Inspiration examples. What can get in the way of inspiration? What is the definition of the word “inspiration”?

Inspiration as a personality quality is the ability to be in a trance, illuminated state, in which an extraordinary creative upsurge occurs, complete immersion in one’s occupation and disconnection from everything extraneous.

I wonder if inspiration will come to me if I write about him? Maybe the topic will attract the muse itself, since I’m thinking about it? What am I actually thinking about? What I don’t know yet is about inspiration.

I, like you, know well that this is an insight, a state of euphoria, a creative upsurge, a capricious muse that comes and goes as it pleases. It is advisable to carefully prepare for the meeting with the desired guest: set the table, decorate it with roses, light candles. In a word, once inspiration has come, you must try not to “exhale” it.

Let's look and listen to the word itself. Inspiration is an inspiration, that is, a state when a gift, spirit or spirituality was breathed into us. Initially, it was assumed that an outside spiritual being enters a person, takes possession of his spiritual abilities, elevating and strengthening them. A person receives “inspiration.” He suddenly penetrates into the truth, because the creative, spiritual power of man has come together with the absolute knowledge of the Supreme Mind, when man realizes himself as a part of the universe. This is a state of harmony at all levels: “I”, “You”, “We” and true knowledge.

Let us ask ourselves: does inspiration come to everyone? Or do we first need to prepare a “landing strip” for it? A necessary condition for “planting” inspiration is our professionalism, our knowledge in the area of ​​​​life where we are able to realize the potential of inspiration. For example, you are writing a dissertation. Before writing it, you received appropriate education at school, university, and then in graduate school. You have read a huge number of books on your topic, sifted through a lot of factual material, and perhaps studied your topic in practice. In a word, in terms of your subject matter, you have enriched your memory with the knowledge of all the riches that humanity has developed. That's it, finish. If you continue on the path of expanding your knowledge, then you are still a student.

Of course, you need to study all your life, but it is impossible to know everything. People are generally divided into those who do not know, and those who do not know that they do not know. At some point in your life you must say to yourself: “That’s it! From now on I am my own teacher. I will ask all questions only to myself. I left the world of other people's knowledge and went to the monastery of my soul and mind. The time for exposition is over. Now I will only write essays.” With this position, you are no longer a student wandering through the labyrinths of other people's knowledge. Now your only consultant is your soul. If previously you were focused on other people's knowledge, now you and only you are the intellectual capital for achieving your goals.

However, the soul will advise you if you are busy favorite thing. The cause you serve should be a holiday that is always with you. Remember that time spent doing what you love does not count towards your lifespan. If you were forcibly given a violin bow as a child and forced to play, it is difficult to assume that you will perform musical masterpieces with inspiration. Most likely, you will “saw” the violin, causing the anger and hatred of your neighbors. Mozart became Mozart because his first pleasure was music. We all dream of going to work with joy and returning with pleasure. It is difficult to imagine a scientist or composer who has reached triumphant heights in their field without having love for it. Obsessed with their love, they are ready to endure any hardship and forget about sleep and food. Michelangelo Buanorotti spent four years painting the vaults of the temple while lying on scaffolding, as a result of which he almost completely lost his sight. His inspiration was so powerful that he did not hesitate to sacrifice his health.

In other words, inspiration will become your constant guest if you are a self-sufficient professional who is in love with his work. Three in one. If you don’t have at least one component, you won’t see any inspiration.

Thus, the necessary, but not yet sufficient, conditions for the arrival of inspiration are:

- yours in your chosen business;

- rejection of other people's knowledge and complete withdrawal, to your soul and mind;

favourite buisness, work or occupation.

