Managing staff turnover in an organization. Managing staff turnover in an organization Progressive promotion of the individual

Nikitina Ekaterina Evgenievna

and administration, Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician M. F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk

Starodymova Anastasia Vladimirovna

Master's student, International Higher School of Innovative Business

and administration, Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician M. F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk

E- mail: nastena2328@ mail. ru

Podverbnykh Olga Efimovna

scientific supervisor, doctor of economic sciences Professor, International Higher School of Innovative Business and Administration, Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician M.F. Reshetneva, Krasnoyarsk

Personnel turnover is one part of the overall movement of labor resources in the economy. This is a special, independent form of movement, consisting of unorganized dismissals of workers from organizations in connection with the termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employee or employer, as well as due to circumstances beyond the will of the parties.

Today, staff turnover is one of the main problems of any business, as it entails a decrease in production indicators, operational efficiency, and, as a result, considerable financial losses. According to expert estimates, an increased degree of staff turnover is a pressing problem for at least 70% of medium and large companies in Russia.

All activities to manage staff turnover within the framework of the enterprise’s personnel policy can be represented in the following stages:

Stage 1. Determining the level of staff turnover.

At this stage, the main thing is to answer the question: is the level of turnover so high that it leads to unreasonable economic and social losses and loss of profit for the enterprise? When determining the level of turnover, it is necessary to take into account factors that may influence the level of turnover, among them may be: production technology, labor intensity of work, the presence/absence of a seasonality factor in the production cycle, management style, level and principles of corporate culture. Industry affiliation also has a great influence on the turnover rate. According to research, in Russia the level (rate) of staff turnover is considered normal for the manufacturing sector, not exceeding 10-20% per year; in an actively growing business, especially at the stage of mass hiring, the level of turnover can be higher and amount to just over 20%. For IT companies, the turnover rate is 8–10%; in retail trade and insurance business, 30% is considered the norm. The hotel and restaurant business has the highest turnover rate - 80% - and this is recognized by experts as a normal value. In the banking sector, the turnover rate is 7-10%. In pharmacy organizations, turnover ranges from 10 to 25%. The fewest problems with employee volatility are observed in the energy and mining sectors.

It is advisable to analyze the dynamics of an enterprise’s labor indicators over the maximum possible period of time, since the main task of this analysis is to identify the presence and magnitude of seasonal fluctuations in turnover.

Stage 2. Determining the level of economic losses caused by staff turnover. This is one of the most time-consuming but important stages of analysis, associated with the processing of a large amount of intra-company information.

If possible, it is necessary to at least approximately estimate the amount of losses, which mainly consists of the following indicators:

  • loss of working time - the period between the dismissal of an employee and the hiring of a new one, during which the workplace is not functioning;
  • losses caused by the dismissal procedure - payment of severance pay to resigning employees;
  • the cost of working time of a personnel service employee to formalize the dismissal of an employee;
  • possible losses associated with legal costs in case of illegal dismissal of an employee and his subsequent reinstatement and payment for forced absence;
  • possible direct costs associated with involving a recruitment agency in the search for candidates for a vacant position;
  • losses caused by carrying out the procedure for hiring workers for a vacant workplace on our own - time spent by a HR employee searching for candidates;
  • costs of selecting candidates - the cost of working time of a HR specialist carrying out the selection procedure;
  • costs of training a hired employee - costs associated with the employee’s labor adaptation, with on-the-job training in various ways (mentoring, self-study, help from work colleagues, etc.);
  • off-the-job training costs;
  • costs associated with “hidden turnover” - a decrease in the productivity of employees who decide to quit.
  • costs for the formation of a socio-psychological climate in the team to build a stable workforce. Currently, the management of many companies pays great attention to team building - team-building trainings are held, joint corporate events are organized (holidays, visits to the gym). This cost item consists of funds allocated by the management of the enterprise for such purposes.

Having assessed the amount of losses, they are compared with the costs of eliminating the causes of excessive staff turnover.

Stage 3. Determining the reasons for staff turnover. The key reasons for the high level of staff turnover at an enterprise may be:

1) specifics of the production and economic activities of the enterprise or industry specifics;

2) the presence of problems in the enterprise management system.

If the first reason is identified, then no solutions are required, since the high level of turnover will still remain, since it is subjective.

The second reason requires searching for bottlenecks in the enterprise management system.

Analysis of the reasons for employee dismissal can be based on two aspects:

The first is based on the division of grounds for dismissal according to the legislative principle - the grounds for termination of employment relations listed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the grounds will correspond only to those listed in the Labor Code: at their own request, in connection with a transfer, temporary workers, absenteeism without good reason (clause 4., Article 33 of the Labor Code), child care, for appearing at work while drunk ( clause 7., Article 33 of the Labor Code), reduction of personnel (clause 1., Article 33 of the Labor Code), retirement, due to death, some others.

An analysis of the enterprise's personnel statistics can help identify such reasons. You can compare the data obtained with similar data from other enterprises or with data on the industry as a whole.

The second aspect is related to identifying the true motives for dismissing employees. It is necessary to identify the real reasons that prompt the employee to decide to quit. Personnel service statistics do not contain complete information on this issue, since only the “at-will” basis can imply a very wide range of reasons: dissatisfaction with the level of pay, personal reasons, delays in payment of wages, difficult and/or dangerous working conditions, inconvenient schedule work, remoteness of the place of work.

Stage 4. Development of a system of measures to reduce excessive turnover and improve the procedure for hiring and firing employees.

These activities can be divided into three main groups:

  • technical and economic measures - improving working conditions, improving the system of material incentives, improving the organization and management of production, mechanization of individual labor processes, etc.);
  • organizational measures - improving procedures for hiring and firing employees, creating a system of career growth and advanced training for employees both within the company and outside, etc.);
  • socio-psychological activities - including improving management methods and styles, working to improve relationships in the team, creating a system of moral encouragement, working to develop and strengthen the team spirit of the team, etc.

One possible area of ​​work could be organizing assistance for laid-off employees. Such assistance can be psychological, consulting, informational and will be provided by employees of the enterprise’s personnel service.

The purpose of such work is to help the employee go through the dismissal procedure as “gently” as possible and find a new job as quickly as possible, as well as psychological support for the dismissed person.

An employee of the enterprise's personnel service, as a professional in this field, can provide a package of information, documents, and consultation. It can help a future candidate create a resume and prepare for upcoming interviews. It can help place the candidate’s resume on the relevant Internet portals, in the employment service register, as well as distribute information about the candidate among personnel officers of other enterprises with whom he personally communicates or create a list of organizations that are currently looking for an employee with relevant knowledge and experience.

Such activities do not require significant material costs, but at the same time they can help:

  • reduce the possible number of lawsuits and payments for them from dismissed employees;
  • reduce the number of compensation payments to dismissed employees;
  • create an image of the company as a positive employer;
  • remain on good terms with the dismissed employee.

5. Determining the effectiveness of the proposed measures. At the final stage, it is very important to compare the costs associated with carrying out the developed activities with the losses associated with a high level of staff turnover. The criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the proposed project will be the same as when assessing any other business project - if the costs of its implementation exceed the expected economic effect, then it is necessary to search for other, more economically feasible and less costly options for improving work with personnel.


  1. Avchirenko L.K. Personnel management of an organization. – M.: INFRA-M; Novosibirsk: NGAEiU, 2010. – 482 p.
  2. Nikiforova L. Analyze staff turnover, and you will learn a lot about the company // Personnel Affairs. 2011. ‑ No. 2. – P. 48‑59.
  3. Romanov V. Pros and cons of staff turnover // Personnel manager. Personnel management. ‑ 2011. ‑ No. 11. – P. 94‑107.
  4. Skavitin A.V. Methodological approaches to managing staff turnover // Personnel, personnel. - 2010. - No. 6. – P. 54-61.

