, who had an accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP a year ago, found a new job. According to Kommersant's information, from October 1, he will become Lukoil's Deputy Vice President for Energy. In terms of scale, the energy assets of the oil company and RusHydro are not comparable - 3.4 thousand and 25.4 thousand MW, respectively. But Mr. Zubakin's career at RusHydro was actually over after the accident and the change of the company's management, and for Lukoil, according to analysts, he will be a valuable acquisition.

Two sources in the energy industry told Kommersant yesterday that Vasily Zubakin, the former head of RusHydro, will become Lukoil's top manager on October 1. He will take the post of Deputy Vice President for Energy. RusHydro confirmed to Kommersant Zubakin's transfer to a new job, saying "that this is a working decision agreed with the management of the company and the industry." The company also noted that "until all corporate procedures are completed, Vasily Zubakin will remain the general director of RusHydro Management Company." This company was established to implement a number of RusHydro's investment projects. LUKOIL declined to comment.

Vasily Zubakin was introduced to the energy sector ten years ago by his former student Vyacheslav Sinyugin, who until January was Deputy Minister of Energy. Mr. Zubakin joined RAO "UES of Russia" in 2000, two years after Vyacheslav Sinyugin, who gave him the position of head of the capital management department, and himself became a member of the board. In 2002, Vasily Zubakin also joined the board.

In 2005, when JSC HydroOGK (later renamed RusHydro) was formed on the basis of RAO UES's hydro-generating assets, Vyacheslav Sinyugin headed the company, and Mr. Zubakin became his deputy. Immediately after the completion of the RAO UES reform, in the summer of 2008, Mr. Sinyugin left for the Ministry of Energy, and Vasily Zubakin was appointed acting. about. Chairman of the Board of RusHydro.

My mother worked in a boarding school for children with mental retardation, and she always said that there was only one pedagogy for them - to limit food. Therefore, I ask you to report on the full bonus deduction for the first quarter.

- Vasily Zubakin, ex-head of RusHydro, at one of the company's internal meetings

From the prefix "and. about." the top manager never got rid of it. In August 2009, an accident occurred at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP "RusHydro" that claimed the lives of 75 people. Then for the first time there were rumors that Vasily Zubakin would leave the company. "Seventy-five people died, and those responsible must be punished," Igor Sechin, the relevant Deputy Prime Minister, said on September 17, 2009. "Measures regarding leadership will be taken constantly - and they will be aimed at improving." Vasily Zubakin, Igor Sechin added, "must decide for himself who he wants to work with." But Mr. Zubakin remained in RusHydro, although he ceased to be the head of the company. At the end of November, the former chairman of the board of Inter RAO UES, Evgeny Dod, was appointed head of RusHydro. Vasily Zubakin retained his seat on the board, leaving it only in April 2010, but remaining the general director of RusHydro Management Company.

Former colleagues of Vasily Zubakin say that they worked with him "with pleasure". One of them notes that after the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, the top manager "continued to work in a situation of enormous pressure from all sides and personally dealt with everything - from helping the relatives of the victims to restoring the station." "Very erudite, tactful and easily finds a common language with everyone," says one RusHydro employee. "He understands everything from turbines to listing shares."

At LUKOIL, Vasily Zubakin will be in charge of the electric power sector. It is based on the assets of TKG-8, acquired by the oil company during the reform of RAO UES. Also, LUKOIL has a number of its own power plants at the fields in Russia, and generating assets in Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine. The installed capacity of the stations is 3.2 thousand MW (RusHydro has 25.4 thousand MW).

Dmitry Terekhov from Finam believes that Vasily Zubakin will easily switch from hydropower to traditional, since "the management of the former RAO UES is good precisely because of its flexibility." Ekaterina Tripoten from Sovlink Investment Company adds that although RusHydro and LUKOIL are not comparable in scale, Vasily Zubakin's experience in a new position will come in handy, "starting from corporate transformations as part of the reform and ending with work in production company, one of the largest in the new structure of the industry." In addition, the analyst notes that Vasily Zubakin enjoys the confidence of investors, because he always "got in touch with them and was ready to communicate openly."