Inspiration can visit you if the door is not closed. The door to inspiration is yours soul. It has long been noted that brilliant creations of the human mind are born when the soul works to its fullest. Thousands of books and paintings have been written, many films have been shot, and only a few give us true pleasure, only a few of them remain in our memory. Everything that is done with soul is unmistakably captured by people at the subconscious level. A special energy emanates from inspired works. It's impossible to tear yourself away from them. The soul of geniuses is manifested in their creations. At the same time, everything that is made without a soul is also unmistakably determined by the consumer. It is immediately obvious that this is consumer goods, catering or a conveyor belt. Products made with soul, in which the individuality of the craftsman is visible, are always highly valued. Exclusive things are not made using a stencil.

I like the episode from the life of the great Russian artist K. Bryullov, where, in the context of our topic, the difference between a work of genius, made with the soul or only on the basis of the mind, is revealed.

While correcting the student's sketch, the artist slightly touched it in several places, and the bad dead sketch suddenly came to life. “They touched it a little, and everything changed,” said one of the students. “Art begins where “a little bit” begins,” said Bryullov.

Why do we love the work of Vladimir Vysotsky so much? First of all, the great bard put into his songs "nerve" yours and society. He realized the spiritual needs of people, their moods and thoughts. His verse - this art of bards since ancient times was considered the most effective form mastering the verse. In addition, Vysotsky worked on every word, every phrase, taking care of the utmost simplicity of the form. His poems are simple and understandable, not because he was simple, like the truth. The great bard deliberately presented his creativity in this form for the sake of people. It was this interest in people and their destinies that became a source of inspiration for him. Using the example of V. Vysotsky, we clearly understand that inspiration comes to those who do their job for the sake of people with soul and nerve. IN unity of soul and mind the key to inspiration.

Maybe great people were inspired by fame, money or social status? To some extent, yes. They are the same people. Nothing human is alien to them. But, with all this, their creations are the fruits of the soul and mind. Fame and money as attributes of success could only hinder inspiration. They are a distraction for inspiration. Any desires are his enemies. For example, a composer strives for fame. Fame is the most attractive goal for him. I assure you that there will be tension with inspiration. Fame is an attribute of the goal, not the goal itself. If, in conjunction with inspiration, he puts his soul into his music, fame will find him. It's sad that sometimes fame and money find an author posthumously. However, there is no other way. The principle will not work here: money in the morning, soul in the evening. First the soul, and then money and fame. The soul is a magnet for inspiration. If the soul and mind sing in unison, this is the most fertile atmosphere for inspiration.

Children of inspiration always sprout new ideas, goals and objectives. Moreover, their new goals are always a step higher than the previous ones. They ask themselves questions that no one has ever asked. They love the unexplored routes of life. Everything new attracts them like a magnet. They love to experiment. Inspiration adores such people, and cannot stand those born to crawl.

It should be noted that inspiration loves creative of people. It is ready to come to any person if it knows that he is capable of creating. Ordinary people They do not have creative experience and qualifications, so they are not friendly with inspiration. A creative, gifted person of appropriate qualifications can accept the knowledge that has come to him, systematize it and, then, relay it to people. This task is not for everyone.

Let's listen carefully to one of Mozart's favorite inspirations: ““Thoughts crowd into my head, entering it with the greatest ease. How and where they come from, I don’t know and have nothing to do with it. As soon as the theme arises, another melody appears and itself connects with the first in accordance with the requirements of the composition. The composition does not come to me sequentially, not in parts, developed in detail, as they will become later, but in in its entirety , so my imagination allows me to hear it in its entirety.” Mozart speaks of a phenomenon incomprehensible to him, some unknown sphere of consciousness, which suddenly illuminates consciousness in its entirety, in its completeness and clarity. Everything becomes clear and even annoyance arises, as it had never occurred to me before. Mozart testifies that he is only a conductor of the music of the Universe, that his bodily shell is not involved in the music of the Supreme Consciousness. The composer claims that his role and merit in this action consists only in the routine part of creativity - the detailed development of the composition in accordance with the requirements of musical literacy. And such visits of inspiration began in childhood. Little Mozart ran up to his father and shouted: “Dad! The notes are choking me!”