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Staff turnover - the process of unplanned dismissal of employees, caused by the employee’s dissatisfaction with the workplace (working conditions, living conditions, etc.) and the organization’s dissatisfaction with this employee: his indiscipline, systematic failure to fulfill duties without good reason, etc.). In practice, staff turnover usually includes both voluntary dismissal and dismissal at the initiative of the administration in case of violation of contractual obligations between the employee and the administration. Personnel turnover can be intra-organizational and cover unorganized (unplanned, spontaneous) labor movements within the organization or externally - between organizations, industries, spheres of the economy. Both types are the result of the interaction of economic, social, socio-psychological, demographic and other factors. Having a common nature, they differ from each other in the structure of motives, the degree of awareness about the new place of work, the amount of work interruption due to the transition from one workplace to another and, ultimately, the different degrees of satisfaction of workers with the new workplace. For example, with external staff turnover, personal motives associated with a change of place of residence, health status come first, then motives associated with quality of life, amount of earnings, lack or remoteness of place of residence, etc., as well as professional qualifications motives. With intra-organizational staff turnover, the first place is occupied by motives related to working conditions, then by the quality of life, and, finally, by professional qualification motives. Today, employee turnover is one of the many challenges facing modern businesses. There is no clear approach to staff turnover. On the one hand, these are the reasons for a failure in the production mechanism of an enterprise, leading to some economic losses (increased overhead costs, decreased output, etc.), a decrease in the quality of its labor resources, as well as problems for people who are cut off from their usual work and suffer corresponding losses (work break, decreased labor productivity in new conditions, psychological problems of interaction in a new team, etc.). On the other hand, staff turnover is also a positive phenomenon, since this process performs a number of important positive functions - intersectoral and territorial redistribution of labor, qualification and professional advancement of personnel, servicing external and internal labor movements caused by technical progress; In addition, the complete absence of labor movements in the organization, including staff turnover, leads to “stagnation” of the team structure. Consider active and passive staff turnover.

Active turnover involves the movement of labor caused by employee dissatisfaction with the workplace (labor standards, working conditions, living conditions, safety precautions, etc.). Passive staff turnover involves the movement of labor caused by the organization’s dissatisfaction with a specific employee (his indiscipline, absenteeism, violations of labor discipline, systematic failure to fulfill duties without good reason, etc.).

The main reason for an employee to leave of his own free will is dissatisfaction with his position in the organization, in particular dissatisfaction with wages, conditions and work organization; unresolved social problems; remoteness of work from home; lack of conditions for recreation and childcare facilities; disrespectful attitude from management, unjustified claims, instability of official position and inability to make a career. Thus, staff turnover is associated not only with social and everyday instability, but also with the difficulties of self-realization or self-affirmation.

It is also necessary to distinguish between the natural level of staff turnover within 3-5% per year of the number of personnel, which contributes to the timely renewal of the team, occurs continuously and does not require special measures to be taken by management and the personnel service, and an increased one, causing significant economic losses, as well as creating organizational, personnel, technological and psychological difficulties. Excessive staff turnover prevents the creation of an effectively working team, negatively affects the corporate culture of the organization, the morale of the remaining employees, their work motivation and dedication to the organization, and with the departure of employees, established connections in the workforce fall apart.

When analyzing staff turnover, it is important to determine its causes that need to be eliminated or their impact on the organization’s activities reduced. To do this, the following activities are necessary:

  • ? identifying the reasons for the dismissal of each employee and maintaining statistics of these reasons (a study of satisfaction with your job and the working conditions of employees will help to obtain complete information about what aspects of work your employees are not satisfied with; a study of the motivation of your employees will reveal accurate and objective information about what they want from your organization and what methods need to be used to stimulate their work efficiency);
  • ? development of a personnel rotation program (both horizontal and vertical) (it is necessary to observe the principle of promotion with expansion of powers and range of job responsibilities; increasing the level of qualifications, accompanied by assigning more complex tasks to a manager or specialist without promotion, but with an increase in wages; change of tasks and responsibilities in connection with a transfer to an equivalent position without promotion in position and salary, but with subsequent prospects for career growth);
  • ? development and updating of a personnel selection and adaptation system (each employee, especially managers at various levels, must be carefully selected for vacant positions, their potential and capabilities must be assessed. They must be constantly improved through training and advanced training.

Moreover, it is more effective if such training is carried out not by internal trainers, but by external specialists);

  • ? creating a mentoring system for newcomers, attracting more experienced employees for this (according to personnel statistics, the largest percentage of departures occurs in the first three months of an employee’s work, since no one inducts him into the position, does not adapt him to the new activity, to the organizational culture. Special attention must be paid to the adaptation of middle managers and rare highly qualified specialists);
  • ? a clear definition of the organization’s image in the labor market;
  • ? conducting an employee assessment system and forming a personnel reserve (for an effective assessment system it is necessary to have: job descriptions, regulations on structural units, clear selection criteria, reliable and effective methods for assessing candidates).

The circumstances that cause an employee to leave the organization can be completely controllable (working and living conditions), partially controllable (satisfaction with the team, relationships, forms of motivation) and uncontrollable (natural and climatic factors). By purposefully influencing manageable circumstances, turnover can be significantly reduced.

To manage staff turnover processes, the collection and analysis of information about them is of great importance. It is considered advisable to first collect information on the total number of people who quit; women who quit; about persons in the age categories under 18 years old, 19-30 years old, over 50 years old; workers with low and high qualifications; with work experience of less than 3 and more than 10 years; with vocational, higher and secondary specialized education.

Information about those who quit must contain the following information: reason for dismissal, date of birth, gender, education, year of graduation, place of work, position, qualification (profession), length of service in the organization, who joined the enterprise, how many times they changed their profession, how many times they changed department, reasons for dismissal.

Such a study of staff turnover is carried out using special research in two directions:

  • 1) to create a general portrait of those leaving (based on information about gender, age, marital status, number of children, general and vocational education, length of service, tariff category, disability, wages for the last few months);
  • 2) to study the reasons for leaving, which may include lack of employment in the specialty, dissatisfaction with work, working conditions and conditions, earnings, inability to study, poor relations with the administration and colleagues, the birth of a child, lack of places in child care institutions, long trips.

When analyzing staff turnover, special attention must be paid to potential turnover due to hidden employee dissatisfaction. It needs to be compared with the real one and studied by groups of people who quit and the reasons for leaving. If, for example, hidden turnover is high and real turnover is low, internal stabilizing factors operate in the team. For a detailed analysis of turnover, special questionnaires and questionnaires for analyzing motivation to work should be used.

Questionnaires and testing are now widespread. Tests and questionnaires, being the most important tools of social psychology, have certain differences. The text of the questionnaire does not contain ready-made answers to the questions asked, which allows respondents to respond freely, and the organizers of the survey to receive a wide unregulated range of materials for research. A test, unlike a questionnaire, includes clearly formulated answers to each question posed. In this case, the test taker has the opportunity to choose only one of the answer options for each question, which facilitates the analysis of the test, since it allows you to evaluate each answer in points and offer each test taker one of the possible characteristics depending on the amount of points. Questioning and testing of enterprise employees allows us to identify their individual characteristics, inclinations, and character traits, which contributes to the use of each employee in the job where he can bring maximum benefit to the enterprise and receive satisfaction from his activities.

The absolute scale of staff turnover is measured by the number of employees dismissed at their own request, as well as at the initiative of the administration, over a certain period. A number of formulas are used to calculate the level of staff turnover and turnover.

The staff turnover rate (Kt) is calculated using the formula

where Ch uv is the number of employees dismissed for reasons related to turnover;

H av - average number of employees.

The staff turnover rate coefficient (K itk) is calculated using the formula

The coefficient of complete turnover of personnel (K p) is calculated by the formula

The personnel stability coefficient (K sk) is calculated using the formula

Where Nn- the number of employees with work experience exceeding the standard;

Tp- standard service life (3-5 years).

An increase in the number of employee complaints about working conditions, the quality of labor standards, and the inconsistency of the technologies used in practical activities may become a signal for the personnel management service about the need to take measures to prevent staff turnover. The HR service can reduce the level of staff turnover through the following activities:

  • ? improvement of labor organization;
  • ? improvement of working conditions;
  • ? elimination of unskilled workers;
  • ? organization of personnel promotion;
  • ? improving remuneration and labor incentives;
  • ? special measures for adaptation of young workers.

It is important to determine the motives for turnover - the immediate reasons for the dismissal of individual employees or professional groups, which can be grouped as follows:

  • ? dissatisfaction with production and economic conditions (work conditions and organization, work hours, earnings, lack of opportunities to improve education and skills);
  • ? dissatisfaction with living conditions (housing, cultural and medical services, provision of preschool institutions, transport, etc.);
  • ? personal motives (marriage, birth of a child, etc.);
  • ? other motives.

The study of motives for turnover can be carried out through interviews or questionnaires of resigning employees.

Turnover indicators internally correlate with absenteeism indicators - the number of unauthorized absences of employees from work.

