Military powerpoint templates. School Powerpoint Presentations. End of hostilities

Presentation provides information to a wide range of people in a variety of ways and methods. The purpose of each work is the transfer and assimilation of the information proposed in it. And for this today they use various methods: from a blackboard with chalk to an expensive projector with a panel.

The presentation can be a set of pictures (photos) framed with explanatory text, built-in computer animation, audio and video files and other interactive elements.

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Victory Day is one of the most important holidays in the countries of the post-Soviet space; it is on this day that we celebrate the victory over the Nazis and the end of the Great Patriotic War, which claimed the lives of many of our compatriots. Victory Day is also celebrated in France, Great Britain and the USA.

Every year, Victory parades are held on Red Square in Moscow and every city; every year, every school hosts events dedicated to this great day - the Day of Victory of our troops over the enemy.

On this page you will find PowerPoint presentation templates dedicated to Victory Day developed by users of our site. They are ideal for:

On presentation templates for May 9 (namely, on this day we celebrate Victory Day), we depicted symbols of war and symbols of victory: St. George’s ribbon, tulips, reminders to soldiers, etc.

These templates can be used not only to create presentations, but also to make diploma forms, thank you notes, invitations based on them - just fill out and print the necessary slides in A4 format on a color printer.

For our English-speaking visitors

There are many free Victory in Europe Day templates and Victory in Europe Day backgrounds for using in the PowerPoint presentations. Please choose a more suitable template and click green button for download. It needn’t registration and any payment.

The Great Patriotic War.

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The Great Patriotic War is a military confrontation between the armies of the USSR and Germany in the first half of the 20th century. The Great Patriotic War took place during World War II from 1941 to 1945.

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WWII name

The very name “Great Patriotic War” appeared in 1941 thanks to Stalin’s radio address. In the countries of the USSR this term is not used. IN THE USA this war called the "war on the eastern front". Sometimes the phrase Patriotic War is attributed to military actions during World War I. Today, the concept of the Great Patriotic War is sometimes replaced by the phrase “Great War”.

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Causes of WWII

The main reasons for the outbreak of the Second World War are:

  • Collapse of the Versailles system
  • The emergence and escalation of Nazism in Germany
  • Territorial expansion of Germany and Italy.
  • Increasing conflict in Europe
  • Beginning of World War 2

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Allies of the USSR

The main allies of the USSR include:

  • USA.
  • Great Britain
  • Poland
  • Czechoslovakia
  • France
  • China,
  • Australia,
  • Yugoslavia,
  • Belgium and other countries.

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Germany's allies:

  • Italy.
  • Hungary,
  • Romania,
  • Finland,
  • Slovakia,
  • Croatia.
  • Bulgaria

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Stages of the Second World War.

Historians divide all actions of the Second World War into 3 periods.

The turning point of the war. Time from autumn 1942 to autumn 1943

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The first period of the war.

The date June 22, 1941 dates back to the beginning of the Second World War. It was on this day that without a declaration of war, the German armies invaded the territory of the USSR. The initial stage of the war included the summer-autumn campaign, in which the German army rapidly advanced and the Soviet troops defended. As a result, by the winter of 1941, the Russians suffered large territorial losses.

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Crucial moment

The turning point in the Second World War was the oars, summer and autumn of 1943. It was then that Soviet troops were able to reverse the attack of the Nazi Germans and go on the offensive. The most serious battles of this period are: the Battle of the Dnieper, the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of Kursk.

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End of the war.

The last stage of the Second World War dates back to the winter and spring of 44-45. It was then that Soviet troops liberated eastern Europe from German occupation.

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End of hostilities.

On May 8, 1945, the surrender of Germany was announced in Europe. This fact made it clear that the Second World War was ending. However, no official documents on the signing of peace were signed. Only in a decree in 1955 was the cessation of hostilities officially announced.

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The most memorable military battles during the war:

  • Battle for Moscow.
  • Leningrad blockade.
  • Battle of Rzhev.
  • Battle of Stalingrad.
  • Battle of Kursk.
  • Vistula-Oder operation.
  • Battle for Berlin.