Einstein wrote about the inexplicable phenomenon of inspiration: “A discovery in science is by no means accomplished in a logical way; it takes on a logical form only later, in the course of presentation. A discovery, even the smallest one, is always an insight. The result comes from outside and as unexpectedly as if someone had suggested it.”

Inspiration requires the utmost concentration of thoughts on your work. Without complete detachment from external circumstances, self-absorption and complete concentration on one’s work, it is impossible. A person must be in a kind of stress state before inspiration arrives. IN normal condition Our thoughts flutter like free birds. When we are stressed, we cannot think about anything other than the cause of the stress. One dominant thought paralyzes our consciousness. Lovers are also under a kind of stress. They also think only about the object of their love. The whole world, all external influences cease to exist for them. This is exactly the state that creative individuals experience. It comes to the point that they do not perceive any irritation or sensation either by sight, hearing, or any other sense organ. There is a complete identification of man and thought. The reward for such concentration of thought is inspiration.

Everyone knows that D. Mendeleev dreamed of the periodic system of chemical elements. Why didn’t Tchaikovsky, Lenin, or the chemist’s son-in-law, Blok, dream about it? Because Mendeleev concentrated his thought in the direction of systematization and search for connections between chemical elements. His brain intensively searched for a way out and found it when a meeting with inspiration occurred.

You can enter the state of an idea generator, a creator of masterpieces only with high energy level. Negativists and skeptics have a low level of energy. Apathy, depression and pessimism cannot, by definition, be sympathetic to inspiration. On the contrary, a person with a high vitality relays his success to the world and, thereby, attracts inspiration.

It seemed that we had taken into account all the whims of inspiration, however, we forgot about the rule: “the more we love a woman, the less she likes us.” In passionate anticipation of the welcome guest, we decorate our workplace, forgetting that inspiration is a derivative of labor. At the moment of creativity, we need complete calm. Expectations, impatience, a burning desire to quickly achieve our goal only knock us out of the working rut, destroying the unity of soul and mind. Remember, any preparation, expectations and desire to quickly achieve your goal serve as a bogeyman for inspiration. Start working and it will come to you. Remember the recipe for inspiration from P.I. Tchaikovsky: “I sit down at the piano and start playing something, at least fingering the keys. I do this for as long as I like: until inspiration comes.”

Little Brahms' favorite toy was tin soldiers. He could spend hours building his “tin army.” But even when he became an adult man and a famous composer, Brahms continued to play soldiers for a long time. - Oh, maestro, how is this possible? - friends were surprised. - You don’t regret your time at all! - Gentlemen, you understand nothing either about creativity or tin soldiers, answered the composer. “As soon as I line up my faithful army and command it: “forward,” inspiration immediately comes to me, and while my soldiers are running to storm, I run to the piano...

Thus, for inspiration to come, it is necessary to eliminate all elements excessive significance: expectations, purpose of work, preparation and desires.

I wonder when, at what time of the day or night, inspiration comes? One woman once joked: “My husband goes on a business trip and inspiration comes to me.” It seems that the most fertile time for inspiration to come is the moment of greatest liberation brain creative personality. The slightest signs of fatigue make it difficult to achieve the moment of insight. The experience of great people says that the morning hours (4-5 am) are the most favorable and fruitful for creativity. The outstanding Russian poet Mayakovsky jumped out of bed at night, writing down lines of poetry that suddenly came to his mind, and went back to sleep. At the same time, it was easiest for him to write on the tram. Many creative people think productively while walking. Einstein met inspiration in the shower. In a word, everyone has their own way.