Standard formulas are used to calculate absenteeism (A).

where D p is the number of working days lost over a certain period due to absence from work;

D - number of working days;

N- average number of employees

where R p is the total number of missed hours;

P - the total number of working hours according to the schedule.

At the enterprise level, surveys, conversations and interviews are used to study the causes of turnover and absenteeism.

Here is an example of a questionnaire for resigning employees.


1. Personal data

Full name Matveev Yuri Ivanovich Family status married Speciality engineer-economist Name of the organization Russian Roofing Center LLC Position held financial analyst Personal manager Dobrynin V.V.

2. Work experience

More than 20 years

For this specialty

3. Work experience in this organization

More than 4 years

In this organization

4. Salary, dollars/month


At the previous place of work

At this job


  • 5. Education
  • ? average? Wed/special? n./higher? higher? postgraduate
  • 6. Reasons for dismissal
  • 6.1. Objective reasons:
    • - for health reasons (professional fatigue)?
    • - in connection with moving to another place of residence?
    • - reorganization of the enterprise?
    • - staff reduction?
    • - admission to study at a higher educational institution?
  • 6.2. Reasons of a subjective nature (can be minimized with proper organization and motivation of work):
    • - violations of labor discipline (including hidden ones)?
    • - bad (harmful) working conditions?
    • - professional incompetence?
    • - distance from place of residence?
    • - low wages?
    • - bad relationships with other employees of the team?
    • - level of automation of the workplace?
    • - lack of social benefits and guarantees?
    • - lack of growth prospects in the company?
    • - lack of organized leisure?
    • - conflict with management?
    • - other

7. Proposed place of work

Companies of the same type of activity? Enterprises in a different field of activity?

8. Comments and suggestions

I don’t want to leave because I like the team and the relationships in the company, but...

I wish the employees success in their work and career growth, the organization prosperity and long-term development.

Firing and replacing employees can be surprisingly costly for an organization, so turnover needs to be managed to an acceptable level.

The cost of employee turnover increases when workers are more highly specialized, harder to find, and require more training.

According to R. Bennett, the cost of staff turnover consists of the following components:

Lower level of production during the training period for newcomers;

Lost production volume during employee replacement;

Payment for overtime work of other employees forced to perform work during the period of replacement of the employee;

Possible use of more qualified workers in simpler jobs while awaiting replacement;

The cost of defects and waste during the period of a newbie’s mastering the job;

Cost of attraction, selection and medical examination;

Training costs;

Administrative costs associated with removing a quitter from the payroll and adding a new hire to the payroll.

Staff turnover causes considerable damage to a company. Today, according to estimates of domestic and foreign experts, the cost of replacing a worker is 7-20% of his annual salary, a specialist - 18-30%, a manager - 70-100%.

According to research by I. Grigorieva, the costs are:

To replace workers 7-12% of their annual wages,

Specialists - 18-30%,

Managers - 20-100%.

The other side, which ultimately affects costs, is the loss of time. It takes up to 2 months to find a suitable replacement for the departed and a month to register a new employee for work, retraining and adaptation.

Thus, with a high turnover rate, the organization may incur significant costs that are not always obvious at first glance.

Therefore, the basis for managing the movement of personnel is to establish the patterns of the staff turnover process. Knowledge of these patterns makes it possible to determine the most effective management influences.

The dependence of the intensity of staff turnover on socio-demographic characteristics is so significant that it cannot be neglected.

Knowledge of the patterns of influence of an employee’s personal characteristics on his tendency to move allows him to:

First, predict the number of layoffs,

Secondly, find ways to mitigate the negative impact of these factors.

For example, there is known experience in determining the future level of staff turnover depending on the length of time workers stay at the enterprise.

A detailed study of staff turnover is carried out using special surveys in two directions:

1) to create a general portrait of those leaving (based on information about gender, age, marital status, number of children, general and vocational education, length of service, tariff category, disability, wages for the last few months);

2) to study the reasons for leaving, which may include lack of employment in the specialty, dissatisfaction with work, working conditions and conditions, earnings, inability to study, poor relations with the administration and with colleagues, the birth of a child, lack of places in child care institutions, long trips. In large organizations, it is advisable to analyze data on turnover by profession, department, position, reason, and age group of those who quit. In-depth analysis can be carried out once a year, and quantitative assessment by departments can be carried out monthly. This allows you to clarify the reasons and timely provide for measures to secure personnel.

Gradually bringing the turnover level to an acceptable value can be represented, in particular, through the possibility of planning upcoming layoffs, linking layoff processes with hiring processes, and providing assistance to laid-off employees. To resolve these and other issues, it is necessary to proceed from the specific situation at the enterprise.

The methodology discussed below presupposes an orderly step-by-step activity, the implementation of which should be entrusted directly to the personnel service of the enterprise.

All activities related to personnel turnover management within the framework of general personnel management can be represented in the form of the following sequential stages, presented in Fig. 5:

Rice. 5. Stages of employee turnover management

STAGE 1. Determining the level of staff turnover. At this stage, it is necessary to answer the main question - is the level of turnover so high that it leads to unreasonable economic losses and loss of profit for the enterprise.

STAGE 2. Determining the level of economic losses caused by staff turnover. This is a very important stage and at the same time one of the most labor-intensive, since it requires special data.

The fact is that with the beginning of economic reforms in the country, one of the first management aspects that enterprises began to neglect was labor rationing, which was initially designed to identify labor productivity reserves. At the moment, there are only a few enterprises that keep track of working hours, develop, observe and regularly review labor standards.

An economic assessment of an organization’s staff turnover can be carried out using the following calculation formulas:

1. Losses caused by interruptions in work are determined as the product of three indicators: the average daily output per employee, the average duration of interruptions in work caused by turnover, and the number of employees who left due to turnover:

P per = V * T * H t, (12)

where: P per - losses caused by interruptions in work;

B - average daily output per person;

T is the average duration of a break caused by turnover;

T - number of people leaving due to turnover.

2. Losses caused by the need to train and retrain new employees. Calculated as the product of training costs, the share of turnover in the total number of leavers, divided by the coefficient of change in the number of employees in the reporting year compared to the base year:

P o = (Z o * D tek) / K meas., (13)

where: P o - losses caused by the need to train and retrain employees;

Z about - costs of training and retraining;

3. Losses caused by a decrease in labor productivity among workers before dismissal, i.e. cost of not received additional products. They are defined as the product of the coefficient of reduction in labor productivity, its average daily level, and the number of days before the dismissal of workers who left due to turnover:

P pr = C rv * K sp * Ch y, (14)

where: P pr - losses caused by a decrease in labor productivity among workers before dismissal, i.e. cost of lost products;

Срв - average daily output;

K sp - coefficient of reduction in labor productivity before dismissal;

Ch y - the number of days before dismissal, when there is a drop in labor productivity.

4. Losses caused by the insufficient level of labor productivity of newly hired workers. They are defined as the product of the number of workers who left due to turnover, the sum of the products of the average daily output of a worker in each month of the adaptation period, the monthly reduction rates in labor productivity and the number of days in the corresponding month:

P pr / new = From ditch * K m * H m, (15)

where: P pr / new - losses caused by the insufficient level of labor productivity of newly hired workers;

C ditch - the average daily output of a worker in each month of the adaptation period;

K m - monthly coefficient of reduction in labor productivity during the adaptation period;

H m - number of days in the corresponding month.

5. Costs of recruiting personnel as a result of turnover. They are defined as the product of recruitment costs and the share of turnover in the total number of quitters, divided by the coefficient of change in the number of employees:

Z n / tek = (Z nab * D tech) / K meas, (16)

where: Zn/tek - costs of recruiting personnel as a result of turnover;

Z set - total cost of recruitment;

To change - the coefficient of change in the number of employees, equal to the ratio of the number at the end of the period to the number at the beginning of the period;

D flow - the share of excess turnover, turnover in the total volume of personnel movement.

6. Losses from marriage among newly hired workers. They are defined as the product of the total amount of losses from defects, the share of losses from defects among persons who worked for up to one year, the share of turnover among those who quit, divided by the coefficient of change in the number of employees:

P bn = (B total * D br / n * D tech) / K meas, (17)

where: P bn - losses from marriage for newcomers;

B total - total losses from marriage;

D br/n - the share of losses from marriage among persons who have worked for less than one year;

D flow - the share of excess turnover, turnover in the total volume of personnel movement;

To change - the coefficient of change in the number of employees, equal to the ratio of the number at the end of the period to the number at the beginning of the period.