Ekaterina Grishkovets, Kirill Melnikov

Zubakin Vasily Alexandrovich, Doctor of Economics

Head of the Department for Coordinating Energy Sales and Operating Activities of OAO LUKOIL
After graduating in 1980. Faculty of Radio Engineering of the Omsk Polytechnic Institute (specialty "Design and production of radio equipment") entered the graduate school of the Moscow Institute of National Economy named after Plekhanov. In 1986 he defended his dissertation on the topic "Management of the organizational development of industrial and economic complexes", becoming a candidate of economic sciences.

In 1987 he returned to the Omsk Polytechnic Institute, where he soon became the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Automation. From the very beginning of his teaching career, he declared himself as a teacher-economist and researcher. Actively participated in organizational and activity games and seminars of G.P. Shchedrovitsky, P.G. Shchedrovitsky and S.V. Popov.

In the same period, he took up professional consulting. In 1988, together with the Administration of the city of Omsk, the Center for Methodological Research, Consulting and Training was established. One of the serious works of the Center was carried out, together with the Interregional Methodological Association S.V. Popova, in 1990 "Examination of the state and prospects for the development of the city of Omsk in the context of market reforms."

In 1990 he entered the doctoral program of the Russian Economic Academy named after G.V. Plekhanov, from which he graduated in 1993. In parallel with this, in 1991, he organized in Omsk a checking investment fund "Siberian Capital", which in 1993 was transformed into a holding company as part of the CIF "Siberian Capital", "Khiminvest", "High Technologies", the management company "Siberian Capital Manager" and Non-State Pension Fund.

In 1996-2000, he served as General Director of OAO Siberian Capital. In 1997, he organized and headed the regional association of anti-crisis managers "Assistance".

In 1999, as an expert methodologist, he participated (under the guidance of P.G. Shchedrovitsky) in an organizational and activity game on the reorganization of an open joint-stock company Omskenergo.

In January 2000, Zubakin was invited to a group preparing a plan for the restructuring of RAO UES of Russia. In April of the same year, he took the position of first deputy head, and then head of the Department of Economics of the holding and subsidiaries of OAO RAO UES of Russia (he held this position until 2002).

He was engaged in setting up business processes for planning, cost management, evaluation and motivation of managers, incl. using the option program). In 2002, he became the head of the Capital Management Department of RAO UES, and in 2004 he headed the Department for Ensuring the Company's Reformation Processes. In addition, from 2002 to 2006, he was a member of the Management Board of RAO UES of Russia.

Summarizing the experience of participating in the reform of the Russian electric power industry, he participated as a co-author in writing the textbook "Economics and Management in the Modern Electric Power Industry", edited by A.B. Chubais. (published by NP KONTs, Moscow, 2009)

In 2006, he joined the Management Board of JSC HydroOGK, an energy company engaged in the design, construction and operation of hydroelectric power plants. In the same year, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Models and methods of managing hydropower companies in the context of market liberalization”, receiving a doctorate in economics.

In 2007, he became Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSC HydroOGK. From January 2008 to September 2010, he was the General Director of OAO HydroOGK Management Company, and from June 2008 to November 2009 he served as Chairman of the Management Board of OAO HydroOGK, renamed at that time into OAO Russian Hydrogenerating Company (RusHydro).

From April 2010, he worked as an authorized representative of the Chairman of the Management Board of JSC RusHydro for interaction with the business community (NP Hydropower of Russia, NP EnergoProfAudit (SRO), RSPP, ICOLD (International Commission on Large Dams), Technical Committee on RES of Rostekhregulirovanie , World Economic Forum, E8. IHA (International Hydropower Association), Energy Council of the Southern Federal District).

In September 2010, he moved to a new job at OAO LUKOIL.

Currently, scientific interests are related to research in the field of integrated risk management in the electric power industry. Since February 2010, he has been the head of the Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanova, since February 2010 is the Chairman of the Council of NP "EnergoProfAudit", a self-regulatory organization in the field of energy efficiency, since April 2010 she has been the head of the Technical Committee for standardization "Processes, equipment and energy systems based on renewable energy sources", since December 2011 is Deputy Chairman of TC 039 "Energy saving, energy efficiency, energy management".

Has industry awards and commendations:
Honorary Diploma of RAO "UES of Russia" 2001
Industry badge "80 years of the GOELRO plan" 2001
Anniversary badge "85 years of the GOELRO plan" 2005
Gratitude of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation 2006
Acknowledgment from RAO UES of Russia, 2008
Gratitude of JSC HydroOGK 2008
Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation 2008
Honorary diploma of JSC RusHydro 2009

Married, two children - a daughter and a son.