While I was expressing my thoughts about inspiration, maybe it was somehow whispering little secrets about itself into my ear? Maybe it wasn’t me, but it told me: “I will come to you under these conditions:

1. if you have high level of professionalism in your chosen business;

2. if you refuse someone else’s knowledge and completely retreated into themselves, to your soul and mind;

3. if you are busy favorite thing, work or occupation;

4. if you do your job for the sake of the people in unity of soul and mind;

5. if you creative personality;

6. if you have achieved extreme concentration of thought in your business;

7. if you have high energy level:

8. if you have eliminated all the elements excessive significance: expectations, purpose of work, preparation and desires.”

Petr Kovalev 2013

The question of where to find inspiration is often relevant not only for creative people who need a creative boost. This feeling is also necessary in everyday life, because this inspired state during which “you want to live and work” perfectly helps to solve absolutely any assigned tasks, be it meeting a busy schedule or creating some creative creations.

Sources of inspiration are all around us, but we don't always notice them. But truly creative people are always able to be inspired by anything. Traditionally, creative inspiration is called the muse. Many poets turned to this mythical character, personifying her and presenting her as a sorceress. In fact, finding incentive and inspiration can be quite simple:


Following the example of poets and writers, the main muse is a loved one. When you are in love, you are in a very special state, and everything in your life takes on new colors. Moreover, as you know, it inspires and happy love, and unhappy. True, the latter option more often inspires creativity than the usual happy life. And yet, the inspiration of love has been the most powerful source for thousands of years.


How to find inspiration if life is gray and boring, and you don’t do anything for the soul at all? Writing books, poems, paintings or music can inspire a person in itself. It is known that when a person creates, he is in a completely extraordinary state, akin to the one that happens when falling in love.


To understand where to get inspiration for your life, you can turn to art. Reading great books (but not pulp novels and detective stories), visiting exhibitions with paintings by great artists, or even classical music can sometimes help a person discover new depths in himself that were previously hidden.


Nature has always inspired creative people. Just remember Pushkin’s “Boldino Autumn”. However, from any poet you will find a lot of poems that are dedicated to the greatness of Mother Nature. If there is not enough beauty in your life to inspire you, take a walk in the park or in the forest, go to the sea or river.


The love for pets represents an amazing type of affection that we have. As a rule, we become aware only in serious situations: when a pet gets sick or something worse. If there is not enough love in your life, pay attention to how kindly this sweet creature living with you treats you. Find inspiration in the devotion of animals - because sometimes people are not even capable of such strong feelings.


If you want to achieve something, you can study the biography of your idol and find out how he rose through the steps of success and fame. It is this approach that will help you believe in yourself and realize that the most famous people in our world also once started small and overcame difficulties.


Oddly enough, something as intangible as a dream can serve as a powerful source of inspiration. After all, if you are really passionate about an idea, you can certainly find a lot of strength to overcome any obstacles on the way to its implementation. The inspiration that a dream gives is the purest inspiration - you take it from yourself, and you don’t need anything from the outside world for this.

When you know you need a burst of encouragement, look for it around you. Of course, it would be nice to draw inspiration from foreign lands, but the amazing is nearby. And sometimes you yourself, through inattention, pass by something that can inspire you for a long time.

Inspiration is a state of peculiar tension and rise of spiritual forces, creative excitement of a person, leading to the emergence or implementation of the plan and idea of ​​a work of science, art, technology. IN . for all its apparent spontaneity is usually the result preliminary hard work.
Inspiration is needed not only by poets, writers and musicians, but also by every person in order to carry out their activities. Probably, a thoughtless workaholic can work without inspiration, who knows only one thing: he needs to go to work today, work the day, someone will pay him a salary, and maybe.

Everyone else needs inspiration in order to use willpower to achieve goals, since life and any work involves certain actions that seem completely routine, and the desired result is not always clearly visible ahead. This state of affairs is very stressful Everyday life, and inspiration brings a goal, the achievement of which becomes interesting, tempting, and attractive.

Where does inspiration come from?