The total amount of economic damage caused by staff turnover is equal to the sum of all private losses.

STAGE 3. Determining the reasons for staff turnover. A high level of staff turnover can be caused by the specifics of the production and economic activities of the enterprise or by the imperfection of its management system. In the first case, there is no problem as such and no solutions are required. In the second, efforts should be made to find bottlenecks in the enterprise management system.

The reasons for the dismissal of workers from the enterprise can be analyzed in two aspects. The first will be based on a formal criterion that separates the grounds for dismissal by legislative means - the grounds for termination of employment relations listed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the list of grounds will be exhaustive, since the relevant norms of the Labor Code do not provide for fundamentally different grounds for termination of employment relations.

The absence or emergence of precedents for dismissals for one reason or another leads, accordingly, to a narrowing or expansion of this list. Therefore, one of the studies may be an analysis of the enterprise’s personnel statistics. An obvious possibility of this analysis is its comparability with similar data from other enterprises and the industry as a whole.

The second aspect is related to determining the motivational structure of personnel departure. It is based on the real reasons that prompt an employee to decide to leave the enterprise. In this case, the statistics of the personnel service, at best, can only partially answer the question of why the employee quit.

If you detail criteria such as “personal reasons” or “unacceptable operating mode,” and then analyze the data obtained, you can develop real and reasonable recommendations for improving various aspects of the enterprise’s activities. For example, dismissals for personal reasons can be caused by conflict in the “superior-subordinate” relationship, and, therefore, it is possible to identify shortcomings in the organizational structure of the enterprise, make a decision to change information flows, etc. The reasons for voluntary dismissal can also be indirectly indicated by the gender and age structure of the personnel: men under 27 years old - due to joining the army, women - due to child care, older workers - due to retirement. Recommendations can also be made from this. Therefore, the second study could be a survey of enterprise employees.

Finally, within the framework of this stage “Identification of the causes of staff turnover”, it is possible to conduct a study of the position of management (not only the head of the enterprise, but also his deputies, the head of the personnel department, the personnel manager, foremen, foremen, etc. will act as representatives of the administration. ). Research method - interviews or questionnaires.

Thus, with our own efforts it is possible to conduct three types of research within this stage, which will provide factual material for further analysis.

STAGE 4. Determining a system of measures aimed at normalizing the process of releasing labor, improving the dismissal procedure, and overcoming excessive levels of turnover.

For this purpose, measures can be divided into three main groups:

Technical and economic (improving working conditions, improving the system of material incentives, organization and management of production, etc.);

Organizational (improving procedures for hiring and dismissing employees, systems for professional promotion of employees, etc.);

Social and psychological (improving leadership styles and methods, team relationships, moral reward systems, etc.).

STAGE 5 Determining the effect of implementing the developed measures, improving the dismissal procedure, overcoming excessive levels of turnover.

Finally, when developing a program to eliminate excessive turnover, it will also be necessary to conduct a comparative analysis of the costs of carrying out these activities and losses due to excessive levels of turnover. In this case, the management of the enterprise should act in the same way as with the financing of any other business idea - if the costs of solving the problem exceed the economic effect of reducing turnover, it is possible to search for other, “cheaper” options for improving work with personnel.

Since in the vast majority of enterprises the problem is precisely the high level of turnover, and not the complete absence of the latter, in practice, managing the level of staff turnover is expressed in taking measures aimed at reducing it.

There is no point in fighting fluidity itself. In order to reduce it, it is necessary to eliminate the reasons that lead to its growth or contribute to its maintenance at a high level. Therefore, the next task should be to develop a set of management decisions aimed at normalizing the level of turnover, that is, bringing it to a level below the critical value.

In order to facilitate the development of such measures, it is necessary, in turn, to conduct a factor analysis of indicators of the level of turnover in various departments, job and age categories. Conducting a detailed analysis is hampered by a significant number of factors influencing the turnover rate. In such cases, statistics uses the principal component method, which allows one to identify and study the factors that make the most significant contribution to the overall result.

It is clear that a number of changes are needed to manage turnover levels. The first stage involves carrying out activities on an enterprise-wide scale. Any transformation must begin with analysis and optimization of the organizational structure. This is necessary to ensure that subsequent activities are as effective as possible.

Then it is necessary to analyze the existing system of remuneration and incentives, social security of employees. Moreover, the latter is of particular importance. If wages are essentially the same everywhere (expressed in monetary form), then social security systems, the so-called “social package,” differ significantly in their content and provide the organization with a unique opportunity to stand out from its competitors. Moreover, unlike wages, the most successful option for a “social package” is not always and is not necessarily the most costly.

Finally, it is necessary to analyze the existing corporate culture. Despite the fact that this is one of the most important elements of managing any enterprise, practice shows that in many Russian enterprises there is no clearly formalized corporate culture as such, or it exists only on paper. As part of measures to manage turnover, the necessary changes should be made to the corporate culture of the enterprise, as well as measures should be developed to popularize the latter among the employees of the enterprise.

At the second stage, divisions and teams are identified whose turnover was not adequately affected by the activities carried out at the first stage. Each such collective must be studied; The psychological climate in this team, the relationships between employees, and the distribution of job responsibilities must be analyzed.

It is important to note that achieving positive results during a set of such activities is not at all a reason to forget about turnover and focus on other problems.

Monitoring the level of turnover should be carried out on an ongoing basis, periodically returning to certain elements of measures to manage staff turnover.

In conditions of increased competition and declining profitability, many organizations are looking for reserves to increase their own profitability. One of these reserves lies in managing the level of staff turnover, on which the efficiency of the enterprise largely depends.

At first glance, staff turnover can and does only cause damage to the organization. But is staff turnover always an exclusively negative phenomenon that entails unnecessary costs and losses for the organization? Actually this is not true. Staff turnover also carries certain “health-improving” functions.

Today, the tasks of managing staff turnover are no longer secondary in the organization. At the same time, when creating a program in an organization to reduce staff turnover and retention, special attention should be paid to a specific target audience, i.e. formulate a motivational program in accordance with the organization’s goals of maintaining the balance of its personnel. It should be understood that only “stars” and “above average” employees cannot work in an organization.

The study of the theoretical foundations of the problem of staff turnover and ways to reduce it allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

1. Staff turnover is understood as the totality of dismissals of employees at their own request, as well as for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline.

2. The consequences of turnover depend both on its quantitative size and on the qualitative composition of the organization’s employees who have left (dismissed). This gives grounds to talk about the advisability of using in practice such concepts and characteristics as the quantitative rate of turnover and the qualitative composition of turnover, which can be used to assess the situation in a particular organization with personnel turnover. When conducting this type of assessment, it is important to understand that a complete lack of turnover is an anomaly and a sign of an unhealthy atmosphere in the organization.

3. Turnover close to zero does not at all indicate the effectiveness of the organization; such a picture can also characterize a situation of stagnation. On the other hand, excessive turnover is an even more negative situation than its absence.

4. When analyzing the state of affairs with personnel turnover in relation to a specific organization, it is important to take into account not only the specifics of its business and the current values ​​of the turnover rate in the market. The development strategy implemented by the organization should be taken into account. At the same time, for an organization at a particular point in time, a turnover rate may differ from the generally accepted value, although the spread of values ​​in each individual area of ​​business should not be significant.

5. If the turnover in the organization does not go beyond industry “norms”, and its qualitative composition is determined by employees from the last two, least effective groups, and also if, after the dismissal of employees and the hiring of new ones, the company maintains a balance of personnel, then we can say that that the company has a normal, natural turnover, which carries certain positive consequences.

6. Therefore, the basis of the concept of reducing staff turnover should be not only ensuring an increase in the efficiency of the organization as a whole, but also the widespread development of its personnel potential in comparison with changes in the external environment.

7. When regulating staff turnover, it is necessary to maintain certain proportions within various categories of personnel, striving to form a rational staffing composition of the organization.

2 Analysis of staff turnover at Valente LLC

2.1 Characteristics of the organization’s activities

The object of the study is LLC “Valente” - limited liability company “Valente”. Legal address: Russia, 394008, Voronezh, st. Tsimlyanskaya, 8 "E"

Valente is one of the leading companies on the Russian market, specializing in the production of high-quality furniture and sanitary ware for bathrooms. The company was founded in 2002 and has been the standard of impeccable quality and design excellence for more than 10 years.

