Managing change. Yitzhak K. Adizes Managing change. Help the organization change

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent species that survive, but those that best adapt to change,” said Charles Darwin. Isaac Adizes continues this thought: “We will stop facing problems only if there is no change at all, and this will happen only when we... die.”

The book is dedicated to the processes of acceptance management decisions in the context of constant changes occurring both inside and outside the organization. Problems arising as a result of changes, according to Adizes, are not only predictable, but also solvable. The author clearly shows how you can create and maintain the integrity of an organization if you master the art of making and implementing quality management decisions.

From this book you will learn: why conflicts are inevitable and even necessary; how to make conflict constructive; how to communicate with other people whose management styles are different from yours; how to recognize bad management; how to make quality decisions; how to predict whether a solution will be implemented; how to organize teamwork; how to create an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect; CAPI: the key to change management.

First conversation
The meaning of management

One day I got into a conversation with one of my students. He was an intelligent and inquisitive young man. He wanted to find out what my special knowledge of management had given me the opportunity to teach and lecture around the world. So he asked if I would have time to talk to him about this topic. I liked his curiosity and agreed to answer his questions. As we walked through the park, exchanging questions and answers, the concept of this book gradually formed in my head.
I know that you have been studying management processes for over twenty years. What is it?
First of all, we need to define what the word manage means.

Traditional management theory

I discovered that in some languages, such as Swedish, French and Serbo-Croatian, the verb to manage does not have a literal translation. In these languages, verbs such as guide, lead, or command are more often used instead. When people speaking these languages ​​want to say what Americans mean by using the verb to manage, they usually also use this English word. For example, in Spanish, the verb manejar - the literal translation of to manage - turns out to be closer in meaning to the verb to handle (“handle something, manage something”) and is used only in relation to horses or cars. When the Spaniards want to use a word close to the word to manage in the American sense, they say “manage” or “do business.”
But isn't the management process universal?
No. In some countries, management as practiced in the United States and taught in American business schools is prohibited by law. In the system of “self-government” in the former Yugoslavia, the head of an enterprise who made an economic decision unilaterally could end up in court. Such an action would be interpreted as a violation of democracy. Instead, the plant director had to “propose” a solution, and the workers could accept or reject it. In Israel, the head of the kibbutz, who essentially occupies the position of manager, is regularly re-elected so that no one person can claim permanent leadership of others.
Are you saying that the head of the kibbutz leads the people for a while and then returns to the farm to milk the cows?
Or cook food, or wash dishes. In this organization, no leader is elected forever, just as the government in democratic countries is not elected forever. Otherwise it would violate the principles of democracy. The head of a kibbutz is not a profession.
What should be understood by the word to manage, if in some languages ​​it does not have a direct translation, and in some socio-political systems the activity it denotes is considered unnecessary or even prohibited?
What synonyms would you suggest?
Decide, act, plan, control, organize, dominate, achieve goals, lead, motivate, complete...
Some dictionaries offer the same synonyms for the word "manage" as you do. But there are also other intriguing synonyms, such as dominate or rule, which are given in the American Collegiate Dictionary. Oxford Dictionary adds the verbs to manipulate and connive to this list. It is interesting to note that none of the dictionaries I looked at listed the verbs to lead or motivate as synonyms.
I don't like the synonyms pandering or manipulating.
And there is a good reason for this. To understand what it is, let's define the "common denominator" of all the synonyms mentioned above, with the exception of lead and manipulate. Imagine the process described by each of these words. Animate their meaning. Can you now identify the common denominator? Act... plan... control... organize... achieve... complete.
They all describe a one-way process. The one who leads tells those he leads what they should do. The leader determines what needs to be done, and his subordinates become the instruments for achieving the goal.
That's why we call a manager the "head" of the department and his most capable subordinate the "right hand." The right hand does exactly what the head tells it to do, while the left hand acts as if it can act of its own accord. Her behavior is not completely controlled.

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Managing change [How to effectively manage change in society, business and personal life] Adizes Yitzhak Calderon

About the Adizes methodology

About the Adizes methodology

When we first heard about Isaac Adizes from the presidents of various companies whom we knew and respected... these people simply said that he was a representative of a new breed of management consultants, a person who really understood how business works and what needs to be done, so that he can perform even better. In fact, Adizes is more than just a consultant. He is a pioneer in the field of management - a serious, insightful and skillful observer of organizational behavior, which he has studied for over 25 years.