You need to tune in to inspiration and creativity, and there are technologies for this.
Inspiration is a trance state when a person is completely immersed in what he is doing and does not notice anything unnecessary.
When you believe in yourself, things go easier. When things are going well, it is easier to believe in yourself. In inspiration it becomes a loop: things are going well, I believe in myself, things are going even better!

Remember the recipe for inspiration from P.I. Tchaikovsky: “I sit down at the piano and start playing something, at least fingering the keys. I do this for as long as I like: until inspiration comes.” If you wait for inspiration while away from business and activity, you will have to wait a long time. Chewing chips with a bored face and staring at the TV is not an option: melancholy will set in and you won’t get any inspiration. Be in business more often good mood, inspiration will come to you on its own.

Inspiration loves the active

Physiologists suggest that in order to trigger optimal brain function, it is not complete rest that is required, but a certain level of even “noise of activity.” Getting enough sleep, calming down in meditation is useful, but then for inspiration you need a “starter”. Mayakovsky wrote most easily when riding on a tram, scientists like to think while walking or calmly running, Einstein entered a creative state under the shower, when the shower created an even noise and provided a pleasant head massage. It's good when you have your favorite rituals, your own keys of inspiration.

In the evening it’s nice to escape from the big day into your favorite activity; in the evening and closer to night, inspiration comes more often. But it’s better not to abuse this: this resource is quickly exhausted, after some time, after sleepless nights, instead of inspiration, you will only get a heavy head, and coffee will no longer help. More productive are the early morning hours, when the house is completely quiet and the city outside the window is just waking up.
If you've worked for an hour, take a break, stretch, and take a good shower. Short, frequent rests, for example 10 minutes every hour, are healthier than working for a long time without interruption.

There are so few things and phenomena around us that influence us. And even less is what makes you try, work and create.

Thinking about what to write in an article about sources of inspiration, I came to the conclusion that for many of us they are individual. Some find it incredibly difficult to find something inspiring, others find inspiration in everything that surrounds them. However, there are some things that most of us draw inspiration from. These things help us find the strength to create. And it is very useful to know them for those who find it difficult to force themselves to do something or who fail to achieve anything as a result of long work: not only artists, poets and musicians, but also everyone who is simply trying to overcome their laziness.

In moments of creative inspiration, a person has a strong influence on other people, he can easily convince them, persuade them to his opinion, idea, and lead them. A personal property that provides the opportunity for such situational influence on others, associated with personal inspiration, is called charisma. A state of inspiration occurs in a person who passionately and persistently strives for a creative solution to a given problem.

The problem with creative inspiration is that it is quite difficult to achieve purposefully. In essence, inspiration is the fruit of love for one’s work, some bright idea firmly lodged in a person’s head, as well as a confluence of many circumstances. On the other hand, the problem of inspiration stems from the fact that there is no eternal source of inspiration. We constantly need to look for something new that can motivate us.

How to find inspiration

What can become a source of inspiration, what will give us a state that is characterized by the ease of movement of thoughts and images, their clarity and completeness, deep experiences, when all cognitive processes are especially productive? People get inspiration from various sources.

Breaking your comfort zone, difficulties and challenges.
When the comfort zone is violated, a person has a desire to return to a comfortable state again. Overcoming obstacles gives satisfaction and inspires you to new achievements.

Cognitive dissonance or psychological contradictions. Absolutely all people from time to time experience a state of mental discomfort caused by a clash in their minds of conflicting ideas: ideas, beliefs, values ​​or emotional reactions. If dissonance occurs, the individual will strive with all his might to reduce the degree of discrepancy between his two attitudes, trying to achieve consonance. This serves as a source of inspiration.

Sublimation- This is the switching of mental energy from one state to another. According to Sigmund Freud, during sublimation, instinctive (mostly sexual) energy is switched into non-instinctive forms of behavior. In other words, sublimation is the transformation of erotic unsatisfied desire, feeling into creative activity.