In 2003-2004 Valente was one of the first in Russia to quickly master the most complex technologies for coating furniture parts with polymer materials and manufacturing countertops and sinks by casting liquid artificial stone into molds. This marked the beginning of the production of bathroom furniture.

To improve the quality and competitiveness of its products, as well as to search for and implement innovative technologies, Valente has combined its professional experience, reputation and business connections with the German company EBB Beschlagtechnik GmbH, one of the leading European manufacturers and suppliers of furniture components.

To ensure continued operational efficiency, the company has implemented a Quality Management System (QMS) that complies with the International Standard ISO 9001:2000. QMS became one of the management principles in the company and was aimed at achieving a leading position among manufacturers of similar products.

In 2005, the company entered the sanitary ware market with the first unusually stylish Severita collection, which has been a bestseller among connoisseurs of comfort and sophistication in the interior for 8 years.

Currently, the Valente company occupies a leading position in the Russian market for the production of bathroom furniture, offering its customers more than 40 collections of bathroom furniture in any color scheme, with a wide range of sizes (from 40 to 180 cm), in different styles and invariably High Quality.

Valente products can be purchased in more than 100 major cities of the Russian Federation.

In conclusion, it should be noted that at the moment Valente LLC is at the stage of stability. This is explained by the constant search for ways to reduce costs and a small but stable increase in production.

2.2 Organizational aspects of personnel management

Valente LLC is a legal entity that has an independent balance sheet, current and other bank accounts, a seal and other details.

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part One), a limited liability company is a business entity established by one or several persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares of sizes determined by the constituent documents; The company's participants are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the company's activities, within the limits of the value of their contributions.

In addition, the company has an independent legal status, separated from the legal status of the participants who created it, and therefore has all the features necessary to acquire the status of a legal entity.

The charter of the limited liability company "Valente" contains the following sections:

1. General Provisions;

2. Goals and objectives of the Company’s activities;

3. Legal status of the Company;

4. Authorized capital;

5. Issue of bonds;

6. Rights and obligations of participants;

7. Transfer of shares.

In accordance with the charter, the purpose of the Company's activities is to generate profit.

To make a profit, the Company has the right to carry out any types of activities not prohibited by law.

The collective agreement regulates the relationship between employees and employer at Valente LLC. This document regulates the following issues:

Rights and obligations of the employee;

Rights and obligations of the employer;

Forms and amounts of remuneration;

Labor internal regulations;

Monitoring compliance with the terms of the contract;

Guarantees and benefits for employees;

Other questions.

Let's evaluate the level of regulation of personnel management processes. To do this, we will consider the availability of documents provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and of an advisory nature.

Note that in the organization under study, the HR department is an independent unit, which employs the head of the HR department, an HSE engineer and a HR specialist.

The HR department of Valente LLC contains all the documentation required by the Labor Code, which indicates a high level of regulatory and methodological support for personnel management. These include:

Internal labor regulations (Article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Staffing table (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Book of accounting for the movement of work books (instructions on the procedure for filling out work books);

Regulations on remuneration (section 6 of the Labor Code, Chapter 21 of the Labor Code);

Regulations on certification (Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Vacation schedule (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Employment contracts (Articles 16,56,57,67 Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Job descriptions;

Orders: on hiring, on dismissal, on granting vacations (Chapter 19 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Personal cards of employees;

Shift schedule (Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Agreement on full financial liability;

Order logs (instructions for office work);

Working time sheet (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Instructions on labor protection (section 10 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), including logs of familiarization with instructions and medical examination.

Collective agreement (registration No. 32407 dated November 20, 2012);

Information about the number and wages of employees.

Thus, we can conclude that the organization under study has all the necessary personnel documentation.

Next, we will consider the level of informatization of personnel work in the organization. Despite the fact that the organization uses the 1 C “Enterprise” program, including “Salaries and Personnel,” not all personnel management functions are implemented through them. First of all, the 1 C program performs functions related to payroll calculation:

Payroll preparation;

Calculation of taxes and contributions from the wage fund regulated by law;

Reflection of accrued wages and taxes in the costs of the enterprise;

Also in this program, personnel records are partially carried out.

Functions such as timekeeping, personnel document flow, motivation, adaptation are implemented in MS Office 2007 programs, in particular in MS Excel, MS Word and MS Access.

Partial use of the 1C program in personnel work is explained by the fact that personnel department employees are not fully competent in using this program. This is due to the fact that the HR inspector completed the appropriate preparatory courses to work in this program, but an earlier version, and the HR specialist did not undergo such training. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary, first of all, to train a human resources specialist for further use of the 1C program. It should also be noted here that when calculating wages, the HR department closely interacts with the accounting department, where all functions are fully automated and implemented using 1C Enterprise.

In conclusion, we can conclude that the information technologies used in the HR department of the organization are appropriate and effective. However, they require further development and refinement.

Let us turn to the organizational structure of Valente LLC. Based on the staffing table, it will look like this (Figure 1).

Figure 1 – Organizational structure of Valente LLC

In accordance with Figure 1, we can conclude that within the organization there are 3 groups of production divisions: commercial, industrial and general purpose. Commercial divisions (sales department, marketing department, purchasing and supply department) are engaged in the sale and promotion of products, and also purchase necessary materials. Production units (concentration plant, laboratory, warehouse and logistics) are associated with the extraction and processing of raw materials, as well as their delivery and storage. Accounting, HR and legal departments carry out management functions with their inherent specificity.

Figure 2 - Organizational structure of the HR department of Valente LLC

It was demonstrated above that the HR department directly reports to the Deputy General Director for General Affairs.

Let's consider the functional relationships of the HR department with other departments of the organization. To do this, let's analyze Table 2, which reflects the functions of the department and its interaction with other departments.

Table 2 - Functional relationships of the HR department

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Organization of the management system Ts K TO TO IN IN
Payroll calculation and accrual Ts K C B TO TO IN IN
Selection and placement of personnel Ts K C B IN B C B C IN IN
Certification and adaptation C IN IN IN IN IN IN
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Motivation and organization of remuneration Ts K C B WITH WITH IN IN
Time sheets Ts K C B IN IN IN IN IN
Occupational Safety and Health C IN IN


OV – Deputy General Director for General Issues;

Ts – setting goals

B – accounting; C - agreement

Yu - legal department; B - interaction

M - marketing department; K - control

KD – commercial director

TD - technical director

NPP - heads of production departments

NPK - heads of commercial departments

Based on Table 3, we can conclude that, functionally, the HR department closely interacts with almost all departments of the organization. Goals for the department are set by the Deputy General Director for General Affairs; most areas of activity are coordinated with the accounting department. On issues of certification, advanced training and motivation, the department interacts not only with commercial and technical directors, but also with the heads of relevant structural divisions.

As of January 1, 2012, according to the staffing table, the number of administrative and managerial personnel was 30 people. Below is a formula for calculating the share of managerial workers.

To do this, we present the necessary data for calculation in tabular form (Table 3):

Table 3 - Data for calculating the share of management personnel

Management functions Number of actions to perform functions Time required to perform functions
Organization Control Other 500 3000 300 1 0,5
Monthly time of 1 employee, hour.
Time spent on additional functions
Ratio of time spent on employee rest
Headcount conversion factor
Time allocated for various works not taken into account in planned calculations, hour.
Actual number of units, people.

We will perform the calculation using the Rosencrantz formula:

H= (1)

where H is the number of management personnel;

m i – average number of certain actions;

t i – time required to complete unit m;

T – specialist’s working hours according to the employment contract

Knrv – coefficient of required time distribution

Thus, the formula for calculating the optimal number of management personnel will look like this:

H =

That is, we can conclude that the actual number exceeds the standard by 3 units, and it may be necessary to reduce the number of AUP.

Let's consider the characteristics of personnel according to various criteria. Note that as of January 1, 2013, the number of personnel was 217 people.

A) Ratio of men and women (Figure 3)

Figure 3 – Ratio of men and women in Valente LLC

That is, the main share is made up of men (136 hours), which is due to the specifics of the organization’s activities.

B) Ratio of employees by age (Figure 4)

Figure 4 – Age ratio of employees at Valente LLC

Thus, we can conclude that the majority of employees are employees aged 35–40 years.

C) Structure of employees by length of service (Figure 7):

Figure 5 – Ratio of employees by length of service

D) By level of education (Figure 6)

Figure 6 – Ratio of employees by level of education

Note that secondary vocational education is reserved for workers (mechanics, drivers, machine operators).