The Editors of Inc. Magazine

Last year, we increased sales by 70%, reduced operating costs, increased profitability and significantly improved the climate in our organization. These results were largely achieved thanks to the use of the Adizes methodology.

Donald Boroyan, President of Francorp, Inc.

Mutual respect and enthusiasm have reached previously unseen levels in our company. Adizes gave us the means and the impetus to involve all of its employees in the management of the company. There is no doubt that the changes in the internal climate have been incredible... his method allows you to get from everyone the contribution that he is able to make to the success of the common cause.

Frank Chamberlain, President of Porter Paint Company

Corporations, like people, exhibit different qualities at different times in their lives. Dr. Adizes describes these stages in a way that no one has done before; it provides you with opportunities to better understand your corporation, allowing you to become immeasurably wiser.

William Farley, Chairman of the Board of Farley Industries

With Isaac Adizes, we examined our management structure to find ways to give it more focus and definition, and as a result we designed our organizational structure... It was a real success! At first we were skeptical, but at the end of the work we were indescribably delighted. We were able to achieve high focus and significantly increase individual and collective responsibility.

Ernest Fleischman, Vice President and Executive Director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic

Adizes' methodology helped us solve many structural and functional problems. I am confident that it is the most advanced management methodology in the world today.

P. N. Gerolimatos, President of P.N. Gerilymatos S.A., Greece

Adizes helped us start to think like a single corporation. Previously, each of us acted only as a representative of his unit.

Fernando Hilsenbeck, Vice President of Villares Industries, Brazil

Adizes simplified management theory. His message is clear and concise. As with Peter Drucker's books, the more time you invest in reading Managing Change, the greater the return on your investment.

George Landgrebe, President and Director of American Banker/Bond Buyer

Isaac Adizes is a true management guru, and his ideas are applicable both in personal life and in company management. In his book you will become familiar, as I was, with the benefits of a complete, balanced theory that can be successfully applied in everyday life.

Adizes is one of the few management consultants who has been able to transform a set of theoretical concepts into extremely effective practical guidelines for managers. What's even more impressive is that he integrated these principles into a comprehensive management system. In addition, this ambitious work was carried out using the concept life cycle, which targets a common source of difficulty that many managers face.

William Newman, Professor Emeritus, Columbia University Graduate School of Business

Dr. Adizes' methodology not only provides an extremely effective means of building a functionally effective organizational structure, his approach allows you to make functional changes while improving the morale of your organization.

Lauren Rothschild, President, American Protection Industries, Inc.

The management development program developed by Adizes helped me learn new effective ways making difficult management decisions.

Lee Ruwitch, Publisher, Miami Review

The experience turned out to be extremely positive. People who attend different stages of the program are convinced that the methodology is very useful and that the time spent on mastering it will pay off handsomely. Students of the program become more confident in the future of their companies. In the process of training, we develop inner self-confidence and inner trust. People become calmer and better prepared for the future.

Paulo Villares, President and Director of Villares Industries, Brazil

Reading and re-reading Adizes stimulates not only my innovative thinking, but also my effective actions. How unusual is his common sense approach to dealing with complex situations!

Kirby Warren, Professor, Columbia University School of Business

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Goals of the Adizes program * * *

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From the author's book

About the Adizes Institute The Adizes Institute (USA) is an international consulting organization ranked among the top ten consulting companies world according to the Leadership Excellence rating. Organizational change programs implemented by the Adizes Institute are based on

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Example. Violation of the methodology for accounting for leasing operations Leasing is understood as a type of investment activity for the acquisition of property and its transfer on the basis of a leasing agreement to individuals and legal entities for a certain fee, for a certain period and for

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2.1. Why do we need risk management standards and methodologies? The selection of adequate risk management methodologies, software lifecycle models, IT project metrics, use of tools and software development is a rather complex task for companies -

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Methodologies for Applying Subjective Skills Just as the hands need practice working together to achieve a certain result, both sides of the brain - the objective left hemisphere and the subjective right - need training.

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Important BPM Methodologies This section discusses the main BPM models and methodologies. BPM has evolved over a long period of time. Today's concept of BPM is the result of the merger of three main trends that have developed independently over many years. These main currents