Love is one of the most powerful sources of inspiration. Often love as a source of creative impulse is identified only with sublimation, but this is not always the case. Love is not always a reflection of sexual attraction. For example, a mother loves her child, and this is associated with the desire to care for and protect the object of her love. Many great achievements were made in the name of love, and poets were inspired by their muses, whose women they truly loved.

Reading. Books are a source of wisdom. Reading is a long-term investment in your development. By reading books, we constantly accumulate ideas, opinions, points of view, quotes and symbols, so that we can then begin to work inspired.

Trips. Trips to new cities and countries, like books, always bring new impressions, emotions and an excellent source of inspiration. Often the most interesting ideas We get them during long trips.

Nature. Its diversity and colors have inspired people at all times. In an urban environment, the influence of nature can be significant: just get out of the city and you will feel a surge of strength and emotional uplift.

Successful people. There may be successful people in your environment, try to communicate with them as much as possible, adopting their way of thinking and acting. Also successful worldwide famous people can become an example and inspire. It could be a banal feeling of envy or, for example, sincere admiration - in any case, someone else's success can motivate us to work harder and better.

Music and other art forms. They evoke a lot of emotions and associations in us, help us break away from everyday life, and become a source of creativity. Painting, poetry (poetry), music, theater, cinema, opera.

Family and close friends- a source of inspiration, essentially it is love, but also a feeling of kinship, something of one’s own. We are owners by nature and value our family and friends, are inspired by them, and do significant things for their sake.

Self-knowledge. Studying human nature, diving into our motives and emotions, often helps us learn a lot about ourselves, including how to motivate and inspire ourselves.

Sport. In a healthy body healthy mind. Sport affects our external beauty and also awakens some physical and chemical processes in the body, which can give strength for creation. For example, an evening jog can energize you and inspire creativity.

Children. Communicating with children and participating in their upbringing, we often see ourselves in them. We rejoice at their successes as if they were our own; we are fueled by their irrepressible energy and their pure mind.

Memories. You can evoke the feelings you need for inspiration with memories; they can be different depending on what trace they left in your soul. The happiest moments of your life will help create a positive mood, and sad emotions will make you rethink what you experienced and start a new life.

Inspiration refers to a special state of a person. When his consciousness is filled with spiritual forces, and all thought processes move in the same direction. Inspiration is a special state of mind. If it comes to a person, you need to try to keep it for as long as possible or find a new one as quickly as possible. In this state, people can move mountains. After all, they are inspired and full of strength to implement their plans. When inspiration comes to a person, he is ready to realize his entire creative reserve. He does not pay attention to the difficulties and all kinds of obstacles that arise in his way. This is how inspiration manifests itself. This is a wonderful state of mind and body.

They say about such people that they seem to soar above everyone, charging those around them with their energy and creative spirit. As a rule, to people creative professions inspiration comes more often. It is very important. Because without it they cannot create. Such professions include artists, musicians, actors, directors, singers, musicians and others. But inspiration can also come to people who are not associated with creativity. This occurs in cases where a person has found himself and sees his purpose in a particular activity. Inspiration will also be an important part of his work process. You can create not only in art, but also in other areas of life.

How can you define the word “inspiration”?

First of all, you can look at word formation. Inspiration means a new breath or inspiration. Therefore, the meaning of this word should be understood as the arrival of some new idea. Moreover, it brings a person a dizzying burst of energy and joy of being.

Inspiration means a positive attitude. If we consider the etymology of this word in other languages, it should be said that it can mean divine guidance. Surely it has happened to some people that there comes a certain period of time when he commits actions that are unusual for him, and does it purposefully. And after achieving the goal, he himself is surprised how everything turned out this way for him. Some people even note that it was as if someone was helping them at that moment or showing them the way. This is the inspiration or direction of a higher power.