Based on the presented data, it can be concluded that the organization employs predominantly men (71%), the average age of employees is 34.7 years, the average length of service of employees at the enterprise is 8.7 years, and the proportion of employees working in the organization from 5 to 10 years the largest (50%), which indicates some stability of the team, 79% of employees have higher education, the largest proportion of employees are engineering and technical personnel.

Let's consider the indicators of personnel movement (Table 4).

Table 4 – Indicators of personnel movement

Indicator name Calculation formula 2011 2012
Intensity of turnover by reception 0,26 0,33
Intensity of turnover by disposal (formula 2) 0,3 0,28
Constancy factor 0,42 0,48
Retention rate (from 15 years) 0,02 0,02
Fixation rate (up to 15 years) 0,29 0,26

Let's calculate the staff turnover rate (formula (2)):

For 2012

K tech = =0.28

That is, the staff turnover rate was 30% in 2012, and 28% in 2013. This is a fairly high figure, since a staff turnover rate of up to 7–10% is considered natural.

Below is a graph of the dynamics of the number of personnel over the past 5 years:

Figure 8 – Dynamics of the average number of personnel and the number of dismissed employees

Figure 9 – Graph of changes in the staff turnover rate

Based on these diagrams, it can be stated that the organization has a very high staff turnover rate. Its maximum value was recorded in 2012; in the first half of 2013, this indicator was better than in the same period last year. Let us note that this situation is associated with a low level of discipline at the processing plant, where most workers abuse alcohol and cannot always find a common language with their superiors.

Table 5 – Employee working time balance

plan fact plan Fact
Calendar number of days 365 365 366 366
Holidays and weekends 119 119 117 117
Nominal working time fund 246 246 249 249
Absences from work 49 54 49 51
Including: Annual leave 36 32 36 26
Study leaves 1 1 1 0
Maternity leave 3 3 3 2
Diseases 9 11 9 16
Truancy 0 5 0 4
Downtime 0 2 0 3
Availability of working hours 200 195 200 198
Duration of work shift, h 8 7,9 8 7,9
Working time budget, h 1600 1540,5 1600 1540,5
Intra-shift downtime, h 3 8 3 12
Pre-holiday shortened days, h 3 3 6 6
Useful working time fund, h 1577 1452,5 1577 1488,5
Overtime worked 0 12 0 10
Unproductive costs of working time 0 10 0 10

Based on this table, we can conclude that the difference between actual and planned indicators averages 9–11% in 2011 and 8–10% in 2013.

Let's consider the actual balance of working time (Table 6).

Table 6 - Actual balance of employee working time

Operational work accounts for almost 75% of shift time.

Let's compare the actual indicators with the normative ones, where PZ = 20 min, ORM = 30 min, OTL = 10 min (Table 7).

Table 7 - Comparison of actual and standard indicators

Cost Index

Duration, min

Deviations, min

Fact. Standard Flaw Surplus
PZ 20 20
ORM 45 30 +15
OP 360 420 -60
OTL 20 10 +10
OTP 20 -
NTD 15 -
Total 480 480 -60 +25

From this table it can be seen that the actual balance differs from the planned one: ORM exceeded the standard time by 15 minutes, and the lack of ORM was 60 minutes. It is worth noting here that in general these losses are within normal limits.

Let's calculate indicators reflecting lost working time.

Shift time utilization rate:

K isp = (3)

To isp = = 90,6%

Lost working time rate:

K pot = (4)

K sweat = = 9,4%

Thus, lost working time amounts to 9.4% of the shift time. This amount of loss of shift working time does not require serious intervention from management. However, for a more detailed analysis, it is possible to find out what types of activities form the basis of such losses and whether they require regulation by management.

Let us also calculate the absenteeism rate using the following formula:

where Chn is the number of days employees are absent from work;

H o - the total number of working days in a year

K a2010 = = 0.08

In this case, we can talk about a small level of absenteeism. However, the management of the organization needs to find out the reasons why the coefficient reached such indicators (reasons for absenteeism and illness).

2.3 Financial aspects of personnel management

Let's look at the personnel cost structure of Valente LLC:

The wage fund, including: wages at tariff rates, salaries, piece rates; bonuses, including remuneration based on the results of work for the year, remuneration for length of service and length of service; financial assistance, including additional amounts for vacation, payment of food costs, other payments, including vacation pay, additional payments, allowances;

Payment of sick leave;

Expenses for labor protection.

Let's analyze the dynamics of personnel costs.

Table 8 – Dynamics of personnel costs

The table shows that the main costs are labor costs. Second place goes to sick leave payments. Moreover, this figure increased over 3 years by 9.7%.

It is necessary to note that the cost structure also includes costs associated with training and retraining of personnel. Over the past 3 years, they have been growing by an average of 7%, which is explained by the need to improve the competence of workers in connection with the acquisition of new equipment.

The average salary in 2011 was 15,370 rubles, in 2012 - 17,128 rubles, which for the enterprise as a whole is calculated using the formula:

With salary = (6)

where SWP is the average salary;

Payroll – wage fund;

SCh – average number of employees;

KM – number of months.

Let us determine the share of personnel costs in the system of total costs of the enterprise. To do this, we use the indicator of total enterprise costs and personnel costs:

Kzp = , (7)

Kzp 2010 =

Kzp 2011 = or 14.6%

Kzp 2012 = or 13.2%

Thus, we can conclude that the share of personnel costs in the organization’s overall cost system has decreased slightly over the past 3 years. However, this is not explained by a decrease in personnel costs themselves, but by an increase in overall costs.

We calculate the cost per 1 employee using the formula: And worker. = , (8)

where I n - personnel costs

N – number of employees of the organization

Then And 2010 = 116,168, And 2011 = 118,107, And 2012 = 119,315

Labor productivity in 2011 in the commercial department was 144.6 thousand rubles. In 2012 – 157.2 thousand rubles

Let's consider the main technical, economic and financial indicators of the organization.

Table 9 – Main technical, economic and financial indicators

Index Unit 2011 2012
Product output volume 253798 274653
Cost of products 202187 227689
Balance sheet profit * 4068 4908
Implementation of the product sales plan % 98 97
Profitability** coefficient 1,6 1,7
Average annual cost of capital Thousand roubles. 65 870 67 560
Average number of personnel, including: 220 215
- AUP - commercial department and engineering department - production department 40 72 108 41 80 94
Output per employee Thousand rubles/person 96,1 96,4
Capital intensity Capital/cont.
Person-days worked (counter workers) Person - days 49 360 50 450
Staff turnover rate % 30 28

*- balance sheet profit was calculated using the following formula (in thousand rubles):

P b = B – (M z + A + Zp), (9)

where B is revenue;

M z – material costs;

A – depreciation;

Salary – salary

P b2011 = 253,798 – (16036+1829+247478)

P b2012 = 274653 – (16972+2011+254710)

** - calculation of profitability of activities was carried out using the following formula (in thousand rubles):

where P is profit

C - cost

The costs of production and sales of products amounted to 202,187,000 rubles. in 2013 In 2012, in 2012 – 227,689,000 rubles. .

It should be noted that in 2011, reconstruction costs amounted to 7,762 thousand rubles, equipment was purchased for 1,765 thousand rubles. Similar indicators for 2012 are higher by 5.6% and 10.1%, respectively.

In conclusion, we can conclude that Valente LLC is a financially stable enterprise. This is evidenced, first of all, by a small but annual increase in profits.

2.4 Identifying reasons for staff turnover

Personnel management is an activity that includes many areas. Let's consider the main functions of personnel management (that is, social and psychological aspects) at the enterprise under study.

Let's turn to the adaptation system.

Adaptation is the process of familiarizing an employee with a new organization, adapting to a new place, the team and the nature of the company’s activities, as well as changing his behavior in accordance with the requirements and rules of the corporate culture of the new company.

The adaptation process includes two interconnected and interdependent sides: professional and socio-psychological.

Professional adaptation is expressed in the employee’s mastery of a specialty, professional skills, and the emergence of a feeling of satisfaction with this type of activity.

Socio-psychological adaptation is adaptation to the team and its norms, to management, colleagues and economic realities.

In the organization under study, the adaptation process is not given due attention. Newly arrived employees are introduced to aspects of their work directly at the workplace. They are assisted by experienced company employees. That is, we can say that at Valente LLC:

There is no comprehensive adaptation system;

Elements of initial adaptation are partially used (meeting employees, studying internal labor regulations);

There is no mentoring system.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (section 9), workers have the right to professional training, retraining and advanced training, including training in new professions and specialties.

At Valente LLC, the HR department deals with issues of training and retraining of personnel. Over the past 3 years, personnel training costs have increased by an average of 17%. On the one hand, this was the result of the fact that the organization’s management realized the importance of improving the skills of personnel and, in connection with this, annually increases investments in this area. On the other hand, the need to train staff and increase costs is associated, first of all, with increased staff turnover, which dictates its terms to management.

In 2012, 50 employees of Valente LLC were sent for training and advanced training. These are mainly employees of the processing plant and laboratory, since new equipment was purchased in 2012 and it was necessary to master new technology in production. It should be noted that the organization carries out employee training at the expense of profits from previous years.

Thus, we can conclude that the system of training and advanced training at the enterprise under study is quite effective.

The fundamental document regulating the procedure for remuneration at Valente LLC is the Regulation “On remuneration”. It consists of 6 sections, which discuss the terms of remuneration, the procedure for establishing bonuses and additional payments to wages, the conditions for bonuses for employees, social benefits, and the procedure for calculating average earnings.

The regulations on wages and social benefits for employees were developed with the aim of staffing the organization with employees with high professional qualities and stimulating their work.

It should also be noted that a separate document regulates the procedure and conditions for bonuses for overall results for the year. It says here that such a bonus is paid when certain indicators are met. The amount of remuneration for overall performance results at the end of the year (six months) is determined by the length of service in the organization (Table 10).

Table 10 - Dependence of the amount of remuneration on length of service

The remuneration of the management staff, engineers, as well as a number of production workers is a time-based bonus; In addition to the established salary (tariff rate), a bonus is awarded for specific achievements in work according to previously established indicators.

Remuneration for the commercial department (except for the automated control system) and some production departments is piecework - bonus, i.e. remuneration is made at piece rates and a bonus is awarded for fulfilling and exceeding pre-established quantitative and qualitative indicators.

It should be noted that the organization has current bonuses, one-time bonuses and bonuses based on the results of work for the year. Employees who have omissions in their work or are subject to disciplinary sanctions by decision of management in whole or in part are deprived of bonuses.

As for non-material incentives, here we can say about the holding of annual competitions among employees (winners are awarded valuable prizes and certificates), an honor board in the administrative building of the company and direct communication between AUP employees and other employees.

Thus, we can conclude that the existing remuneration system at Valente LLC is quite effective. The organization's motivation system is simple and transparent. However, about 38% of employees consider the level of wages unsatisfactory (more than half of them are production workers). On the other hand, it was found that the organization’s personnel (85%) positively evaluate the administration’s policy in the field of remuneration, bonuses and non-financial incentives.

Let's consider the certification system.

Personnel certification is one of the most important functions of personnel management. The main objectives of certification are:

Personnel performance assessment;

Determining suitability for their position;
- identifying deficiencies in the level of training;

Determining the circle of employees and the list of positions subject to dismissal or reduction.

However, Valente LLC does not pay attention to employee certification issues. This, according to the general director, is explained by the lack of money and information and legal framework. But he is convinced that the creation of an appropriate system is necessary.

In the organization under study, workplaces are certified for working conditions.

Certification of workplaces according to working conditions is an assessment of working conditions at workplaces in order to identify harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and implement measures to bring working conditions into compliance with state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

All workplaces available in the organization are subject to certification.

Certification of workplaces is carried out in accordance with Order No. 569 of August 31, 2007 “On approval of the procedure for certification of workplaces based on working conditions.”

Certification of workplaces for working conditions is carried out at Valente LLC once every 5 years. The last inspection was carried out in 2009. Based on its results, no violations were identified. The head of the organization is responsible for the certification, and its implementation is carried out by FSS employees.

Thus, we can conclude that Valente LLC does not have a system of periodic certification of personnel; there is only certification of workplaces according to working conditions provided for by law.

As for the socio-psychological climate in the team, based on the questionnaires presented in Appendix A, it was found that the majority of employees (up to 63%) consider the psychological climate prevailing in the organization to be favorable. It should be noted that 78% of the employees of the commercial department and 84% of the employees of the production department like their team; as for the AUP, in this case the data shows 92%.

Unfortunately, Valente LLC does not have a conflict management system. But this is explained, first of all, by their small number and the ability of employees to solve them independently.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the attitude of the sales department employees and a number of assembly shop workers towards the AUP is somewhat different. In this case, we can talk about some tension in the relationship between management and subordinates, which is explained by the need for weekly sales reporting, during which shortages are often identified and employees are fired in the case of the sales department; as for the assembly shop workers, disciplinary actions are frequent here penalties and dismissals.

At Valente LLC, we evaluate the level of working capacity and performance using indicators of morbidity and injury. As for the first indicator, its level over the last 3 years has increased by 9.7%, and the level of the second indicator has not changed for several years and remains equal to 0. Speaking about morbidity, it should be noted that the main reason in this case is the fault of the workers themselves who do not care about their own health. A low level of injuries indicates a high level of labor protection. That is, in general we can talk about a high level of performance. The only thing that reduces efficiency is increased staff turnover.

Labor discipline coefficient:

where N is the number of violators;

M – total number of employees

K d2012 = = 0.27

The indicator characterizes the relative proportion of employees to whom disciplinary sanctions were applied. It should be noted here that 58 employees were subject to dismissal as a disciplinary sanction, and 5 were disciplined due to absenteeism. In 2011, this figure was 0.26. We can conclude that, according to this indicator, the level of labor discipline is not high enough. But the reason is precisely the dismissals associated with the incompetence of employees and their low discipline.

If we talk about the amount of lost working time due to violations of labor discipline, then they are quite small and the main reason for such losses is absenteeism and tardiness.

At Valente LLC, the administration tries to take care of its employees. Free meals are provided for all employees, annual competitive and corporate events are held with awards, social support is provided to employees in need (assistance to large families, financial assistance for marriage, funerals, etc., and more).

As for working conditions, it should be noted that they comply with the standards. According to employee surveys, 85% are satisfied with working conditions. However, the remaining 15% say that they are not satisfied with the lack of renovation in the premises, outdated equipment and poor lighting.

Next, we will consider the organization of labor protection and safety at the enterprise. At Valente LLC, the HR department deals with occupational health and safety issues. The staffing table provides for the position of a safety and health engineer, since the size of the organization requires its presence.

Financing of measures to improve labor conditions and safety is carried out by employers in the amount of 0.2% of the amount of costs for the production of products (works, services) (Article 226 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Annual labor safety costs at Valente LLC amount to about 150,000 thousand rubles. and include the purchase of work clothes and safety shoes for employees, fire safety equipment, first aid kits and medicines, and more.

Regulatory documents in the field of occupational health and safety at Valente LLC are:

Induction training log;

On-the-job training log;

Journal of occupational safety instructions;

Instructions on labor protection by profession and type of work;

List of personal protective equipment issued to employees;

Materials for certification of workplaces based on working conditions;

Internal labor regulations;

Fire safety documents.

It should be noted that there are no cases of injuries in the organization.

The organization also has a Regulation on Labor Safety.

Thus, we can conclude that the organization has a satisfactory level of labor protection organization.

In conclusion, let's look at Table 11, which reflects the positive and negative aspects of personnel management at the enterprise under study.

Table 11 - Positive and negative aspects of personnel management

Functions of the HR department Positive aspects Negative aspects
Motivation There is a well-functioning remuneration system, including material and moral incentives for personnel, implemented through a system of bonuses and additional payments. Competitive events are also organized, and there is a board of honor. There is no data indicating employee satisfaction or dissatisfaction with salary levels
Selection and placement of personnel Information about the required number of personnel comes to the personnel department directly from the managers of a particular production unit. There is no system for planning personnel requirements, and there is also no clear system for selecting and recruiting personnel
Social protection Providing employees with a variety of benefits, such as: preferential meals; transport services; free education Some problems related to the organization of safe working conditions remain unresolved
Certification Certification of workplaces for working conditions is carried out Personnel certification based on competency level is not carried out
Adaptation There is so-called industrial training (on-site training), which is accompanied by theoretical training, which gives the employee knowledge of the technology, understanding of the meaning and rules of performing the work. There is no adaptation system
Socio-psychological climate Most employees are satisfied with the atmosphere in the team Low level of labor discipline
Staff turnover Very high staff turnover rate
Training and retraining of personnel Annual staff training, advanced training of management personnel. Industrial training is accompanied by theoretical training, which gives the employee knowledge of technology, understanding of the meaning and rules of performing work. Only professional employees of the organization are involved in conducting training.
Occupational Health and Safety Providing each workplace with the necessary documentation on labor protection, industrial safety, electrical safety, fire safety and other regulatory and technical documentation. Absence of cases of industrial injuries Availability of Regulations on labor protection.