Positive points

What are some positive moments of inspiration? Let's look at them:

  1. A person under the influence of this feeling can commit rash actions from the point of view of ordinary people. But it is they who will ultimately lead to the achievement of goals that cannot be achieved in the normal state.
  2. Creation begins through inspiration.
  3. For creativity, this state is an integral part of the process of creating something. This could be writing a book, staging a play, or creating some kind of project.
  4. Inspiration gives a person energy. With its help, the strength to realize your plans appears. A person can sleep for several hours a day, all his thoughts and actions are aimed at achieving his plans, he does not feel tired.

How to get inspiration? Advice for creative people who have lost their muse

When a person is inspired, he does not think about what could be different. But in a situation where it is missing, thoughts arise about how to get it back or find a new one.

First of all, for inspiration to come, you need a source. That is, some event or new acquaintance. It is also possible to renew an old relationship with someone. We are not talking about love relationships here. Although it happens that a new novel can also become a source of inspiration. The trigger can also be anything, such as a picture or a dream.

In order for inspiration to come, it is necessary to create new things. To do this, it is recommended to visit exhibitions, museums, go to the theater, and cinema.

Another great source can be traveling to new countries and unexplored places. You should know that inspiration can come from learning or seeing something new, unknown. Therefore, as an option, you can read books.

How can you develop inspiration?

Inspiration comes to some people often, while to others almost never. This state of affairs depends on the person himself, namely on his character traits. Let's look at them:

  1. People who are enthusiastic are more likely to find inspiration in their lives. life path. This is due to their positive attitude and willingness to be open to new things.
  2. People who are passionate about something are also able to find their inspiration. This mindset pushes them to look for new activities. They are happy to delve into any topic and find themselves in it. They are not able to sit, get bored and wait for inspiration to come to them. This type of character pushes people to search for new ideas. This is a good trait for inspiration.
  3. Creative thinking allows you to make a standard situation interesting and creative. A person with ordinary thinking will see melancholy and routine in any state of affairs. A creative approach makes it possible to approach the solution of a particular problem in a non-standard way and find inspiration in it.
  4. People who know how to observe can notice a tendency towards something in a certain person and direct him in the right direction.

Music for inspiration. Which one should you listen to?

You can often find music selections for inspiration. As a rule, they are divided into sections. Each person needs their own music for inspiration.

Some will be inspired by the lyrical selection, while others need to listen to action or techno. Therefore no general recommendations according to the repertoire of music for inspiration. Each person chooses what he likes.

What does inspiration mean? Synonym of this word

Inspiration has many synonyms. Namely: suggestion, inspiration, inspiration, passion. If you are wondering what the synonym for the word “inspiration” is, then know that it is vitality, enthusiasm and a visit to the muse. This is not a complete list yet.

They all mean one thing: inspiration is a special state of personality. At this time, a person is full of strength, is on the rise of his capabilities and is passionate about some idea.

Creativity and mood. What is the connection between them?

Inspiration for creativity is an integral part of this process. There are even certain recommendations for people in creative professions on how to attract a muse to themselves. If, for example, a composer lacks inspiration, then writing a song for him will be incredibly difficult and time-consuming. And when inspiration is present, the melody will be created in as soon as possible. The same thing happens to people in other creative professions when inspiration comes to them. Mood plays an important role in the creative process. It doesn't have to be joyful and cheerful.

For some creative processes, a state of inspiration with a tinge of sadness, sadness or indignation is suitable. A person’s experiences can bring not only joy, but also anger and anger. A feeling of inspiration can motivate you to create something extraordinary.

A little conclusion

In any case, it is worth striving to achieve inspiration. This state of a person gives him unforgettable emotions. Some people compare it to falling in love. Indeed, inspiration inspires a person just as much as the feelings of love. People whose life is not related to creativity should not give up inspiration. Because it will bring an unforgettable experience to anyone’s life. For example, if a person is engaged in analytical work or engineering development, inspiration will help them implement some interesting project.

Therefore, we wish you to find your inspiration, let it help you create interesting ideas!