In conclusion, we can conclude that in the organization under study, most of the HR functions are implemented, which are implemented by the HR department. The most important problem at Valente LLC remains a high staff turnover rate, as it was found out that the reason for this is the low discipline of the assembly shop workers and the incompetence of the sales department employees. In the first case, there is a high level of dismissals due to violations of discipline, in the second, dismissals are associated with shortages.

Gradually bringing the level of turnover to an acceptable value can be represented, in particular, through the possibility of planning upcoming layoffs, linking layoff processes with hiring processes, assistance to dismissed employees (outplacement) Skavitin A. V. Methodological approaches to managing staff turnover. - Administrative and management portal ( -.2000.. The methodology under consideration involves orderly step-by-step activities, the implementation of which should be entrusted directly to the personnel service of the enterprise. All activities related to personnel turnover management within the framework of general personnel management can be presented in the form of successive stages (Fig. 1).

Figure 2. Stages of employee turnover management

Let us consider the content of each stage in more detail.

The first stage is determining the level of staff turnover.

At this stage, it is necessary to answer the main question - is the turnover level so high that it leads to unreasonable economic losses and loss of profit for the enterprise? A level of 3-5% should not be perceived as some kind of indicator, since professional mobility at a particular enterprise is formed under the influence of a combination of factors - industry affiliation, production technology, labor intensity of work, the presence/absence of a seasonality factor in the production cycle, management style, level and principles of corporate culture. Therefore, when determining the indicative level, it is necessary to analyze the dynamics of the enterprise’s labor indicators over the longest possible period of time (recent years), to identify the presence and magnitude of seasonal fluctuations in turnover.

The second stage is determining the level of economic losses caused by staff turnover.

This is a very important stage and at the same time one of the most labor-intensive, since it requires special data. The fact is that with the beginning of economic reforms in the country, one of the first management aspects that enterprises began to neglect was labor rationing, which was initially designed to identify labor productivity reserves. At the moment, there are only a few enterprises that keep track of working hours, develop, observe and regularly review labor standards. However, the problem should be dealt with in any case, so it is necessary to at least approximately estimate the amount of losses.

The third stage is to determine the reasons for staff turnover.

A high level of staff turnover can be caused by the specifics of the production and economic activities of the enterprise or by the imperfection of its management system. In the first case, there is no problem as such, and no solutions are required. In the second, efforts should be made to find bottlenecks in the enterprise management system. The reasons for the dismissal of workers from the enterprise can be analyzed in two aspects. The first will be based on a formal criterion that separates the grounds for dismissal by legislative means - the grounds for termination of employment relations listed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the list of grounds will be exhaustive, since the relevant norms of the Labor Code do not provide for fundamentally different grounds for termination of employment relations. Personnel statistics of enterprises regarding dismissals mainly consists of the following grounds: at will, in connection with transfer, temporary workers, absenteeism without good reason, for child care, for appearing at work in a drunken state, for staff reduction, in connection with death, retirement, some others. The absence or emergence of precedents for dismissals for one reason or another leads, accordingly, to a narrowing or expansion of this list. Therefore, one of the studies may be an analysis of the enterprise’s personnel statistics. An obvious possibility of this analysis is its comparability with similar data from other enterprises and the industry as a whole.

The second aspect is related to determining the motivational structure of personnel departure. It is based on the real reasons that prompt an employee to decide to leave the enterprise. In this case, the statistics of the personnel service, at best, can only partially answer the question of why the employee quit. Thus, one basis “at one’s own request” can be represented as:

  • - dissatisfaction with the level of wages,
  • - delays in payment of wages,
  • - personal reasons,
  • - difficult and dangerous working conditions,
  • -- unacceptable operating mode.

The form proposed below for outputting the survey results (Fig. 2), as time shows, does not introduce any significant dynamics into the already established gradation of motives for dismissal, and therefore can be presented as typical:

However, it is necessary to make the only remark of a methodological nature. When developing sociological tools for a specific enterprise (questionnaire, questionnaire), the response scale should be more detailed. Thus, when analyzing the results obtained above, it is revealed that the share of responses for “other” reasons (11%) correlates with the sum of the shares for specifically designated reasons for leaving (“inconvenient schedule” - 6% and “inconvenient location” - 5%). The conclusion is obvious - perhaps that in the “other” lies part of the answers to the questions posed, i.e. Additional detail of motives is required.

If you detail criteria such as “personal reasons” or “unacceptable operating mode,” and then analyze the data obtained, you can develop real and reasonable recommendations for improving various aspects of the enterprise’s activities. For example, dismissals for personal reasons can be caused by conflict in the “superior-subordinate” relationship, and, therefore, it is possible to identify shortcomings in the organizational structure of the enterprise, make a decision to change information flows, etc. The reasons for voluntary dismissal can also be indirectly indicated by the gender and age structure of the personnel: men under 27 years old - due to joining the army, women - due to child care, older workers - due to retirement. Recommendations can also be made from this. Therefore, the second study could be a survey of enterprise employees.

Finally, within the framework of this stage “Identification of the reasons for staff turnover”, it is possible to conduct a study of the position of management (not only the head of the enterprise, but also his deputies, the head of OTIZ, the personnel department, the personnel manager, foremen, foremen, etc. will act as representatives of the administration .P.). Research method - interviews or questionnaires.

Thus, with our own efforts it is possible to conduct three types of research within this stage, which will provide factual material for further analysis.

The fourth stage is the definition of a system of measures aimed at normalizing the process of releasing labor, improving the dismissal procedure, and overcoming excessive levels of turnover.

For this purpose, measures can be divided into three main groups:

  • -- technical and economic (improving working conditions, improving the system of material incentives, organization and management of production, etc.);
  • -- organizational (improving procedures for hiring and dismissing employees, systems for professional promotion of employees, etc.);
  • -- socio-psychological (improving leadership styles and methods, relationships in the team, moral encouragement systems, etc.).

It is also proposed to highlight as an effective measure the introduction of outplacement principles into the work of human resources services of enterprises (i.e. assistance to dismissed employees - psychological, informational, consulting). Benefits are one of the few measures that do not require significant material costs (except for cases where it may be necessary to conduct special psychological training with those being fired or seek help from recruitment agencies).

Thus, a dismissed employee can be provided with a package of information, documents, and consultations. The employee may be provided with letters of recommendation; mandatory psychological consultation; training in job search methods; training to work with recruitment agencies; consultation on the procedure for applying to the labor exchange, provision of relevant documents, information about deadlines; consultation and instructions on how to behave during an interview; a well-written resume; list of recruitment agencies; list of territorial departments of the Labor and Employment Committee; posting an advertisement on the Internet for job searches for qualified employees; list of companies where personnel are recruited. This will allow:

  • - reduce the number of claims from those dismissed, including the number of lawsuits (payments for them);
  • - reduce the number of compensation payments to dismissed employees;
  • - maintain a positive image of the company;
  • - remain on good terms with the dismissed employee.

The fifth stage is determining the effect of implementing the developed measures, improving the dismissal procedure, and overcoming excessive levels of turnover. Finally, when developing a program to eliminate excessive turnover, it will also be necessary to conduct a comparative analysis of the costs of carrying out these activities and losses due to excessive levels of turnover. In this case, the management of the enterprise should act in the same way as with the financing of any other business idea - if the costs of solving the problem exceed the economic effect of reducing turnover, it is possible to search for other, “cheaper” options for improving work with personnel.

In conclusion, I would like to note that with the development of the recruiting services segment in the labor market, for many enterprises, especially in large cities of Russia, the solution to the identified issues can be transferred to specialized recruitment agencies. However, it is important to show the following: the proposed procedure is primarily designed for the own resources of the personnel service of any enterprise and, with proper organization of personnel management, is capable of effectively solving emerging problems.

To summarize the first chapter, we can conclude that staff turnover is one of the most important factors in weakening labor discipline at an enterprise, entailing economic losses. Loss of working time and funds for personnel training, decrease in labor activity and productivity of the employee before making a decision to change jobs, withdrawal of people from the labor process for a more or less long period in connection with the transition to another job.